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Resource Mister Glass Code

Mister Glass

css is horrible and i hate it
Roleplay Type(s)


please be patient with me, i'm very very new to css. i'm at the stage where i just push every button until the code works.

the code looks simple, but i spend way more time than i'd like to admit making it. i put the credit in as unintrusively as possible

it makes me happy to know people use my codes, that's all. thank you so much for reading, and for looking around!

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Marc Girondin had worked in the filing section of the city hall's engineering department for so long that the city was laid out in his mind like a map, full of names and places, intersecting streets and streets that led nowhere, blind alleys and winding lanes.

In all Montreal no one possessed such knowledge; a dozen policemen and taxi drivers together could not rival him. That is not to say that he actually knew the streets whose names he could recite like a series of incantations, for he did little walking. He knew simply of their existence, where they were, and in what relation they stood to others.

But it was enough to make him a specialist. He was undisputed expert of the filing cabinets where all the particulars of all the streets from Abbott to Zotique were indexed, back, forward and across. Those aristocrats, the engineers, the inspectors of water mains and the like, all came to him when they wanted some little particular, some detail, in a hurry They might despise him as a lowly clerk, but they needed him all the same.

Marc much preferred his office, despite the profound lack of excitement of his work, to his room on Oven Street (running north and south from Sherbrooke East to St. Catherine), where his neighbors were noisy and sometimes violent, and his landlady consistently so. He tried to explain the meaning of his existence once to a fellow tenant, Louis, but without much success. Louis, when he got the drift, was apt to sneer.

"So Craig latches on to Bleury and Bleury gets to be Park, so who cares? Why the excitement?"

"I will show you," said Marc. "Tell me, first, where you live."

"Are you crazy? Here on Oven Street. Where else?"

"How do you know?"

"How do I know? I'm here, ain't I? I pay my rent, don't I? I get my mail here, don't I?"

Marc shook his head patiently.

"None of that is evidence," he said. "You live here on Oven Street because it says so in my filing cabinet at city hall. The post office sends you mail because my card index tells it to. If my cards didn't say so, you wouldn't exist and Oven Street wouldn't either. That, my friend, is the triumph of bureaucracy."

Louis walked away in disgust. "Try telling that to the landlady," he muttered.

So Marc continued on his undistinguished career, his fortieth birthday came and went without remark, day after day passed uneventfully. A street was renamed, another constructed, a third widened; it all went carefully into the files, back, forward and across.

And then something happened that filled him with amazement, shocked him beyond measure, and made the world of the filing cabinets tremble to their steel bases.

One August afternoon, opening a drawer to its fullest extent, he felt something catch. Exploring farther, he discovered a card stuck at the back between the top and bottom. He drew it out and found it to be an old index card, dirty and torn, but still perfectly decipherable. It was labeled RUE DE LA BOUTEILLE VERTE, or GREEN BOTTLE STREET.

Marc stared at it in wonder. He had never heard of the place or of anything resembling so odd a name. Undoubtedly it had been retitled in some other fashion befitting the modern tendency. He checked the listed details and ruffled confidently through the master file of street names. It was not there. He made another search, careful and protracted, through the cabinets. There was nothing. Absolutely nothing.
coded by Mister Glass​
Hey loves! This is the first official code I've made in CSS and I want to say it was easy, but in reality I cried three times. More codes like this will be coming in the future as I get better, please be patient with me. This code is free to use. It makes me really happy when people use my work, so leave a comment or send me a dm! There are a few rules though: (1) you may not remove the credit. (2) you may not take bits of my code and use it in your own code. Other than that, all is well! Thank you for reading!

Marc Girondin had worked in the filing section of the city hall's engineering department for so long that the city was laid out in his mind like a map, full of names and places, intersecting streets and streets that led nowhere, blind alleys and winding lanes. In all Montreal no one possessed such knowledge; a dozen policemen and taxi drivers together could not rival him. That is not to say that he actually knew the streets whose names he could recite like a series of incantations, for he did little walking. He knew simply of their existence, where they were, and in what relation they stood to others.

But it was enough to make him a specialist. He was undisputed expert of the filing cabinets where all the particulars of all the streets from Abbott to Zotique were indexed, back, forward and across. Those aristocrats, the engineers, the inspectors of water mains and the like, all came to him when they wanted some little particular, some detail, in a hurry They might despise him as a lowly clerk, but they needed him all the same.

