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Fantasy Magical Girls: Heroines or Heroes of freedom(IC)



Junior Spectre Officier
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
A World where The military scientists all around the world had Found a Way to create magical girls to use in combat, So there came an idea and They have chosen magical girls very carefully and chose only the ones loyal and/or brainwashed. The scientists and Military personnel all treat the magical girl like their nukes because their power is strong enough to destroy an entire city and harm many. But there is a great cost, every time they transform they use their own life force for energy, so the average magical girl doesn’t live past their 20s. but a mysterious group of rouge magical girls trying to free other magical girls from their Imprisonment as slaves. They get around their limited life span by absorbing the life force of regular people, they are not necessarily evil but more like villgillanties, and the reason is they only want to free their fellow sisters, they really don‘t care about civilian casualties and have been known to wipe out entire cities to fuel themselves.

It's been a Few years since this had happened.....

You were your Dormitory room as they say it, but it was a bit more like a Jail CellAn Alarm blared off in The magical Girl dorms as a the doors opened, and a Soldier came out."We need you to report to the main area now!"The soldier in front of you said. You and Your soldier had Runacross the Halls with other Solider running all About, Since today was a Sorta Special day as They brought you and the other magical girls and boys in the main area, Which is near the Hangar. A Man, Well is is notiblely the General."Good, Mornign to all you magical heroes!"He shouted out.

(Halp, I am terrible at making a Starter T-T)

The soft dampening of cool ocean spray hit across her face as she stood atop a cliff edge overlooking the vast ocean before her. Her dress flowing in the wind as the crash of the waves deafened her words for anyone to hear. Elise stood frozen and confused at the scene but instinctively reaching out towards the young woman as she turned and held out her hand as well. In the same moment she began to fall but her features were blurred and her voice could still not be heard as Elise jumped forward trying desperately to save the unknown girl in the dress. In her attempt both began to plummet down towards the ocean and jagged rocks that protruded from the coasts edge. Elise held the girl tight fear shooting through her as she anticipated the pain but just before hitting the water and rocks her eyes shot open.
The blonde girl jolted up from her sleep clutching her chest with one hand as the other reaches out into the air. Her body heaved for air as her skin was glistening with sweat. Her startled expression soon relaxed
“putain de dieu…”
Elise sighed removing her covers and repositioning so her feet were off the bed and she could sit up more comfortably. The girl placed a hand to her forehead as she tiredly wiped her eyes and face. It was always the same dream since she had started this process, The girl, The cliff, she had given up trying to understand it.
“Your alright Elise, just keep it togeth..”
Suddenly the base alarms started blaring, before she could react her door opened with a hiss as the automatic locks disengaged and the view of a soldier was present. Her guard, or captor as she could call it. He nudged his head in a direction for her to accompany him as she stood adjusting her clothing and slipping on her shoes before accompanying him through the bustling corridors into the main hall where many others were being gathered. Elise was certainly concerned but didn’t show it outwardly as the soldier stayed close she did the same with him only listening silently as the general began to speak.
“Hero?..tch” Elise thought to herself as she awaited the continuation of the speech, she was certain something big was happening and immediately it seemed.
The screeching of the basses alarm was the first thing Fiona heard as she woke up. Sighing deeply to herself she trudged out off bed, and headed to her bathroom to get ready for what she knew was going to be a long day. After ensuring her uniform looked immaculate in her bathroom mirror, she made her way to her bed and waited with dreaded anticipation. Moments later her bedroom door hissed open, as two guards marched inside.

“Alright Fiona you know the drill” the first guard announced as he brought out a silver collar from his back pocket, and walked towards her. The second guard stepped back out of the room. And pulled out his gun to point directly at her face. “the general’s got an announcement and I don’t want to keep him waiting “ The first guard said as he finished locking the collar around her neck. “ like usual I’m gonna explain this crap to you “. He cleared his throat and continued. “ if you go more than 500 meters from your handlers the collar will explode, if you are gone for more than twenty four hours and don’t contact your handler the collar will explode, if you disobey your handlers orders the collar will explode.” He stopped, and looked her dead in the eye and asked “do you understand”

Fiona understood oh she understood due to her powers and lack of socialization she was deemed a flight risk and was treated as such. While most magical warriors had their guardian spirit to spy on them, she being oh so special had a bomb strapped to her neck, and the promise that if she ever steps out of line she’d be killed. “ I understand sir” Fiona said in as monotone of a voice as she could manage.

“Good, now come on let’s get going” the first guard said as he headed towards the door they entered from, with Fiona following right behind him. It wasn’t until Fiona passed the door that the second guard lowered his weapon and followed behind her. Two guards one to strap the collar and explain, the other a show of force.

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