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Fandom Marauders RPG (IC)


It was a sunny day promising great things to happen. School was finished early for most students and it promised to become a great day. At least for the upper semesters. Normally the older students had school until the late afternoon - but not today. So most of them enjoyed sitting on the meadow outside the castle to have their skin heated up by the surprisingly warm sunshine. It was early  but somehow the temperatures had risen a bit. These were the last two weeks of school anyways so the warmer temperatures were only helping the students to slowly but surely welcome their summer break. Yet no-one seemed to be bothered as they enjoyed the day at the Great Lake lying in the grass.
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Lily Evans like many other students was strolling outside. She was barefoot and walked along the shore of the lake. Its cold water was washing around her feet yet she seemed not to mind. “What are you planning on doing this summer?”, she asked her best friend and glanced at her with a smile. For a few days now, Lily had thought about what she would be doing over the summer break. Mostly they turned out rather boring because none of them were allowed to do any magic outside of Hogwarts. But perhaps she would be able to meet up with her friends, Sev or Marlene. It would be a nice change to the constant nagging of her older sister. “Perhaps we can meet up to buy school things in London?”, she suggested happy. Like always she was planning things ahead to only cancel them last minute.

The redhead smiled and watched the Giant Squid play with the water and grinned. Oh how much she loved this place. It seemed like she belonged to the grounds of this castle forever but yet they would be out of here one day. The thought scared her a bit and she wandered with Marlene along the side and eventually turned to her best friend and splashed her with the cold water.

Mentions: @Lycaon

Conversing with: @LadyAria

Bella sat in the shadow of tree. She overlooked the castle grounds feeling bored. So bored. She looked at her little cousin, Regulus, hoping that he for once had a smart idea on how to hex those dirty mudbloods. But of course she couldn’t expect much. It was like everyone except for was utterly useless. She drew her wand from her cloak and looked at some Ravenclaws who seemed to be chatting about some nonsense.  A smirk appeared on her lips as she flicked her wand and a short light appeared on the end making one of the Ravenclaws fall straight down and his face landed in some mud.

The amusement didn’t last long as her gaze shifted forward. Seeing the blood traitor of a cousin with the rest of that pack sitting underneath a tree as well. She arched her fine eyebrow wondering what he was up to. Despite of her dislike towards Black-y she couldn’t help her curiosity as he seemed to be up to something. But perhaps she might also be wrong.

Mentions: @Kylo_Solo @ShadowRogue

Conversing with: -

Marlene McKinnon



Accompanying the fiery red-head by the lake was something she liked doing with her. Quality time if you can put it like that. If it was something being undergone outside it fitted the blonde's taste. Her own feet were bare as she felt the slightly cold water brushing against them. It felt soothing. She knew if her mother was here she would be all like, Get you feet out of the water missy otherwise you'll catch a cold! she rolled her eyes at that thought. Lily's voice brought her back to reality. Her gaze drifted towards her friend which was previous staring absent-mindedly at the water's surfaces, "Hmmm let's see..." she faked a thinking face. "Quidditch..." she started listing on her fingers, "Trying to actually find a way to study as I feel hopeless. Attempting to kick my brothers' arses for changing my whole wardrobe into clown costumes. OOO... and more quidditch. Did I say quidditch?" she asked her innocently with a laugh. 

Marlene never quite went to the muggle world regularly, except to board the train and to visit Lily during the summers. Despite being a half-blood she grew up in the Wizarding world - with her play-date, James Potter who is her best mate's not so secret admirer. That being said she lifted her hands up , halting Lily, "Hold your horses Lils! Summer break is still not here and you are already thinking next semester?" she raised an eyebrow. Marlene was kind of live by the day kind of person on the contrary to her. "Try asking me that when the time comes aye? So the chances of cancelling on me again would be minimal." she taunted with a friendly smile,despite being serious. That until she felt splatters hit her face which caused her to gasp, "Why you little ---" she didn't proceed instead she lowered her hand sending forth a slightly bigger flick of water towards the red-head with laughter.

Mentions: @Blackinnon_love

Conversing with @Jessy753
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Regulus stopped moving his feather, leaving a blob of ink on the page, as he looked up over his book. Meeting his cousins look when she gave it.

