Mission: Arena combat


Justice RIDES AGAIN!!!
Basic rules of combat in the arena:

First, note that this is still a collaborative writing project. Dice are in no way meant to replace negotiations for describing what happens in a fight. They are merely meant to push characters in a particular direction of negotiations more quickly to get to the fun part of describing stuff.

Whatever happens, make it interesting!

Second the use of dice as described below are meant to be a very quick, down and dirty resolution system, not a detailed simulation of reality. Outrageous situations are meant to be par for the course. Write around them. If the dice give you an implausible scenario, GOOD! Write around it. Take it as a challenge. If you want to play GURPS or something, knock yourself out.


Third, to reiterate, this is still about negotiation. When you attack, choosing which stats to use is deliberately left to the players to decide. Strength versus Agility to attack might make sense for a typical punch, but if you are doing a Judo throw, maybe agility versus agility might be more appropriate. For a damage roll, Strength vs Defense might be good for a punch, but for poison gas maybe Energy vs Health. Some attacks will require more thought; what if your partner wants to shove metal up your nose and down into your lungs? These things happen.

Negotiate with your partner!

Fourth, and perhaps most important. This is Non-Canon! The arena exists outside of spacetime in a kind of old school ‘secret wars’ type of fight club. The first rule of this fight club, is there are no consequences to these fights. So feel free to die, kill, team up with villains, whatever.

Go wild.

Bearing those primary rules in mind, here are the WIP rules for arena combat:

  • Picture the scene laid out as a storyboard or a comic book. Where tabletop games are measured in turns, AEGIS combat is measured in beats, or panels. Basically each thing you do takes one panel. All the panels together makes a scene.

  • Any task you choose to do unopposed, you can just write that you do. If you want to jump off a bridge and dive into the river, write that down. Done.

  • HOWEVER, if you are pushing the envelope of what is possible given relevant stats (such as a six foot vertical leap given strength of 3) your writing partner may ‘challenge’ In this case roll a d6. 4 or better succeeds and 3 or less fails

  • If you feel the challenge is unreasonable you may appeal to any GM or acolyte in Discord. If they side with you, still roll, but you need a 1 to fail. If they side with your partner, you fail on 1-5

  • For any directly opposed actions, each player chooses a relevant stat, rolls a six sided die and adds it to that stat. The player with the higher total decides what happens.

  • Ties go to the player with the higher stat. Tied stats go to the player with higher rank (including number--C4 trumps C3) As a last resort, re-roll the dice.

  • If you have a clever tactic in mind, you may add one to your roll. (Your opponent might also do so, depending on the scene you have set so far)

  • If you have the lower stat AND a palpable advantage, such as a weapon, an opponent mired in mud, or blinded by blood in their eyes, you may add an additional plus one to your roll. You may NOT add this extra bonus if you have the superior stat. This bonus is for underdogs only. So there.

  • If there are more than two people in the combat, the underdogs in any particular action may get one final plus one bonus to their roll if they team up to perform it. (e.g. the strong character throwing the smaller more vicious character at the big bad in order to boost the attack)

  • Stats of 1 or 9 have a special rule because they go off the scale. If you have a one and your opponent does not, you divide your roll in half, rounded up. Contrariwise, if you have a 9 and your opponent does not, their roll is divided in half, rounded up.

  • This system is not only for attacks; you could use it for catching up to a player who is attempting to run away for example

  • That said, obviously the main utility of dice is to decide if your attack hits, and if so, how much damage. Rolls to hit are binary and resolve as any other opposed action above.

  • Rolls for damage are more of a spectrum, and work like this: If the attacker gets the higher total, a debilitating hit results. For a tie, the defender is bloodied. If the defender gets the higher total, they are only winded by the hit.

  • Debilitating hits give -1 to all your subsequent rolls, and your health drops by three. If you get to zero health or less, you drop.

  • Bloodying hits make it impossible to take any bonuses on your next roll, and your health drops by one for the remainder of the combat.

  • Winded gives you a -1 to your next roll only, or you can try to spend one panel doing nothing that requires a roll, to catch your breath. (Note that if your partner tries to hit you, you will need to roll for that. If you want to avoid that penalty, you have to find a way not to roll at all for one panel. This could be as simple as teleporting away or turning invisible, or even just holding up a time out sign to your sparring partner and appealing to their sense of fair play)

That is, for now, literally all the things. You have all the weapons you need. Now, fight!
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Somewhere in the vasty mists of spacetime, far from the day to day concerns of Baltimore, there lies a planet of curious provenance. Various resources such as sulphur, saltpeter and diamonds litter the surface, free for the taking. Most of the vegetation is dead but a few skeletal tree like organisms cling tenaciously to the dry and dusty regolith. Near the shore of a briny sea, devoid of life, but passing for an oasis in this inhospitable circle of hell, there stands an ancient rock structure, carved, as if by sand blasting winds into an arena, though whoever once fought here seems surely long dead. The sands within its high walls are stained here and there by ancient alien blood, and the space is scattered with various primitive weapons, rusted but still wickedly effective. Large monolithic rocks dot the space, some connected together by metal railings. Others have tumbled down into the dust crumbled by age. This is the place that summoned you. It has been millennia since it tasted blood. You will perform now for the amusement of its spectral audience. Acquit yourself well, and you may yet be returned to the space-time from whence you came.
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In the northwest corner of the arena, we find Lucas Marsolet hands still flung up to protect himself from a large flightless bird which is no longer before him. He stares up at an alien sky in wonder and awe.

