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Fantasy Main RP

Mina was overwhelmed with the friendliness and warmth she was greeted with. She did what she could to keep up with the flurry of conversations that happened around her. The void quickly assured Naomi that there was nothing to apologise about. The full table was a happy reminder of her own family. The messenger shook Arri's hand politely and returned a beaming smile. 

After that, she was pelted with a continuous stream of questions. All of which she answered happily. Her never wavering smile may have become disconcerting to some when her answers were "I am not able to disclose that information." Even so, the young red head was enjoying herself so much that she barely remembered why she was there in the first place. She sobered somewhat when the mender spoke up. Mina remained quiet while the family discussed what was happening. She suddenly felt like she was intruding.  

Once the attention had turned to her, Mina took a deep breath. "n all honesty, I do not know exactly what the job will entail and what dangers those we hire may face. However, I asked Naomi because she is a mender. As such, she should be kept away from any potential combat so she can heal others should they need it." Despite her happy-go-lucky nature, Mina was as smart as her sisters and possibly better informed thanks to her being the one in Tsuri during the meeting. 

Mina offered a somewhat apologetic smile to Fleur. It was clear that Naomi was an important part of the family and it would hurt to see her go without knowledge of her safety. The void felt guilty of being the cause of it, but she also had a job to do. "Of course, it's the least I could do." 


"I accept and I wish the lead to be contained as I do not wish to die of lead poisoning.Niw with that over with is there anything Else I can help you with?" He leaned forward and took a bite out of what little food is left on the table. "Also I suggest you look for notable individuals elsewhere as this tavern is more so for merchants rather than demons of martial prowess" He motioned to the elementals counting coin a few paces to the left of Nito's table.

"Now that's over with, I shall be going now as Nito joining your little quest has made more paperwork for me." Agnes stood up and left for her quarters that was conveniently placed upstairs. "Well then...Care to join me for lunch" He watched his Mentor leave the table then turned back to Mira as he shoved what was left of his meal into his mouth.

Mira smirked. "The container it is then." Her smirk fell into a look of barely contained distaste as Agnes spoke again. However, the sudden departure left the void rather surprised. She had expected one to come along with the other. Now she was rather over budget. Hopefully the others would be cheaper or she would be in some rather nasty trouble. Well, she couldn't exactly go back on the deal now. 

With a sigh, the red head sat back in the chair, arms folded over her chest. "You've already eaten lunch." She noted at his offer. "But I do need to find others quickly. As you said, here is unlikely to have any possibilities." She looked out grubby the window of the tavern, seeing the see of demons wandering past. "Anyway, try finish up quickly or you're going to be sent on this thing yourself." She glanced at the young boy out of the corner of her eye, a small slightly disturbing smirk showing on her lips. "I doubt you would want that."

Mila held her hands up. "Hey, I also hope you don't have to hurt any children. Your main objective is to stop criminals. If they are children or not," the void shrugged, "we aren't aware." Her demeanor sobered. "Your terms are agreeable. We'll stick by our side if you stick to yours." She continued to discuss further details with the less flirty of the twins. She had to admit, for criminals they were pretty honest seeming folk. They were the ones who said pay only after the job was complete, after all. 

Ran, on the other hand, was not at all pleased at the scenario that had played out. His expression only soured when the white haired criminal spoke to him .Love? Really? What was with this man? Was he crazy? Probably. Not much else would explain his erratic and... stupid behaviour. "The only tragic thing is that I had to meet you." A slight smile tugged at the corner of his lips. His relatively calm outer demeanor was a high contrast to his mind which was currently congratulating itself for a good come back. Although, the internal cheer squad was cut off by the sound of a mob. 

His surprise had him frozen in place for a good few seconds before the criminal's words snapped him back to the present. He shot the shorter boy a glare. "Don't tell me what to do, criminal." Without another word, the noble sprinted off, his long canine legs allowing him to get ahead with ease. His claws scraped against the cobble as he skidded around a corner. 

He only just managed to catch the end of a mob member being knocked to the ground. Thanks to his stature, he was able to see over most of the crowd. Thanks to his status, a few noticed him and moved aside. Those who didn't were pushed away as Ran scrambled to the front. He took notice of two people. Berry was there, relatively unharmed, it seemed. But in front of her stood a tall, pale woman, hair only a shade or two darker. Tattoos covered a lot of her exposed skin. However, the large axe she carried was far more of a concern. 

Despite the chunk of mob that scattered faster than leaves in autumn due to the ferocity of the tattooed lady, Ran stepped forward. His hand gripped the hilt of his still sheathed sword. He looked at the woman once more before averting his gaze to the animalistic. "Cerberus, are you unhurt?" While waiting for a response, he drew his sword, looking to the lady once more. Without a word further, he pointed his blade towards the crowd that remained. "A small piece of bread to stop herself starving to death, and this is your response?" He accused the crowd. Those who recognised him whispered amongst themselves, but few changed their minds and left. 

His eye twitched. He had hoped more would disperse at that. His family held weight in Chaski and those interested in politics knew that. Thinking about it, it was unlikely that those living in this area would have much interest to learn about the politics of the city. He shook himself. It was no time to let his mind wander. His stance changed, light and ready to dodge and parry. 

@Jayus @TerraBooma @TheCommander
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The Kane Twins

Lukan was fast, but Ran was faster. He had already overtaken the shifter with Vesper close behind him. He turned to his brother. 

"A little eager for a noble isn't he?" He noted. Vesper simply shrugged, himself falling into a bit of a jog in order to keep pace with Lukan. 

"I'm just enjoying the view honestly." Lukan rolled his eyes and the two made it to the crowd just in time to watch a girl brutally beat up one of the front members of the group. Vesper stepped back for a bit, finding as much joy watching a fight as he is being in one. Lukan weaved his way through the crowd, checking there bags and pockets until he found what he wanted and stood nearby the nobleman. He watched as many scattered to avoid the girl, and fewer scattered by his orders. Lukan smirked, it was almost funny. Vesper now arrived to the front, clapping his hands and stepping in front of Ran to address the crowd.

"Alright folks wonderful teamwork! Six out of ten for effort! Next time perhaps you'll even be able to put up a decent fight! Luckily I, feeling generous, am more than willing to invite my brother for a live demonstration with you as honoured guests on how to easily finish a fight you start. Now. Any volunteers?" Everything about him, from his tone to his stance to the way he smiled mocked them. And a few were even riled up before another noticed Lukan approaching Vesper and standing next to him. The man's eyes widened. Hushed whispers started and spread like wild fire with the twins names mentioned frequently and fearfully. Moments later they had dispersed and a few even decided to sprint away. All whilst Vesper waved innocently. Lukan sighed. He was never fond of Vesper flaunting their reputation and he could tell the noble didn't like it either. 

"You shouldn't taunt them. We don't hurt people we aren't assigned to." Lukan scolded. Vesper raised an eyebrow.