''What?'' He asked a bit hesitating.

''..Oh, oh! No, haven't figured something out yet.'', he shrugged. ''Sorry... I'll come back to you when I do.'' And dipped his feather in the small ink bottle.

Another big dot of ink as his attention got ruined again. But he tried not to make his lightly amused grin show, holding the book up higher.

By the third time he got interrupted, he slapped the book together and put it aside.

Usually he would have let out a big sigh and complains, but he knew not to disrespect his cousin.

His eyes stuck to the small group of red and yellow under the tree.

''..Curious?'' he asked, raising his own eyebrow at Bellatrix.

Conversing with @Jessy753
James potter had taken the last few minutes to doodle on some spare parchment. He had drawn a snitch with the initials 'L.E.' Neatly written in artful calligraphy. He was prideful of his artful handwriting and often used any opportunity that a fan asked for an autograph to use it for signing his name. After hearing the final call from professor Flitwick, he looked up and saw his best mate, Sirius give him a thumbs up. He then looked around to see how his other two friends were doing. He had already seen his childhood friend, Marlene McKinnon leave. Hopefully she could push for a date with Lily. He needed his chances upped, especially with Snivelly in her ear.

Once dismissed, he popped up from his seat and gestured to Sirius to follow him. He also scanned the room to see how his other two friends were doing. Hopefully Wormtail doesn't take his good old time he thought to himself. No doubt James was confident that he had done exceptionally well, thank you very much. It was that even a test about one of his favorite subjects with relatively easy questions was too much for him. Hours locked in a room sucked! He wanted to be outside, running around, possibly getting that 'yes' from a beautiful redhead, conspiring new kicks for the upcoming summer.  He could hardly wait to be completely finished with exams. 


Frank Longbottom was busy at work in his dorm finishing paperwork at his desk for auror training. He knew early on he had wanted to be an auror as he could sense the air of racism, sexism and evil,lurking throughout the school. Nothing alarming had happened- save for a few fellow students being sent to the wing due to the Slytherins' ideas of 'fun'. Still, Frank knew that these kids would be grown wizards soon and he wanted to be ready to protect the wizarding world from harm and prevent any further concerns. Hopefully they would listen to him when he started to give names. He had plenty of experience seeing the seed of violence in his own family to remain naive .

Speaking of his mother, an owl was pecking at the window near his desk carrying a message from her. He sighed letting her in and taking the note from her beak. He tossed the owl a treat from his desk onto the bed, the owl gratefully devoured it as he read the note.

Frank darling, I have set you up with Sophie for tea next Thursday. I am sending you some dress robes and ask you to please bring your best foot forward on this one? She had already told me that her parents had sent her to a great school that teaches propriety, has demonstrated adequate decorum and will make a lucky bloke happy someday.

Mind your manners and make sure you pay for everything

xoxo mum

Frank crumpled up the paper and tossed it aside. Sophie?! The one who was engaged last year then pawned the ring for dress robes and an elaborate vacation? Who bragged about using others? Godric mum, stop being so naive! He thought to himself.

He already had his eye on out for someone else. One who wasn't like the rest and didn't hide behind social graces to use others like some of the winners his mum chose. He quickly wrote a response to his mums letter.

Dear Mum,

Thank you for thinking of me. I am going to have to sit this one out. Not only do I have NEWTS coming up, but orientation for my job is upcoming. Seeing that you want me making a good amount of gold to possibly support my spouse, who will likely want diamonds and fur coats on my income alone it is important I focus on these priorities. 

Further, I thought Sophie was already engaged...

Much love,


After he sent the owl on his way, he shook his head. Sophie? Mum needs to stop taking their word and understand that gold and prestige do not equal high morals

Status us didn't matter much to Frank. It was companionship with one who was a humanitarian, supportive and genuine he preferred. He didn't give a flying broomstick how rich, beautiful or 'important' she was. 

Mentions: @ShadowRogue, @Itsrainingacorns, @someghostinthecorner, @Jessy753, @LadyAria@Lycaon
Remus had finished his test vefore anyone else and then had gone over it twice before James and Sirius stood and he decided he could turn it in nd be done with it. Letting the two of them go out to the grounds alone was usually a dangerous thing to do as they had far too much energy and not enough common sense. Remus had always been the level-headed one of the group and all though he often complained about it, the truth was, there was nothing he loved more.

