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Fandom Naruto: A New Path



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  • Roleplay Rules
    Post should be regular. In order to keep the story advancing, members are encouraged to post once every four-days. If you feel you will be unable to meet your requirements, please do let everyone know in advance. Failure to post in a two-week period is grounds for removal.

    Write in 3rd person & follow proper grammar conventions. Please do not write in first person. Additionally, all posts should, to the best of your ability, should follow grammar rules for ease of access for your fellow rpers.

    No one-liners. While this roleplay will *not* require multiple paragraphs per post, it is still necessary to keep your post lengths within reason. Do not post simply to post, try to contribute to the story in some way. Give your fellow rpers something to work with.

    Don't control other players' characters. You should not be describing how someone else's character acts or thinks. This includes killing someone else's character.

    Combat is a discussion. It's important for all participants in a combat scene to discuss what they want. Talking about who should win and how difficult the fight should be helps avoid getting in a loop of endless dodging and tanking.

    No canon characters or relations to them. In this universe, Naruto and co. does not exist. Our genin are filling the gap that the main characters did in the initial story. While you still do have access to every clan, do not make your character have a relation to people that, again, for all intents and purposes do not exist.
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Mission #1: The Furakawa Clean-up Mission
Arc 1, Mission #1: The Furakawa Clean-up Mission bastion bastion , kakemha kakemha , Aigen Aigen , Timv9 Timv9 , JessEwa26 JessEwa26

Umiko Uzumakithree days ago | Hokage's Office, Konohagakure | bastion bastion

The Hokage's office was a welcoming place, even during briefings. The windows were open, letting in the warm summer breeze, and a pleasant aroma filled the air. Couches and chairs sat arranged to face the Hokage's desk, with a table to set tea and snacks on during discussion. Of course, as inviting as all this was, it was not for the shinobi. The comforts were at odds with the three squads lined up near the door and neglected by the Hokage herself in the moment, as she stood to attention before them.

"Thank you all for coming," Umiko began, her voice managing to remain gentle while being heard clearly. "The nine of you genin have done exceptional work these last two months. I am proud of the growth each of you have shown since graduating. I believe you have proved yourselves ready to take on more challenging tasks. I have chosen your squads to work on a joint C-rank mission. This mission is unlikely to involve any hostile encounters, but it will still be quite difficult."

The Hokage paused, gaze moving from one genin to the next, only lingering long enough to ensure they met her gaze. Her eyes were filled with warmth and pride directed towards the children. When her gaze met Akiko's though, it wavered just a hint, before she quickly moved on.

"The Kuroyama dam in the Land of Rivers burst due to the recent heavy rains. The entire area beneath the dam has been flooded, including the Furakawa village. Your mission is to deliver supplies to the residents of the village, as well as aid in the efforts to restore the village. Although you are unlikely to encounter any danger, that does not mean this will be an easy mission. The villagers of Furakawa have lost their homes and loved ones. They will need you to be their strength during their time of need."

The Hokage let out a slow breath, and with it her expression eased. "I know you will make the village proud. Dismissed."

Koda Tsuenopresent time | Outskirts of Furakawa, the Land of Rivers

The sun was just beginning to set by the time Konoha’s rookie 9 and their respective jounin team-leaders finally made it to the flooded grounds of what had been the village Furakawa. For now though, the group paused for a bit of a rest on the last bit of clear ground before the seemingly all-encompassing floodwaters begin.

Koda, from his place atop one of the few boulders on their bit of grass, spared a cursory look around at the group, noting the exhaustion-drawn lines on some of the kids faces. A bit of fatigue, though not entirely desirable considering the unfamiliar parts they were in, was perfectly normal. Especially when one considered the close to non-stop three-day journey the children had just been subjected to. There had been the occasional break in their trek, but for the most part all of the kids had been pushed harder than they'd likely ever been pushed before. They'd run through the mornings, through part of the nights. They'd paused only when the sweltering heat of the afternoon sun above made continuing an impossibility.

Hopefully, the kids still had a bit of energy left to begin what would come next— the day's recovery tasks once the Furakawan's welcome party found them.

Speaking of which... Koda pushed his brown gaze beyond their bit of green, to the murky waters of what had been Furakawa. The jounin recalled reading something in the missions report about Furakawa being a thriving village in the before, a tourist attraction famous for its sake and its tours of its single sake factory. Now though thanks to Kuroyama's burst, the village was a far cry from those written glory days.

Muddy — though thankfully slow-moving — waters covered all of what was left of Furakawa. The only hints of what had once been were the thatched roofs of a couple of particularly stubborn houses, the occasional submerged tree, bits of other undistinguishable structures peeking above the water, etc. As far as Koda could tell though, there was no sign of life, no sign of the welcome party. But that was fine for now. The kids deserved a chance to rest, if only for a little bit longer. Maybe they could even take the chance to get a little food into them.

Reaching into his pack, Koda drew out one of the supply scrolls. Pushing a little bit of chakra into it for activation as he unrolled it, the jounin removed some of the rations within— water canteens, bread, beans, a bit of smoked meat. Maybe it had been a bit of a cruel choice to subject the kids to the sparse meals usually reserved for war-time, but Koda personally thought (and still thought) it a good idea. It was good practice for a real world situation where fires wouldn't be able to be drawn up for fresh food.

