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Fantasy Man Made Gods- Characters

Notable NPCs

  • Basic Info
    Lorette Lècuyer
    As far as anyone knows, she sleeps under her desk
    CEO; Apex Implementations
    "I already have more money than God, why not go all the way?"
    Honestly, Lorette is pretty nice. She's just really committed to her aesthetic.

    Fiercely ambitious and dangerously cunning, Lorette at first glance seems to be rigid in her bearing and possessing a rather cool demeanor. Not a stretch of the imagination given the nature of her work. The upper echelons of society spares no room for weakness, and the woman has taken great pains to forge a prickly armor to deter would be usurpers. Past outward glances Lorette is in actuality, surprisingly pleasant and enjoys speaking openly with any that would ask for her time. In spite of her unscrupulous morals, Lorette believes fully in the potential of others and takes great pains to nurture that potential to the fullest in all that serve under her. Anyone can refine themselves into something greater if they have the drive to do so, and Lorette would rather that potential be brought to fruition rather than wasted.

    Of course, that is to her own benefit more than anyone else's. Good talent free of an exorbitant price tag is incredibly hard to find in the Corporate Sector, and Lorette has refined the sort of perception needed to spot it among the shuffling masses. Potential not in her hands is potential wasted in her own opinion, and she has no interest in seeing it in someone else's grasp. Predictably, the woman has little patience and fewer words for anyone she deems worthless.

    Nothing worthwhile has ever been earned through haste, and Lorette embodies this in her seemingly boundless patience. She approaches tasks and decision making carefully, not wanting to worsen things with misguided actions. This in turn makes her frustratingly slow to act in some cases. Though she can act with unsurprising alacrity should lives be on the line.

    That limitless patience, however, hides a deep-rooted vindictiveness within the woman. All slights, no matter how small, are committed to Lorette's memory. Never forgotten and allowed to fester within her heart. She weighs each crime, internally compiling a list of offenses for one and all. The higher the count grows, the harder Lorette works against her foes.

    Despite her particularly ruthless methods of dealing with anyone that's crossed her, Lorette is an incredibly honest and dependable individual. Good customer service is the crux of good buisness, and Lorette takes great pains to ensure that everyone with the money to spare gets exactly what they pay for. This is a matter of pride, more than altruism, however. Lorette isn't in the habit of half assing anything lest her competence be brought into question. Such discipline makes her a nightmare for her foes and that honesty can lead to scathing words, but Lorette understands the virtue of teamwork and can be counted upon in even the most dire of situations.

    Never one to shirk duty, the woman finds a lack of drive to be a great offense. Sitting around and waiting for Life or Death to do its thing doesn't sit right with her.

code by Nano

  • Basic Info
    Nikhil Bhattacharya
    Studio apartment in the Buisness District
    Head of Research and Development; Apex Implementations
    "The best part about being able to see the future is that I never have to be subjected to an awful movie again."
    "Nikhil decided one day that he was going to invent Necromancy, and when I asked why he said it was 'a contingency'. I kind of want to see if he can pull it off."

    Nikhil is a soft-spoken man and is not one to be overly emotional. He does, however, tend to ramble on excitedly when speaking about his points of interest, and will easily talk the ear off of anyone that will listen. Nikhil's research into Daemons and all corresponding technology keeps him very busy and he often has little time for socializing. Though he is well mannered and polite, Nikhil can be overwhelmingly blunt to the point of rudeness. Despite this, or because of it he is well respected among his peers. His candor allows for an efficient work place as he'll waste no time in dancing around issues. Something of great importance when dealing with dangerous supernatural entities.

    A brilliant Mechanical Engineer and self-proclaimed Daemon enthusiast, Nikhil Bhattacharya heads the Research and Development division of Apex Implementations. Despite being responsible for a great many technological advancements concerning Daemons, Nikhil shows a degree of humility that seems out of place for a man in his position. Nikhil is brusque, but not impatient. And he understands the importance of what Apex does. To prepare for the future, one must be willing to teach as well as learn. Things impossible if one's own ego is in the way.

    Nikhil is not a combatant by his own choice, though when he was first hired Lorette did stress the importance of learning the ins and outs of self defense given the nature of his work. Even if he is not the most athletic person, Nikhil has attained a mastery of Channeling that is unmatched. Perhaps due to his endless hours of research, and in part due to his dedication of delving into every mystery Daemons have to offer up. His Resonance is very high, and a few have gone on record to express their relief at Nikhil's desire to be left to his studies overriding any other ambitions. Should the man ever turn on his peers, there are few who boast the strength to stand against him.

code by Nano

  • Basic Info
    Audrey Kinniaird
    The Gym, bro
    Lancer; Apex Implementations
    "I didn't ask to be jacked, but I damn sure earned it."
    "It's weird that someone would be a natural at beating the piss out of monsters, but Audrey does like she was born to do it." "

    Hot-Blooded and unyielding, Audrey Kinnaird is a force to be reckoned with on and off the battlefield. The woman's crass manner is abrasive to many, but those that truly know her speak highly of her loyalty and unwavering conviction. Audrey is significantly more casual in manner and behavior than her coworkers, often not bothering with honorifics or titles, much to the chagrin of her superiors. This makes her quite popular with others in her rank however, and the woman is always glad to make new friends.

    While loud to talk and quick to boast, Audrey is not a rash individual by any means. Though she believes that actions always speak louder than words, Audrey is never one to punch first and ask questions later. Preferring an easygoing approach to all interactions, the woman would prefer to get a read on a person before making a snap judgement.

    A practitioner of several Martial Arts, Audrey is a Lancer of unquestionable skill. Her fighting instinct is the woman's greatest boon and her body often reacts before her mind can catch up. This extends to her Channeling, and the woman is able to utilize Sanzir's flame as easily as if it were second nature. The bond she shares with the bold Daemon is indeed her greatest asset in battle, and with his ever burning flames Audrey lashes out with hands and feet wreathed in fire.

