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Realistic or Modern Manhattan's Social Elite (Gossip Girl Themed RP)


Jackson Fox
Mentions: jinkx jinkx (Elizabeth Bates) Maree Maree (Tristan), Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy (Emily)
Interactions: jinkx jinkx (Elizabeth Bates),
Location: English Class
Mood: Grumpy

o o o

Not long after he'd sent it he felt his phone vibrate again. It was Lizzie and just as he'd suspected she was eating with Tristan. He rolled his eyes and opened up the message. 'Tris and I are doing lunch but you are welcome to join!' Was he welcome to join? Jackson doubted it, but then again, what was the worst that would happen really? It was no secret that Tristan didn't like him but would he actually go so far as to make a scene in public? After deliberating for a minute longer he sent back a fairly wishy washy agreement, but added a little tease in at the end just to keep her from suspecting he was on the fence about it.

Satisfied he went to close his phone again when he got yet another message Well, Aren't I popular today he thought to himself.


He lightly chuckled to himself as he sent that last message. He had labeled her 'The Nag' in his phone contacts, but he couldn't lie, he was lucky to have her looking our for him. God knows why the hell she bothered. Jackson shut his phone off and turned his attention to the class which was just beginning to kick off as the teacher tried to get everyone's focus back on him. Jackson's mind was elsewhere, despite how he tried to listen to the teacher. He started to regret his message to Lizzie. Why was he trying to start trouble when he already had enough of that to go round? Maybe a part of him hoped for the adrenaline of a fight. But that wouldn't exactly be fair to Lizzie. Maybe it was the possibility that he could make one of the a-listers that had ditched him look like the petty one. After all, Jackson didn't exactly plan on saying anything nasty. No it'd probably irk him more if he acted un-bothered. God... maybe I am the petty one

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Back to school.

Not that Arianna minded school, really. The 16 year old actually enjoyed her classes and schoolwork, and the library was one of her favorite places to be. Perhaps because it was an upper class school, the library had so much more than just research books; the fiction section was one of her absolute favorites. Something about getting lost in a world that wasn't this one just appealed to her very core, and she could finish a book in a matter of hours if given the time.

It was the third day, and already, the drama had begun. Gossip Girl had spoken this morning, and her intricate yet vague statement was the talk of the school. What could she mean? Who is she talking about? Who is she? Arianna personally didn't give a damn. Somehow, she'd managed to escape the clutches of the mysterious GG during her time here, and she planned on keeping it that way until graduation. After that, Arianna would hopefully never have to hear the words gossip girl again.

Being one of the first to arrive to fifth period, Arianna took a seat towards the front but on the side of the classroom, her usual method of staying out of peoples way. The druggies and outcasts usually littered the back of the classroom, while the preps and snobs the middle, the true nerds the front. Arianna wasn't exactly anything, not that she considered herself. A loner, perhaps. The Book Girl. But that never bothered her.

Barely glancing up as people began to trickle in, she kept her nose buried in her latest selection: The 100. It had enraptured her so far, so when Emily sat beside her after class had begun, she almost didn't notice her. When Emily spoke, Arianna snapped her head up, quickly tucking her bookmark in place and shutting her book as she glanced at her friend. "What?" She asked, blinking, obviously having no idea as to what had transpired just a few minutes before. "What happened? You know what, nevermind. I don't care that much."


Emily ( Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy )
Francis Books

Interacting with: Emily ( Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy )

Mentions: Joseph ( Tui Tui ), AJ ( BurningBridges BurningBridges ), Tristan ( Maree Maree ), MJ ( Colelovesrp Colelovesrp ), Arianna ( apolla apolla )

Location: English Class

Francis propped his elbow on the desk and turned his eyes once Mr. Reed started to try and grab their attention. Honestly, most of the people weren't really trying to pay much attention to him. As long as you passed, then everything was alright. But Francis did try his best to keep his attention on the droning voice of their teacher. But his attention kept getting taken away by the whispers of his classmates. This was not met with irritation from Francis, but instead of interest. Again, he liked to keep up with things and knowing things would be better than being left in the dark. For all he knew, his reputation was being tarnished. He'd rather fix it early before its damage is irreparable. Though even with a bad reputation, people would still feel inclined to buy from him if they don't want to deal with the mess that usually gets involves in shady deals with that guy in a dark alley. Francis at least worked systematically and carefully because his entire life was at stake here - if what he did got out, he was pretty sure that reputation is the last thing he had to worry about.

He flinched when he felt his phone vibrate. A flash of irritation came over his face as he imagined some poor idiot trying to get a hit from him right then and there. Everyone who has gone to him at least once knew that Francis operates in a way that he doesn't carry drugs that he won't deliver immediately. He can't be caught with them after all. So he hated whenever someone tried to get something without notifying him the day before. He didn't have magic. He had connections. It's not like he can shove his hands inside his pockets and drugs would just come out of it. He needed time to get them. But he felt himself at ease when he saw the name that popped up on his notifications. A small smile pulled up to his face without him noticing and he quickly replied.

Just to make sure, we are eating lunch together as always, right?
Yeah, of course. What made you doubt that?
Is Arianna gonna come along or is she going to the library again?

If you ask Francis why he was friends with one of the quietest girls in Constance and one of the nicest people in both of their schools, he wouldn't have an answer prepared. It was a matter of circumstance he supposed. It just so happened to be like that. He guessed there were worse people to hang out with. After all, the two of them usually stayed out of the drama scene since both of them are B-Listers no one really cared about. There was peace and quiet when he's around them - if you don't count Emily chewing him out for his business every now and then. Lunchtimes become peaceful if he's with them. It's either them or Joseph and probably Luna. Either peace or chaos. He could go either way though.
Elizabeth Bates
Time: 5th Period
Location: Health and Sexuality Class
Interactions: Tristan ( Maree Maree ) + Jackson ( Tui Tui )
Mentions: Audrey, Kat, Ellodie, Alaina, + Elena

Tristan <3
Have I mentioned you're the best? Because you're the best (:
We still on for lunch?
You might've mentioned it a few times!
And of course, I'll see you after 5th (:
Hey, I thought you'd like to know in advance that Jackson might be joining us.
I know you guys aren't exactly "best friends" but he's a nice guy and I didn't want him to feel left out. Besides, maybe the two of you might realise you like each other more than you think?
Plus, he's really vulnerable right now and I want him to know I'll stick by him.
P.S. I thought you might like to know: Kat is back.

Jackson <3
Hey Liz, You free at lunch break today?
By the way, thanks for your help with English, I'm actually pretty confident in this one (:
Hey, it was all your work, I just helped you get there (;
Tris and I are doing lunch but you're welcome to come if you like!
Alright. Where are you meeting?
I might turn up
If you're lucky (;
In that case, I hope the odds are in my favour! (;
If they are I'll see you in the courtyard.
And if you do come... Play nice, okay? Tris is a nice guy, you'll like him if you just get to know him (:
Although being publicly picked on by El wasn't exactly fun, she got the impression that it made Kat more uncomfortable when she did. She didn't like the spotlight being put on her, which was odd as Kat was usually a big fan of being the centre of attention- not that Lizzie meant that in a bad way. It just seemed out of character for her friend and Lizzie's forehead creased in concern, as El swaggered away to join Luna. The slackers and the dropouts always resided at the back of the room, which was just fine with her as it meant that they were as far away from her as possible. This was exactly what she meant about Alaina keeping bad company- though she got the impression that her and El weren't actually friends.

When Audrey and Elena arrived, she glanced up and acknowledged them with a smile and a "hello". They were friends of hers, even if they weren't particularly close, but more importantly they were friends with Kat. As they took their seats, Lizzie noted that they chose to put her between them and Kat and immediately sensed something was wrong. There was a kind of tension in the air that could be cut with a knife. Was this because of Kat's disappearance over the summer? She supposed it must be, as Audrey didn't attempt to make light of it or even bring it up at all. Sitting in the middle wasn't exactly comfortable but she figured this was between the three of them, it wasn't her place to intervene and attempt to smooth things over. That was why she didn't say anything when she recognised that the three of them were messaging each other. Hopefully, by tomorrow, things would've been smoothed over.