Marc much preferred his office, despite the profound lack of excitement of his work, to his room on Oven Street (running north and south from Sherbrooke East to St. Catherine), where his neighbors were noisy and sometimes violent, and his landlady consistently so. He tried to explain the meaning of his existence once to a fellow tenant, Louis, but without much success. Louis, when he got the drift, was apt to sneer.

"So Craig latches on to Bleury and Bleury gets to be Park, so who cares? Why the excitement?"

"I will show you," said Marc. "Tell me, first, where you live."

"Are you crazy? Here on Oven Street. Where else?"

"How do you know?"

"How do I know? I'm here, ain't I? I pay my rent, don't I? I get my mail here, don't I?"

Marc shook his head patiently.

"None of that is evidence," he said. "You live here on Oven Street because it says so in my filing cabinet at city hall. The post office sends you mail because my card index tells it to. If my cards didn't say so, you wouldn't exist and Oven Street wouldn't either. That, my friend, is the triumph of bureaucracy."

Louis walked away in disgust. "Try telling that to the landlady," he muttered.

So Marc continued on his undistinguished career, his fortieth birthday came and went without remark, day after day passed uneventfully. A street was renamed, another constructed, a third widened; it all went carefully into the files, back, forward and across.

And then something happened that filled him with amazement, shocked him beyond measure, and made the world of the filing cabinets tremble to their steel bases.

One August afternoon, opening a drawer to its fullest extent, he felt something catch. Exploring farther, he discovered a card stuck at the back between the top and bottom. He drew it out and found it to be an old index card, dirty and torn, but still perfectly decipherable. It was labeled RUE DE LA BOUTEILLE VERTE, or GREEN BOTTLE STREET.

Marc stared at it in wonder. He had never heard of the place or of anything resembling so odd a name. Undoubtedly it had been retitled in some other fashion befitting the modern tendency. He checked the listed details and ruffled confidently through the master file of street names. It was not there. He made another search, careful and protracted, through the cabinets. There was nothing. Absolutely nothing.
6 / 9 / 2022
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
coding credit: mister glass
6 / 9 / 2022
'i refuse to change who i am'
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec porta aliquam tortor ut viverra. Praesent elementum consectetur tempus. Morbi eget justo at velit vehicula vestibulum. Nullam sollicitudin ipsum et mollis ornare. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Integer feugiat vestibulum dictum. Suspendisse non iaculis nisl. In in sapien ut mi laoreet interdum eu et arcu. Nam id fermentum lacus, vel ultrices quam. Suspendisse malesuada neque sed dolor lobortis, facilisis commodo dui elementum. Suspendisse vitae mauris varius, placerat libero ac, mattis nunc. Nunc leo diam, hendrerit et tempus eget, volutpat eu nunc. Fusce non venenatis quam, a placerat elit. Nulla lobortis diam et euismod viverra.
Integer feugiat vestibulum dictum. Suspendisse non iaculis nisl. In in sapien ut mi laoreet interdum eu et arcu. Nam id fermentum lacus, vel ultrices quam. Suspendisse malesuada neque sed dolor lobortis, facilisis commodo dui elementum. Suspendisse vitae mauris varius, placerat libero ac, mattis nunc. Nunc leo diam, hendrerit et tempus eget, volutpat eu nunc. Fusce non venenatis quam, a placerat elit. Nulla lobortis diam et euismod viverra.

Aliquam et libero sed ante iaculis tincidunt a molestie elit. Cras blandit, lectus ac ornare condimentum, dolor ipsum imperdiet dui, quis ultricies neque urna maximus arcu. Nunc nec nunc ut odio fringilla ornare. Nunc non quam eget nibh congue dictum quis nec justo. Aliquam vitae mollis nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur volutpat ornare ultricies. Etiam scelerisque lectus at urna tristique, ac fermentum risus pretium. Vestibulum metus erat, vulputate vel finibus vel, gravida vitae ex. Duis rutrum erat vitae mi rutrum malesuada. Nam cursus placerat convallis. Pellentesque placerat magna justo, quis tempus orci posuere ornare. Sed suscipit, magna id interdum sagittis, magna est vehicula mauris, eget rhoncus quam arcu et mauris. Nullam posuere sodales magna, a dictum erat posuere eu. Phasellus suscipit, dui vel lobortis placerat, orci enim vulputate orci, sed maximus sem quam id felis. Fusce viverra massa eu sagittis malesuada.

