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Futuristic Nights (Solar System RP)


Junior Member
The year is 2162, and humanity has abandoned Earth.

Global warming began to accelerate at a drastic rate, and by 2032, Earth was seriously polluted. Despite the best efforts of politicians to switch to clean and renewable energy, there were many who didn't believe the warnings. But by then, it was too late.

Chaos took over the world as each nation struggled to launch its best and brightest into space, to escape the superstorms that now plagued the Earth. Hot heads in the leadership positions led to atomic bombs being fired, the first since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Thus began World War 3, also known as the War of Survival. For almost a decade, space programs on Earth transported people as quickly as possible to settlements on Mars, Mercury, Venus-any planet, really. Each nation had different survival tactics. The Japanese, for instance, settled on Jupiter, creating cubic housing units that rotated around the massive planet like its moons. Meanwhile, the Russians took over the moon Titan, and established underwater colony pods beneath its icy surface.

Yet for many civilizations, the most convenient option was Mars. And so it was that a large percentage of the people who escaped Earth settled there. Originally, each nation established their own headquarters on Mars, but the War of Survival had split the nations into different factions. Many of the most powerful countries formed Majora in 2044, a nation that quickly began to gain power. They crushed many smaller nations present on Mars, destroying their culture and language, forcing them to assimilate into the ever-growing nation of Majora.

However, the fighting was difficult, and victory was uncertain until the invention of the Burai. Through an extensive surgery which was dubbed "Shoujo," it was possible to create the first re-engineered super soldiers. The exact details of Shoujo remain classified information, but it is a surgery in which a person's bones are extracted and replaced with a hardened metal alloy, and their muscles are replaced with strong and flexible fibers. The side effects of this surgery included an increased appetite, bleeding and ringing in the ears, occasional paralysis, and a loss of normal features. The subject's eyes are altered so as to provide the Burai with better vision, but such a change also inexplicably causes their eyes to change colors to black sclera and white irises. The skin of Burai also becomes cracked, with red light issuing forth from the cracks within the skin. After the first Class, or edition, of Burai, they began to take pains to hide their abnormal appearance. Theatrical masks, like those used by the ancient Greeks, are standard-issue. They are unrealistic, but at least hide the monstrosity behind the mask. Also, the masks provide a degree of unity and anonymity.

The first Burai, or Class 1, were dubbed "Warriors." Created in 2049, the Warriors were much stronger than normal humans, and able to crush wood with their bare hands. It was with their abilities that Majora conquered many settlements.

However, other nations began to pour increasing amounts of money into inventing their own Burai, and abandoned their space programs, leaving millions stranded on the Earth in an apocalyptic, ruined world. In order to counter their foes, Majoran scientists developed the Class 2 Burai, or Guardians, in 2055. Their design was made more energy-efficient, and easy to produce. The original Warriors had only received operations that replaced their muscles with fibers, while the Guardians also had reinforced bones.

Many years after the Guardians rolled off the operating tables, the Class 3 Knights were invented in 2077. After countless experiments on captured soldiers, Majoran scientists had developed a procedure to fully remove bones and replace them with steel bars. Although the new Shoujo was much more painful and expensive, the results were beyond anything the other nations had. No second-hand Burai could compete with the Knights' bone structure. Before the implementation of Knights, a common anti-Burai technique was to use extreme force and crush their bones. The Knights, however, were no longer vulnerable to such attacks.

Created in 2092, the Class 4 Sentinel units were another breakthrough in Burai technology. Scientists managed to install breathing units in their bodies that enabled them to survive underwater and in space. Sentinels became the preferred units for attacking spaceships, as their small size and speed made them difficult to hit. They soared through space, with the help of thrusters built into their arms and legs. Although their appearance was much less humanoid, they were far more powerful warriors.
The Class 5 Ninjas were invented in 2110. They were the first units with Mahou, mental uplinks that enabled communication with their leaders. Their design also possessed the revolutionary Keikaku Units, arms that would fold out of the back. These arms could carry different weapons and tools, such as blowtorches and laser guns. Two of them were fused onto each Ninja. At this point, Majora's dominion spread across the whole of Mars, and onto its moons. They actively fought with many other nations, and were on the brink of conquering Venus and Mercury, where the Chinese, Koreans, Spanish, and Germans had settled.

The Class 6 Protectors were created in 2127, and are the most recent and common unit to date. With their power, Majora took over Venus and Mercury, and has begun sieging Jupiter. The Protectors feature powerful Mahou, and four Keikaku Units.

