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never ask me for anything ever again
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"Let’s roll."
  • 「 GO 」

    "Alllllright. School's out, sun's down, powers're online, and the taxes are paid. Time for your first night on the job. Tonight, we're beating up stray animals. Any questions? That sucks to hear. Moving on."
「 CS 」

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//Location of scene


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//Name of characters involved



//Start of Post

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[/comment][justify]Cosmic Crusade Code

Post content goes here

"Dialogue format"


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GM/Scene Post
Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
Cosmic Crusaders (minus Kazu)
Opening Night

The train shuddered. It was unseasonably cool and wet, true—the rainy season had stopped by early—but the subway did not feel or care about the unusual weather, as if it was some kind of inanimate object. Rather, it was shivering because it was coming to a stop. The passengers, all high school students, rose at the earlier command of their plush tour guide. The car they had been on was a paragon of Kohitsuji’s bleeding-edge public transportation system. The interior didn’t so much embody as it did worship the principle of perfection being when there is nothing else to take away. Elegantly utilitarian, yet comfortable, or as comfortable as a train with other human beings on it could be. Still, trains are designed to be vacated.
So they bid farewell. Being a train, it dumped them out at a train station, one that reached for the ride’s lofty bar and fell short. It did its job and did it well enough—everything from the entrancing smell of stale air to the soothing jingle and announcements said this was a train station—but it was not cared for. Being so out of the way and outside the main city left the station neglected. The few employees clearly tried to keep the place comparable to its more urban counterparts, but they could only try. A few missed tracks of mud here, a sign or advertisement showing its advanced age there, some benches in need of a replacement. But most damningly, Ritsu’s legion were the only people not being paid to be here. Cicadas could be heard down here if it weren’t for the rain. What, were the inspectors going to come out here frequently?

In the station, Ritsu paced in front of her small army of children. The intent was to seem like a commander rallying the troops, but when the commander is a ball of fluff with a child’s voice that has to hop like a slime enemy in an RPG to move, it loses some of its awe-inspiring power. “Alright. We’re splitting up the group. Normally this is a terrible idea, but normally the group is made of like 5 or 6 people at most. We have that, what, twice, three times over? Even though one of us is late. Swarm tactics, divide them and conquer them. Get your buddies and let’s get some goons.”

With that rousing speech squeaked out, Ritsu turned to spring away up the stairs and out of the place, leading her magical warriors to their site of glorious battle. Until she got tired. After maybe a dozen more bounces. Deflating like a well loved stuffed animal squeezed of its springiness, Ritsu rotated back towards her charges. “Can someone carry me? Please?”

Whoever took up the burden of holding the boss would be directed by Ritsu, speaking with a voice more appropriate for a sprinter who gave it their all, or perhaps the voice of someone on their deathbed. They would be told to get the group to follow them, and to grab an umbrella from the communal stand, as worn-down as the protective canopy was. One at a time, the swarm of students strolled out of the sad station.

The rain was relentless. The current tempest had started last night, though it came so closely on the heels of yet another the two may as well have been one. It had been gathering steam all day, ramping from a spell of bad weather to a force of nature. There had been no lightning, not today at least, but the downpour was oppressive enough to encourage most normal people to stay inside anyways. The only noise was of the storm. A monotonous rumble accompanied by the howl of the wind, from gusts strong enough to cause the rain to fall sideways like the tiniest daggers, blowing the cold into one’s soul.

How fortunate then, that the group would be getting some shelter soon.

Their targets were holed up in a lot dotted with six small warehouses. Fenced in with gaping chain link, topped with barbed wire that still glinted from the flickering streetlights nearby despite the gloom, and finished with a rusted, collapsed gate, the place was even less cared for than the train station, lacking an owner that would treat the place well, or perhaps lacking one, period. The dusty ground had become a swamp of mud, pulling at any shoes that sunk into it like quicksand and concealing fallen nails and shattered glass like a poor guerilla fighter’s traps. The storm’s symphony had a new player, a plinking from the corrugated roofs mixing with the growls and screams of earlier. The concrete connecting paths were beyond repair. Plants could be seen fighting in the cracks if you looked hard enough, the slightest bits of green amidst all the brown and black, but the weather was currently beating them down. The only other colors were from some rusted shipping containers stacked near the entrance and the warehouses themselves. More accurately, the color was from the warehouses’ graffiti, a stain that was bleeding from the rain washing it away.

Ritsu was soaked. Her fluff was by nature absorptive. With an edge in her squeaky voice, she once again readied to lay out a plan. “This is the place. Remember, we’re splitting up. We should have our groups by now. You should have a mental psychic connection with me when you transform, so if you get in trouble, for the love of God, tell me. Communicate. Stay in touch, don’t go hero mode.”


Background Character #14
Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
Cosmic Crusaders (minus Kazu)
Opening Night
Junko exited the train. They were stuck near the middle of the crowd. They were still in their school uniform. They had to focus on someone else before they got here. They didn’t get time to change.

Junko listened to the mascot. They didn’t have an opinion one way or another on the speech it gave, but they thought the fluffball was cute.

They followed the group up the stairs. When the ball of fluff whined, it did not answer its call. Someone else did that.

Soon, they were out of the station. Junko was in the middle again. This wasn’t unusual. They decided they were going to stick with whoever was closest to them. It wasn't much of a decision. It was instinct.

It was wet outside. Puddles muddied their shoes. They were reasonably upset about this, but they didn’t attract any attention by their flimsy complaint. It didn’t matter.

They reached warehouses. It looked scary. But they supposed it’d be one of the least scary things they’d see tonight.

The Moon was not there to light the stage Junko stepped unto. If it had been, it would not have shined on Junko. It was shadowed by the rain.

Ritsu, like the Moon unshadowed, attracted eyes. Moreso, they attracted ears with their second speech.

Junko listened. Junko nodded. Junko looked around.

Junko thought. It wasn’t an important one.

Their missable footsteps trailed the person in front of them. Whether they were noticed or not, they would continue to follow.

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Yoko Ishida
Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
All Present Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
Opening Night
The false promise of everlasting beauty, respect and recognition. That was the foundation of Yoko's appearance among the group of students.

It was during the end of another day of busy after-school work in Textiles Club that the last to leave Yoko had stumbled across the strange creature referred to as Ritsu. An innocent plush to the eyes of many, it was almost a miracle that someone as conceited as Yoko managed to even spot the strange new addition to the club room that nobody had taken the credit for designing. Even more miraculous however, was the fact that such an odd thing could talk - and could quickly appeal to Yoko's good side before any threats using a needle and thread to sew the creature's mouth shut were even conceived.

To say that Yoko was gullible to Ritsu's sly choice of words was an understatement. A few comments about how there was a perfect opportunity to be among the best of the best tailors, a woman who would surpass anybody else in the craft. Any person who half a cell worth of sense would have understood that something was up with Ritsu's choice words and would merely deny the offer. But not Yoko. She one-hundred percent fell for it hook, line and sinker, and it resulted in the sole daughter of the Ishida family doing something she never thought she would have done; cancelling her appointment with a private driver to take her home in favor of taking the train like the commoners and commuters beneath her. Blegh.

Initially she didn't pay much notice as soon as she hopped onto the train to the group's destination. She barely, if ever took it to begin with, after all. She saw a few familiar faces among the carriage, including a certain 'insufferable jerk' whose name started with 'Ryo' and ended with 'to', but she simply didn't care. She had more important 'business' to deal with. It was just the prime opportunity for Yoko to pull out a hand mirror from her bag just to admire all that she had to offer to the world.

"Pristine school uniform, wonderful fluffy hair, and a wonderful taste of shoes. What's not to love?"

Too bad it was to be ruined in the span of mere minutes.

As soon as the train ground to a halt to their destination and she stepped out alongside the rest of the group, Yoko's world of splendor took a turn for the worse and was replaced with the sheer reality of what things actually were. Splitting up the group? Swarm tactics? Getting some goons? Just what exactly was that strange creature talking about?

"Hold on a minute, just what exactly is happening here? I merely was told that I'd become somebody more worthy than most if I tagged along." She questioned, following her fellow students up the stairs and out of the station, which was when in the midst of her complaints, the weather hit her like an elemental truck, causing her eyes to widen.

The musty smell of the air, the cold breeze of the intense wind, and the torrential downpour of rain were more than enough to instill a disappointed look in Yoko as she procured her own pathetic looking umbrella alongside the rest of the group and opened it up, daintily holding it towards the sky in any way she can as a desperate means of protection from the weather.

"Surely this must be the insufferable machinations of somebody playing a joke on me. To have someone like myself spoil as a result of the local weather forecast. They'll be begging for my mercy soon enough." Yoko spoke under gritted teeth as she showed clear displeasure at the situation in hand. Yet as much as she didn't want to be exposed to the cold and rapidly approaching evening, she still endured just for the sake of the 'promise' she was given.

Things however, didn't get any better in Yoko's case.

As the dozen's worth of students approached the lot, things took a turn for the worse in Yoko's case. It was the convenient placement of a jutting stone that Yoko struck with her foot that led into her losing her balance. A yelp was more than enough to send the bratty fashionista flying foward, before she found herself face-first touching the muddy ground. It was like a mudbath, but it was far from the good kind. She laid there for a second or two... before she jumped back up, clearly looking a little worse for wear.

"Ok, I want answers and I want them now!" She cried out, eyes wavering with a horrid mixture of confusion and stress as she felt the front of her body turn her from a cold and shivering young woman to a muddy mess. "I walked out in these horrendous conditions for your bidding, but what for? Mental psychic communications? Transformation? You're making this sound like we are characters in a manga! And these other students... what are you truly planning for us?"
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CS Link
Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
All Present Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
Opening Night
She liked to play a see-through ghost. Sitting there, sighing loud, closed eyes shutting out the world of man. And her act was well staged, the speeding train carrying them too fast for discerning the downpour-veiled world, one she did not care to see, next to those she did not care to know.