As he fell into step beside his friends, he was distracted by the aching in his body, a reminder that the full moon was in only a few hours. He hated the hours leading up to it almost as much as the actual moon because he just wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep. 

"How do you think you did on the exam?" He asked his friends, for a moment forgetting who he was talking to. 

Mentions: @Blackinnon_love @ShadowRogue

Conversing with: @Blackinnon_love @ShadowRogue
Sirius Black was lounging on his chair at his ease, tilting it back on two legs.  He looked up when Professor Flitwick gave the final call and saw James give him the thumbs up. Sirius returned it, looking quite pleased about how the exam went. He thought the hype about O.W.Ls was way too exaggerated, the exams were quite easy so far.. except History of Magic, but really, who cared about that? 

Once Flitwick dismissed them, he stood up elegantly and followed James. They were soon joined by Remus and they waited for Peter to catch up. 

Sirius smirked arrogantly and answered Remus in a smug tone, "I'll be surprised if I don't get an Outstanding on it at least. That paper was a piece of cake." Once Peter joined them, they made their way towards the Entrance Hall. "Did you like question ten, Moony?" He asked Remus humorously as the question he referred to was about werewolves.

Mentions: @Blackinnon_love @Itsrainingacorns @someghostinthecorner 

Conversing with: @Itsrainingacorns 
James lit up as he saw Remus turn in his exam and join them.

He started to guffaw once asked how well he did. "Well I'm sure I knocked the bloody socks off that test. Just...I think one question in particular was hard." He winked at Remus. He said the last sentence sarcastically as he was referring to naming the features of a werewolf. He smacked Sirius' back when he mentioned the number. "yeah 10! Oh what a killer diller that one was."

"So did everyone like the that one extremely hard question?" He asked in an over sarcastic voice. 


Frank had finished his paperwork and looked to the time. He had just enough time to either study for his last NEWT or grab some lunch. 

Mentions: @Itsrainingacorns, @someghostinthecorner, @ShadowRogue 

Conversing with: @Itsrainingacorns, @ShadowRogue @someghostinthecorner
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Remus gave them one of his usualy looks that said, "you two are idiots, but I'm trying really hard not to laugh right now." As he walked along with them. "I found number ten rather easy. However, it was number 34 that was a real clincher." He stated, getting a little smirk. "You know, the one about illegal animagi? How to spot them and such. I couldn't remember. I know it was either. Use the detection spell or look for a black dog with a stupid grin on his face and a deer that won't shut up about a certain redhead." He teased back. 

Mentioned: @ShadowRogue @Blackinnon_love

Coversation with: @ShadowRogue @Blackinnon_love
Peter sent a glance back and grimaced as he watched his three friends turn in their exam papers. He hastily skimmed through his exam  one last time under Flitwicks ever watchful gaze, before hurrying after the others. He caught the last words of their conversation and added with a big grin "Oh no, i totally got that one wrong. I wrote about manically laughing grims..." He hooked a thumb into the knot of his tie and loosend it. "Oh man I'm so glad that was the last one. I wouldn't have survived another late night study session from hell with you Remus!"

Mentioned: @ShadowRogue  @Blackinnon_love  @Itsrainingacorns

Conversation with: @ShadowRogue  @Blackinnon_love  @Itsrainingacorns
"Ha, ha.. very funny Remmy", Sirius gave him a fake pout for ribbing James and him about their animagus forms. "Stop picking on deer Prongsy here, he's had a stressful day with that exam. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights when the exam started." He snickered, sticking his tongue out at James. He would never get tired of puns. Puns were life. He clapped Peter on the back with a huge grin on his face. "I agree with you perfectly my good sir! Study nights with Remus are pure torture aren't they James?"

A cluster of girls passing by who were throwing admiring looks at Sirius swooned when he grinned that handsome grin of his. Sirius, always on the lookout for birds, smirked and winked at them, causing them to virtually melt into a puddle. He was very pleased with himself for that, though he expected no less..he was Sirius Black after all.

