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Fantasy Moonlight (Closed)

"Yes if everything g goes the same it'll be before we know it." He says.

Hailey grinned and silently pulled Mike away from them. "Is there anything else we should do here? Or go find Jason?" She asks.
Kenzi just smirked at him before turning to the house, "We should check on our troublemaker." She suggested.

Mike looked at her and smirked, "Why don't you check on the pups and I'll go to Jason's. You can meet me there afterwards."
Niklaus chuckled but then nodded. "Sounds like a good plan to me." He says.

Hailey pouted a little but then nodded. "Alright." She sighs. "Keep our link open? I want to hear everything. Where should we meet?" She asks.
Mike smirked before leaving and heading to Jason's

Kendra pouted and growled, "Give it back, I like it best." She told boy.

"No. It's not yours." Boy snapped at a shirt that Kendra had gotten from the closet. He knew this room was originally the twins and the shirt was kendras favorite because it was the original kendras favorite.

Brody sighed, "Boy, it's not cool, you aren't our father."

Kendra nodded, "Yeah. Mother said we could explore. I can at least put it on." She pouted having a small tantrum. "Give it back, give it back, give it back."
As soon as Hailey entered the house she could hear Kendra. She sighed and then made her way upstairs to where they were. "What's going on here?" She asks, crossing her arms and looking between the three of them curiously. It was still hard to come on this room, but there was no way she was going to let it show, not in front of Boy.
Kendra went to Hailey, "Boy won't let us explore. He came in here and started bossing is around. He keeps telling us we can't be here. And I like that shirt mother, he took it from me. I want it." She pouted, nearly starting to cry.
Hailey looked to Boy out of curiosity more than anything. She wondered if he didn't want them here for his own sake of keeping them seperated or for hers. She doubted the later but it still came to mind. "You may try the shirt on Kendra but maybe leave it here for now. Of course while you guys stay here you're welcome to anything here you may need." She says gently.
Kendra smiled as she turned to Boy and grabbed the shirt. she stuck her tongue out at him. Brody sighed, smirking as he moved to Hailey and showed her a jacket he found, "Can I try this, mother?" he asked. Boy looked at the jacket and glared, he knew that jacket was important to the original Brody and he was not happy that Hailey allowed Kendra to wear the shirt. Boy sighed, rolling his eyes before he stomped out of the room, with a growl.
Hailey forced a smile and nodded before quickly leaving the room and following after Boy. "What's wrong?" She asks. "Why does it make you so upset?" She asks. She knew she had all the memories and she knew how important both of those were. She also knew Brody and Kendra would laugh in her face for caring but she did anyway.
Boy stopped but didn't turn to her, he sighed, "Why does it make you?" he asked, before he turned to her. "But I already know the answer, only I have something more detailed, don't I? I remember everything, what you found, I know every moment that they got that way and I felt it. So, it's probably the same as why you rather they hadn't."
Hailey sighed. "I can't even imagine that, the pain and fear...." she says, biting her lip because she could easily picture it. The images of what she'd found came to mind and she felt her heart start to race. "I don't want them trying that stuff on because then they'll smell like my siblings and I know those were important. But," sbe smled sadly. "Were probably the only ones who care. I mean my brother Brody maybhave with his jacket but eventually he would have given to someone important to him or worn it through. But both of them would laugh at us for caring so much." She says quietly. "I'm sorry Boy." She adds gently, and before she could stop herself she hugged him.
Boy was a little taken back when she hugged him, it took him a moment but he couldn't fight the fact that his arms hugged her back. To an extent, it was something they shared. He knew that of her brother and sister were here they wouldn't mind. But remembering it all made it hard.
Hailey felt relief as he hugged her back and she stayed like that with him for as long as she dared. It was comforting and even though he was her pup, it didn't feel like that in that moment. He wasn't a friend, not yet, but they shared that connection whether they liked it or not. Finally she took a deep breath and pulled back from him, offering a small smile. "Now then, I should probably make sure those are the only things they're trying on right now." She says.
Boy sighed, looking at her like she was being silly, it was strange how much being around her made him think of her as family, just not as his mother. "You do know that Kendra and Brody are probably finishing off the closet. With our speed and you giving them permission." he stated.
Hailey glanced backnto him and couldn't help smiling. "You're probably right." She says with a giggle. She smiled and then quickly walked to Kendra's room where she'd left them.
Kendra and Brody had already made a mess when she got back, clothes, hats and jackets everywhere and Kendra was looking in the mirror at one of the best outfits that Kendra had owned. She turned to Hailey, "Look mother, don't I look nice." she said, Brody tossed the jacket off and sat on the bed.
Hailey took a deep breath as she looked around. It was her own fault. She hadn't specified anything and she hadn't told them to leave everything alone. She glanced to Brody and smiled some and then to Kendra and smiled more. She really did look quite nice. "Yes, you look lovely Kendra." She says gently. She looked behind her a little, unsure if Boy had come or not and then back to the siblings. "Now then, why don't you two clean up the mess you made okay? Make sure you put everything back." She says.
Kendra looked at Hailey and then looked around, Brody did too and sighed, before he stood up, "Okay, mother." Brody said before they both started to clean, using their speed. It was done in nearly a blink of an eye, when Brody was back on the bed and Kendra was standing in front of the mirror again, "Can I still wear this?"
Hailey it her lip, uncertain. "You can...you just can't...you have to be careful okay?" She says. She hesitated and looked to Brody. "Same with the jacket." She adds. She knew they were just clothes, nothing more. But they were her siblings clothes and all she had left of them besides her memories.

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