• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern New Oasis: Thirteen Peaks - CS Thread

Lil' John
"Howdy there, John again! I'm so glad to see you made it! Now hold yer horses, 'cause I'm sure you're just as excited as me, but there's just a couple more formalities left before you're a proper member of the family!"
  • 「 BASICS 」
    Character Guidelines
    As with the other RPs within the setting you will be pretty free when it comes to character creation. However, due to the premise of this rp, there are a few things to keep in mind.

    1. Your character must be a convict. How they ended up in the slammer is up to you, but this ultimately means that they must have been arrested at some point. So no being too cool for the cops or else you'd be on the streets, not in a cell.

    2. No teleporters, or anyone who could just phase out of the prison. This one is largely for the sake of not having to write around it, I'll be honest, but within the logic of the RP, Thirteen Peaks simply would not have chosen anybody who could've just broken out the instant they were able to use their Potential.

    That's it for now. Think of this like a Q&A section with just the As. I'll add anything relevant to it as it comes up during the character creation process.
    Character Sheet
    All new residents of Thirteen Peaks Rehabilitation Complex must have certain details filed in the interest of public safety. Please provide the following details for said documentation.

    Legal Name: Given name(s) along with their surname.

    Age, DOB: Date of birth is a necessity.

    Gender: And pronouns, if you so desire.

    Height, Weight: For medical purposes.

    Prison Sentence: How many years in jail were they sentenced to?

    Reason for Internment: What were their crimes?

    Appearance: So we may recognize them.

    Personality: Psychological profiles are important in regard to determining a satisfactory treatment plan for even the most straightforward patient. Please provided whatever details you can for our doctors' and therapists' use.

    Biography: What brought them here? Important for determining where they will be led next, and understanding their situation.

    Potentiality Name: What does the patient, or the public, refer to their Potential as?

    Primary and Secondary Potentiality Classes: For security purposes. Different classes call for different precautions.

    Potentiality Description: How does their Potential function? What does it do?

    Potentiality Strengths & Weaknesses: What does their Potential excel at? And in the case that suppression is necessary, what are its vulnerabilities?
[font=Cinzel][border="0; padding: 0; margin: 0 auto;
     // base character image;
   --character: url('');
     // base Potentiality image;
   --potential: url('https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/910907091693232179/1080861147554656456/13peaksLogo_copy.png');
overflow: hidden; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box
"][Tabs][Tab=MAIN PROFILE][border=0; padding: 0; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; margin-top: 16px][border=1px solid #f2f2f2; border-radius: 8px; padding: 18px 18px 18px 18px; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 360px); background: #ff7e38; position: relative; height: 576px;][border=0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; height: 500px; background-image: var(--character); background-size: cover; border-radius: 8px; background-position: center center][/border][border=0; position: absolute; margin: 0 auto; left: 0; right: 0; border-radius: 8px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.0); box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 380px)][border=0; margin: 0 0 6px; padding: 12px 0 0 0; font: calc(18px - 0.25vw) Raleway; color: #383838; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.12em]THIRTEEN PEAKS DOCUMENTATION[/border][border=0; padding: 0 0 10px 0; font: calc(25px - 0.25vw) Josefin Sans; color: #ededed; text-align: center; line-height: 100%; letter-spacing: 0.15em]REPUTATION[/border][/border][/border][comment]
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0 10px; flex: 1 1 auto; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 780px)][border=0; margin-top: 20px; padding: 0 0 6px 0; font: 38px Cinzel; line-height: 100%; letter-spacing: 0.1em; border-bottom: 2px solid #d7d7f1]OC NAME[/border][border=0; border-bottom: 2px solid #b8dfee; margin-top: 5px; padding: 0 10px 0 10px; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap][comment]
// Full Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 250px)][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px Jost; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]LEGAL NAME[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px Roboto; text-indent: 8px]Name[/border][/border][comment]
// Preferred Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 250px)][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px Jost; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]PREFERRED NAME[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px Roboto; text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Age & Birth
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 250px)][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px Jost; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]AGE & BIRTH[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px Roboto; text-indent: 8px]xx (month xx, xxxx)[/border][/border][comment]
// Gender
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 250px)][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px Jost; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GENDER[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px Roboto; text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Height and Weight
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 250px)][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px Jost; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]HEIGHT | WEIGHT[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px Roboto; text-indent: 8px]x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)[/border][/border][comment]
// FC Credit
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 250px)][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px Jost; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]CREDIT[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px Roboto; text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Prison Sentence
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 250px)][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px Jost; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]PRISON SENTENCE[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px Roboto; text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Reputation
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 250px)][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px Jost; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]REPUTATION[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px Roboto; text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Reason for Arrest
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 250px)][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px Jost; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]REASON FOR ARREST[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px Roboto; text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border="0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: 'Jost'; font-size: 15px; text-align: justify"][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px Josefin Sans; text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background:#c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]GENERAL DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA.[/border][comment]
// Personality
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px Josefin Sans; text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]PERSONALITY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA
// Historical Biography
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px Josefin Sans; text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA.[/border][comment]
// Relationships
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px Josefin Sans; text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]RELATIONSHIPS[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab][Tab=POTENTIALITY][comment]
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; margin-top: 16px][border=1px solid #f2f2f2; border-radius: 8px; padding: 18px 18px 18px 18px; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 360px); background: #ff7e38; position: relative; height: 576px][border=0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; height: 500px; background-image: var(--potential); background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; border-radius: 8px; background-position: center][/border][border=0; position: absolute; margin: 0 auto; left: 0; right: 0; border-radius: 8px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.0); box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 380px)][border=0; margin: 0 0 6px; padding: 12px 0 0 0; font: calc(18px - 0.25vw) Jost; color: #383838; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.12em]POTENTIALITY PROFILE[/border][border=0; padding: 0 0 10px 0; font: calc(25px - 0.25vw) Josefin Sans; color: #ededed; text-align: center; line-height: 100%; letter-spacing: 0.15em]NAME[/border][/border][/border][comment]
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0 10px; flex: 1 1 auto; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 780px)][border=0; margin-top: 20px; padding: 0 0 6px 0; font: 38px Cinzel; line-height: 100%; letter-spacing: 0.1em; border-bottom: 2px solid #d7d7f1]NAME'S POTENTIAL • NAME[/border][border=0; border-bottom: 2px solid #b8dfee; margin-top: 5px; padding: 0 10px 0 10px; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap][comment]
// Potentiality Category 1
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 250px)][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px Jost; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]PRIMARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px Roboto; text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Potentiality Category 2
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 250px)][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px Jost; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]SECONDARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px Roboto; text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Common Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 250px)][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px Jost; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]OTHER NAMES[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px Roboto; text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border="0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: 'Jost'; font-size: 15px; text-align: justify"][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px Josefin Sans; text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]POTENTIALITY DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Strengths and weaknesses
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px Josefin Sans; text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]STRENGTHS + WEAKNESSES[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab][/Tabs][/border][/font]
    miriam / miri / angel
    25 (november 10th, xxxx)
    agender (any pronouns) || asexual aromantic
    5'01" (156 cm) | 143 lbs (64 kg)
    junji ito
    life sentence
    sweetest angel you could ever meet, goddess among men
    2nd-degree murder, homicide, grand larceny, burglary, extortion, forgery, harassment, stalking, bribery, arson, prostitution, destruction of property (among other things)
    miriam is a mysterious, ethereal woman with long inky black hair, very light grey- borderline silver- eyes, and light skin. she has a beauty mark just below her left eye and dimples when she smiles.

    notes: - curvy, muscular & strong
    - her body is covered in scars that she has collected over her years as a vigilante (mostly small scars, however. she was good at what she did and serious injuries were rare)
    - has a barcode tattooed at the base of her neck with the number 001 beneath it
    (you think i'm gonna find a fancy way to describe all this? nah i don't have that kind of brain power)

    parents tucking a small child into bed, saying their goodnights.
    a kiss on the head, a quiet plea "keep the light on."
    "angel, there's nothing to fear, we're never far."
    even so, the light was dimmed, never turned off.

    suddenly, in the dead of night, the child was ripped from her bed. kicking, screaming, yelling for her parents, begging for them to save her. she didn't want to go. she was scared. why was this happening?
    the strange man, holding her tight, hit her to silence her cries. she didn't make another sound.
    a damp cloth pressed over her nose and mouth, distant voices were heard as the child's consciousness began to fade, "let her go, we gave you everything we had."
    "not everything," and two shots were fired.
    a year.
    for a year the child was caged.
    she was taught what was right and what was wrong.
    she fought tooth and nail against him every step of the way.
    but defiant as she was, eventually he broke her.
    she was a blank slate- his to mold, to make into anything he wanted.
    he marked her, a tattoo on her neck, a barcode and a number.
    001. his first.
    she was his and he would not allow anyone else to claim her.
    the child got older, trained by her beloved mentor until age 12.
    skills honed to near perfection, she was ready to be released into the world.
    the mentor, worried she might not be ready, grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug, "will you be alright, angel?"
    a joyful laugh, she looked up at her mentor, "you worry too much, papa. i am perfect, you told me so yourself."
    the mentor, her 'papa', smiled and kissed her forehead, "i know. you are perfection."
    you are my greatest masterpiece.

