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Do not relent o'Dreamer. . .


Two Thousand Club
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◘ C H A P T E R . O N E - Take My Hand ◘

Tags: Ignem Ignem animegirl20 animegirl20 Mqueserasera Mqueserasera revior revior Ace Cream Ace Cream Wilder28 Wilder28 NUSKI NUSKI Euclid Leaf Euclid Leaf RI.a RI.a
October 5th, Ninety-ninth Year in the Age of Founding.
-Six days to The Reckoning-

Note: All bolded text beginning with a double -, as in '--', directly pertains to what each of your individual character experiences. Unless otherwise stated. How you react and what you see during these instances is up to you. Certain details have been purposefully written with generic descriptions for you to detail at your own preference. There is no strict posting order unless otherwise stated or during boss battles. Feel free to interact among yourselves with a limit of three (3) consecutive postings.

Highover - All students of this institution start within the school dormitories. Each student has their own private room and access to shared senior-only workstations. With the exception of Euphemia Fontana who may choose to begin at home as well. On a normal day, students are required to stay within Institute grounds and may only leave on weekends or in preparation for special events. Today is one such 'special event'.

Grishelgroft & al`Miransar - All students are new arrivals which will be detailed below. Alternatively, you may have arrived a couple of days earlier and be placed in the guest wing.
--No matter in a warm plush bed, tucked away under a riveting starry night within a time-worn institution, safe in a quaint manor in sleeping town so modest, nor amidst the gentle sway of creaking vessel drifting high in lofty sky, all manner of colour, of thought, blood or fated heart. All were drawn into fretful plight. A feeling of falling, or perhaps rising. A rush of wind, blocking-out all sound, and yet you felt not the caress of air on skin.

You open your eyes and beheld a scene so colourful and yet so grim. For you saw not the place of rest upon which you laid your heavy head, scant clock seasons on the night just prior. Your sights widen as you twist and turn. Panic fills your heart as you see faultless clouds loom below your head, stretching far and wide in dreadful expanse of stormy shades. You cast your gaze below, or was it above?, your feet, towards swirling eddies of Tyrian purples, Perylene reds, and whorls of Aegean blues. All coalescing and undulating like chromatic serpents born of terrifying hues. The sight brings nausea bubbling to your head, as is the feeling of falling upwards… or was it downwards? But as you rush in your neverending fall, voices and whispers tease in your ears. Addled and broken at first. Then slowly a shout here, a whispered warning there. You recognize words from your faraway past and you thought you caught a face or a scene in the chaotic ocean of colour above your feet.

The scene bubbles and churns, in rising tides of hues and shades. The voices grow louder, like the incessant grumble of an imp planted deep within your head and you attempt to shut it out, but it was just too loud and you begin to think that maybe the sound actually came from within. The discordance scream and wail, twisted versions of once happy memories, or perhaps they were terrible ones, ones that you thought were long forgotten. Then like some watery creature rising from the depths, monstrous behemoths breached the surface of the chromatic above. Tendrils of your twisted past stretched forth their ugly appendages of chaos and you scream in terror. Suddenly you wished you could fall faster, but the serpents draw every closer, inexorable in their intent. But just when you thought it would’ve been your end, a clear and crystalline watery plop pierces your ears. Clarity fills your mind, as an effulgent spark lights off in your head like a blaze of fireworks and the world begins to slow to a halt. You feel a presence nearing and your gaze is drawn inexplicably below to the clouds, but you only see her face. How was she here? Had she been there before?. The sapphires of her eyes gleam with pellucid warmth as cascades of moonlight frame her face. Her visage tilts to one side as her eyes narrow with a smile of sheer pulchritude it takes your breath away.

Dreamer. . . take my hand. . .

You hesitate at first, blinking at her expectant eyes, hearing her voice though you were sure her ruby lips never once parted. Then slowly, you reach forth. And as your hand drew closer, you suddenly realize that you were both separated by a watery surface. Like a mirrored reflection, her pale hand reached out for your own and just before you touched, you felt an icy chill as the surface rippled from the point of contact. Then your vision dimmed until you were back into a restful oblivion.


“Ohoi my lads and laddies, we’re almost there!” The Captain bellows from his pilot-box, one hand clutched against the Cloudcrystal as he steers the Skyship towards no direction in particular. At least it seemed that way where his passengers were concerned. They had been travelling through an endless voluminous mist ever since they awoke early that morning. One that seemed to mute all sound and left a humid sheen of moisture that appeared to creep even under the multiple folds of whatever garment you wore.

“Easy… Easy as she goes!” Again the Captain spoke, a tinge of maniacal glee undisguised in his tone.

Several of the Skyship’s passengers glance at the captain sidelong, wondering if he was out of his mind. And if they would be swimming with the sea monsters in no time.

“You people might want to hold on to something-!” The Captain’s warning came a tad too late. The only other thing you heard was the flap and billow of the Skyship’s lightsails and suddenly, your vision was caught in the golden rays of a rising sun. The shift of air pressure as the mist abruptly lifted caused the ship to lurch and wobble. There, rising out from the cerulean Southern Seas like some tree-covered monuments cast out from the heavens to land half-submerged in the blue expanse were several islands. The Isles of Highover. After nearly a week of travelling from al`Miransar in this cloud-scraping galleon, you’ve finally arrived.

Stomachs somersaulted as the Skyship dipped its nose and began its abrupt descent. You chanced a lay of the land and caught sight of towering snow-capped mountains and a distant castle before the bustle of cranes and structures of a busy port-side town obscured them from view.

“Might want to hold on to your breakfa- whoop!!” Again the Captain’s last-minute warning was cut-off when the Skyship was dropped the last few feet into the docking wharf like a fat duck attempting a landing on its fattest day of the month – whatever that meant. A spray of displaced water was tossed into the air, scintillating with delight as they caught the brilliant morning sun. Almost at once, crewmen bustled about securing the ship and laying the walkway. The captain puffed out his chest and beamed, seemingly pleased at his expert handling of the floating ship.

—students of Sorcera al`Miransar have just arrived!

“Off you go! Here’s your stop, git’ with it!”

An army of porters boarded the ship, coming forward to offer to help carry your luggage, respectful in their mannerisms. You are ushered off the boat and onto the port. A short walk later and you were led towards a grand pavilion, it’s brick-red tent bustling against a strong gust of wind. Just before you stepped in, a low humming sound filled the air and you recognize it to be the Enchantech engines of yet another Skyship. You turn just in time to see another galleon, not unlike the one you were just on dart out gracefully from the distant magical mists.

—students of Grishelgroff Academy of Wizardry have just arrived!

Stepping into the Grand Pavilion, you’re immediately greeted by a bustle of immaculately dressed servants. One offers you a cocktail of bubbling fruit punch, while yet another gestures emphatically for you to partake of delightful sweets and savouries piled high on a lavish buffet table.

—al`Miransar students would realize that students of the Ivory Tower have already arrived and are milling about the refreshments tables or resting amidst the various plush cushions and divans. All students who arrived via Skyship would generally have similar experiences. One may assume there are other candidates from each respective schools who are not currently OCs. Feel free to describe them as you wish. Other students would also travel together to witness this felicitous event.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, now that we’ve all arrived and settled down, may I have your attention please!” A sonorous voice interrupts whatever you were doing and you turn to the centre-stage of the pavilion. A middle-aged gentleman with pristine white gloves and dressed in a dapper butler suit announces his presence, calling for attention. Though he appears largely normal, you notice the flash of gleaming azure sparkling beneath his thick lashes.

You turn expectantly to the Djinn as he begins his welcoming speech, introducing each gathered flock of delegates from the respective schools to the other. And when he was done, you are then ushered out of the pavilion to a waiting carriage. Fastened to each waiting carriage were large draco-headed horses, with gleaming gold or emerald scales along their coat and folded wings along their back.

—All characters that have at least level 2 in Perception will recognize the magnificent beasts as Gwyndils. Rare powerful beasts that can fly as well as they can swim, and brew mini-tornadoes or whirlpools with their wings. Gwyndils are usually seen in the uninhabited islands of the Southern reaches.

Just as you were about to board the carriage, you are approached by one of the attendants who calls you by your surname, before proceeding to hand over a leather-bound casing decorated with polished brass, the size of a small textbook. Slotted inside was a flat wood and metal clockwork contraption. Buttons lined the top each bearing a letter. The centre surface of the contraption remained curiously empty, except for the unmistakable insignia of the Arcana Council. A tree with folded branches. The Allcrys.

"Professor Deepwater sends his personal regards." The attendant smiles warmly before stepping away.

--You can find this contraption at the bottom of this post.


The doorbell of Aureli Manor chimes cheerily, followed by an audible call for a certain ‘Miss Euphemia’. Upon opening her door, Euphemia would be greeted with a sweeping bow by yet another cerulean eyed butler. Behind the Djinn, a similar gilded carriage drawn by yet another Gwyndil was parked in the porch.

“Your transport awaits Miss Euphemia!” The Djinn announces brightly. “Make preparations as you must, but do not tarry, the Welcoming awaits!”
"Also, this is for you. Principle Deepwater sends his personal congratulations!" The Djinn adds, producing a wooden contraption seemingly out of nowhere.

--You may write about taking the carriage to Castle Highover if you wish. Should you do so, know that the route to Castle Highover from the manor would be lined by trees on one side and seaside scenery on the other. And as the road climbs higher, you would have an expansive view of the harbour below.



A soft knock rumbles against the thick wood of the young Ashphalt's modest room in the student wing.

”Ignem, get up or you’ll be late.” More soft knocking. It was as if the person on the opposite side of the door was reluctant to make any sort of noise. Clearly they could have chosen to be bashing against the hardwood.

—Should Ignem choose to open the door, he will come face to face with Enn Velahl. Her soft grey-blue eyes would stare at him wordless for a moment and he will suddenly be filled with a peculiar sense of displacement. Though he would know her to be his classmate, Enn looked different to him just that morning. But the moment will pass and she would turn away.

”I’m going to wake the others, you better hurry up. The Welcoming is in the Great Hall…” Enn would murmur over her shoulder as she stepped away, clutching Kala to her chest.
"Oh wait, I have something for you," Enn added, appearing to have forgotten something.
She rummaged into a sling pack by her side and pulled out a leatherbound case. "It's from the Principal." Her eyes trained on the immaculately crafted contraption somewhat longingly, before she offered a quiet smile and walked away.

--Several moments later, Enn would arrive at another of her classmate's door: Starlight. If she opened her door, the Hinokian girl would be visited by the same strange sense of displacement as Ignem. As if they recognized the pale-haired girl as someone other than who they remembered her to be. But in a blink of a moment, the weird feeling would pass.

If Starlight did not open her door, Enn would drift away after a moment, with the assumption that the Hinokian girl would make ready. The Leather-bound case placed on the floor. But if she answered the knock, Enn would've tilted her head in greeting at the other girl, locks of her pale hair partially obscuring her vision.

"This is for you, from Principal Deepwater!" She'd say brightly, handing over another leather-bound case. Her eyes would drift over to a pair of sturdy wooden chairs and a small round tea-table placed beside Starlight's four-poster bed.

"Would you like to have something to eat? I don't want to wait till the Welcoming is over..."

--If Starlight agrees, Enn would press a little button by the side of the door. A moment later, a well-dressed servant would appear to take their orders for whatever delectable morsels that would wish for. All would be prepared after a short wait.

"Have you opened it?" Enn quizzed, clearly referring to the curious magical clockwork contraption. "What did he say?" She lowered her voice to a whisper, although no one could've or would be eavesdropping on them.



[div class=keypad] [div class=instructions]Please State Your Family Name[/div] [div class="key numkey"]A[/div][div class="key numkey"]B[/div][div class="key numkey"]C[/div][div class="key numkey"]D[/div][div class="key numkey"]E[/div][div class="key numkey"]F[/div]
[div class="key numkey"]G[/div][div class="key numkey"]H[/div][div class="key numkey"]I[/div][div class="key numkey"]J[/div][div class="key numkey"]K[/div][div class="key numkey"]L[/div]
[div class="key numkey"]M[/div][div class="key numkey"]N[/div][div class="key numkey"]O[/div][div class="key numkey"]P[/div][div class="key numkey"]Q[/div][div class="key numkey"]R[/div]
[div class="key numkey"]S[/div][div class="key numkey"]T[/div][div class="key numkey"]U[/div][div class="key numkey"]V[/div][div class="key numkey"]W[/div][div class="key numkey"]X[/div]
[div class="key numkey"]Y[/div][div class="key numkey"]Z[/div][div class="key resetkey" style="width: 120px;"]RESET[/div]
[div class=pin]__________[/div] [div class=access1] Ignem,

Allow me first to extend my heartiest congratulations. I always knew you would make it, as a son of Ashphalt would. Your bond to your late father is worth so much more than blood and I am sure you do him proud. Here's wishing you all the best in your Reckoning.

I daresay you'd have all the makings of summoning a powerful Djinn!


Oulders Deepwater
Highover Institute of Magic
Arcana Council
[/div] [div class=access2] Mysterious Starlight,

Do you know how seeing your name never fails to put a smile on an old man's face? It really is quite special and I'm glad you picked this up for yourself despite how otheres might've looked at you. You've come so far Starlight and I know you'll go further. You've worked incredibly hard and shown that you're more than worthy of the scholarship. Something tells me you'll come out the end of this victorious, with a noteworthy Djinn by your side, perhaps!

Or maybe even one of the fascinating Horlas.


Oulders Deepwater
Highover Institute of Magic
Arcana Council
[/div] [div class=access3] Dearest Euphemia,

Did your mother ever tell you? She was one of my brightest students. In fact, all Aureli are. . . and I see so much of them in you Euphemia. Poor Catalina, I wished it were not so when I heard about Ventura's accident. He was always so careful, many spoke well of how meticulous your father's work was. A Master many could aspire to. But out of greatest tragedy, where many could easily have given up, rose Euphemia.

You've proven yourself not just as a bright Magician, but one with an exemplary attitude and independence that I wished many of the others would emulate. As principal of this school, I am incredibly proud. I can only imagine you seeing the end of your trials, coming out with a Daol in tow perhaps. Or maybe even one of the Hisa-me!

If there's any who would keep them in line, it'd be Euphemia Aureli Fontana.


Oulders Deepwater
Highover Institute of Magic
Arcana Council
[/div] [div class=access4] Dear Finn Arland,

Congratulations on being appointed as Chosen of al'Miransar! Knowing my peers, I am sure they saw something truly remarkable not just in your ability as a Magician, but in character. You come highly recommended young Arland. Your nobility of deed and strive to do instead of merely speaking no doubt distinguishes you from the rest. I get the feeling that you might find great kinship with a noble and powerful Sitri.

No matter our backgrounds, it is the doers whose mark will be remembered. Feria is always in need of those who see the bigger picture, the world for what it is, but still chooses to do the right thing. It is to these responsible people that greater powers are entrusted.

I look forward to seeing you perform.


Oulders Deepwater
Highover Institute of Magic
Arcana Council
[/div] [div class=access5] Dear Zima Utkin,

I know Ivan, your father. He was one of our best Dragoons, still is. Even mentored our very own Mistress Enchantra for a time. She'll be there to watch over you and the rest of the delegates during the trials, ask her a thing or two and I'm sure she'll be thrilled to speak with one who shares her passion. Afterall, Grishelgroft is her alma mater. Having been told what you're capable of, I've no qualms that I might just see you with a regal mighty Daol by the end of The Reckoning.

Nevertheless, your father has told me of the little incident when you were much younger. Be wary of where the intent of your heart lies young Utkin. The Other Side responds to the call of our hearts just as it does our minds.