    Instinct can only get one so far, and while neither a fool nor incompetent, Audrey isn't big on thinking too hard about things that don't interest her. She preforms the clerical aspects of her job as well as expected of her, and nothing beyond that. Time spent filling out paperwork could be time spent training, and Audrey is quick to say so whenever a new stack finds its way to her desk.

code by Nano

  • Basic Info
    Matsuko Oshiro
    She has a nice apartment in the Entertainment District, like the hipster she is.
    Lieutenant Security Officer; Apex Implementations
    "I only have small furniture in my home. I enjoy inviting tall people over and watching them struggle."
    "Matsuko is dead serious about her job. But she absolutely doesn't make it her entire life. She'll practically skip out of the building every Friday."

    An energetic and clever woman, Matsuko serves as the Lieutenant Security Officer and Richard's 2nd in command. Where Richard maintains an easygoing air about him, Matsuko is a little more sharp-tongued. The woman is prone to flinging barbed insults towards any that would rouse her ire to the point that subordinates will flee the area should she be observed to be in an especially foul mood. Richard in complete disregard to personal safety, claims that her height, or lack thereof is the cause for the woman's rage.

    Matsuko is infamous for drilling Apex's security forces to exhaustion, demanding excellence from each and every one of them. Always willing to put her money where her mouth is, Matsuko will not be observed slacking and bears the pain alongside her subordinates.

    While a longtime practitioner of Kendo, Matsuko also boasts an affinity for dance and utilizes her experience in ballet to supplement an already deadly skillset.

    If Richard represents the eyes and ears of Apex, Matsuko bears the teeth and claws. She meets any and all opposition with a surprising level of ferocity, and like her superior Matsuko is unwilling to release any prey caught in her grasp. Her pugnacious attitude can come off abrasive to many, but none that have met her can doubt Matsuko's skill in battle, nor her commitment to her work.

    In a complete turnabout Matsuko is significantly more approachable when she isn't at work. The woman has stated that what happens on the clock stays there and vice versa. While no stranger to pulling long shifts or coming in when she's not scheduled, Matsuko does not like to approach her personal life with the same intensity that she approaches her job.

    While eager to see the future that Lorette wishes to bring to pass, Matsuko holds a great deal of skepticism. Not for the CEO or her ambitions, but of the idea that any would be worthy to see it. She remains silent on the manner, doing as she instructed, but Matsuko holds no qualms about disposing of any that are deemed unfit to see the future ushered in by Apex, and will gladly dispose of anyone deemed unworthy with the efficiency and brutality that she has come to be known for

code by Nano

  • Basic Info
    Allister Schoen
    Nicer than yours
    Personal Assistant to the CEO; Apex Implementations
    "I didn't spend my entire life growing all this hair for it to NOT be the best in the room."
    "In Allister's defense, if you're an adult with a job; you should be dressing like it."

    An eccentric even by Apex's standards, Allister carries himself with a level of refinement befit more for a Prince than a personal assistant. Polite and affable, he makes for a great conversationalist and is quick to invite other to chat over tea.

    Allister has a deep appreciation for beautiful things and tends to be fastidious in the manner in which he dresses and conducts himself in public. This along with a particular charm tends to draw people to him like moths to a flame, something he is glad for. He would describe himself as 'charismatic' but close friends often refer to him as an attention whore. This coupled with his insistence on maintaining a certain aesthetic causes Allister to bump heads with less than refined employees of Apex, and on more than one occasion Lorette has had to step in and reign in his behavior. Despite this Allister has nothing but the utmost respect and trust in the capabilities of anyone under Apex's banner, knowing that they wouldn't be there if they were incompetent.

    Strangely, or unsurprisingly given his job description, Allister is also responsible for wrangling Lorette should she look to be heading towards trouble. Something that he's gotten quite good at given that the CEO attracts it without even trying.

    His even temper and refined attitude would not cause one to immediately peg Allister as being combat oriented, nor does he carry any weaponry like other Apex employees but this does not make him any less dangerous. He and his Daemon are both of the opinion that fighting is not an act of violence, so much as it is an artful display meant to be observed by all. A display that Allister is more than happy give whether the recipient is willing or not.

    Due to his upbringing, Allister is a capable ballroom dancer, and like Matsuko utilizes the balance and strength gained from such a skill to compliment his combat abilities. On occasion he can be seen practicing dance steps with Matsuko, and each often loudly criticizes the other. To everyone's confusion, neither has made an effort to find a different partner.

code by Nano

  • Basic Info
    Richard Solberg
    Like Lorette, he probably sleeps in his office.
    Chief of Security; Apex Implementations
    "It's not that I don't care. It's just that the shit keeps comin' without end and I don't know which problem to get mad about first."
    "Richard doesn't get mad. He get's disappointed and that's actually worse."

    Tall, deep-voiced and a little foreboding, Richard Solberg cuts an imposing figure; as to be expected from the man bearing the title of Chief of Security at Apex Implementations. He maintains a stern and commanding presence within the offices of Apex HQ, a veritable army of Officers at his beck and call. The everyday stresses of Richard's work are not overly evident to many, as the man is nigh unflappable, to the point that it's become a running joke within the office. No one can ever recall in recent history, a point in which Richard didn't meet an incident with a sort of detached interest. Richard maintains a rather cool demeanor in the face of disaster and seems to view even the worst of problems as nothing more than minor inconveniences. Many assume that this stems from years of Military training and service, though Richard is quick to assure any that care to listen that he simply cannot afford to lose his temper with so many people relying on him.

    Gruff demeanor aside, Richard is a man of kindness and empathy and takes great strides to get to know the people that serve under him. Preferring to cultivate bonds of loyalty and trust with his subordinates, rather than the detachment that his Service drilled into him years prior. Richard is a man that leaves his door and ears open to any that need it, even while he works diligently to maintain the safety and security of the building and all that reside in it.

    A perceptive and cunning individual, it is said that there is nothing that escapes Richard's gaze. While this has earned him the respect and admiration of his subordinates, Richard's unwillingness to allow any that have roused his ire to escape his grasp is a source of fear for any that would oppose him. The Chief of Security is not one to release any prey that has caught his eye, and will chase his quarry into Pits of Hell if need be. It is this obsessive trait that can and will cause the man to lose sight of his true goals. Fortunately, his Lieutenant is more than happy to beat him over the head should his attention stray too far.
code by Nano
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Name: Kahurangi O'Hara

Age: 30

Occupation: Sentinel, at Apex Implementations.

