Mifune Compound


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Roleplay Type(s)
For events taking place in or around the land owned by the Mifune clan. Mainly events between arcs.

Yuuki Mifune

Yuuki kept his head down as he walked. He'd broke off from the team not long after they entered Kemuri. Their work was done for the day, Kazuo had effectively dismissed them. His steps were slow, the genin felt almost like he was weighted down by something. While the day might not have been overly demanding physically, it'd left him drained mentally.

They'd failed. Hundreds in Koseki died and there wasn't a damn thing they could do about it.

Useless . . .

Outside of pulling Ryu out of the way from an attack he'd been practically useless to his team. Some shinobi he was turning out to be. Was it because he was still so far behind his peers in the clan? Yuuki rubbed his eyes, a hot bath and sleep was sounding good . . . Finally the gates to the land owned by the Mifune came into view. He didn't want to answer the questions he family doubtlessly had for him.


Tida Oda


As Yuuki would approach home, and old man, his neighbor, crouched in his garden. He was garbed in gardening gear, a large brimmed hate covering his head, and large gloves on his hands, a trowel in one of them. As a shadow passed over him, he perked up to it.

"Ah, master Mifune. Would you mind helping an old man out for a minute? I bought a few new Sundews, and I must admit, planting them is turning out to be quite a chore with Kemuri's soil. I might just have to buy some. It's taken me all day, and I'm still not happen."

Looking up, a warm smile was on the old man's face. Tida Oda had been a neighbor to the Mifune clan for years since they had moved into the village. He had a particular kinship with Yuuki, both of them being rather avid gardeners. Even when they weren't seeing eachother as neighbors, they'd often run into eachother in the same stores. Tida had started to think of Yuuki like his own grandson, and almost always had a piece of Meiji's chocolate in his pocket just to give to the young man. Such chocolate was quickly produced as Tida approached Yuuki, slipping it into his hands.

Tida paused to look up and down at Yuuki. His eyes settled on the headband, quickly registering Yuuki as a ninja. That was something that had never come up between the two of them, and around Kemuri could quickly change one's opinion. Tida's gentle smile fell into a worried grimace at the young shinobi.

"Oh my, Yuuki... you look like you've just a very bad day. Would you like to tell me about it? I'll prepare some tea inside, the Sundews will just have to wait now won't they? It was getting late anyways."

Tida's arm extended around Yuuki's shoulder, leaning on him reassuringly.
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Yuuki Mifune

Yuuki stopped in his tracks at the sound of Tida's voice. While he'd normally be happy to see a friend, this time it took him a few moments to even look over at him. "Tida-san . . . " Normally the boy would be more than willing to lend a hand in getting the stubborn flowers and soil to cooperate. He'd found tending to the few gardens around his clan's home a good way to relax from hours of training. It was certainly far more enjoyable than being stuck inside reading scrolls and practicing calligraphy...

He glanced down to the piece of chocolate that had been placed in his hands. "I'm not sure 'bad' even begins to cover it . . . " He murmured finally. Yuuki hesitated for a brief moment, part of him still wanted to go home and just collapse into bed and forget about what happened in Koseki. But he didn't want to deal with everyone asking how his first real mission (by clan standards) had gone yet. "Yeah, tea sounds good . . . thank you." Yuuki's voice was still uncharacteristically low as he followed Tida inside.

"That bad, huh?"


With that Tida led Yuuki to his living room. Tida's room was simple, and well cleaned.  It seemed to reflect the man it belonged to quite well. Of the distinctive features in it was a grandfather clock, long since stopped, a glass cabinet with two cracked teacups, and a wedding photo between the two, with a stack of letters as well. One of the letters was marked with an odd symbol, others were simply bills, and various donations to charity. Despite the simple house, some of the donations envelopes seemed to be quite filled.




Tida himself entered the kitchen as he left Yuuki in the living room, and spoke across a counter.


"Sadly, there's not much I can offer, young Yuuki, but I can offer you an ear, some tea, and chair that is rather comfy if I do say so myself. Would you happen to have use for any of the three by chance? I understand if as a shinobi, perhaps parts are classified, but you yourself are not, are you?"


Yuuki Mifune

Yuuki shifted, slowly nodding as he followed Tida inside. Shoes stored neatly on the shelf in the entranceway, he quietly took a seat in the living room resting the kojiri of his sword on the floor as his hands still gripped the hilt. It wasn't long before his forehead was pressed against the top of the hilt. "No, I'm not," the mental exhaustion was evident in the boy's voice. "Besides, you probably know me too well at this point."

Of course until just a few minutes ago Tida was unaware of Yuuki following the path of the shinobi. Though considering his clan's reputation, it was hard to imagine him walking down any other path. However considering the amount of work both he and Tida had put into various gardens over the years . . .

Maybe he did see him doing something different.

Tida Oda

Tida's head similiarly bobbed as Yuuki spoke. The boy was tired, that was easy enough to see.

"Oh, well, I do hope I've learned a thing or two. It's hard to appreciate someone you don't very well know, now isn't it?"

After a minute of messing in the kitchen, Tida came in to join Yuuki, sitting on another nearby chair, this one was a pink color however. The sound of folding fabric was followed by a long deep sigh.

"I must admit though, it is a little worrying seeing that headband. I've known many shinobi over the years, and it is not an easy life. It's little wonder the work of a shinobi can leave one scarred and exhausted. It is to carry both your load, and everybody else's. Still, there are happy ones, I hope you'll be one of them, even if you are not tonight. 

Now that I think about it though, I don't suppose I could think of a more fitting job for such a kind and strong young man such as yourself. I know I would certainly entrust my life to you."

Tida leaned in closer to Yuuki.

"If I might ask, what makes Master Yuuki an unhappy fellow tonight? Is it a bad teammate? A harsh mission? Or perhaps nothing an old man ought concern himself over."

As Tida talked, his fingers seemed to twitch outspread ever so slightly, it wasn't a tick he normally had, but at the line of questions, it became slightly more apparent. 

[SIZE= 26px]Yuuki Mifune[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(255, 140, 0)]"Now that I think about it though, I don't suppose I could think of a more fitting job for such a kind and strong young man such as yourself. I know I would certainly entrust my life to you."[/COLOR]

Yuuki flinched away at Tida's words. While he'd meant for the words to be comforting, all they had done was remind Yuuki of the complete failure that their secondary mission had turned into. The genin shifted, chewing his lip slightly as he tried to think of an explanation. Had his eyes not been focused on the floor, the usually observant boy would have no doubt caught notice of Tida's unusual movements.

"You . . . you saw all that smoke from Koseki, didn't you?" Yuuki finally said quietly. The chances of Tida not seeing that giant column of smoke and dust were pretty low all things considered. "Someone made an entire section of the city collapse . . . We tried to stop them, we really did." He clenched his fists, trying to stop them from shaking. Yuuki squeezed his eyes shut to try to keep the burning tears from escaping.

[SIZE= 14px]"Thousands of people died and there wasn't a damn thing we could do about it!"[/SIZE]

Tida Oda


A large bang would likely startled the young man, it was Tida's fist that slammed on the coffee table. The old man raised his voice, something Yuuki probably never had seen him do.

"Of course there was! If there was nothing that could have been done, or nothing more to do, then you'd already have given up on being a ninja, because it would just happen again. Kemuri, Koseki, all these lands have to rely on you to figure out what it is, because if you don't, all our dreams and future mean nothing! A ninja will fail, yes, and that's why it's so damn hard on all of -er-them. You failed, but if you can't do anything about it next time, who can? If you just shrug that off to someone else, they are going to do same damn thing, and they'll fail again. That will still make it your fault!"