"Oh please they were asking for it." Vesper turned to Ran. "I mean even someone like you were prepared to beat them up and you're much higher up than us. That counts for something right, love?" He teased, his eyes glinting with a certain mischief. Lukan said nothing, he knew better than to stop Vesper when he was around new people and instead walked over to the girl the noble addressed as Cerberus. Kneeling down slightly he held out his hands to present a few thing he managed to swipe from the mob.

"Honestly all this fuss over a ridiculously average piece of bread and they were carrying loads of the stuff. My guess is they were all a bunch of hypocrites." Waiting patiently for her to take it or not, he eventually stood tall and turned his attention to the new person, Vesper being a bit too occupied in whatever conversation he was having with the noble.

Lukan looked her up and down, her outfit unlike what most wore in this city. 

"You're not from Chaski are you? You seem to be one of the tribe people. Nice Axe." He mused, but no sooner had he spoken to her he walked towards Mila. Uninterested in continuing conversation at the moment.

"Hope the little hang up wasn't too time wasting. We'll be more than happy to leave when you are ready."

 @KiKi Kitsune @TerraBooma @TheCommander

Naomi Calendula

Fleur smiled kindly. Grabbing all the plates and asking Mina to carry glasses the two made there way to the small kitchen. Fleur set Mina to drying the dishes while she went about washing them. She tried making conversation with Mina, but every few minutes she was forced to shout over shoulder at the younger brothers. Once there had been five minutes of peace she sighed to herself. Noticing her stare she smiled meekly before setting about her task again.

"You know, Naomi really runs the household. The boys hardly listen to me." She explained. "It'll be a bit harder now if she goes, but I understand why she's doing it." She grew quieter, scrubbing the same plate quietly over and over. Realizing what she was doing she quickly snapped out of it. "Don't worry! None of us are upset or anything! This isn't the first time she's left home for a long time!" 

The front door opened and the boys ran to greet the new person. Each were yelling about there day and a woman's laughter filtered through the air. Fleur called from the kitchen.

"Mom, we have a guest over!" The woman stepped through to the kitchen. She was tall with her thick curls pulled back in a large bun. Countless bracelets ranging from gorgeous metals to beads her children made graced her wrists and her gold-green eyes shimmered with a quiet tiredness. Her dark skin masked the sleep deprivation on her face and her welcoming smile only made her seem more lively. 

"Fleur! Why is a guest cleaning our dishes?" Her eyes narrowed and her smile disappeared quickly enough once she grasped the situation. Fleur rapidly gave an explanation which the mom quickly made clear it was alright. She was as strict as moms come even if she wasn't able to be home much. 

"Welcome sweetheart it's good to have you over. My name is Makeda, but you can call me Ma." She said with a throaty laugh. Looking between them she gently shooed Mina out the way to take her place in drying. 

"Are you one of Fleur's friends? Naomi's? I'll be honest if you're one of Noah's new girlfriends I'll be a bit surprised." She laughed again at her own inside joke, It must have been a family thing as Fleur's own mouth lifted to a smile. Between Fleur and Mina the two explained what was happening. Fleur filling in whatever Mina couldn't say and vice versa. Makeda didn't stop drying the dishes, her smile getting smaller and smaller through time. Eventually cleaning was over and she simply watched as her hands soaked up the soapy water. 

"I see..." She finally said. Her rich voice subdued into something monotonous. She breathed deeply. 

"I suppose I should help her pack then." She said pulling out the plug and watching the water leave the sink. She smiled again and offered Mina to sit in the lounge while they waited, Fleur following behind her. Makeda for the umpteenth time told Zaire to get to bed and Emeka and Faraji to get cleaned up while she walked down the hall to Naomi's room. The door closing softly behind her. The lounge was simply a large sofa with a few mismatched chairs, pillows and plants covering the room. Sketches and paintings of the family adorned the wall and perfumed carpets and curtains of deep sunset colours left the room with a homely smell. A few board game pieces scattered the area, Fleur sat down on the sofa and gestured for Mina to join her. They sat quietly for a while before Fleur spoke up, sounding almost desperate. 

"Must she leave tonight? It's almost ten and you can always stay and leave in the morning." 

@KiKi Kitsune
Berry had resigned herself to her fate but it seems that whatever gods may be watching had decided that today was not in fact the day. Instead a woman wielding a giant war axe had come to her rescue and neatly put the mob in their place, for which Berry was undoubtedly grateful but she tensed all the same. No one in this city did anything without a reason, this place was vile and deceitful, you can't trust anyone completely because they were always using you to get something they wanted. Sometimes it worked in your favor and your relationship with someone was mutually beneficial but eventually your usefulness would run its course and you were thrown out without a second thought. The mob was still present but no one was yet attacking this wild looking woman but they stayed all the same, probably hoping the woman would leave so they could do what they came here for. She took the moment of tense silence to study her 'savior'. The woman was obviously not native to the city, her dress and mannersim was enough to give that away, at a guess Berry would say she was from one of the migratory tribes and her pale hair and skin told her she was not from the warmer regions. Well it didn't matter where the lady was from now Berry owed her a debt for coming to her rescue, she would protect this lady in turn.

Berry was still studying the woman and her axe wearily when lone behold Master Luriko appeared with the perfect amount of flourish and elegance that bespoke his station, he fit the image of a dashing prince all too well. Berry would have laughed at his noble antics another time but now didn't seem to be the ideal situation to start laughing, instead she nodded her head to his earlier question, she was completely untouched. She tried to brush some of the dirt off of her clothing, old habits to look spotless around her superiors didn't die easy but it was a useless task and she eventually just clasped her hands together meekly in front of her and tried to appear as small and insignificant as possible. She felt absolutely ridiculous being saved by a foreigner and now a noble born, she didn't deserve it in the slightest, she was a stray dog on the street and it hurt any sort of pride she had that she had forced a noble to come to her rescue. Either way she now owed Master Luriko a debt as well though she wasn't sure how she was going to serve both these individuals.

No sooner had the thought passed her mind and the twins she had met earlier appeared, she groaned inwardly. Was this the gods idea of a joke? She had been on her own for ages and now a whole bunch of very differently classed individuals had decided she was suddenly worth saving. Now she owed a whole group of people debts of protection! She mulled the thought over and oddly enough even though she wasn't sure how she was going to do it she now felt a warm sensation building in her previously very cold soul. She had someone to protect! She had many someones to protect. The smallest of smiles pulled at her lips as she felt that sense of purpose buildin her heart once more, that sense that had eluded her since her previous Master abandoned her. It was what made her strong and finally after feeling as weak as a pup she felt that strength return to her body.

Tharon Faust

Tharon was thankful for the people's inability to withstand his heat. Only a few other flame elementals even bothered to walk within five feet of him and even they were starting to sweat. Somehow though, Tharon felt someone wrap their arms around him and bury themself against his skin. Who is foolish enough to touch "The God of Flame" at a moment like this. Turning around to face the idiot, only to find some girl that looked more relaxed in the heat than bothered. A quick image of his beloved crossed his mind and Tharon clutched at his chest. It's not her. It's just some random groupie. Rolling his eyes at her comment Tharon really didn't want to answer, but he knew he should. "I'm rather busy at the moment so I'm trying to get going quickly. I'm about to make leave of Suna and return something to a friend of mine." Tharon lied without batting an eye. Declaring he was going to go murder another demon in Tsuri wouldn't have ended well for him. He was technically a civilian at the moment.

