• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Ezra Knight
Tigers Arc 2: Scene 5 [A Dangerous Game]
South District
Callahan, Ezra, Isobel, Welsha
Despite advocating for peace, Ezra had little faith in the standoff ending without violence. The female Phoenix's retort proved that he was right to doubt, pointing out that a war was already well under way. He couldn't refute that. Even though they were here to reclaim something that had already been stolen, he and the others were still breaking into the enemy King's house, which was considered an act of aggression. Nobody would be in the wrong for protecting their home. However, it didn't matter who was right or wrong right now.

While he was interested in what the white-haired woman implied about the ivory claw, her call for backup was of far greater importance. As she raised her voice, her partner transmuted a shimmering aura into a pair of dangerous projectiles. The man who was referred to as Alex was visibly angry, and most of the rage seemed to be aimed at Isobel.

Alex's words stuck in his mind. What did he mean when he said Isobel had a chance to end this peacefully? He really wanted to know what happened in the room before he entered, but once again, imminent danger forced him to set his burning questions to the side. The javelin-like rods spun in place like an out-of-control drill, threatening to penetrate his skull if he made the wrong move. Just what was the right move here? Making a call was easier said than done.

He was a rookie, only having been in the Tigers for a little over a month. Now he was in a position where he had to negotiate with the most dominant force in the South. He had to do something that let them get away without a single loss. He had to find a golden solution that let them keep the claw and their lives. It wasn't a task he should've been given, but here he was. Should he wait for Isobel to sign? Should he make an offer? Should he offer money that wasn't his, hoping it would be enough to diffuse thie situation? What was the correct choice?

Unerneath his disguise, his concealed poker face was wavering. His heart was thumping loudly again, helping him count every excruciating second that passed. The longer he waited, the more their window of opportunity shrank. More Phoenixes were on the way, adding to the massive weight that had suddenly been put on his shoulders. The stress and anxiety were beginning to eat away at him. If he screwed up, everyone was dead. His brain tormented him, forcing him to picture lifeless bodies of Tigers, Phoenixes, and bystanders lining the streets.

As he kept thinking, he failed to notice that his nervous expression was beginning to morph. The early signs of a smirk began to show, and his covered eyes narrowed. He could feel that electrifying sensation working its way up his spine again, urging him to let go of all those pesky thoughts that made him do nothing but worry. It promised him the answer to all his problems, waving a simple solution in front of his face. It really was just that easy. Whether faced with a King, a Jack, or some nameless bird, it really didn't matter. Who was gonna stop him from getting what he wanted? Certainly not any of the little hatchlings that would have their wings clipped if they insisted on getting in his way.

That little signal neared his brain, eager to crash and wash over him like a powerful tide. However, moments before it could flip the switch in his head, his piled up emotions were overtaken by confusion. When Callahan came rolling into the room, he momentarily forgot about the stress, pushing down his other half.

His confusion only got worse after Callahan called out to the male Phoenix like they were old buddies. The name was different from the one he heard before, but it was clear they were still familiar with each other. Was he the only member of their squad who didn't know the people they were sent to rob?

Everything happened quickly. Callahan surprisingly turned his back to the enemy and sent his ladder straight through the floor as he pushed forward. For some reason, the ghostly aura surrounding him disappeared at that very moment, causing him to push Isobel out the window as she kept a tight grip on the claw. It was a blessing and a curse.

While Isobel had escaped with their prize, Callahan was forced to face the consequences of his actions. The tendrils returned, and with no claw to grab, they found a new target and stabbed through the large man's back. He was stabbed two more times before being thrown out the window like a piece of garbage, leaving both Tigers to fall to their deaths.

After witnessing the horrific display, Ezra stopped thinking. There was no stress, panic, or threat of being overtaken by an unknown force. There was only action. He immediately turned to the window, completely focused on the people who were plummeting. He had to help them. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be so easy.

The man with two names stayed true to his word. The instant Ezra took a step, the rods rocketed towards him. Leaping out of the way, he managed to avoid taking a direct hit, but the burn in his shoulder told him that he hadn't completely escaped. The metal shredded his flesh and the wall behind him. As he fell out the window, he remembered the same uncomfortable heat that tormented him after he'd been shot by molten slugs.

Gritting his teeth, Ezra did his best to ignore the pain. He only thought about his teammates, locking on to them as he channeled his Potential. As the wind rushed through his raven hair, he called the bodies to him, denying gravity and pulling them upward. Isobel remained a small distance away from him, but Callahan was taken into his arms. Gripping the larger body, he reversed time and healed both of their injuries, still soaring through the air.

Focusing on the hair wrapped around his ring finger, he changed course. Pulling Mbaye toward the group of floating Tigers, he got a glimpse of King Cold's calvary as everyone flew away. Ezra moved his flock to the escape vehicle that had been parked in a nearby alley, stopping the effect of his Potential once they were able to land safely on the ground.

Still holding Callahan's body, he opened the car and placed him in the back seat. Afterward, he jumped behind the wheel and waited until everyone was inside. With everyone accounted for, he pressed on the gas pedal, intent on getting the group as far away from this place as possible. Markus and the other Tigers would have to handle the rest.

As he sped down the road, he checked the rearview mirror, wanting to get a look at Callahan and any potential pursuers. "How do you feel? Everything okay?" He'd healed his injuries, but he couldn't do anything for people who were in shock.

As he turned a corner, he turned his attention to Isobel. "Can you let the others know what's going on?" They had to let Markus know they had the claw, and their remaining members at the townhouse had to be kept in the loop.

Once again, he was reminded of the night at the casino. He'd jumped from a building, been hit by projectiles, and driven away from chaos. Now that there was a call to the boss, this mission had turned out exactly like the last. Was he cursed?

Elias Yumin
Tigers Arc 2: Scene 3 [Happily Ever After]
Shopping Mall - Security Room, Central District
Alice, Elias, Jack, Charmy, Jackson
Happily Ever After

Elias blinked as he watched one of the Scarlet Phoenixes–the blue haired one–separate from the rest group, run towards…something, then seemingly disappear. It wasn’t the regular sort of disappearance either. There were no crowds. He didn’t step outside of the camera’s range. He didn’t pick up his pace and it didn’t look like he activated any sort of potential. The boy simply vanished. Winked out of existence. Phone still to his ear as it rang, Elias spoke to his NP companion. "You see that, right Ronald?"

"Could somethin’ be wrong with the cameras over there?"

"Possibly, but nothing else in that area seems to be–hold that thought."

The line on the other end picked up and Elias’s attentive eyes narrowed in on the dark-skinned HP Jack had been speaking with in Victoria’s Shoe store–the one that answered her phone at the exact same time. Coincidence? Maybe. The probability that someone else called her at the same time that Elias dialed the number on the mystery business card wasn’t that low, considering the sheer number of people that owned phones in this day and age. However, he wouldn’t say it was especially high either.

One way to find out.

The corner of Elias’s lips curved upward and he paid close attention to the reactions of Acacia's dark-skinned ally even as he spoke. “Hello, hello~ I chanced upon your business card through a mutual friend and grew curious. Interested, even! May I ask for more specific details about what it is you do and how you do it?”

There was a momentary silence on the other end. Then came her voice in a hushed, whispering tone. “Well, sir… you’ve reached a private group of custom-toy makers… we make ‘toys’ and the like with my Potential… down to the finest, minute detail you could ask for…”

“Toys, you say? How fascinating! What is your potential, if I may ask?”

“Well… You could say it’s how I put the finer details in… For sake of policy, I cannot disclose specifics… Now, I assume you called with an order in mind… but may I wonder from whom did you get this card from…?”

“Certainly! Her name is Acacia Fox. We’re in the same line of work, you see…”
If Tiger work could be counted as work. “so she and her brother are dear friends of mine. When I told her I was looking for a gift to deliver to a friend I hadn’t seen in a while,” Nine days to be precise. “she led me straight to you. Apparently, she was very satisfied with the work you and your group did for her. Could you tell me more about that, at least? What sort of toy did you make for her? How did you come to meet her? What is your name even? I understand that adherence to policy is important, but I make it habit not to do business with people I don’t know–hence the call~”

“Oh, so you’re with her…”
She perked her head up at the mention of Acacia’s name. “I can’t speak much at the moment… Just call me Dolly. And, if you need knowledge of our products… ask her to take you to the security room… Her ‘toy’ still needs some finishing touches and refinements, but I am proud of how it came out…”

“That’s an excellent idea, Miss Dolly.”
Elias agreed readily. “Can I expect to see you there as well? Meeting you in person and watching you add the finishing touches would be much more productive than a simple phone explanation.”

“Of course, of course… I was just about to head back, anyway…”

“Excellent! I look forward to it.”
And with that, Elias hung up the phone, sharing a look with Ronald who’d likely been listening to Elias’s part of the conversation. Many things had been learned in that interaction with Dolly the “toy”-maker. Most important was the confirmation that the “corpse” Ronald currently held over his shoulder was in fact fake as Elias suspected–a doll. “You can rejoice, Ron. It appears that Alice might still be alive, after all.”

“Y’mean this thing ain’t her?”
Ron shifted the body bag.

“No. It’s a very well-made toy.” Touching Ronald’s exposed hand, Elias shared the necessary memories.

“Well, fuck.”

Elias chuckled, his eyes following Dolly on the monitor. “Its creator is coming to visit us soon, so let’s put the Alice-doll back where we found it for now. Fix up the security room to welcome them as well. I want to find out what she knows about Alice…and Acacia.”

The more he knew about his opponent, the easier it was to beat them at their own game, after all. Elias’s goal was to find and recover Alicia Morel. That much was true. However, he couldn’t deny he was enjoying the game laid out by the Fox siblings as well. Solving mysteries. Putting together puzzle pieces. Elias wouldn’t call himself a qualified detective, but mental games were more enjoyable to him than physical ones. From what Genievieve’s memories had shown him, Dolly was one of the individuals that the fashion mogul had likely formed a mental connection with as well…so he had to keep himself open to all possibilities.