"So, while we're at a standstill... Anyone up for another meat and bean sandwich? No one's tired of those yet, right? Help yourself."
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Shoko Uchiha
Three days ago, Shoko was listening attentively to the Hokage as she was explaining their mission. It seems relatively easy to her, it was a mission to help the citizens of Furakawa village. The only thing she think would be hard would be the people themselves. Knowing her team, they were more of a diplomatic one, not very suitable with Shoko. She never knew how to interact with people, she was much more suited for combat and heavy lifting. The Hokage say they will be the village's strength, but she highly doubted that. New people stayed away from her because of her cold and scary expression and demeanour, so she doubted that anyone in that village would ask her for help. She made a note to ask Akane-sensei if she could help with the heavy lifting rather than talking to residents. After being dismissed, she packed her backpack that she brought along with her for every mission and packed it with everything she would need and did her usual trainings with her father.

The day of the mission, she didn't have to train seeing as she wanted to be on time with the rest of the group. So they set off on their three-day journey to the Land of Rivers. Shoko got a bit tired, but her training built up her stamina a lot so she didn't appear tired, just a few heavy breaths here and there. Finally they settled right on the outskirts of Furakawa village, where there was an apparent welcome party that was going to come and find them. She set down her bag by a tree and rubbed her shoulders to release some of the aches she had there. She saw as Koda-sensei brought out some rations for them. She decided it wouldn't hurt to eat one, so she carefully grabbed it and started to eat it. Her guard was still up, they were in the outskirts of a village and the Hokage said that they could encounter hostile creatures, even though she said it was unlikely Shoko wasn't going to take her chances. She sat by her pack and ate in silence, playing with a shuriken like it wasn't a weapon.
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Hisako Uchiha

When Hisako had stood in the Hokages office and listened to the briefing about the upcoming mission he was hyped and happy. Finally some actual mission rather than protecting some dude and his tomatos or saving a missing cat out of a tree. After the briefing he had run home and packed his backpack. The three.day journey did took a toll on him and he was out of breath not being used to constant traveling with little sleep.

Hisako only got a quick look at the disaster that was now the Furakawa village and felt a bit sorry for their bad luck. The long treck to the Village had been hard on him and he slid down on one of the boulders and sat down. His back leaned against the cold stone looked around. The boy wasn't the only one who looked exhausted and he was happy to be able to have a good sleep again. All he wants is just sleep for a week straight but he doubts that the Jounin would allow that at the time.

His gaze flew across his team mates, it would be the first actual bigger mission for the three of them and he was a bit nervous. What if the did something wrong and put more lifes in danger? Tho he was sure he could trust the two that together they could manage this. At the sound of Kodas voice the uchiha perked up and looked how the Jounin and his cheerful sounding voice. "I hope we get something else to eat after this, I don't know how long I can stand those beans.", the last days that was almost the only thing they ate and it was already coming out of his ears but Hisako was indeed hungry so how could he pass up on this generous gesture? He stood up from his place to walk over to Koda and took one of the sandwiches out of his hands to go back to his place and sit down.

Maiko Yamanaka

The blonde girls feet hurt from the endless running and was temptet to sit down like Hisako but she what kind of light would that throw on her? She would be able to finally relax after she had saved all those people. She went up on one of the boulders herself and looked down on the former Furakawa. The muddy waters and rubble sticking out had a sorry look and she couldn't imagine how many people might be hurt or missing. "I hope we can help them, this looks like a lot of work", she exhaled tiredly and in the end plopped down on the boulder right were she stood.

When Koda spoke and offered more Sandwiches she rolled her eyes yet took one before slowly eating it. The girls eyes were cast down to watch the ruins of the village. When she had listned to the Hokages briefing she imagined that the situation was dire yet seeing it with her own eyes she was horrofied. It looked worse than the discriptions and she was nervous. She had packed her backpack with essential things but now she was wondering if it was really enough. Did she forget something? Did she pack useless stuff? She looked away from the village and once again looked around the group of Genin. Hisako was still sitting at the foot of the boulder. Some ate something, Shoko once again was all alone at which the Yamanaka rolled her eyes and some seemed to talk.
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Akiko Uzumaki

Akiko was an energetic person, with the endless stamina Uzumakis were renowned for. Still, she had never had to make a three day march before, and by the time it came to an end she was ready to drop. She kept up her smile though, refusing to complain. The smile didn't last though, when he gaze landed on the flooded village. There was nothing left... So many people must have lost their homes and so much more... Her heart ached at the sight.

She glanced up as she felt a hand on her back, to find Akane standing behind her. Her cousin shared in her somber expression. "It will be a long road, but they will recover. We will help make that recovery a little easier."

Akiko nodded, smiling. "Right! No matter how bad things get, it will get better!"

The pair turned at Koda's voice, Akane sighing at the offer of sandwiches, while Akiko skipped over to claim one.