"So, do you want an autograph or something? I don't really have all day to stand around talking." Tharon understood that a murderer like Black Widow wouldn't stay in any one place too long. If she'd already made it to Tsuri and killed someone. She'd be nearly impossible to track down. Thoughts of the murderess ignited Tharon's anger and he could feel his arms burning with the raw heat of flame. Looking at his hands, Tharon could see the beginnings of fire, sparks, bursting out from his fingertips. Calm yourself Tharon. It will do no good to start a fire here in town.

Lelliana Thane

Lelliana stalked her prey with merciless intent. Whenever she chose her victim personally, it turned out like this. Just like when she pursued that woman in Suna. That foolish nature elemental was so willing and helpful that it made Lelliana sick to her stomach, but watching the light of life leaving from someone so kind and feeling their natural energy fill her, it had no comparison. And now she'd found a mender to steal from. The wonderful kind of luck. And she was going on some kind of quest? Perfect. They'd be out in the middle of nowhere and she could easily worm her way into the girl's heart and steal her life force.

Lelliana sat in the shadows as she contemplated how to convince the red head that she'd be good for the journey. She couldn't exactly say she was the murderess Black Widow. That name was infamous in every city in the world. Though the rumors of her being just a myth had finally started to pop up. Afterall, the Black Widow had been a murderer for over three hundred years, not even the undead lived that long. In silence Lelliana waited and watched, it seemed the family was welcoming enough. She could easily play on that and that she would.

Lelliana approached the front door and knocked fairly hard against it awaiting someone to open. "Pardon me, but I'm a tad bit lost. I'm looking for a good place to stay for the night and was wondering if someone could give me directions?" Lelliana knew that this was only going to be temporary help, but every journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
@Jayus @KiKi Kitsune
"Oh if you hum out it that way I suppose I can skip second lunch, though I suppose you can permit me a few minutes to gather my things first" Nito took his leave from the table and quickly headed up the stairs to his quarter without a word. Once inside his quarters he began pulling out his travelling gear which included a sword with a slender blade, two crudely made wheellock Pistols, a matchlock rifle, ammunition for his crudely made firearms, and lastly a case of cigars. Nito emerged from his room, his satchel filled to the brim, he stopped by his mentor's room and knocked on her door before leaving a cigar along with a few schematics detailing the parts and pieces of a bolt action rifle. Nito descended down the stairs quickly nearly hitting an elemental ogling the waiters bottom side. "Sooo shall we get going then?"

 "Dammit" Agnes cursed as blood slowly leaked out of her fingers as she rummaged through the the mess of papers on her desks. "The one time I get swamped with paperwork he goes off and runs off to do fuck all with a redhead." Agnes took out a tiny piece of bandaging with adhesives to the side or a 'Band-aid' as Nito called it and applied it to her paper cut. "I swear to god that redhead better bring him back in one piece or I will fu-" Agnes was interrupted by a knocking on the door. Agnes sighed thinking it was the Merchant's liaison though he was pleasantly surprised to find it was a cigar and schematics for what she thought to be a bigger and badder gun. "You better comeback to me you asshole" Freya picked the cigar up and took a puff from it as she watched Nito descend down the stairs.
Straining her neck back, the dancer peered up at the obviously displeased man, but the smile refused to leave her lips since she couldn't help but find it amusing that despite the flames clearly building under his skin, his eyes were cold, unfriendly, the opposite of her own. It was hilarious in her opinion, she was the cold-blooded one, not he. She couldn't quite fight down the bubbling of laughter in her throat and a small giggled escaped, sending many onlookers on edge. 'Did she seriously laugh in the face of the God of Flame?!' was muttered quickly from one companion to another as they watched the exchange before quickly becoming scarce. "Despite your rather welcoming warmth, you are quite cold, do you know that? I believe I'm friendlier than you." Sapphire informed him rather bluntly as a perplexed look came over her face.

Was him simply annoyed at the fact that she had greeted him so? She knew it wasn't exactly the proper thing to do, especially to a stranger, but surely it was too small a thing to aggravate the wonderful fire elemental in front of her? Then again... it may have been worth it to feel the usual temperature of her body thaw away to welcome what others found suffocating. Scales rippled across her skin in awareness again, running from the top of her neck, down to her toes as the air around them spiked yet again. "I'm not quite sure why you'd offer an autograph, are you really all that important? Besides what would I do with an autograph? Other than to use it as fuel to build a fire during my travels? That's the only reason why it'd be useful or could even be used if I would want to stay warm." At this point, she realized she had rambled on, a habit she only did when trying to sort out something she found odd, or didn't understand.

"Ah you said you were going to travel somewhere? Would you care for any company?" She asked boldly, the question leaving her lips before she could fully think about it. She had just returned Tsuri, but she wouldn't mind traveling again, if she had this walking sun along with her. But as her gaze dropped to think, her brow puckering, she realized a problem. What if the man did say yes, but was traveling to Chaski? She had no doubt that she could find a way to stay warm, but that was only if she managed to secure herself to the man's side through the whole trip. Just the thought of the snow covered streets of Chaski sent a shiver of dread and anticipation through the serpent shifter. It would be too risky. The young woman wasn't sure if she was quite ready to risk her life to that extent yet. A flare of orange and red caught her attention and she noticed the flames ready to ignite at the tips of his fingers, her frown deepened.

"That won't do." She took hold of his right hand in both of her own, her own hands small in comparison as they gripped his tightly. Pale fingers instantly became pink and then red, but the serpent hardly flinched, but she vaguely registered it was going to leave a mark. "I'm sure this won't help, but you really need to breathe for a moment." She had a feeling it might only infuriate him further, men didn't like looking weak in front of others, nor did they appreciate strangers giving them orders, but she figured she could save herself, if she was truly in danger. She began to tug him along, not the easiest thing, but if he truly was grasping at his control, being away from a crowd would lessen casualties and damage to property.



With the appearance of the infamous twin mercs, a lot of the crowd scattered. Those left now didn't have their numbers to protect them and fled shortly afterwards as well. Mila sauntered towards the group as they all made their interactions. Ran was unfortunately occupied by the white haired brother. 

"I wasn't-" His hackles had raised along with his voice. Noticing his emotional response, he quickly snapped his mouth shut so fast that his teeth made an audible sound. After a couple controlled breaths, Ran allowed himself to speak again.

"I had no intention to harm them by attacking first. I merely acted to protect Cerberus from further harm." He said, giving himself a sharp nod as a job well done. "I refuse to sink to your level."

The noble glared at the criminal briefly before turning his attention to the others who were still there. The lady with the tattoos was very intriguing. The animalistic blinked a few times as he looked at the designs. 

"Pardon me for staring, but those markings look very familiar." He spoke as his parents had taught him, keeping his almost regal air about him. His eyes scanned the ones on her exposed arms and face, trying to decipher where he saw them before. 

