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Phoenix HQ, South District
Lyric BriiAngelic BriiAngelic , Yong-Yut gxxberkit gxxberkit , Bernardo GrieveWriter GrieveWriter , Charlie Roda the Red Roda the Red
Ziz watched the other phoenixes from atop her most recently conquered pile of rubble. Whether it had been rubble before Ziz had begin conquering it was a topic best avoided. The others looked like they were talking about something. Ziz could see them standing around talking, and if she had the patience to she could have made out what they were saying by readying their lips, but that was too much work, so she decided to just sneak closer to eavesdrop. It was more fun, and she needed to practice her sneaking around skills to use against Alex. She'd scare him one of these days!

Ziz rolled - stealthily - down her rubble pile, climbed - stealthily - up the next, and then jumped - stealthily - into a pile near the group. Now she could actually hear what they were talking about.

Once this is done… join us for a round of drinks. Temperer?

That was Miss Lyric. Ziz had been remembering Lyric telling her to sweep this whole time, so Ziz still remembered her voice easily.

O-Of course! it would be an honor to join you all.

Uh, that was... Not-Girl! Or was it Not-Boy? Ziz forgot. If Ziz peeked and saw Charlie again she'd remember, but just listening in her mind was getting confused. Not that Ziz was wasting a single braincell thinking about Charlie, in fact Ziz hadn't payed attention to whatever it was Charlie had said. Ziz was more excited about the... FRUITY DRINKS! Stealth be damned, alcohol!

Feathers burst from the open spaces inside the pile of rubble, a moment before the whole pile was thrown into the air by an excited Ziz. Much to her credit, she was half-attempting to aim this time, and an impressive quarter of the piled-up rubble landed heavily in the back of the nearest truck. The rest rained down on top of everything else in the nearby vicinity. The wings Ziz had used to forcibly toss the heavy rubble were completely destroyed, blood and bone momentarily visible before Ziz pulled her feathery explosion back inside her small frame.

Ziz scampered over to Miss Lyric and the others. "Yay! Drinks!"

It was no secret among the phoenixes that Ziz loved to drink, but the attitude was that fi you let it happen it was on you to deal with the fallout. She didn't get any more destructive, that was like saying a hurricane got more destructive by pouring a bottle of wine into the wind, but drunk Ziz was a pain in other ways. Drunk Ziz tended to get really clingy... like wrapping herself to Vulken's leg and refusing to come off until she fell asleep or that time she got drunk and tried to take Hide flying, but since it was dark out she got scared and they'd needed someone else to come get them off a rooftop.

A small feathered person jumped at the leader of one of the four most famous and infamous gangs that ran this entire city shouting something about getting "fruity wasted".

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West-side, Central
"Keep up," was all the Tiger Queen said before sprinting away at full speed.

Vincent wasn't unathletic, far from it. Just as a byproduct of living with his potentiality he had built up muscle that most had to train hard too get, and then he actually trained on top of that. He ran, or at least jogged, pretty much every morning. So it was embarrassing for him to realize even accounting for the girl's initial head start that she was pulling away ahead of him just running after her. Damn she was quick. He'd have to cheat to match her pace. Vincent closed his find ahead of him and then spread his fingers wide. Suddenly it felt like he was being pulled forward. He'd sharply lowered the air pressure directly in front of him, not quite to the level he used when fighting but enough to make him move fast enough to catch up to the quick-footed tiger queen.

They ran for long enough that Vincent pretty much gave up on running and was more or less flying with occasional steps to keep up the charade. When their leader stopped he revered his potential to act as brakes and bring him to a stop with barely any physical effort on his part. He looked at the building. Was this really a bowling alley? It looked like a fun place to bring a girl on a date. The gears hidden under his backwards baseball cap began turning.

He escorted Lucy inside, Dante acting as the date's escort and holding the door open for them, and was immediately assaulted by the tacky musical choice of the place. They'd need to do something about that if there was any hope for setting the right mood in here.

"Say Luce-"

Aaaand Vincent's attempt at convincing the tiger queen to blow off work and turn the outing into a date were again interrupted, this time by Dante shouting at the top of his lungs the moment he entered right behind the pair. His voice was easily loud enough to turn heads, even over the blaring music, which meant he'd pretty much deafened Vincent by shouting that loud right next to his head. Vince had to keep himself from closing his eyes or attempting to strangle his fellow tiger, both risky moves when actively invading foreign territory. Thankfully his urge to kill Dante were lessened by Dante storming off towards the sound controls in the most obtrusive way possible.

"As I was saying," Vincent returned to script like nothing had happened, "This place seems fun enough. How about it, you and I play a few rounds? Knock a few ten-pins? Could even come up with a wager to make it more interesting." He motioned with his chin towards the lanes. A bowling date with Luce sounded like a day well-spent. It probably wouldn't have happened under the best of circumstances, which these were not, but he had to try.

Dante had drawn most of the attention with his entrance and terrible dance moves, leaving Vincent and Lucy with relatively few eyes still on them. Relatively.

"Hey you! You with him? Take your loud-ass friend and go right back out the.. ugh- guh"

The first person to approach them Vincent went easy on. As soon as they got too close he shooed away with a motion of the hand, lowering the air pressure enough that they chocked on their words and were left gasping for air. It was a sorry sight. He put his hand on their shoulder and pushed them right on past and out the door. "Go get some fresh air. It'll do you good. And don't come back in." He chuckled. If Dante drew all the serious attention here, Vincent might get away without actually having to do anything. On one hand that was great, he wouldn't need to hurt anyone, but it also meant he wouldn't get to impress the tiger queen. That was a problem. But it turned out not to be a problem at all.

"Huh?" Vincent's arm suddenly felt heavier. White crystal-looking things had appeared on the back of his right arm and were spreading as he watched. They didn't really hurt or anything, but already he could barely lift his arm. He scanned the room. Someone had used their power on him. No use, he couldn't pick anyone out as more suspicious than anyone else from just looking. Even with Dante and his growing disturbance over there drawing attention, a lot of eyes were still on Lucy and Vince. "Ugh, fine."

"Sorry to inconvenience you for even a second miss," Vincent flashed the tiger queen his cheesiest smile. "But if you could, stand a bit closer to me for just a sec while I deal with this." Vincent took a deep breath and clenched his non-crystalized fist tight. After a moment of nothing happening, those nearby suddenly held their ears or head like they were in pain. Vincent lowered his still-clenched fist, raising the air pressure further. People began to fall to their knees in pain. There was shattering glass from the doors behind them that bounced off an invisible wall of pressure surrounding Vincent and Lucidity. The crystals had completely covered Vincent's arm up to the shoulder, and he couldn't lift it from the floor at this point. "Seriously? Whichever one of you stuck this on me better unstick it unless you want people to start getting really hurt." He upped the pressure again. People nearby fell flat against the floor, and even inanimate object that weren't solidly built began showing signs of strain. Vincent really didn't want to kill anyone doing this, but whatever this was on his arm was moving up the side of his neck, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't teetering from 'this is fine' to 'oh shit this is actually a problem' territory.

His singular serious-thinker braincell clocked in for the day. Vincent groaned, not from the pain of having his arm encased in shiny rock and stuck to the floor, but in exasperation with himself. It was the arm he'd touched that guy with just a moment ago. The guy he'd sent right on his merry way out the door. The guy who would be out of the range of people Vince was making eat dirty bowling alley carpet at the moment. God he was an idiot.