Mentions: @Blackinnon_love @Itsrainingacorns @someghostinthecorner

Conversing with: @Blackinnon_love @Itsrainingacorns @someghostinthecorner
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Lily grinned as her OWLs exam was already forgotten. Well, not forgotten but she prefered not talking about it straight away. She wanted to enjoy the warm weather instead of dwelling over possible wrong answers. So here she was enjoying the lovely weather with her best friend who was unspokenly like the sister she never had. Like the relationship she always wanted to have with Petunia but one day gave up. Lily laughed heartedly as Marlene mentioned that she wanted to play Quidditch. “What a surprise!”, she exclaimed with a grin and added “Just take care no Muggles catch you. So please no Quidditch when you came visit me. But both of us could go and annoy the living hell out of my sister.” Lily grinned at the thought of being able to embarrass her sister. Ever since she had received her letter for Hogwarts, Tunia thought of her being a disgrace.

She smiled sheepishly at her best friend as Marlene called her out on her already planning ahead. “I will keep it in mind. I just don’t want to stay alone over all summer.”, she said with an exaggerated sigh and winked at her friend. Lily squealed as the blonde drenched her in water. “HEY!”, she called out even though the redhead was very well aware that she had started it. But instead of stopping Lily splashed Marlene again.

Conversing with: @LadyAria


Bella looked away from the group of Gryffindors as the bloke who looked like her younger cousin turned around and she realized it wasn’t the other Black. She snorted as Regulus suggested that she was curious. “Of course I’m not. I couldn’t care less about the blood traitor he is!”, she exclaimed and looked at her youngest cousin with a raised eyebrow. Perhaps she was curious about what Sirius was up to but of course that would never leave her lips. He was a shame to their family after all! It had started with him being sorted into Gryffindor and ended with him becoming friends with a blood traitor family as well as civil towards mudbloods. And something like that calls himself a Black. “Be happy you didn’t turn out like your brother!”, she suddenly told him.

Conversing with: @Kylo_Solo

Mentioning: @ShadowRogue
Regulus tried to hide his amused smirk by looking the other way.

No, ofcourse, couldn't care less. Absolutely.

She loved things like that. Create trouble as well as watch it. Find out rumors and secrets as well as spreading them. Finding out different ways to trick someone and either take her deserved glory in it or idly stand by with that look on her face.

And Regulus did too, it was in their family and blood after all.

Even when it came to his older brother. Maybe both his mother and brother could keep pretending it wasn't true, but it was obvious that Sirius had that need for Drama and attention just as strongly in him as in any other Black.

The boy couldn't help his grin showing big now. ''Mother makes sure to remind me every time we sit down for dinner.'' He said. ''She even makes sure to send letters about it now when I'm here.'' He snickered.

He leaned back against the tree after tucking his books away. ''Don't worry, Bella, I've only got good influence around me.''

''..Atleast to some degree. I've given up, by the way. You're far better at these evil masterplans than I am.''

Conversing with @Jessy753
Mentioning @ShadowRogue
Marlene McKinnon



She felt at ease whenever she saw Lily like this. By this she meant the fact that she isn't blabbering on the possibilities of what the answer could have been and compared to her own. Oh how she hated that part of the scenario. Marlene felt quite confident with her own answers which was quite obvious seeing how early she left, Lily's late night tutoring and nagging worked it's literal magic. She flew through the papers, despite not caring. The fact was that the blonde actually had a photographic memory which aided her a lot. Which is why she took it for granted. Well a photographic memory who needed a lot of help. However she gave her a smirk at her comment about flying, "I know I am reckless ... but not THAT reckless - the only time I fly is when I am not in the risk of being seen. Also known as the muggle world." she commented, they both lived in the Wizarding World after all, her mother would kill her if she found out she flew in the muggle world. "Soooo rest assured that I won't get caught by muggles." At the mention of that thin looking sibling of Lily's she irked her face, "Messing with Pet? Oh count me in - maybe that so called fiance as well... looks like he needs some juice squeezed out of him." she let out a few chuckles at Lily's soon to be brother  - in - law. She remembered that Petunia never invited Lily to her wedding, how bummed out that was. 

