Mini-story: Jonah Jones

Azure Sky

Random Lazy Guy

New York, September 2nd, 2016

OOC: Music to set the mood. :)

Jonah snapped awake, panting heavily as he quickly sat up in his bed. Like most Private Eyes in the city, his office of work was also his apartment. It was a reasonably sized room, his flatbed mattress in the far corner of the room, next to a window with the shades drawn, which had a decent view of the street below. He looked around the office, as he wanted to make sure he had truly woken up from his dream. Across from his bed, there was his desk, just across from the door to the outside hall. Painted on the glass window of the door were the words "JoJo's Detective Agency. Jonah Jones, Private Investigator." His desk was messy and disorganized, closed and opened case files strewn all about the desk top, his laptop computer being the only thing visible among the sea of unorganized paperwork. He sighed to himself, as he remembered he had meant to finally get that organized last night, but he didn't because he had immediately passed out on returning home yet again on the night prior. He stood up, looking down at himself and groaning slightly. He had fallen asleep in his clothes yet again. That was a bad habit he had been attempting to break. He brushed his messy dark brown hair out of his eyes and walked into the small bathroom, turning on the faucet and splashing water in his face in a vain attempt to shake the cobwebs from his head. He looked at himself in the mirror. Staring back at him was a young man with messy dark brown hair, wearing a wrinkled white dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, the top three buttons unbuttoned, and his black tie loosened. He had no memory of what had occurred last night...all he did have any clear memories of was the strange dreams...

He thought to himself for a moment...he quickly stripped off the tie and dress shirt, throwing them up on the pole to hang with the shower curtains. He turned around so his back was facing the mirror, and looked over his shoulder at the reflection. There it was. The star shaped mark on his back. It had to be a birthmark of some kind...normally he would think nothing of it, except this birth mark was strange. He kept seeing visions of people in his dreams...not just people...heroes fated to rise against evil. All of these people in his dreams shared the same mark, in the exact same spot on their bodies. Something about it was special. Something about him was special. He just didn't know what yet. All he did know is that it was bizarre. He smirked to himself as that word crossed his mind. Bizarre. Bizarre was nothing new to him...Bizarre was the perfect word to describe the nature of most of the cases he was tasked with solving. He walked back into the main room of his office apartment, opening up the small dresser next to his bed and taking out a freshly clean shirt and tie. The shirt was light blue in color this time, and the tie green. He tied the tie loosely around his neck once the shirt was on, and walked back over to his desk, sitting down and signing onto his computer. he pulled up the first search engine he could find and typed in 'Star Shaped Birthmarks.' As usual, he found nothing. Nothing of interest anyway aside from birthmark cringe compilations on Youtube...
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Somewhere near Jonah's office, three members of the Speedwagon Foundation were having a small chat regarding the young detective. All of them were dressed in sharp clothes. The one on the right had red hair in a pompadour style, fair skin and blue eyes, the one in the middle had spiky blonde hair, olive skin, and green eyes, and the one on the left had messy pink hair, dark skin, and brown eyes.

"We need to find out if he has the birthmark"

"Yes, but if we tell him about the situation, he'll definetly find it suspicious"

"No matter how we do it, we will look suspicious. I say the direct approach is the best. If this young man is really a Joestar, we need to support him and tell him about his lineage. It is our job"

Before they could go in the office, however, something strange happened. The guy with the pompadour was knocked out by an invisible force and fell head-first into the ground, then something caused the destruction of a wall nearby and some of the rubble fell on the guy with messy pink hair. Only the blonde man remained. He panicked and tried to escape the invisible danger, but to no avail. An invisible force pushed him in the middle of the street, where he was run over by a car. All these events caused some of the people around to scream, while others fainted, and some youngsters were filming the events that unfolded with their smartphone.

Jonah's head jerked up from his computer screen when he heard what sounded like fighting, explosions, and yelling from outside. He jumped up from his desk and headed for the door, grabbing his brown trench coat off the rack by the door as he sprinted out down the hall. Any other detective in this situation would have grabbed their revolver, but Jonah had no need for such a weapon. Besides, a private eye carrying around a revolver was cliche anyway. He rushed down the stairs of the apartment complex after leaving the office, figuring the elevator would take too much time. 

He ran down into the lobby, making his way to the double doors of the complex, catching the attention of the cranky doorman. 