    he sent her off. his masterpiece was free, or as free as he allowed her to be.
    she was his pride, his joy, his light. she was everything to him.
    she was his.
    but he knew better than to keep her caged up like a bird for the rest of her life. she was far too restless.
    she had a fire within her that could not be contained, he had to let her go to ensure she never left him.
    his angel didn't have to know that, though.
    10 years.
    10 years the angel had been doing this.
    fighting against the rich, against all that was bad in the world, and giving back to the poor. giving back to the people that needed it most.
    she saved them from their demons.
    always working alone, never with a partner. partners couldn't be trusted.
    she had learned that the hard way.
    her mentor knew this.
    and yet, despite knowing what she went through, he insisted, "angel, trust him. you can trust him, i promise. don't you trust me?"
    her mentor hadn't been wrong before, "of course i trust you, papa."

    the angel partnered with the imp, despite her better judgment.
    she had everything planned, she explained in detail to him what they would be doing, "we just need to get to the safe."
    he nodded, appearing to have understood, "what about the family?"
    "fret not, imp. keep silent, keep calm, and everything will go as planned."

    sirens. panic. begging. screaming. gunshots.
    "what did you do, imp?" the angel yelled at him, mouth agape as she stared at the 6 motionless bodies at their feet.
    the imp, foolish and weak, shook his head, "you're going to get us caught and we can't have witnesses."
    so he had spooked, what a surprise.
    this was why she worked alone, none of these imbeciles could be trusted.
    naturally, the angel was furious, "how fucking thick could you possibly be? i had everything planned, no one was meant to die."
    the imp, scared and shaking like a leaf, ran. he barreled into the angel, knocking her down and leaving her for the wolves.
    her mentor had lied.
    how could he do this to her?
    he stood before her, his gaze averted from hers, "i'm so sorry."
    the angel, distressed and confused, looked up at him, "...why did you do this?"
    finally, her mentor met her tearful gaze, "you will always be my greatest masterpiece, i love you more than anything in this world."
    there was a long pause, a sigh, "i cannot stand seeing you with so many others. you are mine, i cannot allow anyone else to have you."
    he looked to the police that had apprehended his angel, then back to her, "it wasn't supposed to happen like this, you were supposed to be safe."
    but it wasn't enough. the angel turned away, anger radiating off of her. silent.
    and so he left, distraught.

    his masterpiece, caged like a bird.
    that is what he had wanted all these years, but not like this.
    prison wouldn't be kind.
    he had wanted to bring her back with him, but they refused.
    she had done too much, even his power and money could not change any minds.
    there was nothing more he could do.
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    Two days???
    Kingsley Queenie Prince
    Kingsley / Kip / The Amethyst Fox
    21 (March 27, xxxx)
    5'4" (162cm) | 150 lb (68 kg)
    11 Years
    Second Degree Murder
    Lilac hair frames a warm tanned face now sullied by the throes of prison. The number of freckles that litter her skin rival only the number of sins that weigh down the back of government officials. Golden eyes stare deeply into the floor she walks upon. Once a cheery young girl, the pep in her step still lingers despite her current state. She waits anxiously to return to where she belongs.

    She mumbles, for she longs;
    "Why am I here? ...I can't be here. Please let me go. I need to get back to the citizens that need me. Let me go. Please, let me go. I can't be here."

    Those words shuffle around her mind endlessly. The girl is a husk of her former self, with sunken eyes and a semi-permanent frown. No longer in a perceived position to help those in need, she is no one. Whisperings of freedom could be heard under her breath if one got close enough.

    "I just wanted to help... let me out of this cage... I need to get back to my citizens.."

    She isn't very responsive beyond one word answers.

    However, her cloudy skies could be cleared with a single glimpse of sunlight.

    One year to go.


    Could you believe it only took two days?
    Two days?

    Two days. That's it.

    She just wanted to help.

    A crime was happening in the middle of the street. Was she supposed to stand there and watch? That's not what a hero does. A hero is supposed to help.

    The hero standing on the side of the road took the opportunity. She transformed —out of the public eye, of course. When she got back, the culprit was about to get away. She couldn't just let that happen.

    She just wanted to help.

    When she opened her eyes to a blade stained with blood, it was an act of heroism.

    Why should she get in trouble for apprehending the criminal?


    She was found guilty for murder. And quickly after, sent to the jail she spent only two days at.

    The poor girl. She wasn't ready for prison life.

    Two days...


    It's a good thing that rehabilitation facility picked her up so quickly.

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    Deadly handshakes
    Eve Hosanna
    Giselle Tsuda
    27 (June 21, xxxx)
    5'7" (170 cm) | "Haha you naughty thing~ asking a woman about her weight. Why don't you come and check for yourself, hm?" 165 lb (75 kg)
    Shirayuki Tomoe/Namakawa @morimokimori on twt (i think)
    Life time sentence
    Unhinged, seductress, collector of bones
    Several counts of first degree murder.
    Eve is a voluptuous woman standing at the height of 5'7. The very nature of her Siren physiology demands that she is kept locked up, always seen with her hands tied and every inch of her body covered. The mask that she wears is for the protection of others more so than for herself, as her looks possess the trademark Siren allure.

    A natural meekness characterizes her face in the upward slanting brows and the whiskey brown eyes that almost seem to be on the cusp of tears in their squinting composure- umber hair framing her edges in all round arches the final touch of softness to a woman that will smother you to death if given the opportunity to.
    “Eve was cast out from paradise for one reason and one reason only. She loved too much and wasn’t loved enough”.

    On the verge of snapping, thin ice cracking. Eve is the calm before the storm and the storm itself that threatens to decimate everything in her path. She hinges the misery of others on the corners of a cruel grin and plucks you threadbare until all that remains is your denuded corpse. If there is a god, it is her, and if there is a devil- it is also her.

    Placid and soft-spoken until she isn't, and when she's not she is always close to violence. Her temper and emotional disposition are aptly described as "leisurely"; never the one to take things seriously and with a penchant for breaking out into laughter at the most inappropriate times. Speaking of inappropriate, her humour tends to lean to the flirtatious side and it is not uncommon for her to flaunt or tease others with the weapon she was born with- her appearance.

    The cicadas buzz forevermore in the village abandoned by God. They have forgotten how to stop and what silence is.

    Once upon a time, there was a village and in the village lived a little girl. Her name was Eve and her only dream was to worship the tree that grew at the centre of it. She dedicated every second to it, recited its name in prayers on every breath and let its roots puppet her steps. The tree was the heart of the village and on its branches hung their guide to salvation for their earthly souls- red apples promised only to the most dedicated of its followers.

    Eve wanted salvation just as much as any other villager, so she followed the doctrine to its literal inked meaning. Good girl, good girl, the priests chanted when she kept within the frame of yellowed pages. 'Little Eve, your soul is so pure that the tree will surely grant you an apple one of these days. You just have to keep being faithful'. And so she let her life be dictated by the words on the paper and never strayed from its lead bars of pen strokes.

    That was until he appeared. A stranger to the villagers but a friend of the tree. He had come from the outside world to receive enlightenment, Adam was his name.

    And Adam was the name that little Eve began to nurse on budding lips in between the prayers.

    He was so beautiful, he was so kind- so pure that she never suspected his malevolent intentions when he appeared to save her that fateful day.

    The circumstances were such, that not every villager was equally dedicated to the scripture, and sometimes they bent it to accommodate their own desires. Little Eve was blissfully ignorant of this fact, however, so she had no idea what her overseer had intended when they led her down the path behind the church. Only an inkling of it came to mind when he bashed her head in with the scripture.

    The blue sky had never appeared emptier than that moment. Not a single cloud in sight for bloodshot retinas or the crumbling skull between her palms. He withered like fallen leaves and she found herself questioning how it could be. How the tree could allow something so horrific to take place. What she wondered more than anything else was this though:

    Was this it? Was her soul condemned to never receive one of the apples now?

    Adam's face blotted into view as the lone occupier of the empty skies "Don't worry Eve, I can give one of the apples to you. All you have to do is follow my word". He granted her new prayers, new rules to obey and did indeed pick an apple for her. She only had to chase it as it rolled in front of her on the path.

    Rolled and rolled it did.
    Rolled past the abandoned homes of walls caving inwards- rot consuming it from within and misaligned planks struggling to uphold them.
    Rolled past fields that had become overgrown in the absence of workers.
    Rolled past empty church benches and the corpses that piled underneath them.