She gave her another splash, not really having mercy on her best friend. She could guarantee that the red-head's uniform was now soaked which caused her laughter to trail on. Lily knew what she was starting and Marlene was quite a competitor, "I must say Lils, the wet look really suites you. It brings out your eyes" she taunted. Her face straightened a little as her light green eyes now faced Lily's emerald green ones, "Now when have I ever left you alone all summer huh? Besides you can always succumb to this unwanted hatred a little and come join our matches at Potter's. It's a blast. Besides you take a break from that sorry excuse of a sister for that time being," she added with her arms now crossed. She kept in mind that James kept pestering the blonde to start dropping sweet nothing's in the red head's ear in hopes to change her view on him from that of a conceited toe rag. It was a hard task to begin with.

Mentions: @Blackinnon_love

Conversing with @Jessy753
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"Hey, you'll be greateful for those study sessions when you get your scores back." Remus countered. Then he saw the way the girls looked at Sirius and rolled his eyes. The truth was, he may have been a bit jealous he had never been very good with the ladies and wished he could just have one look at him without immediatly looking to sirius or James. But he would never tell anyone that. He'd decided a long while back that it was best he stay single. It wasn't fair to drag someone else into the insanity that was his life. 

As the group of friends made it out onto the grounds, he relished the feeling of the sun on his skin, it had been rather cold in the castle and he started across the grounds to their usual tree next to the lake, not bothering to look back and see if his friends were following. 

Mentioned: @ShadowRogue @Blackinnon_love @someghostinthecorner

Conversing with: @ShadowRogue @Blackinnon_love @someghostinthecorner
James was in the middle of punching Sirius slightly for his pun-filled jokes when Peter arrived. "Oi wormtail! Took you long enough." As their fourth member joined and Remus started heading for their favored spot, James followed shouting "Moony wait up! Our jokes aren't that horrible!"

He headed toward the grounds, near the their favorite tree by the lake. He knew that is was a popular spot and had a nice view- particularly of certain birds. He took out a golden snitch he had been hiding in his robes an started catching it as soon as he released it. He liked showing off his skills around an audience. Although it was unlikely for the great James Potter to be benched for chaser, it was nice to know that he would also make an amazing seeker. Of course, such an incident wouldn't happen, he was far too talented.

He took a glance toward the lake and saw his childhood friend Marlene...and Lily! He mussed up his hair and tried to talk in a mature tone. "So Moony...er...what are your plans for the future? As you know a quality education leads to a good future!" He said the last part too loudly showing his obvious attempt to impress the redhead.

Mentioned: @LadyAria, @Jessy753

Conversing with: @ShadowRogue, @someghostinthecorner, @Itsrainingacorns
Sirius was quite grateful that Peter showed up just in time to distract James from punching him. It wouldn't do to have his face disfigured. Who likes a face adorned with a black eye anyway? 

"I think our jokes are worse than a dementor with how Moony quickened his pace, Prongs!" Sirius laughed, following James. He sat on the grass lazily when they arrived beneath their tree, stretching his long legs in front of him. Sirius instantly realised that Evans was nearby.. the signs were obvious. One simply had to observe James, who started displaying the signs of Evans' proximity by ruffling his hair and attempting to act mature..and failing at it. 

"Careful guys, redhead at 10 o'clock. Play along with any shit Prongs comes up with", Sirius stage-whispered to Remus and Peter. 

Mentioned: @Jessy753 @Blackinnon_love

Conversing with: @Itsrainingacorns @someghostinthecorner
[SIZE=11pt]Severus had left the exam feeling confident with his answers- honestly, he did not expect to get [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]any scores under "Exceeds Expectations" for his OWLs. He was known to be [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]book smart[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], he was known for his proficiency in charms, potions and the dark arts by the professors. But Severus still kept his nose buried in his answers, unaware of his surroundings as he checked each and every one of his answers to make sure they were all correct. [/SIZE]Had he shown that he knew everything... his answer on werewolves seemed perfect... Mumbling a bit under his breath, Severus followed along the general crowd as everyone left the Great Hall, unconsciously being led by all the other 5th Years towards the grounds and the black lake. [SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]

Without any conscious decision, Severus sat down in the shade of a clump of bushes. All his answers seemed satisfactory he finally decided and put his answers down. The lake dazzled back at him as the sun shined brightly in the sky. Severus rubbed his eyes repeatedly- his eyes were not yet used to the bright shine of the sun after being inside the palace for so long. He had no idea why he had decided to come out to the grounds, anyways. Gathering up his papers, Severus started to get up but paused for a bit as he caught Lily's profile out of the corner of his eye. Playing around in the lake, sunlight shining bright onto her hair... Severus let out a small sigh as he turned away, ingraining the memory into his mind. He could not be with her so openly in Hogwarts- her blood status and House prevented their friendship from being75Looking down at the patch of grass he was getting up from, before looking back towards Lily's profile again, Severus pondered a bit before sitting down on the grass again. No harm in going over my answers a bit more. For now he had to be far...but it would be soon be summer.