Place of Residence: Residential area, better than the streets.

Calm and collected, these were the best words that could describe Kahurangi O'Hara. Unerring in his focus, little will be able to dissuade Kahurangi from any objective that he is given, whether it is off the battlefield or on it. An air of indifference always accompanies his person. This goes so far as to enter into the guy's manners, not that he wishes to offend but any superior knows that when dealing with him, they will not expect reverence or respect. Others, especially coworkers with similar ranks, find him easily approachable and dependable, always free to lend a hand or two. . . Perhaps a bit too much. Insults, regardless of the source, do not seem to bother the man.

When it comes to his personal life, he is a venerable shut-in that spends most of his time wood-carving. Yes, it is a craft that he thoroughly enjoys despite his perceived uninterested in other areas. Despite his preference for the small flat in Residential, that does not mean he is not sociable. A drink at the pub, a quick stroll or a quick round in the cage, he'll gladly accept. Other than mercilessly butchering wood into artwork, he likes boxing a lot. Isn't uncomfortable with guns but he can be considered quite terrible with them so just hand him a shotgun and be content with his horrible skill.

Even though O'Hara is stated to not show respect, there are individuals that he considers respectable privately. Namely Mr Solberg, Audrey, and others.

He had a dog once. . . Somebody stole him, he hasn't been able to find him despite his personal efforts.

Before gracing Apex implementations with his callous attitude, Kahurangi O'Hara had been the security Lieutenant for a major pharmaceutical company. The young man was blessed in that the Chief of Security was a familial friend who knew him. It was great! He faithfully committed himself to the job and the Chief, Ronald, had a blast watching his coworkers get annoyed by the rising star within the company. Kahurangi reckoned that he had been set for life with this decision. Indeed he might have been if it weren't for the unforeseen disaster.

One late night, the shift was boring as usual. The starry sky glistened, the air was sultry although the rent-a-cops did not mind. Nobody could expect it, you'd have to be precognizant. Something paranatural snuck its' way into the building. At first, everything seemed normal. The guards were unaware of their impending doom as the hunter slinked from shadow to shadow, deft like the wind. Cautiously it watched the prey move, talk, behave. Experience had taught it to look for weakness. Dismantle them, from the weakest link to the strongest. It struck! The first guard, Jones, had been killed. Unexperienced, the man did not even know what hit him. It went on and on, slaughtering them with ease. Painting the halls and labs with their blood. Until it was only down to Ronald and Kahurangi. Kahurangi wanted to confront, still believing in a chance to fight. He would've been dead wrong, were it not for Ronald.

They were corned in their office. They could actually spot the creature at the edge of their sight but never see it fully. The beast released an ear-rupturing shriek and O'Hara attempted to lunge forward but found a pair of arms encircled around his chest. It was Ronald, he knew that Kahurangi had no chance against the fearsome predator so threw him out of the window. The glass shattered as the Lieutenant's body crashed through it. Thankfully, their office was only on the 2nd story of the building and Kahurangi had something to cushion his landing. That did not help against the cuts from the shards.

Bruised and injured, the man heard the bloodcurdling screams from his coworker and friend.

He was let go by the pharmaceutical company with a moderate severance package. One year later, he applied to Apex implementations and the rest is history.

Name: Belshazzar;

Phenotype: Shen — Quadrupedal Aquatic Serpent;

Class: C;

Major Power Type: N/A;

Minor Power Type: Physical Augmentation; Cognition Altering;

Belshazzar is a Class C divergent daemon who lived between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. He states that his genesis happened after the fall of Babylon however conversely claims that he cannot exactly remember much about that time. It is difficult to accurately determine which animal Belshazzar resembles, as he has multiple elements from various animals. From sharp, protruding claws, the whiskers from a catfish, the hood and head from a King Cobra, a patagium (membranous structure around his arms and feet), webbed feet, and even a tail. A sandy white colouration with splotches of orange and emerald.

Much like the snake, Belshazzar hunts his prey by scenting the air with his forked tongue then biting to inject a powerful paralytic before clawing out or severing the jugular. He may be the size of a dog but don't underestimate his mean temper. Unlike most employed daemons, Belshazzar tends to stray from O'Hara's proximity. Naturally curious, Belshazzar investigates intrigues wherever he goes, often gaining an advantage or disadvantage depending on his luck. A voracious appetite for sweets, an easy way to win his black heart. He likes bathing in the sun or equivalently sunlamps. He enjoys O'Hara's lackadaisical living but expresses the wish to be quizzed—particularly about historical events.

Being of the aquatic variety, Belshazzar can breathe underwater, an ability that O'Hara can channel. His hood can befuddle foes, making them believe that he is larger than he appears which can be extended to O'Hara (who is already quite tall.)

When not present, Belshazzar merges with the Tā moko on O'Hara's left shoulder and back. It took them a while for the merging to be perfected.
Belshazzar—Koibra by Reese Keefe on Artstation;
Kahurangi O'Hara— Unknown, if you know, inform me;
Beatstick Night—DOK . on Artstation;
Tā moko are tattoos practised by the Maori people.

Azlin Asteria Katz (Lin)


Place of Residence:
The flat above the pub her step-father owns


Lin would likely be described as brooding. She has an air of self confidence that leads strangers to mistakenly believe that she is egotistical, but she is very level headed when it comes to estimating the capacity of her skillset. Her honest perspective allows for her to take blame for her own mistakes, but when mixed with her blatant indifference regarding the opinion of others, she often finds herself being blamed for other people's issues. She is glad to mind her own business and has no taste for daily dramas, but contains a strong maternal instinct that makes her sympathetic towards those who are weaker than her, or simply in a moment of struggle. She may be quiet and detached from her co-workers, but she can always be counted on when the group is under pressure.

