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Fandom Mayans MC

He got inside and turned the lights on clearing the pizza boxes off the couch and put them in the trash then made the couch nice and sat down pulling her in close. “Please don’t be mad at val... she only did it to protect her other half.” He told her.

Val whimpered quietly while she held his hand tightly and let silent tears fall, not saying a word just sat there all night watching him and waiting. Not sleeping either.
Max placed her things down and went wide eyed at the name "Valería? Thats who gave me up?" She asked taking in a shaky breath as she felt her anger rise

EZ came in on his own time and checked in on Val frowning a bit "Hey....I know you probably dont want to see any of us, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry...and if you need someone I'm here."
“Yes... how do you know her?” He asked them sighed heavily when he got no answer. “She’s been seeing a cop for almost a year. Alvarez found out. Had Creeper beat the shit outta him... she told Alvarez that she would tell him where you are as long as they stopped and let him live.... she was desperate... now how does she know you?”

She shrugged a little and looked up at EZ. “Not your fault.... seb has never done anything wrong. Ever. Only ever had to do his job and this is what he gets?” She muttered gently brushing hair out of his face and getting a damp wash cloth dabbing at his face and neck to keep him cool.
Max listened to him and shook her head "That fucking whore." She muttered before runnung a hand through her hair and taking a deep breath "I guess since already out you should know everything about me..." she mumbled looking at him giving a small broken smile "I'm Marcus Alvarez's daughter, junkie mom dropped me on his door step at six months old. I grew up in this shit so I knew everyone who came and went including Valería. I hated it though, Marcus always had a firm grip on my life always controling me more than anyone else. I got fed up with it as I grew older. I finally met Brian, and I loved Brian. I told Marcus how I was leaving with him and never coming back. He didnt take too well to it and Valería being his fucking lap bitch didnt either. Next thing I know the cops are raiding my house finding six fucking keys of heroin in my drawers and I'm carted off to jail. All while being 3 months pregnant." She explained shaking her head and letting a few tears fall "I was in prison for 7 months....had my baby there....and they took her away,of course after I was taken Brian wanted nothing to do with me or the baby, but he still took her. Valería saw me one day and apologized saying ' We didn't know the cops woukd show up' which I call HEAVY bullshit on. I guess she saw how much of a wreck I was and took mercy, 3 weeks later I was in parole." She said taking a deep breath as she finished.

EZ nodded some and sat down sighing heavily "He seems like a nice guy Valería, but how did you get mixed up with him huh? A cop of all things."
“Because he treats me right. I’m part of all the shit of a biker club because it’s all I’ve ever known but Sebastian has shown me more. I love him EZ. More than anything.” She whispered shaking a little as she cried pressing his hand against her face and kissing his palm.

He sighed heavily and held her closer rocking her gently. “Max... sweetheart... it’s okay, you’re gonna be okay... you want your daughter back we will get your daughter back.... it’s gonna be okay.” He promised quietly and held her tightly
Max held him close and cried more shaking some "They wont let me....the courts said if they find me to be involved with my father or any criminal activity my visitation will be taken away. Brian hasnt let me see her since my parole went up. They ruined everything I cared about." She whimpered hiding her face in his chest

EZ nodded some and looked at the Deputy sighing softly "Let me know if you need anything okay?" He whispered placing his hand on her shoulder in a comforting way before leaving the room.
“I need him to wake up.” She whimpered just watching him carefully.

He sighed and hugged her tightly slowly swaying with her. “Please please don’t think Val did this to hurt you.... because she wouldn’t. I know her. She wouldn’t dare. Not go against me and my brother like that.” He assured her. “Plus she’s never seen you so how could she know where you live?”
Marcus walked in shortly after EZ and chuckled some "Where is she Valería?" He muttered

Max whimpered shaking her head some "Then why would she send him on me huh?! She must have seen me! She probably had orders to find me Angel, he is a fucking psycho when it comes to me you dont understand." She explained shaking more
“Because She was desperate.” He told her quietly cupping her face gently and smiled. “Hey... it’s gonna be okay I promise.” He murmured. “Club don’t know where I live. You’re safe here with me I promise.” He murmured. He always kept his bike tucked away in the garage out of sight. Never put his kutte on til he was out of his neighbourhood. He liked his privacy.

Val glared at him. “This isn’t recovered Marcus.... and let me make it very clear to you that this is the last time I ever do one of your stupid errands. I will talk once he’s healed.” She snapped at him.
Max nodded softly and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down "I spoke with my ex earlier....its why I was upset." She explained wanting to get the subject off her father.

Marcus smirked some and got close to her "See, this is where you stop your bullshit and tell me what I want to know, or I kill him and then torture you nice a slow." He whispered in her ear
She laughed at him some and glared. “You wouldn’t dare.... as much as you hate me right now you wouldn’t dare because none of the others even know what she looks like nor would you care to show them that you got a white kid.... now like I said... when I know that Sebastian is gonna be okay... then I will tell you.” She said calling his bluff

Angel nodded and gently rubbed her shoulders, leading her over to his couch and lay down with her, kissing her head. “What’s your daughters name?”
Max gave a soft smile as she sat down with him pulling out her phone to show him a picture of her "Her name is Gracie." She said softly

Marcus pulled away and went to the other side of Sebastian taking a ciringe out of his pocket placing it where they insert medicing into the IV "Give me the information or he is dead within 5 minutes."
She grabbed the call button pressing it several times. “Get out.... I said get out!” She yelled at him. She didn’t want to tell him where Max was. It was the last thing she wanted to do to her but Sebastian was more important to her.

