Nathan Gelding


rainy day reader

.  Nathan Gelding .

"Nerd has so many negative connotations. I prefer the term scholarly."


11 January | 17 | Male | Drama: Stage Production


When clean-shaven, Nathan has a youthful, almost cherubic face. His blue puppy-dog eyes (a hair too close together), clear skin, and sheepish expressions are irresistible to old ladies. Over the past couple years, he's tried to grow out a manly beard but so far has only managed a layer of light, uneven scruff. Not one to follow hairstyle trends, Nathan tends to keep his sandy blond curls short and manageable. He's pale, possessing the kind of fair skin that will never tan but will burn easily. He's 177cm (5'10") tall, just a smidge above the national average, has a lean build with no obvious muscle definition, and a slight slouch. His style is casual and comfortable: jumpers, jeans, and Vans are his go-to staples when he's out of uniform. Though he wears modern apparel, there's a distinctly old-fashioned quality about him. Occasionally, he'll dress up with a button-down or wear a blazer over a T-shirt. But the Vans are non-negotiable.


Sometimes, as Nathan works on a production, he watches the performers with awe and envy, knowing he'll never experience the blissful rush as an audience showers him with admiration and praise. From the quiet of the control booth or the shadows in the wings, he wonders what starring center-stage would feel like. Uncomfortable, most likely. Apart from his terrible stage-fright, he knows he's not suited for the limelight. He doesn't have the charisma or charm of a leading man, not to mention any talent worth performing. And, the odd private fantasy aside, he doesn't care to be the center of attention. He knows his place in the social hierarchy and is perfectly content hanging out between the underperforming loners and the annoying overachievers.

What he has, however, is self-deprecating humor and realistic expectations. He knows he's not popular and accepts that he probably never will be. He laughs at his own pasty complexion and pathetic lack of muscle definition. He knows his ghost hunting hobby is uncool but he continues with it anyway. When he's snubbed or ignored, he pretends as though he received a perfectly normal response. Sure, he'd love to be the hero, save the day, and get the girl but the likelihood of that happening is slim to none. At least he has his stellar grades. Academic security - always a comforting thought. 

While considered a bit of a nerd, Nathan is far from shy. In fact, one of his best qualities is his candid sociableness. He's comfortable talking (and talking back) to anyone, regardless of background, social status or personality. He'll treat most people like long-time friends. He'll gossip with strangers and share personal information with acquaintances. But  when he's dealing with someone particularly unpleasant, he'll stubbornly fight to get the last word. In these situations, he doesn't think before he speaks, which has on more than one occasion gotten him into trouble. He's a smart guy, armed with a wealth of knowledge, but every so often he just isn't very bright. 


  • Wants to prove the existence of ghosts; likes to investigate paranormal activity.
  • Has an excellent memory for trivial details.
  • Begins and ends each day with a cup of tea. Milk, no sugar, thank you.
  • Talks to himself frequently.


  • He was twelve when he went on his first ghost hunt. He snuck into an old cemetery after hours and staked out near an allegedly haunted mausoleum. Though he nearly got hypothermia and didn't bring the right camcorder, he swears he saw a ghostlike figure vanishing into the tomb.
  • The year he turned ten, his parents took him and his sister camping on the Isle of Skye. It was freezing but amazing.
  • Once, as the victim of a cruel prank at school, Nathan wet the bed. He was thirteen at the time.

Life Story

Nathan grew up in a nuclear family of four in Glasgow's trendy West End. As children of successful hoteliers, Nathan and his sister Irene's lives were far from ordinary. They lived in a top-floor apartment of a luxury five-star hotel and, as children, toddled in swanky lobbies and glamorous ballrooms. Meals, if not brought straight to the room, were enjoyed at private tables in the hotel's restaurants. While their parents worked, Nathan and his sister hung around various members of the hotel staff who watched them on a steady rotation. The Gelding children also had expensive toys and gadgets and access to a variety of recreational services. They wanted for nothing.

Life may have seemed golden and rosy, but a five-star hotel was not a prime environment in which to raise two precocious children. Mr. and Mrs. Gelding were as married to their work as they were to each other. Taking care of sixty to one hundred guests was exhausting enough. Though never intentionally neglectful, they hardly had time for family. More often than not, the children were on their own. Fortunately, Nathan took to this freedom immediately and effortlessly. He read voraciously and filled his time looking for ghosts, building robots, and teaching himself to play the guitar. His mind was filled with random facts like when the moon would rise, the temperature at which gold liquefies, and the Latin names of all of Britain's native birds. As a child, Nathan didn't have many friends.

As he grew older, he developed a passion for working with his hands. He took great pleasure in taking clocks and telephones apart and putting them back together (much to the annoyance of his parents considering the items were hotel property). Soon, he began designing gadgets of his own. For a while, Nathan's hobbies were just hobbies. After a professor recommended production design as a track option, considering how much Nathan liked to tinker, he decided to give it a shot. He's never looked back since. 



Writing Sample

Nathan imagined once that he was a prince. The hotel was his kingdom, the staff was his knights, and the guests were his people. When he woke, he'd summon breakfast to his chamber, as a young lord might do, and enjoy his sausage and beans in his plush four-poster bed. Then, after he'd washed and dressed, he'd check in with the maids to see if violence from afar was stirring. They'd say:

"An American couple checked in last night, sir. He's nice enough but she's a nasty piece of work." Indeed, it appeared trouble was on the horizon. As heir to the kingdom, it was his duty to keep the peace. He couldn't make an enemy of America.

"Have a bottle of something nice delivered to their room," he'd say with grave dignity. "They must know Scotland is their ally."

The maids would stifle their giggles and play along. "Right away, your highness." It was good to be a prince.

Now, as he looked up at the Victorian building, he smiled at his childhood imagination. There were no turrets or towers. There was certainly no moat. Though palatial, it was no palace. Just a grand building whose modern luxuries and old world charm accommodated the affluent. It was also home. 

"Welcome back, Nathan," said a dapper man at the door. "Had a nice term, did you?"

"Thanks, Fergus," said Nathan. "It was okay. Still haven't caught any ghosts, but I'm getting closer."

"Good for you, lad. You'll get 'em one day. And what of your girlfriend, eh? Why don't you amuse an old man with tales of young romance?"

Nathan shrugged. "Still no girlfriend, Fergus. Same as the year before and the year before that." Under his breath, he added, "And likely every year to come."

"How is that possible?" Fergus furrowed his bushy brow and scowled. "Handsome young man like you? I bet you have loads of admirers!"

Nathan patted the doorman on the shoulder. "Fergus, I need to get you a dictionary. Clearly, you have no idea what the term handsome means." With a wheezy laugh, Fergus waved him inside the lobby of The Countess Hotel. 

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