"JONES! I told you before no running in--"

"No time, Freddy!" The Detective shouted back as he burst through the doors, turning and running in the direction of the panic. He had some bizarre cases before, but never anything to this scale. At least nothing that caused this much panic. Usually it was quiet, and didn't get very much attention from the public. It was then that he came to a stop, staring in awe at the destroyed wall, and what looked like the remains of a man crushed beneath rubble. He took a few steps back from it, when he turned and saw that another man had been run over by a car...his intuition told him that he may have been pushed. Either by a cranky New York pedestrian, or something was then that he finally noticed a man with a red pompadour. Unlike the other two, he appeared to still be alive. He quickly ran over to him, crouching down on his knees and shaking him lightly. "C'mon....c'mon, wake up!" He muttered, planning on dragging the unconscious man to somewhere safe if he didn't wake up within the next few seconds. 

The man with the pompadour seemed to have woken up, he tried to get up and look at Jonah, but he was dizzy and blood was coming out of the wound on his forehead. He eventually got up, only to fall on the ground again, and faint.

"Tsk, that one is stil alive, huh? Should have hit him harder" thought to himself a man who was hidding in the shadows. He listened to the three men talking about Jonah and his supposed connection to the Joestars, and for some unknown reason decided to attack the three members of the Speedwagon Foundation, using his Stand. His name was Dario Brando, a 30-year-old real estate manager who just happened to have his day off, just happened to be walking down that particular street, and just happened to decided to end the lives of the three men after hearing their discussion. It was as if he became a different person. But the truth was, that was his real nature.


After some more thinking, he decided that it was a good thing the pompadour guy was still alive. "I still don't know who this Joestar member is. What I do know is that he lives in this area, and that pompadour guy will be extremely useful for finding him faster. I also need to know if he has a Stand and if it is powerful enough to defeat mine" thought Dario.

After a short while, he went out of the shadows as he would have seemed suspicious, and simply immersed himself into the crowd that was formed. He wanted to observe the actions of the man who came to help the red pompadour man. Dario had seen Jonah before. He didn't personally know him, but he knew he was a detective. "Heh, let's see you try to solve this case, Poirot" he thought, as he smirked.
Jonah smiled slightly when he saw the man start to stir...only for it to disappear when he saw the man pass out, and noticed the blood leaking from his forehead. "Dammit..." he muttered as he watched the man faint once again. He quickly walked over to the red haired man's body, rolling him over so he was on his back. He quickly stepped behind him. lifting up his shoulders and beginning to drag him up the sidewalk. He dragged him around the corner into an alleyway, propping him up against the wall once he found a safe enough area. He removed his trench coat for a moment, ripping off apart of the bottom of it, wrapping it around the man's forehead in an attempt to stop the bleeding. He needed medical attention...he would have to call somebody, but he had a feeling the ambulance wouldn't make it far if he did. He put his trench coat back on as he stood up, examining the area. 

Something about the series of events seemed too precise to have been random chance..No...this was far too bizarre... his intuition told him that this had to be the work of...what were they called again? He thought back to his dream from the night before. Then it came to him. "Stand"... this had to be the work of some kind of rogue Stand User...he scanned the crowd, in an attempt to see if he could find anyone who looked the slightest bit suspicious...he cursed under his breath, as it seemed whoever the stand user was had either long since left the crime scene....or they had hidden themselves well...He decided to start questioning a few people. He asked numerous people if they had seen anything or anyone suspicious at the time of the accident, explaining that he was a detective. Half of the people he asked didn't believe him, while another half simply said they didn't notice or see anything until after the events had already happened. It was then that he made his way over to Dario, completely unaware that he was the one behind everything. "Excuse me sir." He began. "Jonah Jones, Private Investigator." He said, introducing himself. "Did you happen to be here when these men were attacked?" He asked, not expecting him to have an answer.
As Jonah Jones approached him and asked him the typical deterctive-at-a-crime-scene question, Dario acted rather detached and answered on a calm tone. "Actually, I did. It was a really strange scene. None of them were attacked. The pompadour guy simply slammed his own face into the ground, while the blonde one jumped in front of a car by himself. Those two were probably not right in the head. As for the pink-haired man, a part of the building suddenly got destroyed and the rubble fell on him. Talk about bad luck" he said.