"Ah, from one of the northern tribes. I have to apologise, I can not recall the meaning of them at this moment." Ran at least knew that the tattoos always meant something to the tribesmen. 

Mila had watched the exchange with a growing smile. Once all the exchanges were complete between the five, she walked to them, clapping her hands to get their attention. 

"So I already have the boys on board. Miss Axe Wielder, would you also like to join in on this expedition?" The void looked the pale lady over. "You look like you would enjoy the possible battles it may bring." Finally the red head turned to the noble. "And Sir Luriko, I humbly request your assistance as well. I need someone to make sure these gentlemen don't stray to far." She had observed them enough that she believed she would be able to get the boys to help her convince Ran. She gave Vesper a quick look that clearly said play along

@Jayus @TheCommander @TerraBooma


Mina once again was swept up in the fast pace of the family. She quickly assured Naomi's mother that she had no qualms with helping clean up. In fact, it was surprisingly calming. She hadn't really been able to respond to Fleur's statements yet, but that thought was quickly put behind her. The void then had to explain her reason for being there once again, taking this woman's child away to go on a journey against some unknown danger. 

Mina obediently sat on the couch, feeling guiltier by the minute. She had no intention to go back on her offer. A mender would be a highly valuable asset to the cause and it was Mina's job to find such assets. Fluer's question just stabbed another needle of guilt into her spine. 

"I..." She pursed her lips, thinking about the answer. "I still need to look for other people, but I can do that myself. Naomi can stay here, and I'll come by tomorrow..." She looked to Fluer, having avoided eye contact since she sat down. An apologetic smile donned her usually overly cheery face. "I'm afraid that's all the time I can give."

After a while longer, Mina steeled herself to go. She did still need to find others. Sure, it was late, but there were always demons up at all times of the day. Perhaps a tavern would help her find some muscle to protect Naomi. She bid farewell to Fluer, saying that she would return in the morning to fetch Naomi. As she was about to leave, there was a knock on the door. She looked to Fluer in confusion, wondering who it could be at this time of night. The younger girl didn't seem to know either. 

Hearing the ladies request, Mina opened the door. "I know a few inns nearby. I was just on my way out, so I can take you there. Bye Fluer." She smiled at the girl and shut the door behind her. The woman was pretty, Mina noted. She didn't waste any more time and quickly trotted towards the nearest Inn, gesturing for the lady to follow. They reached their destination within a few minutes. "It's not the fanciest place, but it does the trick. If you want a slightly more up market place, there's one just down that road there. Enjoy your night!" With that, Mina jogged off to a nearby tavern. 

A rip in the air appeared. Mina stood on full alert, her void pulsating behind her. "Who's there!" She called out, eyes scanning the area. 

"Hey, calm down missy- woah." Voids appeared and dissipated in rapid succession, following a constantly changing form that seemed to morph into the very ground. Mina felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Hey there, missy. Better be careful when walking around. There seems to be some fluctuation in the gravity of this area." A mouth with no body spoke to her before she vanished into a void. 

The two continued in the dance of evasion for a while longer until the shapeless form finally revealed itself. The pale, purple haired male stood with his hands up in defeat. 

"While this is fun and all, missy, I have to call it off. I'm sure you're tired as well." Mina emerged from the void, regarding the male cautiously. 

"Who are you and what do you want?" 

"I am who I am, and not someone else. No one else is me. If they were, that would be confusing, wouldn't it?" He gave a lopsided smirk, watching to see the reaction his words would get. "As for what I want, it is nothing materialistic. I have what I need in that regard." He tilted his head slightly. "If you are questioning my actions, remember that you reacted before I acted. I was simply nearby and didn't really feel like getting sucked into one of those voids." His smirk widened at Mina's clear irritation. 

He rolled his shoulders back with a sigh of relief. "Well, I did what I needed. See you around, missy." He gave a knowing smirk. "Although, you probably won't see me." 

"Wait a moment." Mina called after the departing male. He looked over his shoulder, but stopped walking. "You're a shade, right? Want to go on an adventure?"

"Missy, life is already an adventure. Why would I want to go on another one?" 

"It's a well paying job." If she could get this shade to help, they would have a stealth element to their team. Healer and infiltrator. She thought it was a good start. 

"I told you already, I don't want materialistic things. Were you not paying attention? That hurts my feelings." He covered his heart in a far too dramatic way. 

"Well, what do you want?"

"I want to get married, have two kids, a stable job and a porch to sit on and watch the sun go down." 

"Oh..." Mina blinked in surprise. "That's quite a normal thing to want." The shade looked at her for a few moments before bursting out into laughter. 

"You don't get sarcasm at all do you. Firstly, if I looked into the sun, I would go blind. Secondly, I definitely have no intentions to settle anywhere." The male sighed and shook his head. "Look, I'll say it simply. All I look for is entertainment. I get mine from watching other people and their reactions. Can't do that if I'm off on some grand adventure, can I now?" 

Mina furrowed her brow, but perked up quickly. "Oh, but you wouldn't be alone. I've already got someone else. I'm meant to gather a group to go together. I'm hoping to at least get two others." This seemed to catch the shade's full attention. 

"How long is this little mission of yours?"

"Unknown. You finish it at the speed you set."

"And I'd be stuck with these people for that time?" 

"I would like to believe so, yes."

The smirk that the man had been wearing the whole time turned into a more genuine smile of enthusiasm. 

"If I get payed still, I'll take it."

"Of course."  Mina held out her hand which the shade eagerly shook. 

"Name's Shide, by the way."

@Jayus @Kiroshiven


Mira sighed. "Yea, go on. Hurry up though." She made a shooing gesture with her hand. After watching the white haired boy leave, Mira turned back to look at the patrons in the tavern once again. After scanning the area twice over, she decided that there really wasn't anyone there worth asking. It was highly frustrating. She alternated between tapping her foot or her drumming her fingers on the table. She had taken far too long to find only one person which now she was overpaying. 

"Damn it." She hissed under her breath. She bet her sisters were faring far better than she was. 

The void was on her feet the moment she spotted Nito. "Yes, let's go." She hastily maneuvered her way out of the busy tavern. "Keep your eye out for other potential demons to ask. Keep in mind, they will accompany you, so I would suggest taking the task seriously." The amount of time wasted on useless negotiations had made her rather irritable. 

Her eyes kept flitting from face to face. Honestly, she wasn't sure what to look for. Perhaps some muscle? Nito didn't look like he would be much use in a fight. Sure, he had cool relics, but what good would that do if he lost it or it got damaged? Her thoughts were stopped short as they reached the main square. The market was bustling with activity, piratically overflowing with demons. They wouldn't be able to move, let alone find someone like this. 

"Come on." Mira grabbed Nito by the wrist and dragged him down an alley and up stairs. Once standing on a roof, they got a far better view of the sea of demons bellow. 

"Okay, let's try spot someone from here." 

@Aughto von realname 
Nito walked at a pleasant pace till he noticed that he was trailing behind Mira though he didn't Quite catch what she was saying though he hoped it wasn't too important. "Yes mhm, I understand" He nodded in agreement as he wished not to irritate her anymore than Agnes has.