Though not far away from the Gryffindor dolts, their words did not pass over to where Severus was sitting. And before long, he was once again too engrossed in going over his answers a second time and could not hear any noises from the outside world around him. Nor did he notice Bellatrix and Regulus sitting behind under a tree. For all other people were concerned, Severus was in his own little world.

Mentioned: @Jessy753, @Kylo_Solo, @ShadowRogue, @Blackinnon_love
“Oh really?”, she rose her eyebrow and added teasing “I’m pretty sure if Black dares you to do so, you end up flying out to the Muggle world!” She chuckled as she had caught on about Marlene’s crush about the infamous Black brother. Of course she had her own opinion about someone liking that moron but Marlene was still her friend. So she kept her opinion to herself. Well, mostly to herself or just sometimes. “Mom wants me to officially meet Vernim over the summer and I just don’t want to. She still thinks Tuni and I will become close again. But as long as she calls me “freak show”, I won’t do anything civil for her!”, she told Marlene rolling her eyes and added quietly “Tried that long enough!”

“Of course I look fabulous.”, Lily replied laughing and tried to gracefully flip her hair back. But she overdid that so her hair ended up sticking to her left left cheek. She chuckled some more but ended up rolling her eyes as Marlene suggested to go to Potter’s at the summer break. “I’m not THAT desperate to escape being with my sister. Give me one good reason to spend my summer break with that twat! After all it’s nice to not have him calling my name every five minutes!”, she told her annoyed and added “Seriously Marls, you had better ideas before.”

She looked randomly over the the trees as she heard someone talking loudly about the future. “Merlin…”, she mumbled to herself rolling her eyes once again as she watched the Marauders walk to the shadows and asked Marlene "Seriously who's Potter trying to impress with that stupid snitch?". But instead of watching Potter with his stupid Snitch, her gaze landed on her best friend. Or at least Lily still considered Severus her best friend despite of their latest quarrels about the dark magic. She waved at Sev with a smile once she caught his attention hoping he would wave back. Of course she knew that he hated to be seen with her at Hogwarts and the knowledge actually pained her a lot.

Mentions: @ShadowRogue @Blackinnon_love @someghostinthecorner @Itsrainingacorns @Lycaon

Conversing with: @LadyAria

Bella sat there looking bored again. Of course she would love seeing some drama happen but so far it looked to become one boring days like nothing exciting would happen. It would become one of those stupid days most people loved because things were all sunshine and daisies. The young Black hated those days more than anything. She loved a good show and drama. It just ran through her veins and of all the things, she loved causing those troubles. “Walburga is correct about it. Nothing worse could happen to you but to start taking Sirius’s path!”, she told Regulus as she mentioned her cousin’s name with distaste and hate. She nodded satisfied knowing that he only had good influence around him. Of course he had, Bellatrix made sure of that. Despite of not acting that way. She looked out for her family even though it was only because of the reason to make sure that not more disgrace was brought to her family’s honour.

Her gaze landed on a fellow Slytherin, Snape. “Oh look who we have there.”, she called out following Snape’s gaze the the dirty mudblood. “Seems like he’s still goggling that stupid mudblood!”, she mentioned with a raised eyebrow. She crinkled her mouth in disgust. Of course many knew about his obvious liking towards the Gryffindor. It was disgusting really. “Someone needs to teach him a lesson that the mudblood won’t be good for him.”, she said randomly thousands of ideas forming on how that might happen. But for now she couldn’t make herself to care enough to actually move over.