Tida looked down at his fist, and realized his breathing was a bit fast. He leaned back in the chair, and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry about that Yuuki. It's just.... I've known very few happy Shinobi. The only one I really knew well, lived like that. He always said 'if it's right, do it'. He failed, heh, likely many times, but I do not believe he had any regrets until he passed away. Every other one I've known in passing has been suffocated by one or two failures, and they refused to move on. At some point, they just don't care, they can't be happy. You're far stronger and kinder than that shinobi Yuuki, I'd just like you to be happy."

The sound of the teapot whistling cut through the room, and Tida slowly raised himself to go get it, fumbling with teacups in the next room.

"I believe I'll stop by the shrine tonight after this. I had no idea such a tragedy had occurred in Koseki. Even if I don't care for the city.... Izanami takes a thousand indeed."

Yuuki Mifune

The boy gave a startled jump at the loud bang of Tida slamming his fist against the table, barely managing to keep his sword from falling to the floor. He stared at Tida in shock for a moment. In all the years he'd known the man, never once had he heard him raise his voice.

But now . . .

Yuuki flinched away at the harsh words, he gaze returning to the floor. So there was something more he could have done . . . he should have been able to stop it . . . But he didn't.

Failure . . .

The sheathed blade fell to the floor as Tida stepped from the room. The rest of his words had slipped past the genin as Yuuki held his head in his hands. He could have saved them, he should have saved them. But he did nothing . . . Some poor excuse for a shinobi I turned out to be.
A knock could be heard from the Mifune compound, brisk, loud, and very formal in its tapped. Tida had rarely actually been to the compound, normally he'd simply talked over the fence to his neighbor as they'd passed. Still, Yuuki was the only one he really got to talk to. And for this reason he came, carrying with him a small crate.

After a moment the gate opened revealing a slightly younger man, appearing somewhere in his thirties. Dark red eyes studied the stranger and the crate he held for a moment before speaking, "Can I help you?"

Tida had a pleasant smile on his face.

"If you would. I come wishing to speak to master Yuuki. If you wouldn't mind taking me to him, I'm old, and this is heavy. I'd rather not put out my back if it is all the same. Thank you good sir."

The clan member blinked, nodding as he motioned for Tida to follow him. Reaching the house Yuuki stayed in with his family didn't take all that long as the two stepped inside. "He's likely with his father if you'd like to set that down for the time being." He motioned to a small shelf by the entrance.

Tida's smile didn't fade, but his eyebrows showed a sense of stubborness.

"Ah, but this box is the reason for my visit."

Tida still carried it, continuing onward.

The younger man sighed, shrugging his shoulders in surrender. "Alright then, they're probably this way." As the two walked further inside, Tida could see the house was clean and well kept. Though strangely quiet . . . seemed Ayame and Tsubaki weren't home at the moment. 

Turning down a hall, they could hear voices drifting from behind a closed door. 

"Close, but if even one character's off, the seal won't work."

"How is it wrong?" Yuuki groaned in frustration, "It looks just like yours."

A light knock interrupted the pair as the younger clan member slid the door open and offered a low bow. "Forgive me for interrupting,"  he straightened, "but there's a visitor looking for Master Yuuki."

Dark blue eyes moved to Tida, surprise flickering across Go's face for an instant before returning to a more neutral expression. 

Yuuki glanced up from the scroll he'd been glaring at. "Mister Tida, what are you doing here?" He set the calligraphy brush down, black smudges of ink along his fingers. He glanced to Go, silently asking a question.

The clan head sighed, "I suppose you can take a break for the time being."

Tida raised his eyebrows as he saw Go, a look of surprise flashing briefly, before disappearing as fast as it'd been there. His warm expression greeted Yuuki.

"Ah, Master Yuuki. A little birdy told me you had a trip coming up. I wished to drop off a few gifts before you left. I do hope I'm not interupting anything here, sir Gou. You have an amazing son. I must admit, I'm jealous."

With that, Tida placed the small crate infront of Yuuki. A small crack was heard, and Tida lifted himself back up, stretching his back, his hand on it.

"The years are not kind to the elderly, are they?"

Yuuki blinked, looking up at Tida, "How did you . . . ?" He shook his head, Tida seemed to have a way with finding such things out sometimes.

Go shook his head, "Only calligraphy practice. I'm sure you've spent your fair share of time doing the same." He allowed a slight smile to show at Tida's compliment, "Thank you. It seems the two of you are rather good friends."

Yuuki nodded, peering into the crate as curiosity got the better of him. More than enough pieces of chocolate and other small candies for the trip lay inside. A fresh bottle of oil to protect the blade of a sword could be seen along with a new whetstone. The Genin picked up a long strip of black cloth studying it for a moment. It seemed to be the same material the cloth of his headband was. The last few months of training hadn't been too kind to it.

He beamed a smile up at Tida, "Thank you!"

"Mission's often tend to be just as tough on one's equipment as they do on one's self. And I don't suppose I'll have the chance for a while to give you a piece of chocolate for a while, so consider this a month's worth. I must say, apologies to you sir Gou, if I had known I'd run into you, I'd have brought a gift as well, something more suited to one of your stature." 

With that, Tida put his hands in his pocket, and bowed.

"I do hope your mission's a success Master Yuuki." 

Yuuki stood, offering a bow in return. "Thank you again. The mission shouldn't be too bad if the weather's decent."

[SIZE= 26px]Gō [/SIZE]Mifune

[SIZE= 26px]Tida Oda[/SIZE]


Time seemed to move slowly and peacefully at the Oda house as Tida tried his best to make his guest feel at home. Granted, it was his neighbor, but Tida was never one to skimp on hospitality. 


With a warm smile he brought Gō Mifune his tea. 


[SIZE= 14px]"Always wonderful to have friends over, I dare say it warms up this house. Huh, who'd have thought the Demon King would be drinking tea at my home? So tell me Gō, how has the village been lately? I must admit, I haven't seen much of our new kage."[/SIZE]


Gō accepted the cup of tea with a polite nod, taking a slow drink while his host spoke. He'd been wondering why he was invited to tea by Falling Skies Tida of all retired Jounin. There was likely more to it than a simple chat. The old Mifune set the tea cup down on the table between them. "This village . . ." Gō shook his head slightly, "I'm sure the state of the village is rather apparent. Even if you're not necessarily in the loop anymore."


Tida sat in what was his wife's chair with a deep sigh.


[SIZE= 14px]"I visited Koseki yesterday. To be frank, while I'd love to say it was getting to know a neighbor, I was more hoping someone could tell me I was wrong. I'd hoped having a new, more vigorous kage would change things."[/SIZE]


He slowly sipped at his own tea, looking down at it, before shaking his head.


[SIZE= 14px]"Be honest with me, Gō. Do you see anything changing anytime soon? The only good I seem to see in the future is your son so far. And if he just gets dragged into the same routine as the rest of us did... Then we'll still have children in sewers. No amount of chocolate can help their situation."[/SIZE]


Gō was silent for several moments, watching the steam rising from his tea in thin, wispy ribbons. Finally, a sigh escaped from his lips. "As a clan head, my opinion is also considered that of my clan's. Such a thing could have . . . serious ramifications."


Another sip from the tea as he chose his words carefully. "But as a friend, I'll say that unless Kemuri finds itself an ally or more stable source of missions and support than Koseki nothing will change."


Despite the serious conversation, a chuckle did escape from Tida.


[SIZE= 14px]"I do see we are more than our titles."[/SIZE]


Tida stared out the window.


[SIZE= 14px]"And after the war, the village really did die, the great city handing out scraps as if we were a pet. It really does make me sad. If it doesn't change, if Koseki doesn't figure it out, another village will claim Koseki, likely sack it, finish off our corpse, and that will be it. I feel guilty it's my generation leaving this problem to yours, and we're both praying your son's generation fixes everything. Doesn't seem fair to him, does it?[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]I just wish I could do something in my old age. To be honest, I retired when my wife passed not because I was too old, but I had a... falling out about what to do. These old bones could be useful if I could just find a purpose. I want to leave something to the younger generation. Do you have any thoughts?"[/SIZE]


Gō slowly shook his head, "It's a very delicate situation, that much is certain." Dark blue eyes fell on Tida, "If we merely cut ties with Koseki, the nobles would merely hire another village to wipe this one out. Attempting to wipe out the village or just the nobility runs the risk of drawing other villages into things." A quiet sigh, "But doing nothing also damns Kemuri."


