Nidelia Sponze (Approved)


A Lost Kitty
General Information

Name:  Nidelia Sponze

Nickname:  Healer Nidelia, Nid, Niddy

Age:  25

Gender: Feminine

Sex:  Female


Character Picture/Appearance:


Cat form:


Appearance Description:  Instead of human ears she purple cat ears and a matching kitty tail!

Height:  5'8

Weight:  143

Race:  Fomorian

Fomorian Type:  Neko

Danann Crystal: (Where's your Danann character's crystal located on their body? Is it on the back of one of their hands, on the top of their chest, etc.?)

Build:  Fit

Hair:  Purple

Eyes:  Blue

Marks: (Does your character have any marks on them, such as tattoos, scars, etc.)


Place of Birth:  Iria Desert, Tamara City-State

Date of Birth:  Nollaig day 1, 263 AG.

Nationality:  Tamaran

History:  Nidelia grew up in the Iria Desert of the Tamara City-State, in a small tribe of Neko Fomorian's.  Their tribe never exceeded above fifty members at any given time, sometimes tribesmen would leave, some would die, it was just the way of life.  All throughout her childhood Nidelia was a very fun loving and sweet girl, had bad habits of wandering away from their camp and exploring, but otherwise, a very well mannered child that loved everyone.

When Nidelia was eight years old her mother, Alaundra, fell gravely ill with a fever that reached too high of a temperature, combined with the desert, her mother didn't stand a chance.  Even if she had survived the illness, the fever became too great, killing her mother, and leaving her father, the leader of the tribe, Jethro Sponze, and herself.  Nidelia of course took the death very hard and for a while isolated herself inside her and her father's cave, not wanting to socialize with anyone.  After a pep talk from her father about how her mother wouldn't want her to be like that she quickly came out of the cave and joined her tribe once more, just in time too, for they were having a special festival that they threw for the dead.

Profession:   Tribe Healer and next leader when she marries or her father dies.


Virtues:  Acceptance - It helps her to be accepting of everyone, no matter their race.

Forgiveness - Helps her forgive everyone, even if they have wronged her in some way.

Beauty - a lot of men tend to flirt with her and woo her for her affection and time.

Caring - It helps her have empathy and sympathy for everyone and the heart to also want to help everyone.

Primary Virtue:  Caring

Vices:  Dependency - since she's a healer and can't really fight, she must rely on others to help her survive.

Eccentricity - She's very hyper and bubbly, usually coming off to others as too happy most of the time, or way too social, thus making them think she's a tad eccentric.

Ignorance - She is very ignorant to how things work outside the tribe.

Meek - She is not a very dominant type person and is very submissive, so to most she is very meek.

Primary Vice: Ignorance

Likes:  All fuzzy and cute creatures, food, reading, meditating, healing, and sewing.

Dislikes:  Mean people, sour foods, bugs and insects of any kind, and murder.

Fears:  Losing her father and her Tribe.

Beliefs: The Leviathon.  She is also raised to do lots of meditation and contemplation to be able to speak with the spirits of the planet, and believes that some day someone will come who will be able to communicated with The Leviathon.

Law:  Neutral


Primary Weapon:  Staff - 


Weapon:  None

Attire:  Neko outfit JRPG.png

Supplies:  Sewing kit, water, food, and

Personal Items: (What are some personal items of your character?)

Inventory Items: (All inventory items will be listed here. Leave blank for now).


Long Term Goal:  Save the world from this tidal wave.

Short Term Goal 1:  Be the first Neko Fomorian to become famous.

Short Term Goal 2:  Find a lover who she can marry and become the leader of her tribe with.

Character Stats

Vitality - 4

Mystic - 7

Stamina - 5


Movement: 1

Strength: 0

Perception: 2 -  +1 additional number, 5 or above is a successful attack. 15 or above is a crit.

Dexterity: 0

Counter: 0

Physique: 0

Spirit: 0

Resistance: 0

Empower: 0

Mana Recovery: 2 -  +1 1d10 Mana Recovery die.

Character Skills

Class:  Spirit Shaman

Elemental Affinities:  Light, Wind, and Fire.

Name of Skill:  Curo

Level:  1

Class:  Magical Burst Heal

Type:  Single Target

Mana Cost:  4

Action Cost:  1

Targets:  1

Range:  15m.

Duration:  Initial post

Prevention:  Being distracted by being hit, or status effect that silences her.

Elemental Affinity:  Wind

OOC Effect:  Heals 3 health

Bonus:  +2 heal

Removal:  -2 heal

Description:  Winds sooth the pain of wounds by helping the target remain calm.

Name of Skill:  Sana

Level:  1

Class:  Magical Area Heal

Type: AoE

Mana Cost:  4

Action Cost:  1

Targets:  All friendly targets within a 3m radius.

Range:  1-5m

Duration:  Initial post.

Prevention: Being distracted by being hit, or status effect that silences her.

Elemental Affinity:  Light

OOC Effect:  Heals +2 to targets within 3m radius.

Bonus:  +2 Heal

Removal:  -1 heal

Description:  A light shines down and heals the wounds of the targets.

Name of Skill:  Redde Omnia

Level:  1

Class:  Status Restore

Type:  Single target

Mana Cost:  4

Action Cost:  1

Targets:  1

Range:  15m

Duration:  3 posts

Prevention:  Being distracted by being hit, or status effect that silences her.

Elemental Affinity:  Water

OOC Effect:  Cures 1 lvl 1 status effect, and provides lvl 1 status immunity.

Bonus:  +1 status duration

Removal:  -1 status duration

Description:  This purified water will cure any ailment.

Character Stats and Upgrades (Note: Character Stats are subject to change according to the person's stat upgrades).

HP:  4

MP:  7

AP:  5

Movement:  1


Strength:  0


Perception:  2


Dexterity:  0


Counter:  0


Physique:  0


Spirit:  0


Resistance:  0


Empower:  0


Mana Recovery:  2


Intelligence:  ???


Inventory:  3 slots


Character Skills and Upgrades

Magical Attack Technique: (Lv 1, 2, 3)

Magical Defend Technique: (Lv 1, 2, 3)

Status Restore Technique: (Lv 1, 2, 3)

Status Effect Technique: (Lv 1, 2, 3)

Terrain Technique: (Lv 1, 2, 3)

Magical Heal Technique: (Lv 1, 2, 3)

Augment Technique: (Lv 1, 2, 3)

Deduct Technique: (Lv 1, 2, 3)

Analyze Technique: (Lv 1, 2, 3)

Inventory Items and Gil

Gil Amount: 0 Gil

Inventory Items

  1.  Hi-Potion x 1
  2.  Ether x 2
  3.  Potion x 3
Last edited by a moderator:
@Nidelia Everything looks good. Your character is approved. However, can you specify what bonuses you got from your starter stats? Example: You put 2 in perception. Did you add 2d10 dies, or was it additional numbers?

Thank you for your submission and effort.
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