Conversing with: @Kylo_Solo

Mentions: @Lycaon
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Marlene McKinnon


"Oh you'll survive the meet up Lils. Just smile and nod to every stupid thing and it will be over in a giffy. I mean how do you think I got out alive from ANY of my family meet ups hmm?" she chuckled. Marlene couldn't help but a let out an annoyed sigh. Trying to woo Lily into liking the brown haired boy was something harder than she imagined, especially since she didn't like him from Day 1. Whenever Marlene mentioned him it simply started a train of insults and complaining starts to leave the red head's lips and she wanted to change that I mean, two of her closest friends were at quarrel. Obviously a one sided quarrel. She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at her. Trying not to laugh at her failed attempt to actually hair flip, which sprayed her a little the half success she had, "Really? playing the Black crush card again? Besides what do you take me for? A blinded Black fan girl?" she said with rolled eyes, the female was not fazed nor blushed of embarrassment when she said that out loud however she showed a hint of denial. The blonde had never quite found herself yet falling for someone who was then again classified under the 'bad boy' trend or so to speak. 

Noticing Lily looking over Marlene's shoulder the blonde turned around only that her sight landed on the two people currently being discussed together with the remaining two of their clique, a smirk appeared on her face as she returned her attention towards Lily, "Do you really want me to answer that question dear? Clearly he is not trying to impress me... but who else hmm Evans?" she taunted her a little, mimicking James' dreamy sigh when he mentions her name. Both females knew the answer to that latter question and it was kind of well unnecessary to even mention it. With a sigh she proceeded, "Cut the guy some slack Lils, he is in infatuated by you... then again I always struck you as a hard to get kind of person," she said waggling her eyebrows at her. She wished she had someone like that, looking at her the way James looked at Lily for once. "Come on... one time?" she inquired letting a finger up, " Come with me just one time... who know maybe you can finally get on a damned broom." she complied.

She halted a little before she went with Lily's line of view and couldn't help but sigh. She never quite understood how the grease ball - redhead dynamic worked but she didn't like it. She tried to warn the red head more than a couple of times that he will end up hurting her eventually to which Lily always denied, 'I don't care Marls, he wouldn't. He is my best friend.' she would retort. That really never went down well with the blonde but it proved to deem useless trying to quarrel over otherwise and so she dropped it each time. "You know... I don't get you Lily. The snake clearly doesn't want to be seen with you and you still want to proceed your friendship? Doesn't that flash a red flag for you?" she inquired. Her face all serious once more. Marlene knew she was in no position to judge or tell her who to befriend but she didn't want her best friend, her sister, to get hurt. Especially by that slimy git. 

Mentions: @Blackinnon_love @ShadowRogue @someghostinthecorner @Itsrainingacorns @Lycaon

Converses with @Jessy753
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James continued his game of catch with the snitch as he stared at Lily talking to Marlene. He was delirious to Snape being nearby and also her wave to him - all he could focus on was her beautiful, red hair. He felt his mouth drop as she flipped her hair back. It didn't matter to him that her hair stuck to her cheek or that it was sopping wet from playing in the lake with his childhood friend...he had eyes for her alone and would treasure that moment as if she were a model for one of those magazines Sirius snuck into his parent's house.

Gaping at the redhead had caused James to lose track of the snitch that had found a new home inside of his mouth. Without thinking, he closed it causing the snitch to trickle down his throat. He immediately turned away from the lake, trying to save his dignity and started to beat his fist into his chest as he worked to choke up the small, flying ball. Before a single word could come out of his mouth to say "help!", the snitch escaped his mouth and he immediately caught it and stored it safely away back into his pocket.

Godric, I need to keep some wits about me when checking out Evans...I wonder if she saw.

He bowed dramatically to his friends acting like he meant to pull that stunt.

"Thank you, Thank you....no autographs please."


Frank was polishing off his lunch when he received another owl from his mother. Her owl relentlessly tapped at his window and kept hopping from one foot to another until he let her in and read the owl. No doubt his mother gave the owl instructions to make him read the owl and become ornery unless he responds immediately.


You are to take Sophie out as soon as possible. The poor dear just had her heartbroken from an awful man. Not only did he take the ring back, but he was unfaithful to her and got her female friends against her. She told me that she knows you are different from the rest and begged me to reach out to you. She has been through a nightmare, the least you can do is give her a good time. Please do tell me your earliest available time. It pains me to know that you won't be nice to a sweet girl for even one day. Hoping to hear from you soon.