And she seemed docile enough, that girl with a reputation for strangeness, as she sat wearing a peaceful mien, as though asleep, as though forgotten.

The silver moon was not out today, the clouds too thick. But when she exited the train with the meager passengers, she seemed her own moon. Glowing, for she was pale. Only her pallor was not that of a ghost, her silvery not a reflection of the concealed globe above. She played a role not too far from her true nature.

One sudden movement, almost her first this night: Suzume stamped her feet restlessly, telling of an impatience for inaction, but also to hide the shiver in her bones. Paler she was than usual – the cold ate at her who had never been blessed with good health. This she would not tell. But a sardonic, nigh cruel smile she cracked when the first of her companions stumbled on the muddy ground and fell, undignified, as though she herself was not in equal misery, and risk of being ridiculed.

“Hoist yourself up, move your muddied ass, will ya! Or stay here with your endless questions. I, for one, don’t mind one less competition.” NimbusWing NimbusWing

For she was there for one express purpose, however her frail body might protest. If the power she had been promised wanted fighting and conquest to grow, then fight and conquer she shall. Never had she been one to complicate her terms. Never had she harbored a doubt of her making out of this alive, despite her ridiculous end of the agreements. For what is survival without the means to make use of it?

She did not wait to hear protests. In one careless movement she turned away, concealing the rain’s shivering effects behind animated acts. In that instant too, she scanned the rest of the group, who she’d not cared to acknowledge while on the train. Familiar faces, some more unremarkable than others. But familiarity inspired confidence. Had the fluffy ball told her that she alone had been picked out for this experiment, she would have smashed it on the asphalt with the little mercy and patience she had for scammers. But there were classmates and old friends. Whatever this creature’s criteria for experiment subjects were, she had confidence in her ability to one day guess it, to figure out her mutual points with the rest. These were observable variables. There lay the thing called Ritsu’s weaknesses, mayhaps. And what could be observed may yet be controlled, dealt with, or destroyed.

“Shall we go then, Masa,” to the old acquaintance she said over her damp shoulder, “I mislike being in the rain so.” BriiAngelic BriiAngelic

Even so, there was hardly haste in her steps. She walked lightly, disturbing not even one fold on her pleated skirt, careless though she was for the splattered and muddied hem. Though resolved, all this to her was no less than a game. One with high risk, but also the only reward she’d ever craved.
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Fukushima Moura
CS Link
Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
All Present Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
Opening Night

Fukushima stared out of the window throughout the entire ride on the train. The night looked amazing tonight even despite the darkness. In the sky, the expanse was filled with stars that lit up the sky like light bulbs. To Fukushima, who was easily entertained, the world around him looked amazing. Though it didn't beat the strange situation he got into.

Being recruited by a fluffball to fight the forces of evil and having to fight with many of his senpais that met at school definitely beat most situations he had experienced in his life. Some surprised him that they were 'Crusaders,' like Nanami. Some didn't surprise him, like Ken. Though it did bring Fukushima great joy that he'd be able to fight with people he knew about.

The only worry he had on his mind right now was his mom. She'd usually still work at this hour, but what if he didn't get home in time? Fukushima didn't want to worry his mother more than he had to. Though, Fukushima was sure that he'd be able to wrap this up quickly. After all, they had so many people.

Suddenly, the train came to a stop. This was it; it was their time to shine. Jumping up from his seat, Fukushima immediately ran down into the aisle. Some people had already exited the bus, so Fukushima had to match their pace. Scooping up the fluffball, Ritsu, Fukushima hugged him close regardless of whether or not it was comfortable for the mascot to be held like that. "Then, let's get going!"

Though despite his enthusiasm, it seemed like the weather didn't seem to agree with Fukushima at all. Fukushima didn't bring an umbrella at all, but he tried to shield Ritsu with his jacket, with what little protection may have offered anyways. The wind blew at his face and messed with his already tousled hair. Though thankfully, as Ritsu had noted, there was a shelter nearby.

A sigh of relief washed over Fukushima. "Whew, at least that's over with," Fukushima said with his ever-present smile. Though the place they were going to take shelter in was a rather drab place to take shelter in. Six warehouses spread around, and they were going to split to visit each one. These warehouses looked like they'd been through thick and thin together, considering the wear and tear that each one had.

Now staring at these warehouses, Fukushima became aware of the sense of nervousness that was behind the excitement. While he was anticipating something exciting, he was also nervous about the dangers that lay ahead. The space of the unknown was one of the human fears, after all. "Should we transform now?" Fukushima asked Ritsu. His hand grazed against his belt. Unlike some of the others, Fukushima had never transformed before. He didn't know what to exactly expect from it.

Not to mention they were splitting up from each other. There would be at least two groups of six or three groups of five. Fukushima had faith in his teammates that they were able to kick ass in their first mission, but he didn't know what to expect either. Not to mention, they'd have to defend Ritsu as all. Compared to everyone who had a way to transform, Ritsu seemed like a defenseless animal in comparison.

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Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
Cosmic Crusaders

The smiling student had remained fairly quiet on the prolonged train ride to destinations unknown, sitting calmly with her prepared bag and neatly folded coat on their lap as the train's ambient noise filled the cabin between her compatriot's comments. Throughout it all she maintained her usual serene expression, All in all, it was quite a novel experience for her, given she rarely had the opportunity to enjoy the experience, having normally been driven to most appointments and destinations. Though thinking about it, the same also applied here just with a few more seats and passengers.
Her expression did not even falter as they arrived at the somewhat dilapidated final stop, though she did seem to look with some curiosity at its overall state. "Hmm? It's really quite....rustic, quite the interesting rural feel to it.". Unfolding her coat the towering student swiftly buttoned herself up in what now appeared to have been a full-length yellow reflective raincoat, complete with what appeared to be some interestingly designed large red rubber boots. Yoko herself might have noticed the MSCHF branding along the side but either way, Kyoko seemed to have gone for the functional style as always, which also included a large umbrella being extracted from her backpack in a matching red.

Taking her place among the rest of her new companions just beside Yoko, she finally began the trek to their mystery destination as the conditions of the environment only worsened, her footsteps going from a high-pitched squeak along the station floor to an ever-deepening squelch of mud the closer they get to the warehouses.

However, the fact both her hands were occupied on her umbrella was a little unfortunate for her friend Yoko as she slipped to splatter into the mud, seemingly worsening her mood if her ensuing rant was any indication.

"Oh my, I hope your ok Ishida-San? Hmm, the weather forecast was right about the conditions it seems, though I'm not sure if your current choices, while fashionable were the correct ones for this little trip" The sound of concern swapped to a faint innocent chuckle towards the end.

Given she was not wishing to go off unprepared, she did need to remain patient for the others to make their choice of destination, though she was curious what exactly these targets of theirs were going to look like, The smart move would naturally be to use the buddy system to check each of the 6 locations with three waiting to support any discoveries, though given the lack of group organisation that option might not be the be fully an option. Either way it was proper that she raise it to the rest.

"Now now, I do know conditions are less than pleasant, but perhaps instead we can look forward to the mystery Ritsu-Sempai brought us together for?" she casts a short glance to each person "I do think the buddy system would be best for this, given we have so many locations to check if we use this little connection as a warning sign we can also have the odd-numbered ones who remain form a support slash lookout group to aid the unexpected discoveries for a quicker resolution? There are six potential locations I can see after all...well perhaps seven if we include the surrounding area, so it is quite a bit of ground to cover especially if our focus does not want to be found and attempts to evade"
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Hasegawa Masao
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
All Present Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
Opening Night

She wasn’t sure exactly what to feel about Ritsu, but she knew that she was in this one way or another. Her concern was more for her loved ones who also were contracted by this being. She knew precious little about these yokai but the bit she did made her sure that this problem needed to be dealt with. Her surprise only grew though as the train came closer to their destination.

Was this truly where the Yokai were hiding out?

She expected it would be harder to avoid disturbing other citizens but if the place was this abandoned then perhaps there was no need to be concerned at all. She took a deep breath in and gave a quick slap to the cheeks on her face. She had to get her game face on. Confidence was infectious! Her expression shifted into a wide smile she shot to the others.

“There’s nothing to it right? Quick in and out and we’ll be golden.”

She shot up from her seat and quickly followed Moura’s lead as Ritsu told them the way. Once they arrived to the docks she learned quickly that not everyone had the same understanding as each other. Hmm, did…. Did Ritsu collect people without explaining at all? She shot a concerned glance to some of the others who she wasn’t around to see the actual contracting of.

She heard the beckoning of Suzu and agreed wholeheartedly with her sentiments. She found herself trailing along. This rain would do them no good. Fighting was already difficult enough under good circumstances for a beginner let alone bad ones. She felt herself instinctively stancing up preparing for the threat that loomed somewhere within the park. It didn’t matter what was coming she’d be able to knock ‘em back and keep her friends and family safe.

As if she were still in school her spine straightened as Kyoko spoke formulating a potential plan. She found herself disliking it immediately. Before she realized it she was immediately responding in a shout giving up any pretense that they were going to be stealthy here. Playing with her own life was acceptable, but no way was she going to risk others. They didn’t even know how many yokai had been spotted here.

”No way Kyoko-chan! There’s no way duos are gonna work! Not everyone’s used to fighting.”

She knew some weren’t which is why it was much safer for there to be bigger groups, preferably each with some who knew how to fight and transform. She herself had attempted it, almost as soon as she met Ritsu, and even with the sensation of power running through her when she activated her artifact she can’t say fighting them one to two was going to be that smart of an idea.