"Um, Luce... This one's a hundred percent my bad. The guy I just let get away... I think this is, uh, his." Vincent rubbed the back of his head with his one free arm in embarrassment as he tip-toed around asking his superior for help with his little problem. He wouldn't be quite so hesitant to ask her for help if she wasn't carrying around that scythe that made him paranoid that her help might involve sudden amputation of the affected limb, and Vincent was still quite emotionally attached to each of his five limbs. If there was a silver lining at all, it was that Dante had managed to change the music inside to something slightly less awful, so if Vince did turn into a crystal ornament here at least he wouldn't be stuck listening to Party Rock.

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Dragons Arc 1: Scene 1 [Rogue of the Night]
Pleasure District, East District
Isaiah, Meirin, Kairong, Reveler
Adonis chuckled at Angel’s mention of a test. He studied her eyes, those perfect green orbs. For a brief second, he thought his disguise had been seen through. If not then the disappointing effect his charming appearance and sweet talks had produced, illusion as they were, should be a good enough reason to revise his acting. It was no secret that Adonis, in his current form at least, fancied himself a lady killer. Yet Angel hadn’t once reacted in the manner he’d expected. He had to admit, the woman was nothing but consistent to her character. Something she would regret, no doubt. The better move should be playing along with his show, as there wouldn’t be anything they could do once the Dragon exercised their full authority. One ought to appreciate the sweetness of lies and scorn the brutality of truths, if they wished to ensure their own safety. Though Adonis didn’t mind. The woman could play her games instead with rules she so wished. Either way, it should be fun to push her pretty front to the absolute limits. An evil look flashed across his face, too quick for the untrained eyes, before his amiable expression returned.

“Now, Mr. Manager,” he addressed Robin, “I dislike the bartering of money, for it seemed a sacrilege to these charming ladies. But nevertheless, I have the cold hard cash here, and wish to be done with this issue before my mood is soured.” And he pulled out his wallet and would give Angel the asked number. It was done in one fluid movement, without disturbing the invisible case on his back, courtesy of Isaiah. “And now, I’ll entertain your test. On one condition,” his gentle eyes narrowed at Angel, “that you must pay due respect to your patron: I. There is only so much I can put up with out of admiration. And frankly, my patience is wearing thin.”

“And you,” now he turned to Raven, and injected just enough commanding tone to his voice to maintain still a thin layer of placidness on the surface. “I suggest that you seek business elsewhere – entertain my older friend here perhaps. Angel should be in safe hands with your manager around.”

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simj26 simj26 Lucem Lucem QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Anne Boolean Anne Boolean

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Tigers Arc 1: Scene 3 [The High Life]
Albino Tiger Penthouse Suite, West District
Elias, Sophia
The conversation moved on around Markus. Not that he minded. His focus, as always, was elsewhere. Heavy lies the crown. or however that saying goes... And those with a crown on their heads had, at the very least, the luxury to ignore—every now and again—the chaos constantly swirling around them.

The poor cocktail waitress who was now in charge of collecting Miss Wonder's 'Hamburger Helper' from a supermarket three blocks over was not so lucky.

Another Tiger joined their little circle-jerk and Markus gave her a quick, cursory nod. His eyes briefly flitting from the phone sceen to the Veteran as she sat. His mouth quirked, like was fixing to say something, when all of a sudden his phone's screen light lit over white, reflecting in his eyes now glued to the tiny thing in his hands. He stood, tapping the Accept Call button and pressing the phone to his ear.

“What is it.” He asked in a funny way that sounded less like a question and more like a threat as he stalked back behind the dais to a cleverly well-hidden door in the wall—one that was doubly hidden behind a row of large, face-masked men. Tigers, all. Markus disappeared into his private back rooms, leaving the Rookies and the Veteran to their own devices.

Meanwhile, a commotion was burgeoning down below. Someone had either had too much, or too little. The sounds of it slowly seeped into the VIP section.

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QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel GrieveWriter GrieveWriter The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit
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Meirin Azuza
Dragons Arc 1: Scene 1 [Rogue of the Night]
Pleasure District, East District District
Isaiah, Robin, Reveler, Kairong, Meirin
Rouge of the Night

“That’s a potential!” Meirin exclaimed in response to Jay’s description of his abilities, seeing as the brothel worker didn’t sound like he knew much about the innate talent he was born with. Or, maybe he did. Meirin giggled. “Hehe, a pretty useful one from the sound of it. Bet those eagle eyes of yours have helped you see all sorts of interesting things~ ”

Regardless, it made him one of the 10%. Made him like her. Meirin still remembered when she hid her innate talents so as not to draw attention to herself, so as to live a normal life, away from those who would try to take advantage of it. Little wonder there were others that thought the same. Back then, she, like many others feared the dragons.

But things were different now. Now, given the world she lived in, she’d be dead without her potential.

Meirin’s eyes flickered briefly to the doorway, where she heard footsteps running down the hall, before returning to Jay. His friendliness made her want to trust him. His smile contagious. Jun always told her not to trust people too easily…but there was nothing to be gained without taking risks.

Meirin also wasn’t much a liar. “Maybe you could help me out.”

Scooting deeper into the bed, Meirin drew the curtains closed before crossing her legs so they sat folded atop the mattress. Invisible or not, she wouldn’t be surprised to find cameras in the room (Jesper’s included) for safety purposes. Only those who did something wrong had a something to hide…but it was only by hiding that the hidden wrongs could be brought to light. Contradictory though it may be, it was how the world worked.

“I’m not here for sex,” Though Meirin wasn’t entirely opposed to it, she had a feeling ol’ Kairong would have something to say about her playing around on the job, and Jun’s style of information gathering had never been her strong suit. Not that she hadn’t tried of course…but the results always varied…since she wasn’t as good at sex compared to sister, especially when she wasn’t into it. Her temper didn’t help. As lose lipped as some people tend to be when lost in the throes of passion, Meirin was more likely to lose herself to it than her target did…when she got into it of course. “Someone recently died in this establishment, you see, and I’m looking into it.”

It wasn’t all that usual for people to ‘mysteriously disappear’ in brothels. Those who caused trouble. Those, overcome by lust, who took things too far. Those that committed crimes. Meirin dealt with a number of them so that the beauty of Eternal Night Palace—of the East District—could be maintained. Uprooting the seeds that would disturb the peace of their fair district. Chopping down the weeds that would sully it. Meirin had always seen dragons, true dragons, as those who shared her vision—who’d seen, and lived, the through the imperfection of the world and aimed to rectify it. Therefore, the death of a dragon was certainly something to look into.

However, if a weed had taken root within the dragons, then it would only make sense for it to be cut out. She didn't know much about Eli Azaz, after all. Then there was the whole deal with the ‘Cobalt Wolves’. “Perhaps you’ve seen something?”

Neither ‘eagle’ nor ‘hawks’, despite their good eyesight, could see through invisibility. ‘Really good eyes’ was an understatement. Isaiah’s illusions tricked the eyes—all the senses really—except touch. The fact that Jay’s potential could break through that, the Ace’s potential, meant it was more than just ‘good’. Chances were there was a bit more to it than the typical long-distance sight. More that it could see. However, Meirin didn’t blame Jay for being vague with his abilities. She, herself, was being fairly value...sort of. Better than straight up lying. A complete shot in the dark as well seeing as her sources told her that Azaz had last been scene with 'women', but seeing as her plan of stealthily sneaking around didn't pan out, it wouldn't hurt to be direct. Besides, she wanted to gauge his reaction.

"Or, if you haven't, do you happen to know someone by the name of Eli Azaz?"