She turned her mind to her own lunch arrangements. Although Lizzie had no problem inviting Jackson to spend lunch with her and Tristan, (kindness was second nature to her and she hated the idea of him feeling left out), she started having second thoughts once she read his messages. Tristan wasn't exactly the biggest fan of Jackson and vice versa but surely they were civil enough to have lunch together without throwing any punches. After pondering it for a moment, she decided that her best bet was to inform Tristan about the new arrangements so that he wouldn't freak when Jackson showed. Maybe they could even talk it out in class? That way they could have a nice lunch together without any tension. Considering she was currently seated in a hot bed of potential drama, Lizzie really didn't like the idea of lunch being uncomfortable too.
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Omar El-Khalil
Interactions: AJ ( BurningBridges BurningBridges ), MJ ( Colelovesrp Colelovesrp ), Tristan ( Maree Maree )
Mentions: Elena ( Reticent Reticent )

Sure, school may not be for everyone. Hell, Omar wouldn't say he enjoyed it that much considering how his life had been going lately, but there was always a plus: He liked seeing his friends. Friends, plural. He didn't know if he could really, genuinely consider everyone he thought to be his friend to actually be his friend. He just liked to hope. He knew for a fact that he was friendly, but in the end it's really just us vs. them. Omar versus everyone else. He doesn't know what they're thinking. Maybe they don't think he's their friend. Maybe Omar's got hundreds of one-sided friendships that should've been left in the past. A lotta things could've been left in the past. And some were, you know, like his ex. She was the past for good. But mostly 'cause she avoids him. Omar doesn't really know what he'd do if Elena ever bothered to even look at him. He'd probably be too frozen in shock. But, luckily, the seventeen year old boy doesn't have to face her. They go to two different schools and everyone knows not to make plans with both of them included. Not unless it's a big group where they won't have to interact. Because they won't.

But that's not really the point. The point is that Omar slept in. Sorta. He tends to go by a strict schedule. Up at four in the morning, go on a run, eat breakfast, shower, fresh clothes, text break, school. Well, that's not the exact schedule, but that's basically how he functions. He's like a well-oiled machine. But today he overslept. By an hour. So he had plenty of time to get ready but some of his plans were wiped out. He barely had the time to grab a banana and check his phone. Lucky him, right? Not necessarily the worst way to start his day, though.

He managed to get through his classes and that was the real point. Well, until English. He was tired when it was time to head there. Tired and not interested in doing any actual writing. So far he'd gotten by with taking a few notes before resting his head down. But it's whatever, really. Omar's feet dragged along on the floor as he scrolled through instagram on his phone. Fun times, fun times. Omar had a tendency to shoot a text back the second he received it, but this time around he didn't get to answering AJ's message for a while.

To AJ:
marco's overconfident, he can't admit how much he sucks. no way we're gonna fail, if anything we'll be making us win.

When Omar stepped into his class, he didn't bother to take in his surroundings. He just made his way over to where his friends were; AJ, MJ, Tristan. That's who he tended to hang around, but it was AJ who he was there for. "What're we talkin' about today, fellas?" He butted in, raising his brow as he felt into his seat. He gave a nod of his head to MJ, but he didn't really answer him. They'd gotten there around the same time, so at least he wasn't the only one moving slow that day.​
AJ had to laugh out loud at MJ's comment, questioning what he knew about women, simply because it was stupidly laughable. He was dating Audrey Simone, the most sought after girl not only in their own school network and friend group, but essentially in their entire age bracket of the city's wealthiest. New York's private school network was expansive, and with the rich flocking to the city from all across the world, there was a fair selection of eligible kids their age looking to date and brush shoulders with the next generation of influential (or just filthy rich) kids. Being able to say that you were dating the most popular girl within your own brother-sister school network was impressive, but Audrey wasn't just influential in their immediate community. It made his act of cheating on her even more brainless, but his relationship with Audrey was complicated when they got into the depths of it. On the outside of it, and as far as all of these guys were concerned, they had very good reason to be jealous of where he stood, and who he was dating. Absolutely none of them had even the slightest shot with Audrey, as far as he was concerned, even if he was out of the picture. AJ was used to MJ's cocky attitude, and a reason for why they got along was because AJ had a little bit of that in him too. When it came down to it though, even if MJ was untouchable in a lot of ways, AJ was The King Bee for a reason. He was the only one out of their friend group who had managed to maintain a relationship for more than a few months, and given who he was dating, any criticism that was given towards his knowledge of women was automatically negated.

"That comment was stupid enough that I'm only responding to it with laughter." Even if it sounded conceited and a bit competitive, AJ was just being playful. He had no problem defending his honor and reputation just as much as MJ did, but he and MJ were different people. It was good that they were different people though, because there was only room for one at the top and even if AJ didn't act like he took the social ladder extremely seriously, he was territorial just the same. The good thing about the A-listers of St. Jude's was that they all had their own places within the group, they meshed well that way, and it just worked. "But he's right," he said, nodding to Tristan. "It's good to see you again, man. Been a while." AJ had seen most of the guys throughout the summer, but like most of them, he also had been travelling here and there, so it was hard for schedules to always align. MJ had been one of the few he hadn't seen recently, especially since he hadn't been at school for the past few days. MJ was probably one of the few who could get away with that, anyway. St. Jude's was such a competitive and prestigious school, that they really didn't have to give students leeway or be relaxed about things like attendance or grades. You were either good enough to keep up with their reputation as one of the top schools in the country, or you weren't, in which case you were kicked out. Similarly to how everything in the world seemed to work though, if you had enough money and connections, sometimes exceptions were made, and he knew that MJ was capable of taking advantage of that.

AJ spun back around when he heard Mr. Reed clear his throat, a typical signal that class was beginning. The final bell had rung a few seconds before, and it was clear that class was starting now. Omar had entered the room right before, so AJ didn't have a chance to acknowledge him outside of a smile and a friendly nod before their teacher began to speak. "Good morning, everyone," Mr. Reed began, perching himself on the edge of his desk, a place that he seemed to frequently sit as he casually taught the class. "I want to start class today by addressing the group project that I brought up yesterday. As we delve into American literature this year, I want to begin our journey by getting everyone familiar with what a large chunk of American literature is known for. America has often been described as a 'Land of Opportunity' where the rugged and ambitious individual can carve out a place for himself and become what is known as a 'self-made man.' However, consider how this notion of self-fashioning is manifested differently by the examples of Benjamin Franklin, for example, and Frederick Douglass. Franklin’s autobiographical trajectory moves him from English colonial citizen to the First American, while Douglass’s published narrative recounts his transformation from property into personhood." Mr. Reed stood up from his perched seat on the desk and slowly paced across the front of the room. "Self-fashioning may also involve self-fictionalizing, literally creating a persona, veil, or mask to cover race, class, or ethnic difference and pass as someone else. Fictional first person narrators such as Ishmael of 27 Moby-Dick and the nameless narrator of Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man are engaged in a form of self-fashioning that is representative of America itself, the national identity of which is similarly bound up with the history of race relations." He returned to his desk to pick up a sheet of paper, continuing to speak as he did so. "My task for you young men is to pick a piece of literature that you think fits this theme. Get creative. Be unique. Educate us. I don't want to give you too many rules and regulations on what you can choose. Interpret the prompt as you see fit, and once you have chosen your literature, analyze it and put it into a medium that you can use to present it to the class, to explain how the piece of literature relates to the prompt. It's not a difficult task, and you'll be in groups of two, so I think a deadline of next Wednesday is fair. To make things simple, I'll pair you up by last names, so we've got Ackerman and Bedford, Books and Bradbury, Clarke and El-Khalil, Fox and Fitzgerald, Jackson and Lee, and lastly, Reneaux and Smith. I'll email you all the prompt some time today, and if you have any questions, shoot me an email since I'd rather not waste class time on it."

AJ smiled because unlike some of the others, he didn't get screwed. Not only was Omar his friend, but he wasn't a dumbass either, so he was content with their pairing.

AI10100 AI10100 por.quoi por.quoi Maree Maree Tui Tui Colelovesrp Colelovesrp
Date: Wednesday, September 5th, 2018
Time: 12:05 PM
Location: E 92nd Street, New York

The bells have just rung to let out fifth period classes at both St. Jude's School for Boys, and Constance Billard School for Girls. While some students will remain on campus for lunch, taking advantage of the comparatively good food that the cafeterias offer in each school, others will leave campus to frequent local dining spots, socialize with students from the opposing school, or maybe eat lunches they brought in the neighboring Central Park.
Ellodie Ainsley
Time: Lunch
Location: Health and Sexuality Classroom
Interactions: Luna ( lauren. lauren. ) + Alaina ( cure cure ) + Francis ( AI10100 AI10100 )
Mentions: Audrey

hey francis guess who?
anyway back to business, u cracked where k disappeared to yet?
there's big bucks in this for u
maybe u could finally afford somebody to stamp your v card for u
Class seemed endless or maybe she was just bored. It was likely the latter as she'd spent most of the class either exchanging remarks with Luna or trying to work out what Audrey would look like if somebody accidentally poured pig's blood over her- a sort of Carrie homage. (Nobody would be surprised to find out that Carrie was one of El's favourite movies). It was sort of a revenge fantasy of El's, though she doubted she'd ever get round to ever making it a reality. Plus, it was always a mistake to label Audrey as being stupid enough to fall for that kind of thing. Her reputation was virtually impossible to tarnish, which was why El had set her targets a little lower this year. After all, an A Lister is an A Lister, right? It didn't really matter which one of them she fucked with, since they'd all fucked her over if you think about it... Abruptly, she realised that her eyes had glazed over and she'd just been staring at Audrey in a murderous sort of fashion, drumming a pencil against her desk in thought.

