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Fantasy Mysta Academia Extra Pages


Dazed And Confused
Welcome to the Academy!

Purpose & Vows

I, _______, solemnly swear that by attending Mysta Academy, I acknowledge that I am making a life changing decision to put my life on the line in order to protect the innocent souls of this Earth. I know that upon entering this academy, there is no going back to the life I led before. I acknowledge that I am no longer an individual and am now the property of the Alliance and the Church, to be used and order where ever and however those two entities see fit.
Signed __________, Date: 5/5/20XX

Rules & Regulations
School Rules & Regulations (a few of them that matter, the others will be sprinkled throughout the rp)
1. The Head Master of the Academy holds the ability to 'expel' any student who doesn't reach his standards
2. Extra Credit & Supplementary classes are provided for those who have fallen behind
3. Restricted areas are absolutely prohibited from entering without proper permission.
4. Failure to return within the designated time frame of your mission will result in Detention
5. Failure to read and follow the schools regulations will result in Tutoring
6. Inability to complete a mission must be reported and put on trial before the High Council before the Priests in question can be taken off of Probation
7. Purification of the school grounds is to be done by the upperclassmens only, anyone caught outside of the property lines will be treated as an enemy and either expelled or tested; proper punishments will follow if needed.
8. Any questions will go through the Student Body President.


This is the title given to those who 'graduate' the academy and are fullfledge members of the Guild. The Guild is ran by the High Council which is looked after by the Pope who is actually just a figurehead among many who is controlled by the World Alliance, a group of government leaders from all over the world who are set on making it so that the existence of the supernatural stays hidden.
Translation: "Little Ones" in Latin. More commonly addressed as the Parum('littles'), they are the students of the Academy.
The Guild:
The Guild is an office of sorts where all sorts of missions and strange occurances are ran through analysis to see whether or not any otherworldly aspect is at play. Its where all the Priests work after the Academy; its kind of like the CIA.
Rogue priests who live just outside of the World Alliances reach. They have chosen to band together (not literally, since its dangerous to travel in groups bigger than 2 or 3) and fight evil how they want to without all the rules and punishments. Not many choose this path since the Guild offers a comfortable life - theres decent pay, healthcare, potential for a family and theres no need to drift from place to place when not on missions.
Any attempts to flee your mission or break your vow or any other rules could result in expulsion. You will then become not only an enemy of the Vatican but an international threat. You will be put on the kill on sight list of all the governments and will be tracked down by your fellow Priests. No trial will be permitted.
If your loyalty is in any way shape or form put into question then you will be sent to Detention which is located in the duneons underneath the castle. In the Dungeon, prisoners, both human and non, are kept and questioned and tested on. Students in detention are only held there, but with only minimal water, food and interaction with the living. Think of it as a sort of solitary confinement.
To put it shortly, there is a sort of Strike system when it comes to the rules, depending on who catches you breaking them. 1 strike is a Warning, 2 strikes is Detention and 3 strikes is Tutoring. The school rules and regulations are beaten into until you can recite not only the rules, but also the vows and purposes of the school, word by word in both English and Latin.
Extra Credit:
If a student is failing a course, then they will have the option to take an extra credit mission from the book full of backlisted missions. These missions are those that have been put on the back burner for various of reasons such as they were too dangerous, the client was too much of a hassle, etc. These missions are often considered suicide missions and none who accept them come back(at least not in one piece).
Supplementary Classes:
These are required if a student is failing and chooses not to take the extra credit. These classes are expanded forms of Tutoring based on whatever course they are failing. If they're failing Creatures, then they will be stuck in the Arena with a few of the most deadliest beings that are held in the Dungeon and left to fend for themselves, or if Survival 101 is what they are failing then they'll be inserted with a tracking device and dropped in the middle of some foreign terrain (jungles, deserts, mountains, the Tundra, you name it.)