    The apple hit the altar and it stopped rolling. Eve cradled its unrecognisable form in calloused palms- only to discover that the apple was in fact, a rock. She bit into it regardless, cracked teeth and clenched jaws till they were sore. The apple didn't grant her salvation, but it did grant her the wings to leave the pile of sins that she had amassed at her heels behind.

    Eve ripped the feathers out and turned them into daggers instead.

    For Giselle, the roads were both endless and few when she first emerged from the clutches of the cult. Endless, in that she had a whole world to explore, and few in that she possessed no knowledge on how to survive while she did so. As the young girl she was, fifteen springs and counting, she was drawn to the allure of the big city and headed to New Oasis. There she eventually found shelter with another teenager by the name of Akira whom she spent the next four years with. To call it a friendship is a bit far-fetched, at least it wasn't anything of the like at the beginning of their cohabitation.

    It was a simple exchange of favours, she offered him her services and he offered her a place to stay. Then it might have dipped into other territories, but that's a story for another day. While one road might have led to New Oasis, the rest of them led to prison. And prison was her next stop when she fled after rumours of her arrest warrant began to stir. The news was delivered to her roommate on a front-page cover the very next day:

    "The culprit of the cult mass murder has been arrested."

    So to prison she went. The bars never kept her locked up for long, however, and like a bird she always found ways to return to the blue skies. In one instance it landed her in a prison in another country after an especially long excursion. It was there that she first encountered the "Professor", a man that was nothing like the rest of his ilk and yet, so very similar to them. Her stay in the Csillag Prison was a short-lived one, but one that she remembers with merry fondness. Giselle had always liked the ones that resist a little more and the Professor responded to none of her advances and shadow like presence.

    Back to the modern day and to another road that leads to prison- this time to Thirteen peaks with a promise of something else potentially lying at the next crossroad.
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    Francis Elestiel
    70 (February 14, 1961)
    6'2" (187 cm) | 192 lbs (87 kg)
    Ichimonji Norimune by @lalalalack
    30 years
    First-degree murder
    Vicissitudes beyond his apparent age brings an air of eerieness to the smile of the youthful looking Francis. He is tall, lithe, with a spark in his eyes that threaten to beam at any time.

    Wild. Erratic. Unpredictable. What might be revealed when someone behaves utterly out of normalcy? Thinking in a way no one ever thought before? How would one eccentricity in thought and action or difference from the norm affect the world? A twisted way of thinking but one that he fully believes, Francis often passes by behaving out of the norm just for the sake of it.

    What separates Francis from true lunatics out there, however, is his limits. His antics, though infuriating beyond belief, are guided a clear thread of logic. His intelligence shows clearly when matters of importance are brought up and whenever he walks in a professional capacity. Francis remains a functioning member of society in his madness. One that teeters on the limit of normalcy, declared insanity, yet remains firmly grounded in reality.

    Francis is fully a wild card, eager to sow discord and chaos for the sake of changing the world and satiating his curiosity. He could be easy to anger at one time or be a saint at another. His actions are haphazard in nature, as they only follow his most sacred way of thinking: Do anything to make something new happen.
    Francis Elestiel was many thing in his long life of being Francis Elestiel. At the age of 22, he was a deconstruction engineer and a sustainability ambassador of an international NGO. At the age of 25, his fame as a fervent environmentalist was only rivaled by his reputation for hosting crazy charity events. By then, almost all of Europe knew of his eccentric nature. No one would ever forget the man who wore a ballerina dress to an international summit. At the age of 28, Francis married businesswoman Yang Lihua and moved to New Oasis. He mellowed somewhat from his parties as he raised his two adopted kids and biological son.

    Then, at the age of 39, Francis' whole family moved to France. Or supposed to. Instead, they disappeared. The family, at the airport, had an agreement. They would disappear and reunite within seven years. Not that it ever happened. The eldest son and Francis decided to use a yacht to sail back to America, but their ship sunk. The eldest son went on to have amnesia and became a bodyguard in South America. The second daughter stayed with her mother and they opened a profitable jewelry line in France. The youngest son... well, he refused to leave New Oasis to begin with.

    Francis miraculously arrived back in America where he decided to try his hand on building a cult. His Potential came in handy for that. He built a modest commune of about 200 participants in five years before he got bored, so he took some money and left. He had no plan, but he would figure something out, he figured.

    Unfortunately, before Francis figured anything out, he accidentally foiled national security's attempt at ousting a terrorist group, so he was forced into hiding. The cartel died, he escaped to another country, but his impulse got him involved in a fight between two cartels, so he got into an adventure again. When that was over and he wanted to go to France and retired for good, he suddenly met his son who was now married to the daughter of a mafia boss. Also there was a plot.

    Throughout his long adventurous career, Francis' Potential got him through many tight situations. It was also his main weapon, apart from his high durability to bullets. It could hide him, get enemies to kill each other, and most importantly, stop boredom.

    Long story short, Francis was 42 years old when he finally had his name cleared and could fly back to France with his son, his daughter in law, and granddaughter.

    Or supposed to, anyway.

    At the airport, due to some accidents, Francis heard news about someone with age transfer Potential discovered near the coast. The implication of that, as someone who had political experience, he knew better than anyone else. So, he didn't get on the plane. It will be fine, he assured his son. He went through a lot and he wouldn't die.

    Indeed, he didn't die, but this time, he was caught after he, without any other options, killed the Age Transfer HP. If not for his mafia in-law, he would have received a death sentence, but instead, he got a life sentence. That was fine, too. Too many people wanted him dead outside.

    Life in prison was not too bad for Francis; his Potential earned him the favor of many guards who were bored out of their minds. Also, killing that Age Transfer HP turned him into a teenager again, but being an HP also netted him some safety from fellow prisoners. Besides, it wasn't like he was an inexperienced new murderer. How to say it? He didn't kill anyone in his decade stay in prison, but killing some of his enemies would be more merciful.

    This year, Francis turned 62. He still had 15 more years until he was out, but he could wait. He hummed and put on good clothes with his Potential.


    • Wife and Second Daughter: Unlike the father and son, they settled in France and established a successful fashion chain. His second daughter had married and had twins.
    • Eldest Son: After visiting his mother and sister, he and his wife decided to cut clean from the mafia life and opened a bakery. Still, due to their connections, they still sometimes did work with the mafia. You have to help family, after all.
    • Youngest Son: He never left New Oasis. At some point, he got married, but after the death of his wife, he and his adopted son joined a criminal gang full time. There were news that he climbed right up to a leadership role.
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    Beatrix Blue
    20 (March 23, xxxx)
    5'3" (160 cm) | 128 lb (58 kg)
    Sayo Hikawa - Bang Dream
    25 years
    Main Character
    Assault and Battery, Resisting Arrest, Invasive Use of Potential
    Recognizable for her natural blue hair, Beatrix often keeps it loose and falls to around her waist. She's tomboyish in nature with a fit body.
    Beatrix is not 🚫 like 👍🍪 the other 👪 girls 👭
    Beatrix's life has been a constant turn of ups and downs and several abnormalities. She grew up in the town of █████ ████ under a wealthy family with her HP father (Damien) and twin brother (Mark; an NP). She never knew her mother, who is believed to have died in Beatrix's adolescence. It is here she and her brother became acquainted with a select number of boys, each with unique facets of their own. They grew attached to her because "she was different from the other girls" thanks to her "tomboyish nature." As she grew closer with each of them, a harbored guilt grew within.

    Her father had an evil scheme to bring everyone in town under his power, and his plan was to become the mayor and first establish political trust and control. Knowing this, Beatrix eventually opened up to each of the boys (several of which were shown to be romantically attracted to her out of nowhere), and they all agreed to help her and Mark stop their father's diabolical plan.

    Hatching a plan of their own to counter Damien (which was no real plan at all), they stepped up the moment Damien enacted his grand finale of hosting an event for the town with poisoned lemonade, and offering an antidote only he possessed. How this fit at all into his motivation is unknown. Either way, Beatrix and her friends fought against Damien, and thanks to their teamwork and friendship, defeated him! However, Mark was killed in the battle. He saved Beatrix's life from one of Damien's attacks, jumping in front of her to take the shot.

    After that, everything miraculously became fine. Beatrix and the boys were known as heroes in █████ ████. Beatrix fell in love with one of the boys, and now alone, she became his roommate.

    A happily ever after...

    A love triangle ensued between after one of the other boys confessed his feelings to her. Beatrix promptly rejected him, citing her relationship. In a fit of rage, the rejected boy sent a group of thugs to harass and the boyfriend, mostly to hurl insults. However, Beatrix was with him at the time. The moment the bullies began, she responded with violence.