She decided to step forwards thinking of a way to get them all on the same page and decided that if they didn’t all have the same experience then it was just up to her to show that. Moura’s suggestion was actually perfect for that.

She pulled out her artifact chain and brought it up in the air. The pendant attached glimmered a brilliant green charging up.

“Secure our Victory,”

She twirled a circle in the air with the charm before attaching it to her belt once it was fully charged causing a bright light of green and pink to cover her as light began to become armor solidifying her form.


The woman stood tall as her cape billowed with the light wind caused by the rain.

PlusUltra PlusUltra Misuteeku Misuteeku ATurei ATurei
Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
Cosmic Crusaders, sin Kazu (Speaks to Yoko)

As she sat alongside the plethora of fellow disoriented students, Machi had finally come to a stunning realization:

The strange, fluffball creature she had noticed earlier was indeed not a mere long-term hallucination resulting from the the expired shokupan she had devoured during her lunch period that one day.

She could have sworn she was simply seeing things when the odd little thing approached her and offered her power. But, the more she stared at it, the more real the bizarre situation felt to her. Thus, she came to a simple conclusion. For now, she would play along with this uncanny daydream, because if she truly were to spontaneously obtain this ‘power’, she would be able to use it to help people.

But now, things were becoming very real, very fast. However, she found a slight comfort in knowing that this many other people had been granted the same opportunity as her. All it meant was that there were others she could help people with. The few familiar faces helped lighten her mood as well.

She blindly followed the group, shielding herself from the rain with the hood of her jacket– not that it bothered her that much, of course. The journey seemed to be running smoothly, until a girl she didn’t know tumbled over and fell face-first into the same wet, filthy mud that had been clinging so firmly to the soles of all of their shoes. The fall was met with looks of concern, some laughter, and, of course, a small tantrum and a torrent of questions and demands from the victim of the fall.

Once the girl was back to her feet, Machi extended her arm to her, a dry, baby-blue handkerchief clutched in her hand as an offering. It was her own that she had always kept on her for years, but she never had any use for it. She was never the type to sob profusely, or to fret about getting dirty, or to fall headfirst into a facefull of mud, after all, so she would live without it.

However, as thoughtful and kind as the gesture was– the veiled, stern expression that was Machi’s resting face made her next words seem more like a threatening demand rather than a polite offer.

Here… Take it.

Once the group of students reached their destination, the odd little ball-alien requested that they transform, and Machi was quick to obey. “Oh, um–” She quickly reached for the dark-blue charm and followed in Masao’s footsteps– minus the cutesy little gestures she was doing. Machi wasn’t exactly the cute type like she was.

Win the world…

She took a second to glance at the others around her. If anybody was staring at her while she secured the charm to her belt, she would die. It felt painfully stupid with so many people around.


A shimmer of blue, and Machi was now clad in her not-so-familiar suit of armor. Finally done, she thought to herself, with a quiet sigh beneath the helmet of her little costume. While she normally would have went off on her own to handle things herself, she felt like it would be a bad idea right now. There were so many of them here, after all– there must have been a reason for that. Whatever waited for them within those warehouses must have been trouble.

And so, she stood back and allowed the others to decide where she would go for her. Machi wasn’t very smart, after all.

NimbusWing NimbusWing

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Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
All Present Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
It was a well know fact that each and every individual person was just that, an individual. Unique, one of a kind. Even identical twins were their own person, apart from their twin. But Shiki didn't understand herself, let alone other people. She didn't do well with them. So, the best course of action was, obviously, to try and ignore the fact that she was on a train with her classmates, a pink fluffball, and however many others there were, though she assumed they were from her school too.

She thought she - and Mew - were going to go solo, that she'd gain friendship and her parents' respect all by herself, but it seemed that she was mistaken. Maybe she missed that part when the cute fluffball was explaining, but it was going to be weird, especially since some of these people were victims of her fear-fueled pushing people away.

Soon enough, it was time to get off the train. It felt like marching to her doom. A follower, never having been a leader, Shiki simply stuck to the rear of the crowd the best she could, contemplating fleeing, contemplating whether or not it was worth it to risk her own sanity trying to deal with people. Mew was, at least, safely hidden away in a bag within her bag, shielded from the rain, so she wouldn't have to deal with drying her off if she did run, but...

"No," she murmured, clutching the bag closer to her chest. "I can't keep being a coward..."

This was her chance, and it could very well be her ONLY chance. She would stay. So she did, confident in her decision.

...Until it was mentioned they were splitting into groups to investigate. Shiki contemplated running once more, but she couldn't. She had to be brave - and she had to pay more attention to briefings instead of solely focusing on her anxious thoughts.

Still, it was scary. People were scary, this entire situation was scary and she didn't know why she agreed to it, but she did. She would have to live with the consequences of her actions. She had to be brave!

...But first, she would have to shuffle around nervously until some group adopted her into it and she gained the courage to transform.

CS Link
Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
All Present Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
It was here.

It was here It was here It was here It was here It was here It was here.


It was still seared into his retinas, the events of the day not long ago when Daichi made a hurried contract with the myserious fluffball known as Ritsu. A pact that not only allowed him to help his friend, but just generally gave the boy the kind of power he had desired ever since he was but a little child, like the heroes he'd watch every week on TV, sitting on the same seat, enjoying the same bowl of miso soup in that humble living room in his home, fantasy had truly become reality. And today was finally the day where his new talents would be put both to the test, and to good use. The intricacies and minutia of the situation eluded the not-so-bright highschooler, but the gist of it was simple: Invisible monsters ran around causing trouble and putting innocent people in danger, and the chosen youth were tasked to defeat these threats. It was JUST like the heroes in fiction, and Daichi could not have been any more excited about the idea of becoming a cool hero himself.

Daichi sat among the others during the train ride, particularly next to his closer friends, whose identities as fellow chosen ones was something he was already aware of, although he also spotted a handful of recognizeable faces which, to say the least, sort of shocked him, particularly the nosey Masao and the clinically insane Yuuka, the latter especially worrying him, Ritsu must have had a poor lapse of judgement if she thought that giving that crazy girl a transformation was in any possible way a good idea. Regardless, something like that wouldn't ruin his day, his excitement was just through the roof, even as he tried to play it cool, his incredibly fidgety feet gave away his true state of mind.

Finally, they arrived at the station, the weather wasn't exactly ideal, as the sudden cold wind hit the boy in a very unpleasant way, he quickly opened his umbrella, holding it closely over his head to protect him against the elements as best as possible. The group continued their path, until they came across a large empty area, housing a few warehouses which, according to Ritsu, hid their targets for the night, the group fortunatelly found a temporary shelter with a trusty roof to shield them from the ceaseless rain. Among a few things, such as one girl falling on the mud (which took all of Daichi's willpower to not burst out laughing at), the main topic of conversation was now about how to split the groups, Daichi took a step forward, coming closer to Ken.

"I don't care much how we do this, but I'm coming with my bro Ken here! We make the best team, after all!" Perhaps judging the quality of their teamwork by a single instance was a little hasty, but hey, a little bit of optimism couldn't hurt!

Daichi's attention turned to the transforming ladies nearby, eyes growing wide at the sight of their awesome outfits on full display. "Oh crap! Ken, we gotta look cool too!". Daichi took another step forward, this time to make some distance between himself and the others. He raised his arms, and in one swift motion, his hands reached for each others' wrists, coming into contact with the magical bracelets given by Ritsu. The bracelets started to shine a bright red, morphing and eventually coating the hands that touched them, turning into some sort of energy gloves.

"Against all odds."

He extended his arms, his left down and his right up, and then moved both in a circular pattern with a clockwise motion. Once both arms extended laterally, he quickly brought them together, locking his forearms in an X shape in front of his face.


A bright, pinkish-red light envolped Daichi's body, his silhoutte disappearing entirely from the pillar of cosmic energy. Once it dissipated, it revealed his new form, now covered in a black suit, armored in red plates, boots, gloves and helmet, his eyes now protected by bright, piercing yellow lenses.


The boy turned to face his close friends, even with the concealment of his suit, his body language made his excitement extremely apparent. "Okay, let's hurry up and kick some Yokai ass!"
Akihito Ryoto
Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
All Present Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
Opening Night
Akithito had seen Ritsu's skeeviness in a matter of moments. The fluffy body, the sly words, the promises of power. It was like a bad story in a book. Who would believe the little bastard? Who would sign their soul over for temporal power? Then again.... in the end, he chose to do so anyway. There were many reasons he could use to justify it. He believed Ritsu's words (ha!), he wanted adventure, he'd wanted to see if it was true. Curiosity and idleness, and just plain cavalier audacity. So many justifications. But the truth, he had to admit, was simple. He wanted... power. Power enough to defy his family. Power enough... to make them stop, someday.

And if he wanted that kind of power... he had to take a risk. Akihito arrives with the rest of the group via the train, following them along to this strange area. He hadn't ever been here before, though he recognized quite a few of the faces around him. Not all of them recognized him, but that was alright. He kept tabs on his fellow students, just to get a sense of who they were, if nothing else. The rizzler, the shy one, the yandere, the enforcer... The young man considers his options, before looking at Shiki off in the corner. Then, he grins. She'd always had a tough time... 'fitting in'. Might as well pry her out of her shell.

He touches a ring on his finger, before his clothes shimmer and sparkle, turning into a whirlwind of inky black void, star-specked. It circles around him before dissolving, revealing Akihito as a stage magician, cane in hand. He walks over to Shiki with a grin on his face, reaching out his hand towards her.

"Come on. Let's go team up with Yoko over there, eh? Whatever it is, it'd be best to work with a few others."

AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious

Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
Cosmic Crusaders (minus Kazu)

Trying to tune out the sound of the fierce rain smacking against the window, Ken pushed his phone closer to his ear and listened to the concerned voice on the other end of the call. In response, he tried to inject as much of his usual energy into his tone as possible. "Don't worry, I'm staying with SoSo until the weather clears up."

He hated the idea of lying to his mom, but trying to explain everything to her would have been insanely difficult and only brought her more trouble. In the end, he compromised by trying to ease her worries with a half-truth. Hopefully, this wouldn't become a recurring thing.

"Yeah, I will. You guys stay safe too. Say goodnight to the runts for me. Love you."

After ending the call, Ken pocketed his phone and looked at the girl resting her head against his shoulder. "My mom says hi. Also said to make sure we keep warm." They probably didn't need to worry about that too much, though. The two of them had been clinging to each other the entire time, so there was plenty of heat to go around.

Like him, Nanami had been called out by that little fuzzball for a late night field trip. It wasn't just her either. Pretty much everyone he was close to had been put on the train. Even the other people he didn't really know too well were fellow students. There was no way something like that could be a coincidence, right?

Giving Ritsu some side-eye, Ken grew more suspicious as ideas popped into his mind. Had she been stalking him? Or did she just have a habit of waiting outside of schools until she found an easy mark? If either turned out to be true, he wasn't gonna let her off the hook. She couldn't get away with stuff like that just because she was cute, soft, and marketable.

After a bit more thinking, he ultimately decided to drop his suspicions for the moment. Even though he wasn't too big on his friends getting caught up in something dangerous, it was ultimately their own choice, and Ritsu hadn't really done anything sinister so far. He was also still grateful to the pink puff for helping him save his sister, so it wasn't like he really wanted to doubt her in the first place. Besides, if someone really was stalking him, he probably would've noticed.

When the train eventually came to a stop, Ken stood up and raised his arms high above his head, giving his muscles a good stretch. Once he was all limbered up, he unhooked his umbrella from his belt loop and turned his attention to Nanami. "You good to go?"

Taking Nanami's hand in his own, he matched the pace of her smaller strides as they followed after Moura and Ritsu. His buddy was really gung-ho about the whole thing. Spirit like that was never bad, and he loved seeing his underclassman with so much energy. However, he couldn't help but wonder if everything had been properly explained to him. Ken was thrown into the deep end of the whole yokai slaying business right away, but what about the others?

Before he could get sucked too deep into his thoughts, the chill of the icy winds stole his focus. Not at all eager to catch a cold, he opened his umbrella to protect himself and Nanami from the freezing rain. Once they were both under the canopy, he wrapped his coat around her small frame, pulling her closer and seeking comfort in her warmth as they walked. Ordinarily, he probably would've taken pride in being so smooth, but he was too busy thinking about the booming thunder.

Out of all days to get called out to bust up some monsters, it had to be this one? Maybe it was just a coincidence, or maybe the yokai just had a nasty sense of humor. Either way, he'd be sure to hit them extra hard for forcing him to come all the way out here in the middle of a storm. It was a school night too. No consideration for the youth and their education whatsoever.

At some point, his internal grumbles were interrupted by a splat. Sure enough, when he turned his head to check out the source of the sound, he saw a mud-covered Yoko standing in the rain. She followed up her tumble with a furious string of questions, demanding answers from Ritsu as she continued to get soaked. Thankfully, Machi was quick to step in and help out. In her own way, at least.

Raising a brow, Ken looked from the sullied rich girl to the damp ball in Moura's arms. "Don't tell me you brought people here without explaining anything to 'em. That's just irresponsible, SuSu." His tone was still relatively relaxed, but he was being serious. He assumed some people would be new to fighting, but he didn't think Ritsu would drag in someone who didn't have a clue about what was going on.

Before he could get a response, he heard Kyoko's pitch, which Masao was quick to turn down. While Ken appreciated the suggestions, he was inclined to agree with his former teammate. Duos didn't sound like a great idea with so many inexperienced people around. That was just asking for things to go horribly.

The next voice to rise from the crowd was Daichi's. Right away, a large grin spread across Ken's face, and he pumped his fist at his friend's declaration. "Hell yeah, ChiChiKen back at it again!"

He already planned on rolling out with Daichi before they arrived. While it was partially because they had experience fighting together, it was also because of his sense of responsibility. The decision to form a contract was Daichi's alone, but Ken felt as though he forced his friend into that position by being too weak to stand on his own. While he didn't let it bring him down, he couldn't ignore the guilt he'd been carrying since that day. No matter what, he was going to be sure Daichi stayed safe. Not that the guy was weak or anything. They'd done enough roughhousing for Ken to know that.

Handing off his umbrella to Nanami, Ken separated himself from her. Once he felt he was a safe distance away, he took his stance and extended his arm. Right away, a shimmering light shot out from the silver ring hanging around his neck. It landed in his open palm, changing shape and growing dimmer until he was holding a metal bat in his hand. Wasting no time, he slammed the end cap of the bat against the ground, using as much force as possible.


As the metal struck and scraped against the earth, a small spark formed before erupting into a raging inferno. The flames enveloped his entire body, evaporating every falling drop of water that threatened to touch his skin. His flesh turned a charcoal black, seemingly dyed and torn apart by the intense heat. It hardened, resembling the tough, thick carapace of an insect. Then the shell cracked, revealing the newly formed metallic suit that covered him from head to toe.

Steam rose from his body, and more flames shot out from the many exhaust ports like a dragon flaring its nostrils. The chill from the rainy weather was practically nonexistent for him and those who stood nearby. His weapon had also transformed, going from a simple bat to an ornate tetsubō. The studs and spikes that covered its silver body burned with a deep crimson, just like the flaming heart that was now etched into the end cap.

Not wanting to lug his weapon around when there was no fighting going on, he attached it to the large belt around his waist. Hands now free, he pounded his fist into his palm, cracking his knuckles as he turned to Nanami and Daichi. "Ready whenever you are. Oh, but first..."

Sauntering over to Moura, Ken threw an arm around the younger boy's shoulder, taking care not to burn his precious underclassman. "You should tag along with us, MoMo! Keep the crew together, y'know? That way you can learn from your senpai. We'll show ya the ropes."

After wrangling in Moura, he waved down the other two members of the squad, trying to get them in for a pre-game huddle. "Now these monsters are tough, and it's important to keep your focus, but don't let the jitters get to ya. There's three things we have that they never will. Guts, teamwork, and passion! AGHS, fight on!"

Despite how his outward demeanor and confidence may have made it seem, Ken was taking things seriously. Ever since he and his sister almost lost their lives, he'd been very aware of how dangerous these monsters were. Remaining vigilant was important, but so was keeping his cool. If he and his friends had to do this, he didn't want them going into it with fear weighing them down. That's why he had to keep acting like his usual self.

His one regret right now was that he couldn't take everyone with him. Groups were already being formed, and he knew he wouldn't be able to keep an eye on people if there were too many. Keeping the teams small was the right call, but it still bothered him.

"Hey, SoSo!" Getting Masao's attention, he looked at her with an expression that went unseen behind his visor. "You guys be careful, okay?"

He had faith in her, but he'd never be able to completely get rid of his concern. Brothers would always worry about their sisters, no matter how strong they were. "Oh, and my mom says hi."

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Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
KEN!! & Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
Opening Night


Is what Yuuka would have been screaming, had she not been on the train with people that didn't want to be disturbed. She crossed her arms and slouched in the seat she sat in, looking more like a pouty toddler than a dignified high school student. She channeled all of her negative energy into her glare, which she directed at the object of her immense hatred—Nanami, who had spent the whole train ride resting her head on Ken. Yes, that Ken, Kawaguchi Ken (she liked the way that surname sounded next to her first name), Yuuka’s one true love who was BLIND to the predatory affections of the ‘darling’ of Amanogawa High School.


Not that she was surprised by it—she was reacting more to the fact that Nanami was getting away with this again. And again. And AGAIN. She was always attached to Ken, wherever he went! EVERYWHERE he went! Except when he was at work or on the rare occasion that she was busy, but that wasn’t super often.

OOOOOOGH! You HARLOT!! Get off of him!! Get off of him right NOW!! MOVE!! FALL OF THE TRAIN!!

But of course, Yuuka couldn’t do anything as long as Ken was present. Violence was one of those things that changed marriage papers into restraining orders. So, she did all this hateful thinking while sitting next to Masao, who was likely too preoccupied with real concerns to notice the cause of Yuuka’s sour mood.

The train slowed to a stop, and for a moment Yuuka turned her attention to Masao. She had meant to ask her what to do. The truth was she had no idea what was going on. She hadn’t been approached by Ritsu for a contract—in fact, Yuuka had to hunt down the little fluffball herself. All she knew was Ken was involved, Nanami was involved, and if Yuuka stood any chance of winning Ken over she needed to be involved too.

Speaking of Nanami and Ken, the two of them were now exiting the train, both lending a hand for the other to hold. Yuuka deflated like someone popped a heart-shaped balloon.

He’s too kind for his own good!

Yuuka dashed out the train before yelping in shock from the cold water hailing from the skies. Ken had been smart enough to bring an umbrella with him, of which he was sharing with Nanami.

Yuuka however, was now soaked. She hadn’t considered if it was going to rain or not, so there was no umbrella for her. She sulked as the rain battered her head and shoulders, leaving her looking like she had jumped in a pool. She shook like a dying leaf in the cold. She wouldn’t have been so cold if Ken wasn’t preoccupied with caring for Nanami (can you believe he put his jacket around her shoulders!?).

