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Monstrous High-Level Pathfinder Game [Forum] [Dice]

Awesome. I'll start looking in the Pathfinder bestiary- they've got Shoggoth's in there, should have Color's out of Space.
TacoMann said:
I'd prefer my players try and make their own builds. Sorry if you're just bumping into pathfinder, but I'm more than willing to offer help. I'm sure some others around here would be willing to add opinions and help too. Don't worry. I don't bite. veryhard Although I do rant and get frustrated by inane things at times. :)
Besides! She's over-level'd!
That's fine, I can make my own Human Lich necromancer instead of cribbing the build :)

any pro-tips would be very welcome, though.
O.o ;

Er. I thought that was just slightly less silly than saying "OKEH. I SHALL PLAY A CTHULHU PALA--DRUID. (Corrected for TRUE NEUTRAL)."


Actually, with serious thought Taco, a Color out of Space PC /would/ be an Issue. It kills the area around it and is innately malevolent for a reason /other/ than "Raised that way"... and is totally unrelatable to human.

On the other hand, being a Neutral or even Good Aligned Demon? That's cool.
That'd be Kickass.

No, seriously, do it.

Hell, actually /be/ evil, and invest in an Amulet of Opposite Alignment, so you can be the Token Evil Teammate, if you want.
Heheheheh. Sorry, but that's actually outside of the level restrictions, I mean sure you can start as a hatchling, but all you really need is to draw out combat and BAM you're a Greater Wyrm. :P And I honestly did think you where serious with that Color-Out-Of-Space. I'm kinda an idiot like that.
And here I was just thinking of it being a case of "Want to make a bet?" of genuinely immortal creature vs Pit Fiend on "Will I die or won't I?"
Plus. Y'know. Time Travel might screw m'story plans alittle. I'd have to account for that-like, ALOT.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]And here I was just thinking of it being a case of "Want to make a bet?" of genuinely immortal creature vs Pit Fiend on "Will I die or won't I?"

Nooooot really....Just stipulate the character can't age themselves.
TacoMann said:
Plus. Y'know. Time Travel might screw m'story plans alittle. I'd have to account for that-like, ALOT.
They're guardians of history. Just think of the character like a draconic Time Lord. They have to use it to FIX things that're wrong with history. Not for personal convenience. <.<
Bah. Pit Fiends ain't all that! Just have a nice enough paladin seduce 'em by accident, and they'll be Solars dispensing GREAT JUSTICE!
Where are the CR restrictions again? Because the Wyrmling when devilbound is only CR 8. And most of their abilities would actually be restricted to "Only in PLOT-Sanctioned circumstances," so it'd be sort of self-nerfing.
Yeah... yeah with that restriction concept, that could work. Y'know what. I'll allow it. Devilbound Time Dragon, Young or Wyrmling, Level 4 or 2 to start. Pick your class. Anything from HERE or HERE, with certain exceptions, such as Synthesist Summoner.
Allthough, Warning. There will be someone controlling that devil you've offered your services to....

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