Haphazardly, El stuffed her belongings back into her bag and hoisted it onto her left shoulder. She hadn't bothered to ask what the others were doing for lunch but she'd probably stick with Luna for the time being. After all, Luna had scored all sorts of party food from Francis earlier and El was keen on having her cake and eating it too (so to speak) even if she had to wait all day. It was less depressing to get blazed with other people. Speaking of Francis, she decided it was about time to remind him for the information she'd been plaguing him for. As soon as it came to light that Katherine had disappeared, El knew something was up and she was keen to know what. Everybody was. But the difference between El and every other gossiping idiot at this school was that she chose to get her information from sources other than GG. For a high enough price, Francis might be able to tell her where Kat had been this summer- if he could get the information, that is. But she had faith in him.

"What're you doing for lunch?" The question was directed more at Luna, though she guessed Alaina could tag along, and El spoke as she started to head towards the classroom door, "Maybe if we're lucky, we can catch the Audrey Show at 12:15. I heard this week's episode is going to be highly entertaining."

Elizabeth Bates
Time: Lunch
Location: Health and Sexuality Class -> Courtyard
Interactions: Kat ( BurningBridges BurningBridges ), Audrey ( A_Writer A_Writer ), + Elena ( Reticent Reticent )
Mentions: Tristan + Jackson

As always, she was productive in class and felt that she got a really good understanding of the content. She was starting to think that senior year really not be as bad as she'd worried- as long as her friends didn't end up killing each other. Standing up, Lizzie packed up her things and slung her bag over her shoulder. Then, she hesitated. Wishing Kat "good luck" outright seemed mean, especially considering that Audrey and Elena were right there, and Lizzie didn't to pour gasoline on a small fire. She didn't want to send everything up in flames. But she wanted her friend to know that she was there for her. She, although she didn't like to talk about it, knew how harsh Audrey could be, especially when she was angry or upset. In the end, Lizzie settled for just smiling at Kat as she squeezed past her desk.

"If you want, I can catch you up on assignments later," Lizzie told her, hoping that Kat would catch the double-meaning that they could talk later; her next statement she addressed to all three of the girls, "My evening recently freed up so let me know if you guys are doing anything. Hey, maybe we can have a 'Welcome Home' party for Kat! Anyway, I've got to go. If I leave Tristan and Jackson alone for two long, they'll probably kill each other and then we'd have to throw a funeral instead."

She offered them a wave at the classroom door before turning and heading down the corridor. Despite claiming to be in a rush, Lizzie did pause at her locker to put her health textbook away and chatted for a minute with the girl who had the locker next to hers. They exchanged smiles and then she continued on her way to the courtyard. Honestly, Lizzie had been quite keen to get away from the heavy atmosphere of the classroom and to escape from between Audrey and Kat. She was sure they would be able to work out their differences but they had their differences just like any friends and things could get potentially nasty in the A List when people argued. Especially considering an argument between two A Listers was usually enough to make GG headlines.

Speaking of differences, she wondered if Tristan had got her forewarning that Jackson would be joining them for lunch or Jackson had recieved her message telling him to play nice and if the two of them had got a chance to discuss it in class. Part of her hoped that the two of them would arrive in tow, getting along for once, but she got the sense that was nothing but a pipe dream. She wasn't sure why they disliked each other exactly, (though Jackson usually claimed that Tristan started it), but she hoped it wasn't her fault. Lizzie had done her best to balance things but friendships could be tricky to navigate on the Upper East Side.

Patiently, in the courtyard, Lizzie waited- and hoped.


Dialogue: #e75480
Mentions: BurningBridges BurningBridges Reticent Reticent jinkx jinkx

Audrey was attentive during class, but she was glad when lunch time came around. She packed up her things in a smooth manner, and looked to Elena with a soft smile. Other students began to stream out of the classroom, eager to take advantage of every minute that lunch had to offer. Audrey desired just the same, but she didn't want to look like she was in a rush. Things were fine... great actually. That was the vibe that she wanted to portray, but admittedly, it did take more effort for her to keep that same smile as her eyes glazed over Katherine. To the average person, being upset would probably seem unwarranted and dramatic. To an extent, it was. Then again, they were not average people and even outside of their social status and the reputation attached to that, Katherine and her were not typical friends. With no siblings of her own, Katherine was like a sister to her. Elena just the same, but her relationship with the two girls were different to an extent, and Katherine had always been her first call when she needed someone to lean on. Kat wasn't necessarily the best with advice or helping her plot the demise of some unlucky soul who crossed her, but it was her sweetness and softness that was alluring. She was the friend that Audrey could spend hours gossiping with, watching movies, and then fall asleep in her bed without feeling like she had to keep up her guard. Audrey needed her, especially this summer, dealing with AJ cheating, and she wasn't there. And it hurt. As much as it felt like a betrayal, it was also hurt that Audrey felt. She didn't know that Katherine was sick and was spending the summer completely miserable. Even though she didn't believe it, as far as she was supposed to know, Katherine was on an extended vacation in California and was choosing not to text them, and that was not okay. Absolutely not okay.

She was craving one of their salads, so Noglu was definitely their next destination. As its name suggested, it specialized in gluten free products, and though it attracted people for its bakery goods, they also served good salads and sandwiches. It was a small little place, a seemingly perfect for this discussion because they would be able to see exactly who was dining around them. If there was anyone who even appeared to fall in their age range, Audrey would take her things to go. No one knew who Gossip Girl was, and she wasn't going to chance being overheard by anyone who could be linked to the mysterious online presence.

Offering Lizzie a genuine, yet tight smile, she nodded. "Of course," she confirmed, though she wasn't sure what she was doing after school today with this recent change. "That went by quickly, didn't it?" she said, leading Katherine and Elena out of the classroom once it appeared like they were all packed up as well. Although she was tempted (and quite capable) or maintaining a cold silence, she knew that it would be sensed by people outside of the trio, and she didn't want that. Again, it was all about composure and control. Their lockers, all close by, were situated on their route towards the school's exit, so after stopping there momentarily, they continued on. "And in just a few minutes we can all catch up," she added with a sarcastically cheerful tone. "Elena, do you want to catch Katherine up on what she missed in the real world this summer?" Though it probably seemed like Audrey was acting coldly (and in a controlling manner) towards Elena as well, this wasn't necessarily how she typically acted towards her (or Katherine). Although she did like to take the lead on plans and initiating things, she disliked the notion that her friends had to feel like they were walking on eggshells around her. Elena and Katherine were her true friends (or so she believed), and she treated them as such. This was an atypical situation, and her behavior reflected how bothered she was.
Luna Trevor

"The Rebel"

"I deal with enough Kat as it is. Ever since Saturday it's been Kat-this, and Kat-that. Let me eat my lunch in peace, child!" Luna playfully chided. She didn't realize that alluding that Katherine had been home since Saturday could have been doing Kat a disservice, since she had just gotten back to school now. Although it was not a secret that Luna and Katherine did not get along, it was worth noting that Luna had no intentions of outing Katherine's secret. For one, she knew that her mother would kill her if she did. Two, Kat's illness was something that made Luna feel uncomfortable because it was such a tense subject in their house. Even though Kat didn't believe it, both of their parents were very alarmed when it became clear that something was wrong with her. For as long as Luna had known her, she had been a moody brat, but her personality had changed at home over the past few years and especially last spring as she got worse. She was locking herself in her room more often, sleeping longer, refusing to attend any family dinners or events, and losing weight. Because Kat was already very thin, it wasn't noticeable unless you already knew to look, but it was alarming. Luna didn't know if putting her into residential treatment was the best option, but it wasn't her decision, and it wasn't her problem. Having their gorgeous apartment to herself (plus the Hamptons house) had honestly worked in Luna's benefit, so she wasn't complaining.

When Ellodie seemed to suggest they go eat lunch wherever Audrey was going to eat, she smirked, but rolled her eyes. "For someone who hates those girls, she sure seems to love them, doesn't she, Alaina? Maybe all those rumors about you having a big, fat, lesbian crush on Audrey weren't too far off. "I don't think I'd blame you though," she continued, tucking her laptop into her backpack. "I think she'd be a good time in bed too." Luna was barely being serious, but pushing the boundaries of being crude was her specialty. Besides, Ellodie could take what she dished and Luna knew that. She and Ellodie didn't have many boundaries because both of them were aggressive with their comebacks, and in turn, seemed unbothered by much criticism thrown their way. Admittedly, Luna was less aggressive than Ellodie was, but that was only because she was a bit more go-with-the-flow than the other girl was. While Ellodie's personality seemed based upon cynicism, Luna's was focused more strongly on enjoying herself. Sometimes that came at the expense of others, and sometimes it did not.

