Story Man in the shadows

Unknown mask

Why I am called Unknown mask? I wear a mask a lot.
The man of shadows - By Unknown Mask

The night was cold as the rain came pouring down, a girl walked across the road, her hair was a lime green colour, her eyes a pale blue, she wore a oversized waterproof hoodie
and jeans with sneakers, her wings were folding back deciding to walk since her wings were tired from all the training they had today, she continued to walk down the alleyway
as two figures came in to the alleyway, one of them was a tall muscular man with his hair shaved on the one side, the other a short and didn't show much muscle as he and his
partner chuckled, the girl started feeling scared picking up the pace, she ran down the alleyway, turning the corner in to a dead end, turning around the two figures had
followed the her, walking towards her it came clear these were nightmare wolves, they smelled her fear as it grew stronger and stronger, she backed up as they came closer to
her, the short one grabbed both of the girl arms holding them tightly she tried to get out of his grasp only making him and his partner more ammused.

She saw something as she felt something jab her in the back, slowly she started feeling drowsy as a new figure came out, his eyes were red with horns that had chains wrapped
around him, she couldn't see his face much as half was his face was covered, her eyes started closing as she lost concious, the last thing she heard was a shout, a deep voice
from one of the males, outside of her mind, the two men stood looking at the figure as they took out their guns shooting at him, the bullets broke on impact, the man looked
up and flicked his finger as the tall one went flying to the wall, hitting against it with enough force to break someones back as the short one shouted "Boss! Who the hell are
you!" He looked at the man in front of him as he took of his mask smiling his vampire fangs showing "I am the person who you should be afraid of, I have seen what you and
your boss do and I came to end it..once and for all" He vanished appearing behind the short one hitting him the same way against the wall.

He then walked to the girl and picked her up, carrying her out of the alleyway to his apartment nearby, he opened the door and walked in closing it behind him, setting her
down on the couch as he walked in to the kitchen and made himself coffee, waiting for her to wake up which he knew wouldn't be long, he took a long sip of his coffee and
sat down on the chair across from her, he looked at her.

She started waking up as she groaned, she got a fright seeing the man, he looked at her, she suddenly fell calm and safe, the man spoke in a deep voice "You sure are lucky
I was there at that moment, whats your name kid?" He asked, setting down a box in front of her, she answered "My name is Abby, what is your name?" He looked up
at her and sighed as he replied "My name is Lance Archer" he took his mask off as it didn't seem to bother her that much, from that day on she stayed with him, Lance
adopted her and taught her everything she needed to known about self defence at the age of eighteen, she started to work with Lance as Abby Archer.

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