"Thank you, Koda-sensei! Your sandwiches are really good!" Meal in hand, Akiko took a seat beside Shoko. "How are you feeling? I'm looking forward to getting some proper sleep, so I can work hard tomorrow!"
Yuna Aburamemood: irritated, exhausted

In the first couple of minutes following the the group's stopping point before the shores of the flooded Furakawa, a tired and irritated Yuna had tried for sleep. She'd set her head atop a make-shift pillow -- hers and Shoko's discarded pack pushed together -- and shut her eyes. But no matter how long she forced her eyes to still, her mind wouldn't follow. So eventually, the Aburame had given up on that idea altogether. Sitting up, Yuna let a loud, irritated sigh burst from her lips. She wiped at her eyes fiercely, wanting nothing more than to find an object to punch her frustrations into.

And Koda-sensei, with his annoying call for that tired meal of meat, beans, and bread almost became that person. Almost, if not for the fact that Yuna knew she likely couldn't take a jounin. So instead of physical violence, Yuna settled for vocalizing something close to it. And who better to hear it than her closest unwilling mostly confidante and youngest teammate? Sliding herself across the ground the couple of inches necessary until she'd reached her Shoko's side (and there was Akiko as well!) Yuna parted her lips, ready to shoot out some form of barb. And paused only when she saw both girls were already partaking of Koda's... meal. If one even wanted to go as far as to call it that.

"Are you guys not tired of that stuff yet? I bet the jounin aren't actually eating this. I bet they're sneaking into the other -"

Yuna paused in her spiel only because her stomach was letting out a faint grumble. And Koda-sensei was making amused eye contact with her too like, continue. Also she Akane was close enough to possibly hear any complaints.

The presence of both of these authority figures deflated the blue-haired girl's spirit considerably.

"And by tired," Yuna weakly continued, plucking a sandwich of her own from atop Koda's ration pile, "I definitely mean never can be tired. I can never be tired of Koda-sensei's yummy meals. Yay."

Koda shot her her a smile of all teeth. "That's the spirit."

Koda Tsuenomood: amused

Glancing away from Akane's brat as one of his charge's distinct voices pricked his ears, Koda turned to briefly look over the speaker-- Hisako. He considered him amusedly for a couple of moments, wondering on whether he should aim to crush the boy's spirits down even more where food was concerned. But what would doing so even accomplish, apart from giving the kids more to not look forward too? This was their first mission, the jounin should want for their spirits to be high so that their energy would- Ah, screw it.

"Don't hope for that one for too long," Koda piped up, reaching forward to ruffle the Uchiha's hair fondly. "the food situation will very likely be even worse once we reach the Furakawans. Happy eating?"
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Shoko Uchiha
Shoko was surprised to see her two teammates sit beside her, it slightly startled her to hear Akiko's bright voice almost right next to hers. "Ah, I'm feeling fine. I might train a bit before the welcome party gets here and I need to have a word with Akane-sensei." She answered Akiko in a clear manner as she finished her sandwich soon after. Then Yuna awaked from her attempt of sleep. Shoko didn't mind her pack being used, it isn't like it can be damaged by someone just laying on it. She didn't say anything at Yuna's attempt at berating Koda-sensei for his sandwiches. She actually had packed rations of her own but she told herself that she'd only eat them once they were at the village site, seeing as she wasn't sure how long they would be away from home. And having Koda-sensei say that the food situation would be worse in the village, it made her think she made the right decision not to touch her rations just yet.

Her eyes scanned the terrain and the trees, still on alert. Her shuriken still constantly moving in her hands. That's when she noticed some fruit up in a nearby tree. She looked down at her shuriken then at the fruit in the tree. Calculating in her mind if she could make that shot with her shuriken. If she were to try, she would want to throw the shuriken where it would hit the stem if the fruit so it falls but the shuriken would curve into the trunk of the tree for an easy retrieval. Hearing some people complaining about the lack of variety of rations and being sick of Koda-sensei's sandwiches, Shoko thought it wouldn't hurt to try. From where she was sitting, she threw the shuriken in her hand at the fruit for a test shot of sorts, it hit just like she intended and the fruit fell to the forest floor. Seeing how she made the shot, she got the rest of shuriken out and hit the stems of the rest of the fruit in the tree. All her shuriken was stuck to the side of the trunk as intended and the fruit were waiting to be picking off of the floor.

Shoko stood up to gather them and inspected what kind of fruit they were. She had read about them in a book before, and it said they were safe to eat. She also retrieved her shuriken from the trunk after climbing the tree using her the chakra on her feet effortlessly. Coming back to camp, Shoko laid out the fruit by the sandwiches for everyone to eat, and she returned her shuriken to her tool pack. She then made her way to Akane-sensei to ask the question she needed to ask. "Sensei, when we get to the village, can I do the heavy lifting and stuff like that instead of talking with residents?"
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Maiko Yamanaka
The sandwich Maiko had taken von koda-Sensei was eaten in not even a minute. She had gulped it down as fast as possible not wanting to have it's taste on her tounge or linger in her mouth for long. How happy she would be to eat something else. She made a note to herself to pack her own rations for the next time. Maiko watched her teammates and the fellow squads when she diced to walk up to a stone on a ledge. It was located relativly near the others. The Yamanaka girl plopped to the ground and sat crossed legged on the stone. Propping her head on her hand she exhaled. Maiko went thru a rollercoaster of thinking they can do this mission successful and they will never be able to do it. Maybe she should let time give her the answer. For now the welcome party needs to come and bring them up to date. maybe the whole situation looks worse than it's actually is. Letting her eyes wander across the water again she felt her confidence go down a bit again

Hisoka Uchiha

He had eaten Koda-senpais sandwhich and leaned against the boulder to clos ehis eyes. He kept his attention to any sudden noise to know when the welcome party came. For that time he would try to sleep a little bit.
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Hifumi Hyuuga

Hifumi absently chewed on one of the sandwiches, seated near the food pile as she studied a diagram of the chakra point locations. Her body was exhausted from the trek, but there had been little to distract her mind during the trip, so mentally she was quite wired. She needed a distraction to finally let her mind settled down, and studying seemed the perfect way.