Oulders Deepwater
Highover Institute of Magic
Arcana Council
[/div] [div class=access6] Dear Adrius Devereaux,

I was a little surprised to note that the mighty Warlocks of the Ivory Tower were sending so few delegates this year. I can fully understand considering there were some years where we ourselves could barely find any true potential. But this surely means that you were exceptionally outstanding; considering what I've been told, this is true. In fact, your dear sponsor has told me that the only thing holding them back from sending you over was the fact that your jokes are so cold even a fiery Horla would freeze over. Well, I sure am glad he decided to send you over! Empyrea knows even an old ageing man could do with a joke or two to lighten up my days.

Young man, between you and me, do me a favour and tell me one of your darnest jokes when we meet. Looking forward to welcoming you to our quaint island!


Oulders Deepwater
Highover Institute of Magic
Arcana Council
[/div] [div class=access7] Dear Klaus Willowhain,

It truly is an honour to have another of the Willowhains here for the Reckoning. Your father Geoffrey and his before him will always be counted among the Arcana's best Dragoons. Responsible, selfless men with which the Council and the people of Feria can always count on. No doubt Geoffrey would still be serving alongside us had not the things that happened. . . happened. I never had a doubt Jeana would've made it too. Know that losing both her and your mother pains me deeply as well. All who serve on the Council are family. . .

In the little time I have come to know her, Jeana has spoken of her wish to bring you here with her. To continue the legacy of your forebears as esteemed Dragoons. Your professors speak highly of you Klaus, more than you know. I have faith you'll make it through the trials, emerging victorious with a mighty Daol by your side. Or perhaps one of the noble Sitri!


Oulders Deepwater
Highover Institute of Magic
Arcana Council
[/div] [div class=access8] Dear Ayer Lecomte,

Arleon and I go way back, so trust me when I say I was thoroughly surprised to know he decided to have you along for the ride! Or maybe. . . now that I think about it, not so surprising after all. Your father and I, when we were younger. . . we had a little competition going. To see who could field more Chosens every year.
Alas, my duties took me elsewhere but your father never stopped. But know that all your predecessors were never lacking and it is with this knowledge that I get the feeling that you're more than you seem.

Reading about you, I could think of no other that would hold such a unique view of Spirits other our very own Mistress Enchantra. I am sure you would've heard of her, seeing as she was your senior years ago. She'll be watching over the Trials. Speak to her when you get the chance, I'm sure she'll be delighted to meet someone who shares such similar passions as she does!

Her friendly Djinn, Shubit, is a joy to speak with as well, just don't let her queerness get to you; not that I think you'll have any issues with that. And that is a good thing.


Oulders Deepwater
Highover Institute of Magic
Arcana Council
[/div] [div class=access9] Dear Arya Kai Holmes,

Your reputation precedes you young Lady. It surely is a great honour to host one of the Holmes', as your family has always been a very supportive patron of the Council. Your contributions have gone a long way to keeping our world running safely and in the right order. But know this: In my eyes, your reputation is you and yours alone. Not your family's nor the golden virtues of your blood. Rest assured, I have been told marvellous things of your capabilities and your character. You remind me of a certain Chosen of our own and I hope you two will get along well indeed. Her name is Euphemia.

I always say, when one has the right mindset, the possibilities are endless! When that happens, you'd definitely work well with any magical companion, whether it'd be one of the intelligent Djinn, noble Sitri or brazen Horla.

Just remember to have some fun along the way!


Oulders Deepwater
Highover Institute of Magic
Arcana Council
[/div] [div class=access10] You type a name that did not belong to you... on a whim perhaps. Sheer curiosity. At first, nothing happens. . . Just when you were about to close the leather-bound case, immaculately inked words appear on the surface:

Seen more than what it seems, you have! I applaud thee o'Dreamer, for thine curiosity! Know then what you should look for, for not all is what it seems! Deeper further till you can go no more!

[/div] [/div] [class=keypad] background:url(https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/2/tree-of-life-yggdrasil-with-triquetra-creativemotions.jpg); background-size: contain; box-sizing: border-box; line-height: 1; margin: 10px auto; text-align: center; width: 395px; [/class] [class=instructions] box-sizing: border-box; color: #4c4c4c; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; padding: 15px 10px; [/class] [class=key] background-color: #3c191d; box-sizing: border-box; color: wheat; display: inline-block; font-size: 14px; height: 30px; line-height: 0; outline: solid 1px #b7b7b7; padding: 15px 0px; text-align: center; width: 30px; [/class] [class name=key state=hover] background-color: #A0A0A0; box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; [/class] [class=pin] background-color: #193c38; box-sizing: border-box; color: silver; display: inline-block; font-family: 'Courier New', monospace; font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 10px; margin: 10px auto; padding: 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Ayer Lecomte - Grishelgroft Airship

A knock on wood.

This is an expression of warding away jinxes, misfortune that would befall one so arrogant to proclaim any amount of victory over the universe. In a world permeating with myth and legends, such superstitions are more than well-meaning gestures signifying empty faith. Seemingly random rituals, such as aligning ones shoes in a certain angle in their room, tossing a pinch of salt over one's shoulder, covering ones ears when they sneeze, these things contain figments of actual power. Such is the nature of magic itself. A phenomenon, in which despite our countless tomes and texts outlining laws and proven concepts regarding such, we grow no closer to uncovering the true secrets.

An unsuspecting bellboy waits a moment after the first knock, and then knocks again on the wooden door.
Perhaps nothing is more apt as an expression for someone who is about to come unsuspecting into what inhabits a certain car cabin labeled '38'.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lecomte. I am here on behalf of the academy to deliver your luggage to your new quarters." calls the quaint servant.

A loud bang and then a shuffling can be heard in response, a shadow dancing in the painted glass decorating the enclosed cabin. The shadow seemed to be wrestling with something, swatting the air as though trying to catch a fly.

"Oh, bugger... Not you too! Put that down. Now. Okay." says a hushed voice, sounding very much like a man scolding his children, "Now that's done with... Pinkleton. I'll give you one more chance. Come down here and get dressed before I come up there. And you really don't want that."

"Um, sir? Are you quite alright?"

"Oh!" exclaimed a timid-sounding man, "Y-yes, I'm quite alright! Just give me a moment. I have some things that don't want to cooperate."

In a short moment, and a few grunts and metal clangs, a ruffled red headed man bursts out of the door. Ayer Lecomte leans forward like a seesaw as both of his arms carry large bundles of sacks, bags, and sacks piled high in each arm, fighting the force of gravity to not knock over the poor attendant. Just when the disheveled redhead thinks he finds good ground, a round nut falls out from one of the oversized sacks and lodges itself perfectly under the decorated heel of his indigo loafers. Just his luck.

"Sevens...Oh Sevens, no!" Ayer calls out as he begins to bounce on one foot, causing both towers to lean heavily to and fro. The servant's went wide as he watched the catastrophe, barely dodging a bag that had fallen off one of the wildly swinging piles.

It clanged against the floor, spilling what appeared to be all manner of objects that would've knocked him senseless otherwise.

If not for the the two imps having pounced out and were now pulling at Ayer's coat tails, it would've been an avalanche that the servant would've had to prepare for. The pair of imps whine as their little wings flap vigorously, little voices grunt in unison as they try to yank Ayer back onto his two feet.

Ayer gives a heaving sigh, his pale yellow eyes coming up to the confused attendant. He breathes a lock of hair out of his face, smiling apologetically. "Ah, um... yeah, sorry about the mess. It's been a rough night. Couldn't sleep very well... So I woke up late." then calling over his shoulders, "No thanks to my faithful companions who were supposed to wake me when we arrived...!"

"We can let you go, you know." jeers one of the imps, a pudgy reddish demon dressed in a blue overall.
Still feeling the nut underneath his foot, Ayer sneers, "You wouldn't dare."

The other, donning a blue beanie with a fluffy pink ball ending, loosens its grip in response. Knowing the threat they posed, Ayer begins to plead with the imps, "Okay, okay, fine! You're both amazing and wonderful, and totally not lazy, free-loading demon spawn."

"Well, we are demons..."
Ayer blinks. "Ah... Yeah, true."

The servant interrupts the conversation with a cough, straining to maintain his polite smile. "E-excuse me, sir? But you're stepping on my foot."

Ayer's piercing yellow eyes lower immediately to confirm such an accusation. Indeed, the large heel of Ayer's indigo suede loafers has found itself, during all of the rampant shuffling, lodged directly and most harshly in the poor man's locomotive appendage.
"Oh. Oh! I'm so very sorry about that! You know, I've got a thing for that right in one of these bags... Now which one is it..." Ayer says, stepping back with another wobbling step and beginning to lower one of the sacks in his arms.

The bellboy, deathly fear flashing through his eyes as the massive piles wobbles dangerously overhead, quickly stops Ayer and grabs his arm to prevent another attack on his life. "Ah, no need. Just... allow me to take these from you."
"Why, how hardy of you. I respect that! Nothing like a bit of grit to grow some hair on the chest, eh? I'm sure to put a good word for you to the higher ups... uh..." the yellow eyes coming over the name plate at the servant's breast. "Tristan?"
"Haha, of course, sir..." says the servant who grows visibly more taxed by the minute. "Just leave everything to me."
"Of course, of course." Ayer smiles as his arms were suddenly relieved of burden, by the man, who was beginning to question his life decisions at this point. A grunt can be heard as the weight was shifted and Tristan was now made the center of the teetering seesaw of clattering metal, clothing, and trinkets. He looked like he was having one of those days.

"Oh! And don't forget the rest in the room. This stuff here, this is just my clothes."


"I have several personal projects that I have packaged up, which must be carefully -- very carefully mind you, be delivered to my new quarters. Along with assets belonging to my dear companions here."
The two imps nod aggressively, snickering as they await to see the imminent reaction. As he finishes his last sentence, Ayer pushes back the door to reveal a mess like none other. The servant, Tristan, couldn't believe his eyes. Was it a miracle, a marvel of nature, or some work of wicked devilry? Other piles similar to the two here line the interior of the little cabin, practically morphing the cabin into a room wholly different altogether. How did one man even manage to fit all of this down the halls of the airship in the first place? There was no end in sight to the iron bits, burnt plates, and random strings of silver wiring. And wait. Was that a cheese wheel sitting there under that pile of scrap?

"Oh, and before I leave you to your grand task. Happen you seen an imp around?" Ayer suddenly asks, now gesturing with two hands, "About... yay big. Smells like cinder and cotton candy... perhaps wearing a small pin striped scarf?"


"Ah, splendid! Because that would be awful, wouldn't it? A little demon set on the loose by an irresponsible student on their first day to an esteemed establishment such as this? Anyway. Bless be to you, good man." Ayer says hurriedly, before whisking down the hall in a flurry.


Highover Airship Landing - Walkways

A floof of red hair can be seen scurrying in the background of the congregation of students and attendants on the airship as the man in white and his Djinn are making their welcoming speech to the newly arrived. Ayer seemed busy with his own matters, taking the moment to separate from the pack to check back around the empty vessel. Ayer was sure it was dandy, even poking his head up through a peephole to take note of the Gwyndils that hauled the carriages meant to take them to the appointed school grounds. It wasn't until a pair of guards found Ayer swimming around in the waters under the pier, when he was forcefully escorted to one of the carriages and rejoined with his affiliates. There was one guard holding each arm, dragging Ayer like how one would deliver a thrashing fish down the dry docks to be gutted.

"Thanks for blowing my cover, guys... Just when I thought I could trust you to do something simple as to merely keep lookout."

"It's not our fault you forgot a piece of tungston iron in your shoe and began to sink and started crying for your life!" muttered Pinkleton, the imp in overalls.
"Of course we had to call for help!" replied Ponkipie right after, shaking his little fluffy beanie. "And I'm hungry!"

"You're always hungry... You know, I didn't have breakfast either. Maybe if certain loyal friends of mine woke me up in time, we could've gotten some food and none of this would've happened." Ayer snapped back, arching his back to look at the imps as he was dragged along by the two armed men who've clearly had more than enough of the current conversation.

As he was being 'escorted' back to the rest of the arriving students, a voice called out.

"Hey, look who it is. Did you sleep so long you pissed yourself, Imp Boy? What are we, back in grade school again? Though I guess you never grew up from using pathetic little imps. Some people never mature, do they?" sneered a young blond woman. Her perfect curly locks and embellished dress spoke more than enough of her status.

Isa Fruede, first heiress to the Fruede Trading Conglomerate and one of the valedictorians of the enchantech class in Gwyndils. Sadly, her skills were actually legitimate. Unlike the newfound 'friends' she has acquired here. Ayer saw insignia from all over adorned upon their proud crests and pins, from Northland to Hinokian. He already knows the type. The ones who orbit around each other like a swarm of flies to a rotten carcass. Though they work together now, a fly is still a fly. If there wasn't the distraction of a slice of fresh meat ready for their blood hungry suckers, they would just as easily devour each other.

There is no such thing as loyalty in the politics of nobles. Ayer simply rolled his eyes.

"Hey, you would do better to toss this piece of trash back in the water. This rotten scent is giving me trouble breathing." she says in mock concern to the guards, sticking her tongue out at Ayer. The group surrounding her exploded in laughter. He scowled.

This felt much like how he did back in his youth when he would be caught exploding another pot of food in the cafeteria trying to experiment and see just what exactly was the mystery to 'mystery meat'. Except this time, instead of a bunch of children making fun of him, it was just a group of fully grown adults. How ironic.

"I just had to jump into the ocean. Because when I saw you, I thought I was still sleeping and having a nightmare about a demon. Turns out, It's real. You are a hag demon that won't stop haunting me. Now shoo, shoo. Don't you have other souls to suck dry? I'm sure they are more than happy to entertain your sadistic desires." his eyes glancing around at the group of friends.

"Whatever. Have fun sleeping with your imps, lover boy. You all make a perfect family."
"Seriously?" said another noble, overly exaggerated, as always. "I thought I smelled something fishy about him." Another roar of laughter.

Ayer was about to whip up and yell back until he was shaken by one of the men and quickly pushed forward relentlessly through the sea of students and staff alike.

At this point, a person had approached him, promptly handing Ayer an enamoring leather-bound case before disappearing to other duties. The redhead looked at the fine artsmanship in his hands with amazement, turning it around and appreciating every detail. He then institutionally tired moving a hand to try and open it. But quickly found them fastened.

"...You can let me go now."

With that, he was promptly placed firmly on the ground. A big finger then was shoved into his face. "Stay here. And don't go wandering off. If we catch you again, you'll be sent straight to the disciplinary ward and detained there until the welcoming ceremonies are over. Understood?"

His eyes shifted left and right, clearly barely paying attention to what was being said to him. "Yeah, sure. Crystal clear."

The two men visibly grimace as they simply walk off, keeping their gaze upon the fidgeting student as remembering their vow to protect and serve the school and its esteemed guests.
Ayer, understanding that there was no more fighting this, sighed as he slumped down on a bench nearby the carriages. Putting the letterbox in a flap in his coat, he simply sat there in the growing pool of saltwater drippling beneath his feet. Just when a cold breeze sweeps by, freezing him to the bone, his stomach then lets out a deathly growl, howling like a banshee in the night.

Ayer falls defeated across the bench, looking much like a discarded mop after a long day of serving to clean the men's public lavatory.

"Well, this is just perfect."
"Serves you right." giggles Pinkleton. "This is what happens when you blame us for everything."
"You don't feed us either! Starve! Starve, you abuser!" chants Ponkipie, waving its lanky arms around in a wiggling dance as it was promptly joined by Pinkleton. "Starve! Starve~!"
Ayer drops his head between his hands and sighs, "You know, I'm starting to wish you were the one who disappeared."

The two imps looked at one another. "Which one?"