Lin lived with her step father her whole life. Her mother died during childbirth, and her biological father didn't even know she existed as far as she could tell. Lin never wallowed in self pity for her situation. Her family wasn't as traditional as most, but her step father raised her as his own and Lin grew very close with her younger step brother Leo. She never felt a lack of love or authority growing up. Lin's step father runs and lives in his cozy pub, and Lin learned heaps of special skills while helping him with business. During the summers and school breaks, Lin would serve food, entertain customers, and escort women to their cars at closing time. She never applied herself in her school work. She planned to take an easy and honest path and join the military when she was of age. Lin served for 6 years before she was honorably discharged. After settling back into her home life, Lin decided to apply for jobs around the city to help support her step-father. Her lack of qualification in anything other than combat and military tactics landed her in the crowd of hopefuls on the front steps of Apex.


Maximon (Maxi)



Major Power Type:
Cognition Altering

Minor Power Type:

Maxi is unsettling to the human eyes due to his strongly resemblant human facial features. He also stands at the intimidating stature of 8 feet. Furthermore, his personality is no more inviting than his appearance. He talks minimally, to the point where any speech directed at him appears to be a one sided conversation. He sometimes gives physical responses in a mime-like manner, which only adds to his disturbing aura. He occupies his free time practicing man-made illusions. His favorite are card tricks, and he will never be caught without a pack of playing cards in the pocket of his tailored jacket. Maximon is above all else, an entertainer.

Powers and Skills:
Maximon is no tank on the battlefield. His fighting skills consist mostly of long range combat, his best trick being an exemplary accuracy with throwing knives and darts. He defeats his foes using trickery and deception instead of brute force. He is a great addition to group combat, but his lack of communication skills and his lack of close range combat skills make him a horrible choice for any leading positions. Maxi's most sharpened magical skills are hypnosis and paralysis. With the right distraction Maximon can make his prey feel dazed and confused, or struck frozen in fear.




  • 「 BASICS 」
    name — natasja klausen.

    title— harpy handler.

    gender — female [she/her].

    age — 27.

    birthday — december 30th.

    height — 5'8

    sexuality — bisexual


coded by solarsaphia.


Natasja Klausen
Gender: Female
Place of residence: Residential District, on the edge of the slums
Occupation: Harpy
Daemon: Moriko
Natasja is a very private person, she tends to keep a lot of her personal life away from the people she works with. She doesn't see how it's any of their business, for the most part, as generally coworkers don't really know you anyways, and in a broader sense, people tend to not care about anyone but their own bubbles anyways. Natasja has chosen to keep her bubble relatively small, subsisting primarily of her mother and her son. That way there's less potential for getting hurt, both herself and those in her bubble. She thinks for the most part that people are selfish beings only out for themselves, but she herself tries to be a bit of antithesis to that, sacrificing a lot for those around her, and trying to be kind to passing strangers for the most part.

She can be a bit temperamental, leading to conflict with people, especially when the disagree with or threaten her, as she often thinks that her ideas are the best and isn't one to bite her tongue very often, unless she's nervous or there's a person of high authority questioning her. She can be blunt, with a bit of biting wit behind her words if she's particularly stirred up. Natasja is also quite calculating, always examining her surroundings and the conversations around her to best "conquer" the situation as it were. She isn't really one for much small talk or talking to people she doesn't really like. She can sometimes be a tough nut to crack and see much personality under the surface.

However, she is very ambitious and will do what she can to succeed in her goals and will try to overcome her flaws in order to make her way through things, especially for her son, whom she cares about very deeply.

Natasja grew up in the slums of Arnvista and has seen a lot of the darker parts of it. She is no stranger to the violence in the streets, and working hard to make her way. Her father was a failed craftsman, a sculptor who had tried to make his dreams come true almost at the expense of her mother's time and his daughter's childhood. Her mother worked long days at the seaport, hauling cargo on and off of ships. She was a strong woman, emotionally and physically, but the hard work took a toll on her over the years and Natasja could tell, even at a really young age. Her father spent late nights sculpting after working his days at one of the restaurants in the entertainment district, but even that wasn't enough to pull his family out of the slums. He died when Natasja was 12, leaving her and her mother to fend for themselves.

Natasja soon joined her mother at the seaport, doing what she could until she was strong enough to do more. As she reached her later teens, she began to take part in an underground fighting ring in the slums where she could make some cash as she won fights. It taught her how to fight and what kinds of people there were in the world. It also taught her how to think quickly on her feet, as, being a girl or woman in these fights, you couldn't always win on your brawn alone. She had to learn to outsmart her opponents and be more nimble and quicker than them. So she did, and she did it well for a long time, helping her to support her mom a little in a way she couldn't before. It was still chump change, but it was sometimes better than what one could earn from one day of the seaport's wages.

But then Natasja got into a whirlwind relationship with a higher class man who ran in the fighting circles, leaving her with a child and, eventually, with no way to work for months. After she had her son, she didn't see any more of the man (she barely even knew who he was, if the information he'd given her was even true, or he just took advantage of a younger and more naïve woman by lying to her) and was left to raise her son with just her and her mother.

She returned to the fighting circles for a few years, but as her son grew older and could pay attention to his mother and started noticing her coming home with bruises and such, decided to quit the street fighting life. She knew that working at the seaport wouldn't give her son the best life either and would give him the same childhood she'd had, perpetually in the slums and never improving his status. She didn't want that for him, and she wanted her life to have some kind of purpose that it had never had before, so when she saw the postings for a job at Apex she knew she had to take the opportunity. It was her best chance to give her son the life she's always wanted and her mother the life she'd never had.

(like this but her eyes are also white and smoky)
Animalia- Fox
Class: A
Major Power Type: Invocation
Minor Power type: Physical Augmentation

Moriko is a very motherly creature, full of kindness and, unlike some Daemons, believes in the goodness of humans. She doesn't prefer to fight, but knows that it's necessary, and as a protective spirit, she gives the humans she ends up caring for the means to protect that which they care about and, by extension, she does too. She doesn't always understand human morality and why they do the things they do. She is, however, a very wise creature and tries to impart that wisdom upon whoever will listen. Some might say she is a little naïve in cases involving humans, but she is just an unfortunate optimist.

That said, if someone harms that which she cares about, she has a wrath like no other that she will bring down before anyone realizes it. A usually calm creature, it is terrifying to see her when she is angry.

She is a close cousin of the Japanese fox demon known as the Kitsune and has been around since the early Edo period. While her cousins are sometimes a bit more mischievous than her, she does have a bit of a mischievous streak.