The sound of something dropping nearby caught her attention, and Hifumi glanced up just in time to see Shoko walking away after dropping off some fruit. She grinned, calling after the Uchiha, "Shoko, you're the best!"

Akane Uzumaki

Akane smiled gently at Shoko, understanding in her gaze. "As a shinobi, it is necessary for you to interact with others, including civilians. If you avoid it, you will only stunt your growth and ensure you are lacking in necessary skills. You don't need to push yourself to be friendly and make conversation, just communicate with the villagers as needed while perform your tasks."
She paused, holding Shoko's gaze to ensure the genin understood. Then she patted Shoko's shoulder, adding, "However, if it starts to get overwhelming or stressful, let me know and we can make adjustments. You don't need to push yourself, I just want to know you're trying. Can you do that for me?"

Shizuka Miyazaki

Shizuka was interested in listening to the mission details from the Hogake. She never had been in the office before so she sneakily looked interested at everything. It was exciting to see how everyone behaved. The straight posture while standing before the Hokage and the slightly raised chin when she looked towards one of them. Shizuka could understand the feeling. She was also feeling rather proud to do her first C-Rank mission. Sure, it wasn't a lot but everyone had to start somewhere. It felt even more special because the Hogake herself gave the mission briefing. But to be honest, Shizuka worried a bit about the course of the mission. Sometimes missions get ranked up because something happens which makes them change their rank. Shizuka let out a little breath and pushed her fluttering nerves down.

Shizuka sat with her eyes closed on the ground, listening to the chattering of her peers and senseis. She could feel the hunger clawing in her stomach and sighed to herself. Slowly she opened her eyes, so she could adjust to the brightness of the sun. Thankful she accepted the offered food, even though she really hates beans. Her lips were in a slight grimace and she secretly hoped, nobody noticed it.
With curious eyes, she watched how Shoko threw Shurikens in the trees, dropping down some fruits. The sight of them alone made her mouth water a bit since it would be a good change to these... wonderful sandwiches. Quickly she appeared beside the other girls in this group. Her legs protested against this sudden movement since they were still burning from the fast pace they had the last days. Even though Shizuka had good stamina, she could feel that she was hitting her limit. Internally she promised herself, to do more workouts so she could keep up with everyone.

"Thank you, Shoko! It is a welcomed change. You really hit really well! Every throw was a success!", Shizuka smiled warmly at the other girl and sat down again. Even though she wanted to enjoy the fruit, she wasn't sure how long they had until they had to move again. So she quickly ate her fruit and wiped her slightly wet fingers on her pants. Afterward, she let her spine crack and relaxed into a comfortable position so she could meditate again and feel her surroundings.
Shoko Uchiha
Shoko didn't verbally respond to any of the praise or thanks given to her, just giving a curt nod to every one she heard. She turned her head to listen to Akane-sensei's answer to her question. It wasn't the response she exactly wanted to hear, but Shoko wouldn't push to change her sensei's decision. She nodded at parts, to show that she was indeed listening to her. "I understand, Akane-sensei." Was all the Shoko said in response to Akane's question, she said it in a monotone way, a way to get the intent across quickly. But before she would go back to her teammates, she asked one more question. "Are there any hostile creatures around the forest, Akane-sensei?" She asked. Shoko hadn't gotten a chance to train today, having to leave for the mission three days ago, and she hadn't gotten proper training in those days of training either, just some quick target practice maybe. But she wanted to take this time for train, it felt weird not to, it was part of her routine everyday to train at some point in the day. She knew once she was in the village, she could probably go back to a somewhat normal training regimen, it's just that she might have to wake up much earlier than anyone normally would, but that wouldn't be a problem for Shoko, she's used to waking up at ungodly hours. But for now, if Akane-sensei confirmed whether or not there were hostile creatures in the area, Shoko would more than definitely slay some of them for training. She could ask someone to spar with her, but her fellow genin classmates looked very tired and the jounin-sensei, which Shoko would be more than happy to spar with, 'Someone probably more on my level.' She thought to herself, had to look over her fellow tired genin. So in her mind, hostile creatures in the area would probably suffice. It would be good experience, she'd have to learn certain patterns of the creature, analyze how she would slay it, it basically just added a sense of unpredictability, plus she wouldn't have to hold back with the creature, since she could actually kill it and not just injure it. But for now, she awaited Akane-sensei's answer to her question. If there were no creatures in the area, it looked like Shoko would have to stick with more target practice or maybe she could find a clear area to practice some taijutsu moves or maybe even her ninjutsu if the space was large enough.
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Akane Uzumaki

Akane eyed Shoko, already suspecting what the genin had in mind with that question. "Most animals fled the area due to the flood, although they are likely to be slowly returning. It would be best to avoid confronting any of the animals in the area if possible, so the ecosystem may return to normal as soon as possible. It is also important to conserve your energy as much as possible, considering we are on a mission. Although our team will primarily be handling supplies distribution, we will also assist in the village salvaging efforts as well, when there is time."
Minoru Isobe
Minoru was certainly tired, yes, but unlike a certain blue-haired girl he wasn't one for airing his grievances to the world. Or his graciousness, as Yuna was doing at current.