"What are you guys in the mood for? I could literally eat anything right now." Luna was lucky that she had a fast metabolism, because she did eat quite a lot. Her smoking habits contributed to that, but she hadn't smoked yet today, so that wasn't to blame for her hunger. While Luna was reckless, she did her best not to smoke before school. She was naturally intelligent, but she had to be capable of absorbing something in class when she did attend, and when she was high, doing anything productive was virtually impossible. cure cure jinkx jinkx
Oh how I miss my Spanish siestas, but I think I can sacrifice tapas y sangria for some of this fun. Just as refreshing if you ask me. I mean is it really a coincidence that MJ decided to show up the same day as Katherine? I think not. Are you that embarrassed Kat or is this the literal definition of hush money? I wish I could say I was surprised it was Kat and not Audrey, but I guess MJ's used to coming second to the King Bee. Looks like he and Alaina have something in common. By the way, is it hot in here or is it just the steam pouring out of Queen Bee's ears? I'd ask Kat, but I think she's too busy eating her words after her summer long rendez-snooze. Don't worry, K. Elena's been keeping your seat warm, but if I'm being honest, I think I've gotten used to her beside Audrey. Maybe because she's much more interesting to look at. Oh, and can someone let me know if St. Jude's finally updated their tolerance policy on convicts' children? I heard Jackson was asking. Kat, be a dear and send some of that hush money his way. Daddy could sure use the bail money.

Bt dubbs, E, maybe cover your drink this time? We wouldn't want another repeat of you know what. Apparently the A-listers are out for blood this year--or rape charges. I'd tell you who it is, but I like my scandals the way I like my coffee: dark and hard to swallow, so I'll let that one brew for a bit.

Ta ta for now <3

Gossip Girl
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[IMG='width:325px;']https://66.media.tumblr.com/fbaf3e4ece50cdec69dd6c6494bfb622/tumblr_ph77pmGwpO1ra47c7o5_r1_400.gif[/IMG] Tristan Reneaux

Location: English > Courtyard
Interacting: Lizzie ( jinkx jinkx ), MJ ( Colelovesrp Colelovesrp )
Mentions: Jackson ( Tui Tui )

Lizzie <3
Have I mentioned you're the best? Because you're the best (:
We still on for lunch?
You might've mentioned it a few times!
And of course, I'll see you after 5th (:
Hey, I thought you'd like to know in advance that Jackson might be joining us.
I know you guys aren't exactly "best friends" but he's a nice guy and I didn't want him to feel left out. Besides, maybe the two of you might realise you like each other more than you think?
Plus, he's really vulnerable right now and I want him to know I'll stick by him.
P.S. I thought you might like to know: Kat is back.
Liiiiiiiiiiiiizzie ;-;
I'll like him when Elodie wears pink
I'm not promising I will be nice but I will tolerate him I guess .-.

Tristan tended to put his phone away in his bag at the start of class. he had enough trouble paying attention to classes as it was so he didn't need his phone distracting him. But when he had pulled out his phone at the end of class he was starting to regret putting it away. Lizzie had invited Jackson to join them for lunch. Tristan groaned and banged his head on his desk, maybe if he whacked it hard enough he would forget Jackson's existence. If only Lizzie wasn't so kind to the despicable little cockroach. Why couldn't she see that he wasn't worth her time or friendship? Begrudgingly he texted a very unhappy agreement knowing it was too late to change it. "Jackson somehow managed to weasel his way into having lunch with Lizzie and me" he muttered, annoyance quite clear in his tone.

Gossip girl seemed to gain her voice once again while Tristan was in class as he also had a notification from her. As he scanned over the update her felt an uneasy feeling bubbling in his stomach. Rape charges? Oh god, who could be facing something like that? At least he knew that he was safe as he made newbies sign a small consent form. It was just a precaution to protect him from possible false lawsuits and such. Tristan also noticed his best friends name in the update so he quickly swiped MJ's phone from his desk, placing it in his back pocket. "If I have to deal with Jackson you're coming with me. Cancel your plans, come on," he said with a mischievous glint shimmering in his eye. Taking his friends phone meant that A. he would have to follow him and B. he would have to talk to him about the gossip girl post.

After shoving all his things back into his bag Tristan muttered a quick 'see you guys later' as he headed out of the classroom. He was sure that MJ would follow suit because he had his phone. "I'm not sure where exactly we are eating as it's Lizzie's turn to pick. Either way, I'm sure it will be eventful seeing as that prick is joining us" Tristan told MJ, pausing for a moment to glare back at Jackson. At least having Mason there would make the situation a bit more tolerable. Plus if the jackass started kicking up a fuss there were two of them and only one of him.

Pushing the school doors open Tristan made his way out over onto Constance's school grounds. There were many perks to having their schools so close. The main one was so the A-listers could keep up appearances and hang out all together. But also it meant he could see his friends easier which were both pretty much the same thing. Spotting Lizzie's familiar bowler hat he made his way over, relieved they were the first ones to meet her. "Seeing as you invited Jackson I brought MJ to help me cope with his presence. I'm still mad at you though," he said, pushing his bottom lip out in a little pout as he broke out his irresistible puppy eyes.
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Alaina had started class out pretty well. She was attentive and interested in the discussion they were having, but as the internet would have it, she quickly and easily got sidetracked. The notes she had by the end of class were intermittent at best: missing topics and half finished sentences. When she glanced back over them at the end of class, not realizing that much time had gone by, she wasn't too worried. She thought she would able to get the information she needed from it, and if not she was pretty sure Lizzie wouldn't mind filling her in. Despite the other two girls not considering Lizzie too favorably, Alaina actually quite liked the girl. She admired her tenacity and drive to the point that she wished she had some of it herself. If Alaina really enjoyed something she had an uncharacteristic drive about her, but her threshold for enjoyment was so unreasonably high that nothing ever met the required metric for her hardworking nature to come out. Not only that, but she was just incredibly unfocused. She was curious, but scattered. Lizzie seemed to be juggling and speaking Latin like it came naturally to her and Alaina secretly wished she had just an ounce of that focus so that maybe she could recenter herself. But she didn't crave it badly enough that she would actively seek to change it on her own. It didn't reach her high standard of enjoyment and therefore, it wouldn't get any effort out of her.

"I'm in the mood for Audrey not being the subject of conversation," she said in a smooth, dry tone even though she was only joking. Well, sort of. It bothered her how much Audrey bothered her. And that was really saying something because Alaina had come a long way from where she was with the girl three years ago when she first started dating AJ. Her family adored Audrey, even her little sister, so Alaina really was the odd one out, but being the outlier was something she was used to by that point. The fact that, this time, being the weird one in the situation bothered her made it all the more frustrating. To say she tolerated Audrey was a slight stretch, but on the surface it was what she did, or at least tried to do with she was around Audrey and family. Alaina had gotten into trouble countless times for being unpleasant when Audrey was their guest and after a while, something clicked in her mind that that wasn't the hill she wanted to die on. It wasn't a hill she was going to totally ignore, which was more than evident by the way she still behaved less than warmly towards the girl, even in the presence of family, but progress was progress, even if it was forced and self-serving. "But I could go for some Asian food. What about Naruto Ramen? We should have time for that, right?" Alaina was more so asking aloud for herself. Orchestra was her first elective and she was very well acquainted with that teacher. She was absolutely anal when it came to anything short of perfection, attendance included. Alaina would have normally just dropped her things off and taken her violin with her so she wouldn't have to worry about rushing, but after she took her instrument off campus during lunch last year and somehow managed to lose an entire violin, she wasn't going to risk going down that road again.