Students are placed into Classes based on how they tested on the entrance exam. A single student from each class forms a Squad, you get your squad your first day of classes and thats your team throughout the rest of your time at the Academy.
Strength is key to this class, these students are great when it comes to combat on the field and taking on supernatural strength head on.
This is a knowledge based class wth students who have the brain compacity and ability to memorize tons of enchantments and lore that is crucial during missions.
Knowledge on lore is important but safety comes first. These students are those who have a knack or affliction for healing and by the time of graduation, they will be full-fledged medical professionals who can cure or treat just about anything from curses, to basilisk bites.
These students are rare indeed, they are prisoners of war who have been deemed of use by the High Council and chosen to be trained to be Priests, They are paranormal beings who have been forced to betray their own kind and are being held captive by the Academy.

Courses Offered
All courses that are unmarked by a class are required, those that have specific class names by them are required by those classes.
Survival 101
This course teaches students about how to survive in extreme situations, like when tracking a Vukodlac in a forest or if you get lost in a desert or are choosing to take an Extra Credit mission and are looking for the Yeti(who just so happens to be the last of his kind). This is a course on how to prevent/get through the worst case scenarios in any type of climate, terrain, or ecosystem.
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Similar to the well known class in HP, this class is all about the dark side of things. I'm talking hexes, curses, prophecies, demons, things that'll make the boogieman himself shake in his boots and the Illuminati look like a girls' scouts troupe. This is a required course for all students no matter which class they are.
Pretty self explanitory, this course teaches you all the wonders of herbs and which ones to stay away from.
First Aid(Sanatio)
Basic medical training.
Ancient Curses(Cognitio)
All about curses and which ones do what, their origins, languages and how to break them.
All sorts of lore are discussed here along with their origins and the difference between mythology and lore.
Mythical Beasts
Mythical Beasts and Where to Find Them. A course on all sorts of beasts and paranormal species from Griffins & Dragons to noble bloodlines such as Vampyres and Lycans.
The stuff your history book doesn't include such as what really happened at Plymouth Rock, the Vampyre-Lycan War, WW3 AND 4, and a whole bunch more.
Combat Training
Basic training in all types of fighting styles. Required of everyone but there's an advanced class for the Viribus.
All about weaponry, this course offers training on how to use several different types of weapons and how to maintain them and even a section on how to make your own swords.
Modern Day Survival
Different from Survival 101, this course teaches you how to fit into everyday society no matter where you are, how to forge IDs and credit cards and the ins and out of every culture.
An extensive course that teaches students several different languages such as Latin, French, German, Hebrew, Arabic and many more.

Priests travel the world and interact with hundreds of different races and species, so to avoid causing wars and tension they are required as Parum to take this extensive course on etiquette.

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Mattheo R. Reyes

Age: 45
Gender: Male
Subjects: History & Lore

- Pop Quizzes
- Nicknames students with the names of historically important people
- Spontaneous 'Field Trips' - you'll see

- People who have no respect for the past
- When people talk crap about any historical figure - even the unimportant ones
- Conspiracy Theories
- Fairytales with the exception of the Brothers Grimm


Mattheo was born in Italy to a family of historians and researchers who were always chasing after the worlds deepest secrets buried throughout its past. He always had a knack for solving mysteries and digging up what some had dubbed the undiggable, which was what caught the attention of the Guild. Mattheo was recruited by the Guild and exempted from attending the Academy, having had all the knowledge necessary to be useful on missions. He lost his left leg in action on a mission fighting a manticore; after being struck with one of its poisonous darts, Mattheo had to amputate it on the field. He now hobbles around on a false leg with a cane.