Powers and Skills:
She tends to be more of a sneaky fighter, using her quick speed to surprise her opponents and tear them apart with her teeth. Aside from that, she has a bit of elemental powers, controlling the element of earth and allowing herself to create projectiles from it, as well as sometimes using vines to help in battle.

As for Natasja, she helps her to invoke a fantastic crossbow and arrows. This is based on Natasja's concentration and how well her and Moriko are connected at the time. If they are going through a rocky phase in their relationship or Natasja's focus is off, it is very difficult to invoke and can be near impossible on very bad days. Either way, it often leaves Natasja with a headache after the battle.

She also can give Natasja a bit of her foxlike speed and hearing during battle or a particularly sneaky mission.

When she's not physically there, she resides in a fox ring that Natasja always wears.
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name: Leo Caldwell
age: 16

place of residence: Entertainment district, currently lives in shutdown movie theater with others

occupation: Lancer

end goals: Turn the Cinema into a house for his friends

personality: Leo tries not to show his emotions. Often reserved and never really in the mood for talking, he does care. He is more of a listener and does sometimes get down on himself. He will fight for what he believes in or who he believes in but earning his loyalty can be easier said than done. More often he’s been, at least he’s been trying to, open up to others outside of his family.

history: Leo ran away from his home after it was clear that he would never be apart of whatever his family had planned often looked at as if he’d failed even before he started. Tired of all the rules and lessons that his family put on him, he made his way to the entertainment section of the city. Attracted to the expressions and freedoms the artists of the city had and he stayed with a small group of them. Wanting to earn his keep with them, he took jobs running errands for various nightclubs and other businesses in the district. Eventually he found a Cinema that had been closed and slowly fixed it up. He learned various talents all over from the people he interacted with who occasionally stopped by to help with construction of the facility which included various martial arts however these are more of a mix of styles rather than any one set. Eventually the residential area where he and his friends were staying ended up being destroyed in a fire and he decided to share his new home with his true family. He soon discovered that someone hoped to buy where he lived and decided to join Apex in order to save his home as the money there would be enough to buy the property. He claimed he was 20 on the application in hopes of getting a job there. He hasn’t told his family what he’s done.

name: Bronx

phenotype: Mythological

class: A

major power type: Invocation

minor power type: Spatial

personality: While a very intelligent Daemon, Bronx lacks the ability to talk, instead communicating with normal dogs’ sounds. The only one who seems to understand him is Leo. Bronx is a fierce and formidable fighter when there is an emergency, a loyal friend, and a very good judge of character. He does tend to exhibit some canine behaviors despite not really resembling one. He is curious and will sniff something to determine what it is and if it’s friendly. He loves to be pet by others and sleeps or at least pretends to when he isn’t busy. Due to the creature that he resembles, he’s more active and energized at night. Bronx’s vessel is a tooth of some creature with the end carved to resemble a Chinese dog head biting the chain connected to that.


powers and skills: Bronx has night vision and enhanced hearing as well as a strong sense of smell. He has powerful claws and strength. He moves at fast speeds and has had to crack skin even by Daemon standards. With his minor power, he has the power of transmutation allowing him to alter the molecular structure to make it either harder or softer and even alter the appearance to some extent. His major power is related to earth spells.

Hayden Langston


Place of Residence:
He rents a cheap one bedroom apartment in the heart of the city. The complex is run down and has a rat problem.


Hayden is surprisingly unexacting in his presence. No matter the type of people he is around, his relaxed and inviting demeanor will have him quickly becoming acquainted with everyone. His experience working with youth grew his patience and gave him a positive, childlike outlook in any scenario. He is a good leader and a natural born caretaker.
Since his sentencing, Hayden has struggled to leave a good impression on people like he used to. People are quick to assume he is evil and criminal instead of making their own opinions and allowing his kindness to shine through.
One of Hayden's less appreciated traits is his womanizer reputation. He used to be frequently seen around the city with different women every night. His rugged masculine demeanor, complemented by his boyish dimpled smile makes women of all types swoon.

Growing up in foster care, Hayden was a kid with a deep understanding of the worst parts of society. He got to experience what life was like in countless different family types. Some of his foster homes were cruel and unloving, others were warm, and felt so much like home that he can still remember the way they smelled.
As he was never adopted, Hayden was released from foster care at 18 and was given financial support from the government to help him start his adult life. Right away, Hayden applied to work at a martial arts studio that he went to for a short time as a child. He was in his favorite foster home at the time, and his foster parents had paid for him to take lessons. The elderly owner of the shop, Eddie, remembered Hayden from before and trained him to be a martial arts youth instructor. For ten years, Hayden trained children in self defense.
One night, Hayden went to a bar with a female friend to grab some drinks after work. He got into a physical altercation with an older man after catching him attempting to put a roofie in his friend's drink. During their fight, the older man fell and hit his head on the bar. The man died in the ambulance and Hayden was charged with involuntary manslaughter.
After serving 4 years of jail time, Hayden lost all the stability he had built for himself. He lost his job and his house, and ended up having to take any odd jobs he could find to pay for a place to stay.
When he saw that Apex once again had positions open, he dressed in his most professional attire, and prayed to God that a clean criminal record wasn't a requirement.


Shen - Draco Galerina marginata


Major Power Type:

Knell is in many ways, just like Hayden. Upon their pairing, Hayden was skeptical of his daemon partner. He felt that Knell appeared too innocent, and wished he could work with a more intimidating daemon. However, just like Hayden, Knell is playful and laid back, easily getting along with any human or daemon he interacts with. Also like his handler, Knell has a past that gives him a reputation of being dangerous, despite the fact that he is mostly a cheerful and caring creature.
Knell has medium intelligence. He understands and has a love for humans, and is as socially aware as an average adult human. However, when it comes to human educational concepts such as puzzle solving or math, Knell has little understanding (mostly due to uninterest) and is at no more than a 3rd grade level in subjects excluding english.