The group that Yuuka would supposedly be working with all followed Ritsu. Yuuka was left uneasy—they all seemed so confident. This was how it felt to walk in class for the test you were sure nobody was gonna study for, only to realize everyone felt like being a scholar the night prior!

It seemed everyone, even Masao, was now in dazzling magical armor. Yuuka shrunk into herself before tapping on Masao’s shoulder to get her attention.

“How are you guys doing that..?”

Thankfully, she had an ally—Yoko, a girl who was also in her class, who had been demanding answers from Ritsu before falling face-first in the mud. She wasn’t the only one!

Yuuka beamed as Ken turned to scold Ritsu for the lack of instruction for the newbies. He’s defending me!! And Yoko, but mostly me!

Kyoko, the class president of Yuuka’s grade, was there too. Made sense—she was responsible and such. But seeing as Masao and Ken disagreed with her plan, Yuuka did too. She wasn’t just blindly following, either. She would be DOOMED if she had to figure out how her superpowers worked with only help from one person.

But wait… Pairs… What if I got to pair up with Ken!?

Ah, the dichotomy of mankind. Yuuka was faced with a tough decision to realize, even if it was just in her head.

And once again, before she could think on it, her attention was swiftly stolen away by Ken—who had started transformation himself. Yuuka held her hands up on her flushed face as she watched in awe. It was like a real-life superhero anime, except she was a main character alongside her charming love interest and Nanami but that didn’t matter! She was back to 100% energy now!

She snapped back to reality at the realization that everyone was splitting up into groups of around four. Well, that was no problem for Yuuka, ‘cause Ken’s group was only three members—

“You should tag along with us, MoMo!”

Yuuka froze, her eyes going blank as Ken offered Moura the remaining spot in their crew. With the flip of a switch, Yuuka was fuming again. She grit her teeth as she watched Moura agree to Ken’s offer. Steam poured out her ears and nostrils like she was a bull seeing red.


And now she was sad. Her one chance to stick with Ken was gone… and she still had no idea what was going on.

Yuuka turned back to Masao, looking up at her with tear-filled eyes. She looked like a lost puppy, beckoning a stranger on the street for a pat on the head.

“Masa… sniffle… Please help me… I don’t know what to do…”

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yoshikawa nanami
opening night
abandoned warehouse park, yamato outskirts
all present cosmic crusaders (minus kazu)
opening night
Nanami let out a soft hum as she pressed closer to Ken, mumbling sleepily, "Fret not, Mama Kawaguchi, we will be fine..." Perhaps she wasn't fully awake, but the warmth from Ken and the sound of the rain made her sleepy; Nana couldn't help but relax a bit. Not entirely, though, because the hateful glare of Yuuka was somewhat distracting. Nanami did her best to ignore it.

As soon as the train came to a halt, however, Nanami's eyes flashed open and she sat upright, glancing around the train car. She was fully alert and ready to go, looking at Ken with a smile, and nodding when he asked if she was good to go, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." She chuckled softly and rose to her feet, mimicking her best friend and stretching, cracking her neck, and rolling her shoulders back.

When Ken's hand found hers, her smile widened and she laced their fingers together, following the rest of the group. Nanami kept up as best as she could, her smaller strides did make it a bit harder but she was grateful he matched her pace instead of dragging her along.

It wasn't long before Nanami could feel Yuuka's eyes on them again and she glanced over her shoulder briefly, scanning the other girl up and down. Didn't she have anything better to do? They were about to fight yokai, surely that should take precedence. Well, whatever, Nanami didn't have the energy to deal with Yuuka right now.

Once outside, she was hit with a rush of freezing wind and rain and quickly tucked herself under the umbrella. She pulled the jacket she had 'borrowed' from Ken closer around her body, shivering, and bit back a sigh of relief when he wrapped his own coat around her and pulled her close. It was still cold, but the warmth from Ken made it bearable.

That warmth was soon gone, however, and without him it felt even colder than it had when they first stepped outside. She wasn't going to complain, though, because they had a job to do. Without a word, she took the umbrella when Ken handed it to her. Nana watched in awe as he transformed, feeling a pang of jealousy, "I really wish I had something like that." She was dreading her transformation, in truth, and let out a sigh as she closed the umbrella, setting it aside in a place she would remember. She would grab it when they left.

Nanami lifted her right wrist, gently grabbing ahold of the charm bracelet she wore. Rubbing her thumb over the sun and moon charm, she sighed again, "Guess there's no putting it off any longer." Nanami wasn't keen on other people seeing her transformation, especially the outfit- god, that thing made her feel so exposed, but she'd deal. It would be fine.

She would be fine.

Nanami pulled the bracelet off her wrist and crushed it in her fist so hard it hurt, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she began to whistle. Despite how loud the storm was, it didn't seem to muffle the sound- it was an eerie tune that seemed to echo around them. After a few seconds, her eyelids fluttered open, and eyes that had once been blue and lavender were now a deep crimson.

Nanami's gaze lowered, staring at the charm as it glowed and extended into a long, sharp blade. She raised the sword-whip and pressed the sharp edge against the palm of her hand, cutting into it. Clenching her fist, watching as the blood trickled down her arm, she spoke-

"Set me free."

The blood seemed to have a mind of its own as it began to travel all over her body, covering her almost entirely. It was far more than what had come from her wound and it looked more like thick tar than it did blood. Mere moments later there was a spark and blue flames exploded across her body, burning away the thick blood and revealing an entirely new outfit- a black dress that was nothing more than a second skin. It had a plunging heart-shaped neckline that covered her chest and barely covered the front of her torso. The sides and back were completely bare. The bottom of the dress flowed outward behind her, with edges that were soft and feathered; the inside resembled a universe.


As the rest of the outfit finally formed, Nanami twirled and took a few steps away from her small group, turning so her back wasn't to them. She stood still for a moment, rocking on her heels like she was waiting for something. Suddenly, two massive wings, dense with white and black feathers, burst from her back and stretched out to their full length before relaxing.

The transformation was completed just in time as Ken gathered them for a pre-game huddle. Nanami didn't say anything at first, glancing at each of the boys and offering a thumbs-up and a smile at the end of the pep talk. She reached over to her teammates, putting her arms around Daichi's and Moura's shoulders and squeezing them, "We got this, team~" She sounded a bit more upbeat than usual.

Nanami waited for Ken to finish talking to Masao before walking toward him, standing on the tips of her toes so she could throw an arm around his shoulders. She was taller than she had been prior to the transformation. Her next comment was a bit shallow and she knew they would need a proper plan, but she hoped her words would put Ken at ease, even if only slightly.

"As long as we work together and communicate, we'll be fine, alright? We're going to kick ass, Kiki."

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Lady Airi <Masao>
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
All Present Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
Opening Night

She felt a little relieved as she saw others begin to transform as well. Theoretically, she knew that they must have a form since they were called upon by Ritsu, and she’d known Ken did but it was something different experience watching the process. She took note of the fact that it seemed she wasn’t the only one with foreknowledge of at least one other. Part of her wanted to grab Suzu and Yuu and Mari and do a group huddle to make their own name but that had to be on the back burner til they dealt with the threat.

She gave her signature two thumbs up when Ken warned her to be careful with a wide smile that was hidden due to the costume. She’d been memorizing the instructions Ritsu gave her… now that she actually fully listened to them. So she was already leagues better than she was last week.

“Tell HaHa I say hi too! I’ll bring her over her favorite snacks as an apology for your lies.”

She didn’t elaborate on whether she intended to also explain that they were lying to her as her attention was brought back to her friend Yuuka as she heard her speak up. Immediately she twirled around to her friend. She pointed to the chest plate around where she knew Yuuka’s pendant fell.

“That object, you should feel a power from it. For mine it feels like a bang in your chest, it demands to unleashed and when I move it around like a lasso it gets stronger until it feels like my heart will tear in two. When its attached to me in any way that energy kinda explodes outward… making the suit.”

She made a sudden big clap at the word exploding as if trying to illustrate exactly what her heart felt like once she felt the tugs of power. She looked up to the two others she’d been intending to fight beside.

“Suzu, Marimari what’s it like for you guys?”

Lucem Lucem miki miki ATurei ATurei Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean

Fukushima Moura
CS Link
Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
All Present Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
Opening Night

Masao's transformation at his question seemed that now was indeed the time to transform. Followed by his bravado, Daichi also transformed soon after Masao. "Wow," Moura said in awe. In an instant, two of his senpais transformed and donned their suits. Masao in an elegant, white, swan-like armor, and Daichi in a fiery red, ash-like armor. Their confidence led Moura to believe they were both more experienced than they actually were. There was a third in-between that adorned dark blue armor.

Then Ken spoke up. While Ken didn't address him, particularly in his talk to Ritsu, Moura felt that he was being mentioned indirectly. The orange-haired student frowned, though it was concealed within the darkness of the rain and night. While Ken's worry was warranted, Moura was an equal, perhaps not in experience, but as a Crusader. He was going to fight alongside them, and he was going to try his best to fight. Also, he wasn't a kid. It felt slightly annoying to be treated like a kid.

Soon more people transformed. The tallest, followed by Ken, and then Nanami.

Just as Moura was about to initiate his own transformation, a steely arm was hooked around his neck. While his consideration for not burning him was noted, a part of Ken's armor poked him. He was a little annoyed being treated like a kid, but Moura was excited at the prospect of fighting alongside his senpai. "Will do, Ken-Senpai! You'll watch my back, and I'll watch yours." Moura nodded with a starry-eyed expression. "AGHS! Let's go!"

In the distance, he saw Yuuka looking at them. Was she taking a photo? Even in the rain and night, Moura had faith in her skills as a photographer. Leaning closer to Ken, he waved at her. "You got this too, Ishioka-senpai!" He was sure that Yuuka was happy to see him as a fellow crusader. "Next time, let's team up with Ken-senpai together!" While it seemed like they weren't on the same team, there were more opportunities in the future.