A no win situation it seemed . . . 


[SIZE= 14px]"There are other options however. Just none that stick out to me. We could save Kemuri, what from, that's something they would only know. Afterall, a ninja sees under the underneath. We could reform it. Still, perhaps too slow, none of them really stick to me. In my eyes, what's right is right. I often think often we over complicate it." [/SIZE]


After a long pause, Tida merely drank from his tea. 


"I understand where you're coming from," Gō's gaze never left Tida. "At the same time, I can't say I agree that potentially sparking another war is the best way to help this generation. Something needs to be done, that much is obvious. But I can't risk my clan, my children, in something that could just as easily make things far worse as it could alleviate the situation."


[SIZE= 14px]"As I said, there are other options. There are always ways of doing things. But I don't move from my position of we know Koseki is poison."[/SIZE]


"They are, I doubt any Jounin would deny that." Gō gave a faint chuckle, "You forget Yuuki's one of the only Mifune to grow up in Kemuri. I'm practically an outsider looking in on this matter."


Tida chuckled.


[SIZE= 14px]"I wish I could see the way your eyes do, to move here, and have faith in it from afar? And yet, I do think there's something special about that boy. He's gentle. How many ninja could you say that about? That other boy living with you is because of him, isn't he? I think he is someone I could easily trust my life to. If he were to be seen a hero... maybe things could start to change for this village."[/SIZE]


Tida shook his head.


[SIZE= 14px]"I don't know much about the rest of his generation, are they all that promising? His friend lives with you, does he not? I don't mean promising in fighting. My generation's probably unsurpassed in that, and look how beautiful we made Kemuri."[/SIZE]


Gō nodded, taking a drink from the warm tea. "Yuuki's always had a gentle spirit, something I hope will never change." He chuckled, "And he is responsible for Ryunosuke living with us. Practically dragged him there though, pride can be a rather stubborn thing. Something I'm sure we've both learned one way or another."


The empty teacup clinked lightly against the table as it was set down. "As for the rest of his class, it's hard to say. Though the ones I've seen do have the potential to become something more."


Tida thoughtfully put his empty teacup down as well, thinking on what his friend had said.


[SIZE= 14px]"Hmm, that is good news, a ray of hope.  By the way Gō, have you seen my tulips? They are are really starting to come in."[/SIZE]
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Mochizuki && Ayame Part II : A Friendly Spar



Ayame stretched a little as she led Mochizuki over to an open patch many Mifune used for training grounds. Various targets and dummies had been set up for the practice of shurikenjutsu and taijutsu. Of course kenjutsu could be practiced on them too, but it was preferrably done with a bokken. Replacing slashed targets had a tendency to get old after awhile...

She turned to face the ever eager Genin. "We'll be working out here today, doesn't do a shinobi any good to only train their minds after all."


Mochizuki smiled excitedly. She felt something was odd, then realized her wings weren't buzzing. Her face faltered only for a minute, before regaining her excitement. They'd grow back. And they only ever got in the way, she should be glad they were gone... why wasn't she? But more important things buzzed through her mind.


"I really wanna see how strong Ayame is! I know you're a shinobi, and really, really good with medical stuff. So, what we doing today? Some super secret training!"


Mochizuki lowered her goggles in anticipation, something she only did in her personal training and fights, a sign she was actually serious... a pretty rare thing actually.


"What are we doing, friend?"


Ayame couldn't help but smile slightly at the girl's seemingly boundless energy. It was good to know that she was still determined despite the recent hardships. She reached back into a pouch as she spoke, "we'll be sparring. I want to see how you carry yourself in the heat of battle." With that, she withdrew her own headband, tying it on as her expression grew more serious. "Strike as though you mean to kill, don't expect me to go easy on you just because you're my student."




Mochizuki was even more excited now than ever, though in the back of her mind, she heard 'phantom water whips', and nearly flinched instinctively.


"Distance, 5 meters, theta 5, 15, 90."


Mochizuki started with a series of handsigns, and a deep breath in preparation of her 3 shots, two airborne, one straight to jugular. Ayame wouldn't ask for something she couldn't handle.  


"Don't leave yourself so open!" Ayame called as water shuriken flew towards Mochizuki. The moment the jutsu had been sent, Ayame already had a scroll out, water pouring out onto the ground. 


Mochizuki cried out, a large amount of wind from her lungs released in an accidental burst. Putting her hand to her side, she saw a bit of blood from a cut from the water shuriken. Why was it always shuriken? Wait.... that had hurt! Ayame was being serious on the not going easy thing. It wasn't going to be like when she'd sparred with Seji. She knew he'd been holding back. The fact he let her get off her Impacting Shot was proof of that.


Mochizuki started panicking, how was she suppose to make an opening to even get her initial jutsu off if she just got hit by shuriken? Her dart gun was way weaker without it. And beyond that, Ayame had already started amassing her water, it wasn't getting easier.


Mochizuki decided to do what generally worked with surprise, and stuck her hand in her pouch, rushing forward at Ayame. She held her blowgun like a bobbystick.


Seems like that first strike shook her up more than I anticipated, Ayame thought, watching the girl's initial panic. As Mochizuki began her charge, Ayame wove signs for her own jutsu, three signs the genin was no doubt familiar with. Rat, dog, ox, Water Style: Water whip. The tendril of water leapt from the ground and into her grasp.


Mochizuki suddenly a had meddley of flashbacks of that jutsu.... Many, many memories of water whips getting her attention when she'd lost focus. The sound alone made her flinch. She had to do something though! Mochizuki already knew she couldn't dodge it, that hadn't worked well last time. 


The sound of paper crumbling sounded from Mochizuki's bag, before she threw a ball of paper straight at the whips base, near a foot away from Ayame's hand.


"I gots this!"


The tendril of water crashed down on the paper wad, knocking to the ground between them. "Aiming for the base of the jutsu; better." The water coiled back before springing out towards Mochizuki.


Mochizuki was still a bit away from calm as she moved, instantly going for the 'kai' symbol at the paper before it hit the whip. It was knocked back before it could detonate though, still after Mochizuki could stop it. A blast sounded between the two, spraying water around in the blast, and certainly knocking Mochizuki back. As she was knocked over, and she saw the whip pass over her head, where she just was. An idea hit her, calming her instantly. 


Mochizuki's hand, still by her pouch, grabbed a tear grenade, and threw it into the water whip before it returned to Ayame.


She had an idea, that meant she could act, which meant she wasn't helpless here. Ayame was way strong, but if Mochizuki was going to be a great ninja, she had to be able to go toe to toe with ninjas like Ayame, or Seji, or Shingen. Even if she was way younger than them, she couldn't just let herself be afraid. In some ways, she was happy she'd gotten to fight Shingen, even if it did leave her with a scar, and nearly went way worse.


The blast from the paper bomb was enough to force Ayame to stagger back, even with a wall of water that had been raised. Gathering chakra in her feet, the Jounin kept herself from falling. A reckless move on Mochizuki's part, but at least she listened and was striking with the intention to kill. Once she recovered from the blast Ayame moved to ready another strike from her water whip. 


Something small moved out of the corner of her eye, caught in her whip. The tear grenade detonated before she could completely encase it in water. "Ngh," even with her water it would be a few moments before the burning subsided. "Robbing an enemy of their sight, a wise decision." Eyes forced closed, she shifted to a different sign, "But don't think you're the only one that can do that." 


Hiding in the Mist.