Synthia C. Lockhart
Age: 52
Gender: Female
Subject: Herbology, First Aid

+ Airheaded
+ Freespirited, if you catch my drift
+ Encourages class 'trips' via magical hallucinogens(there usually is a purpose behind it)

- People who have no respect for the past
- When people talk crap about any historical figure - even the unimportant ones
- Conspiracy Theories
- Fairytales with the exception of the Brothers Grimm


Shes from Ireland and grew up in a family of herbologists and 'witch doctors' who believed that all of lifes' illnesses could be cured with all natural herbs and handmade ointments. She stumbled upon some magical herbs and quickly became known as a miracle worker. For quite a while, she was marked as a witch on the Guilds list and it wasn't until years later when she was taken hostage by a Squad on a mission that she was proven innocent and chosen to become a professor.

Constantine K. Sawyer

Age: 34
Gender: Male
Subjects: Defense Against The Dark Arts , Ancient Curses
- 'Crazy Eyes', whenever he gets excited over any subject, he gets this weird look in his eyes
- A firm believer that actually practicing the dark arts is the best way of learning.
- Very mysterious person, you'll never know what he's hiding

- Any mention of the cult he was in
- Religion in general
- Voldemort/Any Harry Potter reference


He was born into a cult, one kind of like the one in Jonestown. He grew up believing that his cult was the only truth in the world and nobody could change his mind, at least not until he watched his whole family and everyone else in his Branch get massacred by the Leader who just so happened to be a demon in disguise. Constantine managed to get away without a scratch, but he was psychologically scarred for life. After that, he devoted all of his time and money to hunting down those demonic bastards and all the other non-human filth that roams this earth. He was recruited into the Guild but due to his personality was placed ina teacher position at the Academy instead of in a Squadron.

Lane I. Patell
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Subjects: Survival 101, Modern Day Survival
+ Exceptionally clumsy/awkward
+ Has a habit of calling the class 'Kids' despite being only a couple years older

- Any reference to Survival TV shows
- Stupid Questions like "Do we have to drink our own pee if in the wilderness with no water?"
- Being called stupid or made fun of because of his age

Lane just might be one of the greatest travellers and adventurers of his time. He's backpacked across the world with only a limited amount of money and supplies, he's be lost at sea, and stranded in the desert, and he's climbed Mt. Everest. In other words, he knows his stuff. Just for his talent of not dying in no matter what climate/terrain, he was recruited into the Academy, where he attended for four years before he became a teacher there(most students know him or have seen him around)

Arturo W. Voss
Age: "None of your damn business, maggot!"
Gender: Male
Subject: Combat Training
+ His exceptionally harsh training motto
+ His military teaching style
+ His hair and beard that are always immaculately styled

- Cocky people
- Disobedience
- Personal Questions

Arturo spent many years fighting, from when he was a child and fighting his way through the slums of New York, to his adulthood when he joined the army, then the FBI and then finally the Academy after he single-handedly managed to kill an already changed Lycan with his bare hands.

Djin Q. Mars
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Subjects: Weapons , Mythical Beasts
+ Surprisingly bubbly for a weapons professor
+ Ruthless when it comes to sparring
+ His infamous 'Gladiator Fights' have a body count

- When people say that weapons are for cowards.
- Prof. Voss
- Whiney people
Born in Africa, he was a child soldier and was well trained with a spear and a damn good hunter. His village was killed by a Kishi, and at that time it was made apparant to him that his spear couldn't protect him forever, so he travelled overseas to America where he continued to travel, shaking off the Guilds attempts to capture him, and learned as many things as he could about all kinds of weapons. His travels didn't stop at America; Djin travelled all over Europe until he was finally 'recruited' in Italy and made a professor at the Academy.


Deirdre V. Frost

Age: 51
Gender: Female
- Often times speaks in different languages without meaning to
- Teaches language through music

- People who don't try to understand the language
- People who don't think learning a language is important

She was born in a Gypsy Troupe that traveled the world. Deirdre didn't particularly like moving around, but what she didn't like even more was not knowing how to speak the language of the people where they were staying. She attended the Academy as well and went straight to teaching the Language course since she had a vast knowledge on the subject already.

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