Love Mum

Frank crumpled the letter in his fist and heaved a sigh. Godric...there is no pleasing her.... He wrote out a simple response.

I'm booked for the next two weeks. We will talk when I come home. I am a face-to-face person. You taught me to be that way.


Lucky for Frank, owls are unable to read, therefore his mother's owl was delighted to see such a quick response and flew out the window immediately.

He decided that he needed to take a rest from sitting at his desk and doing paperwork. He wandered off to the library to find a good book. Perhaps something about swords or gardening. Nothing related to school or his future profession. As expected, the library had few students in it. Many were fond of spending the day outside after examinations. As a NEWT student, his celebratory period was yet to come.

As he crossed the section that held Muggle History, he saw a familiar student venturing toward the back - the part that students were not to look. It was Tom Riddle, a 6th year prefect. Though he was polite, respectful and adored by many, Frank had an off feeling about him. He knew better to be confrontational as Tom had a good reputation with authority figures. Therefore he decided to casually walk towards Tom and inquire about his whereabouts.

"Strange day to be looking at books, isn't it Tom?"

Mentions: @Jessy753 @LadyAria

Converses with:@someghostinthecorner @ShadowRogue @Itsrainingacorns @DerpyLoser
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Remus pulled out a book and tried to ignore everyone and read, but he felt like he's been dragged down the road by a couple of horsea and he found it hard to focua on anything, especially so when James started coughing and pounding on his chest. Had he seriously swallowed that snitch again?" He whispered a wandless spell that caused the snitch to pop out of James mouth. As the idiot caught the snitch and tried to play it off like it was no big deal, he rolled his eyes and looked back at his book. He pretending to be reading the words but his mind wandered to what would happen that night and his mood quickly sunk. 

Mentioned: @Blackinnon_love
Regulus snickered a bit. ''Don't worry. I wouldn't ever..'' He murmured about taking his brothers ways. His eyes lingered on his older sibling further off.

Regulus was, as any other proper Black, dedicated to his blood. Perhaps a bit more discrete than most of them, but once he started talking there wasn't any doubt about his devotion and his enthusiasm.

''Whatever is wrong with mixed marriage, Bella?'' He asked. Considering how often his mother would preach about all that was wrong with it- his sarcasm was very obvious.

''On a more serious note- how could we make him see that? He is obviously clanging on to ignorance.'' Regulus said, only to twitch a bit as one of the older students suddenly thumped down in their little company. ''Merlin when did you last shower?''

Mentioned: @ShadowRogue @Lycaon

Conversing: @Jessy753 & Myself

''Um, two weeks ago?'' Fenrir answered. He had learned to wash off atleast three times a month if he didn't want Slughorn to bring him outside and practically hose him down. But he couldn't care more about that question right now. ''What'r'we looking at?? Girls? Guys?'', leaning in to see Bellatrix's field of view. ''..Snape. We're looking at Snape. So, redhead there's the muddy??''

''I'd eat her.'', the yellowish and awfully sharp teeth flashing in a big grin. ''Blondie there, too.'' He added. ''Mudblood doesn't really taste that different, y'know. It's aint actual mud in that blood.''

Mentioned: @Lycaon @LadyAria @Jessy753

Conversing: @Jessy753 & Myself
Peter had settled cross-legged next to Sirius and Remus on the grass, enjoying the sun and pulling at a loose string on his left sleeve. His eyes wandered but not his mind - survival 101: always be aware of your surroundings - and he watched as their fellow schoolmates walked along the lake. He observed James ogling Lily - nothing new there - and that little meet up between the Black bitch and the dirty mutt Greyback. >That's never a good sign those two together, better keep away from them for the next days< Peter told himself.


The choking sounds of a man dying sounded beside him and Peter turned slightly in concern. Next thing he knew he was laughing loud and applauding James holding the snitch he just spewed up. "Wow Prongs what a neat magic trick. Now try two!" He looked around and found an old acorn half buried and forgotten by some squirrels. He picked it up and threw it at James with a shiteating grin. 

Conversing with @Blackinnon_love

Mentions @ShadowRogue @Itsrainingacorns @Jessy753 @Kylo_Solo

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