Mochizuki suddenly got more excited. Ayame's jutsu reminded her of her fight with Shingen, who she had to get better than. If she could just figure out how to get past this.... she might be able to be stronger than Shingen. One thing at a time though. The endless mist thought gave her at least the apparence of space, what a sniper needed. It robbed her of sight though.


It was a tough pickle. Mochizuki rummaged for her salve, to apply it to her wound, carefully molding the chakra for the finnicky salve. If she took a breath with a jutsu, Ayame would know exactly where she was. So what should she do? She put hand back in the pouch.


Ayame listened to the unusual quiet, it seemed Mochizuki had calmed herself, her breathing having steadied to where she could no longer hear it. The lack of splashes from footsteps pointed to her remaining still as well. Ayame may not have been nearly as skilled in tracking her opponents through sound as Tsubaki, but there were some things she could still gather. Weaving another sign three clones rose from the water, allowing her to back out of the dense mist and treat her eyes.


Mochizuki thought about what to do, then moved like the mad fairy she was. Her hand flew out of her pouch, items scattering, and Mochizuki started a series of handsigns, in order to take a deep, deep breath, preparing. Ayame could go and move, that was alright.  She could just try and counter. 'sides, she was covered by water, moving would have made sound... other than the clattering items and deep breath.


Splashes from thrown items and an unnatural breath drew the clones' attention. Two called on water whips while the third wove signs for an entirely different jutsu. Water Style: Water Heavens' Convergence. Decently sized orbs of water moved to float around each of the clones. The clones carrying the water whips started advancing on Mochizuki, one of them allowing their steps to splash to draw her attention away from the second.


Mochizuki heard the steps, Ayame was coming closer, this was good! Then Mochizuki remembered Ayame's shuriken from earlier, and worried she'd get hurt by another. She'd just healed the wound from one, it'd be annoying to use up all of Ayame's super secret salve for this one spar. Besides, she had to prove Ayame she could fight. Ayame was the first person to ever believe in Mochizuki, to lose now might make her not believe in her. She had to show she could do. Mochizuki closed her eyes, she didn't need them anyways. Her wings would be twitching awkwardly at this point by how quiet she'd been if not for A) They were clipped at the moment, and B) She was using every bit of control she had to try and stay focused. It was hard. Mochizuki hand went again into her pouch. 


Three splashes were heard leading forward from Mochizuki. 


No erratic movements, no shots fired blindly into the mist, Ayame couldn't help but smile as Mochizuki was beginning to mature. She had the potential to become a fine shinobi indeed. The noisier of the clones sprang forward, whip coiled to strike the blowgun from the girl's hands. The one moving more quietly launched its orb of water for the Genin's abdomen, looking to knock the wind out of her and ensnare her in the beginnings of a water prison.


Mochizuki was a bit saddened that Ayame didn't fall for her thrown darts as footsteps while laying down, but Ayame was supersmart, of course she wouldn't. 


It was then Mochizuki saw Ayame coming at her, her whip at the ready, changing to grab her blowgun. Mochizuki's handsign activated as the whip flew at her. 




The items she'd scattered beforehand exploded right under Ayame. In the wake of the explosion, Mochizuki couldn't see Ayame anywhere. She shot up


"Oh my gosh! Ayame!" 


A waterball reassuringly flew at her, and Mochizuki ducked under it again. The mist was gone, but the smoking crater now stood between Mochizuki and the real (probably clone) Ayame. She was alright, that was good... She was superstrong, of course she was fine! Mochizuki had to get stronger near her level. Of course, she had to try.


Mochizuki took the moment to leap up, and run towards the rest of the training dummies, and quickly did a few handsigns.


Transformation jutsu


Another dummy joined their ranks.


Explosives . . . she probably should have figured it would be more explosives. Ayame was probably going to have to have a talk with Mochizuki about her liberal use of paper bombs. Granted I did tell her to strike as if she meant to kill... That of course didn't mean the Genin needed to nearly blow herself up twice now.


The pair of clones regrouped, the one that survived the blast having seen Mochizuki's retreat from the mist. The jutsu having served its purpose, the mist began to dissipate revealing the gathering of curious clan members. Granted just about anyone would want to know what the hell was going on when a series of explosions went off in what was practically their backyard.


The new recruit among the legion of training dummies watched vigilantely, seeing three Ayames.


Aw.... clones. Which ones the real one? I should be able to impress her if I can take down just one more.... Wait, wait Mochizuki. If you can just get them when they aren't paying attention...


Mochizuki's muscles were basically near spasm point. She'd never been still this long in her life. She even turned and twitched more movement  than this when she slept.


"Using your surroundings to hide in plain sight, good . . . very good." A clone, still brandishing its water whipe spoke. Dark eyes scanning the surrounding area. One of the remaining Ayames leapt away to speak with the crowd while the last one called on a water whip.


As the one clone turned to talk to the crowd, the rising training dummy poofed, turning into Mochizuki, flunking forever as a mere training dummy. 


Her dart gun was in her hand, and her lungs filled. Mochizuki fired quickly at the back of her head, not preparing any additional jutsu beyond her enhanced breath. Behind her was a gap in the crowd, it'd be fine.... probably.


"Theta, 18, target, locked."


Mochizuki herself started a series of handsigns, wind coating the next dart she picked up, before she fired it upwards at 18 degrees theta, ready for the whipping she was sure was going to happen, probably from the first clone. At least she could try and take out one more clone before Ayame got serious.


The first dart nearly hit its mark, only to be swatted from the air by an arm made of chakra. The emerald eyes of the Mifune responsible seemed to bore into Mochizuki.


Both remaining Ayames moved forward, whips seemingly at the ready. Though only one followed through on swinging the whip, the second instead pulled her sleeve out of the way and fired several senbon towards the Genin. The spring loaded device was capable of firing them faster than normally thrown.


Mochizuki looked disappointed at her blocked dart.


"Aw come on! Am I sparring everyone? This is harder than Seji."


The water whip connected, sending Mochizuki back, with an all too familiar impact. Mochizuki still stood, loading another dart into her dart gun. Her entire body ached from the blow though. Then the other Ayame slid her arm back, and fired senbon after senbon at Mochizuki. Mochizuki got peppered, not able to block any of them. They all stung, very hard. Mochizuki felt really heavy too. Mochizuki however, stood still with the gun loaded, and fired a last shot at the Ayame that had fired them. 


Then she decided the ground was real friendly and needed a hug as she fell to her side.


Every senbon hit its mark yet she remained standing, if even for a moment. Mochizuki had a strong spirit, there was no denying that. A snap of the water whip still in the real Ayame's hand knocked the final dart from the air. She moved towards her, ignoring the crash from the Impacting Shot that took out her clone. With the match ended, the remaining water clone quickly explained the situation and dispersed the crowd before turning to water once more.


Reaching Mochizuki's side, Ayame sat on the ground next to her a soft smile on her face. "You did very well, Mochizuki. I'm proud of you"


A soft "yay" came from Mochi's lips. In reality, her soul was screaming it, but, anesthetic tended to do that. Her muscles complained even more now than ever about her lack of moment, now she didn't need any willpower, because the medicine blocked any way to actually move them. 


Still, Mochizuki was starting to see shuriken of any form, hiro, bo, or senbon, all sucked.  She couldn't do anything against it. Seji was reluctant and still got her a handfull of times. Ayame had got her.... well, it was harder to pinpoint a part of her body she hadn't got hit by a needle. Oh well, it was fun, Mochizuki couldn't wait to do it again. She looked into the confused crowd, and tried waving to Yuuki. She didn't quite manage to move so much as a finger though.


Oh well, Ayame would have her patched up in no time.


Ayame worked on carefully removing the needles, healing the wounds with her medical jutsu as she went. They would have to work on blocking . . . or dodging. Then again Gou had wind for his chakra nature, perhaps he could teach her something?


The sound of footsteps made Ayame pause for a moment in treating Mochizuki. She looked over to see Yuuki running up to them. "Mochizuki what the hell were you doing setting off-"




"You shouldn't curse infront of a lady!"