Once outside he looked to mira whose eyes moved frantically in an attempt to scan the area looking for what he presumed to be others to drag into this quest. He glazed over the crowd and noted the myriad of colours though he was drawn towards the darker colours though none seemed to be of worth to him. He continued to scan the sea of demons until they came to stop "Hey what's whooa" He was suddenly pulled away from the square and into an alleyway where he noticed a peculiar black haired girl telling someone off who was much larger than her. "interesting" he mused as he looked back to the girl then at mira who was now dragging him up the stairs. As Mira tried to scan the sea of demons Niro decided to go back down the stairs and to the strange girl whilst he pulled out a cigar, or Courage in stick form as he likes to call it, and lit it before taking a puff out of the cigar.

@KiKi Kitsune
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Well, so much for the fight. The last remnants of the crowd scattered, revealing that they weren't particulary interested in a strong fight. A shame really, her axe had been thirsty for a couple days now...ah well, if stuff like this happened all the time in cities Dragga was sure she'd be able to punch something. The others were something of interest at least. Allies were useful to have! They made for good drinking buddies and from the looks of at least two of them, good combatants. The twins were comfortable with their skills, she could tell that much, and the stuffy guy was....okay. Dragga took a moment to study how he held his blade and moved in general. There was something very ridgid about how he moved, she figured he probably was trained but not tested. The fact that he recognized her markings was good too! That meant he was a noble...however from what she had learned, or at least remembered, the less important a noble was the less they were taught about her tribe. Maybe he wasn't that big of a deal. The twins seemed okay, even if a bit irritating for just walking off mid conversation.

Before the northern woman could voice any of her thoughts however, a feminine voice entered the conversation, and not the one that she had just saved from vengeful bread merchants. She promised something that focused Dragga's attention like nothing else; the promise of battles yet to come. "You say you can get me into some fights? Then count me in. " Dragga was an...easy woman to convince, and withotu discussion of pay, lodging, or even what the job actually was. She loved fighting, and the city was so damn boring.  

After affirming her willingness to join, Dragga turned her gaze over to the girl she and the others save. "You there, bread stealer, are you alright?" She turned and quickly spat at the fleeing crowd. "Buncah cowards, the lot of 'em, afraid of picking a fair fight. You got any bruises or injuries we should know of?"


The Kane Twins

Vesper held a hand over his clearly wounded heart. Did she not trust them? Even when they gave her their good word? Awful. Simply awful. Their eyes met and at first he thought she noticed his over-dramatic theatrics, but he caught a different message behind her stern eyes. A message he knew all too well from his brother when they were dealing with payment debates from clients. 'Play along' . A small smirk rose up his face. Ah yes, he knew how to do this part very well.

"Well now, Mr. Nobleman what do you say? Oh wait I can almost here it now." Vesper arched up his back to appear as tall as possible and narrowed his eyes. With his mouth in a thin line he attempted to mock his accent. 

"I will not be forced to be on the same level as these criminals." Vesper burst into laughter at his own joke, unable to stay that serious for too long. Lukan looked from the side with a raised eyebrow unsure what to make of the whole thing. Everyone else watched on with a various range of expressions. A hint of confusion hidden amongst all their faces.

"Oh, but here's the funny thing, love. You just helped us protect a criminal." He gestured to the shapeshifter they had helped rescue. "And no matter how you put it, she is a criminal. 'Stole something' are we referring to us or her? So that puts us on roughly the same level. But I think we're sliiiiiiiihtly higher on the 'who scared more people scale'. Fair enough."

Lukan side-eyed every other person in the circle of misfits. He wasn't used to being confused. 

''V." he whispered between gritted teeth. "Cut it out."

Vesper quickly gestured to Mila. Lukan looked to her, caught her look and simply shook his head. This was a bad idea. Vesper gave Ran all, but two seconds to respond before carrying on. 

"No response? Okay, sweet heart let us further my point. A noble protected a criminal. A criminal protected a criminal. So that puts us at decently okay criminals and you as a rather 'eh' noble. BUT to top off this whole different level aspect, we have been asked to help save everyone and you haven't even accepted." In three short strides Vesper was in front of Ran and poked him with increasing intensity on the chest with every word he spoke. 

"In conclusion: We. Are. Better. Than. You." 

By this point Lukan was watching through his hand. Half because he didn't want to see what happened next and half because he was trying to hide his own smile. He hoped Mila was enjoying the show.

"So what do you say, sweetheart? How about join this little mission and prove why you're better than us or decline and know I'll be rubbing it in your face the minute we get back while you watch an even higher noble give us a medal for bravery." He concluded. With a cheeky grin on his face he smiled up at him, simply waiting for a reply from the handsome noble..

@KiKi Kitsune
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Nito walked at a pleasant pace till he noticed that he was trailing behind Mira though he didn't Quite catch what she was saying though he hoped it wasn't too important. "Yes mhm, I understand" He nodded in agreement as he wished not to irritate her anymore than Agnes has.

Once outside he looked to mira whose eyes moved frantically in an attempt to scan the area looking for what he presumed to be others to drag into this quest. He glazed over the crowd and noted the myriad of colours though he was drawn towards the darker colours though none seemed to be of worth to him. He continued to scan the sea of demons until they came to stop "Hey what's whooa" He was suddenly pulled away from the square and into an alleyway where he noticed a peculiar black haired girl telling someone off who was much larger than her. "interesting" he mused as he looked back to the girl then at mira who was now dragging him up the stairs. As Mira tried to scan the sea of demons Niro decided to go back down the stairs and to the strange girl whilst he pulled out a cigar, or Courage in stick form as he likes to call it, and lit it before taking a puff out of the cigar.

@KiKi Kitsune

"-and you can fuck right off." Nala jabbed her index finger at the man's chest. Despite his stature, he did little to intimidate her. She just wanted to get some dried herbs so she could try fix the disaster of a stew she was making. Wasting time like this just meant she would have to reheat it completely again which would be a major pain in the arse. 

"That 'aint any way for a lady ta speak." The man glared at her and she just glared back. 

"My gender doesn't change that I'v got shit to do and you're wasting my time." She huffed and crossed her arms. "Now if you don't mind, please do leave me the fuck alone." She had been trying to get this guy to leave for at least three minutes now. He probably wasn't expecting the reaction he got, which was why he hadn't mugged her yet. The dark haired woman knew that she wouldn't stand a chance in an actual fight against him, but holing yourself with confidence would make anyone think you could. Really, she was just stalling for time until a soldier came by. 

She noticed movement nearby and looked around the brute in front of her. "Well now, calling for help are we? Two against one isn't a very gentlemanly act." She glared at the newcomer as well. Her gaze lost a bit of hostility as she looked the white haired man over. He looked scrawny. Unlikely to be a comrade of the dunce mugger. 