"Or how about-" she began, being cut off by the vibration in her hand. She almost ignored it, certain that it was her mom texting to remind her to send a picture of her meal so that she could verify that Alaina was actually eating. When she glanced around and saw everyone responding to the same thing, she knew who it had to be. Even then, Alaina wasn't that desperate for gossip that she was going to stop and check her phone in that exact instance, but the murmur that ensued shortly after had her lift her phone and check it out herself. Her jaw clenched at the mention of her name. Stupid bitch, she though, but she quickly got over it when she read the last paragraph. "Ummmm," Alaina sang, blinking at her phone before glancing at the other girls while they made their way through the courtyard. "There goes that bang," she said, referencing Gossip Girl's earlier post. She passed her phone to Luna to show the message. "Did someone seriously...? You don't think-" She waved her hands in front of her in a criss cross motion, shaking her head. "Hell no. Too early. I'm calling bullshit." Alaina wanted nothing to do with the A-listers. She thought they were pretentious, uptight, fake trash who were beneath her brother and Omar, but to think they got on like that? Even that was surprising to Alaina. Gossip Girl had to be lying. That was just way too much, too fast, too soon. But was she really that gross to stoop that low over a lie? "It's totally B.S.," she said, though this time she was looking for more validation because she really couldn't believe that something this severe was happening at all, but on GG's first day back? If this was just the beginning...there was no telling what else could be in store.
jinkx jinkx lauren. lauren.
[IMG='align:right;width:263px;']https://i.pinimg.com/564x/13/36/e9/1336e9656eb46c156cd788952e02632b.jpg[/IMG]Mason-James Fitzgerald
Time: Lunch

Location: English --> Lunch
Interactions: Maree Maree (Tristan) jinkx jinkx (Lizzie)
Mentioned: Tui Tui (Jackson) BurningBridges BurningBridges (AJ) por.quoi por.quoi (Omar)

Mason wanted to complain about the grouping arrangement for the English assignment, but the silent ding from his phone caught his attention instead. He would complain, later on, opening the notification from gossip girl, reading the message once he felt a nervous chill go down his spine. Unable to comprehend what he'd read he gave it a second skim, his eyes picking up his name and Kat's although that barely registered in his mind, then there was the shot at him being second to AJ, which he could care less about. What made his stomach sink was the news on E who he knew stood for Elena, he'd tried to push that night as far back in his mind as possible but Gossip girls message slammed the events forward.

It had been the last night of Junior year and he'd allowed himself to get completely wasted, girls continued to refuse his advantages and his date had stood him up. Being in a shitty mood, horny, and drunk his messed up mind had thought up the plan of drugging Elena. He didn't understand why he'd chose her, as they'd occasionally slept with each other and were technically best friends but he'd done it. If it hadn't been for AJ he may have actually done more than just drug her... he liked to think of himself as a decent guy, one that at least respects women, and believes in consent, and especially wouldn't try to hurt a friend like that. He'd spent summer in London for this reason, stayed off social media and contacted no one. He hoped everyone would forget about the party, focus on the break and when he got back they'd all be worried about senior year. But gossip girl had to go and ruin it, she'd never threatened his reputation before and he'd enjoyed that but it seemed this year she was planning to cook up some trouble, and he was the first meal. The fact that he knew nothing about her made it worse, no person to blame meant no one to threaten.

Biting his lip, he placed his phone down grabbing his stuff and putting them in his backpack, he needed a smoke and a quick drive around to calm his nerves. If he could be honest with himself he didn't give a damn what the rest of the student body in both schools would think once they found out that he was the attempted rapist, his whole body shook from the pain, and anger his close friends would feel. Mainly, Elena and Tristan, he couldn't lose either one of them. He had to tell someone, maybe Tristan, he'd kick his ass but maybe, hopefully, forgive him? Help him break the news to Elena. I mean if he told them before gossip girl did then the storm wouldn't be as bad... Then there was Omar...what would he think?

Shit, what would his parents think? His mom would definitely skin his ass, she put people like him away...no, not people like him, he wasn't like that. She'd fix this, if it got out, she'd know what to do. And his dad, well he'd probably kill him first but they'd fix it...

Reacting too late as Tristan took his phone pulling him out of his thoughts, he forced himself to listen to what his best friend was saying, something about Jackson and lunch. Getting up he said his goodbyes to the guys following after Tris, putting on his nonchalant face he answered him "hey at least you don't have to do the English assignment with him, I might need Lizzie to be there with us so I don't end up fighting the idiot." he said with his usual cocky smile. Rolling his eyes at Tristan's innocence act, he said hello to Lizzie smiling at her. It was a good thing Tristan invited him to lunch or he would be back home drinking his body weight.

He would tell Tristan about the drug issue once they were alone...
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Ellodie Ainsley
Time: Lunch
Location: Health and Sexuality Classroom -> Courtyard
Interactions: Luna ( lauren. lauren. ) + Alaina ( cure cure )

It took her a minute to pick up on the significance of what Luna had said: Kat had been home since Saturday. It was Wednesday now, meaning she'd been back in New York for five whole days but had neglected to return to school until today. Briefly, she wondered what that could mean but figured that maybe Kat was just lazy. Maybe she just felt like ditching? It was weird that Luna hadn't brought up her stepsister being back until now though, especially considering how much she bitched about her usually.

"How very Mean Girls of you, Lu, but you shouldn't get your hopes up. Audrey wouldn't know how to pleasure a woman if you gave her a step-by-step guide and I sincerely doubt that dating AJ has done her any favours there. I was only interested in seeing your stepsister getting ripped apart. After all, who doesn't enjoy good entertainment with their meal?" She retorted, when Luna joked about her having a crush on Audrey. It was a rumour that had circled on and off non-stop since middle school. And maybe there was some truth in its origin, since El had been keen on becoming best friends with Audrey all those years ago, but there certainly wasn't any truth to it now. She did bring up Audrey a lot and there was some kind of obsession there but it was stronger than any crush- bitterness and hatred boiled at the heart of it.

It was while Alaina was musing over where they should go for lunch that the notification came up and it was obvious from the way the entire population of the school seemed to grab for their phones what it was. Another update so soon? Maybe GG had overheard El calling her "boring" and decided to prove a point. El decided she didn't care what the post was about... for approximately two minutes. The surrounding murmur and Alaina's comment made her too curious not to look and she peered over Luna's shoulder at the post. What on earth could possibly have happened during the last hour? If anything had happened, it would've been right there in front of her. Scanning the post, she had a brief heart attack before realising that E wasn't her, it was Elena. El made that mistake nearly every time Elena came up. One day it would probably kill her. And nothing had happened in the last hour- GG had just neglected to let the bomb drop until lunch, when the A Listers would no doubt be together.

"What the fuck?" El muttered, when she reached the part about the rape charges; if it was just a joke, it was a little too dark to be funny, even to someone like her, "It sounds like bullshit to me but let's not jump the gun here. I always thought the A Lister guys were sleazy. My money would be on Tristan if anyone, he'll sleep with anything with a pulse," She glanced at Luna, "Were Kat and MJ really fucking this summer?" And added with a wicked smile, "Did they invite you to join?"
Francis Books

Interacting with: Ellodie ( jinkx jinkx ), James ( ryesnatcher ryesnatcher ), Joseph ( Tui Tui )


Location: English Class --> Courtyard

As the teacher began to explain the activity, Francis scribbled some notes onto his notebook but he ended up just staring at the teacher as he droned on. It was a simple enough activity and one he could definitely insert in between his business. Upon hearing that it's a pair project, he let out a sigh of relief. That would be easier. And he was partnered up with James - who he hasn't seen yet. James had been putting an effort to do his best at classes now so he guessed that it was going to be a breeze to finish this activity. Nevertheless, he wasn't about to hound James to start researching immediately. But he guessed he should at least message the guy.

James B.
Hey man, we could talk about the English activity over the weekend and finish it then.
I'll look into some books you want to tackle. Just tell me. Mr. Reed is going to message us the prompt later.

It wasn't soon until the bell rang and everyone fixed their things up, Francis included. He grabbed his bag and looked over to their Class Clown. "I'm heading down to eat with Emily and it's fifty fifty with Arianna. Let's go." The action felt like a given considering how often they hang out with each other. Francis did hope that the guy would come along. Emily likes his presence and it at least makes lunch more enjoyable. Peaceful but still enjoyable. He shouldered his bag and then headed out. "Wanna go to the ramen shop by the..." He trailed off as he received another message. Multiple messages in fact. And Ellodie was the cause of it and he already knew what was the content of the message even before he opened it.

hey francis guess who?
anyway back to business, u cracked where k disappeared to yet?
there's big bucks in this for u
maybe u could finally afford somebody to stamp your v card for u
Your messages are going to give me cancer eventually
Anyway, no, I don't know where she's been for the entire summer. No one knows where she's been. Not even her closest friends know where she is I'm pretty sure. Haven't tried Luna yet, isn't she with you? Ask her. In any case, if you still want to get what little information I have, then meet me after school.
Oh and as if I'm going to blow precious money on that. Keep dreaming Ellodie.

And as if on cue, he received another notification from the one and only Gossip Girl. He shoved his book inside his locker as he read over the newest blog post. So Katherine was back - and for some reason, Francis actually felt relieved. No wonder Ellodie messaged him about it now even though they'd been at school for a few days now. But again, Francis was slightly glad that Katherine was back. She was a... nice person when she isn't out with her usual buddies. "GG's brewing up some drama with the A-Listers." Francis informed Joseph as he showed him his phone. "And with Jackson but that's no surprise." Jackson was a gold mine for gossipers. Francis doesn't add any fuel to this since he needs Jackson in his top shape and not against him. After another second, he placed his phone back in his pocket and closed his locker. "GG is holding back on us it looks. I just hope it isn't anything too serious." But if there really would be rape charges, maybe it's going to be a more intense senior year than he thought.