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Klaus' eyes widened abruptly, finally waking up from his unusual dream. One hand reaching for his necklace, Klaus raised his head to take in his surroundings; he had fallen asleep on the Skyship's main deck. He blinked multiple times before slowly standing up, his mind flooded with flash images of the girl. Klaus' brow furrowed, unable to make sense of what he just dreamed. Shaking his head, the young man let go of his necklace and stood up, the beating of his heart slowing down.

“You people might want to hold on to something-!”

Before he could think upon the dream further, Klaus stumbled backwards back on to the bench he was sleeping on, oblivious to the captain's warning. Klaus squinted his eyes as the ship descended, the bright sun obscuring his vision. Groaning, he flipped himself onto his chest, looking over the side of the ship. A faint smile appeared on Klaus' face as he gazed upon the Isles of Highover for the first time in his life. Looking at the home of the Highover Institute of Magic, he wondered how his sister felt when she first laid on eyes on it. His eyes shifted to the snow-capped mountains then quickly to the glistening castle in the distance. His face resembled a child who had just been offered a piece of candy, his eyes wide with excitement. This only lasted for several seconds however, as the Captain issued another warning to his passengers. Not wanting to fall over the edge of the ship, Klaus immediately got up and reached for the closest railing. The ship landed rougher than he'd like, seawater spraying over the surface of the ship. Before going off to find his packed belongings, Klaus shot a nasty glare towards the captain who seemed to be too satisfied with himself to notice.

* * *​

Klaus walked off the Skyship and into the Grand Pavillion with a single brown leather duffel bag. He was quite overwhelmed by... well everything. Before he could even fully see what was in front of him, he was confronted with servants offering him drinks and food. Klaus shook his head, preparing to move past them.

"...But we insist, sir! If it isn't the fruit punch, there are other drinks that are being offered!" the servant on his left said. He seemed to be only a year or two younger than Klaus, if not the same age. He knew that they were just trying to be nice but his mind was too focused on other matters to eat.

Klaus sighed, hesitantly taking the cocktail from the servants. "There's no harm in trying, I suppose" he said with a forced smile, before moving past them.

Klaus's head turned right and left, examining the other students around him. From what he could see, students from the Ivory Tower had arrived just before him. Most of the students were busying themselves with small talk or food, the minority of them looking just as lost as Klaus. He slightly regretted not waiting to get off the ship with someone he knew from his own school.

"Dadir," Klaus muttered to himself. Almost immediately his raccoon familiar appeared from seemingly thin air on to the surface of his duffel bag. The spirit wasted no time getting on his nerves, but Dadir's company was better than no company at all.

"Lonely, again?" Dadir snickered. Noticing where they were, Dadir leaped off the bag and climbed his way up to Klaus' shoulder. "Ooooh! Exciting!"

Klaus sighed and shook his head, seeming unaffected by the raccoon's decision to mount his shoulder. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it shut as everyone fell silent to the Djinn's speech on the stage. In contrast, Dadir began to ramble on in his ear about the types of keychains he could get his hands on in this new environment.

* * *​

Klaus hesitantly followed the crowd of students who enter numerous carriages lead by draco-headed horses with wings. To be forthright, he had little idea of what was happening which could have been because he barely heard the speech given. As he got closer to the carriages, all he could think about was what his sister could have been thinking about during this time. Now that he was in Highover, the goal of accomplishing his sister's dream seemed more real than ever.

"Eyes up, Klaus!" Dadir interjected. Klaus raised his head, returning to reality. While in deep thought, his legs kept moving, nearly walking into the mysterious creatures leading the waiting carriages. Someone who Klaus could only assume was another servant or attendant, seemed to be waiting for him by the carriage.

"Mr. Willowhain?" the bearded man started. Klaus nodded his head slowly, as Dadir leaned in to take in the man's facial features. The main smiled, stepping back with one foot, clearly uncomfortable with the spirit's curiosity. "This is for you. Good luck" the man said before handing him a leather-bound casing and walking away. Klaus looked down at the item, his brow furrowing. Uninterested, Dadir leaped into the empty carriage.

Klaus followed him, placing his duffel bag on his lap. As soon as he was seated, Dadir took his place on Klaus' shoulder. "You're not going to open it?" the raccoon asked, his tail swinging back and forth. Staring at the item for what seemed forever, he finally opened the casing, revealing a wooden contraption. His eyes immediately moved to the piece of paper, pulling it out to read.

Euphemia saw a maddening sight. Passively, she could only lie on nothingness, bounded by colours. Her body was restricted, her mind probed, her nerves pulled, and her consciousness scattered like stormy clouds whirled around and stripped off gloomy darkness by a sudden flashing of light. The thundering sounds drummed her very soul to the core. Dreadful noises swarmed her in such a helpless state.

It recalled in her an old memory.

She saw herself tiny, towered by dark figures emerged from the night. Noisy whispers, faceless faces. Occasionally, a pitied glance was thrown in her direction. She was not surrounded, but sitting on the side, cared for by an old but familiar person in servant clothing. The only thing with colour, golden, was standing among those figures of darkness. Her mother smiled, accepting empty words voided of meaning and cloaked in paltry sincerity. But it was fine. To see mother’s smile was a blessing. How long had it been? Too long, and then it was gone.

The door closed. The guests left. The smile withered. Their world reduced to two - a mother, a daughter and a coffin. There mother up and went, her golden hair shimmered in the corridor's darkness and her face's. Another door closed, and mother was gone. Forever.

Euphemia traced her steps to the door. A singing nightingale made of gold decorated the doorknob. She was a big girl now, standing higher than the doorknob and the bird. The coldness repulsed her flesh, the thundering beatings of her heart caused fear of something inhuman. She wanted to leave it alone, but she could not. She was locked away, and she must escape. She was buried in this coffin world by mother, yet she could hear by the beating of her heart - mother was there beyond the door - that wretched lid hiding the golden light six feet above the ground.

But what could be there on the other side? After all those years? What could it be? The warm embrace of days long past? Stern scolds and a lesson to be learned? Or perhaps...

Despite herself, she turned the knob and pushed. Plunging into the dark, flailing, peering into it. She screamed.


It ended. The world disappeared. Euphemia found herself in the emptiness with her throat aching.

There was a woman. Her sapphire eyes gleamed. Who?

Dreamer... take my hand...

She spoke!

The devil. Euphemia's words didn't escape out loud but her voice echoed the empty space all the same. I must stay my hand, she thought, No, do not be tempted now. How devilish is her presence, her words tempting, her eyes gripping…

But Euphemia's own hand reached out against her will. She felt powerless, and just like before the looming door with the sad bird, she didn't want to but she did. Her fingers felt cold. The coldness extent to her shoulder, then her body from head to toe. She shivered, and then jerked awake.

Cold beads streamed down her temple as Euphemia sat up. Her body trembled to the beat of her pounding heart. Her mind conjured up the distorted images of her nightmare. But she did not dwell on them or wander into dangerous thoughts. Her eyes closed as she sat facing the darkness on the other side of the window. Breathed in, breathed out. Again, then again, then again. One more.

All thoughts of the last night's nightmare left her at once, and she welcomed composure back to her mind and body.

A glance at the ticking clock told her it was five in the morning. The perfect time to start a new day.

She paced the length of her chamber and reached a door at the far end. Behind the door, she took a shower. The fact that magic fueled instant hot shower is a luxury not many people could experience in their lifetime was often lost on her. She was used to getting two or more every day and still found it lacking. In her opinion, no one without a good reason should neglect their hygiene, it's the very essence of dignity of human being, even if not all human beings can afford it. It’s one of the small things that set them nobles apart from most commoners. ‘They are alright, those commoners’, she always says, ‘but their lifestyle is not one a noble should mingle with’. She also preferred showers than baths, it took less time and less chance for you to indulge beyond your needs.

The moment she got out of the shower, her day began in earnest. A chambermaid dressed her in fresh and perfumed clothes, then she was alone again. For an hour, she enjoyed the fresh air of the morning from the mansion's balcony, it soothed her mind while having a light breakfast. Back inside, her house stewardess was already waiting with several letters on a salver, which she studied with mild interests. There were bills to pay, invitations from lords and ladies whose names she could barely recall from short encounters years ago, a plea for financial help from a distance cousin on her father's side, the newest catalogue from a renown clothing brand, advertisements for 'pioneering' products... While signing approval for various payments, she mulled over the fact that the money she just spent could feed a family of commoners for months. But being a noble meant spending money, and money well spent can keep you alive much longer than being frugal.

"Then," she rose from her seat, "I will see my mother. Has she been eating well?"

"Not last night, Miss," said the old woman. She had been House Aureli's stewardess for three generations, and also the only one allowed inside mother's room. Maria dressed simply but elegantly to signify her position as a servant but also someone to be respected for their old age and experience.

"By noon she will, she always does. Make sure to bring her food before she becomes too hungry. The pantry's been fixed, I trust?" said Euphemia as she strode out the room and down the corridor.

“Of course,” Maria answered, following one and a half step after the lady of the house.

“You must know this already, but Cecil’s going to be on maternity leave starting next week.”

“Yes, miss."

“Find her replacement in the inn down the hill. Baroness Montgomery specifically recommends the chef there. But do test her skills, you must know already the baroness’s taste. Ah, one more thing, David can handle the wine budget and selection himself from now on. Give him the account…. and remind him again to only serve the finest wines to Earls and Countesses or higher ranked nobles.”

“Does that mean you judge his skill as adequate for a butler, Miss?”


Maria nodded along. The old stewardess already knew all those things she was told of course. But sooner or later, her age wouldn’t allow her to take care of those busy minded Aureli anymore, it calmed her heart to see the young lady learning to look after affairs herself. But most of all, the way little Effie worried about everything was absolutely adorable – the kind of adorableness only those of her ages can find in the youth.

Having dismissed Maria, Euphemia arrived alone before her mother’s room. A golden nightingale decorated the door. This time, she didn’t move a hair towards the knob.

“Mother?” she asked.

There were sounds of movements inside. Mother was awake.

“I’m leaving soon. The Reckoning will be in a few days.”

There were more muffled sounds, then silence, and then crooked words came out from a throat that loathed speaking:

“You will be fine,” Catalina Aureli Fontana said slowly, “No Aureli has come out of it unrewarded.”

“I know.”

But just in case, I want to say goodbye if for some reason I couldn’t be home for a while.

Her lips sealed tight.

“I’m leaving now, ring Maria if you need anything.”

There were mothers and daughters who could tell each other million things without uttering a word. When Euphemia converses with her mother, millions of words hardly convey a thing.

She wandered a bit in the gallery downstairs, waiting in the boredom of her solitude. Faces of golden-haired women and men with various hair colour from black to red filled one side of the wall. Further left, golden-haired men boasted their endless smile with their beautiful wives, but after a few generations, the pattern reversed and women with golden hair stood by the side of their husbands, grimly. Could it be that they were haunted by the fate of their predecessors when they stood for hours to be painted like this? That the very act of painting their face on the wall of history had reminded them of their part in a history of pains and sorrows?

Except for one. It was the painting at the very edge of the gallery, there a brown-haired man with an impressive moustache was standing beside the young Catalina. Her smile was genuine, no, their smiles were genuine. Such happy people. Such a forgotten smile. Euphemia shared the same smile but much fainter as she imagined the later generations looking upon those paintings and how they will be so surprised to see a rare flower among the grim past.

Later generations? Her smile became a frown at the thought.

Just then a servant entered and announced the coming of the awaited carriage. A Djinn greeted her with a weird wooden contraption, then led her to the carriage.

“Your transport awaits Miss Euphemia!” The Djinn announces brightly. “Make preparations as you must, but do not tarry, the Welcoming awaits!”
"Also, this is for you. Principle Deepwater sends his personal congratulations!"

Alone inside the carriage, Euphemia inspected the content of the letter inside the contraption. Upon finishing the short letter, she muttered: “Algae.”

With a puff of smoke, her demon revealed itself unto the world. He had the form of a reddish cat, but seemingly a bit wilder than domestic ones. Set him apart from normal cats were the black tufts on his ears, long legs and of course, the gleaming purple pupils.

The demon rested lazily on his master's laps while also lazily, she scratched his ears.

“What does it say?” the demon asked.

“What do you care? You don’t like human society, do you?”

“Curiosity. That kind of face implies something interesting underneath.”

Although he was not a very smart demon and would never admit knowing that, he had a talent for learning. For example, he had learned to enjoy having his ears scratched. He hated it at first, being a demon and absolutely not a cat. But Euphemia was adamant that if he had chosen to look like a cat then he should act the part. And after all, it felt really good, not like he was tamed or anything, it was only a weeny bit disappointing that she didn’t give him treats anymore after blissful petting courses.

“What kind of face?” she asked absentmindedly then explained shortly the letter's content. Her attention floated elsewhere out the carriage’s windows, where the sea was sparkling under the cheery sun. The view on the way from home to Highover and vice versa always seems so peaceful. Not that she had anything to complain about her home or her school, but on the road in the middle of the two, she always found it easier to lose herself in her thoughts.

“That kind,” said the demon, purring in between words, “what now? Don’t tell me you’re bitter those compliments came from a stranger instead of your precious mother.”

Algae's mouth curved into a smirk but quickly left out a cry.

“Do not provoke me, demon,” Euphemia released her sharp pinch on the demon’s ear.

“Damn woman,” he cried out, squirming in his master’s grab, “I might be a demon but my feeling is easily hurt and so are my ears. Easy with the physical abuses, else I call the PETD (People for the Ethical Treatment of Demons) on you!”

“There’s no such organization with so stupid a name,” said his uncaring master while patting his head a tad too heavily. Still resting her chin on a hand and her gaze on the sea, she said: “You’re overpricing the worth of compliments in our society. They’re just as cheap as empty words. Perhaps cheaper since well-placed praises are often profitable.”

“You and your haughty attitude,” the demon murmured. He did not argue further. Futile, that thing. Words are cheap, true, human and especially you use words so lightly, never to express your true feelings.

But soon, Highover Institute of Magic appeared on the horizon and he would be plunged again into the chaotic world of human.
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Zima Utkin

Zima tighten the jacket she was wearing.
It's not like the weather was cold enough that she felt the need to tighten it, but the endless mist that enveloped the skyship pretty much reminds her of a hailstorm, flurry of whites that seep all the sound... She enjoyed it. While the majority of students choose to stay inside their cabin during the trip through the mist, Zima remains on the deck and just stared into the empty distance.

Hours later the ship finally landed on the land of Highover. Zima let the servants carried her luggages away, except for one wooden briefcase which she choose to carry by herself... Well, not really.

"Totoro." A word that called forth a blue monkey from Zima's pendant. The monkey appeared scratching his butt, and then sniffed his hand. Zima ignored the monkey's behavior and shoved the briefcase to him. The monkey grunted uncomfortably.

"Hold the briefcase, keep it safe, and follow me."

The monkey tried faking out having a hard time lifting the briefcase, but this was not the first time he was ordered to carry the box so the trick definitely wouldn't work. Zima seems more concerned at making sure that the cocktail she received from the servant didn't contain any watermelon rather than paying any attention to the carrier monkey.

The speech was uneventful, at least for Zima. She listened to the speech attentively and followed suit as the students were led towards a series of carriages waiting to transport them to the campus ground. Zima let out a whistle as she saw the exotic animals attached to the carriages.

"Gwyndils. They really want to impress people with this entrance ceremony." She spoke at herself, though a high-pitched voice soon chimed in.

"I am not impressed, master. I have seen much grandiose thing! Palace of gold made by thousand-winged angels! Hundreds of ancient Buraqs marching under one command! An old man that split the ocean with his walking stick!" Totoro can be a talkative demon sometimes, and Zima knew that most of his stories were pretty much over the top fantasy. Still, Zima found this part of Totoro quite entertaining. Not only he would stop all his complaints for the rest of the day, sometimes Zima could find a speck of truth between all the lies weaved by this demon. She even found out the true name of a particularly interesting insurgo through one of his babbles.