Now was the time. He didn't want to be the last one to transform.

Pulling away from Ken's grasp, Moura dug into his pocket. A badge-like object in the shape of a shooting star was retrieved, and Moura raised it high in the air.


In one movement, he slotted the badge into his belt. In the next instant, Moura emitted blinding light as his transformation began. The light dispersed to reveal an orange armor with black representing the space between stars. His helmet was similar to that of an orange shoot star. So, this was what a transformation was like. Moura clenched his fists to get a feel. He felt a lot more powerful, and a strange energy coursed through his body.

"That's the name of the game, Yoshikawa-Senpai," Moura spoke up to his female senpai. "Let's give a big bang, right? Also tell your mom I said hi, Ken-Senpai!"

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CS Link
Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
All Present Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
Why him out of all people? Why Tetsuya, the guy who had to come into every class absolutely plastered due to the fact that he scored better when he was drunk? Tetsuya simply couldn't understand why Ritsu had selected him for fighting against the machinations of evil, especially since Tetsuya wasn't the type of person who really gave a crap. Fighting people who were evil just to save the world wasn't going to keep him fed, so why should he care?

But it was too late now. He had already gotten on and off the train, and it would be more of a hassle to escape than to actually do his job. But that didn't mean that Tetsuya was okay with it. On the contrary, whilst some of the others were busy transforming, Tetsuya was downing a bottle of beer in the hopes that it would make his headache go away. He wasn't going to transform. The one time he experienced the transformation left him flabbergasted. A nekomimi? Was this some sort of sick joke? He should've gotten a cool suit of armor like the others had.

"I call upon the power to change fate. Henshin." Tetsuya said apathetically, and with predictable results. Nothing. He was by fate sanctioned against becoming a mecha. What a shame. He didn't even have a belt to his name. Tetsuya stared up at the relentless rain, the water droplets that escaped past his umbrella to splatter on his face much like the rhetorical tears that he would've shed if he knew how to. Instead, all Tetsuya could do was lift his bottle and take another swig. A pleasant fluffiness was beginning to block out reality, just as it did night after night.

Tetsuya stood off to the side as the others decided on how best to split themselves. He didn't have an opinion on how they should do it, he was content in waiting for the others to decide before he pitched in. As he waited, he dug through his backpack, picking out the bag that contained the parts to his trusty trench shovel. He never parted with the thing ever since middle school and it seemed that it finally was useful in this situation.

With the shovel finally assembled, Tetsuya swung it around like a batter coming up on home base ready to play. And as it seemed that everyone has chosen their groups, Tetsuya sauntered to one of the groups, by coincidence Masao's. Uetsugi-san and Yamanouchi-san had decided to team up with her, as well as that gal who always was at the 24/7 and obsessed with Ken... Ishioka was her name.

"I'm sticking with you all." Tetsuya declared, swinging his shovel over his shoulder lazily. It was a weird sight, seeing Masao transformed into a full suit of blinding white armor. Honestly, it scared Tetsuya just how casually the others were taking this change in their lives. Yokai, monsters, even Ritsu, it all felt like one assumption too far.

BriiAngelic BriiAngelic miki miki ATurei ATurei Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean
Background Character #14
Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
Cosmic Crusaders
Opening Night
Junko stared at the back of the hooded one’s head. Junko’s classmate. Junko never talked to him, but she recognized him. She wasn’t recognized back. She was used to that.

Junko observed.

Things happened. People talked. Junko stood behind Tetsuya.

Some people transformed. Her classmate tried. He didn’t manage it. She thought he didn’t really try.

Not everyone knew what was going on. Junko knew a little. She wasn’t familiar with it.

Tetsuya joined a group. It was too big. Junko walked away.

Junko looked at the warehouses. Everyone was loud.

Junko was irritated. She voiced her opinion. It didn’t matter.

Junko had transformed once before. She was in the comfort of her own home. She didn’t look any different, though. She walked around her house when it was empty. It made her confident. It made her a little dizzy. Regardless, she felt like she stood out, despite being alone.

Junko thought. It mattered a little. She put the umbrella she took down.

Her tie loosened. It was in her hand now. It was her favorite one.

She cracked it like a whip without the sound.

There was no tie. It was a baton. Retractable.

Quietly, plainly, with noise unheard, Junko was no more.

THE BATTLEFIELD! Yamato Outskirts
Opening Night



The quiet chant of applause and patriotic spirit faded in and out of earshot. A red boot splattered mud towards the others, managing to miss itself and the person who was wearing it. The baton she held clipped onto a belt under her skirt. The thin eyes of the dictator looked past her nose, surveying the people she’d have to call her comrades. The corners of her mouth dragged into a sly smile. No longer was there Junko, if Junko was even there in the first place. The Tyrant had entered the battlefield.

Some of the people around her seemed a little more experienced than she was. That’s good! It was good to see people that knew what they were doing. Those people weren’t these people, though! A chuckle emitted from the girl.

Translucent arms of her own came into view for only her to see. They overlapped each other, obscuring some of the scene. Dizzying, but the dictator wasn’t going to let it bring her down. This was her time to shine for the first time in her life. Better make an impression. She was going to take center stage.

Taking her next move—bringing her hand up to adjust her cap—her real arm replaced one of the imitations.

“Listen up,” she commanded, her free hand landing on her hip. “Despite how absolutely dumb Platinum Blonde’s attack plan sounds, it could be a good place to start. It just needs a few tweaks.”

She knew Kyoko’s name. Obviously, who wouldn’t? And besides how popular she was, her name was just spoken. Tyrant, however, preferred the nickname she took less than two seconds to come up with. The same would go for everyone else she knew the names of. Obviously.

Tilting her head in a way to acknowledge Masao’s existence, she hummed. “Bleached Blonde was on the right track, don’t you think? Of course she was. Look at her, she’s a seasoned veteran. Snark dripped off the sentence.

I propose a third plan. A better, flawless one, that doesn’t get any of us killed, hm?

“We don’t know how many there are! Sooo, weeee..”
she waved her hands as if trying to get them to finish her sentence. She flicked her hands, giving up immediately. Obviously, they weren’t going to get it. “We get one large group to scout out the warehouses, because, like Bleach said, duos aren’t going to cut it.” A condescending smile was pointed towards Kyoko. Of course the dictator figured it wasn’t going to work— she herself didn’t even know how to fight. What if two inexperienced people paired up? “Now, the rest of us? Stay here on watch, obviously. Then we regroup, split up into smaller groups, and then lay out a plan to attack, because jumping in willy-nilly is the dumbest thing ever. Any objections? —No? Great! That was an order. I’m sure Ritsu agrees.”

Sighing, the dictator raised her hands to either side of herself. “Besides, you guys were supposed to have groups ready on the walk here— and clearly not all of you do!” She pointed to Machi, who was the first, and, honestly, only example she could see besides herself. “So we can just save that for later. Glad we all agree.”

The impression she chose to make was a bad one.

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Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
Cosmic Crusaders (minus Kazu)
The rackety thumping of the train over railway gaps and chatter of both familiar and unfamiliar faces alike was drowned by the soft whispers of deep, poetic reflections in her ears—bluetooth headphones hidden beneath fluffy earmuffs.

Ten minutes into the playlist of favorites, she had lulled off, her phone near slipping from between feathery fingers.

By the time the train found the station, squealing, shuddering, and hissing to a long-awaited halt, her phone had died, poetic whispers no more, and the sudden stillness woke her. Pale blue eyes fluttered open to find the backs of those alighting the train, and she quietly gathered herself to follow.

In the station, Ritsu gave her first speech, telling them to divide and conquer.

At that, Kemari’s eyes flitted toward pink strands framing excitable features. A fleeting glimpse gone unnoticed.

She walked at the back of the group as they marched through the torrential rain, letting the ones in front protect her from droplet daggers and chilly winds. Also in that moment of seclusion, where none would pay her any mind, she reached for her earrings—shiny, black studs like the other four, but these two larger, and humming with power.

Grazing them gently, she spoke softly, unheard, “Embrace the shadows…”

Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
Cosmic Crusaders (minus Kazu)
From the darkness surrounding, whips and threads and tendrils of an even deeper blackness looped and wrapped and coiled around her, never hindering her movement; she trekked on through the downpour. An inky silhouette, no glisten of city light reflecting off the wetness of her form, she was without feature for mere seconds before the shadows peeled back to reveal her anew.

Jet black hair billowed behind her, a witch’s hat for accessory, fashionably crooked and bent beneath its own weight. She wore a long, form-fitting mermaid dress, black as the rest, save for the high, sheer neckline and wrist-reaching sleeves.

Together, the group closed the gap between the train station and cluster of warehouses. As Ritsu addressed the group for the second time, Kemari lingered close to Masao without word, without sound.

She marveled expressionless at the others’ transformations, black pools for eyes yet sparkling with admiration.

“Suzu, Marimari what’s it like for you guys?” Masao’s voice. Kemari blinked and faced the dazzling woman, taking her in. Lips parted with faint awe. The gears of her mind worked to recall the meaning of the question… Then, “Music… The tinkling of wind chimes resonating,” she spoke in light whispers.

“Kemari… feels it in her fingertips,” she looked at her hand. “Like touching a fuzzy pillow… It is gentle…” Putting her hand down, she looked at Masao again, this time with notes of candid concern in her voice, “Kemari does not like the image of Masao’s heart asunder. Masao should see a cardiologist to be safe.”

Just then, “I’m sticking with you all.”