Only recently have the Class 7 Assassins come into being. Unlike the other units, their faces are far more realistic. Although their eyes don't move and their mouths are frozen, at a glance they could be mistaken for humans, hence their Assassin title. Their full specs are unknown. It was believed that Majoran scientists are working to develop a Class 8 that look perfectly human, and could be used as undercover agents, but these rumors have been debunked by leaked diagrams of exoskeleton armor that will be featured in the Class 8.

Now, Majora's dominion stretches across half of the Solar System. Their hundreds of thousands of soldiers defend them, and bring new settlements under their heel every day. Yet there are those who fight for freedom, who try to bring down Majora and stop its dictatorship.

Which side will you join? And what will you do when opportunity comes your way?

As is evident from the description, cyborgs are easily created by most of the Solar System's countries. However, Majoran technology is the best, with most other groups only being able to craft Burai that are around Class 5 or 4 strength.
Science has advanced since the current day, and spaceships resemble the ones shown in movies and comics. Designs from country to country vary, although Majoran spaceships tend to be the most bulky and large.
Fighting ships can be sorted into these categories. Note that there are different sub-categories, and that each nation has their own variants of the following, but these are the most prominent sortings:
SUBSHIP- A term derived from the old Earth technology of submarines, subships possess a rare tool that enables them to become practically invisible. Cameras record and project the space behind the ship onto the front of the ship, causing it to "vanish," followed by a round of shots that can devastate an unwary opponent.
HYUK- A one-man ship. Large swarms can destroy enemies, but they lack armor and Ikusei Fields (force fields). As a result, destroying them is easy if one keeps their distance.
DESTROYER- Small ships that are able to dart through enemy defenses and blow them to smithereens. Little armor.
CRUISER- A medium sized ship, slower than destroyers. Comes equipped with additional armaments and a stronger Ikusei Field.
BATTALION SHIP- A large ship, heavily covered in armor and with a strong Ikusei Field. However, despite their bulk, their main purpose is Burai deployment. Because Sentinels and up can breathe in space, battalion ships are specially designed to pack in as many Burai as possible.
BATTLESHIP- Even larger than the Battalion Ships. These behemoths are covered in armor and are bristling to the teeth with weaponry. Very difficult to destroy, but hard to maneuver.
CARRIER- Somewhat larger than battleships. Their main purpose is to pack in ships. Depending on the type, they can store a few thousand Hyuks, hundreds of Destroyers, dozens of Cruisers, or two to three Battalion Ships. Mainly owned by wealthier countries due to their massive size and high levels of expenses.
KNIGHTMARE- Only two exist, and both are in Majoran control. They are the size of a small moon, and are never deployed.

There are also many companies that manufacture ships for merchants, pirates, or explorers. The fastest ship on the market would be the Koro, an incredibly expensive and beefed-up Hyuk that can travel at 3,390,000 mph, enough to go from Earth to Mars in 10 hours. However, such a ship is only bought by the rich. Most military ships only fly at about 1 million miles per hour, meaning it takes 30 hours to reach Mars from Earth. Commercial vessels are even slower because of the cost of fuel, and space cruises at slow speeds have become increasingly popular.

Terraforming is somewhat possible, as lasers can be used to etch out patterns from space. It is a long and costly process, however.

Work is being done to provide Mars with a breathable atmosphere, but it is still impossible to breathe at the moment, and will be for many decades.. Gravity on Mars outside of buildings (which all have airlocks) is still low. Inside buildings, scientists are able to control gravity, resulting in an Earthlike environment.

Because of the high concentration of oxygen inside of airlocks, firearms are not allowed to be shot within them, because they might start a fire with their muzzle flares. The same applies for laser weapons. Inside, swords and air-powered projectiles are the normal weapons, while anything goes outside of airlocks.

No AI has been invented so far. Robots with some degree of autonomy do exist, but they are only used for real grunt work, such as maintaining the city's metro system. Plans are being made in Majora to abolish currency and have robots give humans everything they need in around a century, but the main push in technology has been toward cyborgs, which have become incredibly advanced.