The demon's stories were stopped by an attendant approaching and giving Zima a leather-bound contraption. Zima told the foliot to load her briefcase in as she climbed into the carriage. Inside, she fiddled with the contraption and unfolded the letter it produced.

"... I see." It seems that her father told Professor Deepwater to keep an eye of her. It's okay, she's prepared and will proceed with caution.
When Adrius first awoke, he found himself in a cold sweat.

He was hardly a morning person. Practically anyone who knew him could attest to that. So normally, when he woke up this early, he would attempt to go right back to sleep - or at least be merely tempted to do so in the event that he had to attend class. But this time, he tried no such thing. Instead, after a moment of agitated stirring, he just rolled over and groggily pulled himself up into a sitting position. Letting out a soft groan, the young noble slouched, setting down one arm to lean on while using his free hand to wipe off some of the sweat that had accumulated on his forehead.

When he lowered this hand to take a look at it, he found that it was practically drenched. Seeing this, he couldn't help but stare, slightly in shock at how much there actually was; he'd had some fairly intense dreams in the past, but none had disturbed him this much since... Well, ever. But then, he supposed it only made sense, considering what he had seen. The vibrant hues, the fractured memories, the cacophony of voices, the horrific abominations that skirted the edge of his very imagination... and that was to say nothing of that enigmatic woman that had come to him near the end of it all. The entire experience had been equal parts terror and mystique, not necessarily any stranger than some of the previous dreams he'd had, but almost certainly more harrowing.

As he continued on this train of thought, he set his hand in his lap and looked up, staring off into space. That dream, or nightmare, or whatever it was, it left him with the vaguest sense of dread in the pit of his stomach. He supposed that that was just a remnant of the abject terror he had felt in the moment, but a part of him really wasn't so certain. The more he sat and thought about it, the more it occurred to him that this probably wasn't your average dream. Maybe it had something to do with the Reckoning? He hadn't heard about such a thing occurring to previous generations of Magicians - he'd certainly never heard it from his brother - but for all he knew, it could've well been connected. It was certainly something to think about.

But he'd focus on that later. Now, he was suddenly brought back to reality by this powerful urge to yawn. Once he did, he rubbed his eyes and began to stretch a little, before just... well, sitting there. With the dream he'd had last night, he admittedly had no desire to try and return to bed. But at the same time, he wasn't really feeling very motivated to get up. Lifting his gaze, he let it drift about the neat little cabin he was staying in, eyes lingering for a moment on the pile of bags and belongings that he had haphazardly lumped into one of the corners. The only reason this room wasn't even a little bit untidy was that he had just been too lazy to take everything out to begin with. Why would he? It wasn't like he'd be using most of it in just this one night. Even if he didn't pack all that much.

After losing interest in his possessions, his attention then fell upon something else: A doorknob, sitting upon the nightstand beside his bed. It was an odd choice for an anchor, to be sure, and it was certainly a far cry from the fancy keychains that many other Magicians liked to keep; but in all fairness, he'd picked out an odd choice for a familiar. Just seeing it really brought to mind the impending events that today would bring - most importantly the arrival to Highover, with which would come the opportunity to mix and mingle with some the best Magicians from the other institutions.

Perhaps it was the excitement that this idea brought him that motivated him to get going at last.

With a light sigh, Adrius finally went about getting out of bed, pushing the blankets off of him and deftly getting to his feet. He then made a beeline for the pile on the other side of the room, where he stopped by to get a change of clothes. He had no intention of going back to sleep, so he figured he may as well get properly dressed for the day. While he was doing that, he spoke one word aloud: "Zelos." And at his beckoning, streams of dark smoke began to flow from the doorknob by his bed, until it all coalesced into the form of something more concrete. In the span of only a few seconds, where there was once empty space was now a large, barrel-chasted man with the head of a bull.

"Morning, friend," he greeted cordially, now beginning to tend to his hair for a moment. "Did you sleep well? I like to think you had a better night than I did."

Being the avid conversationalist that he was, Zelos said nothing. He simply stood and stared in the most stoic manner, giving that look that always had Adrius wondering just what he was thinking. If he was thinking at all.

As he worked to get himself looking presentable, the young noble furrowed his brows. "Do you demons sleep? What is it that you all do when you go your Precepts?"

Again, he received no answer. After he finished with his hair, which was now looking :bishiesparklesl:glamorous:bishiesparklesr: as usual, he turned to face his Utukku and met his gaze in what amounted to a silent staring contest.

"... Fine, then. Keep your secrets."

He then made his way over to a nearby coat stand, whereupon hung his much-treasured cloak. Without stopping, he pulled the garment off and wrapped it around himself in one deft motion. "Anyway, I suppose it's time to go out and see what's going on on deck. If anyone else is up there." He made his way to the room door as he said this - then came to an abrupt stop. "Oh, I nearly forgot. Would you like a cookie? Of course you would." He then turned right around and made his way back to his luggage, because in this case, 'cookie' didn't quite mean what it usually did. After a moment of rummaging through his bags, he wound up pulling out what basically amounted to trash.

Except, he didn't call it trash, because that sounded much less appetizing. Per the suggestion of his younger sister Lykeia, he had decidedly gone the peculiar route of calling these bits of junk 'cookies,' because he had made it a habit of feeding it all to his familiar. Especially in the mornings, when he tended to get a little peckish. It was an amusing and convenient way of getting rid of the garbage that he didn't need, and Zelos, being what he was, had zero problems with it. He could hardly really tell the difference between these and actual cookies anyway.

Turning around with the little demon snacks in hand, Adrius took a step forward... only to once again come to a stop as he bore witness to his Utukku gnawing on the blankets of his bed.

For a solid five seconds, he looked on in slight disbelief. Then, he just let out an exasperated sigh. "Zelos. That's not a cookie."

When Adrius stepped out on the top deck for the first time that day, pulling his cloak in tight to protect himself from the chilling mist, he found that he wasn't to be alone after all.

It was actually somewhat of a surprise, considering how few Ivories there were this year - only seven in all. It would've been eight, but the last guy chose to stay behind voluntarily, though he had no idea why. It came as a surprise to all of them, really, that this was all that was being sent. Especially considering that previous years had had considerably larger groups, his brother's included. Perhaps they were just low on talent this time around.

At any rate, aside from the captain, he saw four of his classmates on board. Nearby, two girls were chatting, one of them he recognized as Lady Hemera of Aureus, one of the finest Conjurors in the Tower. She caught his eye for the briefest moment, and the two exchanged friendly smiles. Then his gaze turned to someone else, who was standing further down the ship and staring ponderously into the mist. The brilliant red robe he wore marked him out as Tyce Damaran, a powerful Evoker like Adrius himself who had only just edged him out for second place in the class. First belonged to Valton, a Null Enchantech wiz who spent most of his waking hours working on his myriad projects.

Adrius would have said hello, but Tyce didn't like him very much. He was far too competitive for his own good.

Finally, his gaze rated on the last figure, who stood on the other side of the ship. A tall, lanky, dark-haired lad with a three-eyed, three-legged raven on his shoulder. Almost immediately after spotting him, Adrius turned and made his way over to his side, walking up with a quick and friendly "Hello." In doing so, he wound up startling his old friend almost entirely by accident. Almost. Turning quickly to face him, the other student affixed him with a wide-eyed look of surprise - which very quickly turned into one of slight annoyance upon seeing the mischievous grin on his friend's face. "By the Seven, Adrius. You've got to stop with that," he muttered, turning back to continue leaning on the rail. "Or one of these days you might find yourself facing a Flux."

Adrius raised his brows in amusement at the threat his friend made, hearing Zelos' footsteps as he came up beside him. The Foliot on his shoulder may not have looked too friendly, affixing him with that grim, red-eyed glare of his, but he knew Kieran well enough to know that he was only jesting. "If you believe that'll work," he retorted casually, leaning upon the ship's railing himself.

"If you believe that'll work," Kieran repeated mockingly. "You somersault over a demon once, and suddenly you start thinking that you're Arcana material."

Adrius grinned. "Well, come to think of it, I don't recall ever seeing anyone on the Council pull off such a feat. Perhaps I am worthy of joining their ranks."

Kieran eyed him with a look of playful skepticism. "Try it with a Marid, then. I'm sure that'll have them all flocking to you. Provided you aren't obliterated first, of course."

Adrius snickered and shook his head. "When I get better at Conjuring, sure. I'll make sure to tell the Seven you said hello."

It was now Kieran's turn to laugh, giving out a soft chuckle as he brushed back his hair. "Well, I'm astonished to see that you're up so early. It must be a miracle indeed. Or are you so excited about the Reckoning that you simply couldn't sleep?"

"Not quite. I'll have you know that I did get some rest last night," Adrius answered. "What about you? I never took you for an early riser either."

The gangly Abjuror glanced aside sheepishly. "Er... I'm afraid I didn't sleep."

Hearing this, Adrius had to keep from outright bursting into laughter, though his poor attempts at stifling it still attracted the attention of some of the other students. "What? Not even a wink?" He asked incredulously.

Kieran flushed. "Well, alright; I did get perhaps an hour...?"

That just made him laugh harder. "Oh, Sevens. Hopefully you won't be meeting me in Empyrea, then!"

Kieran rolled his eyes. "In my defense, I couldn't sleep. I spent the night worrying and fretting about today. Aren't you at least a little apprehensive about this? Traveling to this grand, world-renowned ceremony to perform in front of the greatest Magicians in Feria? Does it not worry you that we could die?"

Adrius seemed to think about it for a minute. Then, he just shrugged and shook his head, giving the Abjuror his signature lazy grin. "Only a little. I like to avoid thinking about that part."

Kieran nearly facepalmed. "Right, of course. Well, I've been thinking-"

"A little too much, if you ask me."

"Yes, I agree. But I've been thinking: There are going to be more than a few people of note attending this with us. Not just representatives of on-the-rise Houses like Tyce or Hemera, but bigger names. Old money. The Greats. Holmes, Schirach, Willowhain, Aureli-"

"Not us," Adrius cut in, in a moment of joking self-deprecation.

Kieran couldn't help but chuckle at that, and he nodded. "Right. And then there's us. We've still got a name to make for our families." He glanced aside at the shorter Evoker, added, "Though, you at least have the advantage of having an older brother to start the cycle."

Adrius gave him a wry smile. "I'd say the name he made was for more himself than for us. And remember, as skilled as he was, he was a known troublemaker, too."

"Ah, right. Then you'd better build on the positive end of his reputation," Kieran advised with a smile of his own. "Lest poor Lykeia finds herself inheriting the legacies of both a troublemaker and a jester."

Adrius quirked an eyebrow. "So in other words, don't give off the impression that I'm the low-born second-rate jokester that I am?"

"Yes, exactly," Kieran smirked.

"Suppose I'll see what I can do about that, then."

"Sure you won't. And I'm certain that your having an Utukku of all things won't make this very easy either."

Adrius feigned offense at this slight. "Hey, don't you insult my Utukku!"

"Adrius, please. You use him as a veritable waste basket."

"Yes, among other things. He has his uses, too! And I personally find it better than having one of those snooty Foliots."

Right then, Kieran's raven immediately whipped its head around and affixed him with a chilling stare.

"Present company excluded," he hurriedly amended. That seemed to satisfy it, and it swiveled its head back around to gaze elsewhere.

Trying and failing to suppress a laugh, Kieran shook his head. "Well, my point still stands-"

"Hey!" It was then that they were cut off by a shout from nearby, and both of them turned to find Tyce facing them all. The red-clad Evoker scanned the ship for a moment, making sure he had everyone's attention, before speaking. "Find something to hold on to. We're about to go down."

Hearing this, Kieran was very quick to tightly take hold of the railing, and for just a second, he shared a glance with his friend. "We'll continue this discussion later."

the only part that really matters
As it turned out, the Ivories were the first to show up.

After the absolute thrill ride that was the ship's plummet to Highover, during which Kieran became thoroughly airsick, the remaining three Ivories came out to join the four on deck. With the help of the porters that soon joined them, they were quickly able to get their things together and alight from the vessel. Then, with bold Tyce in the lead and ever-busy Valton taking up the rear, they made their way down the length of the docks. This soon brought them to the Grand Pavilion, where they strode in and found themselves quickly becoming acquainted with the many servants that were stationed there.

Before long, the seven of them had already gone about winding down and relaxing, with Tyce and a couple of the others practically raiding the buffet table while Adrius, Hemera, and Valton sat off to the side. Kieran had gone elsewhere to recuperate, leaving Adrius to sit alone with Zelos while eating a slice of cake that he had picked out from the table. Though neither of the other two had chosen to sit near him, the young Evoker made do by simply regaling his familiar with the particularly lengthy anecdote of why he had picked out a doorknob specifically to be his anchor.

In time, when he was toward the end of his story, he found himself gradually cut off by the distinct humming sound of an Enchantech engine. This prompted him to look in the direction it as coming from, and right as he did, the source of it came into view: Another ship, this one obviously belonging to a different institute. "About time," he commented, sitting up straight. Even though it really didn't take them that long to show up. "Wonder who this is."

He got an answer to that question when they stepped off. As they began to make their way over, he caught sight of their outfits and their insignias, and he recognized who they were almost immediately. "Oh, it's the 'Nokians," he remarked out loud, using a rather informal name for them. His brother always liked to use it for whatever reason, and it eventually just rubbed off on him.

The Easterners had indeed joined them, and he sat backed and watched casually as they mixed and mingled with the few Ivory students that were present. Then, not long after another skyship arrived, and he automatically knew this one to belong to the Northerners. And indeed, when those on board came into the docks, he saw them to be dressed in the snug, warm clothing characteristic of the Northlands. He'd secretly always wanted one of those fur cloaks of theirs, and seeing them now almost made him want it more.

But he alas, he was to be entirely faithful to his current cloak, as any cloak-wearing fellow should be.

At any rate, now that all three foreign schools were accounted for, it wasn't long at all before the welcoming speech began.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, now that we’ve all arrived and settled down, may I have your attention please!”

Along with pretty much every else in the room, both Adrius and Zelos turned to face the speaker - a Djinn, he was quick to notice - and listened in as he went about introducing the different schools to one another. Only when that was done did Adrius get up, and he went along with everyone else as they were escorted to the carriages beyond the pavilion. Behind him, Zelos walked with his arms crossed, towering over him and looking every bit like a bodyguard.

At least, he did until Adrius dismissed him. He wasn't really needed at the moment, and he'd only take up space in the carriage. He also noticed that Kieran had yet to return, meaning that whoever he was riding with, it probably wasn't going to be him. Not that that worried him, of course. He was always open to meeting someone new.

As he neared the carriage, he took a look at the horses and realized that they weren't actually horses at all. His eyes widened as he found himself gazing upon a Gwyndil, a creature that he had hitherto only seen in the books of the Tower's own archives. Unfortunately, he didn't really get long to admire them.


Hearing his name called just as he made to get in, Adrius paused, and he turned to face the man who had called them. Then, looking down at the casing he had in hand, the young noble took it and politely thanked the man before fully getting inside. Once he was seated and comfortable, he examined the odd contraption curiously, taking in its general appearance before focusing on what it read. His browsed raised somewhat when he saw that it bore the symbol of the Arcana Council. "Hm. Maybe they have heard of the somersault," he mused facetiously to himself.

Then, after reading the instructions, he typed his family name in and watched as the words came into view. He read it once, and then again, taking in every word that was written. Afterward, the corners of his mouth quirked up in a small half-smile. Somehow it didn't surprise him that his joking had apparently nearly gotten him held back. But it did surprise him that the man who had written this to him - Professor Oulders Deepwater - was actively looking forward to hearing one of them.