"Shoko, you life saver," the girl was declaring, tiresome melodrama seeping into her very tone. "I knew you cared. I just knew."

"Its just fruit," Minoru muttered to himself, though even he couldn't resist taking hold of one and nibbling a careful bite after a rinse off per his canteen. It was good.

Koda Tsueno

Thirty, maybe forty minutes passed as the children and jounin both partook of conversation, of meat-and-bean sandwiches and retrieved fruit. Though the extra time would likely allow the genin to be more rested, for Koda it was quickly becoming a stressor. He stole a glance he hoped wasn't too visibly impatient at the muddy waters of Furakawa, surveyed the area closely for signs of their welcome party. But apart from the same trees and house's as before, there seemed to be no hint of the promised welcome party. And the sun over head was continuing to set, bringing the hint of darkness with its every movement.

Had there been some sort of miscommunication with the Hokage on the meeting place, had something happened to their hosts? Pushing away that negativity quickly for fear of it taking to his expression and spook the children, Koda decided there was only one possible course of action the teams could take-

They'd have to go to them, which seemed like an easy enough task in theory...

Koda pushed a bit of chakra into his eyes, tried to distinguish the depth of the water. Was it even possible to wade through, given that some of the kids more than likely hadn’t yet mastered water-walking? That quick perusal was enough to verify what he'd suspected— he couldn't couldn’t make out a bottom even with the chakra enhancing his eyes. So the answer to that question was likely no. Or more like a let’s not even risk it. Glancing at the three Uchiha and single Hyuga in their group (eyes lingering a little longer on his own three little dojutsu-users, Koda wondered, not for the first time, when those little brats were going to unlock that famous Sharingan so they could start pulling their own weight (kidding, but not really lmao).

Pushing away those humor-tinged thoughts, Koda stood and cleared his throat in order to grab the children's attentions. Okay, everyone,” he begin. we're going to have to find our Furakawan's to get this thing started. So how does everyone feel about a little lesson on water-walking?" a subtle smile tugged at the jounin's lips as his eyes found Akane's blue ones in the crowd briefly, before returning again to the children. "and who better to teach it than our resident Iron Rose?"
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Akane Uzumaki
Akane perked up at Koda's voice, genuinely surprised at him taking the initiative. From what she'd seen of him didn't the last few months, he had a tendency to neglect his teaching responsibilities. To see him offering to teach was-

Oh. Of course.

Akane fixed her perfect diplomat smile as she waited for Koda to meet her gaze once more, only allowing her annoyance to show through a brief flash in her eyes when he did. She ignored Ashi's laughter from the other side of the clearing, walking to the shore and turning to face the group.

"I would be happy to share my knowledge. I do not know how much training each team has done in chakra control, but if you have dinner the tree-climbing exercise like I've been doing with my team, then this is a similar process. You will need to channel chakra into your feet, however unlike with tree-climbing, this technique requires you to constantly adjust the amount with the shifting water to maintain surface tension."

Akane stepped onto the water, demonstrating the technique. "If you have not attempted the tree-climbing version yet, I recommend you start with before you attempt water-walking. Otherwise you can guarantee you will be taking a swim."

Akiko Uzumaki
Akiko winced as the jonin explained the plan. Her family has been trying to teach her better chakra control, including through the tree-climbing technique, well before she graduated. Sadly she'd made little progress since becoming a genin. She either used too little, and slipped, or used too much chakra, causing a bit of an explosion. She didn't expect this would go any better, even with her affinity for water.

Akane stopped her as she approached the water, pulling Akiko to the side. "You don't need to do this, since we're still working on your climbing. I can carry you."

Akiko knew Akane was just trying to look out for her, but it was frustrating. She might not be able to succeed, but that didn't mean she shouldn't try! She shook off Akane's hand, smiling.

"I'm going to try! I can't get better without practice!"
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Shoko Uchiha
Water Walking. It was pretty easy to Shoko. Her father taught it to her at a really young age, whether it was before of during her Academy days, she wasn't too sure, she just remembered her learning it from her father. And people don't need to know how those training sessions went. Akane-sensei knew she could climb trees with no issue, she just wasn't sure if her sensei knew that she could already water walk, but in all honestly, she felt like everyone expected her to have the knowledge to do it and execute it perfectly, which she could. Walking back to her pack, she placed upon her shoulders once more and stepped out on the water and walked on it with ease. "Are we going to walk the rest of the way to the village like this?" Shoko asked the question to the jonins in general, still out on the water, doing perfectly fine, not sinking or slipping in anyway, seemingly pretty perfect chakra control as she adjusted the chakra in her feet perfectly to help her walk on the water's surface. Walking the rest of the way to the village on foot and walking on water could probably be the most efficient way to get there, there weren't any signs of the welcome party anyway. But the only problem was that it was probably the case that most of the genin here haven't even tried, let alone master, water walking yet. The people who could were her and all the jonin, unless some one else among the genins could walk on water. And carrying the rest of the teams would be out of the question, they would need this skill to get around the village most likely, it did get flooded. She didn't see another way aside from either waiting for the seemingly missing welcome party or her fellow genins learning this skill and fast.
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Hisako Uchiha

The boy perked up from his light slumber when he heard the Jonin talk, especially when they wanted to try and walk on water. He himself hasn't yet really mastered it. More often than he liked he had taken a swim while trying to do it witht he help of his brothers. Tho with them laughing and showing off they hadn't been a great help. He watched Akane-Sensei showing how and explaining how. The Uchiha boy stood up from his place throwing his backpack over his shoulders in the same motion. Knowing himself he could potentially forget it.