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Taigakitt Taigakitt
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Ezra Knight
CS Link
Tigers Arc 1: Scene 2 [Money Talks]
The White Tiger Casino, West District
Alice AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa , Cassidy Fenris Fenris , Charmy BluEndings BluEndings
His heart stopped when Titus reached for the deck again. Not satisfied with exchanging his own card, the larger man drew for Ezra as well. He was unable to get a single word out as both were flipped over, stunned by the unexpected action. It was wasted effort on his opponent's part, as the young Knight still took home the pot, but it was quite a shock. Thankfully, he didn't let his surprise show on his face, somehow maintaining his composure as Titus blustered.

Just a second ago, he was doing his best not to let his nerves get to him, but as he watched Titus sweat, he started to feel strangely calm. His polite smile widened, the expression now fueled by genuine delight. Was it just the joy of winning that was helping him get over his initial worries? Maybe he was simply relieved to have survived Titus' stress-inducing move.

"Really? You seem a bit hot to me, Mr. Latkin. I think a nice drink would help cool you off. They already went to the trouble of bringing one here." Beads of sweat were dripping down Titus' forehead, and he was licking his dry lips, making him look quite parched. Still, he didn't take the cup, as if he knew something was wrong with the tea inside.

Unlike the other man, Ezra took the offered cup, maintaining his smile as he nodded at Alice. "Thank you very much, young lady." He accepted it, but he knew better than to actually drink the tea. One of the other Tigers was kind enough to explain the blonde girl's ability to him, sparing him from the effects they were trying to subject their mark to.

As he turned his attention back to Titus, Ezra leaned in, slowly closing the distance between them. "That aside, I must admit that I was surprised by your sudden move, Mr. Latkin. After all, we did agree that we'd be drawing our own cards. What you did could be considered a violation of the rules." At this point, he was convinced that Titus was cheating. He had no reason to draw new cards unless he knew that he'd lose. That move and his wandering eyes gave him away, but Ezra still wasn't sure what the trick was. Maybe someone was feeding him information.

"Since we're already acquainted, I'm willing to let it go just this once." As he smiled, he placed his hand on top of the deck, dragging it away from the spot it had been moved to. "Provided that I'm allowed to do the same, of course. To keep things fair." While Alice clung to the heavy gambler like a mall Santa, Ezra used his new position to quickly look at Titus' glistening face, checking for any kind of device that someone could use to communicate with him. "Word gets around quick. Some of the patrons watching us might misunderstand the situation and spread rumors that Titus Latkin is a man who likes to cheat and run."

Returning the deck back to its original position, Ezra sat back in his seat and looked at Alice to answer her question. "The more the merrier. Having more players this round will certainly make things more interesting." While Charmy had left the table, there were still two other people who could help him.

As he said he would, Ezra drew two cards from the deck and slid one over to Titus. He'd let the other two players draw for themselves, honoring the rules that were set in place. Gesturing toward Cassidy, he allowed her to have the next draw, assuming she chose to play. "I think we're fairly warm, but I believe a higher wager would heat things up even faster. I'd hate to disappoint."

Like Titus, he chose not to flip over his card this round. He decided to check the value before to avoid appearing suspicious, but there was no reason to do so if the other man had foregone looking at the cards himself. This would be a small test to see how Titus was cheating. He seemed to know the value of his original card, but not of the cards that had been facedown the entire time. Maybe he'd be unable to cheat this way.

"I think I'll take your advice and refrain from being bashful, Mr. Latkin. I'll wager one million this time. Or maybe two, in the spirit of your last raise." Titus owed him at least one more round after that stunt he pulled, but it looked like the socialite might make a run for it. Even if he could escape Alice's loving grip, there was no way anyone else was going to let him get away.

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Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 1 [From The Ashes]
Phoenix HQ, South District
Lyric, Ziz, Bernardo, Charlie
From The Ashes
Yong-Yut gave a short, confused nod to Fixer and Lyric’s conflicting answers. Soon was quick enough, they guessed, but she was also a bit worried about Ziz. It sure as might take longer because of her. She turned around, placing her hands against her hips to scan the area. Well, at least it was looking better than earlier.

She looked over her shoulder to the rookie and Lyric, paying attention to the conversation. “Ah.. drinks?” They mumbled, furrowing their brow, “I was hoping to help out somewhere else after this..” Their thought was interrupted as they watched Ziz coming up to the group, clearly having heard about the drinks too. She’d heard a few stories about Ziz getting drunk, and she really, really wasn’t in the mood to be anywhere near that any time soon.

Her eyes trailed from Ziz to the noise that had come from where she was. They blinked at the new piles of rubble. Though impressed at how much had made it into the trucks, she sighed about the amount that didn’t.

“. . .This really is going to take longer than expected.”

She quietly stepped away from the group and attempted to preoccupy herself by picking up more rubble. She squatted down to the ground, letting their ribbons do the work. The light shuffle of the fabric had improved her mood slightly. They focused on the noise, ignoring whatever was going on behind them.

That is, until she had heard the thump of someone falling. She tilted their head to look behind her, seeing Charlie on the ground. She pursed her lips in order to stifle a chuckle.

Pretending she definitely, totally, never in her life had seen Charlie fall, they quickly averted their eyes, returning to the rubble she was picking up.

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In Scene: Ruriko ( Beann Beann ) | Kanna ( FabulousTrash FabulousTrash
Collab With: Taigakitt Taigakitt


Not to worry? The man let his blank expression continue. Dragons, a righteous group indeed. He wiped his thumb across the back of the woman’s hand.

The woman squeezed the man’s hand gently as she released, carefully moving around Kanna, who had stepped out of their way. She briefly glanced back at the white-haired man who had approached behind them before starting toward the bridge.​

“Don’t die,” her voice nonchalantly said as she briskly walked.

A twitch of an expression and turn to the two as they made their way into the smoke was the man’s immediate reaction.

The fog thickened as the white-haired suspect stepped into it. The white smoke that had been surrounding the group started to turn slowly into a gray that got darker with each second.

The katana-wielding woman’s words could be heard through the fog. Ah yes, that was the dragon’s job was it not?

Their exit was close, just a cross of a bridge and the couple would be on their way to central.

With the sword prodding the white-haired man’s back, he put his hands up, one palm somewhat bloody from the raw meat he had been holding. He was no longer shivering.

He spoke up,
“The one thing about what I just ate is that it tends to make me overheat.”

He put his hands down to his sides, making a face at the man of the couple.
“I didn’t do anything to warrant being put down by force. Y’all are the ones attacking me. So… how about no, I don’t cooperate.”

With that, the white-haired man spun against the sword point and faced Ruriko before going to slam his whole body into a tackle with a powerful force. At this range with her sword pointed the way it was, he figured there was no way she’d be able to drive enough force quickly to pierce an HP.

The man dipped his head towards the trio they left behind before turning and rushing his way forwards and out of the now inky black smoke. He ran hitting the pavement with a loud thud before yanking the woman’s hand as he passed her.


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CS Link
Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 3 [Training Day]
North-Eastern Bridge, South District
Reika, Vulken
Training Day

Dimitri's eyes widened when Reika took the hit on purpose to limit his movements, grasping at the blade after taking it it with her other hand. Surprise quickly turned into joy as Dimitri laughed and stood straight. "You remain the only one I know actually bold enough to do that. It's great!" He stepping in closer as Vulken came around, trying somewhat to to drive his rapier even deeper as he listened to Vulken do whatever it was he was doing.