That was definitely unexpected, to say the least. But he supposed that if someone of such high status really wanted such a thing, then he'd better not disappoint.
Finn Arland
The chaos of colors, the roaring of winds, remembrance of the past that then twisted into a nightmarish beast, these things clung onto his mind as he opened his eyes, allowing the morning light to flood into his vision. He tried to move his limbs but he found that he could not. He was bound from head to toe, not by rope or even chains, but by his blanket. Finn was weak to the cold, he was weak to many things but the cold he hated the most. Upon rolling out of the blankets that held him a more than willing captive, Finn made a discovery most shocking. This whole time, he had been sleeping on the floor, even though the bed was right by him, he had made the floor his companion for the night.

"Finally awake, are we?" a gentlemanly voice called out, drawing Finn's eyes towards the drawer by his bed. There, a grey creature with round ears and a long tail stood.

"Xi... I had the strangest dream," Finn said to his familiar as he got up from the floor.

"Oh? Perhaps it has something to do with falling?"

Finn's eyes widened ever so slightly. He didn't know that Foliots could read minds.

"Don't looks so surprise, Master Finn. I, for one, am more surprised that you slept through that entire ordeal."

The Foliot spoke of the less than smooth landing that had occurred, the one that threw Finn off of his bed. The familiar had assumed that was the cause of the nightmare.

"Regardless, don't you have somewhere to be? Of course, if you'd rather be late, I am in no place to tell you what you ought or ought not to do."

It took a moment for Finn's drowsy mind to register what was being talked about, and the moment his mind an awoken enough to put the pieces together, he scrambled to his feet, grabbing fresh clothes from his suitcase and hastily got himself dressed. The air was colder than he was used to, at least during the day, and so he had trouble figuring out how many layers he ought to wear, costing him more time in the process.

"Xi," Finn called as he stretched out his hand towards his familiar.

"If I must," the Foliot replied as the leaped into his master's sleeve. With the appearance the Demon had taken, it was usually best to keep him hidden to avoid trouble. In fact, when he first summoned the Demon Finn's servants would constantly be trying to get rid of him, thinking that it was a regular rat.

With luggage in hand, Finn strutted out of his room and then off the ship. As he set foot onto the island, he felt the warmth of the sun and found it to be pleasant. It was a surprise, but a welcomed one, as the sun he knew had always been scorching and rarely pleasant. Handing over his luggage to the porters, Finn headed for the carriages, having already missed the welcoming ceremony, he saw the students already climbing aboard. Amongst them, he spotted a familiar figure. As he approached the transports, he was intercepted by a gentleman with what appeared to be a box in hand.

"Master Arland," the gentleman called out, handing Finn the box in his hands. "Professor Deepwater sends his personal regards."

"Thank you," Finn replied curtly, his mind on the curious object he had just received.

Deepwater, that was the name of the principal of Highover Institute, Finn recalled, I wonder what this is about.

"Not that I am telling you what you ought to be doing, Master Finn, but weren't you supposed to be somewhere?"

"Right, of course. This can wait."

Finn proceeded towards the Gwyndil drawn carriages, and though he'd more than love to take his time admiring the rare beast, it was hardly the time. And though time-wise, it was probably best for him to just pick the closest carriage, he had a specific ride in mind, one in which he saw a familiar face climbing onto.

"Mind if I ride along, Klaus?" Finn asked, a broad smile beaming from his face, showing both joy and excitement for what is to come.



The feeling of her soft sheets seemed to have slipped away and the small miss was being lifted into the air by a soft, invisible force. What is this strange feeling of happiness? Euphoria? Zero gravity? It felt like... Freedom? Was this what that feels like? She couldn't feel the weight of, well anything really. She felt so very light and that she's capable of anything. Yet... why did it feel so empty? A temporary high to hide the darkness. The quick turn of emotions made her open her eyes. Only to find she was no longer under her bed's canopy, and instead in a seemingly endless void of pastel hues. A dream, she quickly deduced. It was then she realised that she could not move her own limbs and heart rate started to rise.

As it did, the gentle colours turned darker, dangerous. The weightlessness that carried her so high was no more, the wind knocking the air out of her lungs and her stomach quickly rose to her chest. Her familiar journal came into view; getting bigger and bigger. The pages turning furiously; faster and faster. She could barely make out what the words were, but the writing turned into images and images to scenes. Memories; her memories. Her head feels like it's about to split open from the cacophony, the more she tried to close her eyes and scream the brighter and louder the scenes were.


And everything became still. Like releasing pressure from your ears, there was finally some relief. Everything was dark and silent. A melodic giggle echoed around her, her eyes trying to find the source. Was this a spell? A curse? Crystal clear blue eyes pierced through the darkness and Arya couldn't seem to look at anything else as if she was hypnotised. As she reached her hand towards Arya, her own hand mirrored the mystery girl's actions like an obedient puppet despite Arya's resistance. Just as their fingers neared contact Arya awoke and sat up in bed startled. Her breathing frazzled and the corners of her eyes damp. The quick beat of her heart drumming in her ears alerted her that she was back in reality. Or at least she hoped it was.


A gentle wind blew in her dark enclosed room, followed by a pair of orange eyes that glared at the girl. "Do you have any idea what time-" The furry cat stopped mid-sentence when he saw the state that his master was in. A paw stepped towards the human in worry, leaving a tiny paw imprint on the sheets before retreating back to his sitting position at the end of the bed and sighing, "I'll be here till dawn."

His presence, voice and adorable concern of the spirit brought a smile to her lips and she muttered a thank you. 'This is real', she assured herself as she composed herself and went to her desk where her journal was. She doubts she could fall back asleep after that dream anyway and may as well check through her packing list for her journey.

Holmes' Mansion

A small yawn escaped her lips. She should fix her sleep soon else it ruins her health. "Pardon me," she excused. Her maids smiled kindly in response. They were bidding her goodbye before she board her ride to the docks. Her parents, still in their sleeping attire, approached her with prideful smiles.

"Goodbye, my dear child. Please do write back when you can." Arya's mother embraced her and she could have sworn she heard the lady hold back a sob. The small miss reciprocated equally and smiled against her shoulder.

"Of course mother."

"We both know that you will do well." Her father patted her on the back once the girls had let go of each other. Arya turned towards him with a smile, putting on her signature hat. Few may have the gall to point out that the lord could have put his words a lot gentler, but Arya knows that it was just his way of wishing her well.

"Thank you, Father. I won't let you down." The door of the carriage clicked and was held open by the driver, signalling that it was time to go, lest she be late. "I'll be back home soon. Please take care."

Arya waved her parents and servants through the carriage's window till their silhouettes disappeared. Settling back down on her seat, she clutched her hands together and took a long deep breath. An excited smile plastered on her face as she looked forward to getting to Highover.

Highover Landing Docks

"That was... exciting." Arya laughed, patting her hair down that had gone astray from the ride. "You bet it was young lady!" The captain responded, throwing a thumb-up towards her. She merely let out a nervous laugh, not meaning for him to hear her sarcasm; though she guessed it wasn't very sarcastic after all.

Cheerful djinns made their way to her one too many luggages and started moving them towards the carriages, notifying her of the delicious snacks and drinks they have prepared for them. The nausea she still felt discouraged her from taking their offer but as she disembarked the ship, the gorgeous finger food was pushed up to her nose.

"Ahh... Well, I suppose a sweet should help settle my stomach." She took a pink gelatinous cube off the silver tray, much to the djinn's pleasure. His bright eyes stared, waiting for the candy to be devoured. Noticing this, Arya plopped it into her mouth. Her pupils dilating and her cheeks blushing as she moaned. "That was very delightful! Thank you!" She stayed by the Djinn as he rambled on about the candy and where one could purchase them. He even proceeded to introduce her to the long buffet table.

Gwyndill Carriage

Making haste towards carriages not because she wanted to leave, but because the magnificent beasts had caught her eye. She's only read them in books and seen them in paintings, but no words nor colour could capture the essence of such a powerful and intelligent creature. A hand reached out towards the large beast, wanting to feel its gold and emerald scales. They seemed so soft and reflect brilliantly.

"Be careful Miss Holmes!" Startled, Arya retreated her hand immediately and spun around to the voice that called out. It was another djinn in the same formal attire as before but he held a box in his hands. "They may be tied down, but they are easily alarmed. And they don't take too kindly to strangers." The djinn warned.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any harm." Arya apologised.

"It's alright Miss Holmes. I'm sure the driver would be more than happy to introduce you to them at any time." He raises the wooden box in his hands that had the Arcana Council's insignia. "Professor Deepwater sends his personal regards."

Arya thanked and apologised again as she took the gift. She was quite familiar with the name thanks to her family's parties but she's never had the chance to meet the principal as he, of course, had much more important matters to attend to. She must see to it that she greet and thank the professor personally.

Professional relations aside, a familiar blonde caught her eye. A determined smile tugged her lips as she pumped herself up. 'You're in a new city Arya! Make some friends!' She took longer, quicker steps towards the same carriage Finn had just hopped on. Surely they wouldn't mind students sharing a ride.

Popping her head in through the door, the tip of witch's hat getting pushed backwards slightly, she asked, "Would you two gentlemen mind one more?"

NUSKI NUSKI revior revior
Ignem was in his room already awake
from his sleep. He was staring at a blank wall while sitting on his bed. Misty was sleeping on the armchair.

Ignem was put off his stance by soft knocking on the door. He stared at the door for some moments before more knocking was heard with someone saying, "Ignem, get up or you’ll be late.”

Hearing this he got up and opened the door. His brown eyes met with blue-grey eyes. He recognized the person as one of his classmates Enn Velahl.

I’m going to wake the others, you better hurry up. The Welcoming is in the Great Hall…” she murmured. Ignem nodded and was about to close the door when she again said, "Oh wait, I have something for you."

She rummaged into a sling pack by her side and pulled out a leatherbound case. "It's from the Principal."

Ignem was busy seeing the leather case that he didn't see Enn leave.

"What's in it?" He asked but she was already gone. He looked at the doorway for some more moments before closing the door. He put the case on a little table beside his bed. He then looked at Misty and said, "Misty get up!"

Hearing this his foliot got up and said, "What is it?"

"The welcoming is gonna start soon, " he said to the cat, "I am going to get ready." Misty nodded and Ignem entered the bathroom for a bath after taking a fresh set of clothes from the wardrobe in his room.

He came out wearing a white shirt and black trousers with a black long coat.

"Let's go, "he said. Misty nodded and jumped on his shoulder before Ignem walked out of his room taking the leather case with him and locking the room.
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A wide grin appeared on Klaus' face as two new faces entered the carriage. He gestured for the two to join him in the carriage as Dadir crawled into his duffel bag, uninterested in the social trivialities of humans. Noticing that his familiar wished to be left alone, Klaus quickly pushed the odd contraption he had received into the bag as well.

"Of course, of course! Come in!" Klaus started as he moved further into the carriage, leaving the two more freedom to decide where they wanted to sit. He leaned back as the carriages around them began to slowly move, the draco-headed creatures beginning their journey to the academy. Happy that he was surrounded by familiar faces, Klaus was eager to speak about their journey to the Isles and what could be waiting for them at the Reckoning. "So what do you guys think? Quite different from Almaradamri, wouldn't you say? Too much water, if you ask me," Klaus rambled on, his gaze shifting to the side of the carriage. From within he could see most of the other students had already stepped into their respective carriages. Even if with his... acquaintances nearby, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

Klaus sighed, leaning back in his seat, his attention redirected to the two with him inside the carriage. "I just want to get The Reckoning over with... take the first real steps into becoming a master mag-" Before he could finish his sentence, Dadir emerged from the duffel, his tiny eyes glaring at Klaus. A frown appeared on the young man’s face, eventually rolling his eyes.

"Dadir, leave" Klaus muttered under his breath. Almost immediately, the familiar dissipated in a puff of smoke, returning to the realm of Oranis.

RI.a RI.a revior revior
(sorry its a lil' short)
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Luna was the first to wake up. She yawned, streched, and glanced over to the door when she heard a small voice and a knock at the door. Luna quickly got up and jumped on top of Starlight. "Starlight come on wake up! It's late and I think Enn is at the door!" Starlight suddenly sat up with eyes half open which made Luna fall off the bed. "Huh? What?" Starlight looked around and heard the knock at the door. She yawned and got out of bed. "Coming coming." She walked over and open the door and suddenly she got strange feeling as she looked at Enn like she had seen her somewhere. "Wait..." The strange feeling suddenly vanished before Starlight could finish her thought. "Morning Enn." Starlight said smiling at her.

"This is for you, from Principal Deepwater!"

"The Principle?" Starlight wasn't expecting that.

"Would you like to have something to eat? I don't want to wait till the Welcoming is over..."

"Huh?...Oh! Yeah sure I'm starved actually. Come on in!" Starlight said as she walked over to her bed and sat down. After ordering, and Starlight ordered quite a lot, she opened the leather bound case and started to read it.

"Have you opened it? What did he say?"

Starlight smiled brightly. "Here look!" Starlight gave let Enn see it and quickly went to change and wash up. "Pretty cool nice huh? I wonder if everyone got a letter." Starlight had to admit seeing that meant alot. She had worked so hard and had to deal with a lot of judgement from other people. It was nice to know her heard work was being noticed. It was After she was done she came back out and sat over by Enn. "I hope they hurry up with the food. Luna walked over and sat down next to Starlight feet and looked up at her. "With all the food you ordered you'll be lucky to get it before the Welcoming even starts."
Lekiel Lekiel

--Adrius & Zima ends up in the same carriage. Whether there are other NPCs for this short trip is up to you.

-- Euclid Leaf Euclid Leaf
Though he sits by the carriages, by the time Ayer tears his attention away from his rather distracting imps most of the carriages nearby have been filled. He searches for an empty coach, but just as he was about to find one, a burly shoulder roughs the slight young man out of the way.

"Pick another one, this one's full!" A rather rude voice snaps. As he turns to look, a mènage of four students in brushes past him as if he were nothing more than an insignificant lamppost. The coat-of-arms on the cloaks bore the symbol of the Ivory Tower.

"Good luck with the opening ceremony Constance!" A high pitched chorus trailed after the final person of the group, a blonde-haired gentleman with swept-back hairdo and a sharp nose. Constance turns to the small crowd of bright-eyed girls and gives them a dashing grin. His hand gripped the carriage's door right in front of Ayer's face, and the young Northlander could not help but notice the insignia of the finely crafted silverish ring.

House Duchanteau. A Paragon of Silver. Any Enchanter worth their salt would know of the Duchanteaus.

"Excuse me!?" A snide voice would interrupt Ayer's thoughts. Constance was looking directly at him as if Ayer's close proximity was a verbal insult to his face. "Find another carriage would you?" The noble remarked, catching side of Ayer's imps and making a face. He slipped into the cabin and slammed the door shut. Almost immediately the sounds of laughter could be heard coming from within.

Eventually, Ayer would find an almost empty carriage. It's lone occupant, another Kal`Borian student who turned and smiled as she scooted over to allow Ayer some space.

"Name's Raen Sommerstep." The freckled redhead offered.

--Raen is GM-able.

Before too long, the carriages took off with a jerk and rumble of axels, instead of the dreaded stomach-dropping violent tug that would have signalled the magnificent Gwyndills using their powerful wings. All around the island, the various carriages converged into a cavalcade leisurely making their way up the winding cobbled paths that led higher into the central highlands. The busy din of the portside town eventually faded away, as much of the structures they passed appeared to be expansive and elaborate residentials built into the cliffside. It made for quite the picturesque sight, with the yellowed rays of the early morning sun reflecting off the Southern Sea. Before too long, the carriages made one final bend and they were all suddenly greeted by the sight of a looming grey stone castle. They'd finally arrived.

