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insa school of arts

[div class=main11] art brings no societal value. art serves no purpose other than itself. maybe that is why it gives value to society.

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[div class=tabs style="margin-top:-3px;color:gray;float:left;"][div class=tab1]ABOUT
[div class=tab1]HISTORY[/div] [div class=tab1]SCHOOL-LIFE[/div][/div] [div class=mainexit]X[/div] [/div]
[div class="tabsContent tabsContentABOUT" style="BACKGROUND:white;height:365px;"][div class=mainpage style="font-family:Montserrat; line-height:12px; margin:auto;"]

insa school of arts, or insa high for short is a selective boarding school which accepts around 300 students every year leading to the schools medium sized in terms of the amount of the student population never exceeding a total number of 1000 students in all 3 grades. the school is located on the outskirts of insadong neighberhood of seoul and mainly interested in nurturing individuals who dream on pursuing a career related to the arts whether it is fine arts, performing arts, liberal arts, as well other fields obscurely related such as culinary arts.

in recent years the school has gained recognition throughout the nation as well as worldwide due to the success of many alumni. and while the school does receive funds from the government the school has gained many sponsors and support from previous alumni to continue to grow and provide for each student's needs.

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The school started off in the late 19th century under Mugunghwa Institute as a vocational school for women which taught them the following: embroidery, pottery, and calligraphy. However, under japanese rule the school deviated its original purpose and became a co ed secondary school which replaced its heavy emphasis on prior vocational skills and focused more on Korean language, Japanese, arithmetic, etcetera. Ultimately the school closed down in 1939 due to war but quickly reopened after liberation in 1947.

The school was still a tertiary leveled school and had its difficulties with a small number of funds due to government goals of providing all children of education up till the 6th grade. The school mainly relied on donations from private sponsors and kept their expenses to a minimum. It was only until a couple years down the road where most children attended primary school did the institute gain more students, more support from the government, as well as donations from previous alumni.

Soon the campus became too small to house all these students and in 1987 they had used their growing funds to build a small town campus on the side of the Insa district of Seoul and had renamed the institute Insa School of Arts.
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Rather than just a boarding school Insa High has become something bigger in scale and has become comparable to a university town with many buildings in the area owned by the school which includes its educational institutions as well as housing options and businesses.

All students are expected to attend general classes in the morning while first years will attend more personalized classes lining up to their supposed specialization. Once students enter their second year while morning classes are still required, the number of personal classes will decrease leaving more spare time for students. Finally, when it's their third-year personal classes aren't required and it is expected for students to work on outside projects and get hands-on experience.
[div style="font-family:Montserrat; line-height:12px; margin:auto; POSITION:relative; top:-10px;"]

insa school of arts, or insa high for short is a selective boarding school which accepts around 300 students every year leading to the schools medium sized in terms of the amount of the student population never exceeding a total number of 1000 students in all 3 grades. the school is located on the outskirts of insadong neighberhood of seoul and mainly interested in nurturing individuals who dream on pursuing a career related to the arts whether it is fine arts, performing arts, liberal arts, as well other fields obscurely related such as culinary arts.

in recent years the school has gained recognition throughout the nation as well as worldwide due to the success of many alumni. and while the school does receive funds from the government the school has gained many sponsors and support from previous alumni to continue to grow and provide for each student's needs.

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[div class=tabs style="margin-top:-3px;color:gray;float:left;"][div class=tab2]OVERVIEW
[div class=tab2]VISUAL[/div] [div class=tab2]PERFORMING[/div] [div class=tab2]LIBERAL[/div] [div class=tab2]CULINARY[/div][/div] [div class=mainexit]X[/div] [/div]
[div class=mainpage]
overview WIP
[div class="tabsContent tabsContentOVERVIEW" style="BACKGROUND:white;height:360px;position:relative;top:-363px;"][div class=mainpage style=" line-height:12px; margin:auto; height:350px;"]
overview WIP
[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentVISUAL" style="display: none;BACKGROUND:white;height:365px;position:relative;top:-365px;"][div class=mainpage]
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[/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentCULINARY" style="display: none;BACKGROUND:white;height:365px;position:relative;top:-365px;"][div class=mainpage]
[/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentORGANIZATIONS" style="display: none;"] [div class=page][div class=program1]
[div class=tabs style="margin-top:-3px;color:gray;float:left;"][div class=tab2]ORGANIZATIONS
[div class=mainpage]
overview WIP
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Rather than just a boarding school Insa High has become something bigger in scale and has become comparable to a university town with many buildings in the area owned by the school which includes its educational institutions as well as housing options and businesses.​
All students are expected to attend general classes in the morning while first years will attend more personalized classes lining up to their supposed specialization. Once students enter their second year while morning classes are still required, the number of personal classes will decrease leaving more spare time for students. Finally, when it's their third-year personal classes aren't required and it is expected for students to work on outside projects and get hands-on experience.​
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FINE ARTS :: typically visual art primarily for aesthetic and intellectual purposes. painting, sculpture, drawing, watercolor, graphics, architecture, etc.​
PERFORMING ARTS :: art in which artists use their voices or bodies, often in relation to other objects, to convey artistic expression. mainly theatre, music, dance, stunts, and etc.​
LIBERAL ARTS :: academic subjects such as literature, philosophy, mathematics, and social and physical sciences.​
CULINARY ARTS :: culinary means "related to cooking", are the arts of preparation, cooking and presentation of food, usually in the form of meals.​
STUDIO 91 :: Somewhat similar to an honors organization. Members are selected by the board of directors as the ones who have made the most contributions to the school. Students within the organization can receive the most benefits and care. The name comes from the building the school has set aside for them to live which includes personal rooms and a separate studio room for their own use.​
ICA :: The Insa Conservation Association, ICA for short. The association was created in order to motivate students to respect and preserve traditional and historical forms of art which are slowly losing interest with recent developments within technology and society.​
CLASS 2R :: A remedial program for "problem" students. Mainly full of second-year students. After observing them in their first year the school will send a letter to students which they believe seem to be having difficulties. Students within the program are required to participate in this class after their personal classes. The only way out of the program is if the instructor determines the student is stable and does not need the class anymore. If not, the student will be in the class the whole year and maybe even in their third year. Failure to attend the class will have the student be at risk of expulsion.​

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