Kemari looked at the person, straightfaced and indifferent. She looked him up and down, letting the pungence of alcohol pervade her sinuses, not that she had a choice.

“Kemari does not welcome the smell,” she said. She meant no harm. “But she would love to have you.”

The distant buzz of chanting and cheering caught her, fading shortly thereafter. She searched around for the source, hands behind her back.

“Listen up,” one demanded. Dusky hues found that of a fashionable dictator, blinking curiously, a tilt of the head as she listened to the unnamed character depart with their words. Here and there, Kemari nodded compliantly.
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CS Link
Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
All Present Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
Opening Night

As per usual, Masao’s explosive display did not fail to crack on Suzume’s face a smile. It needed not be any more complicated than that – a BAM, and lots of WHAM, always suffice when all else fails. And, how nice it is to have so much energy at one’s disposal, and such a wealth of stamina a object of envy for one of Suzume’s constitution.


And now that’s a thrilling “but” – how she had wanted to contradict herself unfortunate body with more than sheer doggedness for so long, how she had craved, how in the heavy rain and strangers’ eyes that dream now came to a realization. True, too, that her body was weak, frail, and deplorable until now.

No more.

miki miki
“Hmmm, Yuu-chan dear,” she began, answering Masao’s question with a thrill coming into her bones, one that made awry her smile, one that shuddered slightly her words, “What comes to your mind when the word “power” is spoken, hm, Yuu-chan? Do you think of it in a physical sense, like a pounding fist, like violence to overcome another; or like for some, you derive simple comfort and security from harm? Either way is well, I suppose. Ah, but to serve an express purpose, to strive for ever greater height, power is a liberating thing! Transforming is a liberating thing, if only one would cast off all things that are useless!”

With a jerk, she reached a hand to her chest, where a faint silver glint swung to the sudden move. Fingers, pale by coldness, trembling in excitement, plucked the slim accessory – a cross no larger than her delicate pinky – and yanked with all expiring strength.

“Fade in!”

CS Link
Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
All Present Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
From cocoon forth a butterfly.

"Fade in!"

Following the pulling gesture, the girl named Yamanouchi Suzume vanished from existence. Her being, having slipped in between the night droplets, dispersing like fine mist, was gone from view, gone from the world without so much as one parting sigh, even as a false mirage upon human touch, without a trace.

Where the thin chain upon the vanished one’s neck had shattered, another being blinked to the world. She was naked as one born anew. Flushed with life, animated with blinding vigor, light coated her. A million raindrops refracted her aura of periwinkle, rising and swirling, ‘til they made a shining fabric over her entire. In one chaotic parade of glittering light, they hurried themselves into pleats, into bows, into dancing folds. Frills over her collar and skirt hem, bows at ankles, and twin braid bases, all painted by the unseen moon. A floating cloak joined at her chest in a large bow – only there only may one find the night’s deeper shade.

Now she landed with a merry splash, disturbing the ground’s dirty water, yet her touch made it pristine white. So it rose to her calves, past her knees, and hugged her legs as tightly as liquid does. And there her stockings were made.

And all this outfit scarce concealed a thing, for it was a liberating thing. But for the thicker density at needful places to preserve some few dignity, the fine fabric made all of hers dimly perceptible in the moonless night. Even her body was somewhat transparent, her own glow filtered through her, like a fairy flickering from a dream and back. Only she knew what a dream it really was.

Then, so completed, Suzume whirled around, with as much life as she should ever need, even to match Masao’s.

BriiAngelic BriiAngelic
“Does that answer your question?” She smiled at the armored friend, and it was a smile in full bloom now, nary a weakness to check or set limits upon her endless whims. Many of which she had only begun to envision.

So delighted in her new form, she watched the happenings before her with a detached carelessness. Once, she shrugged at the shovel boy who had just declared himself their companion. Shovel – how amusing! She wondered if that was his transformation item.

Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean
So liberated indeed! She skipped along now, almost dancing round the soft-spoken Kemari. So black, so dark, almost a stark contrast to Suzume’s lightness. “You’re too adorable, Kemari,” she said, “Masa’s so strong, nothing on earth could ever sunder her heart, unless it’s a boy, and even then, it's a wound you can heal.”

Some way ahead of the group now, she pivoted on her toes, floating cloak whirling to match her turn, addressing the loudest one beside her in the group.

gxxberkit gxxberkit Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
“Oh yapper, you speak overmuch! How about we think less and do more? Masa, Yuu-chan, shovel boy, Kemari-cutie, I say we go right to that warehouse closest to us. I wanna beat up something! Oh, I wanna beat up something!”
Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
KEN!! & Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
Opening Night

Tears of joy welled up as she looked to her underclassman, who had offered to bring Yuuka along so she could be with Ken in the near future. “Moura, you’re a good man..!” Yuuka mused, ignoring the fact that she had been cursing over his existence mere seconds ago.

A feeling emitting from the necklace that was supposed to EXPLODE!? Yuuka didn’t know what the heck was going on (to be fair, she wasn’t fully paying attention, but it was still a pressing matter). To make matters worse, Yuuka had to helplessly watch as Suzume gave her inconclusive advice and transformed in front of her—cruelly rubbing in how easy it was for her to do what Yuuka struggled with.

The whole thing felt impossible. How was she supposed to pinpoint a feeling that she didn’t know? How was she supposed to figure this out when all three of the answers she got were wildly different. But she trusted Masao and Kemari enough to think about it some more.

What did she feel from the pendant? It was hard to tell—between the rain and the constant chatter around her, attuning herself to whatever sensation she was supposed to be feeling was near impossible.

She might not feel it, but she should be able to easily replicate what everyone else had done, right? Shout transform and BAM! It would be done.

Yuuka raised her hands above her head like she was performing a magic trick.



Yuuka brought her pendant up to eye level and squinted at it. It looked fine! Same sparkling gold it had always been. Maybe she needed a catchphrase!?

Before she could think it over again, someone came up from behind her. She snapped her head around to get a look, but upon turning, her face contorted into disgust.

Oogh, she knew those sullen eyes. Tetsuya. That boy who worked with Ken at the convenience store. The one who got to spend hours upon hours of shifts with Ken and yet he always acted like he couldn't care less about him.


Yuuka could only grumble in his direction. Right now, if he felt so inclined, he could smack her on the head with the shovel and knock her out. It wasn’t like he’d care about anything she did, anyway. Nothing got through his stupid thick skull.

She didn’t even get the chance to refocus when someone else spoke up. A familiar voice, yet now it was commanding attention instead of fading into the white noise in Yuuka’s brain.


While she loved no one more than Ken, Masao definitely came in second place. The snark in her tone made Yuuka’s cartoonishly annoyed expression melt into something more serious.

“Listen, I don’t know who you are, but what gives you the right to boss everyone around like that!?” Yuuka held a fist to her chest. “We all have different levels of experience, but that doesn’t mean you can treat us like trash—!”

Yuuka stopped as she felt her heart skip an irregular beat. No, it wasn’t entirely her heart—it was something outside of it. Like a knock on the door of her heart. Actually, right where the pendant was.

Attention now entirely off of Tyrant, Yuuka brought her half-heart pendant up to her face and stared at in awe.

“Hello!” She talked to the necklace like it was sentient—or perhaps more akin to a child talking to a firefly. “Is this how it’s supposed to feel!? How do I transform? Hello!?”

She awaited some sort of sign that never came. But she had felt that pang for certain—she knew it was there. The pendant was trying to communicate with her. She knew that whatever just happened was the key to understanding how to transform.

Maybe the answer was a strong feeling. She had definitely felt strongly about defending Masao, so maybe that was a step in the right direction. But that only took her so far—she needed something stronger. What did she feel the strongest about?

Well. That was an easy question.

Yuuka shut her eyes, blocked out the world, and filled her thoughts with Ken. She leaned into the euphoria that it gave her. The thump-thump-thumping in her chest beat in sync to the pendant.

There was that exploding feeling Masao was talking about! Yuuka grinned, proud that she had figured it out. Now all she needed was a catchphrase, like the ones from all her favorite mahou shojou animes.

“Okay! I think I’ve got it now! Uh…” She snapped her fingers in quick succession before a little lightbulb went off in her head.

“Bloom with passion! Henshin!”

Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
KEN!! & Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
Opening Night

The golden pendant rose up in front of her, aligned with where her heart was. She cupped her hands around the half-heart charm, watching intently. The charm glowed before shooting a flash of light through her heart. It was painless; a bit of a warm feeling, actually.

In the place where the light had passed through her body, a brilliant red carnation blossomed. As soon as it had materialized, the petals of the flower scattered off of the flower, multiplying around her body. The petals had turned a translucent and glittering pink, as they found their place around her in the form of a dress. They bunched together before erupting in a burst of light. In place of the petals was now a frilly dress with varying shades of pink and yellow.

A few stray petals gathered around her hair, kicking up a cyclone of wind that bunched her locks up like the bud of a tulip. Just like the dress, it burst into a bright pink light before letting her hair fall back down, now a vibrant pink with her pigtails tied up in buns.

The pollen that had fallen off the flower was not pollen at all, but a glittering substance that covered her body. It bunched up around her legs and hands to create a matching set of gloves and boots.

To finish it off, a long ribbon snaked around her like a growing vine before gathering around her back, tying in a bow, and shimmering as a long dart gun grew out of the strap.

The whirlwind of magic that had surrounded her gently placed her back on the muddy ground. Her eyes were shut, and her balance was a bit off-kilter—but once she took a peek at the dress, she audibly gasped in awe. Her shiny lavender eyes glistened at the sight.

She lifted the material of the dress, getting a feel of it as she gazed at the flowery pattern. It felt like soft silk, so fine of quality the threads of silk were impossible to trace as she ran her fingers over it. She brought the now long, pink strands of her hair to her eyes. Her eyes lit up like fireworks, her excitement bubbling out of her.