Powers and Skills:
Funeral Bell mushrooms grow out of Knell's body, making him poisonous for humans to touch without gloves or protective gear. He is only the size of a housecat, so he can be carried with gloves and protective sleeves. Despite his size and cute appearance, Knell is a deadly daemon. He can release a poisonous vapor from his shroom caps that causes sharp pain in the lungs and throat when inhaled, and causes permanent damage to the respiratory system. He can also fly, his bite causes hallucinations, and he can shoot poisonous projectile spores from his tail.
When channelled by Hayden, Knell gives Hayden the ability to release poison vapor or shoot poisonous projectiles from his palms.
(Dragon art by Coliandre)

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Name: Kore Callisto (first name is pronounced like Cora)

Age: 27

Place of Residence: A well-decorated studio apartment in the Entertainment District, with a nice city-lights view at night and a beautiful skyline during the day. Its a corner apartment, so two of its four walls are basically just windows.

Occupation: Jackal

End Goals: N/A at the moment

Personality: Kore is a pretty serious, no fluff, kinda woman. This is a woman that went through hardships and circumstances that no adolescent should have to go through. Lived off the street, learned from the street: Don't. Trust. Anyone. She makes it very hard to form any attachment or bond with her, usually coming off a little aloof, standoffish, or uninterested at first. Although she is kind and friendly (to an extent at first) with others, her distrusting and unforgiving demeanor acts as a suit of armor but gets in the way of forming any relationship. Any time she feels an attachment budding, her anxiety triggers a "fight or flight" response....which usually ends in the latter.

She struggles to move past her traumas, emotionally and mentally. As a result, its very difficult to reach beneath her surface but once someone penetrates that barrier, they're in for good. They'll find a loyal, thoughtful, and altruistic heart, but only to those that deserve it. That side of her needs to be earned and that is no easy feat. She has an extremely empathetic soft spot for those that are hurt, broken, or souls tortured or betrayed like her.

Just don't give any reason to lose her trust or you'll see a very hurt, vindictive ugliness...

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned..."

History: Kore doesn't have an especially dark or depressing past but it wasn't an especially great one either. She was one of three children, last born from a father and mother that were incredibly in love, absolutely inseparable. However at about the age of three, her mother started to go through some emotional changes. She spiraled into a diagnosed depression and disappeared with out a trace, let alone an explanation. It didn't take her father long to get distracted by another woman, and quickly she became family as step-mother. Kore didn't like her one bit, the woman would belittle her out of jealousy, she would ignore her constantly, and any time someone gave Kore attention (even from her father) the woman would find some way to steal it from her. Worst of all, she thought the woman was a terrible influence on her father. A man who was once all about family, only cared about drinking and an exciting night-life after this intrusive step-mother came into his life. She spent his money on lavish things that were too expensive to afford on their budget, did nothing but entice Kore's father to leave his kids for a night of fun, and never did anything for the children. Eventually, Kore was left to deal with the mess on her own. Her older siblings moved on and moved out by the time she was 16, but she wasn't going to put up with it any longer. After a certain event, Kore ran away, her heart heavy, wanting to be with her dad, but that horrible woman wouldn't let her come close and blinded her father with a seductive veil. Being so young, she could only do so much to support herself. She lived on the street for a while, but still attended school. By 17 she found herself working at a night club...after lying about her age. Sometimes she would serve and clean glasses, other times she was an entertainer/dancer. It brought in good money, so she couldn't complain. But she knew this wasn't at all where she saw herself in life. Enter Apex. When Kore caught wind that career opportunities had opened up she thought "f*ck it" and applied. She didn't know what the hell a dignified place such as this would want with....basically an exotic dancer, but it was worth a shot?


Name: Fenrir (The World Eater); "Fen"


Class: A

Major power type: TBD
Minor power type: TBD

Fenrir is head-strong and confident when it counts, and almost puppy-like everywhere else. He holds a fierce loyalty to his handler and only his handler. However, he needs an equally confident handler to follow, his strong will can be a little challenging. If the handler begins to show doubt or hesitancy in their decisions, Fenrir will almost completely disregard them and their commands. Vicious and intimidating is typically the first impression given by those who have met his, averaging at about the size of a horse, he can be a little daunting to meet for someone not used to being around Daemons. However, when at ease, content or in a comfortable environment, Fen's playful nature radiates.He'll frolic, play, grow lazy, and sometimes beg for pats. He often digs around for anything to play with....or eat, thus being known for getting into things he probably shouldn't. On the opposite side of the spectrum, he's an apex predator on the job. Highly alert, driven, excitable, and persistent, always aiming to please his handler but can sometimes be driven by predatorial instinct if pushed too far, in which case he can be difficult to control.

Powers and Skills:
Powers- Lemme think about this...

Skills- Fenrir's bodily traits include an extremely heightened sense of smell/hearing/touch, effective camouflage, paralyzing saliva, and brute strength. Fenrir has no eyes, so to compensate his sense of smell and hearing is EXTREMELY sensitive. He is unaffected by the time of day or dark spaces since he cant see and relies on scents and vibrations picked up from pads of his feet and the tiny, minuscule hairs in his ears. His skin is seemingly hairless and a little rough, almost like the sand paper feel of a shark. The cells of his skin are reflective, and in the right lighting, have almost a shimmer to it. His skin will reflect the lighting of his surroundings, giving a pretty adaptable form of camouflage (ex. in a snowy setting he looks white, in a darker place he seems like a shadow due to the lack of light being reflected). Fenrir has tranquilizing saliva, which could be problematic when he has the urge to lick other beings. It can somewhat be controlled, when threatened his body will involuntarily increase the potency. Its effectiveness depends on his target. If the target is around his size or smaller (he can get away with slightly bigger) it'll completely paralyze the body for up to 3-4 hours. If the target is significantly larger, it'll most likely paralyze the area/limb that was struck by his whip-like tongue. If the body affected is especially smaller, they can potentially be immobile for up to a day, maybe more. Fen's tongue can shoot out and whip around upto 3ft in front of him, like a frog it rapidly strikes its target with decent accuracy ( hes not perfect). Lastly, his body is mostly made up of pure muscle mass. He is incredibly strong and can briefly stand on his hind legs like a bear if needed. On a side note, this creature's mouth is visibly very large, and very wide, with lots of teeth. His lower jaw can dislocate/unhinge to open even wider.