Hisako came closer to the shore his eyes fixed on the murky water. His attention was pulled over to his cousin Shoko who showed off how she was perfectly walking on water and this started to boil the anger in him. His eyes rolled in annoyance. "What a show off.", he growled and started to concentrate chakra in his feet himself. Chakra controll was a thing he still wasn't able to do perfectly that he was aware off but surely nobody else could do it perfectly from the genin that were here. The Uchiha looked quickly around, when his eyes flew over Yuna he grinned. He would show her how good he is. Quickly he rolled up his sleeves and shaked his legs and arms and set his foot ontop the water. His chakra started to slip away abit but he tried putting more concentration into his feet. After a second the other foot and he did it. He stood on the water. Hisako felt his feet slowly sinking into the wet substance and he quickly tried to adjust the ckakra again. Feeling how it started to get better again he took a few wobbly steps and then truned aorund.
"Ha, I knew I could do it. I'm just so good", he had a fat grin on his face and nonchalante brushed his shoulders off. Sadly for him he didn't notice his chakra slowly slipping away again and how he slowly sank into the water. Then it disappeared immidiatly and he plopped right into the water and on his butt. Luckily he hadn't walked too far and was still in height were the water only reached up to the mid of his lower leg.

Maiko Yamanaka

Maiko had herself perked up when the Jonin started to speak and had hopped nearer to them. She listend to their plans and instructions intensly, biting on her lip and her brow furrowed. She had apsolutly no clue on how to do this and if she was honest chakra control was a thing she could barely do. Or at least if she brought up enough concentration and energy but after the long trip she had not really the wish to do it. Maybe after a better meal and a sleep? Huffing out beaten she crossed her arms in front of her chest. She could try at least but would she want to get wet? Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard water splash and saw Hisako sitting in it. His face angry and annoyed.
"God, I really don't want to end up like that fool Ashi-Sensei", Maiko whined and looked towards her Sensei pleading. "And I'm sure I can't learn it now. Maybe another time."
Yuna Aburamemood: less tired, let's do this!

The meal and good amount of rest-time had raised the Aburame's spirits and energy-level considerably. So when Koda-sensei proposed a water-walking lesson, with Akane-sensei giving instruction, Yuna was eager to try it out. Sneaking a sly peek at Hisako, that loser whose chakra control probably was as terrible as his still annoyingly perfect hair, Yuna stood up, ready to volunteer herself to try it out first... And deflated considerably as the option to show off was taken from her by the, of course, perfect-at-everything-already Shoko. Brightening considerably as she remembered Shoko was her team-mate, so her efforts only made team Akane (and Yuna by extension) look better, the Aburame parted her lips to throw off a congratulatory couple of words -- then paused. Nah, it was better to let everyone think she'd already known Shoko had it.

"Nice, Shoko. Only the best from team Akane, am I right?," Yuna intoned casually, elevating her voice ever so slightly to be heard over any other conversation starting up. Stealing a subtle glance around from underneath her yellow-shades, the Aburame very cool and nonchalantly dusted her palms against her navy coat as she stood. "give me one second, and I'll join you. I'm just going to bring over mine and Akiko's packs."

Retrieving herself and the aforementioned Uzumaki's backpack, Yuna again casually (read, super cool and suavely) begin walking towards the water. And paused only when she saw Hisako had reached it first. He would not steal this moment from her! Speeding up, a task made more difficult by the packs in her hand and the drag of her navy coat, Yuna reached the water just as the Uchiha went down following a self-congratulatory exclamation.

"What a loser," she crowed, "so good at what Hisako? the class is wait-"

That last word transformed itself into a little shriek as her still-moving feet transitioned from solid ground to liquid, the Aburame suddenly covered in muddy water from her feet to the tops of her knees.

Throwing both herself and Akiko's packs back towards solid ground (thankfully, the two hadn't gotten wet as far as she could tell..) Yuna focused on extracting herself from the muddy water.

Stupid Hisako, the Aburame fumed as she hauled herself back onto land. He sabotaged me somehow, I just know it.

Closer to Hisako, Koda stepped across the water carefully until he reached his genin's side. Extending his chakra into a sticky water-born rope (thankfully without the usual lightning-chakra), Koda lassoed Hisako, hauling him from the water and onto dry ground.

Nice effort, kiddo. Why don't we try that out on a tree first?" he beamed an encouraging smile even as he stepped back as to be far away from that smelly, muddy water on Hisako.

