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Fandom Magia Drive- A Power Rangers/Super Sentai RP

Amy Rodgers- Magia Drive Pink Ranger

Watching Jayden and Carson step up to fight the veteran rangers gives Amy a little confidence so she decides to make her choice so Olwen doesn't need to. Considering that she doesn't think she stands any chance against a ninja her choice was easy. Nervously she points at Chase and then says "I'll battle you if that's ok?" She doesn't know anything about this guy, but he should be easier then fighting a ninja, right? She has no plan on how she will fight against this guy which shows her inexperience in fighting.

Captain Marvelous- Gokai Red

Marvelous easily blocks the first strike and then seeing the strike to the eyes coming Marvelous gets a little annoyed and kicks Carson to the ground. Marvelous was not annoyed that Carson would go for the eyes in a fight, but this was a spar against allies where you are trying to help each other not cause injuries. You are going to need to do better than that".
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(Sorry about the wait.)

Bridge gets up, leaving his equips behind and assumes battle stance. "No suits, no equips, just a full on old fashioned fist fight."

Chase gets up from his seat and turns to his opponent, pinky. "Alright mate. Let's do this." He assumes battle stance. "I'mma be honest, I'm not the best when it comes to hand to hand combat. I'm more of a marksman, but I'll teach you what I can. Now, give me your best shot."


"Let's see. We have mist, a gun and a spirit type. This shouldn't take lo- huh?" The vizard looks around to find that his surroundings have completely changed. What the hell is this? Some sort of illusion? He looks for any clues. "This doesn't make sense. It has to be an illusion, unless shite hair can somehow produce por-" He turns around and fires a voley of arrows at something. Its a bullet. A bullet, but from where? Another enters the area and targets him from behind, but he shoots that down as well. "I see. The girl produces illusions and beanie guy assaults the confused enemy with bullets."
"You're smart. "
He turns to the direction of the voice and draws "I have you! Licht Regen!" A large volley of arrows hit thin air as he misses. What? I thought...
"But you're missing something. Did you think I'll reveal myself that easily?"
Missing something? Perhaps...she can produce fake sounds too!
"Your plan is cute. But there's something you didn't plan for..."
Holding his bow and arrow in hand, he smirks. "I simply have more firepower. Licht...Regen" Spinning around, he fires and overwhelming amount of arrows in a AOE style vortex, making it very hard to dodge.
"Shit!" Mike shouts outloud, attempting to hide behind something.
"Behind me, you 2! Break and Restore!" Josh punches the ground at full force, taking and crumbling a large piece of the floor out. Punching it again, it restores back to full size to use as a shield. "Kureijidaiyamondo!" With cover provided, Mike and Sarah hide behind Josh in order to not get hit, however, it proves to be futile as the makeshift shield starts to break apart. "Not...yet! Mike!"
"Yeah. Go, Sekkusupisutoruzu!" Using a single bullet, he fires it in Dinka's direction. He immediately notices. "You think a trick like that will work on me?"
"Who said that was ours?" Sarah says from behind as the bullet suddenly fades away. "What? No, shit!" Dinka notices and turns around too late as the real bullet connects with his face. His body falls over with a loud thud, pressumably dead or knocked out from the shot.
"It worked."
"We did it. That's how you do it, baby!"
"Nice work. Now let's get out of here."
Sarah turns to Dinka's body. "What do we do with him?"
"Don't work. I'll deal with him." Josh assures to her.
Mike turns around to where Dinka's body should be, only to find nothing. "Uh...where is he?"
Sarah turns around at his comment "What do you mean 'Where is he...?'" To find nothing. "Dammit!"
"What? How? There's no way!" Josh questions the possibilites. Mike tenses up and grips his gun.
"I'll find that sonvabitch!" He spits out in a malicious tone.
"No. Just let him run for now. Let him tell the others that the full bringers aren't to be messed with."
Mike hesitates, but conplies."Alright. Let's leave."
Meanwhile, Dinka obverses from the top of a nearby building
"Damn. They're a lot harder hitting than I anticipated. I need to write that down for future reference." He turns to leave "I refuse to let us go all out for garbage like them."


Carson King - The Ice Cold Magia

Getting kicked to the ground hurt a lot more than he thought it would. "You can say that again." Carson gets up onto his feet and enters his stance once more. Another hit for the eyes would be too obvious. How about a few feints then? Without saying another word, he sends a flurry of strikes towards Marvelous. He sneaks in a feint with his right before striking with a hook with his left. Soon after he attempts a jab with the right. Another right feint after, this time going low and hitting two hard strikes to the stomach from both.

He has no doubt in his mind he'll just be blocked over and over, considering he is fighting against a red ranger. Reds are usually the strongest of the rangers after all. The next feint he'll try performing would be a tricky one. He's not sure if his legs are flexible enough for it but he tries regardless. Carson feints a kick to the knees before attempting to twist his leg and aim for the head.

Amy Rodgers- Magia Drive Pink Ranger

Amy dose a few stretches to prepare herself for this sparing match. "Alright here I come" she says nervously. She thinks about her helplessness in the fight against the monster that killed Robin and almost killed Saki as she sends a shaking punch with her right arm towards Chase's chest. She follows up the attack with another awkward punch towards Chase's chest, but this time with her left arm. The entire time her legs are shaking as she feels that she doesn't feel like she has any chance of winning this battle and that part of her also doesn't want to hurt Chase since doesn't like hurting people who don't deserve to be hurt.

Captain Marvelous- Gokai Red

Marvelous was a bit impressed on how quickly blue got up and notices that the blue seems to be a very tactical fighter as he blocks and avoids the attacks coming at him. He is glad the blue uses his brain considering that seems to be something this new team's red seems to have a problem with doing. Marvelous gets hit by surprise by the kick to the head since he didn't think blue was flexible enough to do that and that he hadn't gone for any kicks prior to that moment in the fight. Marvelous remained standing after the hit. He stares at Carson for a moment before wiping his face. "You still got a lot to learn before you can defeat me in a real battle, but that should be good enough for now. Be careful not to overthink things and often the best tactic is to trust in your team."

(Didn't want to keep that fight going on too long since things are already dragging on a little considering how it takes yellow and green to post and I hopefully want to eventually get to the first megazord fight before the rp dies)

Carson King - The Ice Cold Magia

"That was short." He expected it to last longer. Up until he couldn't stand anymore. No pain, no gain, right?

His arms feel exhausted in spite of the short session however. All those games make it look so effortless... All those punches really put him in through the wringer. Managing that kick however was especially hard. To be able to bend like that was a surprise. At the very least he managed to actually strike Marvelous. Quite an impressive feat to him.

Carson plops himself down onto the floor to rest. "Will do, chief," he says in response, the exhaustion setting in his bones. His arms feel like jello.

Jayden Henderson ~ The Green Magia

Jayden shrugged “Fine with me old man.” Jaydens katana dissolved. He never noticed it doing that but at least he knew now. He dropped down and started doing a few warm up exercise. He then got up. I’m gonna get my ass handed to me aren’t I. Oh well. He smirked and up his hands up in a defensive position taking it Off the rip. He backed up and watched brindles movement s and tried to predict them. He wasn’t very predictable but he would try none the less.​

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