Ayame nodded in agreement with her student. Yuuki, however, was on his knees, clutching the back of his head from the smart snap of a water whip. "We were only sparring," Ayame returned to treating Mochizuki, "Something you and your father should be doing more of. The Chuunin exams are coming up soon after all. Though Mochizuki, you and I are going to have a little talk about your generous use of paper bombs."

Mochizuki && Ayame Part III: The Tonbo and Mifune Clans

Mochizuki's room was, as normal, a mess. In fact, it was more a nest than a room. It was. It was rather impressive she could get it that messy considering the amount of time she spent away from it: as much as possible. Mochizuki didn't hate her folks or anything, she just hated... well, everything about the house. It was so clean and orderly, and her parents moreso. She'd probably get along better if they weren't so stiff!


Her little nest was a great break from the rest of order. The mess was mostly books and papers spread across in every direction, Mochizuki owned almost nothing else other than ninja equipment (which was buried in notes).  


However, today was a little bit diffferent as far as the type of mess. Her desk was filled materials, plastic sheathes and salve. A crude tube was filled with the stuff, and Mochizuki's hands were engrossed in trying to seal another one. Her goggles were on, the sign of Mochizuki's concentration. A knock interupted her. Mochizuki curiously picked up a stopwatch on her table, and started it, putting it in her ninja pouch.


"I didn't mean to land on the petunias!"


The door slid open, her father calmly walking into her room. At the sound of crunching paper, his eyebrows furrowed, and he scanned around, in awe and disappointment. As far as what he had stepped in, a book titled 'Advanced Geometry', though he never glanced at the title. Whatever Mochizuki did with her book money was her decision, and considering the large amount of crayons on the floor, he guessed the real contents of the books.. He was as much disappointed she treated her books so poorly as he was the fact her room was a biohazard.


"No, no, I'm not here for... you landed on the petunias!? You know how hard your mother- ! 

Nevermind. I'm here for a more important matter. Tomorrow, the clan head is visiting, so -" 


"Disappear, gots it."


Mochizuki was still engrossed in her tools.


"I'd rather you stayed and behaved, but...."


"Eh, we know I can't. Last time I kinda fell off a roof ontop'a him. Wonder if he still remembers me?"


Mochizuki's focus was still on the tube she was trying to wrap. It seemed to work, and she excitedly held it up to inspect her work. Shaking it slightly, it started to leak, near exploding on the desk. Her face pouted as some got on her goggles.


"Very much so."


Mochizuki hands returned to the work.


"What are you working on anyways? That doesn't look like a typical jutsu your sensei would be able to teach. I thought I asked him to focus on elements...."


"Oh, meds stuff. That salve stuff friend taught me works great, but I'm a sniper, I can't help people if they are far away. So I'm making it into a bullet!"




"Oh yeah, she's taught me ton of med stuff. She's really experienced at it, wish I was as good."


Realization dawned on Mochizuki.


"Dangit! I was keeping training as a med nin a secret!"


Her father's face slipped into confusion, then joy.


"You found someone in the village to teach you Medical jutsu? That's.... wonderful. Someone of your disposition is much better away from the action. I still would prefer you would take up a different trade. Hmm, was it Yamamoto? I always believed he would be a more appropriate sensei than Seji. He's not a bad person, but an instructor of a Tonbo, it always seemed out of place."


"Who? Nah, friend Ayame! She's great! She helped heal my throat when I got stabbeded. I kinda followed her home, and she took me on as a apprentice. 'sides, Seji's good."


"Hmmm. I don't believe I've met her. You should introduce me sometimes."


"Let's go then!"


Mochizuki leaped out of her studies. Any excuse to see Ayame was a good one! Plus, she hoped Ayame could maybe say a good word or two to her dad. Her dad always looked so disappointed whenever he talked. Mochizuki swore she'd be a great ninja. She wasn't there yet, but maybe she was at least being decent enough someone could speak about her with a shred of respect. Yeah, she'd messed up, but it didn't mean it was over. 


Mochizuki grabbed her father's hand, and just about forced him into following her.


" I know a shortcut!"


- one shortcut later -


Mochizuki ran into the hospital, spying Ayame from afar, and waving to her.


"Hey, Ayame! I gots someone to show ya!"


The older Jounin peeked out at her from the cluster of doctors and nurses that currently surrounded her, all trying to speak with her at the same time. While the village as a whole was lacking in numbers, the medical corps in particular suffered the most in terms of numbers. Ayame motioned for the girl to wait a moment, offering her father a brief glance before returning to straightening things out with her staff.


Mochizuki stood, hovering around on the tips of her feet. It wasn't the worst she'd seen Ayame by any means, mainly because she could still see Ayame. 


Her father straightened his composure, extremely calm facade hiding the recovery from the 'shortcut'. He parted his long hair, patting down a frayed end to appear professional. 


"I did not mean immediately introduce her. This hardly seems the best place to loiter."


"Yeah, but you were free, and said ya wanted to meet her! If I wait, maybe you don't. And it's fine. She'd tell me to come back later if it wasn't."


It took several minutes, but Ayame finally managed to get duties sorted out, mixups fixed, and the inevitable surprise quelled. For the next five minutes at least. With a slight sigh she walked over to the pair, traces of weariness from being stretched thin on her features. "I thought you had a mission today, Mochizuki. Did you finish early?" She was still a Genin, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for them to end up with short and simple jobs.


Provided they weren't raiding the Kage's desk for one.


"Oh yeah, finished it 'fore dawn. Didn't come in cause you looked tired."


"You had a mission today?"


"Yeah, it was easy. Just had to catch this one guy some rabid squirrel.. Oh! right. Ayame, this is my dad. Dad, this is Ayame, she's the super-great medic nin whose been training me! Don't tell anyone though, I wanna surprise people."


The man politely bowed before her.


"I would like to thank you for taking an interest in my daughter, despite how busy it seems you are. I am Tadakatsu of the Tonbo Clan, one of Kemuri's former great ones. I must ask, if you don't mind, what made you take interest in her?"


"It's a pleasure to meet you," Ayame returned the bow. "I am Ayame Mifune, head of Kemuri's Medical Corps." At the question a slight smile crossed her lips, "How could I not? Energy aside, she's a very intelligent young woman with a desire to learn. It would be wrong for me to simply turn her away."


Tadakatsu's face was like stone... though it visible cracked at her introduction. Most notably at her name, and at the reason.


"Intelligence? I see. Mochizuki certainly has desire. She's never lacked that."


He glanced at the scar on her neck, desire indeed.


"Now, when you say Mifune, do you perhaps reference the wandering demon clan, who remained neutral during the war?"


It took effort on Ayame's part not to arch an eyebrow at Tadakatsu's response. Just a few sentences from his mouth and she was beginning to understand why Mochizuki didn't seem all that keen on being at her own home. Not to mention the fact the conversation was quickly headed south. "I suppose that's one name you could call the Mifune by, but yes that would be the clan I was referring to." Her expression remained fairly neutral and polite as she spoke. Concealing emotions was something many shinobi had to learn if they wished to survive in the world after all. 


"A clan infamous throughout Kemuri. I should be flattered. I'm happy at the very least she's taken a more prudent path as a ninja.


 If you would excuse me, I know you must be extremely busy, as am I. I'm glad to meet her role model. Should Mochizuki decide to stay, I leave the decision to her, though I wouldn't want to interupt the saving of lives. Thank you, Mrs. Ayame for the lessons."


Tadakatsu excused himself quickly, and politely as he could, though many of the words he used were well chosen, such as 'infamous', 'should be'.  He had a greater grudge against the Mifune than many other clans. His goal was to restore the Tonbo in Kemuri. To give them reason to stay and be great. They left, and still he pleaded. The Mifune had come, and filled the power vaccuum, crushing his dream.