The brute turned around to look at who Nala was talking about. The confusion on his face was clear. "I dun know ya. Get lawst." He made a shooing motion with his hand before turning back to Nala. In the time he was turned away from her, Nala mouthed for the white haired boy to fetch a guard, desperately hoping he would get the message. She was completely composed the moment eyes were back on her, as if she wasn't screaming inside. 

As the brute stepped forward, Nala felt a familiar yet very unwelcome force stirring within her. Dark whispers invaded her head. 'Let me out. They will not be a problem anymore. Let's have some fun.' The woman held her head, wincing. She didn't want to let that thing have it's way. 

Vesper had done what he had intended. Maybe a bit too well. His bait had quickly riled up the noble. Ran's ears flattened against his skull, hackles rising. For someone who usually seemed quite calm and collected, he was easily angered. He grabbed the wrist of the hand prodding his chest. In a swift movement, he yanked it above the white-haired man's head, easily showing their height difference. "Don't you dare compare me to yourself." He snarled, sharp canines showing.

The noble's face was pretty obvious about how he felt being spoken to in such a manner. Mila was less blatant about her opinions, but her wide eyes showed that she hadn't expected the thief to go so far. Now she couldn't help but worry for the white-haired boy's well being. Sure, mister Luriko wasn't renowned for being physically powerful, but his family had a high standing in society. They could easily have the thieves incarcerated in the worst possible prisons with nasty sentences hanging over them.

Ran did not notice the void's look of concern. His anger had caused tunnel vision. So many arguments had formed in his brain, but they fumbled together in their rush to get out. He couldn't form words properly for a moment. "Bravery is the last thing you would be awarded for." He eventually snarled out, dropping his grip on the man's wrist. He clicked his tongue, as if disgusted to even look at the criminal. The noble turned to Mila. "I will accept your request." He spoke through gritted teeth, still trying to reign back his anger.

After taking a few deep breaths, he turned his attention back to the tattooed woman. "Are you here as a diplomat for your village? If you would wish, I could get you an audience with my parents. They oversee many aspects of the city, so may be able to help you." Now calmed, he spoke the way he was taught, showing his nobility.

Mila allowed out a breath she didn't know she was holding. It had not gone smoothly, but it had worked. "Well, now that you're all on-board, we can discuss the more intricate details. But first..." A void opened in the air next to her. "Sis? What's up?" A more cheery voice sounded through the rift. "I have my team. Ladies and gents, this is my sister. She will be acting as a witness." The void pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper and began to read from it.

Basically, it was a legally binding document saying that the city would not be held responsible for any injuries, collateral damage, illnesses, or death. They would receive payments as previously decided upon. Mila reiterated each person's payment to make sure all was agreed upon. Information learned was to be kept secret to all except a large list of names with the exception of the information being essential to furthering the mission. When done she folded the paper closed. "Now, with Mina as our witness, do you accept this task?" She waited for each demon's approval.

"Thank you Mina. How's your search going?" The void asked her sister once all was done. "Erm.. It's going. I've got two so far, but Mira said she's not doing much better. We might join up instead of looking much further. Well done Mina, you always were the smart one." You could pretty much hear the smile the other void had. The rift was closed soon after and Mina returned her attention to the group.

"So, I need to give you guys some more... confidential information. Follow me." With that, she led the group to a quiet tavern and got a more private booth. It wasn't like it was any super secret location. She just wanted to sit down. Once everyone was settled, she explained the mission in more detail.

Jayus Jayus TerraBooma TerraBooma TheCommander TheCommander

(Note: The information will be posted separately later to not have to repeat myself for each city.)
Louie Stilts
Louie had just taken his seat inside the tavern, thinking that things could finally calm down after that last job he'd done in Tsura for some high name leading some random thugs, he didn't bother learning with names. That he could finally have a drink and pass out in peace and get some proper sleep after a week with out a proper night sleep, but oh no, of course not trouble just seemed to stalk him like flies to shit since he could barely lift his glass of strong bourbon to his lips before some thick brute sat down next to him and grunted "Hey stick man, what's with the hat? You some kinda clown?" Louie knew the type, he wouldn't leave until he'd either humiliated the jester, or until he got tossed out head first through either the door or a window. Louie decided to quickly swig his drink quickly, pay for it and immediately head for the door, but just as he'd expected so did he soon hear the familiar whiz of a glass getting tossed towards the back of his head, it barely required a head tilt to avoid the projectile so he assumed that the man was heavily intoxicated. "Hey clown! I was talking to you!" Louie decided that it would be easier to just turn around and deal with the problem head on rather than trying to walk away. "Oh so you DO have ears under that ridiculous thing after all huh? Well let's see if you can hear this then" The brute said and then released a deep, foul smelling belch straight into Louie's face, snickers and laughter could be heard and the man looked very pleased with himself. Then the people stopped snickering when they noticed something they didn't expect. Louie was laughing too, first a low giggle which eventually rose into a full on cackle "Hahahaha! Well yes indeed my dear sir, that was truly a wonderful sound you released there! However personally I prefer this one!" He said and then swiftly swung up his Jester staff and brought it down directly onto the mans skull, releasing a loud crack that could be heard over the entire inn. The man fell to his knees and stared blankly into the air.

Once the echo of the skull crack receded the now transformed Louie spun around cackling "Anyone else wanna have a go?!" He said, however his laughter was quickly cut short as he was tackled from behind to the floor, however before both Louie and the man landed on the floor he snapped his fingers and a Rift to the Void swiftly opened and they both fell through it, not soon after they both came crashing down again from the roof and landed onto a table, the man transformed into a massive bear this time. "Ah! A shape shifter huh? And a bear none the less! Although personally I'd say that boar would fit better with your appearance my dear sir!" Louie laughed as he and the bear now stood eye to eye in the middle of the inn, demons of all kinds cheering from the side lines and some of them transforming and using their powers as well as they got fired up. "Well then, how about we entertain the audience shall we?" Louie said and soon after the bear rushed straight towards him, however Louie stood calmly and waited and just when he was about to get rushed down he nimbly dodged to the side with an amusing "Olé!" And whipped the bear on the arse with his staff.

Louie and the bear had been going on for a little while, the bear rushing him and Louie nimbly dodging away, however Louie could tell that the shapeshifter was starting to get tired and he was honestly starting to get bored himself as well. "So, gentledemons! how about we end this little dance now shall we?" Louie said as the crowd cheered once again and he was rushed by the bear-shifter, however this time instead of dodging Louie took his right arm and wrapped it in chains along with his staff and he shoved his entire arm straight down the bears throat. "Have a bite my dear sir! I insist!" He said and just like he'd expected his arm was torn right off all the way up to the shoulder by the bear, however after the gruesome event passed Louie just stood still, holding the hole where his arm had been, "And as they say in the business, hope you choke on it!" And Louie watched in gruesome joy as the bear started gagging and in turn choking on the limb it'd bitten off.

It didn't take long before the bear shifter lay dead on the floor, Louie's arm stuck in its throat, and since the fight seemed to be over the crowd started subsiding and returning to their seats, however Louie wasn't done "Oh no! Ladies and gentledemons, but the show is far from over!" He said as he pulled a dagger off from his belt and approached the corpse "Now, for my final trick!" He said as he as graciously raised his arm into the air "I am going to pull an arm out of this vile beast!" And he plunged the dagger straight into the bears throat and started cutting through the flesh, blood spraying and pouring everywhere and during the entire process Louie grinned like a madman.