Suddenly Reika pulled him even closer into her, and Dimitri raised a humored brow. "Right now? Aren't we kind of in the middle of something?" He got his answer to such when Vulken's attack smothered them in blistering heat. Reika took the brunt, but it was still quite hot to the other redhead. He could even feel the heat building on his weapon, the now red-hot metal all but lighting up Dimitri's nickel eyes.

"So that's why. Thanks!" Accompanying his gratitude with the swing of his free hand towards her face, it never connected as he was sent sailing into the flatbed of a truck. Acrobatically righting himself and landing, Dimitri was prepared to meet his sponsor with the burning glow of steel; especially after he felt the pain of his own bite in his neck and definitely leaving holes. When she landed on the truck he was quick to move, swiping twice quickly without actually intending to hit. His real goal, was to dash into her space again, for some payback. "Hope you don't mind Reika, I'm feeling a little parched~" Dimitri exposed his sharp teeth in a sultry smile, before trying to bite down on her neck and drink some of her blood.

Whether it succeed or not he backed off after a few seconds, wiping his mouth. Her impromptu lesson gave him pause, as Dimitri looked towards the two upcoming locations and nodded, stabbing his sword in the flatbed as they swerved. "I see! So ours....and ours! What an informative lesson!"

Withdrawing his sword and charging, Dimitri let loose a flurry of slashes and stabs, from both claw and rapier. As the vampire danced dangerously with his sponsor atop the truck, he called out to the arsonist. "Come on Vulken, get on! I still need to get you back for hitting me with your attack!"

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Lab Icarus, Serpent's HQ, North District
Sang-cheol ( @Misuteeku ), Vice ( BluEndings BluEndings )
Pump Up The Volume
He could enjoy hanging with these two a bit longer. At the very least they were more entertaining than some of the others under his direct command. He brought himself further into a sitting position as Matchsticks asked him a question.

"If I may ask, are there going to be new workers here? Aside from the rookies, some people with experience would be nice."

“Tomi wouldn’t send any amateurs. They may be more used to less precise drugs but they are from Warehouse Beta. Throw them at a table with some instructions and a recipe, they’ll get the hang of it.”

He would have continued if not for the buzzing of his burner phone. He picked it up and clicked it on speaker seeing that it was just some low level serpent.

“Queen, Cops.”

The phone went dead near immediately as the message was sent. Great that gave so much context, as if his title didn’t already throw him into a mood. He forced himself up and dug out the lab’s police scanner. He’d forced the thing on the lowest volume earlier trying to ignore the thing, leaving it to their border patrol to be on watch duty.

“Zone 4 reporting several violent break ins. Repeat. Zone 4 reporting several break ins. Units Tortoise, Sparrow…. BOSS???”

“For fucks sake.”

He let out a curse just as their cavalry were making their way into the Lab. He slammed a fist down on one of the few counters not holding product. He saw the dozen or so sent by Tomi skitter at the edge of his vision. One started to back up as if ready to make a break for it.

“OI,” the group flinched but stood in place as the lone idiot trying to get away realized just what he was doing. “You all, GET TO WORK!”

Tomi might have sent them ones with experience but it wasn’t like Warehouse Beta was filled with anyone with actual talent for fighting. He turned as he saw them lining up to get started without a goddamn clue where to begin.

“For the love of- Vice, just listen to Vice and get going.”

He would have deferred to Matchsticks but he’d need his help if they really were going to see cops mosing in on their territory soon. He’d take Vice too but the kid was already planning on crashing and he didn’t need anyone too tired to deal with what would come.

“Match, looks like we’ve got some mess to clean up. Yuudai isn’t gonna take too pleasantly to their supply run being interrupted.”

He should have expected no less from Tri and Delynn going to join the attack team. Was it too much to ask for a simple bag ‘em and tag ‘em? He was going to have to work overtime on breaking them in to get good results if the test subjects got it in their head that anyone would be coming to save them.

He tossed the scanner to Vice as he turned to leave. He took a moment to try to throw an arm out and around Matchstick’s shoulder.

“Keep an ear out, got it? Me and Match’ll be back once we’ve tossed ‘em of Kingy’s trail.”

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Yo “Kiyohime” Saiwa
Location: Surveillance Room in Dragon HQ
In Scene: Kasumi ( FabulousTrash FabulousTrash ) | Jesper ( AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa )​

Eye of Providence​
9179BE25-E6AE-474B-9940-066CBBBDB71E.jpegWith phone in hand, Yo searched up Kazue’s number in her contact list. Kazue would have been in the middle of healing someone, hopefully finished up. There’s a chance she didn’t know what was going on, and maybe there was something she could do to help Kasumi. Thinking on Kazue’s potential and what happened to Kasumi, Yo doubted it.

The text read: “Please come to the surveillance room. Kasumi needs looked at and you may need filled in on what’s happening.” ( azenva azenva )

Jesper had answered her question about the cameras. Her golden eyes looked from her position on the floor as well and it seemed almost all of the ones in a particular district were out. She frowned. The Pleasure District didn’t have eyes in the sky.

Listening to his ramble, she tried to remember his father’s name from information given to her when she took her position. “I believe that you can take this and build it better. You’re a smart man,” Yo gently encouraged him.

A shuffle in her lap grabbed Yo’s attention, to which she noticed Kasumi was coming around.

Kasumi’s question was answered by Jesper, who had also given her glasses back to her.

Yo fretted quietly as Kasumi stood back up, her hands wanting to grab the girl, but decided against it, causing her hands to kind of… shuffle.

Once she felt Kasumi wouldn’t faint again, Yo also got up off the ground. Placing her palms on the table, her phone in front of her, she spoke as her eyes went back to being glued to screens, “We need to figure out the extent of the damage, precisely. Also… it worries me that it seems to be the cameras in the Pleasure District that are offline, more than any other locale.

The Queen looked over at Kasumi, “Cipher, see if you can check in on Orbit. I’m worried, and I need to check on something also.

Yo recalled the banner that had showed up on her phone during Kasumi’s spell, so she unlocked it and searched for the message.

What she read caused her to frown. If Isaiah was in the middle of an investigation, she couldn’t just call him, else that could blow his cover. A text will have to do.

She sent a text to Isaiah:
Silence’s autopsy came back. The wounds didn’t cause the death. It was an unidentifiable poison.” ( Lucem Lucem )

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North-Western Central District
Dante ( The Regal Rper The Regal Rper ), Vincent ( OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi ), Reina ( cojemo cojemo ) [NPC/Hiatus]
Its Free Real Estate
Loud. Brash. What an entrance. She let a grin come over her features as she let her heel hit the ground with a little more weight than natural to hear the click click of her heels as she walked into the bowling alley she stopped as Vince spoke up inviting her to a round of bowling. On an ordinary day she might have even taken up his offer.

Too bad Dante was in for a real show today. He managed to get into a fight in record time and this of course meant that some particularly foolish idiots thought that meant they should go up to the woman with a scythe and demand amnesty.


Lucky enough for them instead of getting sliced in two Vince decided they would get a gentle reminder to fuck all the way off. She gave him a little knowing smirk before the man asked her to come closer and as much a womanizer as he was Lucy also knew he wasn’t stupid enough to pull some shit while there were targets to be had. She took two steps closer and twirled on her heel to face the show.

And what a show it was.

Her expression became maniac as the unsuspecting fools crumpled to the ground like paper dolls. Oh now wasn’t that a sight to see. She could hear the gasps and cries of the crowd of NPs watching as a seldom few seemed to withstand a bit more quickly memorizing them as HPs.