Phone still in his hand, Elias sent a quick text to his Tiger allies:

Sorry for pulling away the person you were conversing with, Jack. I’ve invited Dolly to the security room. Feel free to join us. Alternatively, if either of you’ve got the time and no leads, please look into this location. One of the phoenixes seemed to have disappeared roughly there (at least from the cameras) and I suspect potentials are at foot. Possibly Janay’s. Possibly something else.

Linking a map of the mall, marked with the location where Elias had roughly seen Charlie ‘disappear’, to the text he sent both Jack and Charmy, Elias slipped his phone back into his pockets as Ronald spoke.

“So…what do you want me to do with the door?”

Looking up at the NP Tiger who stood next to the door to the frigid room they kicked down, Elias sighed, fingers running through his hair in thought. There were times he wished he had Ezra Knight’s potential. “Put it back up as best you can. We’ll just have to improvise…”

And do a bit of memory erasing if all else fails.

"...so leave the talking to me. Keep in mind, Dolly is an HP so knocking her out won't be as easy as Officer Tim over there unless we catch her off guard..."

"Hmph! I wish I were an HP like you freaks."
Ron said as he stuffed an unconscious Tim into a nearby closet.

Elias hummed as his eyes returned to the monitors so that he could be prepared when Dolly arrived. For any changes in the current situation as well. "We all work with what we're given, Ron~" Frankly, he didn't think he'd have been as interested in assisting Ronald Crawford if the guy weren't an NP trying to climb up the ranks of the Albino Tiger gang. The more difficult the challenge, the more entertaining the endeavor to spice up his mundane and terribly easy life, after all. Entertaining people too. Belatedly, Elias's mind wandered to Genevieve De la Croix, wondering if the HP had made good use of Dimitri's number or if she were still struggling to put back the missing pieces of her memory. He smirked. Hopefully, Dolly proved to be just as entertaining.

(collabed with: AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa )

BluEndings BluEndings Chaos Gallant Chaos Gallant BriiAngelic BriiAngelic

Mentioned: Roda the Red Roda the Red (and other phoenixes)
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Kisara McDowell
Serpents Arc 2: Scene 2 [Tailing the Dragon's Heart]
Shaded Alley, East District
Anna, Tri, Yuto, Kisara, Bash
Honey If I Get Restless

Crap. Someone had seen her. She backed up towards the parapet of the verandah, and leaned against it casually, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible. The lady above had identified her as ‘one of ours’, which could mean a number of things. She glanced down at herself and mentally ran a finger down the black snakeskin that barely hid her torso. Did she mean that she was one of the working girls in this place? Or that she was a member of the Azure Dragons? She looked back up at the lady and studied her dress. She could be either, to be honest. She’d have to chance it, even if she was a little upset that she’d be seen as plying her trade as one of the oldest professions on earth. This, this was a body of a warrior! That having been said, she was kind of happy that she was at least considered pretty enough to be considered that. “Sure am!” she replied cheerfully. She scowled and waved one hand dismissively. “Ugh, tough day for you too, huh? The guy I was with wouldn’t stop talkin’ bout his ex and stuff. I always get the weird ones, like c’mon, right? It’s like, dude, you’re payin’ for this,” she swept one hand downwards across herself, “move on, man. Don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty interestin’, and it’s kinda part of our work and all, but I just feel like we gotta charge extra if we’re gonna play therapist, y’know?” She thought for a second, the gears in her head turning. Maybe if she…

“On top of that, we’re sittin' on a gold mine. ‘Pparently, there’s some kinda pretty pricey gem that’s sittin’ in here too. One a’ the guys around here were just talkin’ about it. I tried to press him for more deets, but I got nothin’ out of him. Dragons, y’know. Pretty uptight. It’s a miracle he even told me about the gem in the first place. That’s what happens when ya keep things zipped up for too long, y’know? ‘Let loose, live a little!’ is what I always tell them, but all they do is just grunt. Like, uuuugh. You could do better than that!”

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the third wheel of her little party with Bash clambering up the walls. He looked like a rather weird insect. A really drunk weird insect, she mused to herself when he almost slipped and fell. “Ah, uh, don’t look now, but I think my partner’s got an interest in ya,” she jabbed her finger towards the lady’s back. “He’s a weird guy, but treat him nice.” She glanced towards Bash, who had frozen at the door. A muffled voice could be heard from inside. So there was someone in there. Damn, this was getting...it was getting...

It was getting interesting! Trapped on both sides, can't run, can't fight, it's all up to their charms and their quick wits. What would Senpai do? What was the weird insect guy planning on doing? She couldn't help but smile. This was going to be fun!

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit Nobody Special Nobody Special Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed Damafaud Damafaud
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Tiger Arc 2: Scene 3 [Happily Ever After]
Central District
Charmy, Claire (NPC), Lana (NPC)
<<< Remember

Charmy had kept up eye contact with Lana, much to the younger girl's pleasure. Her red eyes flashed briefly.

Charmy Devlin. HP. Irregular. Ring a bell for anyone?

I recognize the name. Janay mentioned her... So that's two confirmed Tigers on premises—

Three, actually!

Lana, we're not counting the random 'Jack' person you talked to at the Victoria's.


Claire's eyes bounced nervously between the two. "We're not exactly friends..." Motioning to Lana, he went on. "She goes through every store here just to look or mess around."

The red-eyed girl burst into laughter. "You make it sound like that's all I do! Which technically isn't wrong. So who's she?"

He glanced aside. "A customer... I'm helping her look for something, is all..." The clerk evidently felt even less comfortable around the two of them. It didn't help that Lana cast a sudden, frozen pause after his last statement. "D-Did I say something wrong...?"

She pursed her lips. "No, nothing." The girl grinned widely, deciding not to pursue this either. If the new plans were going accordingly, a hustle was needed. "Well, just thought I'd pop in, see what you're up to." She spun around. "I'll be on my—!" A crack, then a fall. Lana tumbled onto the ground in a matter of seconds; her high heel had snapped! How unfortunate...

"A-Are you alright...?" Claire took a step to her, but hesitated. Evidently, he hasn't forgotten what actions led him to this situation to begin with.

What neither of them noticed any quickly was the piece of paper that slide out of Lana's pocket because of the fall, neatly landing in front of Charmy's feet. It was a floor plan of the mall with one circled mark near the very center of the structure. The mark placed itself right inside a retail kiosk.

Charmy wouldn't have the chance to take it, though, as Lana reached for it as soon as she reorganized herself. She smiled at Claire, nervously rubbing her head. "Yes, yes, I'm fine..." The girl scrambled to her feet, dusting herself off. She offered a kindly nod to Charmy as well. "I'm sorry for the embarrassing display. Who would have thought these shoes would be this cheap!" Lana stared at her singular broken shoe... instead opting to take off the other and walk with only her socks on. She hurriedly moved away, leaving the two on their own once again.

Claire peeked back at Charmy, quietly clearing his throat. "Shall we continue on, then...?"

- Claire's stolen Alice
- Marked kiosk from Lana
- Location sent by Elias

BluEndings BluEndings
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Callan (Dante) | East | Platinum Rabbit

"Do you distract people with your shocking good looks during a fight?"​

Taking the oiled paper umbrella that had been offered to him, Callan offered Mei a kind 'thank you' before chuckling with Peyton's remark. The jokes be they genuine or veiled barbs thrown his way were nothing to get riled up about, Callan as they knew him was not a fighter- even if Dante knew that he had used this body to fight outside of East with the aide of disguises to hide most of his more telling features in Callan's form- he wasn't about to use Callan in a fight today, not when going over to the Platinum Rabbit meant there was a possibility he might meet other affiliated gang members. If anything it was better he swap now, than later, it presented him with an opportunity to make use of another form if the need arose for him to do so also without having to swap in the middle of a fight- something he personally disliked doing.

"I s'pose you'll just have to see how good I am," he winked down at the shorter dragon, "won't you?"

Then without another word he followed Meirin out. Sashays, subtle shifts of the hips in his cat-like steps. As they made the trip over to the Platinum Rabbit, Dante mostly listened to what Meirin said. He was well aware of the fact that Meirin was the brawns while her sister Jun was the strategist of their duo, being a Dragon really was the game changer in this kind of community. People were less likely to do something foolish just by the idea of Dragons being around watching, ready to 'take them in' so to speak if a person stepped out of line. It was something to keep in mind for the future. That sort of oppressive, watchful paranoia worked in this part of Oasis because it'd been engraved in it for a while now- but it wouldn't fly in the others. Certainly not in the North and South- and definitely not in the West. Each District, as he'd come to observe- had its own vastly different way of doing things- and to Dante, listening to Meirin talk a bit about how much of a weight Dragons really had here was just something he knew wouldn't bug most people. Not unless whoever controlled Guardian was capable of extending their signal range across all of Oasis, something he doubted was a feat even Guardian's creator could do alone- even with the help of someone with another similar digital potential.

Taking note of Meirin's statement about wanting to avoid having her sister involved in anything that happened, Dante merely nodded. "Don't worry Mei" he reassured. "I can't make any promises about what may happen in the Platinum Rabbit ahead of us- but I can at least assure you that I won't go in lookin ta actively start a rustle." Umbrella in his palm twirled, and then quite suddenly- out of nowhere- without the slightest warning, Callan's whole body turned into barely glowing light. It burned as if caught on fire out of nowhere, even though he kept walking as if it was perfectly natural. The light that enveloped his body strange in the way it did not glow like light normally did, but when looked at caused a sting in the eyes that made one avert their general gaze if they tried to stare at it for too long.

It was there one moment- then by the next blink it was gone, barely even registered to the brain.

And just like that, Callan, was gone also.

The 6'0 half-satyr dancer vanished. In his place, holding the same umbrella, a fiendish woman with trailing, undulating coattails that emerged from underneath the frills that made up the exposed back of her x-laced crop top.