He looked at Mochizuki before turning to leave, and an entire conversation was held in the one glance. It said more than the sigh and sentence that followed.


"Mochizuki, one day, you'll be incharge of the Tonbo in Kemuri. I'm glad you're becoming "a great ninja", it's an improvement, that makes me happy.  Just.... just try to keep this in mind with appearances."


Mochizuki chose to stay as her father left, calmly walking down the hallway, his massive wings flowling like robes behind him.  A click sounded, and Mochizuki pulled out a stopwatch.


"43'16 minutes. Cerca 30 mins for the trip. I think a new record this year."


She shook her head. She was used to it. His words were nice, but he always had that one look, that disappointed look. What was disappointing about Ayame? She was from a famous clan, wasn't she? He was nice enough, but the eyes were far more honest.


"So, Ayame, how can I help? I know you're busy, do you want me changing bandages and the like on the wing?"


Ayame watched Tadakatsu leave before quietly sighing. She turned to face Mochizuki, there was no point in trying to push the issue of her family for the time being. "I could probably find a few things for you to do if you want. I need to drop these off at my office and then I'll get you a list."


[SIZE= 36px]The swift departure[/SIZE]


The time was early morning. The sun didn't even had time to iluminate everything, as the sky had an orange tint to it. Oddly, Aki was up, in his room, packing something into a backpack. His room was small, but it had a charm to it.


His bed was made and tidy, as always. His small bookshelf looked empty, as he had taken a few scrolls with him now, only a few books standing verticaly. A long sigh overcame him, looking at his open window. 


"You sure you want to do this kid?" Came from Karuy, the tanuki standing on his desk on his back legs. Now, he was wearing a small kimono with a small sword atached to it. "...Yes Tanukaba... It must be done in order to achieve what I want..."


Putting the backpack on his back, Aki moved towards the window, looking back. "...Sorry I couldn't say goodbye sis..." He jumped out the window, Karuy close behind him. Exiting his own garden, he started to walk slowly through the streets, looking down at his feet. "Chin up kid. You might bump into something. Or someon-"


Aki stopped in his tracks, thus making Karuy hit his leg, stopping as well. After rubbing his nose, Karuy looked up, clearly mad. "What did you do that for idiot?!" Aki was looking at the Mifune compound, sighing. He had taught that at least he should let his teacher know that he will be gone. "...Tanukaba, I'll meet you outside the village... I need to talk to someone..." Karuy calmed down, nodding and patting Aki's leg. "Take your time kid."


As he sighed again, Aki's feet were shuffling towards the gate. His hand slowly rose up, knocking on the door, hoping that Tsubaki would answer.


It was a few moments before the gate was opened, Tsuabki stepping out. Judging from her having all of her gear it seemed she was heading to report in for the morning. "Akihiro? What are you doing here so early?" Her dark eyes studied the backpack her student had, "You don't have any missions today . . . Where are you headed?"


Aki gulped and looked down, putting his hands behind hi back. "...I-I... I'm going to train in the K-Kanto Hill region..." He looked around, bitting his lower lip, clearly looking agitated, as he did not want to be seen by his mother, or by someone who knew them. "...I-I came to tell you... s-so I won't be declared a traitor... or a missing-nin..."


"The Kanto Hills? That's quite a ways from here," Tsubaki mused, "Why are you going all the way out there? And with whom?" While she may have trusted her student, it was still her responsibility to protect her genin placed in her care. 


"...K-Karuy, well... Tanukaba, as is his real name... T-The sages there might h-help me learn new jutsu and help me with controlling my chakra..." Aki gulped again, realizing how foolish it sounded. "...I-I trust Tanukaba, a-and I want to be the best I can b-be... and I think the sages might help me..."


"Sages?" The concept wasn't all that foreign to her. Having worked with the snakes from Mt. Ryuuchi for years, she'd heard stories on the White Snake Sage that resided there. "I see..." Tsuabki let out a slow sigh, closing her eyes. "Seems I wouldn't be able to talk you out of this anyway. That said, I do expect to heard from you regularly while you're away." Violet eyes opened and studied him closely. "You don't want me to have to send Sora or Perseus after you. Let alone track you down myself."


Aki smiled a little, looking at her, nodding. "...Sure, Tsubaki sensei... I'll write weekly... I will ask the sage if he can send someone to deliver my letters..." Aki shook his head, shivering a little. "...A-And no, I-I do not want to feel your wrath... I already saw it in action..." Instinctively, Aki slowly touched his hand scars behind his back. In a quick motion, Aki hugged Tsubaki, then let go in the next second, bowing. "...T-Thank you for understanding... I-I should be g-going..."


Tsubaki nodded, "Best of luck to you." A light chuckle left her lips, "Do tell Tanukaba he'll be answering to me if you don't return in one piece. I am leaving you in his care after all."


Waving his head, Aki started to run towards the exit, only casting a small glance behind him. Right after the gate Tanukaba was standing, his little arms on his hips. "You ready kid? It's too late to turn back now." Aki smiled. "...Sure... Let's head out... Also, Tsubaki sensei sends her best..." Tanukaba let out a laugh, starting to walk with Aki towards the sage region, the sun now proudly anouncing the beggining of a new day.


[SIZE= 26px]Kazou Yamamoto[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 26px]Gou Mifune[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 26px]Yuuki Mifune[/SIZE]


It was a bright sunny evening in Kemuri, a peaceful day for all involved. The birds were chirping, the children playing, and all seemed well. If just for this one day. Having allowed the few days for the boy's rest or personal training Kazou thought it best to check up upon his students, see how they were fairing during his stroll about the city. 


One of his final stops was the Mifune household, where Kazou had learned that Yuuki had been continuing his attempts to connect with the family's most familiar summon beasts. Kazou was not entirely thrilled about soon having to deal with such creatures, but they carried a small benefit for being around the summoners of such on occasion. 


Facing the entrance of the Mifune complex, he wondered about Yuuki's progress and how he and Ryu were getting along. Since they were living under the same roof. Regardless he should make his presence known, had it not be known already of course... he should expect somebody of the family to be around soon, they were never one to simply let people wander in. 


"I wonder if Yuuki told them about the rocks... Or perhaps he was too embarrassed? Must've came up now that he can use a tessen... Though if it didn't... perhaps he had neglected training with them? He is a young man... Might be worried how he must look with a fan.." He wondered to himself as he made for the entrance. 


It wasn't long after he knocked that the gate opened. The man looked to be about Kazou's age, tall and slender with dark emerald eyes. He recognized the jounin and motioned for him to enter, leading him towards the main house. "I'm afraid I'm not entirely sure where your student is at the moment, if that's who you've come to see."


"Ah, that is a problem. He is likely-" he paused for a moment before considering what he could actually do here... he hadn't spoken with Gou for a long time, no time like the present to catch up. "Disregard that, is Gou available? It has been far too long since we have spoken." he asked the man, taking a moment to look around the building he has been in so many times before. 


"Or perhaps Ayame? No, she is working if I remember." The man took a moment to think before awaiting the man's words. 


"I'm afraid Lady Ayame is away at the moment." The young Mifune paused briefly, "I believe Lord Gou is in his study."


"Ah, good. Please lead the way, tell him Kazou Yamamoto has come to visit." He didn't particularly plan to come just for him mind, but.. Hey... Why not? He had a slight thought that maybe he could catch Tsubaki while he was here... he toyed with the thought for a moment before pushing it away again. He'd rather not cause her any trouble, likely very busy. 


Yes, very busy, she's a sensei just as he is. 


And she has to deal with MEI's kid, that'd be enough to drive him batty. 


Mind, Mei has certain calmed down recently, her daughter must've stolen most of her energy. 




How time flies. 


The past that forged them,


Did not allow giving up,


Passing hope to us. 




A haiku at a time like this? He was seeing a friend not attending a funeral!!!


With a slight nod, Kazou was lead through the house towards a set of doors. The Mifune paused a moment before opening one of the doors and offering a bow. "I'm sorry to disturb you, Kazou Yamamoto has come to speak with you."


"Kazou?" Gou laid his calligraphy brush aside, "Please, come in, have a seat."


Stepping out of the way, the young man offered Kazou a slight bow before taking his leave.


"Gou, it has been far to long since we have last spoken." Kazou greeted the man happily, for in truth they haven't really found time for one another between the training of Gou's son Yuuki and.... well... Everything else that eats Kazou's time. 


Stepping into the room he took up a place across the man, a smile coming forth as he saw the man was doing well enough. Calligraphy... how long has it been since he has done this? Hadn't he stopped doing it since the boys showed up? One of the many sacrifices one must give to see to his students... 


"Well? How fares the great master of house Mifune?" He chuckled slightly, the title was almost stifling at times for the man no doubt. Hardly anybody Kazou knew would speak to the man so casually. 


Comes with status.


Gou chuckled softly, "Busy as always it seems." He gestured to a pile of scrolls next to him, all of them looking as though the slightest touch would turn them to dust. "These were found in our old village not too long ago. Recovering their text has been an interesting endeavor to say the least."


"Then I'll be happy to distract you from it for a time," he chuckled before continuing. "I was making the rounds today, seeing to the boys and checking if they weren't getting into trouble. Ayumu is as always, thought he is still adjusting to the training weights." he sent Gou a smirk on that one. "Ryu is working away as per usual. And now I've stopped by to see Yuuki and his progress on summoning. Of course, that can be kept back to see a friend of course." A slight chuckle as he wondered just what was within those scrolls.  


He tried to push the thought of snakes away from his mind, and the fact Yuuki will be summoning one henceforth if he gets it right... 


"He's close, your lessons on chakra control have certainly helped in that regard." Gou said as he offered his guest a cup of tea. "He certainly looks up to you though," a low chuckle, "even if he may despise water walking."


Kazou chuckled at the thought. "Like a cat to water that one. But he is slowly getting the hang of it. What better way to gain control of your chakra than a refreshing dunk should you fail." he nodded his head to the man, accepting the cup. "Thank you, he should be progressing rather well, if not then it's the spirits being finicky. As much ceremony there is to the ritual, it is also somewhat like fishing... At times, the fish just will not bite. At least with this it is very unlikely Yuuki will get a douse of water should he fail."  the man laughed at the thought of a spirit dumping a pail of water upon his student and disappearing once again. 


[SIZE= 14px]"Ah, has he shown you the new technique I taught him? or perhaps you noticed the bruises."[/SIZE]


The older jounin laughed at the idea, "considering some of the residents of Mt. Ryuuchi, I almost wouldn't be surprised if such a thing happened." He sighed slightly, leaning back. "The bruises Ayame spotted pretty quickly. Of course Yuuki wasn't all that willing to admit he'd been pelted with stones." Gou chuckled softly, "Ah, but tessenjutsu? I can't say I expected Yuuki to take an interest in it, but it will serve him well in times his blade cannot."


"He asked me if i knew of a way to defend against ranged attack, so I gave him one better. I trust he will use it well. I did give him one of my own." He took a sip from his cup before moving on. "The chuunin exams are coming. You can just feel the worry in their heads. Even Ayumu is speechless when it's brought up." 


"The next step, and barely a year since I've had them. Time certainly does fly." He sighed softly, thinking back to when he was but a genin. "I was so very nervous back then. I could swear I was the only one of my squad who was. Considering I was the squad's medical nin at the time, I must've fussed over supplies for two weeks before it was settled." He laughs about it now, but back then he truly was terrified of the exam... He had heard many things about it and how dangerous it was... 


No less than any other mission. 


Mei was as she ever was, proud and boastful... And Tsubaki... Well...


Gou nodded, "I've yet to meet a genin that wasn't nervous about the exams. Particularly if it was their first attempt at taking them. Yuuki is certainly anxious about them, hardly able to focus on any of his other studies." He chuckled, "Of course Tsubaki wasn't any better when you three took the exams. She was so worried about being a hindrance to the team." He sighed, it felt like just yesterday he was watching those three prepare to take the next step as shinobi. All three of them had become fine jounin in their own right.


"And out of us only two took up being a sensei. Guess that's what happens when you have a child." he spoke of Mei here of course, though he wonders if she still takes upon missions now and again... She  was, and possibly still is, a skilled ninja... But he doesn't wish to pry into such things. 


He himself has taken on a foundling, which has gone smoothly so far... Though she still has nightmares on occasion. Poor sweetheart... 


"How has Tsubaki fared with her group? She has Mei's child... Ago right? I remember seeing her among the genin list." He searched his mind for what the kid was like.... 


Go laughed, "She does have Mei's daughter as one of her students. Ago certainly keeps her on her toes. Her other students are fairly quiet, they seem to keep to themselves for the most part." He took a drink of the still warm tea. "Ah, but would you believe she actually convinced the girl into picking up kenjutsu?"


"Kenjutsu?" he rose an eyebrow mid sip of his tea. "Something makes me think she inherited Mei's stubbornness... But just how did she manage to do that?" He remembered when he and Mei butted heads on certain things... he lost each time... Mainly because she'd just go through with it regardless of what he said. 




And she managed to get married far before the three of them?  




Now that he thought of it... he never went to their wedding.... or even seen the man she married... 






"Ago definitely inherited her mother's personality. From what I've gathered it all came down to a bet; get past the traps unharmed and Ago would agree to study swordsmanship." Gou chuckled, it was an unusual situation from the sounds of it. But such was the lot for a teacher at times.


"...Traps?" Kazou rose an eyebrow, confusion present upon his face. "I know of some ninja out there who use traps on the regular. But a genin to have that much confidence in her work..." he stroked his chin in thought... "Ago... I remember Yuuki on occasion muttering something about her. First i thought it was simply some crush... But... Seems he is the one who has to deal with the teasing this time around." he sighed, wondering what the hell is wrong with that family at times. 


"Well, as long as that's the worst of it. maybe who ever Ago's father is had a more mild personality when it came to those... pranks.." he narrowed his eyes on the cup, remembering the chili powder in the soldier pills prank that he still occasionally catches himself checking for to this day. 


"It seems she's quite capable of making rather elaborate traps, especially for her age." Gou shook his head, "Apparently she also inherited Mei's tendency for pranks... And quickly found out about Tsubaki's dislike of spicy foods." He sighed, pouring some more tea for the two of them. "Yuuki does seem to have ended up the target for Ago's teasing as well. She really is like her mother."


"...Another demon is born..." he sighed, silently happy he doesn't have to be the one to deal with her. "...Ah yes, Tsubaki never could handle spiciness. if she inherited that capacity for pranks, mixed with her trapper potential...." he paused for a moment to consider the up coming end of the world. 


"... I fear for my students." He let out a small worried sigh, before giving all a good thought. "In the end, each generation seems to have its interesting people no doubt. I wonder what the future will hold? Who knows maybe the teasing will go around full circle and you'll end up with an Aburame in the family." Kazou chuckled at the thought but realized how.... frightening that might be... 


And how strange it would be to have a ninja with their body filled with insects and a demon. "Or perhaps we will have another Mei? Leave for some time and come back changed beyond belief? I still stand by the cocoon theory you know." 


Gou chuckled, "It's hard to say what the future will hold. The best we can do is help prepare them for whatever may come." He hesitated, "Though I'm not sure the world could handle a third Mei..." It truly was a terrifying thought.


Letting out a slow and weary sigh, Gou watched the thin ribbons of steam that rose from the tea. "Tell me, Kazou, what are your thoughts on the village as a whole?"


"The village..." Kazou gave a heavy sigh... "I shall admit, I'm not certain where it is heading. it is slowly rebuilding, that is for certain, but we lost many friends in that war so long ago..." he grimaced a bit before continuing. "I see potential in these new genin to breathe life into the place. Were it not for them we would not have any hope." he answered honestly there, fully expecting these students to travel far in the world. 


"They will grow, and they will help Kemuri as they live and breathe... before I became a jounin, I shall admit my eyes turned elsewhere." He gazed out the nearby window. "Perhaps I can find more work here, better pay there? This city... All I remember are the people we have lost, the graves I've dug, the lives I couldn't protect..." 


"You could call it survivor's guilt... That the closest friends I have are still unharmed." he mentioned his group once more before looking to Gou. "It is painful... but not unbearable. These students have given me back hope, a silent promise that perhaps we shall gain our footing once more... To show the world we are not some dogs to be kicked aside when we are not useful to them..." he gritted his teeth,  placing down the tea cup before he snapped the thing. 


[SIZE= 14px]"Not to mention... I have my own child now... Lyn... We grew close faster then I imagined. I never would have thought the addition of a child would bring me such happiness... Ayame has met her, she's very well behaved for a young lady who has lived on the streets for a time." [/SIZE]


Gou sighed, slowly nodding as Kazou spoke. He knew how the younger jounin felt, understood where he was coming from. "These exams... they may very well place Kemuri's genin on the world's stage, remind them this village still exists." Of course that depended heavily on how these young shinobi performed in the trials to come. But he wasn't going to place that burden on them, there was already enough on their minds as it was.


A soft smile appeared on the old Mifune's face as Kazou spoke of Lyn. "It's amazing, isn't it? The way having a child seems to change everything for you."


"She's just the sweetest thing Gou, never have I been more happy to return home and hear how her day was. Truly, taking her in was the greatest idea I have ever made." He cleared his throat and fixed his clothes, trying to regain some of his composure. "I-in any case. She has become rather special to me." He blushed a bit, turning away from Gou as he noticed he was gushing. 


"Though it is a bit worrying, I'd rather not have Tsuki have a hand on her... If no other reason she might teach her bad things... But she is a smart child, She hired the boys to help her follow me while I was dealing with the monthly... Visit..." he grimaced before continuing. "Ayumu got out of that fine enough.... But the others... I don't know what happened. When i ask her she said she dealt with them, and gave the demon boy his 'Just punishment' whatever that means..." he scrunched up his face in thought. [SIZE= 14px]"....Wait.... She didn't... Poor lad..." [/SIZE]


With a chuckle, Gou waved Kazou off. "No harm done, it can be rather easy to fall into a tangent about your child. Though Tsukiyomi..." He lightly scratched his chin in thought, "I'm not sure if it's possible to prevent her meddling with Lyn or not. She does seem to be a clever child, being able to convince all three of them to help spy on you." He paused as a thought seemed to occur to him, "Actually, that would explain why Yuuki didn't say a single word that night..."


"...Aye.... She has a slightly oxymoronic way to deal with people she sees as... perverts... Likely he did nothing to deserve it, but... No less..." he sighed, shaking his head. "That rabbit will be the deal of me... She chases always most people who speak to me, god forbid a woman. God forbid I speak to Tsubaki about anything... Even the slightest 'how has your day been.' gets her angry..." he let out a long sigh. 


Light footsteps could be heard quickly moving down the hall, the door sliding open. "Dad, you wouldn't have happened to-" Yuuki blinked, "K-Kazou-Sensei? What are you doing here?"


Kazou turned to face the young man giving him a smile and hoping to whatever gods were listening, likely one particular, he did not hear what he said earlier. "I am simply having tea with your father before I went to see how you were doing with your summoning contract. Though... is something the matter?" He rose an eyebrow to his student, he looked rather...




Had the summoning not gone well? 


"Oh, u-um..." Yuuki shifted, his gaze falling on just about anything aside from Gou and Kazou. "Well... is it- is it possible to return a summon that... doesn't want to go?"


A silence prevailed over the room... 


Kazou stared at the young man for but a moment, then looked to Gou... the situation may just be Kazou's specialty in a way. 


But it does not mean he has any answer to give the young man. 


"...Doesn't... want to go? What do you mean Yuuki?" He asked as he silently wonder if he summoned something far bigger then he should have... Or ended up in a situation much akin to Kazou's? 


"Well..." the boy cleared his throat, "Apparently Surizaamen had never been summoned before... So he was kind of excited... and clingy..." Yuuki shifted, his tone sheepish. "When I suggested he should probably head home, he may have um... hid..."


"...And... Where did he hide?" Kazou asked, getting a feeling, just a slight feeling, he would soon find out. A chill rose up his spine as he felt suddenly very, very, very vulnerable...  


...When he needed her... Where was Tsuki? probably somewhere trying not to notice he is terribly, terribly unhappy right now... 


A god, afraid of snakes... Wonderful..


Gou rubbed his eyes in an attempt at stifling a chuckle. 


Yuuki rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm... not sure. Never thought a snake could move so fast." Granted, these weren't normal snakes by any means.


it was as if Yuuki had struck the man, he stiffened up and rose his shoulders up, closing his eyes.... "...And I take it... you have no idea where it is..." he asked the young man, knowing the answer already, but clinging to the barest hope that he might...


Perhaps it'll be okay, perhaps Tsubaki or one of the other Mifune will find the wayward.... SNAKE... and deal with it. 




There was no reason for him to worry!


"Not at the moment..." Yuuki hesitated, "Kazou-Sensei... are you okay? You're really pale..."


"...Yuuki... just know that every person in this world has a weakness... And at times this weakness can be... crippling... to a point where the man cannot face such a thing..." he gripped his knees tightly looking as if he was about to burst... 


Until a soft voice came from above, a small, childish, cute, hissy voice from the ceiling. 


"....Friendsss?" the voice called out, causing Kazou to slowly... ever so slowly turn his head skywards. 


Yuuki blinked. He didn't mean... Was Kazou really afraid of snakes? That could be rather troublesome on missions. 


Not to mention the still missing- Golden eyes were drawn upwards towards the small voice. "Huh... How'd he get clear up there?"


Gou continued to watch the impending chaos. By now suppressing the laugh trying so hard to escape was becoming difficult. Oh, this should be good... Though part of him worried what may become of the scrolls at his side.


"Friend!" The snake called as it dropped down atop of the shaken man, getting just enough time to coil itself around his upper body before Kazou seemingly leapt 10 feet in the air.


"Bloody god damn Fucking damn bastard love of god in all heaven someone get it off!" His words were... ill thought through but the snake persisted.


"Ah! Friend no!!" The snake spirit called out to Kazou who fell to the ground and started rolling upon the floor to get it off of his body. 


"Getitoffgetitoffgetitoff Damn Fucking hell Don't curl upon me you damn-" he slammed his head against a nearby table and stopped in his rampage, holding his now bloodied nose as the now very scared snake slithers away along the floor towards Yuuki for protection. 


Kazou finally stopped rolling about and let his limbs drop to the floor, staring upwards. 




He was wrong...


This was a bad day...


"...Yuuki...." he said the boy's name alone.... dread filling the air. "...Yuuki..."


Before even having a chance to react, sheer chaos broke out in the small room. Yuuki could only stand there, completely mortified as he watched the scene unfold. It was likely a good thing it died down about as quickly as it had started. Though now the genin had a terrified snake cowering in his shirt.  Yuuki hesitated, swallowing hard, "Y-yes, Kazou-Sensei...?"


"...The key component to controlling your summons... is concentration..." He began as he slowly rose up from his position. "Therefore... You shall be doing extra chakra concentration training up until the Chuunin exams....  Starting upon the break of dawn tomorrow.... Is that clear?" 


He dared not turn towards Yuuki.... Should the boy had seen his face, he might know more fear then what Kazou had experienced just then... 


Yuuki lowered his head, "...yes, Sensei..."


[SIZE= 14px]"...Friend?"[/SIZE]
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