Things were in Dario's favour. What he said was exactly how things would have looked like in the eyes of a bystander. No one would belive that a supernatural force would have been the cause of that particular event. Not only that but he didn't show signs of lying. In the case of a person who feels remorse, has a conscience, or is simply afraid of being find out, their body language would show signs which determine that they are lying. But that wasn't the case for Dario Brando. He felt no remorse, and was extremely confident that he wouldn't be found out.

Jonah listened to Dario's words carefully as he began to explain what happened. He observed his facial expressions as he spoke, and examined his body carefully as he told his story. Usually when questioning someone, the key was too look for some sort of tell, or their body language would be able to give off that they were lying. But this man seemed to be telling the truth...and he seemed pretty confident in himself as he spoke as well. He had to be telling the truth.... "I see..." He said in response. He turned back and looked at the scene of the accident. He wasn't too sure...this seemed far to bizarre to just be random chance. There were no chars or any other signs of explosions on the destroyed building, ruling that out. There also wasn't any construction equipment nearby, so that ruled out any routine demolition. The way the blonde haired man's body was found after being run over certainly seemed like he could have just leaped in front of the car by himself...maybe he was startled by the building explosion? He didn't know for sure, but those two events had to be linked. The one thing that stuck out to him was the red haired man. He could have tripped and fallen over...possibly he was startled by the explosion as well? That couldn't be right...even if he were to trip, there was no way he could have hit the ground hard enough to draw blood or knock himself out. 

No...this couldn't be just random chance. The reasons behind these accidents had to be supernatural. At least that was what his intuition told him. He thought about it for another moment...perhaps this was the work of a Stand? He didn't know much about Stands...he his own stand had only awakened two months prior to this day. If it was the work of a Stand, then the user had to be close by. He turned back to Dario and smirked. "Thank you for your help, but I've got a feeling this couldn't have been random chance...I'll need to get your name if you were a witness." He said, taking out a small notebook and a pencil. 
Yes, of course he'd ask him for his name. Dario smiled (pseudo) kindly. "My name is Dario Brando, real estate manager, working at Metallica's Power Mansion" he said, as he took out a business card from his pocket and handed it over to Jonah. It was amusing for Dario, really. From his point of view, the detective would never be able to determine the true cause of the incident, completely unaware that Jonah did, in fact, have a Stand, and handled unusual cases before.

Dario took out his phone and pretended to be interested at the time. "Goodness gracious, look at the time! I'm sorry detective, I'd like to sit and discuss this matter with you, but I have some work to do" and with that said Dario left the scene. Of course, he was lying, it was his day off. But he wanted an excuse to get away. Once he rushed towards a nearby alley which actually led to a dead end, Dario began to breathe slowly for a short while. He could feel the energy going through his body and strengthening it. Apart from being a Stand User, Dario Brando was also highly adept at using Hamon. He mostly strengthened his legs then performed extremely high jumps from one wall to another until he reached the top of the block. He did that just in case Jonah decided to go after him.

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Jonah got a very unsettling vibe from Dario's smile, especially when he told him his name. Dario Brando...Brando...for some reason, a chill ran down his spine when he heard that name. He didn't know what it felt as though he's heard it before. Perhaps in one of his dreams? He shook the thought from his head, taking the business card from Dario without thinking about it. He was used to people handing him business cards, so accepting them had become somewhat of a reflex. He wrote down in his notebook the info he had given him, both his name and his work place. He didn't trust Dario. Not one bit. He didn't know what it was, but something about him seemed unusual. He had to be related to this some how...he just couldn't figure out how. He wanted to follow after Dario immediately...but he couldn't leave the Red Haired man there in the alley...he pulled out his cell phone and quickly dialed 911. 

"Hello? Emergency Services? This is Detective Jonah Jones. There's been an attack." He had made some friends in the emergency services during his time as a detective. Despite not understanding the nature of most of his cases, tjey still trusted him. "Two men are dead and another is bleeding in an alley way. When you arrive to treat him, do not remove him from the crime scene. I'm tailing a possible suspect and I'll have some questions for the injured man afterward. Alright. See you when you get here." He said as he hung up, confident that the paramedics and police would know what to do. He waited until he was a good enough distance away, and began walking after Dario, following him into a dead end alley way...only to lose track of him almost instantly. The way he was fast. Too fast for a normal human...what he was using didn't look like a Stand ability either...his pace sped up to a brisk jog, in an attempt to keep up. 
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"Huh, this guy really followed me...Well, not like he can actually catch me" thought Dario as he watched Jonah from the top of the building. He then proceeded with using Hamon to strenghten his body and jump from one building to another. He eventually reached the building in which he lived, went down the stairs and entered his appartment.