"Since we'll be going into possibly hostile territory" his-- no, now her voice said. "To avoid any surprises I'm going to explain to you the basics of how my Potential works" She said, in a conversational tone. "I can alter my body as I please." Glowing pale yellow orbs, stared from over a shoulder to glance at all three Dragons since she was now taking the lead by a few steps. "When I transform, I also alter the nature of my power. My more favored body as a dancer is the one you interacted with earlier. This one let's make me poison." Dante went on to explain in her surprisingly light, yet elegantly soft feminine voice.

"I can cause paralysis, induce sleep, or inflict intense sense of pain and numbing effects with the different types of poison my body can produce in this current form. Dante added as he turned his attention to the Platinum Rabbit ahead, where security lay standing in wait for any rowdy starters. "Now, let's get inside shall we- Meirin-" Dante, now not really Callan- but clearly still Callan in some form, addressed her. "Keep me informed once we enter what you'd like to do. If there are people within the building already that could cause us trouble, I will need a guide or a map of some kind to navigate my way through the building so I'm not walking around blind, hm? Thank you dear."

Callan-- Dante-- well, in actuality this was Sonnet, but Callan worked just as fine, flashed the giantess Dragon a beaming smile that was tossed back at the other dragons- then once they entered into the building, Dante stepped inside surveying the receptionist's situation, and recognizing both individuals immediately.

Serpents. It made her frown.

Worst of all, Tri was there. And as far as she could recall, the current Jack of the Serpents who as he knew had been gaining fame in the Serpents recently, had something of an immunity to toxins.

A clawed digit rose to touch rosy lips and glowing yellow orbs gained reptilian slits where they had once not been as Dante stared at the two Serpents ahead.

Oh this can't be good.

Dante now knew she had to be on alert. She was down to three transformations now since this was the second. If Tri and Anna were here since she recognized the voice of the girl despite the mask change, it made her wonder if the other members of that party were there also. If Bash was here, that changed things. She couldn't fight Bash with this form, and she certainly wouldn't allow the brute to touch him again after that first experience.

Honestly it depended on the next move the others made from here. He took note of what looked to be...weapons? Toys? Why? Whatever. They were holding them, but for now- Dante chose to ignore it.

It was probably super weird this random patriot was standing there not far from the receptionist table with others in tow, staring at them, but Dante didn't quite care. Tri wouldn't read much into it- Anna seemed perceptive enough to possibly become wary about it- especially when Meirin's statement about Jun's alert stated that there was an awareness of other gang members being in the building.

"Soooo?" She didn't say but more expressed it with the look she gave Meirin, Peyton and Reveler. Otherwise she'd just move in and improvise.

Mentions: N/A

Interactions: QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Mqueserasera Mqueserasera Coyote Hart Coyote Hart Damafaud Damafaud (Tri) The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit (Anna)

Tigers Arc 2: Scene 6 [All Proceeds]
Cloudwalk Stadium, South District
Passeri, Daemon, Sabrina, Dagger, Fahru, Masked Concertgoer K, S, T, A, and N, Minato, Osamu,
All Proceeds

Akela bounded up to Dagger excitedly, and circled around her. Wordlessly, she crouched down, wrapping her arms and the wolf’s neck and rubbed the spectral wolf's head affectionately. “Been a good girl?” she murmured as she ran her hand through the soft fur. In response, the wolf gave her a cold lick across her face. Probably an affirmative. As she adjusted her eyepatch, the Tiger that had been accompanying Akela arrived, clutching onto his chest. The poor man hadn't had to run like that for months. Maybe he should have been partnered with Gunnolf, and not the more sprightly wolf. Too late now, she supposed. She was never really good at assigning partners. Or any of the delegating stuff in general. Her art was in war. Akela’s companion barely had a second to recover from his sprint, before Dagger released Akela and jabbed a thumb towards Ueno, who was now barely even considered standing up at this point. She gave a look of disgust, before returning her attention to the group of people right in front. They were now starting to get into a row. The funniest thing was, they seemed to be arguing with someone that wasn’t there. How strange. “Akela, with me,” she patted the wolf’s head and straightened up. Akela could smell something like blood in the air, in the midst of all the sweat, the body odour, and the troubling amounts of deodorants that were a vain attempt to cover up the previous scent. “Come,” she moved forwards, pushing into the crowd. The lights around the stadium shifted from white to lavender. Looks like it was Park’s time to shine. Dagger wasn’t interested. She had a job to do. Furthermore, there was no other better time to make a scene than during Park’s own performance. "Ah, come on, man!" she heard Akela's partner complain when Ueno finally slumped down onto the ground. He can probably take care of the drunk.

“There a problem here?” was her terse greeting towards the gathering when she arrived beside them. She could see, out of the group, a black-haired woman, a masked girl with a baseball cap and much-too-large shades, and another with a mask, this one with a fair head. There was…someone else with them, she could tell, but try as she might, she couldn’t see them– no, it was different. She couldn’t perceive them at all. How troubling. Akela slipped past the crowd fairly easily, ignoring the few concertgoers who attempted to fluff her fur, and came to a stop behind Dagger. The wolf looked puzzled, and circled around the group, sniffing here and there. She could smell it, and Dagger could as well. The intruder was here. He was armed, the people were in danger, and she couldn’t do anything about it. It irritated her. Her right eye itched. If she could just get a location now, she could finish this in one move.

Refaulted Refaulted QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Mqueserasera Mqueserasera @azenmannumber2 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit Slav Slav
Shiri Itami
Dragons Arc 2: Scene 1 [The Child]
Rooftops, The Markets, East District
Dyne, Ra, Shiri, Hou, Ruriko
The Child
Shiri's brow creased and his lips cracked. A scowl of deviant joy split across his features. So they wanted things to go this way, did they?

That was fine with him.

Cloth shifted as Shiri sunk to the ground, the muscles in his legs coiling to and fro around one another. He drew closer, and then closer still to the ground, dropped into a squat that left each of the fibres of muscle in his body poised and ready to strike. Above, he heard the sounds of motion. One, then two more voices joined with those that had accosted the boy in the alley, and Shiri's grin grew wider, exposing a set of clean, razor teeth. This was starting to look like a party.

Shiri sprung from the ground like a bullet. In a stream of cloth and hair, his body swum through the air with the grace of a bird, carrying him, just barely, onto the steel scaffolding of one of the dilapidated buildings' fire escapes. He landed on the steel-grated floor with a hefty clang, which was accompanied by a howl of terror from within the attached window, but before the resident within would have a chance to accost the intruder, he was already gone.

Five paces at a time, Shiri bounded up and around the metal spiral, his hand on his blade and his mind already keen and focused on the fight. Shockingly, he hadn't been planning for this today. The kid might have been as much of a surprise as the twin creeps who wanted to ferry him away to god-knows-where, but he was fully prepared to spend his day hanging out with the little monster. He had spirit. They were going to catch lunch, play some catch, and then he was going to take him over to the old coot to see if he knew what to do with him. But, then! Calamity Jane and her plucky assistant! He wasn't complaining.

As Shiri bounded over the last step, there was a click of metal and a flash of steel. His eye fixed on the eerie woman who'd been acting as the mouth of the duo. In a single bound, his blade flew from its scabbard, twisted through the air, and then stopped dead short of the woman's neck.

"Let's try this again." Shiri eyed the woman with a mix of anticipation and glee. "Leave the kid alone, and I don't shear that dated-ass haircut off the top of your head."

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Tigers Arc 2: Scene 3 [Happily Ever After]
Shopping Mall, Central District
Alice, Elias, Jack, Charmy, Jackson
A mundane conversation.

If anything, the entire affair at least set the precedent for the hierarchy of power. Not friends. A shared familiarity. ...And fear? It would be too hasty of a conclusion to make, but the series of messages from the other Tigers filled in the necessary gaps. The red-eyed woman was no doubt tied to the entire situation, and her little ‘slip-up’ just further cemented it. The question was whether it was a genuine blunder, or simply framed that way. Was she trying to lure them somewhere?

She didn’t seem all that bothered to have the piece of information fall into the hands of a stranger.

‘Stranger’ was perhaps not entirely accurate. If Claire’s allegiance was as it seemed, then he may very well have passed on Charmy’s identity already. It was a real nuisance of a Potential, that Acacia’s. Communication is part verbal, and part physical. Toss in another piece, and suddenly anyone not in the know is at a severe disadvantage. It made a peaceful resolution that much less likely.

It mattered not.

While it was very possible the green-haired man was leading her into a trap aswell. He was much preferred over the current alternative. Even if he proved more dangerous, she would not falter on that.

“Yes, let's continue.”
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Tigers Arc 2: Scene 6 [All Proceeds]
Cloudwalk Stadium, South District
Passeri, Daemon, Sabrina, Dagger, Fahru, Masked Concertgoer K, Minato
A Minato burst into the communications room.

”Yo, D! You in here?!"

The wolf on the floor didn’t seem too startled by his presence. Probably it had clocked his scent approaching before his hand had even found the knob. The same couldn’t be said for the Tiger working the cameras, however. Poor guy looked scared half out of his wits, nearly toppling out of his little swivel-y chair to face Mina in the doorway.

”Chill, homie- Chill." Mina commanded, preliminarily cutting off the petulant grunt’s pernicious protestations. Yellow eyes swept the tiny room. No sign of Dagger. Mina pouted a little. Where was that feisty minx? Hopefully Mina had managed to get ahold of her on her cellular, but in either case, there was no point for him to dawdle here. He was giving the room a last, slow look-over when Mina’s gaze landed on a crumpled up suit on the floor. He wasn’t sure how he knew, but he recognized the pile of clothes in the shape of a man almost instantly.

”… ’Samu..?" He asked the unconscious figure, crouching down beside him to peer into his face. ”…" There was no mistaking that face. It was him after all.

Minato knelt down as he leaned as close as he could to Osamu’s face without it getting weird, sucking in a deep breath. He held it briefly, before shouting, ”YOOOOOOO!!!" At the top of his lungs in the drunkard’s face, all in the hopes of rousing him from his stupor. Whether it worked or not ended up being irrelevant, because in either case, Mina reached down and plucked the sloshed man off the ground, looping one arm around his waist to steady him as they walked, the pair of them, out of the command center.