    Beatrix beat each of them near death, utilizing her HP strength and leaving a bloody mess. Her boyfriend only grew more attached to her. The boy who sent them after Beatrix later apologized, and again, all ended happily ever after...

    That is the narrative spun by Beatrix and the townspeople. When a new police chief transferred in from out of state after the old one retired, he noticed a lot of anomalies. Where was the police when Damien enacted his plan of evil? How did so many people become attached to Beatrix just because she "wasn't like the other girls"? Why did the townsfolk seem to have no other opinions or personality outside of Beatrix or the boys around her? And why did nobody, police and all, listen to the nearly killed teens sent to insult Beatrix's boyfriend?

    The more he looked into the events that occurred, the more he honed in one Beatrix Blue.

    Wisely staying out of her path, he brought contacted officials with more capability and power to contain this sort of thing. And, as he'd find, his suspicions were correct. Beatrix was the only HP in the town, yet nobody knew exactly what her power was. It could only have been something related to the people's unorthodox behavior.

    Beatrix was arrested for assault and battery, much to the boys' and her friends' forceful protests. She, too, resisted arrest as much as possible. Eventually, they got her under control.

    Research found that her Potential made her into a cognitohazard—people within her presence became nulled to their senses as long as it wasn't related to Beatrix. The longer she stayed around people, the more the effect grew. The more people cared about her. Not that she knew; all she said was that she did nothing wrong, that she didn't deserve this, and that her boyfriend was gonna get her out.

    After a Potential-nullifying chip was implanted, she was subsequently sent away.

    The populace of █████ ████ have regressed to normal behavior after a brief period of widespread migraines. They remember little about Beatrix Blue.
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    Sin Testa
    28 (January 13, xxxx)
    6'2" (190 cm) | 215 lbs (97.5 kg)
    Nagumo, Sakamoto Days - Art by chinikuniku
    Death Life + 25 years
    All smiles.
    Several Counts of Capital and First-Degree Murder.
    A tall, charming man with dark hair and eyes, rarely seen without a smile neatly glued to his visage. Well-built and toned, it is clear that he still takes care of himself despite his grim circumstances.

    In a past life, he would wear expensive suits complimented by fancy accessories to emphasize his luxurious lifestyle. He dons his incarceration garbs as if they were no different from his previous wardrobe, and is pleased with them.

    Scattered across his body are multiple strange tattoos.
    A jovial and free-spirited man, unnervingly so. Sin has bad habits of talking too much and saying what's on his mind without regard for the emotions of others, and his ability to read a room (or cell) is seemingly nonexistent.

    As life in penitentiary can get dull extremely fast, he actively seeks out things that may spice things up– whether it be a nice book or game, a fight, or something worse.

    A made man, with dreams of reaching greater heights elsewhere.

    A family who supported him, but didn't support this.

    A hunger for freedom. A desire for a way out– a way to move on. A plan to migrate and join a streak of ivory-furred tigers.

    A police station.

    An opportunity.

    A river of blood, littered with tattered shreds of black and blue uniforms, left to soak up as much red as they could.

    An arrest. A sentencing– death. A multitude of failed executions. A resentencing.

    A man who would spend the rest of his life in a cold, dreary cage.

    A group of suited individuals. An offer.

    An opportunity.

    Sin is a member of a Fusillian Crime Family, but he recently grew bored of the made-man lifestyle. He had originally requested to leave the family peacefully, but, of course, was denied. After overhearing some news about the Albino Tigers, a gang in the country of Amestria, he had set his thrill-seeking sights on moving there and joining them. However, if he did that, he would likely be tracked down and attacked by members of his family for betraying them.

    One day, while he was on a walk, Sin noticed a police precinct with officers standing and chatting outside, and promptly slaughtered them, along with most of the officers inside of the precinct, surrendering himself for arrest shortly after committing his crime. The family would likely forget about him if he went to prison, right?
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    Reynard Kisaragi
    Reynard Kisaragi
    29 (February 18, xxxx)
    5'9" (180 cm) | 150 lb (~68 kg)
    Reagan (pixiv)
    Lifetime sentence
    That "gardener" you should probably stay away from
    Creation of a now illegal commodity (drug manufacturing), serial killing
    Nearing his 30s, is a man with a rather healthy ivory-looking skin, retaining a fairly youthful appearance at his age. He has sharp facial features with a bit of stubble growing under his chin. He has a lean, and defined body that one wouldn't expect a mere gardener to possibly have. His wide downturned scarlet-red eyes tell a different story, they emanate the sense that he's been feeling worn-out for a while now. Contrasting, is his striking ear-length white hair that his mother passed down to him. He's known to not clean up blood if it gets on him, which explains why he can appear blood-stained a lot of the time. If one looks hard enough, they'll notice multiple scars throughout his body, but most noticeably are the various cuts on both of his hands.
    It wouldn't be the first time that someone would be fooled into thinking Reynard acts with quiet dignity all the time. The façade of decorum is just a little trick of his. First impressions would make him out to be as someone who's calm, stable, and conventional, but the reality couldn't be further from the truth. One is talking to a convict who carries a life-sentence after all.

    Maybe that was him in the past, but having had a hard time accepting that his whole life had been nothing but a constant wave of false hope; a mental collapse was the end result, rendering him to be a very cynical individual when it comes to something remotely positive. He is absent-mindedly friendly and likes to banter, he delights in talking about absolutely nonsensical things to take his mind off his situation. In the same vein, he is a thrill-seeker with no regard for even self-preservation because of his developed numbness for life. Despite all of this, he is not insane, regardless of how he plays it up sometimes, he is still able to carry out calculated moves and is not entirely tactless when it comes to negotiating.

    In short, he is springy, easily excitable and sociable, owing up to his people skills as a former vendor; but ultimately cares very little for more intimate relationships and whether they're sincere or not. Once very loyal, he is now only loyal to the wind and can stab someone in the back just for the fun of it. One thing to note is that he freely grants forgiveness only if he deems it trivial; as on the other hand, bouts of intense vengeance can display themselves if he finds someone he could care about having been severely wronged. This does not apply to himself, however, there is what one might call a concerning lack of self-vindication.
    "One day you'll get better, you have to."
    Reynard came from a struggling family who constantly had to pay for his sickly younger sister's expensive medicine. It was integral for her to stay alive. Unfortunately, after she finally got better, she couldn't shake off her dependency on them and continued to purchase the medicine in secret, unbeknownst to her own family.

    Reynard not knowing anything but the immediate financial crisis that still kept the family poor thought to open a flower shop. His father already had experience as a gardener in his time working at a wealthy family's estate, so Reynard could draw on him for help. However, along with permits and licenses, it wasn't easy to work with cheap flower seeds that they could only afford. They also had to grow well in Ruthenia's climate and sell. Pretty flowers meant nothing if there wasn't any demand for them after all.

    Then one day, he found a dead rat in the shop and was about to dispose of it. But the most unexpected thing happened. It was in these desperate times that he realized his potential.

    What started as scavenging for material turned into killing, first wildlife, then pets who've strayed from their owners. What he was doing was wrong, but it was all for the sake of his family and sister, that justified things right?

    Under this delusion, he sold these flowers and they garnered massive attention for their seemingly erratic "one-of-a-kind" quality to them at times. There was a huge return in customers as well, as the flowers only lived for a day. At the same time, Reynard started to receive complaints for their short lifespan, and tried to find a way to make them live longer. Once he did, another problem came when customers noted the flowers giving off spores. It wasn't long until he unknowingly created a consumer base full of addicts. And so began the birth of a new black-market commodity, Reynard was increasingly being threatened by these interested parties and that if he didn't continue producing these flowers, his family, livelihood and personal safety would be at stake.

    He had dug himself a hole, and there didn't look to be a way back up from this mess. Animals alone wouldn't be enough, so he started looking for other things to get a hold of. Perhaps...as an act of justice for going down this path, everything finally came crashing down when he found his sister, unresponsive. Her secret was out in the worst way possible.

    "Everything that I've been doing was all in vain," those words weakly escaped his lips as he held his sister and watched her bloom.

    The young man ended up turning himself in after the realization that she was no longer in this world, her body was buried behind the shop where one could see a beautiful garden. Reynard never broke the news to his parents about her death or his crimes, fearing they could suffer damage themselves from shock; he only left a note saying he and his sister wanted to explore the world.

    Public outcry demanded various things at such news—that his incarceration was unjust, well-deserved, or even not enough—that he deserved death. Unfortunately for them, fate had other plans it seemed or rather that the grim reaper is just waiting on how things work out.