Vessel: TBD

(Okay I really need to sleep so I'll fill out the last bits tomorrow :D WIP)
(P.S. Im terrible with codes so I dont use them....sorry lol)
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Oliver "Oak" Kim
Age: 23
Place of Residence: Crappy two-bedroom apartment in residential district, along with two roommates.
Occupation: Handler

Personality: Oak is naïve and gentle. He certainly doesn't seem like he'd be suited for any emotionally taxing occupation, let alone a Handler in Apex Implementations. Notably, no matter how dire the situation, Oak rarely seems to be distressed, preferring to deflect with casual remarks or humor. Sometimes, though, Oak will break character, becoming incredibly silent and professional. This seems to happen at random intervals.

Oak is hardly seen not wearing the Vessel for Ten Thousand Rolling Peaches, an old circlet made of iron.

History: Oliver's parents are both alive, a luxury in the modern world. He even has two older brothers. However, being the youngest in a rather large family, Oliver moved out of his home to forge his own destiny. A rather optimistic decision in these hard times. After years of working as a store clerk (and sometimes a manager), Oliver finally got his dream job... well, at the very least, an internship at Apex Implementations.

Because of his personality, Oliver was often pushed around by some of the actual employees. After several months of unpaid internship, it became clear that Oliver wasn't going to be hired. Dejected, Oliver was on his way to announce his resignation... when he saw a small monkey being chased by security personnel. Oliver saw the monkey spin a part of the wall and vanish into a crevice, and the guards ran past, none the wiser. When the monkey peeked out again, Oliver was there to meet it. Recognizing that the Daemon was a frightened animal, Oliver very slowly and gently approached it, comforting it with kind words, eventually gaining its trust.

When the guards returned, they found the monkey curled around Oliver's neck, seemingly having bonded to him.

After a stressful debrief, Oliver was promoted to a Handler. The extraordinary but skittish monkey, Ten Thousand Rolling Peaches, was unwilling to cooperate with anyone else, so his superiors thought, "Might as well train this guy." And despite all expectations, Oak became a (somewhat) competent Handler.


name: Ten Thousand Rolling Peaches ("Peaches")
phenotype: Mythological-Monkey
class: A
major power type: Spatial Manipulation
minor power type: Physical Augmentation
vessel: an ornate circlet made of iron

personality: Adorable. Peaches is very shy and easily frightened, despite its powerful abilities. It is afraid of anything that's larger than itself, which is... most things. It refuses to move too far away from any reflective surface (for reasons unknown), and prefers to hide inside walls or inside its artifact of residence. It is specifically loyal to Oak, in that it seems to view Oak as a protector. Despite Oak's constant reassurance, Peaches consistently retreats and hides.

Peaches has the verbal capacity of a regular gibbon, but is evidently much more intelligent. It has established different cries as "words" for Oak, like a long chatter for "Be right back" or two sharp screeches as "Imminent danger". It calls Oliver something that sounds like "Oak", which is where Oak got his nickname.

When alone with Oak, Peaches is observed to be very playful, exhibiting behavior resembling a baby gibbon. It likes to climb all over Oak or various climbable structures, or playing with balls of yarn. It has been observed to attempt to groom Oak's hair, or sometimes pulling at it for fun. Despite not needing it, Peaches loves to eat various fruits, particularly peaches, persimmons and oranges.

history: From what can be gleaned from its abilities and sparse dialogue with the daemon, Peaches is one of the monkeys that served Sun Wu Kong, the Monkey King of Chinese legend. It lived on Flowers-Fruit Mountain with the rest of Sun Wu Kong's tribe.

It was discovered in Luoyang Province. While it bears some resemblance to gibbons, its unusual behavior and appearance drew attention. After it was captured by Apex Industries, it was brought to the headquarters in hopes of finding a suitable Handler for the creature. After bonding with Oak, Peaches was spared from forced dormancy due to its unique abilities and its ability to cooperate with Oak.

powers and skills: Peaches is incredibly weak by itself, and very tiny. It seems to have undergone intense martial arts training of an unknown style, which resembles descriptions of the mythical Monkey King's combat abilities - including quarterstaff proficiency. While Diving, Peaches grants the Handler this training as well.

Peaches grants its Handler the ability to revolve objects. If Peaches or the Handler touches an object up to approximately 3 cubic meters OR 100 kilograms, Peaches can make it rotate on an axis of its choice, regardless of the object's momentum, position, gravity or environment. For example, while Peaches uses this ability, a single brick can revolve around a horizontal axis, moving through the air in a circular fashion and floating. Once Peaches releases the brick, the brick falls to the ground as normal. Peaches has also been observed to separate sections of objects if the object is too large for it to revolve. For example, Peaches can remove sections of the floor to rotate it.

This revolving ability seems to require a large amount of concentration. Through training with Oak, Peaches has become proficient in specific uses of the ability with ease – any improvised use gives Peaches distress and difficulty. Furthermore, Peaches seems to be affected by the weight of the object being revolved/rotated.

This is Peaches/Oak's playbook:
1. CATAPULT: Peaches touches the ground under something, creating a panel 3x1 meters. It swings upwards, launching whatever was on the panel like a catapult.
2. BARRIER: Peaches touches the ground, and creates a 1m x 3m panel. It lifts up, forming a low wall to take cover.
3. ROUNDABOUT: Oak reveals a throwing knife and throws it. Peaches makes it spin in a horizontal circle, making it arc around. This ability is useful for attacking enemies behind cover.
4. OPEN SESAME: Peaches touches a wall. It spins like a revolving door, allowing access through it.
5. FEATHER FALL: Peaches can very briefly slow Oak's momentum, but rarely enough to actually change his direction of movement.
6. MOON JUMP: If Oak himself needs to move quickly, he and Peaches has a routine. Peaches can't change Oak's momentum, but he can sure reinforce it - if Oak jumps forward, Peaches can "catch" him out of the air and telekinetically throw him forward.