Minato shot Dagger’s napping wolf a respectful finger-gun as they passed by. He didn’t so much as acknowledge the Tiger.

Meanwhile, Mina listened somewhat-attentively as Passeri explained the sitch to him. Had he thought her a damsel? Minato wasn’t sure. Maybe? Probably not. He wasn’t going to sweat the details, though. That was another guy’s job. Another Minato’s job. Probably. Maybe? It didn’t matter. Passeri was a Tiger, after all. It’d be silly to presume she couldn’t at the very least take care of herself, especially insofar as a few weirdo stalkers were concerned.

Woah..." Mina’s thoughts trailed off as he watched Passeri’s aesthetic display of power. He could dig it, even if he was nervous to move, to bump one of those things in case they were poisonous or explosive or, something. Can never be too careful!

Minato wondered if she saved money on special effects using these things. He was just about to ask when Passeri decided she had had enough of both of them, turning to relay her same message to Dagger. Not one to dally for very long, Mina took the L with grace, shooting Fahru and inscrutable little grin before he hop-skip-jumped his way to the door he’d come through.

Mission: protect the stans was a go!.. Well, maybe he could grab a churro first.

>>> To The Next Post
Tigers Arc 2: Scene 3 [Happily Ever After]
Shopping Mall, Central District
Alice, Elias, Jack, Charmy, Jackson
Happily Ever After

The man’s recognition of Alice’s name made Jack relax his shoulders in relief, ‘Maybe this won’t be so hard after all.’ The girl seemed excited to get some distance from the situation he noticed, but the thought didn’t linger long. Jack’s phone buzzed with a notification, pulling his attention away from the pair.

“Oh, sorry about that. Just a second if you don’t mind?” He said to the man, taking the opportunity to step away to check his phone. Reading though the message made his eyebrows perk up a bit, ‘Well, how ‘bout that, looks like I was headin’ the right direction all along. Maybe I am cracked up for this huntin’ business.’

<<That’s alright, I’ll be with ya’ just as soon as I finish up business here.>>
BluEndings BluEndings QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel

Putting his phone away, Jack turned back to the man, “Well, let’s get a move on shall we. Were you going to join us after all, miss?” Jack directed the question to the girl as she finished her call. Though he was quite sure he knew the answer already. ‘Hopefully the fun’ll get started soon.’ He thought, feeling the daggers still under his shirt press lightly against him.

Sabrina Felton
All Proceeds
Cloudwalk Stadium, South District
Passeri, Daemon, Sabrina, Dagger, Fahru, Masker Concertgoer K, Minato
All Proceeds

Eyes locked on the person whose collar she gripped, Sabrina didn’t even turn to look at concertgoer S as the woman rambled. Most of her attention was on the masked man called N–the one that didn’t even seem to flinch at Sabrina’s threat. That said, Sabrina wasn’t deaf either. Concertgoer S’s offer of money to ‘let them go’ only caused Sabrina’s teeth to clench and her grip to tightened even further. Did the lil’ bitch think everything could be solved with money? That Stingray of the Sable Serpents was someone easily bought?

Irritating. Very Irritating. If possible, Sabrina would’ve taken the pieces of paper presented and thrown it back in her face. Alas, she didn’t want to turn away and lose the battle of wills.

Then N, Nikki, or whatever he was called, interjected, causing Sabrina to smile coldly at his answer. His insult. “Let you go?” The crackling around the dark-haired woman grew louder and louder, visible sparks growing more pronounced. She could see him reach for something in his pocket as well. Something with a magnetic field. Her eyes lit up in amusement. Clearly, Nikki was ready for a fight as well. “Why don’t you try and make me?”

However, the sudden changing of the lights and sprinkling of hearts, stars, petals, etc from the commentary box–creating an almost magical scene–reminded her exactly where she was. Lucifer had already hightailed it off the stage. The main event was starting. Glancing upward like many others, Sabrina caught a falling petal in her free hand. Then she crushed it as she looked back at the masked ‘Nikki’.

Instinct told her it was more than just a prop, but Sabrina couldn’t say why, nor did it matter. More people were starting to look towards their little corner–one of them, an eye-patched woman and her dog.

“What’s going on is that these masked freaks have started to piss me off.” Sabrina answered the white-haired woman’s terse question with a terse reply of her own. She didn’t look like a police officer. Didn’t look like any sort of regular concert security either. However, the way she spoke and carried herself certainly made her seem like it. “So we’re going to take this outside. I hope you don't mind." Sabrina looked towards the panicked Concertgoer S. "Perhaps you two really are just trying to enjoy the show. Perhaps A, N, T, and S are just funny little nicknames you like to give yourself and Nikki here is just hiding because he’s shy. Perhaps you aren’t really up to anything. But, you see, I don’t give a damn.”

Sabrina’s feet then rose off the ground as electric currents ran through her body, stimulating her muscles. It’d only been a year since she’d acquired her potential, but Sabrina had been in enough fights climbing her way into the Sable Serpents, practiced enough with Valerie, that she knew a couple of tricks or two. Now gripping ‘Nikki’s collar with both hands, Sabrina zipped through air like a bolt of lightning, uncaring of who saw. They might think it part of the show. They might know it for what it really was. Like she’d just told S, Sabrina didn’t give a damn.

Passing the commentary box, Sabrina’s eyes met with Passeri Park’s for a brief moment before she sailed passed all the hearts and stars that hung in the stadium’s stratosphere and crashed through the ceiling, the electromagnetic field around her acting like a shield to buffer the impact. Some things broke. Some things fell. Sabrina paid them little mind. It wasn’t until she landed on the roof of Cloudwalk that she let go of Nikki. Threw him down onto the rooftop really.

Perhaps if she were dealing with an NP she might’ve been gentler, but since he’d shown himself to be an HP, holding back was not needed. It’d take a lot more than that to break their bodies.

Sabrina cracked her knuckles as she stepped towards the masked man with a feral grin. She didn’t mind the rain that dripped on her. Felt kind of nice in fact. “Where I live, there are no rules. That means the strong lives and weak dies. If you want something, you fight for it. Therefore, if you want something from me, Nikki, you’re going to have to show me exactly how much stronger you are than me. Otherwise, I’ll do what I want.”

Yumin trying to get her back into the Music Industry, back to all the fancy lights and stardom, was laughable. Sabrina was North District scum all the way down to her bones...and she wouldn't have it any other way.

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit simj26 simj26 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Slav Slav Mqueserasera Mqueserasera Refaulted Refaulted
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Dragons Arc 2: Scene 1 [The Child]
Shaded Alley → Rooftops, The Markets, East District
Dyne, Ra, Shiri, Hou, Ruriko
The Child half-ran, half-soared from one East District rooftop the the next, scampering across tiles with a speed and surety that belied his miniature stature. But when Hou appeared and began jogging beside him, albeit still a fair distance away, the Child could not help his momentary distraction, causing him to nearly stumble if not for a sudden, jerking flap of his still freshly-sprouted wings.

Despite the shock of his appearance, Hou was still a welcome sight; he reminded the Child of Shiri. He felt a little bad about leaving the friendly boy behind, even after he’d fed him…

But still, Hou was back! The Child felt a little bad leaving him, too… But now he was back! And he’d brought things with him! The Child beamed, evidently hanging on every word, as Hou rattled off the items in his bag of wonders. The Child flapped his wings deliberately as if to draw Hou’s attention to them, puffing his chest a little as they ran. He was obviously proud of his work.

When the question of why came up, the Child cast a purposeful glance over his shoulder. There were no sign of the Bad Men, but that woman in the alley had tried to grab him. Maybe she worked for them. He wasn’t going to take any chances. But when the Child looked back at Hou to see if his apprehension had been communicated, he was greeted with the sight of a woman wielding a club emerging from a portal and taking a swing at his friend!

A low growl rumbled in the tiny boy’s throat as he skidded to a halt. The portal woman was one thing, but when the pretty lady from the alley appeared on the rooftops, the Child’s little heartbeat quickened as adrenaline coursed through his veins. When Hou—who was thankfully unharmed—asked the Child if he knew these strangers, the boy answered with a rough shake of his head.


His wings twitched as he took steps backward towards the ledge, ready to bolt at the slightest provocation. He would feel bad leaving Hou again, but as it stood it was three-against-two, and they were after him. He would feel worse if the friendly Hou got hurt because he had tried to protect him. That is… Until a now-familiar voice piped up, accompanied by the shink of an unfurling katana. The Child spied Shiri, now beside the alley-woman, his eyes suddenly wide with relief, and amazement.

So cool…

The boy thought as much, and felt suddenly confident that with the three of them, they could beat these servants of the Bad Men! And then maybe there could be more food in his future. Hou had mentioned candy?

>>> To The Next Post
Peyton Xiong
Serpent Arc 2: Scene 3 [Tailing the Dragon's Heart: Tri Side]
Platinum Rabbit, East District
Dante, Reveler, Meirin, Peyton, Tri, Anna
Tailing the Dragon's Heart: Tri Side
A smile split Peyton's cheek from cheek to cheek as he heard Callan respond to his teasing remarks. He had only really known the guy for a few moments, but Peyton already decided that he liked Callan. In the platonic sense, in the platonic sense.

Peyton accepted the umbrella from his boss, excited for the opportunity to stretch his legs figuratively. There wasn't any time to change out of his uniform into his normal garb, so Peyton simply followed Meirin and the others out the door. Hopefully, the umbrella would be enough to protect his clothes.

On the walk over, Peyton twirled his umbrella in the rain and half-listened to what Meirin was talking about. Peyton knew very well that Meirin's sister was an NP after working at the Eternal Night Palace for almost as long as his stay in the Dragons. It seemed like a difficult position to be in, being both an NP and the owner of a brothel. As much as they tried not to, power and control often slipped into the workings of brothels.

"I won't go shooting willy nilly," Peyton assured Meirin and agreed with Callan. Violence may be a great solution to problems, but not if your friends vanish along with said problems.