She let a low chuckle grow into full-grown maniac laughter as she lifted the scythe out parallel to her shoulder before lifting it up further and putting all her strength into a downward slice of the crystal surrounding the man’s arm.

The speakers switched to a new song as “Dynamite” came onto the speakers in full swing. Dante was clearly handling himself well enough but now it was time to get serious. She let her laughter sharply end without any preamble.


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South District
Hector ( WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten ), Akane ( Anne Boolean Anne Boolean ) || Hide ( Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed ), Alex ( Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne ), Helva ( Peckinou Peckinou ), Nina ( Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider )
The party of the century would happen every night as the electric rock track dropped. It was loud enough that the crowds could enjoy on both the upper, lower decks, and all the way on the docks. The mass of teens was clearly in the way of any work getting done and the sounds were more than enough to have several workers covering their ears at the sound.

Despite this, the first person Hector spoke to seemed to take one glance at the yacht before shaking their head and getting back to work with some soft muttering under their breath before completely ignoring the male. Luckily enough the question was heard loud and clear and another male came up to ‘greet’ the man. The newcomer looked every bit like a construction worker and made his way up stomping with a mean glare in his eyes.

“Pfft. Permission? You don’t face a Nylund boat and then go asking around for permission. Not here anyway, you cause too much of a stink they’ll just buy up the whole dock like they did fer central.”

The man shoved both his hands in his pocket and made a flicking diagonal motion with his head. Clearly, this was a sign as the workers seemed to grab what they could and start to get back on the boats. It seemed there were equal eyes watching the nearby yacht as there were watching the scene below.

“Name’s Noland. I own these boats. Girlie there? Doesnt matter who she is, what matters is she’s toiling around Nylund money. If she aint one of them she’s sure as fuck close enough to gain their shit or sneaky enough to steal it. Either ways bad for business. Now… unless I’m mistaken yall are Phoenixes. And unless I’m really fucking mistaken yall are big name phoenixes.”

The man was clearly eying them up with caution. It seemed the entire crew were ready to make a break for it if things went sour.

“I aint had any problems before and I pay my dues so I’m guess you aint here for me. Lemme know now if I got the poor luck of one of my men being on ya list. I’ll iron ‘em out straight if its anything less than a hit.”

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Elias Yumin
Tigers Arc 1: Scene 3 [High Life]
Albino Tiger Penthouse Suite, West District District
Elias, Yulia, Sophia, Markus
High Life

“Not at all, Miss Knox,” Elias replied to the woman who slouched in her seat even as his eyes followed the spork that’d been wagged at him to its intended target—an ice cube. Symbolic much? Or, perhaps he’d simply been reading too many scripts and screenplays. “We were simply having a stimulating conversation about breadsticks and crash-able weddings in the East…”

Violet orbs flickered briefly to the Ice King, who abruptly left the table to answer a call, before returning to Miss Wonder. Reading between the lines was a skill Elias had honed over the years, but even he had to take the time to mull over the somewhat stoned woman’s words and metaphors—a surprisingly honest and thoughtful response all things considered. Almost felt personal. “Which I agree with, by the way.”

Smile widening, Elias raised his sapphire martini, which he’d ordered more out of habit than anything else, before bringing the glass to his lips. “What we enjoy often ends up being what we grow up experiencing…”

A ‘refined’ taste was something acquired and Elias grew up on expensive dishes. At the same time, those same everyday experiences made him desire novelty…to a degree. The sentiments expressed by Sophia—or Caddicarus?— were ones he was all too keenly aware of, but he also knew that growing up, and achieving ones desires, meant sacrifice. You can’t enjoy everything you do. Life was a series of choices—and he’d already made his choice to go with the flow. To meet the expectations of those he cared for more. The rest was just enjoying the luxuries it afforded.

Or, perhaps, he was simply defending his choice. “…but I believe I know of the breadsticks you are referring to. On one of our dates, my Ex took me to—”

A commotion down on the lower floor suddenly reached audible range. “Oh dear, I hope no one’s fighting down there.”

Standing, Elias’s gaze drifted to the hidden door guarded by some masked Tigers. It was normally the host’s job to deal with issues occurring within their own party. However, whatever occupied Markus Weiss seemed pretty important. He’d been staring at his phone in the entire party after all—waiting for something, perhaps? Elias’s curiosity urged him to follow the Tiger King to his ‘private chambers’…but he wasn’t a risk taker. He also knew he could find out said information later, if necessary, by digging into memories.

If it were Meirin, she’d simply have asked.

Duke’s text. Miss Wonder’s words. Her order of a ‘Hamburger Helper’. It all served to remind him of the things he’d left behind. Did he regret it? Maybe a little. However, he also knew, that if given the same choice, he’d probably make the same decision. Elias had always been good at doing what had to be done…to an extent. Moving to the windows overlooking the dance floor, which were made of one-way glass, Elias took a small sip of martini as his eyes swept over the myriad of moving bodies to search out the source of the commotion. “All while the king is away too," Elias shook his head sadly. "A good lackey would try to find out what’s going, deal with the issue if they can, or report back to their superiors if they can’t I suppose…would either of you ladies like to accompany me~?”

Certainly seemed more interesting than sitting in the VIP room drinking all night, or looking at charts, anyway. Weiss might’ve thrown the party, but it was one intended for all of them…and if the host wasn’t there to entertain them, they’d certainly have to find their own form of entertainment. His other options had been to watch Ron try (and fail) to impress some rich girls with his moves or continue Sophia's trend of bullying the cocktail waitress with another nonsensical order once she returned, the later of which was a little mean-spirited, but fit with the persona he wanted to create for Elijah Anamnesis.

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Elenion Aura Elenion Aura GrieveWriter GrieveWriter The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit
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Alexander S. Hidalgo
Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 2 [A Gathering Storm]
South District
Hide, Hector, Helva, Akane
Well, it couldn’t be said that Hide didn’t do what Alex wanted. In fact, despite Hide’s best try, he got exactly what Alex wanted, a nice distraction. Even so, he took note of Hide’s attempt to circumvent Alex’s orders. Something to address later, and in private. No use in giving the multiple-self-disaster any more fuel than what they already have. With a mental image of many things shattering, everything Alex had conjured up disappeared over a couple of seconds, the ephemeral matter giving way to energy that looked like oil. All that energy came back to Alex, coiling around his body, slinking under his clothing.

“Well, no time like the present, right Greed?” Coaxing himself forward, Alex gave Hide one last look, seeing his fellow Phoenix starting to enjoy themselves, Alex made way across the pier. Whatever side of the boat Hide would end up on, Alex knew he’d need to be on the other. Watching as the party boat drew closer, both by its movement and Alex’s own, he started to commit the boat’s general shape and layout from what he could see to memory. It was a process he had done time and time again both for the sake of his potential and for heists and robberies. “Go time!”

Holding his hand out to his side, palm down, both the energy he could reclaim from other conjurations, and energy freshly bubbling and flowing out of his skin streamed from his arm, falling from his hand. It gathered in the air between his palm and the ground, swirling and clumping together, the color, texture, and opacity changing, forming a solid object: A rope ladder, coiled up, with hooks at the end. With the boat in range, Alex made the rope fly with a thought. With a means to climb onto the boat setting itself up, Alex backed up, then with a running start lept after it, making a jump no NP could regardless of training. The ladder hooking and rolling out just as he needed, it brought a smug satisfaction to Alex’s face that only the simple things like this could. As he climbed onto the deck, he took in the positions of everything, of everyone.

