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Other Names and their meanings


Improbability is a bad reason to disbelieve
I'm rather adept at weaving a singular meaning from a person's name. I'll give an example:
My name is Robert Nicholas Moore
Robert = Bright Fame (Germanic, but more of Norse Origin)
Nicholas = Victory of the People (Russian, but more of Greek Origin)
Moore = Dark Skinned (British, but of Spanish Origin)

The bright fame Victory of the People with Dark Skin... doesn't mean much... but watch!
I'm white, so Dark Skinned is not a good descriptor. Drop the skin part.
Dark. Well... it doesn't take much thought to realize that Shadows are Dark.

Bright Fame and Victory of the People... what do you get with this?
Victory of the People carries the tone of Robin Hood, or a Rebellion's leader.
Bright Fame makes me think of someone that a king would approve of...

What if you fuse the two together?

Now you have a benevolent king.

Lord of Shadows is what Robert Nicholas Moore truly means.

There are other steps, but the end result, my friends, is an endless stream of possible character names.

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