Highover Institute of Magic. For those gazing upon it for the first time, it looked to be like some old ruin from a distant past; albeit a well maintained one. It's architecture kept isolated and free from the influences of the modern architect's pen, large vine-covered ramparts barred all entry to the school except for a pair of large steel-clad wooden portals that swung open as the first carriage approached. Several ornamental stone gargoyles perched upon the ramparts, stoic in their vigil. Though as the convoy passed, some might notice the large stone behemoths minutely shifting their stance to watch the convoy.

--Those characters with at least level 3 Perception will feel a tingling buzz in their mind and ears as they pass through the gates. They may come to realize that Highover Institute of Magic is protected not just by high walls and guardian demons, but by an unknown magical barrier. One that smelled like ancient dust, but was so immaculate in its form that it seemed no amount of time could deprive it of its power.

They rumbled on, eventually coming to an expansive garden courtyard. A large tree dominated the central garden, with its pale bark and deep purple-green leaves appearing as no other flora ever seen before. Long curling elaborate branches twisted into the air and many would realize its resemblance to the symbol of the Arcana Council and Highover Institute of Magic. The Allcrys Tree.

With a minute squeak of axels, the convoy came to a stop. A moment later, the carriage doors would be swung open and they would all be greeted similarly by their Djinn escorts.

"Here we are, the final stop! Bring only necessities, your luggage and belongings will be taken care of."

The representatives from the different schools were then ushered through another set of ceiling-high doors. As they stepped into the relative gloom of the Great Hall they were greeted by a murmuring of whispers. Beneath the grandiose barrel vaults of the Great Hall, hung scores of crystalline chandeliers. And beneath all that, lined up in a semicircle of neat rows was what could only be all the students of Highover Institute, garbed in their customary uniforms of black and silver trimmed cloaks. Several other groups, visiting students from the other schools also added to the crowd. Many of the younger students were wide-eyed, staring innocently unabashed as the delegates of the other schools made their way into the central hall. As the last of the candidates stepped across the threshold, the great front doors were swung shut with a low boom.

"All honored candidates of the 100th Reckoning, please step forward." a gravelly voice boomed through the air, silencing the susurration of whispers and awed gasps.

Standing alongside two of her classmates, Enn gently pushed at the backs of Ignem and Starlight, urging them forward.

"Good luck guys!" She whispered after them. Turning slightly, she caught sight of another of her classmate, Euphemia, and offered an encouraging nod.

--For those who'd just arrived, should they catch sight of Enn, they would feel a similar peculiar sense of familiarity. But they would quickly be puzzled, as they realize that the girl before them did not look like the sapphire eyed enigma of their dreams.

As the chosen delegates of the various schools formed another semicircle directly opposite their captive audience, their eyes would be drawn to a peculiar dais fixed in the middle of the Great Hall. Set on a shoulder-high marble column covered with runes, was a watermelon-sized icosahedron crystal. Its crystalline surface was milky white, and a cloud of amorphous substance seemed to be roiling within its confines.

The Ardenstone. The final test before which one could truly become a chosen for The Reckoning. A gateway to esteemed privilege, or a destroyer of hopes.

The crowd of students directly ahead of them suddenly parted, emitting a trail of six dark crimson robed Master Magicians, followed closely by the various teaching staff of Highover and finally, the Principle Magician himself. Oulders Deepwater. Probably the most powerful Magician in all of Feria and the only one still alive to have summoned a Marid during his Reckoning. Slung across his back, the fabled Armawandil. An ancient relic of immense power, 6 Ifriti was said to be bound beneath its rune etched haft. The crimson robed Master Magicians took up their positions at various points around the Ardenstone, with one coming to stand in the centre beside the relic. When they had all settled into position, the Principal of the Arcana Council stepped forward, his arms stretched out wide in a welcoming posture.

"Greetings honoured guests to the 100th Reckoning. It is my greatest pleasure to welcome you to Highover on this momentous annual occasion. I hope it wasn't too great of a nuisance to travel all the way here?" Oulders' eyes seemed to sparkle beneath the rims of his glasses as he regarded the gathered students. "I apologize if it has made you uncomfortable in some way, but if you'll bear with me a moment longer, I promise you'll find the prepared refreshments most... refreshing!" Oulders took a moment to glance at each one of the students before he continued. Voice no less sonorous, though it had taken a more serious inflexion.

"In a few days, a select few of you will be making their way up the tallest mount in Highover, to a place called the Sundered Peak. It is where your Reckoning will take place," Deepwater began measuredly, fixing each student with his perceptive gaze, "but. . . On the eve of the centenary anniversary of this event, I'd just like to take a moment to remember why we do this. Why we, the privileged few. . . of the privileged few, have bound ourselves to this custom of proving. It is to find the very best of you, and to bind you with spirits of untold power. While power brings with it new heights of progress, it must come with genuine responsibility. For we are mere mortals in the face of age-old beings who have been here before our forefathers were even born." The most powerful man in Feria paused for austere reflection.
"A hundred years ago, one we all know as the Betrayer, sought great power for themselves. And in their greed, nearly caused great ruin to our land. It was a tragedy that must never be allowed to repeat itself, otherwise. . . The Great Silence of ancient times may not be so ancient after all."
"And that is why, every year we hold this occasion. Not just to find and cultivate the best out of us, but as a reminder of what would happen if there is great power, without the binding principles of Order..." The Principle clasped his hands together, as he allowed a moment to let the message of his speech sink in.

"No doubt, you're all eager to proceed..." The wizened albeit broad-shouldered Principle cleared his throat and stepped to the side to gesture towards the relic at the center.
"Behold, the Ardenstone! The final decider of who is truly worthy to be a part of the Reckoning. While each one of you brings the hopes of your families, mentors, and peers we must not forget that we do this not just for ourselves, but the nations of Feria. . . An impartial judge will be the true decider." Principal Oulders walked closer to the relic, stopping about ten feet away from the plinth as if he stood on some unseen barrier border.
"When your name is called, please step up to the centre and grasp the Ardenstone with both of your hands." The principle nodded towards one of the teachers, who stepped forward and unfurled a sheet of paper.

"Raen Sommerstep."
--The time has come for the first of the tests. While The Reckoning does not actually take place until a few days, Chosen students must first accomplish several trials and tasks. A kind of preparation for the culminating event. The first of these trials is to have your worth judged by an ancient artefact. You watch as one by one, names were called and the students stepped forward. You watched as a plethora of expressions crossed the faces of those who went forward. Many shivered in fear, as they grasped the Ardenstone. Sheer terror playing across their faces as if they saw or heard something that was beyond what others could see. Each time, the stone would light up briefly, a low muted shimmer before its glimmer faded. And the student would leave dejected. But for the rare few, the Ardenstone would suddenly flare with colour. A brightness that seeped out from beneath the fingers of the student as they stood, relief or triumphant grins plastered over their faces. For they had become the true chosen.

Eventually, your name is called. You step forward with measured gait and soon found yourself before the relic. With excited hands, you grasp the stone. At first, you feel nothing. Just the cool crystalline surface. The cloudy substance almost lazily swirling beneath its surface. You thought something must have gone wrong.

Nothing seemed to be happening.

But suddenly the stone rapidly heats up, like a ball of molten rock. The pain that shoots through your arms is intense, and you reflexively try to pull back only to find that your arms would not obey your will. *students with willpower level 3 will be able to lift their hands just barely off the surface, but no more.*

To your horror, large leathery claws burst out from the Ardenstone in a shower of spark and flame. The leathery skin of the appendages seemed to be filled with cracks that leaked molten flaming blood, as if it could barely contain a burning fire within. The claws clamped down upon your hands and you are suddenly beset by intense feelings of dread and panic. Your vision swims as the world around you fades out into a plane of swirling fire. As you struggle, a deep and guttural voice suddenly speaks, its booming tone reverberating you to your core.


You sense an immense presence towering over your back reaching out to you, and even though you cannot see you know you would easily be crushed under its vast powers.

Interactions before arrival at Highover
Ayer Lecomte - Nearby Gwyndills Carriages

had spent some time sulking and wondering where the last of his imps had wondered off to, shaking his head as he wrung his long overcoat off to the side. His pair of imps spinning around and mocking him didn't really help at first. But when they realized his mood was more serious than usual, Pinkleton and Ponkipie began to help by squeezing the ends of the sleeves with their round bodies to help dry his clothing faster. Ayer had been so preoccupied in his thoughts that when the coach drivers began signalling off for departure, he was put in a rush to make in aboard one of the carriages before he was made to walk the rest of the way to the school.

Just when he thought he found a break, he was washed aside by a wave of cloaks and robes. Ayer nearly fell as he was pushed from the railings of a carriage, watching as a handsome young man cooed his escort of what appeared to be excited fans.

Silver ring. A paragon child.

The tall man just sighed and rolled his eyes, unable to even summon up the will to fight or yell at the injustice any further. He merely stepped back and immediately began to look for another carriage. He would be all worn out before all of the trials even began if he were to get worked up anymore over these nobles and their social cliches. He could only deal with so many of their troublesome customs and abject rudeness towards those of lesser status. Was it just part of their blood? But he couldn't argue with it. Ayer knew that there was something important when it came to bloodlines. In magic, perhaps there is nothing more mysterious than the ties of blood and lineage. An advantage that the others possessed that he knew all too well about.

Eventually Ayer would find one that looked quite lonely, located faraways, nearing the very rear of the fleet.
He quickly stepped up the side, calling out preemptively, "I know I smell weird. What can I do? I took a dive in the beach. Let's just tolerate each other for the next few minutes and we don't have to deal with one another again. Understood? I don't want to be here anymore than you, trust me."

He anticipated some level of resistance, making sure to enter with a manner that spoke of open resistance if he were instigated. He flung open the doors in fashion that felt overly forced, given his own physical prowess being rather lacking. To his surprise, having expected a series of snooty, disgusted faces, there was only one in the coach. Instead, he found a smile. Pinkleton and Ponkipie fluttered close behind, growling and baring their teeth as they followed the attitude of their master. Even they look confused at the situation.

There was a young female witch, a head full of hair similar to his own. Over her cloak was the symbol of the Ivory Tower. She had scooted over when he opened the door, offering him the open space. He almost didn't really understand it, blinking a few times before the smile solidified as reality in his own mind. His expression went from a deep furrow to one of a cocked surprise. Ayer coughed uncomfortably as his aggressiveness slowly melted away as he plopped down on the padded seat with a wet smack. He made sure to keep his damp coat to the opposite side, away from the student, sniffing as he tried to gather his thoughts over the unexpected outcome.

"A-Ayer. Ayer Lecomte. Nice to meet you." he finally spoke, looking up, "Ahem... em, sorry for yelling. I just sort of expected to get pushed out again..."

He tried to overcome his awkward feeling, the two imps silently snickering as they watched him squirm. Normally, Ayer was good with small talk, chatting with all manner of people as he could relate to the common or uncommon folk of the world. But at this moment, he was unable to find the words. Any words at all. They simply melted away. They dripped from his mind, like the cold sodden water that dripped from his clothing.

Suddenly, as though to ease the burden from him the woman spoke out, "I don't think you smell bad. The smell of salt and brine... it reminds me of home. Tell me, do you like taking dives in the ocean for fun? Or is it some sort of good-luck ritual you do?"

Her statement and subsequent smile made him even more dumbfounded, his eyes glistening with wonder. But it was enough to break him from his strange hiccup. Ayer smiled, not one of the usual mischief as he cleared his throat, "Haha... You know, I don't usually have such a ritual. But you end up in these sorts of places when you have take care of these rascals." motioning to the imps sat across from himself.

Pinkleton and Ponkipie stuck out their tongues. "Yeah? Well, at least we don't sink."
"-- Or stink!" added Pinkleton.

Raen laughed again, leaning over towards the imps.

"Oh? And who might you two be? I've never seen students quite like you two before." she mused, her question causing them to freeze up.
"None of your business!" shouted Ponkipie, who began to scuttle and hide behind Pinkleton, who itself was pushing away from the advance. " Don't act all nice! We've seen witches like you before! You try to act all tootsie, but we know the truth! Deceivers... the lot of ya!"

"Deceiver...?" she said, confused as ever.

"Ah, don't mind them... They're just shy. " Ayer quickly interjected. "I've been rude, haven't I? This is Pinkleton and Ponkipie. My impling familiars. I had another... but well..."
He laughed in embarrassment, "They sort of... escaped me..."

But just as he said that, a series of voices can be heard from outside the carriage. Both Raen and Ayer poked their heads up to peer out the glass panes. A few shadows loomed nearby, further out from the fleet of carriages in a fenced area that appeared to be where the school's attendants were gathering the luggage for deliver. Groups of bellhops were speaking among themselves in a hushed urgency. He placed his head flat against the glass. Just barely, he could make out a few words as they spoke in panic.

"Where did the feral demon go? It can't have gotten far. Quickly! We've got to find it before anyone finds out."

"Oh no... seems like trouble..." whispered Raen.

Ayer replied back with a hushed curse. "It's more than just any trouble. Have you heard of rotten luck? Well, you're staring at it."

"What do you mean?"

He didn't seem to be listening, as his eyes narrowed on the sight of the roving search parties.
"Listen. I'm grateful for you having offered a seat here for me. But it seems my trip might be coming to a close already."

There was no doubt in his mind what was going on and why it was going on. What he wanted to prevent from happening, was happening. He dropped his head, about to cry out as he imagined the sheer amount of trouble he was about to go under for his irresponsible behavior. All the magic in the world, yet he couldn't find a way to teach three implings the importance of discipline. Why didn't he just recall the impling? Why did he value their independence so much? He wondered these things as Ayer gripped his hands and was about ready to march out to save his imp from the 'demon slayers' that threatened its poor life.

That was, until he heard a faint squeaking noise. To anyone else, this might've just been dismissed as some unassuming sound. Like the creaking of the metal of the carriage under the weight of its occupants, or the reigns of the Gwyndills being tightened in preparation for take-off. But given his experience with this noise, Ayer knew it all too well to understand it was none of those things.

Ayer immediately popped off of his seat and put his head to the bottom of the carriage.
'Master...?" said the two imps.

Without warning, Ayer slowly and quietly snapped open the door and dripped his head out towards the quiet shuffle.
It was clear. A snickering laughter that seemed to seep somewhere among the commotion of students conversing and coaches tending to their beasts.

"Hey! Return to the carriage. We're about to take off." called the coach seated nearby.

"Sorry! I think I dropped something. I'll be quick!"

Ayer hurriedly followed the sound, keeping low until he found the source.

And behold, there it was. While in the distance was the search party of bellhops rushing back and forth in the airship staging area, hiding well away from it all was a lone imp. A tiny indigo colored bone tipped tail poked out from the undercarriage of a nearby vessel just a few rows down from his own before disappearing and reappearing underneath another. He couldn't help but smile at the clever use of cover. But he reminded himself of where he was right now and what he was forced to do. Crawling on the floor, chasing literal devils. What a wreck.

"Hehe.... they think they'll find me? No, no no. I have escaped! And I have all these tasties as well. Even Ayer will be astonished with me. He might even shower me with praise!"

With the way the thin tail bobbed back and forth, the little demon must've been proud of what it has accomplished. Thinking itself safe, the tiny demon bundled up and prepared for the ride. Ayer made sure to position away from their view, creeping along the ground as he inched closer to the willy demon. The scarf-wearing imp had made rest in the shadows underneath the cart and seemed to be inspecting a small brown knapsack it had procured. Its excited laughter growing more and more as it began to open it up to enjoy the hard-earned spoils. What it brought out from the bag was a piece of fresh jerky.

Its eyes glittered like gold as it opened wide, ready to snap into the succulent salted meat.
But just as it was about to chomp down, it noticed a shadow building up overhead.