Dario Brando realised that he made a mistake. If Jonah followed him, it meant that the detective was suspicious, and now he'd be even more suspicious if he saw Dario using Hamon. But he was incredibly calm about it. "If necessary, I will eliminate the man" he thought.

Meanwhile, the ambulance came for the pompadour guy, as well as a few police cars. The criminalists were investigating the crime scene. Everything was confusing, the biggest mystery being the cause of the wall destruction. No explosives or other evidence was found.

Jonah was confident that the paramedics and police officers would follow his orders, so he drew his full focus to catching Dario and questioning him. He kept running after him, not stopping for anything. His pace increased from a jog to a sprint as Dario got farther and further away. "You're not getting away..." He thought in his head as he sprinted after the possible suspect. All the evidence pointed to Dario being the one behind the attack. No scorch marks in the debris of the building, the strange way he was jumping from building to building...he had to be a Stand User. There could be no other explanation. To the police, this case would probably go unsolved, but not to him. 

Out of the corner of his eye he witnessed Dario come to a stop, as he quickly left the roof and went inside. He smirked. "Gotcha." He muttered to himself as he stepped inside of the apartment complex. He looked over to the doorman, flashing  his I.D. "JoJo's Detective Agency. I'm investigating an two murders and an attempted homicide. Does a man by the name of Dario Brando live here? And if he does, can you tell me what number his apartment is? He witnessed the crime and I have a few questions for him."
The doorman was surprised to see Jonah come in the buidling out of the blue and ask about Dario. "Ah, a c-crime? Oh dear. Y-yes, Dario Brando does live here, but he is out at the moment. I suggest-" he stopped talking as he saw Dario Brando walking down the stairs.

Dario was extremely surprised. The detective managed to follow him? How? Did he actually manage to keep up, or was it pure luck? Must have been pure luck. But why was he there? The questions kept piling up. "Ah, detective, I didn't expect to see you again so soon" he said that nonchantly, acting as if he wasn't surprised. He still played it cool, not wanting to make a scene. Something about the detective was very bizzare, though.

"Dario, when did you come back? " asked the doorman, as he didn't remember seeing Dario come back.

"It must have been when you were on your lunch break, Frank"

"Oh, I see. This man says he's a detective and that he wants to ask some questions"

"It's fine, Frank."

"Ah, ok then"

After his brief conversation with Frank was over, Dario shifted his attention back to Jonah. "So, detective. If you have some more questions, how about we go to the nearby cafe?" he suggested.

Jonah watched as Dario made his way down the stairs. He couldn't help but smirk a bit. He was no doubt surprised that Jonah was actually able to catch up to him. To be honest, a part of it had to do with luck. "I had a few more questions for you, Mister Brando." He said in response when Dario said he wasn't expecting to see him again so soon. "The cafe sounds fine." He said, as he prepared to follow him out of the hotel. Jonah began to mentally prepare himself for any mind games Dario would try to play with him. There was no way he could bluff his way out of this now, an Dario knew it. Culprit or not, he had something to do with that attack...and Jonah was going to find out what. 
Dario was a regular customer at that specific cafe. He simply entered, went towards one of the tables near the window, sat down, and then ordered a cappucino. "So, detective, for wanting to talk to me again so soon, it must be quite important" as he said that he drank some of his cappucino. "Am I wrong?" he asked, still acting nonchantly.

He was seriously curious about Jonah. Why did he want to ask Dario more questions? Did he seem suspicious? He shouldn't have seemed suspicious for a normal person. But maybe Jonah wasn't normal. The only explanation as to how he managed to follow Dario Brando, other than pure luck, was that he was either a Hamon User, or a Stand User. Or both. Dario just had to find out in a way or another.