He waited for Joseph to finish himself and then headed out to the courtyard hoping that the girls would be out there and they can finally eat. This was the meeting place for most of the the gender-mixed groups in both schools so he was bound to see some of the others. But hey, what joy would it be for him to see the effects of GG.
Luna Trevor

"The Rebel"

"Yeah, Naruto works." Unlike the majority of the people around her, Luna didn't jump for her phone the second that it was apparent that Gossip Girl had posted something new. It would have been a stretch to say that she didn't care, because in reality, everyone in their world cared at least a little bit. It was one thing to say that you didn't care about celebrity gossip and tabloid stories, because you didn't personally know those people. It was different to claim that you had no interest in the scandals going on in the lives of the people you brushed shoulders with on a daily basis. Even if Luna wasn't immune from being curious about what Gossip Girl posted, she doubted that it would be relevant to her. As could only be expected, Gossip Girl typically targeted the A-listers. The B-listers weren't complete losers, so they were often mentioned here and there too, but most people liked hearing about what was going on in the lives of the people at the top. With this being their senior year, Luna wouldn't have been surprised if more B-listers made news worthy of being posted, but she didn't think anything could be said about her, and she liked it that way. For the most part, she was an open book. She didn't want her name being plastered on the Internet with a description of her being a pothead or someone that enjoyed friends with benefits and one night stands, but it also wasn't a secret that she held close to her. If she was ever mentioned, it would probably piss her off more than make her feel embarrassed or fearful, as the posts often made the victims feel. With that being said, Luna's interest in Gossip Girl was typically based on curiosity and not a strong desire to know what was happening immediately.

When both girls beside her reacted more dramatically than expected, she eventually took out her phone and checked the post as they walked. "No and no," she said, rolling her eyes but smirking at El's questions. She was in the process of pulling up the app now, a bit more curious since apparently her stepsister was mentioned. "I'd tell you where she was, but then I'd have to kill you," she teased. Deciding that it probably wasn't nice to suggest that Katherine's cover story was a lie, she followed it up by saying, "But no, seriously, she really was just in California with her mom. Her mom is one of the down-to-earth, hippie music chicks. She plays the violin or something, and you know how those orchestra geeks are... out here thinking that music will save the world and shit. They were probably fucking meditating the whole time or something like that." Luna's playful dig at people who were in an orchestra was purposeful, and the look that she flashed Alaina as she spoke showed that at least she was amused with herself.

By that point, she had opened the app and read the post. El and Alaina's disbelief at the last party made her roll her eyes again. "I need to take you two out partying more often. Do you know how many sleazy guys carry around Roofies like they're Tic-Tacs? I'd bet it's true." It didn't surprise her in the slightest that one of the A-listers was involved in something like that. "You should ask your brother. I'm sure he would know," she said, looking to Alaina. She doubted it was her brother, not only because AJ came from a nice family, but because if he had done it, it would have been much more scandalous. This was something she was curious about though. If not for the drama aspect of it, then because she wanted to know who she needed to watch out for when drunk. Glancing to Ellodie, she added, "I bet Francis knows too. How many guys do you think would really ask him for something like that?" Even if guys who were capable of drugging girls weren't rare, Luna liked to think that out of their peers, it would be. If the person did buy it from Francis, it couldn't have been that hard to figure out with a little convincing.
[IMG='width:196px;']https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7b/eb/f8/7bebf81f6aaabf82c693fd51f43d4535.jpg[/IMG]Elena Baird
Dialogue: #A26769
Mentions: Audrey ( A_Writer A_Writer ) & Kat ( BurningBridges BurningBridges )

The minutes on the clock passed by slower than she could have ever imagined. The tension between her group of friends seemed to grow with each minute but she was at a loss with what to do. She kept an eye on her phone but didn't receive any more incoming texts during class. When the bell finally rang, Elena was the first to pack her things. In a matter of seconds her items were placed neatly back into her purse, which was now slung over one shoulder, and she stood from her seat.

Together Audrey, Elena and Kat exited the classroom and navigated the long hallways of Constance Billard. They rarely indulged in the cafeteria food, although it (surprisingly) wasn't that bad, and today was no exception. Noglu was their lunch destination, a small, quiet place near the school itself. It specialized in gluten free food baked goods and provided the girls with a nice atmosphere as well a good view of all those who came into the restaurant. After a quick pit stop at the lockers, they were on their way.

Elena had immediately noticed Audrey's attitude, especially since it seemed to also be directed at her. She didn't question it. She knew that Audrey was struggling to understand why Kat, of all people, could leave her hanging. AJ cheating on her over the summer only made things worse and Elena, despite being the person he had slept with, was the only one there to listen to and comfort her. Those were some of the few times she had actually been hoping for Kat's return so she could replace her as Audrey's confidant. Hearing Audrey's problems only fueled Elena's jealousy and, in this situation, her guilt. Still, somehow, she had managed to keep her cool all summer. And she never once slipped up on her story, meaning Audrey genuinely believed she had no outside knowledge of the situation, and that was the way she wanted to keep it. So when Audrey, rather demandingly, asked Elena to catch Kat up on all of the events that had transpired over the summer, Elena told the same story.

"Oh, gosh, Kat. You've missed a lot," she began as they exited the school. "For starters, AJ cheated. It was a total disaster and he's a total asshole for it. And then there's Gossip Girl. No one knows who she is but she still knows everything. And she just won't quit."

As if on cue, Elena's phone buzzed from her back pocket. She reached for it and, upon unlocking the device, she was taken aback by who it was from - Gossip Girl herself. They had already heard so much from the anonymous blogger who seemed to know every detail of everyone's life, including Elena - a fact she realized as she mulled over the words on her phone. She immediately felt sick at the mention of an attempted drugging on her over the summer and quickly locked her phone. But it was too late - the words were already seared into her mind: "Bt dubbs, E, maybe cover your drink this time? We wouldn't want another repeat of you know what. Apparently the A-listers are out for blood this year--or rape charges."

A wave of nausea washed over her. The lemon meringue pastry that had been on her mind all day vanished in the blink of an eye, replaced with flashbacks of a hazy, spinning room, the smell of alcohol, and the inability to control herself despite not having that much to drink that night. She had realized the day after the incident she had been drugged and, out of fear and humiliation, only confided in one person: Audrey. With no evidence, no rumors, and a whole lot of embarrassment, Elena had decided to keep that part of the night to herself but Gossip Girl had just exposed the situation entirely. Elena's name was not unfamiliar to Gossip Girl but this was the first time she had mentioned anything important or personal to Elena - and of course it had to be this.
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Emily Ferguson
Interactions: apolla apolla Tui Tui AI10100 AI10100
Mentions: jinkx jinkx Reticent Reticent BurningBridges BurningBridges A_Writer A_Writer
Health and Sexuality Classroom - Courtyard
Emily let out a small chuckle when Arianna was completely clueless at everything that happened just a few minutes ago, but that was what made Arianna different from the rest she didn't care about the drama and was more interested with what happened between the characters of the books she was reading, maybe that was part of the reason they got along so well "Why I'm not surprised to hear that" she said to her friend before she started to pay attention to class.
Thankfully the class was over and it was lunch time, she packed all her belongings and when she was over she checked and reply to the messages she couldn't see during class, she wasn't surprised to see one from Francis and the other one from Jackson.

"Lunch with Francis, right now and you are coming whether you like it or not. The day is really nice for you to go and hide in the library I'm sure the sun it's not going to kill you if you come with us" Emily said to Arianna who knew was a fan of going to the library every free time she had.
After she left her books on her locker and went towards the courtyard to the usual place where they would have lunch. She didn't bother to go to the cafeteria to eat most of the time she would bring her own food and even if it wasn't luxurious as the food the other students brought there was never a failure with pb&j sandwich or sometimes they would go to places that weren't extremely expensive but as she was going there Emily received another message before she saw it she thought it was either Jackson or Francis but she didn't think it would be another message from Gossip Girl.
The message caught her by surprise she wasn't expecting GG would post something so quickly about Kat's arrival or the strange way Audrey seemed at class. Emily felt mad when she read the part that talked about Jackson, she knew about what happened to her father and all the problems his family had, well she knew thanks to GG instead of Jackson she wasn't that comfortable asking about that to him knowing it was a sensitive subject and she didn't want to meddle in things she wasn't called, even if Jackson was a troublesome guy that made more bad decisions than good ones he was a nice guy or at least that was the side that Emily has seen of him.
But she couldn't believe when she read about rape charges, she was so confused by reading that. If it was known that rich kids were used to having everything they wanted without no one going against them. Emily couldn't believe they would go to the extreme to do something like that by reading the person who was the almost the victim she got surprised for sure it wasn't her, Emily wasn't the person that would go to a lot of parties or that would drink she was always the one that stayed sober always and if it was Ellodie the message of GG instead of talking about someone trying to take advantage of another person it would be about a homicide so the last option was Elena was she really the one that GG was talking about? And if this was she really meant GG about going with a bang? Emily was glad that she was not enough interesting to make the headers of the blog of Gossip Girl, maybe being an unknown person wasn't that bad after all.