Minoru Isobe

Minoru watched Akane-sense's instructions carefully, already trying to calculate the amount of chakra that would be needed for this versus what he already knew was needed for tree-walking. Already cautious by nature, the pinkette didn't need to see Hisako and Yuna's little accidents to know it would probably be best to try this out on a tree first. If anything, their embarrassment was only further encouragement towards that fact.

Instead of chuckling to himself over the competing team's failures, Minoru searched for his team-mate's faces in the group. Maiko's face was the first he found, the blond closest to Ashi-sensei. And knowing her, probably saying something dramatic about this particular exercise. A little farther away was Shizuka, the girl still comfortably situated across the ground. Starting to her side first, Minoru bent to tap her shoulder.

"Hey, Shizuka. Do you want to try out this exercise on a tree first? I think team Ashi should all do it together. I bet we'll get it faster if we actually follow Akane-sensei's instructions."

That last bit of barb Minoru pushed in the direction of the two wet try-hards.
Ashi Inuzuka

Ashi glanced away from the water show, looking at Maiko with a kind smile. "What's this? Giving up before you even try? I hear Minoru and Shizuka making plans to try tree-climbing first. You should join them. If that really is too much, then I'll carry you."

She stared Maiko down, expression gentle yet firm. She would not accept any argument.

Hifumi Hyuuga

Hifumi grinned at the difference in the Uchihas. It wasn't really a surprise that Shoko was already a pro, considering she was easy more advanced than the rest of their class. Hifumi was a bit surprised that Hisako had mastered the basics of water-walking, though not because she doubted his skill. It was just uncommon for it to be taught before becoming a genin. Then again, it wouldn't be a surprise for the Uchiha clan to teach it. Chakra control was likely as important saving that clan as it was for her own.

Hifumi herself had mastered water-walking before graduating, to improve her use of the Gentle Fist style. It wasn't an easy skill though, and it was only after weeks of daily use that she'd learned to regulate the chakra output without constant concious effort.

She walked over to Hisako, wondering if he'd be willing to accept advice. "I can give you some tips if you want. I learned water-walking a while back. If you can tell me what you're struggling with, I might be same to help."
Shizuka Miyazaki

Shizuka let a small smile cross her lips. Even though she had her eyes closed, she could feel the chakra around her and the learning session, which started. It was fun for her to see in her inner mind, how Hisakos chakra began to waver at his feet while he spoke arrogant words. If she concentrated carefully, Shizuka could swear she could see a small waver - so small, it wasn't really noticeable - in Shoko's feet, but alas it was consistent and stable enough that it worked smoothly.

Shizuka could feel a chakra presence walking toward her. In her mind, she went through the different chakra presences of all until she understood that it was her teammate, Minoru. As he tapped on her shoulder, Shizuka slowly opened her eyes to help them adjust. After hearing his words, she smiled again and nodded.

"I think, that is a wonderful idea. Together we will be more effective while learning but, to be honest, I kind of learned it a while ago. My clan specializes in chakra control and we start young with it so we can follow the footsteps of our ancestors.", Shizuka openly explained while she got up. After her little meditation, she could feel how much more she felt restored in her energies and with much more concentration again. "If you have no problem with it, I would like to hone my skill further with you guys. It would honor me.", she added, a bit more bashfully. Shizuka didn't like to broadcast her abilities but for her team, she would make an exception.

Shizuka threw a look at the water and the other genin. While they failed in the end, Shizuka could see, it would not take them long until they mastered it. She felt happy that they all were such individual beings. They could all benefit from each other and she was certain, in no time all of them would have the basics down. With a bigger smile, she turned to Minoru again, waiting for his response.
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Maiko Yamanaka

Maiko tried to stand her ground and keep the eyecontact up with her Sensei but she quickly folded and searched the ground directly before her. "That sounds like a good idea and less wet.", the Yamanaka said. She really didn't want to get carried around, she would rather try ^to learn this. Maiko turned on her heel and walked over to her teammates with her hands clasped behind her back. When she reached them she gave them a smile. "How are you doing my two favorite genins?", the blonde girl raised her voice when she stood besides Shizuka and Minoru.
"Let's better start and learn this so we don't have to be carried around."

Hisako Uchiha
The Uchiha had been currently proud of being able to stand upon the water yet when he felt the water creep up in his clothes when he fell down. When he heard Yuna behind him he looked at her coming closer to the water. He watched her walk towards the water and he didn't spend any attention to whatever she was saying when suddenly she shrieked and hit the water herself. He had to it admit that when she threw the bagpacks savely towards the shore he was a bit impressed yet twhen he saw her in the water herself she had to laugh.
"What? At least be better than me next time you want to show off.", Hisako laughed what was interrrupted when he felt water around his body and pulling him out he squeaked. "I could have walked out on my own Sensei.", he stood up and tried to dust down the water droplets and dirt on his clothes from the water. When he smelled the murky smell of the water on him he wrinkled up his nose. "This is disgusting. No wonder the princess doesn't want to get wet.", he loudly exclaimed with eyeing Maiko.