a quote about your character goes here - keep it short pls
Armor Class ⠀ this will be your base strength + 5
Hit Points ⠀ this will be your base constitution + 5
Speed ⠀ this will be 30ft + your dex modifier
Languages ⠀ you will speak english + 1 language of your choosing by default
Proficiencies ⠀ you get a +2 in any stat modifier of your choosing
Ability Spotlight ⠀ what your character is known for being good at
𝙒𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮. Must be at least 250 words long. Cannot contain mentions of self harm, suicidal ideation, or sexual assault. Cannot write graphic scenes in explicit detail. Characters do not need to be fully human. If they are not fully human, they get 10 stat points less than everyone else to account for the power imbalance. Everyone starts off with 85 stat points, which may be distributed however you want. For modifiers, look here -
[click me!]

If you are writing a character that is not fully human, it is up to the moderator to approve or disapprove your abilities.

Please include a section detailing the following: personality, backstory, physical description, how your character ended up being discovered by Rio, and why they chose to join the crew. If your character is not human, please give a description of how they hide their non-human...ness, as well as and overview of their abilities (if they have any).
𝙀𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙖 𝙎𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙚. Fusce viverra eget nulla a vulputate. Etiam congue non libero eu placerat. Proin sodales magna sed arcu efficitur, id lacinia tortor tempor. Integer a velit volutpat, commodo tortor sed, euismod nulla. Nam sit amet pharetra risus, sed condimentum quam. Cras commodo venenatis lorem, at aliquam urna pellentesque non. Nulla in ultricies nisl, vel placerat velit. Quisque ac ligula libero. Aenean pellentesque massa a nisl porttitor aliquet. Etiam auctor nibh in lectus vestibulum, sed ultricies justo vehicula.

Maecenas sed vehicula risus, ut ornare lorem. Nunc ut nisi erat. Duis porta sem sed tincidunt sagittis. Vestibulum consequat molestie diam, sit amet congue lectus ultricies ac. Praesent feugiat efficitur ligula in accumsan. Mauris quis ligula non purus euismod elementum. Praesent massa justo, dapibus non leo faucibus, congue consectetur erat. Phasellus vitae sapien ac quam tempus volutpat. Cras dolor massa, porttitor sit amet dapibus id, faucibus at ligula. Sed ac congue sem, ac pellentesque erat. Proin ultricies ligula sed suscipit porttitor. Vestibulum sed libero tellus. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus sodales purus ut turpis tempor mollis. In bibendum leo ac lobortis ultrices. Aliquam rhoncus justo at est ultricies, pellentesque rhoncus neque tempus.
Welcome aboard La Venganza, a pirate ship sailing across the Indian Ocean during the early 18th century. With Blackbeard having faded into obscurity, pirates with sharp teeth and something to prove started roaming increasingly dangerous seas. British, Spanish, and French officials are walking up and down their respective streets, claiming the golden age of piracy is drawing to a close. Your mission? Prove them wrong.

Captain Fernandez has scoured the seas searching for the best of the best, looking to write his name across history in bold letters. He needs a capable crew, masters of their respective trade, with nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Held in one of the most well guarded prisons in the world, William Kidd, Anne Bonny, Israel Hands, and Charles Vane are awaiting their execution. What better way to spit in the face of European law than to free four of the most dangerous pirates that ever roamed the seas?

If you would like to join, please hop over to the character sheets page, and fill one out!

This rp will be stat based; please pick carefully at the beginning, as your character's stats cannot be changed once combat starts. more info can be found here [x]
Replies must be a minimum of 200 words, and utilize correct grammar and punctuation. godmodding of other players' characters is not allowed.
Racism, homophobia, sexual assault, and suicidal ideation do not belong in this thread. any character with those topics in their sheet will not be accepted.
With an easy smile and an eye for good crewmates, Captain Fernandez sprung up seemingly out of nowhere and started wreaking as much havoc as he could.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sit amet pulvinar lectus. Quisque egestas dui eu ipsum pretium, ac convallis eros semper.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sit amet pulvinar lectus. Quisque egestas dui eu ipsum pretium, ac convallis eros semper.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sit amet pulvinar lectus. Quisque egestas dui eu ipsum pretium, ac convallis eros semper.
njsjkjsksjjnsk this is so coool

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