Weapons include the following (there are others as well):

-Bladed weapons: The original Earth types, plus some resistance-invented ones. Some can connect with Mahou, causing Burai to be able to control their weapons like an extension of their bodies.
-Kinetic weapons: All the Earth types. These are great in space combat for taking down Ikusei Fields, but are miserable against armor, which has advanced in leaps and bounds.
-Energy weapons: Laser guns, laser cannons, and so forth. Able to bore holes in armor during space combat, but Ikusei Fields are designed to absorb the energy and launch it out in the form of a shock wave at their enemies.
-Heated Blades: A solution for swords bouncing off of armor and walls, the heated weapons actually have blades that are raised to higher temperatures, although not enough to cause fires. A weaker version of lightsabers, and a bit more science-y.
-Electrozappers: Weapons that rely on electricity. Different blades can be electrified, and long-range Taser type weapons are used to replace guns. In the older Burai, zapping the back of their necks can cause them to become paralyzed, although the 6 and 7 are immune to such tricks.
-Exo-suits: Used to enable non-Burai to fight comfortably in and out of space, the exo-suits are heavily armored power suits. Burai don't use them because they are already strong enough, and the extra weight would hinder their mobility.
-Jet Thrusters: They exist to propel fighters through space, but using them in airlocks is not a good idea.
-Magnet Boots: Boots that enable walking upside down or horizontally on metal surfaces. Used where there is no gravity, or in sneak attacks.
-Corrosion Blasters: A resistance-developed weapon that eats away at just about anything, including Burai. Incredibly dangerous. They contain diluted fluoroantimonic acid, the strongest acid in the world (real science!). Very effective.
-Freeze Blasters: Another resistance-developed weapon that shoots icy liquid helium and water, effectively able to spray anything with ice. It can freeze Burai, swelling their joints and causing their circuits to be fried past a certain point. Also very effective.

There are many of them, and they will be elaborated on in future posts.
Here are the basic ones:

Freedom Fighters: Warriors who are fighting to reclaim Venus. They were originally living there before the Majorans conquered them. Very weak, and have been merging with Void.

Void: The strongest resistance group. Located somewhere in the outer asteroid belt (or so it is believed). They have the most resources. Their Burai are approximately Class 5 strength, and they have a large number of them.

Shinigami (Death God): A sect of Japanese rebels who run attacks against the Majorans, disrupting their invasion of the Japanese homeland of Jupiter. They are also very strong. They have very few Burai, but they are known as the Nagisa. Each Nagisa is an incredibly powerful unit, with extreme speed that is even better with a Class 7. Their strength is also at a high level. They are often hired by other resistance groups to help with important raids.

Bonsoir: A French and German resistance group. Known for their incredible assassination talent. Each member of Bonsoir is a highly skilled warrior, even if there are very few of them.

Justice Order: Another resistance group. It is approximately the same size as Void, but highly underfunded. Large numbers of Class 3 strength Burai.

Bloodbath: A resistance group with Burai whose armor is incredibly strong. Although their weapons are about on par with a Class 3 or 4 Burai, their armor is some of the strongest ever invented.

Venegance: Very small, and has nearly been eradicated. Good strategists, but not nearly enough resources to make anything work.

Heroic: A medium size resistance group, with approximately Class 4 Burai.

Solarion Shinobi: Strangely enough, they are believed to have headquarters near the Sun. Their Burai are extremely heat-resistant, and use fire-based attacks.

More information will be posted at intervals, and there will be different threads created for each type of information. However, releasing the RP was the most important thing.




Burai Class (or approximate strength):
Burai Features:
Mask (if part of a resistance group that allows customization, currently none do):

There may be other things added.
Stay tuned.
Discord will be made soon.

Character Application: Nights: Character Sign Ups
Discord (Still working on permissions/channels): Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers
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Barely manageable, Aleks’ ship was tearing at the seams. The battlefield behind him was wrought with them, but this one seemed to be his best bet. He powered up the engines and blasted toward the asteroid belts in the distance, the massive Majora fleet behind him preoccupied with whatever it was that officers did after massive battles. After many treacherous hours, the small Hyuk sized craft. Entered the asteroid belt, it’s sole occupant dazed and confused. He was searching for a certain person, or more specifically, people...
Barely manageable, Aleks’ ship was tearing at the seams. The battlefield behind him was wrought with them, but this one seemed to be his best bet. He powered up the engines and blasted toward the asteroid belts in the distance, the massive Majora fleet behind him preoccupied with whatever it was that officers did after massive battles. After many treacherous hours, the small Hyuk sized craft. Entered the asteroid belt, it’s sole occupant dazed and confused. He was searching for a certain person, or more specifically, people...
(We aren't RPing yet. Also, when we do RP, this will not be the thread.)
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