"Uh oh..." it muttered, wings beginning to flap as it started to ready up and bolt.
"No you don't!" said Ayer, seizing the tail of the now screaming demon, and yanking it into his doffed coat.
"Let me go! My unholy quest cannot be stopped!" it cried before being muffled underneath folds of leather and cloth.

Sooner than any student or prying eye could turn head to access the noise, Ayer had already slunk back into his carriage with a firm slam.

"What is that...?" cried out Raen.
"Oh. don't worry. This is just my missing little friend. Looks like I'll be staying after all. Poor you, huh?" said Ayer, bringing himself down in a huff.
"Frumpy!" said the two imps, who both began to hover excitedly. This only confusing the girl even further, but she .

"Let me go! Let me go! This is why you're a stinky fart farmer! You eat alone at lunch because you're so stinky!"
Pinkleton and Ponkipie whipped up at the mention of 'stinky', readying to begin one of their silly chants. But a stern look from Ayer stopped them. The impling bundle trashed for a short while under Ayer's arm, fighting to break out of his grasp until the little demon eventually wore itself out. All that was left of the rambunctious quarrel was a heaving, limp form. Both of them. At this point, without his coat covering his body, it was clear that the strips of bandages covered more than his neck.

He let out a gasp, "Have you thought about your actions and are ready to talk now?"
"Civilly? No name calling?"
A longer pause. "...Yes."

Hearing this, Ayer sniffed and gathered what was left of his dignity. Before promptly unfurling the bundle. He carefully pulled out the worn-out deep lavender-skinned imp with an asymmetric set of black horns, two shrunken ones side and a large one across the other of its head. Along with the imp, he pried the sack of stolen 'tasties' from within his coat. Much like a father to a son, Ayer lifted it between the armpits and sat the abashed impling down opposite of him. Frumpy curled their ears in shame of his unrelenting gaze, while he began to inspect the sack of goods. He wiped his sweaty brow, unintentionally wetting himself further with salt water. But he was too busy to care.

As he suspected. Judging by the heraldry woven across, it appeared to be a noble's personal bag that had surely been taken from the staging area. And just like Frumpy had said, it was filled to the brim with 'tasties'. Dried jerky. A lot of it.

"M-master, I can explain..." Frumpy said, after a moment of silence.
Ayer said, lifting his eyes up from the bag and shaking his head, "I don't want to hear it, Frumpy. Do you know how much trouble I went through looking for you? I was so worried. But looking at you now.... I can't help but be disappointed. You've stolen. You know how much I dislike that."
The imp didn't seem to like hearing this, its nose pinching up as it fought back tears, "I-I only stole from those who had more than enough..."

"Indeed. You picked the right noble to dour up." he sniffed, hiding a smile, "Fruede. Hope that pompous whale learns what it's like to starve for a change."
Seeing as the impling was thoroughly sorry now, Ayer softened his voice, "Just why did you sneak off anyway?"

"Because Ponkipie was whining about how hungry he was... so I thought maybe I could find some meat for him. But when I returned, I couldn't find anyone... and then some nosy humans said something about me being an intruder and began chasing me all over. But I showed them! They think they're so clever! But not as clever as a demon." Frumpy said, beginning to puff out his little chest in pride. But just as quickly, the little demon began shaking its arms angrily, "But their nerve! Even when I am clearly a guest, just like everyone else in that vessel!"

Ponkipie fluttered up to Frumpy, "Really...? You almost got master Ayer expelled, thus ruining his life-long chance of becoming a master magician... All because I said I was hungry?" who then wrapped its arms around the sniffling teary-eyed imp, "You're the best brother ever!"

Ayer couldn't believe his ears, speaking up in a concerned and puzzled frown, "Why didn't you tell anyone you were leaving?"

"Because that would ruin the surprise!"

What? How can this serious? He couldn't believe it. With this final blow to his wound up and perplexed mind, Ayer slumped back as if he had just been knocked out from the stress of it all. "You've got to be kidding me." he breathed, trying to find his composure.
Pinkleton seemed to share his sentiment, shaking its little horned head, "I don't know if I should feel sympathy or if I should question your intelligence, Frumpy..."

Frumpy simply smiled.
Raen seemed thoroughly caught up in all of the impling drama, staring at Ayer and waiting for his response.

The scrutinizing gaze he initially held had already been replaced by a dazed look into the sky, and once more he breathed a long sigh. He appeared deeply conflicted. No doubt asking the universe a series of existential questions at this point. Ayer definitely wanted to continue the scolding the imp to teach it a firm lesson, but he knew that it would be for all the wrong reasons. Plus, he was just too tired to even bother at this point. What mattered was that they were in the clear. For now. This was merely part of the fun in a long journey, no? At least that's what he kept telling himself in order to keep stable.

"I see... well, if that's the case. I can't blame you for trying to help. Here, have it back."
With a look that spelled his utter defeat, Ayer then tossed the bag of jerky to the trio of implings. Who all began to viciously devour the contents within, practically tearing the sack open like a swarm of sharks over the smell of blood. Truly, what a family.
But not before snatching a few pieces of jerky himself.

"Want some?" he muttered, offering Raen a piece of jerky while taking a bite and chuckling. "I might as well enjoy it while I can."

"Uhmm... Well... Thanks, I think? Is this the proper course of action? I'm not sure anymore." answered Raen, who slowly grabbed the jerky from his hands as though doing so might trigger some sort of unforeseen explosion.

It was clear she was having trouble working it all out in her mind. Her confusion hadn't started at this point, that much was clear from anyone observing the situation this far. But perhaps it reached a peak more-so now than ever. Despite all signs pointing otherwise, it looked like the gentle redhead took humor in the absurd situation she found herself in. As her eyes bounced from the snarling imp trio and this strange man who doted upon on them like children, her expression suddenly broke into that of laughter. It was a wonder who was the 'master' out of the bunch. But one thing was for certain. They were practically made for each other.

"Might as well enjoy it, huh?" the young magician mused to herself, finally deciding to take a bite of the gifted jerky. It was surprisingly good. Surprises come in all shapes and sizes. "So, Ayer..." Raen started to say, between chewing, "I have many questions."

Judging by the look in her eyes. This was an understatement.
Ayer smiled, extending his arm in a faux gentleman-like manner, "Ask away. We've got a long ride."

Actual Response.
Ayer Lecomte - Great Hall, Highover Institute of Magic

By the time they arrived at the school itself, Ayer made sure to keep to the only person he knew, Raen. Despite what he said, the ride wasn't nearly long enough to learn more about her. He had so much he wanted to learn. Especially about the red hair, but with him being on the receiving end of the conversation most of the time, he didn't really have a chance to. Still, anyone who wasn't trying to get rid of him after hearing his name was a person worth becoming acquainted. Besides, he had been cooped up with a kernel of imps for the last few days. He needed someone human to ease his sanity. The two walked through the halls with a sense of great wonder, Ayer unable to keep his head still as he took in all the sights. Though he had studied a good deal about the Great Silence through his years of formal education, and of the sacred institution of Highover which rose from the venerable ashes, nothing could've properly prepared him for the real thing. Everything practically dripped with magic. More-so than the small trail of seawater he was leaving behind with each step.

"Such architecture..." he muttered, stopping momentarily to take in the sight of the crystalline decorations that outline the ancient runic halls.

Raen seemed to agree, "Yes... As amazing as the Ivory Tower is, this is on another level..."
"Beats the books, huh?" he laughed.

Soon, the two were among the other students gathered in the great halls of Highover Institute. Ayer seemed to take it in stride, while Raen was more nervous of the whole situation, keeping her head down the whole time. When it was time for ceremonies to begin, the chosen students for the Reckoning were called forth to gather around the esteemed Ardenstone. While splitting away from the large audience and stepping into the forming adjacent semi-circle, Ayer swore he saw something familiar among the crowd. It was a pale woman he had seen before. At least he thinks he has. Just for a glimpse, she looked the same. But that moment vanished, and he was left wondering. Was it the same? Raen seemed to notice his strange behavior and gave him a look. Noticing it, he made a feigning gesture with his hands.

"Phew. Is it me, or is are there a lot of eyes on us?" he cried aloud.
"Indeed... this is quite embarrassing." muttered Raen. "I don't really like it."
"Cheer up. What is there to worry about? Failure? Not a chance." Ayer said with a scoff, brandishing his usual impish grin, "Those eyes, they'll be in awe once they see us stepping away from the Ardenstone as its chosen."

She smiled at his reassurance, but wasn't so confidence as him and quickly fell back to staring at the ground. Just when Ayer wanted to say something more, a presence can be felt. It was like a wave that washed through the entirety of the room. Ayer turned his eyes to the force just as six magicians donned in black made themselves known, guarding what appeared to be none other than the bearer of the fabled Armawandil.

Oulders Deepwater -- Master Magician and principle of Highover Institute.

After a short speech from the principle, the ceremony of choosing had begun. And to his surprise, the name of Raen Sommerstep was called first.

He eyes darted down to the girl standing beside him, who seemed to be frozen in place. Ayer gave her a slight nudge with his hand. He was smiling like always when she looked up. The three imps hovering over his head each held a thumbs-up as well.

"Go now. Embrace your fate. If you don't, no one can for you."

In truth, he knew nothing of the outcome. Not even his own. He didn't want to inject false faith into someone. But regardless, he wanted to smile through it all. He has had enough of frowns and worry for a lifetime. The world is just better with a smile. The tall red haired man watched patiently from the crowd, peering over the students on his tiptoes (even though he really didn't need to) as Raen's hands touched the crystal at the center of the grand hall. He awaited some epic moment, but in a flash it was already all over. Raen blinked a few times, Ayer too far to understand the expression on her face or the outcome, before a shadow appeared and she followed to another portion of the hall.

Did she...?

He stood alone with the question, his smile tensing as he awaited now his own fate. But he was reminded of company. Frumpy poked his neck with their tail and grinned with their toothy smile, "What are you worried about? It's not like you to take things so seriously. After all, you already live your dream."
Ayer sneered, "Hmph. Of course not."

Still, there was a lingering tension in his expression. In his heart, Ayer knew things were going as well as he can ever hope. Ever since his time alone long ago. The snow has never quite felt the same against his skin. While there is a side of him that didn't really care whether or not he was chosen to be recognized as a master magician. It wouldn't matter to his goals in the end. In the other hand, he wanted to prove something. When he gazed up at the imps surrounding him, who even at this earnest moment, continued to tease and scratch one another. They didn't care at all. Life was so simple for them. He saw something so pure in living by heart. Ayer wanted to show the world that no matter your background, anyone can achieve greatness. That it comes in many forms, not just one. Perhaps that is the reason why his father chose to raise him. Because he believed in Ayer. And perhaps for that reason alone, that made him want to try to reach farther than anyone else.

He let off a quiet laugh at the thought of returning home, bearing nothing but the look of failure. Who would've expected any less, right? He glanced around at the three implings, seeing them flap and wiggle impatiently. He could tell they just wanted to go out and play.
Well, at least we would be able to go back to our projects, wouldn't we? The fun doesn't have to stop here.

Soon enough, it was his turn to be called, his eyes perking upon hearing the name 'Lecomte'. Ayer stepped forward. He made sure the buckle of his coat was tight as to look dapper, folding his knitted blue scarf to sit proper across his torso. And with that, he pushed through the bodies towards the Ardenstone.

He stood there a moment, eyes narrowing when reaching for the stone.

A strange sense of wonder filled him as he passed through the arcane mist that drifted off the dark surface. It was cold to the touch. Unusually cold. He stood there for an awkward amount of time. It didn't take long before doubt began to dawn on him. Was the relic somehow broken? Not even a flash? Was this its judgement already? Had it deemed him so unworthy that it didn't even bother a flash? Not even a little dazzle? He stared into the chilling bubbling mist that wrapped between the stone and his fingers, eventually breathing a sigh. Though he prepared himself for this reality, it still struck him rather hard. In that brief expanse of a moment, his smile wavered. A burdened look crossed his face, for the most fleeting of seconds.

So, this is fate. I guess everyone is right. I really am just a hopeless fool. I was never born to be great, was I? Well... At least I didn't get my hopes up...

With an understanding look, Ayer took a quick sniff of his nose. His eyes sparked, and with that, his smile and resolve returned with a quick snap. Ayer nodded his head, holding it high as he prepared to make his descent. Some things were just never meant to be. This was just how the world is. But he has always made the best of the least.
However, just when he was about to let go, Ayer found he was unable.

What the...?

Just then, the ancient stone activated. With a ray of brilliance, the artifact became a smoldering object of light and heat. Ayer instinctively tried to pull away, but only found himself fastened to this newfound magic. He began to laugh now, overcome with pain as he watched a monstrous hand erupt from the stone. This was all he could do. Able to do. The ashen skin of the demon bled molten lava from its veins and he watched it slam down to hold his hand firm against the radiating Ardenstone. He could not escape it now. And as the pain grew, so did his pained smile. All around him, the world began to get engulfed in the rising flame, sinking into a plane of chaotic fire and swirling inferno. As he felt it all consume him, practically tearing him apart, a voice boomed through the stone, vibrating up his shivering fingers and up to his pounding head.

"TELL ME. WHY ARE YOU WORTHY?" said a presence that overwhelmed him.

He has never felt such a force before. Ayer felt like a fading ember in this blazing bonfire, waiting to be consumed by it all. But through it all, he has never felt more alive. His laughter became a howl as he embraced the thrill of the blazing storm. If every moment can be your last, why not enjoy it while you can?


Ayer's teeth shone clearly now as his laughter finally quieted down and all that was left was the vestige of a smile. A bitter snarl, if anything. He seemed a different person than just a moment ago. The eccentric yet somehow graceful man currently stood hunched over and feral. The demon awaited his answer, but all he could do was sneer in return. Being held down, unable to leave. This feeling brought a sour taste to his mouth.

"Well, well, took you long enough to recognize greatness. As for why I am worthy? Come now. We both know what you're doing here... What, with all the screaming."

Ayer suddenly began to chuckle, his lips now curling up to the usual mischievous smile. He lifted his eyes and revealed a cold look that contrasted the fire around. "I've taken notice recently. The more strength something has, the less it relies on wit and intellect. It's laughable, as you can see. Fact is, you're even less scary than my imps. Now those sniveling little devils I call my family? They'll put me through hell worse than the one even you came crawling out of. So I wonder. What gives you right to judge character? If you can't even scare a frail little human. Given all your strength? Since that seems to be all you rely on."

He went quiet now, almost shocked by the abrupt tone that broke from him. This side hasn't appeared in so long. Ayer wondered if it was proper.
All he wanted was to have his hand back.

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Finn Arland
"Hey, if it's isn't Arya!" Finn welcomed the new addition with a bright smile before his lips twisted further into a teasing grin. "I figured you're the type to already be properly seated and ready to go. Don't tell me, you overslept too?"

With Klaus' invitation, Finn promptly climbed onto the carriage, sitting all the way on the opposite side to leave room for their other classmate.

"If you're asking me, there's just too much sand back home and the sun's too hot, but maybe that's just me since I don't get out often," Finn replied Klaus' playful comment with one of his own. "The air is cooler than what I'm used to but the sun is so much more tender. I could get used to this place."



However, as he settled down onto his seat, his expression unconsciously loses its cheer. He could get used to this place, yes, but he wasn't even sure if he'll be staying long enough for that to happen. He had worked hard for this, almost in abandonment. The position of Master Magician was held far too much power and authority to pass up, and that's not mentioning the kind of knowledge one might have access to in such a position, knowledge that a simple magician might never obtain in his lifetime.

Now that I have gotten this close, he thought to himself, what will I do if I fail? Should I continue being a magician? Or perhaps go back and inherit the business of my parents?

