
Dominus noctus

New Member
Bit of an 'open' thread.

Thinking of a idea, something centered around a longboat of vikingr hopefuls/adventurers/looters

who through a series of events (Though absurdly exaggerated or plainly misled) become 'legendary'.

(Think ragnar lothbrok, askold and dir, bjorn ironside, etc, but instead a small group)

Setting doesn't have to be in dark ages scandinavia/etc, either.

Just an idea. If something similar has been posted please tell!
Hey, are you still open to this idea? Because I'd be extremely interested. Maybe I could help if you need some rambling on about it?
So I was assuming these were escaped prisoners/vigilantes, and such. Maybe they could be found righteous by rescuing a younger escaped prisoner from execution who was wrongly accused? I don't really know. What where you going with this?
A few things have sparked my interest for the idea; HOWEVER, they would/could be a very varied group, and I'd sure imagine that there would be some refugees/criminals aboard.

It could start at there, definitely.
Criminals, vagabonds, sons of nobles or veteran bondsmen, hopefuls, explorers, adventurers, zealots, or simply raiders. Mercenaries too, but less common.

From all walks of Scandinavian life, really, but with some rationality and consideration for the timeframe involved, which is probably going to be the viking age; 800-900's.

Unless we want to pick it up somewhere earlier, like in geatish kings' period.

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