“Say, all of you, would you mind havin’ a few words with lil’ old me? Promise it’ll be painless if you aren’t stupid~” Spreading out his arms, Alex opened his palms to show that they were empty, but it was a ruse as more of his oily energy seeped from his body underneath of his clothing. And even with his display, Alex kept looking towards the average boy surrounded by others.

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Isaiah Spade
CS Link
Dragons Arc 1: Scene 1 [Rogue of the Night]
East District
Meirin QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel , Kairong simj26 simj26 , Reveler Mqueserasera Mqueserasera , Robin Anne Boolean Anne Boolean
Isaiah listened closely as Silver spoke, taking note of his expression. Clearly, the older man wasn't too happy about the sudden questioning. While he provided answers, they didn't give away much, as the manager seemed reluctant to reveal everything. Still, the bits of information he was willing to part with were interesting, giving the Dragon's Ace a better picture of what happened on the night of the murder.

"Aggressive?" He and the others didn't know much about the events that led up to Silence's death, so this was the first he'd heard of something like this. Unfortunately, it wasn't uncommon for patrons to get aggressive with the brothel workers. However, he wouldn't have expected it from a fellow Dragon. The gang practiced pacifism, and members were carefully selected to reflect that. Then again, leaking information also went against their rules, and they were sent to investigate a possible betrayal. He wasn't sure if he could trust Silver's words, but he couldn't just call them lies either.

The mention of a missing staff member made him curious. There were plenty of people absent from the brothel due to the murder, but the manager seemed particularly upset about a specific employee. Before Isaiah could ask about it, Silver's attention was stolen away by a text message. Luckily, he chose not to respond. If the person messaging him was working tonight, there was a chance it could interfere with Robin's masquerade. With that in mind, Isaiah focused on the screen while Silver was busy putting it back on the desk. Placing an illusion over the device, he rendered it unusable, making sure it would remain dark and silent. Considering that everyone's phones had already been hacked today, it could easily be treated as an effect of the terrorists' actions. If possible, he would've liked to take a look at the message himself, but the office was far too small for him to move around without risk of being touched.

In addition to placing an illusion over the phone, Isaiah had placed one over his eyes as well, not taking any chance of having his wandering gaze noticed. It was only undone when covered by a blink. As he had been the entire time, he was focused on Silver and prepared to answer the man's question. However, he was also interrupted by a sudden vibration. Unlike the other man, he didn't reach to answer it, unwilling to let anything distract him from their serious talk. At least that's how it would appear to Silver.

This time, he placed two illusions over himself. One copied his current position and the other concealed his real body, making it look as if he hadn't moved at all. "I haven't heard the entire story." As he spoke, his unseen hands quickly retrieved his invisible phone. The one that buzzed was a burner, so there were only a handful of people who knew the number. Among them was Yo, who provided him with an important piece of information at just the right moment.

"I know that there was a murder, and that the victim was a young man who apparently belonged to the Azure Dragons, if word is to be believed." The news wasn't exactly a secret, as one could tell from the current state of the Pleasure District. The information was out there, but the police didn't care enough to launch an official investigation. "I also heard about the state the body was found in." Anyone would want to stay clear of the brothels if they heard a man was found sliced to bits in one of them. However, that wasn't the cause of death. "But from what I've heard, that's not all there was to it."

As he answered the question, he messaged the others in secret, passing along the information Yo gave him. Concerned about the possibility of one of the workers seeing that Robin's phone was different from Silver's, he refrained from messaging the newest member, instead telling the others that he should be told discreetly when possible. When he was finished, he put away his phone and returned to his original position before undoing the illusions, fitting perfectly into place. As soon as they were gone, it was his turn to do the asking again.

"Is the person who's missing the one who messaged you? Are they okay?" Silver mentioned that none of the workers were harmed, but he was still worried about whoever was missing. "Were they involved in what happened?" Again, his questions were fueled by his concern for their well-being just as much as his dedication to the investigation.

"Silver, I'm glad that you and the others weren't hurt. The last thing I'd want is for something bad to happen to any of you. That's why I'm so worried. Not just about what happened then, but about what could happen next. I want to be direct about this, so I'm sorry for how it sounds. Did someone from here kill that man?" At this point, it seemed unlikely that the staff were uninvolved, but he really hoped that it wasn't true. Nothing he said so far was a lie, and he really did care for everyone at Paradise Forever. That's why he had to know. "What happened that night? What made this week so bad?"

>>> To The Next Post

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Lin Kairong
Dragons Arc 1: Scene 1 [Rogue of the Night]
Pleasure District, East District
Reveler, Isaiah, Meirin, Robin
Dragons Arc 1: Scene 1 [Rogue of the Night]

"Enough." Though his voice was measured and calm, the deep rumble of the gravel in it indicated that the old man's patience was fraying. He had not come here to be part of a masquerade. Time and time again, he was reminded constantly of his inability to participate in subterfuge. Lying was never his strongest suit, and a lunging elbow strike to the chest had earned him more in life than honeyed words ever did. Youth these days did not respect the elderly, it would seem. A long time ago, he would have wrought havoc upon the place until someone told him what he wanted to know. It worked, most of the time, and with his Queen behind his back, all he had to do was bow his head, and she made all the ensuing problems disappear with a wave of her hand. He repressed a smirk. Not many would be thankful for their mothers-in-law. Even if she was manipulative, controlling, and far more intelligent than he, she blessed his violence with the control that only someone of that rank would have. Now, he didn’t doubt Shen would excuse his behaviour on account of his age. However, the weight of responsibility still lay on his shoulders. Paradise Forever would remain standing…for now. The fair-headed maiden’s transgressions against him would have to go unpunished for the time being as well. To harm a lady was against his morals, and to harm an employee of one of the Dragon’s establishments was against his self-proclaimed rules of conduct.

"You," he shot a withering look at the disguised recruit. He was unable to use his false name, out of his misplaced sense of honor, but he could at least attempt to improve on the recruit’s disguise. He would have to apologise for his stern tone towards him later. "you promised me that I would find answers here. What do I find, but rats scurrying about at the Dragon's feet. You would repay your benefactors with subterfuge, with lies and deception? Is this how you run this place? I do not seek companionship of any sort, and yet your employees treats me as if I were another of their regulars, seeking pleasures of the flesh, no matter how sick and depraved they are to the mind. It almost makes my poor head hurt. You would do well to ensure that they know their place.”

Kairong stepped forwards, placing himself immediately beside Reveler-as-Adonis. Slowly, deliberately, he reached up to his glasses, and removed them. His face was wrinkled, age, carved by the winds of time, but his eyes, though surrounded by crows' feet, burned bright with undiluted intent. He was on a warpath, and his patience was running thin. "Children," he addressed all present, his voice ever so calm, "as you can clearly see, my time is short, and so is my patience.” He took another step forwards, and brushed a finger along the table beside him, and leveled his gaze at the woman closest to him.

“Eli Azar. Are you familiar with that name?” He extracted his phone from his pocket, and carefully unlocked it. He pressed on the screen a few times. There weren’t many ‘Apps’, as the children had called them, on his phone, so there was no issue in finding his ‘Gallery’. There weren’t many pictures in the aforementioned ‘Gallery’, as well. The one that he was looking for was in a separate ‘Folder’ from the photographs that his family sent him. A message from one of Isaiah's 'Burner Phones', as he called them, appeared, but he swiped it away. Pulling up, if he wasn’t mistaken on the terminology, a picture of the deceased Dragon, he showed the screen to the ladies of Forever Paradise.