“Masa, did you see that? Oh—KEN! Look, I did it!!” Yuuka buzzed around like a busy bumblebee, amazed by her own newfound powers. She held her hands up to her face as she swayed from side to side. ”Hehe, I look like a princess!”

She shook her head wildly, reminding herself that she was here for business—she couldn’t afford to be too distracted. She checked the back area of the dress, feeling around for the dart gun she had held seconds ago. The weapon was nearly half her height, but she aimed it proudly away from her—without any caution for anyone around her.

“Look! I have THIS!”

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CS Link
Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
All Present Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
Daichi spectated with excitement as he observed his close friends transform, arms up high in the as he loudly cheered for his pals. He dashed over to them at a surprising speed, briefly stopping next to each of them to give them some words of praise.

"Ken, your suit is amazing! You have to show me those fire attacks again!"

"Wooo Nanami those wings are so awesome! Can you actually fly with them?"

"Moura, I knew you had it in you! The orange suits you! Let's make some cool poses later, okay?"

Without even giving each of them enough time possibly reply, he dashed back to his original position. It's not that he had no interest in having a conversation with them, rather this form simply gave the boy an exhorbitant amount of energy, which made him stay in one single place fairly difficuly. He then listerend to Tyrant's words, her plan did make sense, as much as he wanted to rush headfirst into danger like the cool hero of justice he was, Daichi at least knew that Yokai were indeed very dangerous. "Hmm, yeah, that's a actually a good plan, I'm down to go as well, I can scout the area easily...Where did you come from though?" He had absolutely no idea where this pompous girl was until now, did she come from a different place perhaps?

As he scanned the rest of the people around him, he noticed a face that was both familiar and unknown at the same time, confirming his suspicion from earlier. He dashed towards the nearby group, stopping in front of the dark-clad girl. He accidentally overshot his velocity, causing his stopping to be somewhat clumsy, rotating his arms backwards in quick motion to offset the forward momentum. "Kemari, is that you??? That's so cool! You're like, a witch! I knew I saw you among the group on the train! Let's kick some ass, okay?" He said as he posed confidently, one hand locked on his hip and the other brushing his thumb where his nose normally ought to be He then turned his attention to both Masao and Yuuka nearby, the former one only recognizeable due to her voice. "Oh, yeah you guys look cool to- HEY WATCH WHERE YOU'RE AIMING THAT!" Said Daichi as he dramatically pointed his index finger at Yuuka "Why do YOU of all people have a GUN?!" That girl was already a menace on her own, again, WHY did Ritsu end up choosing her, he was sure there were dozens of more qualified people on his school alone.

Lucem Lucem angel doe angel doe BriiAngelic BriiAngelic miki miki gxxberkit gxxberkit Misuteeku Misuteeku Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean
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Yoko Ishida
Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
All Present Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
Opening Night
With her own situation going from what seemed to be a steady and boisterous number of 'one' when she stepped out of the train, to an intense 'eleven' when she fell face-first into the pile of mud, it wasn't difficult for others to see that Yoko was utterly bewildered, furious and confused to the eyes of her other students. She had no clue what truly was going on around her, a newcomer in a group of people who had already discovered their own transformations into magical beings. Yoko however... she clearly was as green as they came.

With a huff as she noticed Machi's sudden approach towards her, alongside the offer of what appeared to be an old baby-blue handkerchief, one of which clearly hasn't seen too much use but has shown its age nonetheless. Without a doubt, Yoko was unimpressed by the craftsmanship of such a cloth material, and it didn't help at it that it was being forced upon her by a woman who looked as if she couldn't handle a if it meant life or death. Not that really was something that she bothered too much about, however - as Yoko with a light shrug still grabbed onto the unused handkerchief, using it to wipe what mud she could off of her person - primarily her face as well as hair.

"You could do with something significantly better... but it's better than nothing, I suppose. Appreciated."

It was the most she could muster for a compliment, at least towards Machi. Something about her... mainly her sense of fashion, didn't seem to come off well towards the fancier (and haughtier) of the two. It didn't matter to Yoko at that moment anyways, for she had bigger fish to fry. Fish in the shape of an aforementioned 'insufferable jerk'. One who had seemed to undergo a wild transformation much like the rest of the cast of students called for Ritsu's business, albeit in the guise of a smug stage magician. A look of annoyance alongside a mud-filled walk was more than enough to tell that she was far from a good mood, if it wasn't already clear as the day that had just passed.

"Something of this magnitude has to be of your doing, is it not, Akihito Ryoto?!" She suddenly responded, raising her voice as her 'rival', Shiki, was also caught in the crossfire of her anger, even if it was not intentionally directed towards her at all. "If the strange plush slime before us isn't giving me a single answer, then surely there is nobody else here I can imagine that would go through such lengths to embarrass such a beauty such as myself like you! To change my arrangements and force me out of the cold weather... to have everybody dress in your own wild costumes while I am left with nothing..."

She felt her fist clench. A horrid mixture of anger and jealousy seemed to flow through every vein of her body as she tried to make herself as tall as possible, at least compared to the male student who was quite literally a foot above her in height. Why wasn't it that people gave her the respect that she deserved? She was Yoko, the sole heiress of the fashionable and well-revered Ishida family, after all! To be thrown to the mud with only a simple handkerchief by some poorly-dressed tomboy to clean with was far from what she desired from others!

She wanted people to appreciate her, to become friends with her, to love her! Not to be humiliated, teased, thrown around like some common trash in the wind! She was far from that, she was far and above that! She was a lady, no... even better than that... she was like a modern princess, descended from superior blood! Yes, that's it!

It was what Yoko thought of herself. And by some strange occurrence did it suddenly turn into a reality. As her blood boiled, unbeknownst to the bratty tailor did she start to change... to transform. What appeared to be her muddy school uniform suddenly began to crystalize, encasing Yoko in the blood red appearance of a ruby. It crept through her legs, her waist, her chest, before the woman that was in front of Ryoto and Shiki no longer looked as if she was made of flesh and fabric, but a chrysalis of crystal, like a blood red mirror reflecting Yoko's image upon every direction.

Then it shattered.

Out from an ethereal shower of crystalline shrapnel, emerging from the metaphorical cocoon looked to be a beautiful young butterfly of sorts. No longer did Yoko, muddied, embarrassed and disheveled look to be among the cast of students. Instead was a woman in a pristine gothic outfit befitting of a princess, a silvery rapier by her side and her eyes firmly trained on the 'stage magician' before her.

She was beautiful, she was confident, and she was undoubtedly furious.

"... By the Ishida name, I should silence you where you stand, you absolute buffoon!"

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Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
All Present Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
As if she was simply a member of the audience, a volunteer, a dazzling stage magician extended a hand towards her. Kindness. Hesitantly, she took it. She vaguely recognized him before he transformed, but she didn't remember his name until the one who had tripped and fallen called it out. Akihito Ryoto. She also recognized the muddy princess, Ishida Yoko - a person who had taken up some sort of rivalry with her.

Anger. It wasn't directed at her, but she could feel it. Caught in the fire of heated words, Shiki let go of Ryoto's hand - stepping back a little. A few more steps as Yoko began to transform, and wishing that it wasn't raining so horribly - she wasn't going to take Mew out unless absolutely necessary.

Another, louder voice drew her attention - she didn't recognize her, couldn't place a finger on their identity at all. But it was overwhelming. Shiki clutched her head, trying to cover her ears, a heavy and shaky breath escaping past her lips. Authority.

With nearly everyone already transformed, she felt... out of place. Terrified, anxious, overwhelmed. A mixture of emotions within her heart swirled around - she just wanted to go home, for everything to stop being so... so...!

"I can't." She breathed out, voice almost a whisper. "I can't give up. I have to... I have to keep trying. I can't keep hiding from my fears."

Just like that, the thick, frozen barrier of ice that prevented her from reaching the courage deep inside of her shattered. Slapping her cheeks, she put her bag down on the cold, wet ground and ignored the fact that Mew would be getting soaked. Mew could be repaired and cleaned. This moment was fleeting, if she didn't do it then, she wasn't sure she'd ever get the chance to do it again.

Within the bag that contained Mew was a large pen. She pulled both of them out, leaving Mew in her backpack while she followed her instincts.

'Kindness, anger, authority, fear. Hope, happiness, sadness, courage. Every emotion shall live on for eternity. I will protect this world!'

Clicking the pen twice, Shiki opened her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Let's draw! Imagination, blossom!"

As she moved the pen, a trail of light followed the tip. First, she drew the shape of one glove, and then tossed the pen to her other hand to draw the other. Then she drew the shapes of her socks and shoes. She threw the pen into the air, clapping and stomping as the simple outlines became fully realized items of clothing. She caught the pen and drew the shape of her dress, hugging herself so that was fully formed too. Finally, she drew the outline of her hair and the accessories. This time, she placed the pen behind her ear and her hair grew longer and tied itself into a bun, the accessories appearing once it was all said and done.

No longer was she Amano Shiki, she was...

Opening Night
Abandoned Warehouse Park, Yamato Outskirts
All Present Cosmic Crusaders (Minus Kazu)
She was...


Who... was she?

She needed to be confident in her identity, to state her intentions to the world... And so, she took a deep breath and let the words flow naturally into her mind.

"Showing the world the color of my heart! Blooming Muse!"

. . .

Maybe that was too much?

Hesitantly approaching Ryoto and Yoko, covering her crimson-tinted cheeks with her hands, she tried to force out a confident "Okay, let's team up!" Unfortunately, it came out muffled due to her hands, but at least she tried her best?

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