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    Mihaly L. Szilágyi
    48 (February 13, xxxx)
    6'6" (198 cm) | 230 lbs (104 kg)
    Mihai Mihaeroff from Stray Dogs
    Multiple Life Sentences
    Despondent loner, but determined to save as many lives as he can; huge bear of a man
    Multiple counts of first degree murder.
    A tall and broad-shouldered bespectacled man, but you wouldn't be able to tell, given his characteristic slouch, and bowed head. In the circumstance where he straightens up, he easily towers over many, and puts the size difference between him and his peers up for observation. The colour of his once straw-blonde hair has faded away into wispy white locks that he may, if he thinks it necessary, sweep back from his face, or just leave it trailing around his head like a depressed mop. His strong jawline is hidden behind an unkempt beard. He has dark emerald-green eyes. It is rare to see him smile, and the most he affords is a tiny tweak at the edges of his lips.
    A melancholic man by nature, where bright-eyed hope once lay in his green eyes, now a tired watchfulness remains. While he is quite capable of speaking more than a few words at a time, and proves to be quite eloquent, he often responds to most with quiet sounds of affirmation or sighing shakes of his shaggy head. In his time in prison, the longest sentences he has spoken have been diagnoses of his patients, and after which, he returns to his dour state of self-imposed silence.

    Mihaly is dedicated to his craft and his duty as a doctor, even as a prisoner. Though he finds healing the guilty and evil a reviled task, he will uphold his oath. Every life he can save, he will do his utmost to save it. Though he still has reservations about other criminals, his mellowed state has given him some small amount of hope that through his hands, he can save them from their past and bring light to their future.

    That isn't to say that he is adverse to violence. His stooped posture belies a strength fitting of his giant stature. He did, after all, serve in the frontlines as what could be considered a combat medic. Even if the time he holds the mentality for true has passed, vestiges of his belief that every cancer that cannot be treated must be excised still remain. Anyone he deems a tumor that threatens the peace of the world, and one that he cannot make benign or cure, he will remove them permanently by force.
    Mihaly Leopold Szilágyi was born in Onogur Ország. As a student of medicine, he was considered one of the brighter stars of his cohort, and many of his lecturers considered that a great future was in his cards. Instead of becoming a doctor in the safety of a hospital, however, Mihaly would enlist with the Avalon Wings, a traveling troop of doctors and nurses that entered the frontlines of battles to save their fellow man, no matter which side they belonged to.

    It has been documented that, while he started out hopeful and dutiful, the constant strain of being in battle wore on his mental health. Colleagues have noted that he expressed doubt and consternation at saving people who he knew had done wrong. Examples of such a person, as listed in his journals, were a man whom he had seen looting the bodies of the dead, and another whom he had noted, with great unhappiness, seemed almost thrilled at the prospect of adding more bodies to the pile and prolonging the suffering of his enemies.

    His doubts were, in the eyes of some, proven right. One of the patients that he was treating, Gregor Dietrich, got up from his bed one night, and killed twelve other patients, and injured three of his colleagues. Mihaly broke Dietrich's neck, killing him instantly. After that, he put in his resignation from the Avalon Wings, and fell into a rut.

    He was later arrested for the murders of an unspecified number of people. While his actions were considered vigilantism, given that his victims had been other murderers, drug pushers, and robbers, amongst many others, the sheer brutal but surgical ways that he had left the state of their bodies in showed that, if nothing else, he had clear intent on murdering them. When he was finally confronted, he gave himself up peacefully and calmly. As the sentence was passed down, his only regret was that, in his own words, 'he could not save more'.

    During his 15 years in Csillag Prison, Mihaly avoided much contact with his fellow prisoners. His large stature and the rumored nature of his imprisonment also kept the wiser prisoners out of his periphery. Two poor souls had attempted to accost him, only to find themselves whisked away to hell, and this only further kept the others away from him. As time passed, however, his expertise was soon called to action. An attempted riot resulted in severe injuries amongst the guards and prisoners, and he was called in to assist. With his hands and his Potential, he saved the lives of both prisoners and their guards. This earned him no small amount of respect from both parties, and the name of Professor became a moniker that stuck, despite him never having such a qualification. Over time, he has mellowed out, just ever so slightly, and his peers began to warm up to him, even if he didn't speak much.

    When he was offered his freedom at Thirteen Peaks, there was much celebration. No other man in the prison deserved it more than he did, and he was sent off with hopeful promises that he might visit them after he had served his time at Thirteen Peaks.
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    22 (January 15, 2000)
    8'11" (272 cm) | 633 lb (287 kg)
    Balam (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun)
    Life Sentence
    The monster under the bed; misunderstood
    Multiple counts of first degree murder.
    Hulking, monstrous, inhuman. Bauk's appearance no doubt contributed to the court's decision to convict him for the murders of a local farmhouse family. Towering over most NPs and HPs alike, Bauk stands out in a crowd not only for his enormous size, but also for his legs, which appear distinctly avian in nature, with feet ending in clawed talons where toes would normally be found. His hair is a wild, unkempt mane of silver. His eyes are wide and alert, with pupils nearly swallowed in a sea of white sclera. His mouth is deformed on one side, and his teeth are abnormally large and sharp. He wears a heavy, metal grated facemask for unclear reasons. The clothes he wore before he was sentenced were obviously handmade, stitched with natural materials found in the surrounding wilderness.
    Despite all accounts, he is a sweetheart.
    Nobody knew where he came from, but to the people of the village that he would frequent, he was called Bauk. What had started as a rather unfair and derogatory nickname had come to hold no small degree of affection for the people who knew him. To them, he was a shy, introverted mountain-man, coming down every few days a season to visit. To those who didn't, who chose not to look past what they saw with their eyes, he was an unsettling, sometimes frightening, boogeyman who appeared on stormy nights to stalk villagers traversing the forested paths to and from the neighboring villages.

    And so when the authorities came upon him at the scene of a grisly triple homicide at the home of a rancher in the mountains, to many, the leap was not so great to assume that he had been the culprit. Without any other suspects, and with "overwhelming" evidence, the court convicted Bauk of the murders and sentenced him to prison. His caravan to the state-run maximum security penitentiary was waylaid by agents of Thirteen Peaks, and it was there by the side of the road that Bauk was handed over without much fuss. The prison guards seemed relieved to be rid of him, as the very sight of his bulging muscles and animalistic features made them uneasy.
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    The Dragon
    Merrit Anderson | Dagon
    Legal Name
    Merrit Anderson
    Merrit | Dagon
    23 (Sept 23rd, 1999)
    5'11" (180 cm) | 160lb (72 kg)
    Multiple Life Sentences
    A bit disappointing, really.
    Arson, Aggravated Assault, Disturbing the Peace, Damage to Private Property, Gang Affiliation
    Merrit is slightly taller than average, with red hair and yellow eyes that glow in the dark. His skin is pale and freckled, with a somewhat unusual number of scars and scrapes that suggest his life has been more interesting than he lets on. He's also got a few tattoos, some of which look professionally done and others more or less look like they were done in someone's home.

    Since waking up from the coma he's lost a noticeable amount of muscle mass and his hair has grown down to his shoulders. The injury to his temple is mostly healed; leaving a jagged scar above his left temple.

    Merrit has multiple tattoos, including the philosopher's stone alchemy symbol on his ring finger and the chemical structure of Dopamine + Serotonin on his right wrist. In addition he has a simplistic angry face tattooed on the outer side of his right middle finger, a happy face on the inner side of the base of his right thumb, and a sad face on the inner based of his left wrist. Finally, there's an astronaut tattoo on his left arm:


    Merrit is a fairly relaxed guy. He’s open-minded and enjoys learning about new subjects. Moving around a lot left him with few friends, but a lot of time to read books and research the topics that interested him. Behind the relaxed, carefree attitude is an introspective and intelligent student of science with a love for fiction and philosophy. He’s got some experience working in a lab, along with an excellent understanding of advanced chemistry and basic biology.

    Merrit got along with most of his family really well, but that’s not to say they didn’t have their share of issues. Merrit tried to ignore most of it, but there’s an underlying pattern of substance abuse within his family. Having grown up lacking stability, he’s usually really good at maintaining his cool and putting his emotions on the back burner while he figures out what to do. He’s also really good at reading other people; a trait that comes from living with his family and volunteering with a lot of different organizations.

    Merrit joined the Scarlet Phoenixes when he had nowhere else to go. A life of crime wasn’t exactly what he’d had in mind, but the Phoenixes took him in when no one else would. Grateful for a roof over his head and friendly faces to watch his back, he kept his head down and did as he was told; conscious of the fact that he would have to earn his keep. While hesitant on the subject of violence, he learned to fight well with his fists to avoid having to use his potential. Never one for flare or drawing out a conflict, one could describe Merrit’s prowess in that regard as efficient and to the point. As luck would have it however, it wasn’t too long after joining the gang that he was taken off the streets and sent to Stillwater Supermax Penitentiary.

    As a supermax facility, Merrit was kept in solitary confinement. He had one hour a day in an outside run, where he could talk to the inmates beside him if they were feeling social. Otherwise he kept sane through reading, meditation, and focusing on his recovery.