After a little effort Louie finally managed to reach the throat of the bear and he put the dagger back into his belt and shoved his hand into the bear, "Oh man, I think he might've tried to swallow it actually, it's sure deep in there!" He laughed for himself, however eventually he managed to feel the shoulder of his limb and took a steady grip of it and pulled. With a loud SCHLORP! Louie's arm came out of the beasts open throat. "Tadaaaa!" Louie cackled as he bowed to the audience who either looked shocked in either amazement or disgust. "Oh no need for applause folks, now if you'll excuse me the show has passed and I'll need to take a quick rest" He shouted and Louie's head then turned back down towards the corpse and when it turned back up it no longer held the wide eyed insanity in it anymore, but rather a solemn disappointment in it.

Louie turned back towards the bar, where the bartender was clearly absolutely petrified after the scene that she had just witnessed, "Sorry about that, I'll clean it up" Louie said and as he sat down a Rift opened underneath the bear and it fell into the Void. "Sadly I can't do much about the blood though, could you give me another bourbon? And just hand me the bottle this time?" He said as he put his torn off arm on the bar desk. "You wouldn't happen to know any good menders in the area would you?" Louie asked the bartender as he grabbed the bottle with his remaining limb. "Uuuhm y-yeah, there's one just down the street, her name's Naomi" The bartender stuttered. "Thanks for that, you don't mind if I take this to go do you?" Louie said as he held up the bottle. "N-not at all" The bartender stuttered again. "Cheers" Louie said as he shoved the bottle into the cut off arm, pushing the now stiff fingers to hold the bottle, then shoved his hand down one of his pockets, pulling out a couple of coins and placed it on the bar before finally picking up his arm and carrying it out of the bar along with the bottle.

As he walked down the street, following the bartender's instructions, taking a swig from the bottle of scotch every now and then, Louie thought about how best to greet the mender that would put his arm back on. He settled on improvising.

After a quick stroll, and a couple of swigs, Louie finally found a house that sounded similar to the bartenders description, "This should be right, hard to tell though since they're all nothing but damned trees" He knocked on the door and waited, however before anyone could answer Louie could feel the effect of the booze hitting him a bit harder than expected and he fell backwards, the bells on the jester hat jingling. As the door opened all he could manage to get out was "Hey, could you fix my arm?" As he waved with the arm, which led to the bottle slipping out of the stiff fingers and smash on the ground "Shit!" Louie said before turning back to whoever had opened the door. "So, about my arm?"

Jayus Jayus
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The Kane Twins

Vesper watched, unblinking, as the noble threatened him. If it could even be called threatening in the first place. If anything Vesper had touched a nerve and the noble was angry. It's a dance Vesper knew all too well and if anything he had gotten off a lot easier than in some scenarios. But at the same time the glint in the nobles eyes was not one Vesper thought to stir again anytime soon. But he wasn't about to let him know what.

He smirked and with the loosening of the noble's grip ripped his arm out the grasp.

"Save it for the bedroom, love" He said with a wink and and a small snicker. Lukan came up behind Vesper and quickly smacked him upside the head. A small gesture Vesper knew all too well which mean't he had done enough. Vesper glowered at Lukan, but his jaw clamped shut.

The two stood near where the others were gathering. Lukan overheard Ran's proposition to the lady. He rolled his eyes. Honestly nobles always had one thing on their mind. Building allies with nobility and crushing the rest. It was almost nauseatingly predictable.

"Who says she's here to make allies with his sort? Or seek his help. She seems more capable than him on her own." Lukan spoke bitterly to nobody in particular, but as usual Vesper responded with a simple shrug.

"You're as quick as ever to find demons a nuisance, Brother dear." Vesper teased in a sing-song voice. Lukan looked over to Vesper.

"I wouldn't say that. I simply have no time for demons who's high view on themselves is based on what they've been told by others. It isn't my fault that that's mostly everyone."

The two were momentarily distracted by a rift being open and another demon, hair as strikingly red as the blood that lay on the floor from a few of the more rowdy individuals that had dispersed. Her eyes sparkled with an excitement and brightness quite unlike most of the individuals here and her smile not of the sarcastic or forced variety.

Vesper let out a low whistle. "There's two of you angels? Oh please tell me there's a third I could honestly die a happy man if there was three."

Lukan shot him a look to quiet down and listen to what the ladies had to say. Hearing the demands of the contract Vesper didn't even blink before grabbing the pen out of her hand and signing his name, he winked at the sweeter of the two and moved away so his brother could sign.

Lukan reread the contract sensing more than a few stares, he spoke nonchalantly, eyes not once leaving the paper.

"I'm not concerned if the city will take care of us. They never have. I'm just concerned our deal is as you said before." Content that they would get the full sum they were promised he walked back and stood next to the axe-wielder and noble waiting for them both to sign. Once all was in order the unlikely band of misfits followed after Mina. Lukan turned his attention to the one he believed the noble had called Cerberus. He gave her a calculating look. He wasn't sure if she was joining or not, but with a small head tilt gestured for her to follow if she would. The noble was far less annoying with her in the near area.

At first a private booth felt like a safe idea. Away from crowds of people which Lukan hated being near in any case. He was already slipping into a foul mood with a company of barely half a dozen people and the company being kept wasn't the most pleasant. Vesper had not listened to Lukan and had purposefully (and rather meticulously) placed himself between the noble and the axe-wielder. And by purposefully Vesper had simply jumped into the free seat next to the noble and insisted the axe-wielder sit next to him. Much to the noble's dismay and Vesper's delight. Every look the noble shot only seemed to encourage Vesper's talkative nature. Calling over a waitress Lukan ordered a jug of whatever was strongest for the table and turned his attention to the group. With a simple cough Vesper quietened down and the attention turned to Lukan.

"I suppose some introductions are in order." He said factually taking a glass and pouring himself whatever the gold-red liquid was in the jug and downing it just as quickly. Not bad. "My name is Luke Kane and you've already become acquainted with my brother, V."

"Hopefully we'll become more closely acquainted very soon." He whispered to Ran his teeth flashing a mischievous spark.

"V, save it for later."

Vesper rolled his eyes, but did as he was told... for now. The faded light caught the gold flecks in Lukan's stare and illuminated the table in a very commanding glow.

"Mina, I believe is the name can't really remember, has called us here for a purpose and I believe she would like to talk and frankly I'm quite done participating in this conversation anymore than I already have so please take it from here."
He said pouring himself another drink. With his free hand he waved at the table to ignore him and start chatting or be lively or whatever it was a group of demons did in a booth.