“This man was found dead in your premises. As a representative of the Azure Dragons, I implore that you relinquish any information you have on the man, no matter how little.” Though his tone had softened, his severe glare did not. Every passing minute was another that the perpetrator was using to flee the Dragon’s clawed grasp. He would not have that. He cannot have that. They will be brought to justice. He will see it done.

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QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Anne Boolean Anne Boolean Mqueserasera Mqueserasera Lucem Lucem Taigakitt Taigakitt
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Kasumi Katsura - Azure Dragons - Veteran [CS LINK]
Scene - Dragons Arc 1 | Scene 3: Eye of Providence
Location - Surveillance Room, Dragon HQ, East District
Mentions/Interactions - Yo Saiwa ( Taigakitt Taigakitt ), Jesper Albrecht ( AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa )

At the sound of Yo saying Kanna's name - well, codename at least, Kasumi felt a small pinch of excitement and anticipation.

"Right away, miss."

Kasumi reached for one of the keyboards on the desk, as well as a chair so she could sit down. She brought up the map of Guardian's network to full one of the screens. At the same time, she brought up a separate window and entered Kanna's phone number. Almost instantly, a red dot appeared on a map of the East District, highlighting where her sister was currently.

Her head tilted curiously. What was she doing so close to the bridge leading into Central?

Kasumi turned her attention back to the Guardian network, cross-referencing Kanna's location with the map of the district. The cameras were down near the bridge, so she would have to resort to using one of the drones. Kasumi's eyes looked over to Jesper.

"I'm going to borrow one of the drones. The cameras near the bridge are out."

She sat back in her chair, taking a deep breath. Without a second thought, Kasumi dived back into the digital network. In one of the nearby alleyways, a drone stopped in the middle of its routine patrol route. The red lights were replaced with a pinkish-purple glow and it quickly turned around, hovering over to the location given from Kanna's phone. Kasumi directed the drone upwards, so that it was high in the sky, the same level as some of the roofs in the area.

It didnt take long to arrive. Though, what Kasumi saw was not what she was expecting.

Fog. As high as the buildings around the area. It was so thick and the drone's camera couldnt see through it.

One of the monitors in the surveillance room switched to the camera feed so that Yo and Jesper could see what was going on, as Kasumi spoke up, addressing Yo.

"This is where she's supposed to be....but I'm not sure what I'm looking at."

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Rogue of the Night: Jay
In Scene: Meirin ( QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel )​

75AD2AC7-80AC-4C0F-851B-E24D1874D82E.jpegAt Meirin’s exclamation of what his ability was called, he smiled like a doofus, “Ah, I always forget the term! I always want to call it a Prosperity or whatnot.

He then confirmed that he indeed has seen interesting things, “If I focus properly, I can choose to see through clothes, not past a body. I can even see through walls. It’s great when I want to pe—aaaah… find things.

As Meirin mentioned Jay may be able to help her, he tilted his head slightly. He followed her lead and also bright his other leg up onto the bed as she drew the curtain closed.

He gave a puppy-dog look when she said she wasn’t there for sex. The expression quickly went from puppy-dog to sad when she mentioned the death of someone.

His voice quieted down, “If you’re looking into it, then this makes you a Dragon. Police don’t tend to investigate this close to the palace up the road, not that I know why.

He let her continue her questions before he sighed softly, though it was more relieved. “I don’t know that name, but I know about the accident. I’m glad to know our protectors are here to investigate because one of our own went missing since then. I’m really worried about Black— they’re the ones that found the mess and that sweet of a person doesn’t deserve such sights.” If he could turn green, he might have because he could only envision what she described. “They said they were sliced up.

He looked carefully at Meirin, “Is there anything you can show me about what they looked like? Not their dead picture, I’ll throw up. Like, one when they were alive? Even if it was Thursday yesterday, it still tends to get busy, but I like to think I remember faces well enough. A lot of us don’t ask for names. Confidentiality of the client and all that.

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Serpents Arc 1: Scene 1 [Friends in Low Places]
North Side, Central District
Anna, Darius, Raphael
Blood For Blood [Raphael Shaw]
Friends in Low Places
<<< Remember

Bash was relieved to feel Raph's wrist clamped tightly within the grip of his hand, drops of sanguine blood dripping down from his adversary's hand and onto the sleeve of his gray biker jacket. He shrugged it off. It wasn't the first time the jacket had met blood, and it surely wouldn't be the last.

For a split second, his eyes flickered over to Anna. She was unharmed, and Darius was fine, too. Though she was still wearing the increasingly enraging gorilla mask, he could tell that she was scared shitless. Without giving the pair a second thought, his eyes locked back onto the threat in front of him, who was now doubled over in pain from his successful strike. Bash felt the slight, stinging pain of striking pure, hard bone rush throughout his knuckles. The exciting sensation forced his lips to crease upwards and form a grin that spelled malice. His eyes were intoxicated with anticipation, and his fangs were now barred as he stared Raph down. He was fighting, the activity that triumphantly claimed the number 1, 2, and 3 spots on his list of favorite things to do.

'Good', he thought, still processing the fact that Anna was safe while he did everything in his power to stop himself from continuing his assault on Raph right there. 'You're safe. Now, get the fuck outta here while I kill him--'

As he raised his free hand to signal for Anna and Darius to fuck off, Bash felt the exhilaratingly familiar pain that came with getting punched in the face by a HP. Raph's fist slammed into his cheek, causing him to completely let go of his wrist, but not moving him back at all. The impact had forced his head to twist to the right, and he quickly snapped it back into place, his ferocious smile only growing larger with his excitement. As much as he hit him, it was fairly rare for Raph to actually fight back. And so, Bash made a mental note to enjoy this fight as much as he could before he mixed the hemomancer's brains into the concrete beneath them.

"C'mon, bitch!" He growled at Raph, punishing him for yelling out to Anna and Darius by clenching his fists and preparing to send another uppercut flying towards his face this time. " 'Yer fightin' ME, so act like it! Who the FUCK said you could look away?!"

Halfway through his punch, Bash's fist suddenly stopped. Though, this time, he wasn't having any second thoughts or sudden moments of morality. It was a feint. Instead, he crouched low, and came charging straight for his fellow long-haired serpent's legs. Bringing this son of a bitch to the ground would make beating his skull in so much easier.

>>> To Split to Anna and Darius
>>> To Continue with Bash & Raph

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten
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Alicia Morel
Tigers Arc 1: Scene 2 [Money Talks]
The White Tiger Casino, West District
Alice, Cassidy ( Fenris Fenris ), Charmy ( BluEndings BluEndings ), Ezra ( Lucem Lucem )
Money Talks


Alice's chipper smile faded the moment Titus denied with such a hasty excuse that even she could tell there was more to it. It looked like he was having lots of fun just looking at her earlier, so it couldn't have been Alice's fault! Maybe the green tea was too hot? But that wanting eye earlier—could it have been that he had allergies?

She'd be moping if Ezra had refused a cup as well, so instead she just pouted. "I can make it even more special for you!" Alice ran up against Titus from her seat, pressing against him and looking up with pleading eyes. "If you're allergic to tea, I can make the tea without the tea!"

Alice took his hand in both of hers, beaming. "It's very special! It makes everyone's troubles go away! They all leave happy after a few cups, and seeing them happy makes me happy, too!" She'd noticed how he was getting unnerved by the weird card game, and it made her feel bad for wanting to join in so gung-ho. Someone having a bad experience at one of the Tigers' places when she was right there was the last thing she wanted. "I don't want people who come here to leave sad..." she uttered just loud enough for Titus to hear, looking genuinely guilty.