Image Sources: The Person The Monkey
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  • Pin by shadow plays on •anime guys• | Digital art girl, Digital art  beginner, Digital art fantasy
    Kendal Sparkwood
  • age: 25
  • place of residence: Small apartment in the residential area
  • occupation: Handler - Harpy
  • personality: Kendal is shy and unobtrusive in public places, or with people he doesn't know. When he doesn't know exactly what to do in a situation, Kendal will most likely hang back and/or leave. Kendal's lack of expertise in a subject leads to uncomfortableness and embarrassment, but when he knows what he's doing, much of his worries drop away, and he becomes more outspoken. Being friendly isn't something that comes naturally to him, and he won't reach out to others first unless he needs to.
  • history: Born into a middle-class family, Kendal was always a promising student. He had decent grades and some friends, but it all changed when his brother, two years older, developed serious lung cancer. His parents made sure he stayed alive via a ventilator, but the hospital bills were very high, and Kendal became isolated from the rest of his friends. Once he turned eighteen, he moved into a tiny apartment with little money available and started working part-time martial arts instructor, part-time whatever else. It wasn't anything enjoyable, and the dojo place was rundown and running on nothing anyways. Soon before it was about to close, Kendal happened upon one of the adverts and decided it was his best shot at going somewhere with his life.
  • name: Acia

    Spino swimming underwater, Jaemin Kim on ArtStation at  https://www.artstation.com/artwork/dOEwP3 | Prehistoric wildlife,  Spinosaurus, Prehistoric animals
  • phenotype: Animalia - Spinosaurus
  • class: A
  • major power type: Spatial Manipulation
  • minor power type: Physical Augmentation
  • personality: Acia is one of the people who always remain laidback, no matter the situation. She does have a heart and is quite cowardly, but masks all her emotions behind an air of nonchalance. She likes places where she can watch everything but can't be watched back, and Acia often hides in the ground if she gets spooked. She's a follower, not a leader, and is more willing to fight with someone else to make all the decisions, but Acia will follow those who have been proven to be trustworthy/reliable quite easily.
  • powers: Acia has the ability to change the melting point for different materials. Basically, she can melt and freeze, and also make things into agooey in-between substance. The area that she can affect at one time is around 20 cubic meters, and this ability's power can be shared with Kendal. Aside from that, Acia has some sharpened reflexes and slightly enhanced strength, which is also shared with Kendal. Only Acia can completely submerge in something because if Kendal were to breathe in liquified concrete or something, he would probably die.
  • skills: Acia is just slightly larger than a golden retriever, excluding the tail, and her size and powers her fast and vicious, able to ambush targets out from the ground and walls. Her teeth are serrated, her claws are made for grappling, and her tail works well as a deterrent for anyone seeking to get near. She's very good at traps, ambushing, etc. And although she's not inclined to do so, killing is well within her abilities.
Name: Eric Meyers


Age: 32

Residence: A flat close to company HQ, so he can have an eye kept on him.

Occupation: Harpy

Personality: Eric has what some would call a sarcastic streak, though others would say that's his entire personality. He seems entirely unafraid to tell people exactly what he thinks of them, their ideas, and whatever else he feels like at any given time. Working for Apex was thought to have toned that aspect of him down to a more tolerable level, despite his known issues with authority. He's also a known prankster, after one incident with a stash of keys to a vehicle bay. When he's not on a job, he seems to take nothing seriously. Behind the snark, he can be surprisingly introspective and compassionate.

History: Eric's early life could be best described as a series of misfortunes and bad luck. Left alone, no parents that he can remember, and generally on the run from others, he turned to stealing and thievery to survive. By all accounts, he was rather good at it. Most basic locks were things he learned to bypass without issue, and even more complex security systems held their weaknesses. Always on the wrong side of the law, Eric had the habit of constantly moving, never staying in the same place long enough to get caught, always looking for his next meal ticket. And then, one day, Apex came to town.

The armor, he couldn't steal if he wanted to. He may be good at picking pockets, but the clothes off someone's back was literally impossible. The contents of their pockets, however, was always going to be a different story. They were so focused on guarding their charge, they forgot to guard themselves. Unfortunately for Eric, one of the items he filched was a Vessel. He barely got 10 meters out before the Daemon realized what was happening and manifested, scaring the shit out of Eric and revealing what he'd done to the other guards. While he was used to evading other normal humans, the guards were faster and more agile than he'd have expected with that bulky armor. He was caught shortly thereafter, ending his streak of evading capture in the back of an Apex Security truck.

His luck, however, had not yet run out. Before being dumped at the nearest police station for arrest, he was given a choice. Either go through with getting arrested, or join Apex as one of their operatives. Not wanting to sacrifice his freedom entirely, he agreed to join the company. What followed was a grueling test of his abilities. Moving through cramped city streets for most of his life made him incredibly agile, and a quick thinker. Combined with his skill for breaking and entering, he seemed a perfect fit for a Harpy. However, one last test remained. He had to break into one of Apex's vaults.

While cracking the vault itself was a task in its own right, it had nothing on what he'd found inside. Walls lined with artifacts and random trinkets, all seemingly without rhyme or reason. All he had to do was grab one and present it as proof that he broke in. Looking for something he could conceal, but would be noticeable enough to swell his ego, he settled on an old leather bracer. The thing seemed scratched to hell by some manner of beast. To make a long story short, that was how he met his Daemon and became a proper Harpy.


Labyrinth Raptor.jpg

Name: Gogmach

Phenotype: Shen - Six-limbed Saurian

Class: A

Personality: Gogmach is, to put things simply temperamental. While they are a fairly strong Daemon, anyone who tried to handle him got maimed or worse. That behavior alone got them consigned to an old vault in the Apex building to be kept locked away. They seem to live almost entirely to outwit and outsmart, respecting cunning above all else. Apex as a whole is respected because they are more cunning, Eric is respected because his cunning keeps him away from their many teeth and claws. Anyone else has to prove they have the ability and wit before they ever think about showing even a passing moment of respect. Otherwise, they seem to love almost all forms of music. A well stocked mp3 player is considered invaluable in containing them should they attempt to escape.

Skills: Gogmach is almost uncannily fast, with such agility being transferred over to Eric along with enhanced hearing. What tends to set Gogmach apart from others is their reliance on sound. They are able to amplify sounds to the point of creating short range concussive blasts strong enough to knock a decent sized Daemon over. Outside of the abilities they share with Eric, they are notoriously hard to pin down without either music to distract/entertain them or someone they respect telling them to stop.

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