    Merrit was born in New Oasis, but he’s lived most of his life being shuffled from one place to another. Just a few months ago, Merrit was living in a university dorm where he was going to school in order to study his bachelor's in chemical engineering. He was a model student—not exactly the kind of person you'd expect to set fire to the building. Wait, what? Yes, you read that right. Prior to final exam week, Merrit didn't stick out as anything more than an ordinary human with no Potential but in the middle of one of his tests, the poor lad literally burst into flames.

    As it turned out, Merrit wasn't a Non-Potential like he'd claimed. Growing up he had been something of a troublemaker. For a while, he had even been considered a candidate for the Scarlet Phoenixes, vouched for by a few friends who had been accepted into the fold as teenagers. However Merrit never felt comfortable with the destructive nature of his Potential, preferring to use his flames to create art rather than turn them on people or property. He toed the line for a while, but as he moved around and gained a love for reading, he set his sights on getting a scholarship instead. Merrit didn't want his future to be dictated by a Potential he never asked for, so he hid his abilities and suppressed that part of himself in order to focus on the direction of his choosing. He'd pave his own road to a future career solving Big Problems.

    However, despite your best efforts sometimes life has a funny way of shuffling the deck just when you've got the perfect hand to make your play. When the source of the school explosion was revealed to be Merrit, stories started circulating in the news feed. People started pointing fingers and making accusations; everyone trying to give meaning to a motiveless tragedy. It didn't matter that it was an accident. No one wanted to listen to the truth. They didn't care about that when the alternatives were so much more interesting. Even when his trial was dismissed, the only person who was willing to listen to his side of things was an old friend who knew first hand how the stories started to spin out of control. A friendly offer to help him keep out of the public eye for a while, an ear to listen, and an offer to help. When Merrit's world had finally crumbled beyond saving, he found himself standing in front of a line he'd promised never to cross.

    As a rookie member of the Scarlet Phoenixes, Merrit was still learning the ropes at the time when the war between the Phoenixes and Dragons broke out. During the resulting chaos of the bridge collapse, Merrit turned his attention towards saving as many lives as he possibly could. He used his Potential to reach those who were stuck in the water or stuck under collapsed rubble. It was during one of these rescue attempts that Merrit himself was suddenly struck in the head by a piece of concrete and knocked unconscious. His body was discovered on the shore, and he was whisked away along with the other injured persons as emergency personnel flocked to the scene. Unfortunately for Merrit, while the damage was not otherwise severe, he would spend the next several months in a coma.

    When Merrit finally returned to the world, he was greeted first by lawyers and law enforcement rather than friends or family. He faced charges both for his actions during the Scarlet Phoenix and Azure Dragon conflict, as well as for the previous incident at his former university. What was originally considered to be a terrible accident was re-examined again due to his newly discovered gang ties and determined to be a deliberate offense. His case went to trial, with accusations including Arson, Aggravated Assault, Disturbing the Peace, Damage to Private Property, and Manslaughter. All of these charges were further enhanced using his newly discovered Gang Affiliation. He lost the trial. Despite receiving lots of testimony as to his good character and witnesses who were able to confirm that he’d played a role in the ensuing rescue attempts, which included both civilians and gang members from both sides, he was given a harsh sentencing. It can be said that this was at least in part due to the desire of both the lawmakers and citizens of New Oasis to feel as if someone at least would be punished for the destruction on that day.

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    Seraphine Luxe
    Seraphine Luxe
    Alias: Seraph
    Nickname: Sera
    25 (August 08, 1998)
    5'6" (168cm) | 103 lb (47kg)
    Life sentence
    All-seeing; Member of the VIPERS; Ruthless criminal; Enigma
    Multiple counts of murder; Bank robbery; Acts of terrorism; Affiliation to a criminal group; Resisting Arrest; etc.
    A mysterious woman who always wears a blank, neutral expression on her mien. Her silence often makes others uneasy, and many find it difficult to read her emotions or intentions. Seraphine's unique and captivating eyes make it difficult for others not to gaze into them, especially in the dark, where they emit an enchanting, purplish glow. The most animated expression you will ever see from her is a smirk here and there. On rare occasions, she might dazzle you with a smile.
    More action, less talk. Seraphine doesn't say more than what is necessary. She is a woman of few words, preferring to keep to herself. She takes a no-nonsense approach toward everything, and despite her cold exterior, there is a sense of discipline and focus about her that demands respect. Seraphine operates in a moral grey area, doing only what is necessary to achieve her goals. She is calm and slow to anger, yet ruthless when it comes to getting her job done, showing no hesitation or remorse when it comes to eliminating obstacles in her path. However, there is one code she always abides by: never kill children.
    Seraphine Luxe, alias Seraph, is a member of the notorious criminal group known as the VIPERS. The group is composed of eight members, each with their own unique and powerful potentialities. Together, they bring chaos and destruction wherever they go, committing all sorts of crime around the city — heists, arson, hostage-taking, murder, and other acts of terrorism — always with precision and strategic planning. The VIPERS attack at random, and it is unclear what their ultimate goal or purpose is. Every member’s past is shrouded in mystery, and not much is known about them individually.

    Through strategic teamwork, the VIPERS have evaded the police for many years, always operating one step ahead of the law. One unfortunate day, their luck finally ran out. After a failed heist—reasons unknown—Seraphine stayed behind to stall police and allow the others to make a smooth escape. Outnumbered and overwhelmed, Seraphine surrendered and was finally arrested. After her arrest, the VIPERS vanished into the shadows.

    Seraphine was orphaned at a young age, abandoned by her parents who feared her potentiality. She never knew what love and warmth a family could offer until she met others like her at the orphanage she grew up in — fellow rejects of society. The future of the VIPERS was birthed one summer day, under a big oak tree, when eight broken children made a silly pinky promise to rise to the top one day.
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    Charidy Garin
    Charidy // "Miracle"
    25 (April 5th, 1997)
    6’2 (188 cm) | 165 lbs (75 kg)
    8 Years
    Criminal Contempt of Court, Disorderly Conduct, Reckless Homicide
    A mess—specifically one with little regard for how others viewed her.

    There is little constant with Charidy save for the chaotic hair.
    No matter her clothes, or varied weary expression, there were always bangs over one of her aegean eyes.
    Carefree is right, and when paired with her potential it made for quite the trouble.

    Charidy is rather straightforward. Simply put, being deceptive is far too much of a slog for her. She finds it tirestome, and pointless when things can just be laid evidently. There’s not much that can get under her skin, and anything that does might as well just warrant a short lived sigh.
    What’s to know?

    Charidy wasn’t some coldhearted criminal or anything like that. She was normal in the sense that she had a normal sense of abnormalness.

    She was an orphan, and there wasn’t any extended sob story. She was bounced around by foster care, but never found her place. Instead she eventually came of age, and began living entirely through her own capabilities.

    Her winding up in prison was just an unlucky mix of her potential swirling with her aloofness.

    It really wasn’t that hard to end up hurting or killing someone with an ability like that, and she never made it a habit to avoid that sort of thing. It may as well have been considered self-defense, but her carelessness ended up going further than that.

    Maybe it was just discrimination against HPs.
    It didn’t matter in the end.

    Not to her.
    Vivian Gray
    22 (May 6, xxxx)
    5'5 (165 cm) | 120 lb (55 kg)
    Satan Spawn
    Serial Murder, Arson, Destruction of Property
    Vivian has long purple hair with pale blonde parts underneath the surface. This appears to be her natural hair color. Her eyes are green. She has piercings on her ears, left eyebrow, and tongue. Her skin is pale. She is an average height and close to being underweight.
    Vivian is a dangerous individual. She is charismatic, intelligent, and irreverent. She enjoys chaos and destruction. Keep your eyes on her.

    The following behaviors have been noted by past facilities and should be monitored by all employees of the Thirteen Peaks Rehabilitation Complex:
    Verbally provoking cellmates, guards, or wardens; Misplaced laughter, maniacal; Threats of harm to others; Threats of harm to self; Long periods of absence; Staring
    Vivian Gray was born to XXXX Gray and XXXXX Gray on May 5, XXXX. She was born an HP.

    The day after her nineteenth birthday, Vivian started expressing strange behaviors. Before this date, she was noted to be eccentric and good-hearted. However, she began expressing irregular and anti-social behaviors (of which are listed in the previous section). Close friends and families have confirmed that she was missing for the majority of May 6.

    At 5:55 PM, May 6, Vivian Gray went on a serial murder spree in several neighborhoods. She burned down most of the infrastructures and killed most of the residents present. She was found in the middle of the street, humming to herself. When the authorities came to arrest her, she did not resist—in fact, some officers have noted that it felt like she was welcoming them with open arms.

