munson's character library ..


✺ ━ There will come a poet.. ━ ✺
FULL NAME:: Bambi Olivia Mayra
The use of nicknames:: Bambi typically responds positively to almost any nickname. Even those that are not related to her name at all. She finds them endearing and takes them as a token of affection.
AGE:: 21 years old
GENDER:: Female
Pronouns:: She/Her
SEXUALITY:: Unlabeled
Romantic Orientation:: Unlabeled
✺ ━ Whose weapon is his word.. ━ ✺
Height:: 5'2" (157cm)
Weight:: 110lbs
DESCRIPTION:: Stands at roughly 5'2" (157cm) and probably hasn't weighed herself in at least 10 years. Bambi has always struggled with gaining much muscle or weight, so she works hard to maintain a moderately healthy weight. She has copper-based red hair, which lays darker at the roots and has tinge of sun-bleaching throughout from her many adventures in the sun. It falls to sit just above her abdomen and usually has the face-framing pieces tied or braided back and captured in a thin ribboned bow.
She is pale, yet warm and shows a strong rose hue whenever she is embarrassed or has managed to bump herself into something. Dark freckles scatter over her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose, but for the most part she lacks them everywhere else but the occasional dot or two on her hands. She keeps her nails comfortably long and rounded, for ease of flipping through recipe book pages. She strives for an "elegant and feminine" look.
Style:: Usually dressed in gold-rubbed jewelry (of course, it isn't real.. she would lose the real stuff and regret it forever). Thin fingers are always decorated in dainty rings with various stones. Many of her clothes are vintage-inspired, she feels more at home with the looks of the 70s and 80s. Plus, many thrifted clothing items have stains and tears, so she won't feel bad about rummaging around in the garden with them on. A signature since her teenage years, she is almost always wearing at least low heels (but the occasional sneaker is thrown into the mix for gardening and when she just can't tolerate heels for a day). She enjoys the way they clack on tile and she enjoys how elegant she feels while she wears them.
✺ ━ He will slay you with his tongue.. ━ ✺
PERSONA TRAITS:: Gentle // Timid // Organized
Description:: Bambi has quite literally lived into her name, being a quiet and cooperative person. Though she is definitely not a doormat, finding a reason to stand up to others is very difficult for her. Bambi is a 'silently disagree' type of person. She'll let people get away with things for a long-time before she ever finds the groups to pipe up and even at that her corrections are typically mild. It isn't that she is fearful, she just can't justify the time she would take to correct someone who probably won't listen to her anyways.
Bambi is the most happy with silent company. Constant chatter and small-talk get annoying to her after a bit and she would rather sit in someone's presence than engage in conversation all the time. Even better, she can be on her own comfortably for long periods of time. She does enjoy people, so she never avoids them (unless they are just too talkative).
She enjoys having a few close friends rather than a hundred 'pals'. She enjoys deeper connection than "I know their name and their favorite color" type of relationships. Speaking of, she hasn't ever felt the need to pursue romantic relationships. It just isn't something she has ever considered in her busy mind.
✺ ━ He will tear your city down.. ━ ✺
Theme Song:: Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos

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