KiKi Kitsune KiKi Kitsune TerraBooma TerraBooma TheCommander TheCommander
Dragga was slightly annoyed with the nobleman, a diplomat? She wasn't a diplomat!...wait, maybe she was. She held her tongue for then, deciding to leave it for a time when she could figure out if the title was appropriate. That was one thing she cursed her father for not telling her, so many titles to work around in these lands! Back home it was simple, everyone answered to the chief, ah well. She wasn't the only one frustrated, watching the noble-man get flustered was pretty funny, even if she didn't quite understand the meaning. When he spoke to her again, she nodded. "Aye, not quite a...diplomat, but a meeting would be appreciated." Dragga smiled slightly, this was the first bit of luck she had! First she got to fight a mob, then she got signed up for more fighting, and now she'd be able to complete the first stage on her grand journey...today was looking like a much better one than when she woke up in the side of the road that morning. She even had the cute void girl around to talk to...not that she'd admit she thought she was cute.

She waited as the void-girl finished talking to her sister and to sign the contract. Fortunately for the barbarian, being the chieftain's daughter meant she had to be educated in reading and writing, and while she found the classes boring and time consuming when she could have been out practicing her blocks and swings she couldn't deny the lessons had helped her more often than not. So she signed the contract, wondering what the point of it was in the first place. "Money's nice, but it would be nice to know what we're fighting sooner rather than later wouldn't it?" After everyone had signed, she motioned to Berry. "Come on then, what you waiting for? You coming or what? We've got work to do!"

As they all grouped together, one of the twins offered Dragga a place to sit, the northern woman found no issues with this, so despite any dirty looks that Ran might have given, she took her seat next to vesper with a hearty nod. Following Lukan and Vesper's introduction she took it as her turn to speak. "Dragga snowpetal! At your service!" She placed the Axe down next to her and gave the table a battle-ready grin. "Daughter to Chief Lowgrim of the Earthfrost tribe, and currently on the grand journey. Pleasure to meet you." She grabbed one of the cups and washed it down in one long drink. Eventually slamming the mug down on the table with a satisfied sigh. "Oh that hits the spot! Been awhile since I've been able to afford drinks like these, thanks Lukan, I'll 'ave to pay you back if your ever up near the tribe's grounds. Pleasure to meet you! all of you for that matter, I look forward to going into battle with ye all."
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Naomi Calendula

Naomi took a deep, long sigh into her cup of tea. The perfumes floating in the air in thin wisps. The smell of berries and exotic flowers dancing across her face and misting her vision. Her parents had long since gone to sleep and she promised she would be right after, but here she sat alone and she had lost the track of time. She wanted a moment to think, without the opinions of everyone flying at her from left, right and centre. It was too much and she had very quickly begun overthinking. Sitting alone now, however, she came to some conclusions. It was definitely worth whatever she was going to be thrown with and it was going to be difficult. She didn't think she would leave home so soon. She had barely been back a year, but it needed to be done. Hopefully her parents would come to better terms with it overtime. She took another sip. The tea was helping a fair bit. And the quiet. She had forgotten how much she loved the silence.

The silence was broken with a loud knock on the door. She jumped in her seat, almost spilling her tea. She cursed under her breath and lay the cup down. Immediately she stood up, but stood froze where she stood. Should she answer the door or wake up her parents? But waking up her parents mean't the boys might wake up and she couldn't have that. Taking a deep inhale of courage she walked over to the door and opened it to the cold, night air. At first she saw no-one except the dimly lit flowers illuminating the street. Her eyebrows creased in confusion, there couldn't be pranks at this time of night.

Hearing a voice she looked down and gasped, her hand flying to her face. Putting two and two together she nodded profusely.

"Oh yes! Of course." She said and reached down, but stumbled over what to grab first. His arm or him. She made a series of confused, panicked sounds, but eventually settled to slinging his good arm over her shoulder and dragging him over to the couch where she propped him into a sitting position.

"Sis? Is everything okay?" Naomi could hear Fleur calling from the passage way.

"It's alright another person from the bar. Just get a jug of water and some bandages and don't wake the boys." She ordered back in a very loud attempt at a whisper.

"Haven't seen you guys in a while." She said to the man in the jester hat. Since she had been back she had more than a few people come to her door at various times of the morning from the bar, although the last incident was maybe a month ago. But she didn't expect anything less being the nearest menders in walking distance from the place.

"We can get to names and things in the morning. You probably already know this, but I need permission to heal you. So just say yes or nod or blink twice for yes I don't know. Just give me a go ahead."

Once permission was given she nodded herself and started the process. Gripping either side of his arms she closed her eyes. A golden glow beginning in her face trailed down the veins to her arms to eventually the tips of her fingers. The illuminating glow pooled into her palms in a dazzling shine, too bright for the dimly lit room. Once all of it had been transferred to her hands it shot through him in a sudden pulse of energy. Naomi's limp body fell to the floor in an unconscious state and Naomi, now in the man's body, slowly woke up.

Fleur rushed into the room with the jug.


"In here." She reached for her head and winced to herself. Yep he was most definitely intoxicated. She wasn't too fond of alcohol herself and learnt the hard way the first time that the effect lasted. Reaching for the man's arm she placed it to where it was torn and held it in place. Fleur bandaged it while Naomi took a few swigs from the jug hoping to help her dizzy state.

"What will you do now?" Fleur asked eyes wide with horror and worry.

"The arm seems to be the main injury, it'll be mostly healed by morning." She drawled. She could almost taste the bourbon on his tongue.

"But for now I'm going to sleep. Wake me up before Mina gets back and put my body on the other couch."

"You're sleeping here?" Fleur asked incredulously.

"Trust me I can't move." She said and with that closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

minismurf minismurf
Berry was just settling into the warm sensation of duty when reality came to bite her once more, swift as ever. This time it was in the form of Master Luriko and one of the twins, the white haired one having a go at each other. It seemed her protection duty was about to get a whole lot more complicated if she was going to have to keep these two from killing each other. They acted like two sexually frustrated teenagers, at the thought Berry barely contained a smile, now that she had had the thought she couldn't stop seeing it. She shook her head in an attempt to rid herself of the inappropriate thoughts about her charges.

When the brash foreigner spoke to her she snapped to attention, her body falling into the practised guard posture out of old habit, something about this foreigner lady spoke to her sense of duty. She reminded her a fair amount of the generals she had worked with, perhaps it was the way she spoke like every word she said held the weight of command. Berry shook her head in reponse to the question of bruises, she had sustained no new ones during this little episode.

The red haired void then drew everyones attention with her talk of the contract, Berry listened closely but her input was not needed and she hung back as everyone signed their contracts. She would not need one, her need to protect those she was indebted to was a much stronger bind then the contract being signed before them, she would follow wherever they went. She glanced at the sky in silent thanks to the gods that her two charges were together now which made her job of protecting them much easier. The blue haired twin caught her eye when her tilted his head at the contract, a silent question as to whether she was signing to which she gave a quick shake or her head and instead tilted her head to the group in general hoping he would understand her contract was not to the city but to thhe people within this group.

The group relocated to a nearby tavern and Berry took up position standing next to the table with her back to it. She settled easily back into the straight backed guard posture and kept her eyes on the tavern goers while only keeping half an ear perked on the table conversation itself.

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