He followed Dario the whole way to the cafe, sitting down and ordering a cappucino as well. "You'd be right." He answered when Dario asked if the reason why he wanted to talk to him again was important. He took out his pen and notebook, ready to write down anything Dario had to say. He was just barely able to keep up with him earlier. Dario had to be a Stand User...however...the ability he had shown on the rooftops was unlike any stand he had ever seen. Maybe it wasn't even a Stand ability?He thought back to the visions in his dreams...he had seen people use a similar was almost as if his dreams were stepping into reality. Dario however seemed like something right out of a nightmare. The more he learned about him, the more intimidating he seemed...although he didn't know why. He of course didn't show any fear on his face. 

"Are you familiar with something called a 'Stand', Dario?" He asked, hoping to catch him off guard by being straight forward with him. 

@Azure Sky
Dario's eyes widdened, but his expression remained the same. "Ah, I am indeed familiar with Stands" was all he said for a short while. He analyzed Jonah, as he drank his cappucino. So this detective knew about Stands, and he was most likely a Stand User as well. Not good. Dario could actually be found out. He couldn't let that happen. He needed a plan, as soon as possible. Fortunately for Dario, he was very intelligent and a quick thinker. It was only took him a few seconds to come up with a solution to his current problem.

"I would have never guessed that I'd meet another Stand User like this" he said, calmly, at least on the surface. "The Unforgiven" as he said that an orange aura formed around his body and his Stand materialized. It was muscular and had most of its body clad in armor. It wore a helmet which looked like the face of a demon, with a horn coming out of it. It had a pair of red eyes.


"This is my Stand. I call it The Unforgiven" he said.

Jonah couldn't help but be slightly intimidated by The Unforgiven's appearance, Of course he didn't show it on his face. He smirked. "Well, after examining the clues left at the crime scene, and the damage done to the scene, and the victims...I came to the conclusion that that kind of damage could only be done by a Stand User. It's only fair I show you mine." He said, as he made his own Stand appear. It looked like some type of Greek god, glowing with a bright orange aura, it's hair looking like fire as it materialized next to the Unforgiven. 


"I call it Hard Day's Night." He said with a smirk. 
"I must say, it has quite the appearance" was Dario's reaction to Hard Day's Night. So radiating, so bright. It also looked powerful, but he knew that he shouldn't judge a book by its cover. He analyzed the Stand some more, than he looked at Jonah. He'd need to see what the detective's Stand was capable of, but everything at its time. He had more urgent matters to take care of.

"So, detective. You wanted to ask me more questions, and right off the hook you asked about Stands. Do you think a Stand user was responsible for the murder of those men?" he asked, sounding and looking serious. He needed to play this strategic game carefully. His opponent was a detective after all, and from what he heard and knew, quite a good one.

Jonah smirked at Dario's reaction to his stand. "Thank you." He said when Dario complimented Hard Day's Night's appearance. He took his pen and notebook back out of his pocket, as he would have to write down any information Dario gave him. "I do think that a stand user responsible for the attacks." He smirked, taking a sip from his cappucino. "And as it stands, you were the only stand user present at the scene at the time the crime was committed." 

He leaned back in his chair, a confident smirk on his face. "You'd better have a damn good alibi, otherwise I may have to assume you did it, Mister Brando." 

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"I belive you are fairly unreasonable, detective" Dario started "How do you know I was the only Stand User at the scene? You just happened to have a hunch and followed me, and I just happened to be a Stand User, but that doesn't proove anything. There could have been others, or the culprit could have simply walked away even before you arrived at the crime scene" he raised a few fair points as he spoke on a calm tone. He continued drinking his cappucino until he finished it, and also made The Unforgiven disappear.

"Oh, I am sure now that you saw me doing those inhuman jumps from one building to another. Let me tell you now, that wasn't a Stand ability. It was an ancient martial art technique. I merely strengthened my body through special breathing. It's called Hamon" he added,not gving the full details, but still enough information for Jonah to understand.

He was right. There could have been other stand users at the scene...Jonah was starting to get nervous, although it didn't show on his face. Dario had to be the one behind it. Why else would he be in such a rush to get away? Hard Day's Night disappeared as well when Dario began explaining how he was able to leap those buildings with what looked like little effort. 