    She was put in a HP holding facility for further questioning. When interviewed by the police, she refused to answer their questions about her spontaneous potential. When asked about her motives, she would simply reply: “for fun”.

    The township made the decision to send her to be psychologically examined, as Vivian kept expressing irregular behaviors. After taking her vitals, it was found that her potential had been somehow changed. Because she refused to disclose what this ability was, she was relocated in order to identify her potential. Upon being held in a research facility for three weeks, it was concluded that her ‘new’ potential gave her the ability to switch consciousnesses with other, alternate universe versions of herself. It stands to reason that the current version of Vivian is not the original consciousness of Vivian Gray.

    She was interviewed. She called herself ‘V’. She was asked how long she had been using her potential to travel across universes. She was asked if she remembered where her initial universe was. She was asked how her potential worked. We saw great possibilities in her power. But she asserted that she had no memory of this information.

    She has been located in various different prisons across Amestria. Her various relocations are results of inmate insurrections, fights with guards, and escaping and turning herself back in. She has a penchant for inciting chaos, and hope of her complete containment has been lost. She treats this operation like a game. She cares for nothing, no one.

    Upon being informed that she would be relocated to a rehabilitation center, she responded with a smirk and one phrase: “What fun.”

    We no longer are certain what to do with Vivian. We have strong hopes that Thirteen Peaks Rehabilitation Complex will do their best to find a use for her. If not, you know what must be done.

    We thank you for your cooperation.
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    Killer For Hire
    Sakurai Kamiko
    26 (May 10, 1997)
    5'6" (167 cm) | 135 lb (61 kg)
    AK-15 | Girls Frontline (art by Nekoya)
    Capital Punishment (Death Penality)
    Responsible for the deaths of countless lives, including children
    Capital murder, Assassination of multiple political officials, Domestic terrosim, Arson, just to name a few
    White hair, pale skin, with a purpleish lilac hue to her eyes. Despite the initial appearance of a slim body, Kamiko is physical fit and toned. Scars are scattered over her body, but are usually covered by her clothes. She stands up straight and walks with purpose. Her movements are crisp and sharp, without delay.
    A woman of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will. Nothing stops this monster from achieving her objectives. She's efficient, adaptable, and above all else, ruthless. The only grace some may consider her to have is that she doesn't waste any time or make anyone suffer, opting to be quick and clean with her actions, and her kills.

    For Kamiko, actions speak louder than words, but her words can hurt just as much. The constant monotone and jaded expression on her face emphasizes Kamiko's tendency to be upfront, direct and blunt without any sort of regard for the feelings of whoever she's interacting with. She knows how to take care of herself, only worrying about others if they have practical value to her, or if she was hired to protect them.

    Scarily enough, Kamiko can effectively put on a facade, emulating more positive emotions, appearing more friendly, social and approachable. But people who see her like that typically dont live for much longer.

    One day, reports of a white-haired woman began popping up within the criminal underworld. At the same time, the news was suddenly flooded with stories about how notable names and faces were being assassinated left and right. First, it was millionaires and company CEOs. Then it evolved to politicians and other influential figures. It didn't take much longer for rumors to spread that the white-haired woman was the one responsible. As police and other law enforcement agencies worked tirelessly to figure out who she ways, the criminals of the world instead worked on how to contact her, and if she was for hire.

    Eventually, word spread that the woman called herself "Chrysanthemum", the flower of death. No one knew her real name or her background, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that she could deliver results.

    As time passed, countless more died. In certain cases, that included children. But finally, there was a break. It was the biggest headline of the day. Chrysanthemum had been captured. Every single government that she wronged called for her head, the same calls echoing throughout the populous. But that was when Thirteen Peaks stepped.

    What they did, the strings they pulled, to obtain custody over the woman is a mystery, and many were outraged. But, reluctantly, Chrysanthemum was handed over and she was transported to the rehabilitation center

    What could they possibly want with a killer?
    LEGAL NAME (allegedly)
    Melissa Grohl
    AGE & BIRTH (allegedly)
    30 (December 31st, 1993)
    7'8" (233 cm) | 346 lb (157 kg)
    やぎ on pixiv.
    Life Sentence
    Infamous artist and sculptor; somewhat of an art critic too
    Multiple counts of first degree murder and defilement of a human corpse
    Melissa is a massive woman, towering several heads over most. Her skin is dull and ghastly in appearance, lacking color as if it were a fine layer of tallow; though it doesn't allot itself to that of a recluse. In complexion, her skin bears the lifelessness of someone that has spent years of their life holed up in a dungeon, but it doesn't show in her face, nor her physique.

    Melissa's features are oddly spotless, for how many years she's been in the slammer. Pristine, missing a single imperfection-- a perennial calmness to it, lacking any lines of stress or emotion-- as though it remained untouched from the hands of time. Even that of the environment itself.

    Those same, calm features are emblazoned and framed by a cascade of long white hair that reaches all the way down to the back of her knees, a bang that hangs between two light blue eyes.
    Not much is known about Melissa's psyche, at least not everything. Through various session's of psycho-analysis conducted in her time behind bars, she has revealed bits and pieces of herself. There's been plenty of menial thing's she's failed to fully fabricate in her five-year-long imprisonment. Dregs in the clog. Slip-ups that, though minor, have etched away at her act. Giving some sort of insight into her true motives. All that is known currently, is that Melissa Grohl is nothing but a meticulously crafted façade, a mask. The unsullied, vindicated exterior that she masterfully weaves and operates to her manufactured persona's whim, forming this false sense of normalcy to her. Perhaps in a guise of shame, casting away the abominable filth of her true self. Perhaps bestriding the wool that camouflages the wolf, luring the gullible to her grasp.

    Either way, everything that is known, based off of what she's been found guilty of, is merely a purported, distorted view of the facts. Nay a shot in the dark.

    On the outside, she is purposefully well-mannered and charismatic. Alloting herself to be of your kin; often times kind and compassionate, willing to humor the other and seek out conversation. She seems to have an almost otherwhorldly amount of possitive traits, a deep comprehension of human emotion and how to skirt around it. Melissa's deportment on the exterior, carcass of a puppet she controls is outwardly flawless and tenderhearted. On the inside? Nobody knows. Nobody will ever know.

    What is known is that Melissa views herself as lacking any sort of ethos. She does not fit in with a herd of people. In Melissa's eyes, the world is what she makes of it, it revolves and is shaped around her thought. From a recent interview, where she was forcefully drugged into a state of lower brain fuction, Melissa was promptly diagnosed with Egomania. In the interview, when questioned about her religious beliefs, slurring her words she stated that,

    "If it so dares to exist—out where my eyes cannot reach— then it does so, unsightly, ungraceful, and without my permission... God, Man, or Beast... Fear is indifferent to all... I am above all, for fear is of my making......molded like clay..."

    - Melissa suffers from Hypernea due to the effects of her potential on her body. She has a gentle, whispery voice, always struggling to raise her tone.

    - Melissa is either unable to feel certain levels of pain, or simply does not react to pain whatsoever.

    - Melissa cannot physically cry due to the effects of her potential on her body. This does not mean she can't feel sadness. She can make a "sad face" instead.

    - Melissa has to consciously think about blinking in order for her to blink. She doesn't do it 'automatically'.
    The first incident happened somewhere around September, 2012. At the epicenter of the town of XXXXXX, further ways east from the capital; XXXX. The townsfolk were the prime witnesses to an immensely cruel, uncaring evil; the events unfolded in the span of a mere weekend. Many thought of it as supernatural occurrence at the time.

    Dozens of corpses would turn up by the time the sun rose to greet the streets, all of them suspended and strung across the citadel. Hung so high by their necks that— across lines of far-away heat in the pallid morning light— they looked to be no more than a fickle wisp of human shape, rocking to and fro at their ropes-end, like human effigies. The rest of them, whenever it was that they’d gotten them down, certainly didn’t look the part either.

    They looked misshapen. Wind would sing and sigh through their dry husks, passing through hollow crevices strung about them, wafting the stench of rot and death, chasing it down the streets where it eventually waned. The only thing that could identify them as human, and no less than eerie man-shaped sculptures, were the DNA samples and fingerprints taken from them post-autopsy.

    It hit the headlines quick, identities were soon to be thrown around. Thieves, killers, and dealers affiliated to a prominent name— a sorry excuse for a mafia. One that had been corroding the already rotten city, backed up by the blue-bloods in charge. The once brutal murder of innocent lives was now viewed with perverse fascination as an act of vigilantism. They gave the culprit a name, a calling card; Death. A subtle, over-indulgent affront to the horrors that cemented the killer as a force of nature. Something sent by a higher power; the wrath of God, perhaps; come to gather the souls of the wicked, parade their monstrous carcasses and make them spectacle.

    “The greater evil.”, they'd justify it.