Finn has no answers. He had put too much into this and others had put much into him. From birth till now, so much had been given, so much so that he wasn't sure if he'll ever be able to give it all back. Since he had been born, his whole existence was his parent's focus. Everything they did, they did for him, everything... even things no one was proud of.

Deep in thought for nearly the whole ride, Finn was only broken out of his thoughts upon feeling a tingle in his head, and the tingle, strangely, has some sort of scent, at least that what it felt like to him, and it smelled old, ancient even, yet still standing strong.

"Are we there?" he reflexively asked.

Finn would not have to wait long for the answer as he soon felt a small bump was felt, followed by the squeaking of the wheel axles. They have indeed arrived.

The Great Hall of the Highover Institute was far more vast than anything Finn could have imagined, it was as if he had stepped into a field rather than a building. If the hall were lit any brighter, he might eventually think that he's under an open sky and forget that the ceiling ever existed in the first place.

As he gawked at the marvelous architecture of the massive building, Finn could feel eyes upon him, the eyes of the students of Highover, especially the younger students. They were all here to watch, to see who would be chosen and who would not, and though he knew that they wouldn't be the ones judging, Finn felt nervous nonetheless as he looked upon their wide-eyed faces. Then, he caught sight of someone who, while not to say... familiar, but gave Finn a feeling of nostalgia all the same. In the back of his head, he was recalling it, eyes deep blue like a gemstone, a sapphire. Even stranger what that this was not her, as her eyes weren't nearly as blue. Why then did she feel so nostalgic? Finn couldn't find the answer.

Finally, they were brought before the Ardenstone, where they would be tested for one last time before they could move on to their Reckoning. Finn could feel his heart beating faster now, uncomfortably so.

"Now would hardly be the time to faint, Master Finn," a voice called out from within his coat.

"No, it wouldn't be," Finn agreed with little humor.

Finn stood steadfast, his mind focused on both the principal's speech and keeping himself together. His frailty in flesh might have gotten the better of him for most of his life, but he can't let his heart falter too.

"Finn Arland."

It was time, his name had been called. When he stepped forward, his mind was blank, his eyes could see nothing but the Ardenstone and the voices around his were distant and faint. He reached out his hand and saw his fingers shaking. He didn't realize it until now, how truly scared he was of everything being for naught, how scared he was of bearing the weight of what had been granted to him without the strength to pay it back, how scared he was that in the end, nothing had changed, that he would be the same sickly child that couldn't even stand with his own strength.

Fire filled his vision. Just when he thought that nothing would happen, his surroundings had transformed into an inferno. His hand, placed upon the Ardenstone burned as leathery claws kept him from escaping. panic rose within his heart as he tried in futility to tear his hand away.


A voice so powerful, it shook him to his core resounded, accompanied by a presence so powerful, that it commanded all of his attention in spite of the sheering pain he felt in his palm. It was a question he could not ignore, and he was compelled to answer it with all of his heart.


Why is he worthy? Why indeed. How can a man who had never accomplished anything, who had changed nothing, be considered worthy? Can one be worthy simply by existing? Surely not, or this test would have no meaning. Then, what would be the answer, what was the answer that lied deep within Fionn's heart?

"I am afraid I am not. I am not worthy. My life, my existence, it had been nothing but a burden."

At times, he thought that the world might be better off if he wasn't in it all at. His birth had not only burdened his parents, but it also drove them to acquire more riches no matter the cost to others, all so that they could find a cure, and if nothing else, provide the greatest comfort for him for the rest of his life, however long that may be.

"Even so," Finn added, "I'm here right now, bearing the gifts given to me on my back. I cannot let them be for naught. That's right! Master Magician or not, I know what I want more than anything. For all the love and care I've received, for all the riches and blessings granted to me, I'll return them to this world ten times over. I'll prove that my existence has a meaning, that father, mother, my mentors, and my servants, they weren't mistaken in raising me. I may be worthless now, but for all that was invested into me, I'll raise their value a hundredfold, just you watch me!"
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The carriage smoothly carries Zima and a few other students through the path. Inside, Zima didn't try to initiate any conversation and instead use the opportunity to observe the other students. Two of them seems to be from Sorcera al-Miransar and one of them was probably from the Ivory Tower.

While Zima didn't have any intention to scare anyone, her upbringing and training under her strict father made the face she made during her observation rather intimidating. She squinted her eyes as if eyeing the other students of their worth, her lips were scowling as if she didn't approve the existence of the others in the same carriage and her hands were holding tightly one of her briefcase. Pair that with a dancing blue monkey on her head swinging its long tail and most people would be confused on how to react.

Finally they arrived at their destination. Zima stepped into the courtyard and was greeted by their escort.

"Bring only necessities, your luggage and belongings will be taken care of." Zima nodded as she let the djinns carried her luggages away, except the briefcase on her hand.

"Milady, please let me bring your belonging." Seeing the briefcase, A djinn in formal suits approached her. He tried to gently take the briefcase from her hand but found that she wouldn't let it go from her hand.

"Miss, please let me carry you belonging!" With a more annoyed voice, the djinn used slightly more power to yanks the briefcase out Zima's grasp. Zima looks rather surprised, not at the djinn's display of power but by how stubborn she was on not giving away that briefcase go. That briefcase contains her imprifle, a weapon that her father told to keep next to her all the time. She might took that advice too literally though, as now she developed anxiety if she didn't have her imprifle with her.

"Oh, you're sweating more than usual, master~" Her demon Totoro used the opportunity to tease her, which resulted on a small red searing mark on his butt after Zima slapped him with a spell. Totoro fell quiet afterwards.

The event started with the speech by the principal himself, Oulders Deepwater. Her father was pretty vocal in expressing his admiration towards the greatest magician, and now that Zima stood in front of him, Zima could see the reason. The man was powerful and charismatic indeed.

Afterward came the event that Zima couldn't wait for. Trial by the Ardenstone! She heard many horrifying things about it from her father colleagues so she was equally eager and terrified to try it herself. Soon her name was called. Zima approached the relic, trying to look as calm as possible, but her hand was fidgeting nervously.

Putting her hand on the stone, she didn't feels anything different. Until suddenly her surrounding was burstling into flames. Her hand became more and more restless as her first instinct was to shoot the potential threat with the imprifle, but her hand was stuck on the stone and she felt searing pain creeping up to her body.


A voice was booming behind her, but she saw nothing. Only flames.


What kind of answer should she gives? She could just state what she wants to do here, just like her father told her too, but she didn't wants to looks and sounds vulnerable in front of a demon, even if its supposed to be an ancient one. Zima gritted her teeth and answered.

"Watch your tone, demon." She tried to sound as intimidating as possible, though it's a rather hard thing to do considering the pain on her hand took away most of her focus. "I'm going to protect my home, that's my responsibility as a noble, and that's the only answer you will get from me."

Zima felts like if she didn't keep her answer short, she would start babbling about her deeper feelings. Her admiration towards her father, her insecurity about not living up to his expectation, her personal project of wanting to summon a hisa'me, her conflicting desires, her fear about the truth about her family...


Mentions: Ignem ( Ignem Ignem ), Starlight ( animegirl20 animegirl20 ), Enn ( Lekiel Lekiel )​
Euphemia's carriage joined the convoy of carriages towards Highover Institute. Plenty of new faces, full of hope. The sight was nothing new to her eyes. Every year they came, the aspiring mages, only this time she was one of them, sharing common sentiments among the candidates. Swelling anxiousness, growing doubt. Those feelings threatened to overtake her. But the reassuring ramparts of old came into sight and eased that fresh sensation in her unadventurous heart; Calmest of all was the ancient smell of the invisible barrier erected round the sacred ground.

Now the convoy had arrived before the Great Hall, Euphemia emerged from the carriage with Algae like a shadow behind her. For the rest of the representatives from the four great schools, she gave them little attention beyond the brief glance to estimate their number. Most of them will come out defeated, with this moment the only significant one in their whole life. A pity they would be, being here only to emphasise the extraordinariness of worthy mages. Oh how she dreaded right now nothing separated her from them, same rank, shoulder by shoulder; however small the chance is, she could be one of the defeated, shamed, only then would she realize her overconfident.

"Is it the smell of doubt and fear I detect?" the demon snickered in a very uncatlike manner. "Can't be. Not you, my dear master. You would be the last one shaking like a wet dog in a stormy night. Pity my nose that thought you are that drenched brat over there."

With a snap of fingers, he was gone. His protests echoed a distant plane neighbouring the edge of reality, unheard by Euphemia who was entering the great hall, her mood slightly improved after shutting up the mouthy demon.

Students crowded the place, eagerly waiting for entertainment with Euphemia and other candidates as actors on stage, betting their fate on the act. More familiar faces dotted the crowd, among them she recognized Enn – the mysterious woman – there was something about her presence Euphemia couldn’t put her hand on, a disturbing something that wouldn’t be strange if it haunted her dream at night. Even so, Euphemia returned her polite nod and carried on.

Another brief scan revealed two of her classmates among the candidates, Ignem and Starlight, both were born commoners and had not exceeded her expectation for one in any way.

But the Ardenstone awaited. The Master Magicians began their ritual, their speech. Euphemia listened just enough to follow the essential contents, she focused her being on the stone, the one that actually mattered, not all the fanfare and grand announcements.

One by one, the candidates offered themselves to the stone, until it was finally her turn. Before her name was called in full, Euphemia had already stepped forward, away from the rest. Facing the sacred relic, she removed her silk gloves, one hand at a time. Silently she took deep breaths, one at a time.

At first, the stone’s unchanging state betrayed her expectation. It lay still, no more than a nice courtyard decoration. A tad cold. Irrational feelings began to overtake her, waves of disappointment looming.

Just then, power came forth. In the form of beastly claws, flames and boiling blood, it grasped her hand. The powerful presence caused her to grimace. Frightened as she was, one thing was certain, this immense display of power meant a test. A mere test is anything but certain failures. She had not yet failed. It took all of her willpower to remain in place, upright against the force. Although she doubted she could escape its clutch even if fear drowned her senses and forced her to flee.


The voice ringing in her ears, but Euphemia made no hasty move. She first calmed her breath, her fright. Then collected her mind and arranged her words, only then did she answer, word by word.

“Sacred being, you ask for a demonstration of my worthiness? Powerful as you are, you already know what you must. What use is playing the game of boasts, vaunting my mortal deeds? But indulge you I shall. I am Euphemia of the golden-haired. By my heritage alone, I am worthy of all you could offer. For we Aureli are no momentary power; riders of chance; spring saplings one moment sprout far-reached branches, the next wrecked over by first summer storm’s gale. Our nobility is time-tested, our values ring true down generations, well kept, well preserved. For all our cunning magic and abundant wealth, we do not stray from Feria’s order. We are the keeper of traditions, of proper magic practices. Our fame outshines our golden hair, but a wicked curse’s dragged us down. Now we’re in the mud, yet golden, yet tainted.

“Here I am, the last of my line. Hear me, for you have asked. I endure to end it for good, extinguish the golden fire that’d burned for as long as mankind could remember. I shall remind the world of our most prided virtues, then close the curtain on this bloodline, glorious. I will end it all, not with a sorry sight, far cry from the distant past, but with a splendour to last eras!”
Leaving his room Ignem made his way to the Great Hall for the Welcoming. There he was to test whether he is worthy of being in the reckoning or not. Though his face showed no expression, he was nervous inside. Misty seemed to know how he felt and said, "You are going to be deemed worthy by the anderstone, don't worry about that!"

Ignem looked at his Foliot and nodded. Soon he reached the Great Hall. There he saw a crowd of students there from different magician schools around the world. He put his hand in his pocket which had the leather contraption and looked for his classmates.

Looking around for a bit he found Starlight and Enn there and went there to stand beside them. Soon the headmaster came in and started his speech.

At the end of his speech, the headmaster said, "When your name is called, please step up to the centre and grasp the Anderstone with both of your hands."

With that one by one student, names were called. The students came forward grasped the Anderstone just to get rejected when it glowed briefly. For some students, the anderstone glowed with a blazing aura signalling worthiness of the student. Then suddenly a name was called.

"Ignem Asphalt, " listening to the this Ignem stepped forward. Misty on instinct stepped down from his shoulder as he walked to the anderstone.

'This is it...' Ignem thought in his mind as he put both his hands on the anderstone. He waited for a brief moment but nothing happened. And then suddenly the stone started to heat up rapidly. Ignem tried to remove his hands but his hands didn't seem to obey him.

And then large feathery claws burst out of the anderstone and clamp down on his hands, filling Ignem with a sense of fear, showing on his face.


He heard a voice as it continued.


Ignem lips parted as he said, "I am worthy because...." He trailed off. He never thought of that. What is it in him that makes him worthy of the reckoning? Was he even worthy of giving it? As negative thoughts filled his head a voice in his head, his own voice said, 'Believe.."

"I am worthy because I believe in myself!" Ignem answered.
Adrius Devereux

It wasn't until after the carriage got moving that Adrius finally tore his attention from the odd contraption he'd received. Shutting it at last, he set it in his lap and turned his focus onto the other students who were riding with him. There were three in all, and as he was quick to notice, none of them were from his institute. Judging by their outfits, which had apparently been tailored to suit the sweltering heat of the desert, two of them were 'Nokians, a boy and a girl. They seemed friendly enough, as far as he could tell, and they were already having a very animated chat about their trip to Highover, and how incredible this experience was already turning out to be.

Personally, having come from an academy that quite literally pierced the clouds, he was of the belief that 'Highover' was something of a misnomer. But that was really just an Ivory in-joke.

The last of his fellow carriage-mates - a tall, lean girl with long blonde hair - was of neither Miransar or the Tower, but Grishelgroft. That was made clear by the snug, concealing clothing that she wore, which was perfect for keeping warm in the perpetual chill of the North. And also very likely to have her sweating here, he realized with some amusement. Not that that seemed to bother her much.

She also happened to have the coldest expression on her face, pun very much intended, which indicated to him that she wasn't much for conversation. If anything, she seemed much more intent on analyzing the lot of them, himself included. When she turned her narrowed, scrutinizing gaze on him, he only raised his brows in response, a spark of amusement in his eye. Because as surly as she may have looked in that moment, the way it contrasted with the sheer silliness of the dancing monkey demon on her head made it pretty hard for him to take it seriously. Just looking at it almost made him wish he had chosen a Foliot after all. Useful as Zelos was, he wasn't known for his sense of humor.

"... I like your Familiar," he told her after a moment, glancing up above her head and back. He seemed to want to say more, but seeing as how she didn't seem very keen on discussing it, he decided to just leave her be and join in on the discussion that the Easterners were having. Surely they wouldn't mind.

"You know, I do wonder: What is it like in Miransar?" He asked curiously, smoothly inserting himself into the conversation. It was a decent icebreaker, relevant to the topic they had been on, and a genuine question as well. Great as the Tower was, he always did have an interest in the other institutions as well. What better time or place to ask about them than now?

Unfortunately, judging by the way that they just... looked at him, they weren't so interested in telling him. They didn't speak. They only sized him up for moment, in a manner than that was much haughtier than that of the Northlander, before grimacing and returning to their conversation as if he hadn't even spoken. Adrius smiled the entire time, but once they turned away, he sank just slightly into his seat. So they were that type of noble.

Sensing that he wasn't going to get much in the way of a decent chat, he ultimately decided to just turn his head and gaze out the window. This ride was probably going to be a tad longer than he'd hoped, but that wasn't such a bad thing. The view he had from here was positively delightful.

Not that he spent the entire trip enjoying it. By the time they were nearing their destination, he was utterly spaced out, staring off at the horizon as he contemplated what was to come. It wasn't until after the castle actually came into view that he snapped out of it, pulled right back to reality when the carriage was suddenly jostled by a bump in the road. