Memetic Event Levels


Senior Member
Level 0 - "NPCs" or "Townsfolk".  Zeroes are ordinary people, not on the spectrum at all.  They tend to avoid Narrative influence, and are fairly resistant to enchantment.  
Level 1 - Potentials.  Level 1s are people whose situation fits the at least a few requirements to become ME's.  A person's name, appearance, job, circumstances of birth--there are many factors, almost too many to predict.  For one reason or another, these people show up on the Narrative's radar, if only briefly.  Most times, there isn't enough there for the Narrative to work with, and they fade back to level 0 without requiring LIBRIS intervention.  
Level 2 - Activated.  Somehow, the Narrative found a way to push these people towards a story, though there hasn't really been opportunity for things to really get rolling.  This is when LIBRIS really looks at the situation and makes a judgment call, and a story is easiest to avert, if necessary.  Many ME's, if pushed past this level, can't recede any further.  
Level 3 & 4 - ME's at this level have been irrevocably changed by the Narrative, for good and bad, the difference being to what degree.  ME's can go back and forth between level 3 and 4, but not move further back on the scale, though many find themselves clinging to level 4.  Level 4 is as deep into the role an ME can go, while remaining themselves.  
Level 5 - Full Immersion.  When an ME has gone to level 5, they have fully embraced their role in their story--though some say the role has consumed them.  They lose their personal identity and become the role, unable to act in ways outside the role.  An ME can drag themselves out of full immersion, back to level 4, but it's so difficult as to be nearly impossible.  

*Keep in mind that many roles will change an ME more than others.  An Aladdin or Dancing Princess will not face the same struggles as a Bridge Troll or a Frog Prince.  Full Immersion into a role such as the Bremen-Town Musicians might even be encouraged, as it is one of the few stories with a genuine happy ending without bloodshed. 

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