He shielded his eyes in the face of Callan's blinding light, and when it was over, he blinked as he looked over Callan's new form. What an interesting and versatile ability. As Peyton admired Callan's new form, his eyes traveled to his-- no, her chest. After a moment, Peyton realized his folly and he quite quickly turned his head back towards the sidewalk, acknowledging her new form with a simple, "Wicked cool."

After a short walk, the entrance to Platinum Rabbit loomed in front of them. Like Meirin described it, it had a fairly more modern vibe than Eternal Night Palace's traditionalist look. Guards flanked the entrance, keeping any do-no-gooders out. One of them had a block of cheese in his hands, which Peyton stared at as they walked through the door, although Peyton didn't question it. If a guard wanted to snack on a bit of cheese while at their post, who was Peyton to tell them that they couldn't?

As they got into the reception room, Callan stopped in her tracks. Curious as to why, Peyton scooted over to her right side to get a better look. Greeting his eyes was the sight of two people leaning over the receptionist's desk-- a feminine figure wearing what seemed to be a horse mask and a man dressed in a tuxedo, sunglasses, and wielding what looked like a wand. Peyton didn't recognize the horse girl, but the wand-wielding tux man pulled at Peyton's memory.

The black hair, the lanky stance, and even the way the man's lips curled seemed all awfully familiar to Peyton. With difficulty, he was finally able to find a name: Tri. How could he forget? Not even replacing his lab coat with a gangster-like outfit would fool Peyton. The days he worked as a test subject under him were both heaven and hell: Feeling the crisp dollar bills of his paycheck at the end of each month. Seeing his body morph and transform in the experiments, sometimes cool, sometimes weird, a few times terrifying, and all of them painful in one way or another but fun as hell. Closing his eyes underneath the blinding rays of the operating table, doing his best to tell himself that everything would be over soon. Chatting with Tri vividly about the weird sensations Peyton could feel right beneath his skin after every experiment. And last but not least, the sinking feeling of thinking that he had lost his Potential and the exhilarating feeling as he realized that he could control a disease that flowed in his veins. Peyton enjoyed working with Tri. Peyton was glad he left.

"Well, this is awkward. I didn't expect to see my old boss today," Peyton said wryly. His grip on his rifle tightened and he flipped the safety off. From what he knew, Tri was now the Jack of the Serpents. That also definitely meant that the horse masked woman next to him was most definitely also a Serpent. Lost in his memories, he called out without thinking, "Uncle? What are you doing here?"

Now here's the thing: 'Uncle' was supposed to be 'Tri.' But there was a time when Peyton would jokingly refer to Tri as Uncle as he picked up his paycheck.

"It's almost like I'm a little kid receiving his allowance from his parent," a younger Peyton had once said as he traced the fresh crease of an envelope. He had looked up at Tri's rugged face and with a mischievous glint in his eye said, "So I guess I should say: Thanks, Uncle."

Peyton had no way of knowing that calling Tri by that old moniker would imply several disastrous things, especially with the conversation that floated around the desk. But the words were already out. He held his rifle as he stared down the horse/doctor duo, unsure of what to do with it.

"I should mention he's not actually my Uncle," Peyton hissed to the Dragons by his side.

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Mqueserasera Mqueserasera Damafaud Damafaud The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit
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Serpents Arc 2: Scene 3 [Tailing the Dragon's Heart]
Platinum Rabbit Lobby, East District
Anna, Tri, Reveler, Dante, Meirin, Ruriko, Peyton

All the being and doing were quenched in the rain. Spinning her umbrella, strutting besides Meirin to yet another establishment of pleasure, Reveler paled and vanished like a translucent ghost into the glittering of droplets and afternoon light shafts. It was something like an infinite foyer between one place in the next, that didn’t at all matter, but simply existed. So she thought, and she spun the handle fast, splattering her companions. It did not matter. One expects wetness walking under the rain. She bore a gun in anticipation of firing. The time imminent to lift the calm before the storm was coming, was passing the turning point, and now it pulsed in her veins and vibrated the curl of her lips.

Surely it would be soon firing.

“That place, huh? Nice place,” said she vaguely. Words unheeded by their own speaker. “There the riches are most truthful of their taste.”

Money provides the power to dominate, freedom of expression and from persecution. The Dragon accepted those means as rightful tribute to their ways of ruling. In most ways they were not so different to the Tigers, or even the Phoenix. Even with the Serpents they shared more fundamental aspects than meets the eye. At the heart of it all, they were chaos masquerading as idealized entities. And at the heart of it all only each individual's capabilities to fulfill their desires matter... But what did she care? It surely would soon be firing. She turned. The stir materialized her almost transparent outline.

Callen’s transformation burned in her vision. Funny how they had a potential perfect for spying businesses. Just funny. And they didn’t even bother to hide it. So she didn’t either. “You have the makings of a good spy, you know that?” Of course they did, even if they weren't already one, they should have wondered it at some points going around deceiving, pranking their friends and all such things one do when one can have more than one appearance, the realization that perhaps one shouldn’t do something they're good at for free.

Then came the Premium Rabbit at last. Reveler hastened her steps, and the swelling in her chest was getting ready to burst and glamorize the place of splendor, wealth and human baseness, with those of her own. And why should she not? She had everything at the ready: a desire to shame even the most horrifying carnal acts going on in there.

The guards let her pass. There was the fact that Meirin was with her, but also that she herself had a reputation in this district. She either meant trouble or she didn't, in both cases one was wise to move out of her path.

She blasted the door open with the flat of her hands.

“GOOD MORNING EVERYONE” Her entrance boomed. There she stood, a woman of haunting paleness, straight gait, and merry in her eyes. The enormous metal case strapped to her slender frame pronounced the truth of her strength. In contrast to the riches of the lobby, the creased half-tucked shirt diminished somewhat the effects of her appearance; and yet emerging from all outward rigidity and shabbiness, her aplomb could dwarf even the most pompous fools ever born to generational wealths.

The situation’s great familiarity took her back to just last week, when in almost the same manner she had entered a different brothel, and had harassed the workers there to her amusement. She looked now for someone, something. It did not take her long. Two customers at the reception desk were crying for attention through the way they looked. A man, old, clutched in his hand a wand and a gun, childish toys. It was a funny sight to see elsewhere; funny still in Reveler’s eyes – she was ever easily amused at times. But here construed along context provided, it was creepy, in a funny way, but creepy it surely was.

“Hah look at them, someone brought their toys for a parent-and-child play, and…”

A goat. A goat-headed woman. A furry. Reveler’s conception of the female customer was just getting worse.

“…someone looking for a goatfucker.”

“Seems to me ENP needs to up its game, Meirin.” She winked suggestively, almost obscenely. No amount of light jests could contain her boiling anticipation. In response to Callen’s question, “We go up, obviously. We can escort those customers along their way up too. If we feel like it.”

Reveler had barely made her way ahead when Peyton's remark turned her attention back to the bizarre customers. Her mind went blank for a fraction of a second

“Do elaborate on that Peyton,” she said slowly, softly. “By old boss did you mean from ‘that’?”

No verbal confirmation was needed. His tightening grip on the rifle said it all.

It burst.

In one fluid, practiced movement, the metal case arched from the woman's shoulder. Its side crash-landed on the polished floor of the brothel. Less than a second for it to snap open, for her hand to snatch the machine gun inside.

“Go!” It was her commanding voice that hiked only in combat, “We got scalies to welcome!”

She held the gun in one hand. She needed but one, to level the barrel at the old Snake.

Did she care about Meirin’s caution? Not one bit! The receptionist could just die! The brothel could just crumble! There were Snakes at the end of her gun’s sight. Stains to be made. Faces to be carved. Bones to be sawed. The world could just mind its own business. Sixty rounds per second. Sixth time over duplicated. Three hundred and sixty in total swept by the area by the front desk.

The bullet-proof metal case stood vertically, shielding the gunner from her chest down. Unceasingly the ammunition belt fed its gluttonous tyrant. And she could go on forever too.

Phoenixes Arc 2: Scene 2 [The Bounty]
Slums, North District
Raphael, Kyoden, Sang-Cheol, Mimi

Hide scoffed and rolled his eyes. Who did this guy think he was? The serpent leader? The white haired man couldn't help but feel suspicion burrow beneath his skin. Although previously thinking this guy was the most normal, now Hide thought of retracting that presumption. "Normal" meant more "dangerous". It's not like he would trust a serpent either way- but it would be best to keep an eye out.

Crossing his arms, he let a glare linger on the sunglasses wearing man before popping his head slightly to get a look at the other room. Tilting his head this way and that, Hide scrunched his eyebrows. He couldn't get a good look at the room, thanks to the angle of the door and all the fucking boxes in the way. As much as he was tempted to, he wasn't going to go barging in there where the bastards probably had the shit to kill him on the spot with. More specifically guns. So no, he wasn't going to take that chance. he huffed out a breath of annoyance, making his way back to the center of the room.

Taking a glance at the downstairs staircase, Hide couldn't help but feel a little worried. What if those guys met trouble down there? What if they were ambushed? What if they were outnumbered? What if- Hide whipped his head to the side, dismissing those abrasive thoughts. That wasn't for him to care about. If they died- they died, why the fuck would he give a shit? Those cockroaches weren't his concern. They could go dissolve in acid for all he'd care! Hide threw his hands up in anger, letting out a short groan of frustration.

Running a hand threw his hair, he took another glance at the black haired man searching the area. Was this guy seriously expecting to find anything in this dingy old house? Hide smirked at the ridiculous thought, shaking his head. The only thing that seems to be kept here were roaches and muck... and more fucking roaches. Well... he supposed there were some things that looked like they could keep shit- but why bother? He didn't even know what they were looking for. Experimentation? That rung a bell somewhere inside Hide's mind, but he didn't bother to delve deeper.

Trailing a hand down his face, Hide felt fed up. There was only a few other people who he could vent is anger onto right now... and one had the mistake of being the nearest to him at the moment.