"Hamon?" He said aloud after Dario explained it. He thought back to his dreams...he may have heard that word thrown around a few times. "I think I've heard of that somewhere before..." 'And seen it before in my dreams...' he thought to himself. He then thought back to Dario's alibi. He may have come up with a way to trap him. "If that were the case then you wouldn't have tried to leave the scene in the manner that you did. You obviously didn't want to be seen, hence why you took the rooftops. And your pace only increased once you found out I was following you." He said with a smirk, finishing his own cappucino. "You were trying to get away. And once you found out I was following you, you did everything you could to make sure you wouldn't get caught." He leaned back in his chair, starting to calm down. "Now are you gonna start telling me the truth?" 
Dario looked calmly at Jonah. There were multiple things he could have said at that point as a counter to his accusation. "I needed to get to a safe place quick. Those men were definetly killed by a Stand User. I don't know how wide the range of the Stand is, or who, or where the user was. But I didn't want to find out. Running away quickly from a danger zone was the smartest thing to do, don't you think? I understand why you'd-" before he could finish Dario saw a man looking at them from another table, smirking. He looked dangerous.


"Sweet Dreams"

As he said that, a Stand manifested. It had a rather surreal appearance. It was skeleton clad in armor. The skull had three eye sockets.


Suddenly, Dario felt like his whole body went numb. And then the Stand started to sing. Contrary to its appearance, it had a very beautiful, deep, and almost angelic voice. It sang a lyricless song. However, while the it was beautiful, Dario as well as the rest of the people there started to have an extremely strong headache. Dario couldn't concentrate on calling out his Stand. As the pain was excruciating, he closed his eyes and the sensation of numbness disappeared. He tried to run away to a place where he couldn't hear the Stand. But once he started moving, the pain stopped. He stood in place for a few seconds then the headache reappeared.

"Movement!" with that said, Dario started to continuously move, while avoiding to look at Sweet Dreams. He was analytical and a quick thinker so he realised that Sweet Dreams could somehow mess with his senses, but earlier when he closed his eyes, he also realised that such an ability works only if he actually looks at the Stand.

Jonah listened carefully to Dario's words. He was just about to come up with a counter argument when all of a sudden, Dario stopped mid sentence. The detective started to get the sinking feeling that something was wrong...then he had heard the angelic was absolutely beautiful. He turned his head slightly, and saw Sweet Dreams out of the corner of his eye. It was then that he too began to feel the headache, and not just that, like his entire body was going numb. It was then that he heard Dario shout something. "Movement!" Jonah quickly hopped out of his chair and up to his feet, running to nowhere in particular, just as long as he got away from this new enemy stand. 

He noticed that the pain disappeared when he wasn't looking at the Stand...that would make fighting it all the more difficult. He couldn't get a good view of who the user order to figure that out, he would have to make a risky maneuver. "Hard Day's Night!" He called, his own Stand appearing, albeit a bit slower than normal due to Jonah's faltering concentration. The stand rushed towards Sweet Dreams, sending it's fist rocketing towards it's face. Hard Day's Night had incredible speed and precision, despite it not being the stand's main ability. Although Jonah didn't know it yet, speed and precision seemed to be a recurring ability among the Joestars and their stands. "ORA!" The stand shouted, in Jonah's own voice as it sent a punch directly toward the skull that served as Sweet Dream's face. Jonah looked to the crowd, and would pay attention to whoever would share the pain of the blow. That person would no doubt be the user.  
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Sweet Dreams tanked the hit. It wasn't fast enough to block or dodge all of Hard Day's Night's attacks if they were to engage in close quarter combat, but it was durable enough to tank the hits. The User felt some pain, but nothing major. His Stand needed more than that to go down. He looked at Jonah and smiled maliciously. "The problem with people these days is that they only look at the danger that's in front of them" he said, coldly.

Suddenly his Stand stopped singing. It would still induce sensory effects if anyone looked at it. On the other hand, the entire room became extremely cold and everything froze. Obviously the Stand user who attacked Dario and Jonah was not alone.

Once Dario got out of the sound trap that was Sweet Dreams's singing, he started to breathe slowly, harnessing Hamon. It would strengthen his body and make him more resistant to the cold. "The Unforgiven" he called out his Stand and was about to use its ability to attack the unknown Stand User, but before he could do so, a spear of ice cam from the ground, trying to impale him, but it was crushed by The Unforgiven. The other enemy Stand User wouldn't let him do what he wanted, obviously.

"Jonah, while we can't see the other Stand, I am pretty sure its ability is cryokinesis" said Dario.

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