Jackson Fox
Mentions: jinkx jinkx (Elizabeth Bates) Maree Maree (Tristan), Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy (Emily)
Interactions: jinkx jinkx (Elizabeth Bates),
Location: English Class ---> Constance Courtyard
Mood: Irritable/nervous

o o o

The Class dragged on on on, Jackson trying to focus on the teacher rather than on the whispering around him. He couldn't help staring at the messages from Lizzie, though, heart in his throat. 'Play nice' She said. Jackson couldn't help thinking, only if he did. This was probably a terrible idea, but what kind of pussy would back out now? He has been labeled many things but so far 'wimp' or 'pushover' has not been part of his reputation. He didn't reply to Lizzie's Last text, deciding it was better to just put it away for now. He did chime in however when he was paired to work with MJ for the english assignment. He peeked over at MJ and Tristan, both of them looked distracted, and Tristan looked like he'd found out from Lizzie that he was joining them at lunch today. He couldn't help but chuckle a little. What the hell had happened to him over the past half a year? Things used to be so normal. Honestly though, he didn't understand the blind hatred. What had Jackson done that was so bad? Maybe he had done something and he didn't even remember. He was rarely sober for a while after his father had gone away afterall.

Suddenly there was another notification. This one was from gossip girl. Jackson almost groaned out loud, but he couldn't resist opening it. His eyes glossed past the part about Kat, he barely noticed she was missing, and Audrey was as out of his life as A.J was. Then there was his name, of course, scoring an eye roll from Jackson, who had heard it all before. Luckily for him, Jackson's last year at school was already paid for, so he didn't have to worry about not graduating or having to figure out moving to a public school. He hadn't seen his father in over a month, but then again, it wasn't like he saw him much before he went away anyway. His dad didn't give two fucks about him. His eyes glanced over at A.J and he thought bitterly to himself and neither do my friends.

Jackson put that aside and continued reading. the next part made his skin crawl. "What...?" He muttered under his breath. Rape charges? For a moment he was worried he'd been framed for something, after all he held a lot of parties and he usually had no idea who was going to turn up, plus he worked for Fransis and had access to all kinds of drugs. But no, he'd already been mentioned, plus he had NEVER bought any kind of knock out drug, and certainly never found a need to put it in someone's drink. It made him very nervous, though. As much as he disliked most of his old friends he didn't think they were... like that.

Class finially ended and Jackson's head was spinning. He sat in his seat for a moment longer, trying to process. Tristan was already at the door with MJ, he caught their eyes and scored a rather nasty glare. Jackson didn't even have the effort to glare back, he just looked away and stood up to pack up his laptop. He placed it back in his backpack and went to his locker quickly to lock it away. He dawdled there for a minute, replying to a few texts.


After that he headed straight over to the courtyard, and very quickly saw Lizzie and Tristan, plus his 'Backup' MJ which he decided to bring along. Jackson sucked in a breath and tried his best to approach casually. He focused on Lizzie and greeted her with a warm smile "Hey Liz," He said then turned to the other two guys "If you guys are done sulking, I'm pretty hungry so lets find somewhere to eat" He even flashed them a cheeky grin, they'd probably see it as more of a smirk though it really wasn't intended to be that way. "Plus, apparently MJ and me have to talk English group assignment so you're gonna have your hands full Liz" He winked at her playfully.

Joey Smith
Mentions: Maree Maree (Tristan)
Interactions: AI10100 AI10100 (Francis)
Location: English class --> Constance Courtyard
Mood: Neutral

- - -
"Yep, and we just keep on looking after all" He replied to Fransis. "Maybe she's a super-human... like a mutant from the X-men! The power to know whenever there's a scandal!" Joey whispered back "Or maybe she has a whole network of spies all over both schools!" He was having fun with this and his voice was getting a little too loud "Or... Or maybe she's a Tech genius and has every camera rigged up to her home base. I mean we all imagine her as a fairly attractive chick that looks like an Audrey clone, but we don't know that she's not some weirdo tech guy with 7000 pimples and a pot belly and a grudge against this particular scho-"
"Joseph, with your embarrassing start to this semester, I think you might due well to pay attention in my class." Mr Reed said holding up the paper he had submitted witch looked like it had been sitting crumpled at the bottom of a locker for about 3 weeks now. Joseph scratched the back of his head and said "Well I met the word count, sir?" And then settled back into his seat to pretend to pay attention for a while.

Usually Joseph successfully whispered back and fourth during most lessons, so he had no issue chatting away to Francis and checking his phone. The only part of the lesson he really picked up on, other than handing in the crumpled assignment from the bottom of his backpack to the teacher who gave him a very disappointed look for it, and listening to the groupings for the next English assignment. He was to be Trstan's partner for English? Most of him felt thrilled but there were parts of him that felt absolutely terrified. That boy was his weakness for sure, if he tried something Joey might just let him. And with the gossip bitch in this school THAT was something that was bound to get out. Joey looked over at the boy. He seemed preoccupied, his head was on the desk. Joey didn't know what happened there, he was in his own little world.

The bell finally rang, Joey wanted to find out where Tris was gonna be at lunchtime but he could always text him later, plus he needed to syke himself up. It looked like he was hanging out with MJ anyway, whom he didn't know very well. Fransis was already giving him some lunch plans anyway so he had some time "Yeah, Ramen, I'm easy." Joey said "You know I'll eat anything" He patted his stomach as if he had a giant belly "Arianna might make an excuse if she know's I'm there to annoy her" He chuckled. As he packed up ready to head out. Francis had stopped listening again, he was reading the newest GG post. Joey pulled out his phone and did the same, and for once his face went serious. This wasn't some dumb gossip... this was a rape accusation "It sure SOUNDS serious to me, man." He said uncomfortably as he finished up and headed towards the couryard with Fransis. Happily, it seemed, Tris was going the same way.
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Katherine Arnault

Role: The Drama Queen
Clique: A-List
Grade: 12
Age: 17
Location: Constance Billard School for Girls, Health & Sexuality class
Mention: Reticent Reticent A_Writer A_Writer jinkx jinkx

There was no way out of this, and Katherine knew it. It was time to face what she had gotten herself into (or really, been forced into, since it wasn't like she wanted to disappear all summer). She followed the girls out of the classroom and though Audrey and Elena both did a good job at appearing cool, calm and collected, Katherine struggled with it. Her body was riddled with anxiety, and feeling depressed, lethargic and hungry didn't help. Outside of the current situation, compared to her two friends, Katherine was just naturally a more emotional person. It was harder for her to hide her emotions and when she was feeling emotional, she felt (or at least showed) it more dramatically than others did. She was quiet as Audrey suggested that Elena share what they had done all summer as they left campus, but she bit her bottom lip at what Elena claimed had happened. AJ cheated on Audrey? And he was still alive to tell the tale? What the fuck?! Her eyes immediately darted over to Audrey, a concerned look on her face as she tried to gauge some reaction out of her friend. Something told her that Audrey probably didn't want Elena to share that, especially not so close to campus. No one was near them enough to hear what they were talking about, but knowing Audrey, even whispering something so scandalous would probably warrant anger.

"I'm so sorry," she said, her voice nearly a whisper as she looked to Audrey with genuine sadness. Even if Audrey was the queen of seeming stoic and unemotional, Katherine knew that that had to have hurt, and probably still did. She wasn't paying attention to what Elena was saying about Gossip Girl because this was too big of news for her to just brush past. Her heart had actually sunk for Audrey just hearing the news. For the same reasons mentioned earlier, plus the fact that Audrey disliked seeming weak and vulnerable, Katherine knew that she wasn't going to want to talk about it, but she couldn't get past it. Kat was aware that AJ and Audrey fought sometimes, but to cheat?! On Audrey?! Was he suicidal?

Her phone sounded at the same time as Elena reached for her own, which could only mean one thing: Gossip Girl. Unlike many, Katherine had always enjoyed Gossip Girl. She didn't like when things were posted about herself, obviously, but she enjoyed drama when it was happening in the lives of other people. It was entertaining and childishly fun to watch, especially when she disliked the person who was being taken down. To see her name mentioned in the post brought her mood down even further. She should have expected it, given just how dramatically everyone was reacting to her being away (and probably rightfully so), but it still made her feel quite anxious. To make matters worse, her name wasn't just mentioned once, but multiple times. Her absence, something about being linked to MJ, and giving Jackson hush money... all in one post. It spoke to her character that what irked her the most was the line about being less interesting to look at than Elena. Although residential treatment had helped her in some ways, she was no where near where she needed to be, and a petty comment like that didn't fare well for someone who had body image issues already. She ran her fingers through her hair self-consciously as she looked to Audrey. "What's wrong with the way I look?" she asked defensively, completely overlooking the comment about someone being drugged (and it being Elena), as she was more concerned with herself. "And what does she even mean about MJ?" The reference suggesting that they may have been hooking up went over her head and left her confused. She wasn't sure if she would have preferred to have to speak about her summer immediately, or if this post was helpful in the sense of taking the spotlight off of her for the moment. As she reread the post, again only truly reading what involved herself, she couldn't resist texting Lizzie, who was nice enough to hopefully make Kat feel better.