Striding across the room, he roughly grabbed the stupid sunglasses wearing freak's shirt collar and spun him around the face him. He seized the front of his shirt in his balled up palms, speaking in a harsh, louder tone and volume than he intended to. "What the fuck is your deal?! You seem way too damn normal to be associating with these fucking serpents- so what is it?! HUH? You a fucking psycho? Killer? Or are you just tryna prove to some bitch you're gangster material.." He scoffed, a smile tugging at his lips. "Or are you tryna prove it to yourself, you fucking pathetic rat. "

...Look. Hide hadn't meant to be so fucking abrasive and confrontational like this... he was just trying to simply subtly explain the suspicion he had on the guy... Truly!

... But once his mouth started running it felt too good to stop.

Tiger Arc 2: Scene 3 [Happily Ever After]
Central District
Jack, Elias, Dolly
<<< Remember

"No... I have... business..." Dolly was glad to relieved to finally escape the shoe store and the obnoxious people there. The air of Upper Central felt a lot more... open for her liking. To have it all confined in even closer walls with her inside? It only felt suffocating.

She nodded to Ben and Jack, taking their following conversation as her cue to leave.


Making her way into the hall, Dolly immediately took a pause to think. Strange... all the guards were gone. Perhaps Acacia called them off to follow her down? It was a little disconcerting... but not overtly alarming. If anything, she preferred the lack of company. "I'm coming in..." she announced in her usual, monotonous tone.

Turning the corner, she entered the security room to find it just as empty. Well, save for two important-looking people beside the refrigerated room. If the door was any damaged, Dolly didn't notice.

"I assume you're the person I spoke to..." She nodded politely while holding up her coat's veil over her mouth. If there was anything good to come out of today, she could bet on her small group raking in enough to feed their families for months. Dolly switched the bag she held into her other hand (carrying an unlabeled spray bottle, carried from the back of the shoe store), retrieving her phone. "Before we talk business... I just need to make her pupils more shiny... then call Acacia and tell her I'm done..." She swiped through a few photos, then landing on a picture of the phone number note written on the fridge. She tapped the device off. "Then we can talk business..."

- Dolly
- Underground Parking Lot
- Camera Glitch (?)

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Tiger Arc 2: Scene 3 [Happily Ever After]
Central District
Charmy, Jack, Claire (NPC), Ben (NPC)
<<< Remember (Charmy)
<<< Remember (Jack)

"Lovely," he began, smiling warmly at Jack. "Well then, if you'd follow me for a quick—"

He spun around suddenly to spot his green-haired companion turning into the entrance, hollering his name. What could've gotten him away from the counter of his pawn shop, Ben wondered. He did take notice of the woman treading beside him, though.

Claire hurried over to his partner, not even giving a seconds rest as he got into normal volume. "We need to get Alice out, now."

Ben narrowed his gaze. Something was clearly up, and Claire was as pale as a ghost! He looked at the clerk, then the woman, then back at him. "But the person we're selling to just—"

"Listen to me, Ben."
Claire glared worryingly at Jack, the supposed customer that just came in for the limited merchandise. "I thought—we thought this would be a real simple and easy sell, but... some other people want Alice, and they're the last people we wanna fuck with."

Ben's carefree countenance shifted uncomfortably. "Who?"

The pawn store clerk glanced at Charmy again, then deciding the floor and at Ben was probably the best place to keep his eyes. "Just go inside and get Alice out... I'll explain everything soon."

For Claire to get this spooked... Whoever the woman with him was, she must have been responsible. An HP that induced fear, maybe? Or something else... Either way, Ben knew better than to dig in. "You all follow me..." With that, he pushed open the door to the back of the shoe store, leading everyone into an employees' lounge room. It was only when he began unlocking drawers and cabinets against the wall that the nature of the room was revealed.

Stashed in every place imaginable was assortments of items ranging from expensive clothing, figurines, random materials; all things stolen around the mall and marked at a much cheaper price—save for the items stolen not meant to be sold, given a proper price well above the others. When Ben unlocked one of the cabinets at the end of the room, it appeared entirely empty at a glance. "Give me a moment. I'll drag her out for you all." Humming to himself, he crawled inside.

While he was gone, Claire sat himself on one of the lounge's chairs. "I swear, we had no idea she was so valuable to you. We've been running this for a while now, taking other stores' stock among other things to sell for cheaper—things we thought we could get away with selling... Ben and I just needed to make quick cash." He planted his face into his palms, trying his absolute hardest not to let the thought of the Tigers' retribution get to him.

Soon after, Ben crawled out of the space, pulling something behind him...


It was a large statuette of a blonde character, going up to knee-height. Dragging her out from the cabinet, Ben looked proud of the ownership as he rested his hand on her head. "Presenting the Princess Alice figurine, not factory-made, but by hand from the finest craftsmen in Nihon, then exported out to Amestria. Only about 100 are in circulation." He pointed off in a random direction. "The one on display in that anime store? It's a fake; we swapped it out last night. She deserves better than being put on display for everyone to see, kept by someone who can't even tell her from authentic to a 3D-printed fake." Ben took a cloth off a nearby table, carefully polishing a few unnoticeable specks of dust on 'Alice.' "Ain't she beautiful?"

As the large figurine was presented to the Tigers, Claire let out a sigh of relief. "There... it's Alice." Taking a handkerchief from his pocket, he began wiping the sweat off his face. He still had no idea what made her so valuable to one of the four gangs, not that he was going to question them soon... "So, we good...?"

- The Stolen Alice
- Marked kiosk from Lana
- Location sent by Elias
- Elias in security room with Dolly

BluEndings BluEndings Chaos Gallant Chaos Gallant
Nearby Heavenly Beasts Plaza, Lower Central District
Caio, Urien, Ten, Darius, Delynn, Orion
Arcane Informant

Somehow it didn’t surprise him in the slightest that the idiot dragon with enough balls to attack an entire group of serpents solo was also idiotic enough to try to fry their electromancer. He got the cue to step back when Delynn went all electric eel. Once the dragon was down for the count he made his way to where they’d tossed some of their things in the alley.

"...You okay there?"

He barely paid mind to look Darius shot him a look as the other called out to Delynn. Nor did he bother with Orion’s incessant need to be helpful. Instead, he drew out the cattle prod they had brought as quick fuel for Delynn. He stared openly as the woman fought to keep control of herself.

“Right, ye- yeah! Will d-o!!”

He gave a thumbs-up without looking at the kid. Was his show anyway, might as well let the hellion loose on the crowd. He took a step forward toward the woman ignoring the concern of the other two. He popped a squat near her before speaking in a low voice.

“Hey there Sparky, you gonna get that under control and start juicing yourself up to fight? Or do we need to jumpstart you?”

At that, he lifted the prod higher letting it sway back and forth on the palm of his hand. A fake choice really. If it came down to it he’d shock her brains out and point her at the nearest target hoping he won’t get caught in the backlash.

"Ten found a dragon... I think."

He gave a smirk to Darius before he looked up to the crowd where Ten was leaving stickers on each target. Nice one. He knew the brat would come in clutch. He pushed himself out of the squat eyeing up the ones ten was marking. All on the list, for a blind bitch he had a good set of eyes on him.

“Looks like we found our next test group. Look Alive D!”

His phone began to screech with the alert going out but he quickly turned his main phone off not wanting to have it interfere with the mission.


“Ayy what the fuck was that?”

A brunette with hair with undertones of red threw his hands up in the air as he felt the grazing of hands at the hem of his clothing. The longer-haired blonde of his group nearby gave him a slap to the back of the head in response to his jumpiness along with a hiss too low for anyone outside of the immediate vicinity to hear over the fireworks.

“Hey asswipe look alive we got to get scouring for that trio. We don’t have time for your games. Carlyn won’t be able to fucking leave the district until this shit blows over, and we don’t want a fucking chance for it to happen again.”

>>> To The Next Scene

Serpents Arc 2 Scene 1: Arcane Informant
Caio, Urien, Ten, Darius, Delynn, Orion
The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten gxxberkit gxxberkit BriiAngelic BriiAngelic

Do you know what it feels like? Its like a conductor stepping up on stage, the show about to begin. That anticipation you feel wondering if you’ll play your part right. But the music hasn’t quite started yet so you are on the edge of your seat. You do great in the end.. but you dont know if you can stop the music.” Delynn said, looking at Orion. She heard Caio and stood up straight, her hair floating up and down around her head as her potential began to flicker to life. “As for whats wrong, its a complicated answer.” Delynn told Orion before snatching the cattle prod out of Caio’s hand. “You are a true bastard.” She said with a hiss. Looking at Darius she thought for a moment “Yeah, you haven’t dealt with me yet. Probably best to keep your distance if you can help it from this point forward.” she warned.

She turned it on and made like she was going to zap herself but quickly and without any hesitation redirected it to zap Caio. Whether or not she hit him she didn’t really care as she zapped herself in the wrist with the prod. Immediately the lights around them flickered as their phones died, her electrical field distorting and playing havoc with anything using electricity. The feeling immediately made Delynn seize up as she froze, the surge of energy paralyzing her for several seconds before her body stabilized the chaos. By the time she came back to reality she saw a flurry of movement ahead, it seemed they had found more ‘subjects.’. Delynn however had other priorities on her mind and she could feel it all around her, in fact the biggest source of energy she could pull from was far above her… and some of it just below her feet.

While all hell broke loose Delynn casually walked along the side of the road, just alongside the sidewalk before taking a step up onto it before standing over a small grate. With a sudden and violent movement she kicked down sending the metal up while nearly knocking herself over at the same time. Dropping down she sat eye level with the underground power cables. Resisting the urge to indulge in excess she gripped the cable and began to passively siphoning energy from the grid, causing a glow to emanate out from the hole.