Angel smiled and kissed her head. “She’s beautiful... would you ever want more?” He asked her running his fingers through her hair gently. Away from her He was a biker but around her he just melted and he was hers and nothing more. He was falling hard and fast for the first time since he was a teenager with his first crush.
Max smiled some and nodded a bit "I would...with the right person." She said looking at him and smiling more. She liked this side of him, its what got her to fall for him in the first place and for the first time in her life she didnt feel bad about having feelings towards another person.

Marcus put the needle away and glared at her "Ill be back for the location." He spat before leaving the room right before the nurses came in
Val glared at them as they walked in. “Where is his security guard?!” She snapped. As an injured deputy he was supposed to have someone stationed outside his room so she wanted to know how Marcus had got in in the first place. She got herself comfortable in the chair as the lights got turned out in the ward and just watched Seb all through the night.

Angel smiled and nodded keeping her close in his arms, kissing her head gently then took her hand and got up carrying her to his room kissing her head and set her down in the bed before getting in and slipped his arms around her. “It’s been a long day.” He murmured and kissed her head holding her close.
Max woke up in the morning to a banging at the front door. She gasped and quickly got up trying to find somewhere to hide or find a gun "Angel wake up!" she whisper yelled throwing a shoe at him get him awake scared to death that they had found them not knowing it was only EZ checking in on his brother.

Nurses came in throughout the night to check on him bringing Val and cot and blanket as well so she could be a bit comfier in the small room. As the morning rolled around Sebastian's family had made it in and his mother was the first inside frowning as she saw Val in there having no clue who she was.
She frowned some and just nodded to her. “Georgeta?” She asked quietly watching her nod. “My name is Valería... I’m sebs girlfriend.” She explained quietly and continued watching him hoping he would wake up soon.

He got up groaning some and went to the door seeing it was EZ. “You can come out it’s just my brother. What do want?” He asked him letting him in and shutting the door behind him rubbing at his face sill groggy.
Georgeta frowned some and stood "Sebastian never told us of...a girlfriend." she said quietly not very much approving of her son's choice of woman, but she was a privilaged woman and didn't understand her son's career choice either and not follow his father into their family business

Max came out and frowned some waving a bit "Hey EZ..." she said softly biting her lip a bit feeling a little awkward since she had supplied him with a few girls every now and then 'So this is why you've been taking off and coming in late.' she heard him tease making her blush dark pink
She rolled her eyes some. “I’m not really surprised. He’s been busy with work lately and it’s probably not been a priority.” She mumbled gently caressing his cheek frowning as an alarm went off that alerted them to his blood pressure plummeting. “Seb... Sebastian!” She whimpered.

He rolled his eyes some and rubbed his head. “Yes well done columbo. Now what are you doing here?” He asked him again getting dressed. “Did you really have to throw a boot at me?” He grumbled tiredly rubbing the side of his head as he looked over at max.
She nodded some and went wide eyed quickly rushing out to find a nurse who was rushing in hearing the alarms checking him over and quickly calling for a doctor pushing Val out of the room

Max laughed some and went over to him kissing his head gently "I got worried, you werent waking up." She said looking over at EZ who was laughing at his brother
He grumbled a bit but kept her close and looked to his little brother. “EZ! What the hell do you want?!” He questioned, losing his patience with him.

Val sat outside the room shaking a little and holding her side where she’d been shot. She hadn’t brought paonkilllers with her and it was aching badly but she was much more worried about Seb right now.
EZ stopped laughing and gained his composure "Bishop wanted me to check on you, since you left abruptly last night." He said glancing at Max from the corner of his eye

A nurse stood outside and frowned softly having remembered she had been there the day before "M'am? Do you need help? You seem to be in pain." She said softly
She shook her head and ran a hand through her hair. “I will be fine please help him.” She mumbled glimpsing into the room seeing they were having to resuscitate him again. “Please.” She whimpered.

He nodded some. “You can tell him that I had some business to deal with.... EZ ... you didn’t see her here at all.” He said to him seriously.
The nurse gave a small nod and quickly left to help Seb out as much as she could.

EZ nodded some and glanced at Max "You have my word." He told her truthfully before glancing at his brother "I like her....dont screw it up." He said before leaving the house
Angel rolled his eyes some and smiled at max pulling her in close and kissed her head. “You want breakfast?” He asked.

Val waited for what felt like forever in the hallway sitting opposite his parents and sister shaking like mad until they came out to colllect them and let them back in, going in and seeing Sebastian was waking up some rushing to be next to him, taking his hand tightly “baby.... hey hey look at me.” She whispered.

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