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  • Jesper Albrecht / Guardian
    Dragons Arc 1: Scene 3 [Eye of Providence]
    East District
    Yo ( Taigakitt Taigakitt ), Kasumi ( FabulousTrash FabulousTrash )
    Eye of Providence


    Jesper gave a slight smirk to Yo's reassurance. "I hope so. I'm not a perfectionist like he was. I don't know what the best would be." Regardless of his uncertainty, even he knew that tons of work was coming to the complacent Albrecht Industries. With the recent change in management, though, a hint of anxiety gnawed at Jesper as he pictured himself moving through his father's motions.

    He went back to watching over Kasumi's shoulder as she borrowed a drone to scout out the Pleasure District. Oddly enough, Kanna's location went all the way from the alleyway to near the bridge to Central—as though they were chasing someone. Jesper could only guess who. "Oh, come on, I told them to keep the guy tied up." But if he had managed to escape Kanna and Ruriko, then something was up. It wasn't too far-fetched of an idea to think that the white-haired stranger was connected to the cyber attack.

    But what was with the fog? With that, there was no telling what was happening in the area. Seeing how far they went, the suspicious man actually had a chance to escape. Even so, a grin twisted Jesper's lips. He clicked his tongue, confidently leaning back in his chair. "Well, I'm just a sitting duck, here." Jesper put the headset back on, straightening out the metal ears. "I'm heading back out, and I'm using your drone."

    He pushed himself on the swivel chair to the middle of the room, controlling his breath. "I'll be back in no time!" he said, flapping a metal visor over his eyes. The headset's ears twitched and perked towards the Pleasure District. In no time flat, he went quiet and limp.

    >>> Continue With Providence
    >>>To continue with Jesper go to tab 2<<<

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Robin Dior

Robin's expression faltered ever so slightly for a moment. He was good at playing a character, but what could even the most skilled actor do if they barely knew the person they were supposed to portray?

"Since this could be related to terrorism," he responded to Angel, trying to regain some momentum. Regardless, both Kairong and Reveler were willing to pay. It was probably the path of least resistance, but it seemed resistance was still there. He gulped ever so slightly when Angel threw Kairong's talk of masks back at them. "I won't be able to protect any of you if we are thought of as traitors to the East," he insisted. The girl stood firm though, even doubling her price. The quieter woman even stepped forth to defend her as well.

While Adonis-Reveler continued going along with the idea of paying, Kairong made his displeasure known. Robin was smart enough to pick up on his lack of help in this situation, yet the words pointing it out still stung. The desire to apologize to the older gentleman started welling up within him, but he still had a role to play to ensure the success of the mission.

"I apologize for the inconvenience we've caused you," he said, "but the comfort and wellbeing of my workers is my first priority. I ask that you do not disrespect them by calling their services 'sick and depraved'. With that being said..." He turned to the two women. "Normally, I would only have you do work which you are comfortable with, but these two gentlemen aren't here as customers. Like the gentleman said, they are representatives of our benefactors. I would like you two to cooperate with them and give them straightforward and honest answers without having compensation in mind, lest they no longer offer us their generous protection." He then returned his attention back to the two Dragons. "And sirs, I ask that you question, and only question, my employees on matters of your investigation. For discussions of personal matters or for services other than providing information on your case, you will have to pay whatever fee each of them asks." Hopefully he was playing a good middle ground.

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Interactions: Angel, Raven ( Taigakitt Taigakitt ), Reveler ( Mqueserasera Mqueserasera ), Kairong ( simj26 simj26 )
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Dragons Arc 1: Scene 4 [Reckoning]
East District
Ruri, Jesper( AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa ), Kanna( FabulousTrash FabulousTrash )

Ruriko’s gaze remained on the target’s back, her hands tightly gripping the hilt of her blade. She could hear Kanna’s voice nearby, suggesting the two civilians leave. Good. It was better to avoid unnecessary casualties. As she closed her portals, she could make out one of the figures moving away from the group from her peripheral vision – an odd display considering the suggestion was made for both of them. What made it more unusual was the female’s statement as her outline eventually blended in with the rest of the smoke. Don’t die? Who was that statement directed to?

She didn’t have much time to dwell on that question as the white-haired man spoke, lifting his hands up in a surrendering motion. This made her relax slightly, pondering his words about what he ate. Her assumptions from earlier must have been correct, whatever he ate was connected with his potentiality. Good to know.

Kanna’s voice reached Ruriko’s ears once more, offering their target a final chance to cooperate. She let out an inaudible sigh, her eyebrows pulling into a frown. Enough chances were given, this man should have been put down in the alleyway. Now they had to go through all this trouble because Kanna wanted to exercise peace, if Ruriko was made Jack none of these extra steps would have — wait, was the smoke growing darker?

At the sudden realization that the environment around them was getting darker, Ruriko failed to notice in time that the target had lowered his hands. Just as she refocused on him, he had already spun around to face her, thrusting his entire body at her. What a fucking psycho! Who does that when they have a blade pointed at them? In any case, the distance between them was too short for Ruriko to really get an effective swing in.

Without much thought, she released her grasp on her katana, the weapon dropping to the floor. Waving a hand out in front, a portal manifested between herself and the target. Since she didn’t link the portal with an endpoint, the white-haired man was seen being absorbed by the portal before immediately being spat back out with enough force to give a few feet of distance from Ruriko.

Rather than pick up her katana, she unsheathed her kodachi and readied herself once more. Just as she did, she could hear Guardian’s voice boom nearby. That must have meant Jesper took care of their other problem from earlier. Her frustrated expression quickly turned into a smug look as she sneered at the target, “still don’t wanna cooperate? Fine by me!”

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Kanna Katsura - Azure Dragons - Jack [CS LINK]
Scene - Dragons Arc 1 | Scene 4: Reckoning
Location - East District
Mentions/Interactions - Ruriko Ikeda ( Beann Beann ), Jesper Albrecht ( AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa )

Enough chances were given.

Kanna lowered her staff in a ready position, ready to strike. However, the sight of the fog getting darker stole her attention briefly. She quickly refocused, in time to see the white-haired man charging into Ruriko. She was too close to block, but Kanna watched as Ruri was quick to react in a different way. A portal quickly formed between the two and the man was rebounded away from her. Kanna leaned down and bent her knees slightly as if she was about to take off on a sprint. Instead, she pressed off from the ground and glided forward, Without the friction of the ground to slow her down, Kanna moved quickly, closing the distance between her and the white-haired man.

Before reaching him, Kanna's feet planted onto the ground. Her knees bent slightly as she jumped into the air, twisting clockwise. As her body came back ground, she swung her staff, aiming for the man's head. But the fog was getting so thick that her depth perception was miss judged. Kanna felt nothing as she continued forward.

Having a brief moment of panic, Kanna quickly recovered. As she neared the ground, she flipped over so her back was downwards, tilting forward in the air so that her feet were below her. Kanna landed on the ground, now next to Ruriko.

Though she was saying nothing, Kanna silently cursed herself for her mistake and it showed on her face, her eyebrows narrowing. Her eyes looked over to see Ruriko draw her second sword. That's when she also heard the sound of Guardian.

Kanna still couldnt see above her due to the smoke, but she could guess where Guardian was based on the direction the voice came from. Kanna turned her attention back to the white-haired man, readying herself for the next move. The quicker they could take this one down, the quicker they could attempt to catch up and track down the fleeing couple.

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