After another few moments Delynn burst from the hole, electrical sparks flying as the hair of everyone stood up and towards her. “Oh, now this i-'' Delynn began to say before the grate she had ejected into the air came back with a horrific and high velocity vengeance. The metal slab hit her and took her completely off her feet. Hitting the ground she began to scream and flail in anger as she clawed and kicked at the metal in a pain induced rage. Finally propeling it away she scrambled savagely to her feet before charging the dragons.​
Sang-Cheol Man
Phoenixes Arc 2: Scene 2 [The Bounty]
Slums, North District
Raphael, Kyoden, Sang-Cheol, Mimi, Hide

"Where could it be?" Sang-Cheol muttered to himself as he searched through the trash dump of a base. The smell of the mess was irritating to Sang-Cheol as he threw garbage after garbage to find any trace of their research. If their lab were as messy as their ground floor, maybe he would be able to find notes that were misplaced within the building. Though, admittedly, Sang-Cheol knew he wouldn't be able to find much. Most of the research would have been stored on a PC or a USB drive.

It was until that Sang-Cheol checked the drawer and found absolutely nothing inside. Nothing was going his way. He internally cursed as he decided that finding anything related to their research was practically a waste of time. "I fucking need a cig," Sang-Cheol said as he dug into his pocket. It didn't matter if this place was a fire hazard; he needed something to relax. He retrieved a cigarette in his mouth and lit it up with his fingertip. However, before he could even inhale into heaven, his world shifted, and he found himself facing the Phoenix from earlier.

Time seemed to slow for Sang-Cheol as he felt the cigarette fall out of his mouth. It disappeared into the heaps of trash that he had thrown into the corner of the room. He froze and spaced out as he registered what had happened. Looking at Hide, the white-haired man could see how Sang-Cheol's face immediately soured once he recognized him as the 'bitch who stopped me.'. In the next moment, he grabbed Hide's shoulder and, in return, tried to punch him in the gut.

"YOU, MOTHERFUCKER." Sang-Cheol yelled at the top of his lungs. Raphael terrorized him all day; he wouldn't mind. Kyoden could act like an idiot and forget half the things he learned, and he wouldn't mind. Mimi could arrive five hours late to their fucking meeting, and he wouldn't mind. But preventing him from smoking... "FUCK COOPERATION; YOU'RE DEAD TO ME, ASSHOLE." At that moment, he lunged at Hide with the intent to maim the man in front of him.

Sang-Cheol ignored the smell of burning plastic—completely forgetting that everything was flammable in the house. Sang-Cheol tunnel-visioned into beating Hide's face down.

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Fahrelnissa Peynirci
Tigers Arc 2: Scene 6 [All Proceeds]
Cloudwalk Stadium, South District
Passeri, Daemon, Sabrina, Dagger, Fahru, Masker Concertgoer K, Minato
It just isn’t. One’s emotions, hatred, negativity, impulsive distaste, instinct are not to be controlled. Fahru settled on treading the thin edge lining that deep black dam, or cliff. She would not fall over, though she disliked Minato much. There was certainly no point in hating him so, even if his character was in many ways unlikable. There was certainly no point in most things. The girl held onto her ever peace. If he wanted to stay so much then so be it! See if she cared! Fahru fumed only in silence.

In contrast, she drank Passeri’s words in full. It was her own desire to stay with her, to keep her safe, to do only the only thing could, the best she could. But the idol was right, there was much to protect out there. Not just one person, no matter who. But it was expected. It was just like her to say such kind things, though Fahru had only known her employer for mere hours.

It filled her with the awe of a child for the first time watching as a plane took off as Passeri’s magnificent display unfurled. Not for one second she dared think someone like Passeri should be left to fight for herself, being an HP or not. But that woman Dagger was down there, and many other Tigers too, so she would be just alright, Fahru believed. Tinted by prejudices, she counted on the Tigers only when money and violence were involved. She had not known them for much else. Unless it was Passeri, then perhaps a change could be made to the Tigers. It was perfect, it was arranged. This meeting today, as if fated to be, and this backdrop, this confusing place of insane love, and of love, all were perfect. She had been longing for someone extraordinary, and there she was. As the idol made her exit, Fahru came to the window, not wanting to miss out on the magical experience long awaited by all the fans. She was the one who would change the Tigers for the matter, or abolish them—all the same.

To her horror then, a flying woman zipped past. It had happened too quickly for her eyes and mind to react. Someone was with her, being pulled upward. And then they crashed through the top of the stadium. Here Passeri’s words echoed in her. Fahru could not fail her. She could not let the audience be harmed.

And time was of the essence, she tumbled back into the commentary box. She was good at one thing so far: violence. She must use it for a good cause now. And this was her chance. When faced with the box she had carried in, a moment of hesitancy flashed, as soon flickered away as spirit steeled. If she didn’t do it, someone could be hurt. She had got but one mission from Iroi. At once, Fahru plunged deep her arms in between the box’s contents. And when they retracted, along came hordes of random odds and ends. In the adorable, disarming shapes still of hearts and stars and petals, they cloaked in blue, violet and green. Hardened in cool colored shells, they flocked to her, by her directing arms they twirled, round her head hearts spun. Following her steps, an army marched through the air now and she ran. An arm shot momentarily to the side, firmly seized a mic stand. Like one waterfall they poured down from the commentary box as Passeri had, albeit clumsy, hasty, full of purpose. They fell.

The tripod grew an iridescent sheen in Fahru’s hands. Then it shot up sky high, tracing a contrasting arching line through the dim affected atmosphere under the stadium’s dome. An army led by Fahru it seemed, her thighs and arms secured the tripod, she bent low, clutching, so together, they flew through the hole in the ceiling.

There the rain greeted her. Quickly she lowered her face, lest droplets blur her glasses. The mic stand halted in the air and so did the abundance of her mindless minions. She paused to assess the situation as well as one could above the windy rooftop. The flying woman from before was cracking her knuckles as she approached a masked man, supposedly who she had dragged up there. There was no question to be asked, or words to placate. Violence can only be met with violence. A mad bull can only be calmed by a beating. She would not hurt the woman too badly of course, just to make her back off, but it seemed far past the stage words could be useful.

Still holding the stand in one hand, Fahru landed on the rooftop, just between the masked man and the HP woman. The intensity in her eyes and frown conveyed fully her intention. Back off or else.

A portion of her minions – the violet-colored ones detached from the main group and whirled around the masked man. While the rest she kept close, in cool colors still. Only when she turned them hot would they engage aggressively in combat. Otherwise, they would only fight to defend their designated targets.

Maximon landed again on her shoulder. Redness spread to his sharp claws, orange his beaks, and the rest of his body in shades of blue and green.

Meirin Azuza
Serpent/Tiger Arc 2: Scene 2 [Matter of the Dragon's Heart]
Platinum Rabbit, East District
Dante, Reveler, Peyton, Meirin, Tri, Anna, Kisara, Yuto, Bash
Matter of The Dragon's Heart

All was going well, at least in Meirin’s mind, before they’d stepped into the Platinum Rabbit. Callan was telling them more about himself–his potential really–as they traveled beneath the pitter patter of rain, protected by the shades of their umbrellas. Meirin watched the dancer’s transformation curiously, her eyes squinting a bit from the glow. He, or rather she, could do alot more than Meirin had originally thought.

“Yup, that’s cool~” Meirin agreed with Peyton. Reveler pointed out that Callan had the makings of a good spy and Meirin nodded at that as well. Potentials that allowed one to alter their appearance or change their form certainly had high capability for deception. Then again, so did many other potentials depending on how they were used.

Cal’s seemed unique because it gave him a new set of abilities as well.

As they approached the Platinum Rabbit, Meirin waved to the two bouncers guarding the brothel, hanging back a bit to exchange pleasantries with Steve and Paul. Not for long of course. She didn’t want to keep the others waiting. Closing the paper umbrella as she stepped under the roof of the pleasure establishment, she shook a bit of water off before, resting the folded canopy against her shoulder and replying to female Callan. “Uhh, I’m sure you can get a map of the building if you ask Roxanne. She’s a bit of a stickler, but I doubt she’d say no if we explain to her why we need it…”

Reveler drew attention to them with her booming entrance causing Meirin to grin amusedly. Sometimes her fellow Dragon was trying to stealthily stalk like a ghost while other times she seemed to call attention to herself like it was second nature. The latter seemed more true to what Meirin had seen of Revie’s personality…but it wasn’t as if she knew the blonde more than Isaiah or Kairong for example.

Like the others, she’d noticed the weirdos at the receptionist desk, but besides the old man wearing sunglasses indoors, who Meirin could’ve sworn she’d seen somewhere before, there was nothing about them that seemed especially suspicious or dangerous. Sure the goat mask dude was kind of odd, but frankly it wasn’t all that usual for people who visited brothels to hide their identity in some form or another. Men that didn’t want their wives to know. Senators that didn’t want the public to know what their hobbies were. Meirin giggled at the comments made by Revie regarding the toys and possible beastiality kink.

“I’ll have you know, ENP has plenty of game~”

That was all she had really gotten in before Female Cal gave them a strange look and Peyton called to his ‘Uncle’...who he then told them wasn’t really his uncle. Meirin frowned, head tilted curiously as she glanced between Peyton and Sunglasses. “Then who is he…REVIE!”

Like Reveler, Meirin reacted on instinct. However, instead of following the commands given by her fellow Dragon, Meirin reacted on her own jurisdiction and assessment of the situation. In the second that it took Reveler to pull out her gun, one of the Sleeping Giant's hands enlarged to a grossly disproportionate size, each finger growing to the length of her own body.

As the bullets sailed towards the receptionist table, 60 rounds per second becoming 360 due to Reveler's potential, a wall of (very) thick HP flesh cut between them and their intended target(s). Expanding her palm so as to envelop and catch all 360 bullets in one quick swoop, Meirin sighed in relief when she succeeded, opening her giant fist to let the 360 pellets drop to the ground, and leaving her large hand outstretched there as a shield in case Revie decided to keep firing. Or multiplying her bullets. Even ant bites would start hurting in great enough numbers…and, even though she'd succeeded in her goal, it wasn’t as if her catch had been perfect.

There was an art to perfectly stopping a bullet in midair. Unfortunately, Meirin hadn’t expected Revie to suddenly start firing and thus hadn’t been fully prepared. “This is one of our buildings, you know.”