His attention was pulled over to Hifumi who walked towards him. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked her up and down. No wonder she would have mastered the water walking already and some tips wouldn't hurt, would they? At least they don't come from Shoko not that she would even care to help, with a ever so slightly smile he nodded. "The chakra just starts to feel wobbly and all. Then suddenly it just disappears if I don't concentrate on it.", he was sideeyeing Yuna while talking. Sure he had his problems for whatever reason with her yet it would be a shame if she was hurt on the mission. Just one person less who could help him suceed.
Akane Uzumaki

"Hopefully we won't need to walk the entire way," Akane called to Shoko. "There should be a group meeting us with boats, we just need to find them. For now, can you please share any tips you have on water-walking with the other genin? The more help us jonin have in teaching the better, given how quickly it is growing dark. You can just share whatever advice you were given when you were training."

Akane trailed off, wincing as Akiko attempted the technique in a spectacular display of overusing chakra. The chakra caused the water beneath her to explode outwards, clearing it away for a moment and splattering it on all those around her, as well as herself. Akane sighed, wiping water from her face. She glanced over at the bags Yuna had tossed to the shore to protect from getting wet, an effort that had gone to waste as they were now showered in a bucket's worth of water. At least the standard issue packs had waterproof lining. Hopefully they had been sealed properly.

Hifumi Hyuuga

"Yeah, that's the part I struggled with the most as well," Hifumi admitted. "It took me weeks of using the technique and just doing stuff while water-walking to finally be able to use it without needing to concentrate. We don't exactly have time for that now though, so let's focus on getting the chakra to flow more fluidly. The most important thing is to keep your mind clear and your emotions calm. If you start to feel excited or agitated, your chakra will do the same. Also, don't concentrate too hard. You need to be in tune with the water and your body, let yourself feel what's natural. Before you even start channeling your chakra, take time to just close your eyes and breathe while listening to the movement of the water. Feel the natural flow of your chakra. Find the rhythm."
Shizuka Miyazaki
After a long second, Shizuka turned to Maiko, who just joined Minoru and her. She gave her a gentle smile and nodded as a greeting. While Shizuka didn't want to admit it, it made her happy that Maiko thought so highly of Minoru and her. And because of that, she didn't hesitate with an honest response. "I feel very good after my short meditation. Thank you for asking. How about you? Did the rest help you too?", Shizuka's gentle voice was very loud and she hoped, Maiko had understood her. There was a lot of background noise going on with some of the other genin falling into the water or talking.

"I just said it to Minoru: Since my clan specializes in chakra control, I already can do it. We start as soon as our parents notice, we have the kekkai genkai of our clan so we can follow in the footsteps of our ancestors. But if you don't mind, I would like to hone my skill further with you guys. It would honor me."
Hisoka Uchiha

He listened carefully to Hifumis words and nodded along the way. The boy closed his eyes and dropped down to the ground, crossing his legs and rubbed his chin while in thoughts. Hifumis words sounded right and made sense to him. Sure Hisako was a bit icked about taking help from others yet he was happy she came to him and gave her advice. "Guess I do need to put more effort into this whole thing", the Uchiha huffed annoyed and leaned back, catching himself with his hands behind him. Hisako opened his eyes to look to Hifumi. "Maybe when we are finished with this mission you and me could train this.", he grinned up to her. The boy jumped again and straightend his back. "Ok, calm and no emotions?", Hisako yet again closed his eyes to try to clear his mind. Hisako channeled his chakra back into his feet and after a minute he felt it still being clear and it didn't flicked around or felt weird. It did seem to keep being steady. Then the problem arised. hisako felt too happy and he channeld too much chakra into his feet not knowingly. Then things fired backwards and the chakra errupted and sent him flying backwards. Hisako landed on his butt and he let out a little shriek. "Oh for damns sake", he yelled angry and huffed loudly. "This sucks. This is stupid." angryly he felt back flat on his back and angryly punch his fist on the ground. "This is stupid, Hifumi."
Hifumi Hyuuga
Interacting with: Hisako ( Aigen Aigen ) and tossing an insult at Koda ( tanto tanto )

Hifumi quickly reached Hisako's side, crouching down and giving him a once over to make sure there wasn't an injury. She gave a lopsided smile at the comment, which grew into a grin as she replied. "You're right. It is stupid to expect us to start water-walking when our sensei hasn't been teaching us chakra control at all. I suppose we should expect nothing else from Koda sensei though... He hasn't even shown as much sense as my 8 year old brother."

Hopefully the jabs at their sensei helped Hisako feel a little better. If not, Hifumi had one more thing to add. Leaning down closer to Hisako, she stage-whispered to him, "Let me let you in on a secret... I did the exact same thing like... A hundred times? Maybe more? Sometimes I'd be too excited, sometimes I'd be frustrated, either way I still ended up going flying. Oh, and don't get me started on the number of times I dunked myself in the hot springs because I was too discouraged. Do not recommend."
Shoko Uchiha
Advice, Akane-sensei asked her to share advice. Shoko thought back to the time when she had first learned how to walk on water, it was pretty early in her life. She had just learned how to control chakra correctly and could successfully climb a tree. Whenever Shoko would fail and fall into the water, Akui wouldn't help her to the surface to have her start again, he'd let her get to the surface herself. She nearly drowned a couple of time. "Just, make sure you have a constant flow of chakra in you feet, and make sure to adjust to the water accordingly." Shoko wasn't entirely sure what to say, she thought walking on trees and water was pretty self-explanatory and you learned it mostly through trail and error, or at least that's the way she learned it.

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