    Some of them barely into adult-hood. Some of them blameless. Tumbling and rolling deeper into the criminal life. Maybe to satisfy a need. Maybe to bring food to their family’s table. Either way, Death was indiscriminate. They were made vicissitude, grotesque and twisted beyond recognition, barely resembling that of a human. When the mafia started to take action, bringing out innocents and executing them in broad daylight to make the killer yield, it was already too late. Their numbers had dwindled enough for the authorities to bust down their entire operation.

    All was settled and— one last time, somewhere around September— Melissa was found in a weekday. She was sat in red-stained concrete floor, below an arch of distorted human flesh. When faced with the dozens of firearms pointed straight at her pale, tall figure, she simply stated:

    “I had an artblock.” — With a wide, maniacal smile on her factions.

    Melissa was taken into custody as the primary suspect for the mass murder of the XXXX gang, cutting down a death sentence to a lifetime behind bars due to a claim of mental instability. A choice that wasn't publicly acclaimed by the masses. In trial, the only thing she had to say in her defense was that she’d “Promised them death,” and that Death is what had come for them.

    In her five years in prison, not a single soul could track down from what hell-hole she’d crawled out of. She wasn’t in any system. Not a fingerprint. Not a DNA sample. Not a far-off relative. Nothing.

    For the XXXX government, Melissa was a ghost. The only traceable, palpable evidence of a faded past was a stretch made by a nosy psychiatrist. A loose connection with a dead girl. Amelie Blanche. The daughter of a governmental figure in XXXX, one blue blood that stood up to the wrong people. Got the wrong end of the stick.

    The man was found dead years ago, shot in the head point blank and hung by the neck. His daughter’s body was found disfigured and brutally battered, laying in a pool of her own blood. In the night of October the 2nd, 2003, the ambulance transporting Amelie’s body mysteriously flipped over and crashed into a line of trees. The girl was never recovered, nor has there been any whereabouts of Amelie's situation. If she was alive, she surely would have died of blood-loss and starvation, out there in those woods.

    The theory was viewed as only that. A shot in the dark.

    After five long years in prison, Melissa grew passive. Almost stagnant. After her killing spree, she did not kill again. Nevertheless, her mental issues never seemed to have gotten any better. In an attempt to further progress Melissa’s recuperation, she was given into custody to the ThXrthXen PXXks RXhabXXitatiXn Center.

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    INMATE #612
    Howell Moreno
    Howell Moreno
    24 (September 27th,1998)
    5'9" (175 cm) | 126 lb (57.1 kg)
    @vwv11ama & @mong___120
    3 years
    Accessory To Murder
    Howell is an incredibly average man. All his features are so standard that most wouldn't be able to pick him out from the crowd. His appearance is kept neat, his hair brushed and combed, but doesn't split any hairs over a loose strand. His lightly tanned complexion is kept clean from his care for hygiene.
    Back when he was a free man he stucked to a lax diet and splurged every so often, while exercising once a week or so. He would work 5 days a week as at a desk, dealing with company checks and balances, sticking behind for unpaid overtime without much problem. He would hang out with coworkers, old college friends, and go to family events like anyone else. No one had anything negative to say about him, he was always a hard worker and happy to help others. Living life so amiable, Howell hasn't encountered much adversary in his life, always being one to do as he was told, always the most quiet and subdued in any friend group he found himself. Many people associate it with humbleness or shyness, but Howell's silence comes from a apprehension from saying something wrong, the thing he fears the most is someone's ire, and much rather disappear to being the focus of anyone's negative emotions. He is socially a coward, even if he doesn't like something he's too afraid to say it, and will go along with things he doesn't want to do. He's easily manipulated and pushed around, and crumbles at any sign of authority. Unable to stick up for himself, he's the epitome of spinelessness.
    One man at the wrong place at the right time can make all the difference.

    Howell had lived an everyday life up to the point everything changed. Despite being an HP, he never bothered to mess with his potential. Years ago, he first discovered it in the school cafeteria, and a mushy carrot caused him to suck up every package of baby carrots in the area and dispose of them completely. After that, he had no interest in looking into it more besides that; everything he had to deal with and all the hoops his parents had to go through after that event made him apprehension to ever use it again; he didn’t want to inconvenience anyone. So life went on. He had graduated high school, went to college, got a Bachelor’s Degree, and got hired for a relatively high-paying job. Every day was fine when he wasn’t working. He was hanging out with family and friends or just simply sitting on the couch at his apartment and watching what was on TV. He was satiated. The only thing he was thinking about in the future was how he would spend his paid time off.

    He never could have predicted what would transpire. A hurried call from one of his childhood friends, a girl he had known for years. She was sobbing, screaming, and begging for his help; he had no clue why she wouldn’t answer.

    He rushed over; the only time in his life he had ever broken the speed limit and gone against the law. It was ironic how quick the ‘only’ in that statement would change.

    As he walked into the house, the smell instantly hit him. The thick stench of moist copper wafted through the air. Red soaked into the brown carpet, and bloody handprints littered the walls.

    She stood over the body, a knife in her shaking hands, stained bright red. Tears were in her eyes, deep purple bruises evident on her neck as she choked on her tears, head turning to look at the only person she could trust, pleading through her anguish.

    “Please…get rid of him…I don’t want to go to jail…!”

    Howell’s mouth hung open, his constricted pupils shaking in terror.

    Tears welled from his eyes as he slowly raised his right hand.

    That day was the second time he used his potential and the second time he had broken the law. There was no third strike.

    The police eventually arrived at the scene; the evidence was overwhelming, Howell didn’t stand a chance in interrogation, he cracked, and everything spilled out.

    His judgment was swift. In all truth, he had gotten off easy. He was ushered away without knowing what would befall the person he tried to protect.

    3 years, his future had been decided for the next 3 years. Howell’s brain raced with questions as he worried about what awaited him inside the walls. He also feared what remained for him outside of the walls.

    He could only see it if he survived.

    Penelope Grey:
    Howell's childhood friend and the one who got him into this mess in the first place. Because he was given a verdict before her, he has no clue what the verdict was on her case.
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    World's Worst Vtuber
    Namgung Hye
    Prisma // 'Prizzy'
    28 (April 22nd, 1994)
    5'06" (xxx cm) | 147 lbs (xx kg)
    iida rintarou, Art by Moshi_ro_23[lost to the internet?]
    7 years
    Desperate Lameo Loser
    Fraud, Identity Theft, Forgery, Cybercrime, Purgery
    Prism is a man of pretty average height and unimposing at best. That said he does catch the eyes due to his strange rainbow colored hair which is not dyed but instead completely natural.
    Prism or Hye or Hyeun? He wasn't sure what he was these days. But no matter what role he was playing he still retained his selfish nature. He wasn't born so much as crafted to be greedy. His script said so, and it may be the only thing he'd liked about it. Either way, this one was more than equipped with all the skills to be as fake as necessary. Though at this point he'd been playing the mask so long that it was hard to tell where it ended and he began. Generally he can be said to be "sociable", or maybe just "annoying" fit? He built his life around charming other people so he's generally gotta talk to them for it. He's got all the sense and excitability of a child, which means more often than not he's stepping on toes.

    Wait there was suppose to be something under the mask right? People ate that shit up...

    What did he write again?
    Since the moment Hye was born he knew his role in life, or more what his role in life was meant to be. Growing up with your life preplanned on a script never seemed all that weird for him given it was the culture of the nation. Days came and went in his childhood without surprise as he followed his script as any actor in a play might. Life was uncomplicated until it was. His script brought him to the greater outdoors, a detour meant to bring him back with a further love for his country with fear of leaving. Only when he did leave he found all the wonderful things free will could bring.

    Instead of returning as his script called for he ran to the furthest corner of the world, he could. Still, it wasn’t like he could just live with the few skills he had. Desperation led his steps as he quickly found his in. He found a couple deep in denial as they approached mistaking him for their dead son. An opportunity arrived, he’d played a script once and he could do so again if it meant getting his own way for once. After a period of adjustment, he was now remade.

    It didn't take much to convince their one surviving child to help him mascarade as their late son for "mutual benefit". Playing up a sob story and treating the couple with sugar sweetness was more than enough. If there was one thing his script helped him with was his power to craft persona after persona. Cash was a bit of a problem though, what was the point of living free if you didn't have enough to live how you want?

    Finding a medium where he could scam as many suckers out of their cash wasn't nearly as hard as he expected. A few public videos to build up his status as a "vtuber" gave him a market of people coming to him to prey upon. If he was content with the amounts he got here and there perhaps he would have never been sentenced at all, but greed can make you take some unnecessary risks. A few lies and "funding" campaigns later and he found himself on the wrong side of the law being processed with almost everything he'd done quickly coming to light.

    Somehow his dear ol' fake family was still willing to keep him once he got out... what a bunch of suckers.

    Maybe he'd gift them something nice when he got back to the grind.
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