By our, she meant it was one of the Dragon brothels. Therefore, some of the people working in the brothel were possibly Dragon supporters as well...like ENP.

“If we gotta fight, let’s try to take it somewhere where there’s less civilians and less property to damage. Besides, even if they are Serpents, they haven’t really done anything worth shooting at–’least as far as I can tell.”

It wasn’t as if Merin didn’t understand why Reveler would open fire on sight. As a general rule, Meirin didn’t like most Sable Serpents, since most of the ones she’d encountered had been wild drug pushers that craved chaos and had an overall disregard for human life. Thanks to Reveler referring to them as Scalies, Merin had finally managed to piece together the identity of Peyton’s “Uncle”--and where she’d seen him. Around the time that she’d hired Peyton, a background check had been done on the rookie Dragon (of course), and a picture of Peyton’s “Uncle” had been a part of the information package. His hair might currently be different and his eyes shaded, but the shape of the nose and chin were the same.

She was looking at Deacon, aka Tri, the newly minted Jack of the Sable Serpents.

There were a lot of rumors about him, mostly bad, but even so it wasn’t as if Meirin operated on a ‘see opposing gang member, fight opposing gang member’ basis. She wasn’t like that wacko Ace the Serpents had. Nor did she care all that much about Central like many other Dragons did. Expanding their turf wasn’t especially important to her. The Sleeping Giant had been more a defender than a conqueror. More focused on protecting what they had than trying to claim more territory–hence why she generally stayed in the East District. The Pleasure District. In her mind, peace was best achieved when things stayed the way they were–when none of the 4 great gangs were stronger than the other.

That said, she’d fight if she had to. There was no real rule that stated members of other gangs couldn’t go to other Districts or enjoy their brothels. If any of the opposing gangs wished to add to Dragon coffers, they were welcome to do so. However, should opposing gang members try to take over their turf or cause trouble in their turf, they’d face the full wrath of the Sleeping Giant.

“Soooo,” Meirin turned her eyes to Tri and Goat Mask. “What are Snakies like you doing in a Dragon’s cavern~?”

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit Damafaud Damafaud The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Coyote Hart Coyote Hart Mqueserasera Mqueserasera
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Old Mystery Man
Location: Fancy Gala
In Scene: Jesper ( AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa ) | Lucy ( BriiAngelic BriiAngelic ) | Akira ( Nobody Special Nobody Special ) | Dimitri ( The Prophet The Prophet | Helva ( Peckinou Peckinou ) | Ryutaro ( joshuadim joshuadim )

1654095208823.pngThe old man laughed heartily, “Most of the rich are bothersome in one way or another.

As Jesper asked for this name, his lips pulled up.

Oh, my apologies. I’m Yasuo Saiwa, current owner of the Saiwa Industries.

He tapped the floor with his custom cane as he continued, “At some point, one of my grandchildren will be taking the mantle but–” he sighed.
Serpents Arc 2: Scene 2 [Tailing the Dragon's Heart]
Entrance to Platinum Rabbit, East District
Anna, Tri, Yuto, Kisara, Bash
Lovemaker 3000, Stick
Tailing the Dragon's Heart
<<< Previous Post

Did Tri have $4,000? He had them, but it would be all of his. Tri considered his choices. Should he start gun blazing now? He was tempted, but it wouldn't be as cool as doing so after they found the diamond (Tri already forgot what they were looking for).


Many things happened when Tri was in the middle of considering his decisions. One, he heard someone calling him 'Uncle'. Tri blinked. The young man looked familiar. Like he knew it from somewhere, but like not from the street or bar or something. Like someone that actually matter. Before he could organize his thoughts, bullets flew and a huge thing blocked it.

Tri blinked again. Did he just get shot? The gunpowder scent said yes. It didn't taste good. James Bond aren't supposed to get caught on the receptionist desk, but when he was trying to escape. This wasn't cool.


Should he start the lovemaking invasion now? He counted Gun Lady (Reveler), Guy He Knew (Peyton), Weirdo (Callan), and Fleshy (Meirin). They looked good, too. Tri scratched his chin, lost in his own thoughts. It sounded like a fun plan... but censorship. He couldn't post it on the gram. That would be a pain. His musing was only broken by the question.

Why was he here? Tri tilted his head. Wasn't this the plot of that new anime Lewis showed him? A lot of talking and politicking that he usually didn't have the patient for, but the protagonist was cool. Talking yourself out of trouble wasn't easy in that power fantasy world. It wasn't easy here, too.

"Surveying a room for my son's birthday." So, talking your way out was cool.

Tri hadn't taken a step from where he stood. The eyes behind those shades flat and uninterested as always, like the monotonous way he spoke. He was calm.

He put $4,000 (with some Monopoly money) on the desk before turning to Fleshy, Gun Lady, and Weirdo and Guy He Knew with a raised eyebrow. "You?"

"Attacking without an explanation is a minor villain's role. The kind that got brushed off mid-arc."

He gave a disapproving look around and tutted. "And the place now ruined with bullets. All of this can be avoided if you ask before shoot. I'm at the receptionist desk, baka. It's not like I ran in here with Nipple Pulverizer destroying everyone that wore not-green. That's St. Patrick's Day."

Dragons were disappointing, Tri tried to convey through his eyes as he lowered his shades. In actuality he just ended up staring at Fleshy.

"Come on, Velvet Meadow. We have an awoo bark bark scene to record." Tri grabbed Anna (who he finally remembered was there) with his magical stick-holding hand and started heading for the stairs. Not looking back even once, like the cool person he was.

Hm. I'm the coolest.

Maybe he should give Lewis a gift after this. After he knew him, his coolness factor skyrocketed. It began with anime and manga, but the memes he introduced was a whole new world again.

Tri was lost in his splendor again. The attack and Peyton already flew to the back of his mind. In his mind, he already escaped successfully.


What the fuck was with this shitty luck? Meirin, of all fucking places for the brothel protector to visit today, it was the same fucking brothel as the one Tri entered. Paris wanted to strangle something. His assistant was sweating cold bullets because he would be the strangled thing if things went awry.

"S-sir, we have prepared the getaway car-"

"The distraction team."

The assistant gulped. "Ready, sir. They are disguised as groups with bad blood and bringing their fight to the street."



A fight broke out in the red light district. A fight over woman, they said. Things turned for the worse when they started using their HP. Even worse, one of them could throw fire.

Buildings caught aflame. When Dragons spotted them, they began running, spreading the chaos.

In other spots, fights began, too.

Mentions: The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit Nobody Special Nobody Special Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed simj26 simj26

>> Next Post
Tigers Arc 2: Scene 3 [Happily Ever After]
Shopping Mall, Central District
Alice, Elias, Jack, Charmy, Jackson
Happily Ever After

Jack let out a sigh, putting a palm to his forehead and cupping his elbow with the other. “Boys there’s a lot of things I am, but good is most certainly not on that list.” He turned to Charmy, “Ma'am, if you would be so kind as to make sure that door is locked, I would greatly appreciate it.” He turned to face the twosome again, still addressing her, “...And you don’t have to watch this if you’re the squeamish type.”

Jack reached into his pocket retrieving a small plastic box, but paused before opening. He looked around the room making sure that any security cameras in the room were dispatched. “Now, I am a patient man, but I’ve been havin’ a rough day. My best friend ain’t here, I ain’t had a drink yet, and you may not have noticed, but I look like a damn imbecile.” His tone growing irate as he finished his sentence. “So, we’re just gonna have a little chat.” He popped open the small box revealing a set of 10 surgical needles already prepped with stitching. Jack walked over to a nearby chair taking a seat as he removed his sunglasses.

“Now don’t take this the wrong way green bean,” looking towards Claire, “but I think your friend here looks like he talks a bit more, and while I’m sure yer’ momma raised you with manners, I’m gonna make sure we have a nice one-on-one here first.” He quickly raised his hand towards Claire, summoning a butcher’s hook behind him. The hook shot towards his left hand stabbing through his palm and pulling it across to his right before lifting his arms over his head. Leaving him hovering up a few inches above the floor. Meanwhile, 2 of the surgical needles flew towards his mouth, deftly sewing it shut before he could cry out.

He returned his attention to Ben, “Ya’ know, I think I heard somewhere, that ya’ if you get enough blood pumpin’ to yer’ head, it helps ya’ think better.” He stood up and walked over to Ben, and proceeded to push him over, catching each of his feet with newly conjured hooks. They pulled him slowly up into the air beside Claire. “Now just let me get a bit more comfortable,” Jack said as a pair of knives worked in unison to unbutton the front of his Hawaiian shirt, then slowly removed it, leaving him in just his wife-beater and the floating belt of daggers. The 6 daggers he had encircled around himself moved gently through the air until they were hovering horizontally with their tips towards Ben and Claire, just a few inches away from Jack.

He walked back to the chair pulling it closer to the floating pair before sitting back lazily into it. Jack let out a sigh, “Ah, now that we’re all settled in, let’s get down to the meat ‘n’ taters shall we? Now I know y’know some things that I’d like to be privy too. And I also know that y'all're a lil’ goofy.” He looked over to the figurine, sending a needle towards it and having it tie a noose around its neck. The needle dragged the figure back towards the three of them, leaving it floating in the center of the trio. “I’ll tell ya’ what, I’ll give ya’ until this lucky lass loses her head to answer my first question to my liking. And if’n ya’ don’t give me an answer exactly as I want, I’ll give ya’ another one o’ these.” Jack sent one of the daggers towards Ben, it sliced a thin clean line across his forehead directly below his hairline. The cut was shallow, but seemed far deeper with the amount of blood dripping out of it.

“Let’s get started shall we,” Jack smiled, “A little two fer’ one, and I’ll be very clear.” In his best Amnestrian accent, making sure to enunciate every word carefully, he asked, “How well do you know Miss Alice, and do you know where she is right now?” Returning to his normal tone, “Now I hope ya’ understand the words that came outta my mouth.” A miniature saw blade appeared behind the floating figurine and began to saw through the doll's neck.


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