“Oooh, Atzai, it looks like we’ve got another human for the viewing audience’s entertainment!”

“That’s absolutely right, Tzoma! This human hails from the Terran city of Old Baltimore, in the local time of 2040 and is made entirely of electrons!”

“Ah, 2040, an excellent year! The humans of that era had such a panoply of wacky powers! Not like todays boring fuddy-duddy’s at all… they’re all DEAD now! Dull, dull, dull, dull-dull! Tell us about his trading card stats Atzai!”

“Sure will buddy! Lucas’s main feature is his speed, rated at 6 agility. When traveling through conductors he can travel up to half the speed of light. Otherwise he’s a pretty normal teen. Slightly above average in the brains department (for a human!) and ability to take a punch. As for dishing it out though, wellllllll, he’s kinda weak sauce in the muscles iiiff you know what I mean… (it’s a 1!) Finally, he can’t touch or be touched by anything metal, he’s immune to electric shock, and his main weaknesses are water and oscillating electromagnetic fields!”

In the southeast corner, Chris Kravitz skids to a stop, wondering what the hell happened to his borrowed filing cabinet. Hot on the heels of this thought, is puzzlement about what happened to all of Baltimore.

“Oh snap, Atzai! Looks like another 2040 era human from Old Baltimore! Why don’t you give us his rap sheet?”

“Sure thing, sure thing! Chris isn’t much different from the average human, simple meat and bones structure, but his brain is wired just a little bit differently, giving him all of five points in willpower! How cute! Anyway, the enhanced focus gives him natural fighting skill, which, with a 1 in defense, has done an outstanding job of keeping him alive for, let’s see… 17 years. That’s, 4.266e-14 ourons or 2.183e+52 parvochs, for those of you tuning in from temporally alternate planes of existence…”

“Oh wow! In an improbable coincidence Lucas has ALSO survived precisely that long! Too bad; one of them is about to have their record cut short… let’s see who it will be, shall we?”

“Would you like a wager?”

“No, I would not.”
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Lucas heard the alien color commentary echoing through his mind. While he did not understand exactly what was going on or how he had come to be in this place, he did understand that this Chris character stood between him and getting home. While reluctant to fight, he knew he had to get back to the zoo. People were counting on him. Friends. Whoever Chris was, he was going to have to be put down.

Chris, open-mouthed, searched for the source of the voices. Finding nothing but rock and Lucas, he waved a little at the latter. Then he saw the look in his eyes. “Uh…”

Peering through the dusty arena he saw his adversary wave. Moving to take cover behind one of the monoliths, he took up a position by one of the railings that criss crossed between the stone structures. Passing his fingers through it, he confirmed his suspicions that whatever alien metal it was made of, it was conductive. That could come in handy. Would have been nice if the alien commentators hadn’t given away his main tactical advantage though. On the other hand, while he was no stranger to fighting, he was not thrilled about doing it naked, no matter the tactical advantage he might get from a surprise move of zipping through the rail to a different spot…

Chris blinked in the passing dust. Why was… What was… How was… He sighed. In all honesty, this was practically his expectation for an average Saturday. He readied himself.

Lucas pondered the situation. Chris didn’t seem inclined to rush into battle, which was smart. The commentators had said he had high will and good fighting skills. Disciplined meant dangerous. Needed to draw him out somehow. Get a feel for his style. He cast his eyes about looking for weapons. There was nothing immediately handy except for rocks and sand. He grabbed up two fist size rocks, and jumped out from his covered position to get a better bead on Chris. The adrenaline jolt kicked his reflexes into hypertime and as rapidly as he could he threw both stones in rapid succession, the first at Chris’s head, the second slightly down and to his left toward where he’d most logically duck to avoid the first.




Result: HIT


LUCAS ROLLs d6, ADDING STRENGTH Rolled: 1 Total: 2


Result: Winded! (-1 to Chris’s next roll, or take a ‘panel’ of action with no roll to catch breath)


Chris took his time to react, waiting until the critical moment. When it came, he expertly dropped himself under both stones, forming a diagonal line with his body. Unfortunately, his footwork was just wrong enough that he landed on the ground with his legs folded awkwardly under him. He adopted a defensive position on the ground, and waited for his assailant’s next move.

Lucas watched in slow motion as the stones sailed toward the other boy, and just when he was sure that one of them would connect, he shifted and dropped. There was no tell that he was about to move, he just held his position to the last second and then dodged expertly, an almost perfect economy of motion. Almost. The uneven ground betrayed him, and the landing looked… uncomfortable. Taking advantage of his opponents momentary lapse of concentration, he touched the railing and vanished, leaving nothing behind but his clothing. A split second later he reappeared in his altogether, some fifty feet away. Ducking behind the new monolith (half for tactical reasons, half for modesty) he peeked out to see if he had been spotted.






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