To: Lizzie
Is Elena prettier than me
Elizabeth Bates
Time: Lunch
Location: Courtyard -> Street
Interactions: Tristan ( Maree Maree ), MJ ( Colelovesrp Colelovesrp ), Jackson ( Tui Tui ) + Kat ( BurningBridges BurningBridges )

Kat 😘
Is Elena prettier than me
No, of course not! Is this because of GG? She probably just wants to divide the girls because she's jealous of us. You're so pretty xx
She didn't have to wait very long before she saw Tristan approaching; raising one hand to wave, Lizzie smiled at him and realised that MJ seemed to be coming too. She supposed it was only fair, since she had invited Jackson, but she wasn't sure whether MJ being there would increase or decrease the tension. She greeted Tristan with a hug, since the two of them were close and had been since she joined the A Listers, and offered MJ a demure smile.

"Aww, you brought a date too," Lizzie couldn't help but tease, "Hey, MJ, how was your summer?"

She hadn't seen much of him over the summer, since they weren't especially close and had very little reason to meet up outside of mutual friends. They got along fine and she thought he was nice enough but if they weren't in the same clique, it was unlikely she would have ever spoken to him. MJ seemed distracted, distant, but she didn't think too much of it. He was probably just brooding over the latest GG update, which she'd barely had time to scan before they arrived, but had definitely mentioned him. Something about him and Kat. She already knew it couldn't be true, though it might explain why Kat had been so shifty... She couldn't second-guess her friend. If Kat had been with a boy this summer, she would've jumped at the chance to tell Lizzie about it. GG was just trying to stir up drama like she always did, reminding Lizzie of why she wasn't a big fan of the blogger.

Soon after, Jackson arrived and greeted her warmly, "Hey, how are you? You look like you had a rough night."

She was genuinely pleased to see him, especially since she knew it must be difficult to be around his ex-friends who hated his guts all day and despite it all, he was here and he was handing in assignments and he was coping. Privately, she thought that made him an awfully strong individual. He was smarter than he thought too, having genuine moments of insight when she had helped him with his assignment, and she knew if he worked just as hard on all his assignments, his chances of dropping out would lessen. The way he talked to the others wasn't defensive or angry and Lizzie, who hadn't even realised she'd been holding her breath, relaxed. Glancing at Tristan, she silently pleaded that he would be just as civil.

As they made their way out of the school and onto the streets of New York, Lizzie made an effort to walk in between the boys and keep Tristan and Jackson on either side of her, "I don't mind where we go as long as we avoid Noglu. I just spent fourty minutes trapped between Kat and Audrey not-talking to each other and I don't want to spend my lunch break watching them fight."
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Ellodie Ainsley
Time: Lunch
Location: Courtyard -> Naruto Ramen
Interactions: Luna ( lauren. lauren. ) + Alaina ( cure cure ) + Francis ( AI10100 AI10100 )

hey francis guess who?
anyway back to business, u cracked where k disappeared to yet?
there's big bucks in this for u
maybe u could finally afford somebody to stamp your v card for u
Your messages are going to give me cancer eventually
Anyway, no. I don't know where she's been for the entire summer. No one knows where she's been. Not even her closest friends know where she is I'm pretty sure. Haven't tried Luna yet, isn't she with you? Ask her. In any case, if you still want to get what little information I have, then meet me after school.
Oh and as if I'm going to blow precious money on that. Keep dreaming Ellodie.
wouldn't want anything to come between u and ur hand
and if ur just going to tell me that k was in california or she was fucking mj, u can save ur breath
i don't pay u to read gg
apparently kat got back into ny on sat but nobody saw her until today see what u can do with that
ps u been selling date rape drugs? if so u better have covered ur tracks
"If either of my parents became hippies, I'd probably have offed myself by now," El remarked. As rocky as her relationship was with their own family, (and, oh boy, was it rocky), at least they weren't all peace and love and "we can work this out". They'd given up on her just as quickly as she'd given up on them- playing the role of the strict, businesslike parents that didn't have time to be messed around by their kids- and they all preferred to keep out of each other's way. At this point, El wondered if her family should just sell the house, split the money, and go and live their seperate lives. It wasn't as if she stayed at home that often anymore, usually crashing at somebody else's. The whole family thing seemed to just be tying them all down.

Anyway, back to other people's problems before she got too bogged down in her own. Part of her reasoned that what Luna said made sense and, (as far as she knew), there was little motive for Luna to lying, especially since she didn't like Kat to begin with. If Kat had been doing something ridiculous and scandalous, she doubted Luna would keep it to herself. But a stronger part of her didn't buy the California story at all. A complete social media absence? (Yes, she had checked regularly, hating herself for it). Five days back in NY without a peep of her? No big story? Something wasn't right but El decided to pursue it in her own time, disregarding Luna as being a repetable source this time and knowing for a fact now that GG didn't have the truth either.

As for the rape rumours, Luna seemed unsurprised and she supposed she couldn't blame her. It wasn't exactly uncommon. But still, El couldn't think of one time it had happened to an A Lister- they seemed almost untouchable. In her eyes, the fact that something like this had happened to someon like Elena confirmed it for her that it was probably somebody she trusted. And would it really be a surprise? Despite their shiny reps, A Listers were noctoriously scummy. Just look at the way they'd cast out El in middle school and later Jackson in high school. If GG was anything to go by, they were just as trashy towards each other.

"Men!" El spat, using the same tone of disgust that most people reserved for dog shit on the bottom of their shoes, "Fucking disgusting. If I ever caught one putting something in my drink, he'd leave the bar with a black eye and minus several of his teeth. For the record, if any guy fucks with you, he'll have to deal with me as well," Her fierce loyalty was one of El's more redeemable qualities, "Alaina- well, I'm not sure you have anything to be worried about, but I guess I'd still be willing to sort a guy out for you. You know, for the right price," She rolled her eyes, "God, I sounded like Francis then. Maybe it's time to get a new dealer."

They made good time, since Alaina was keen to make it back for her elective (laaaaaame), and it wasn't long before the ramen place was in sight. It was a decent place, small but authentic; the downside, if any, was that they only accepted payment in cash but that was only an issue for people who survived soley off the credit cards their (biological or not) daddies paid for. Glancing inside, she saw that nobody else from their school seemed to have elected to spend their lunch here (so far) which was always an up side- El wasn't a fan of making pleasantries with people just because their parents paid for them to go to the same school. She held the door open, even for Alaina, and only let it drop once they were all inside.
Arianna meant it when she told Emily that she didn't care. She wasn't here because of daddy's money, or even mommy's money, as the case may have been with some of the pupils. She busted her ass to keep her GPA up so that she could continue to attend, because she wanted a damn good education and Constance had that. To be able to finally pry herself loose from the grip that was her sister's and even her old modeling career, she needed good grades and to get into an even better college.

Still, an amused smile graced her lips at Emily's words, and she shot her a look as she leaned over to tuck her book carefully into her messenger bag. Her phone remained silent during class; the blonde didn't even bother checking it once. She took notes diligently and actually paid attention, unlike some of her other classmates. She did glance over at Emily a few times, noticing the girl texting, but she didn't say anything.

When class was over, Arianna began packing up her things, fully intent on spending lunch in the library. Emily seemed to sense this, for she gave Arianna no choice in the matter-- lunch with her and Francis. With a sigh, she gave in without a fight. "I'll meet you outside in five." She told the girl before standing, slipping out of the classroom and through the crowded halls to her locker.

It was around this time that her phone buzzed, and she glanced down at her pocket, as though she'd forgotten about it existing. Slamming her locker shut, she pulled the device from her pocket, her eyes scanning the Gossip Girl message with more interest than she'd care to admit. She was not friends with Kat by any means, but whatever she'd done this summer, wasn't that her business? Rolling her eyes, she almost skipped the rest of the message when one word stood out to her.


The word made her shudder, and she immediately clicked off her phone, glancing around the hallway. Which one of her classmates were a rapist? Suddenly very uneasy, she shoved her phone into her pocket and grabbed her bag, setting off to the courtyard. Spotting Emily, she hurried over to her, her hands in her pockets. "Hey. Where's Francis?" She asked, trying to keep her voice level and nonchalant.

Emily ( Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy )

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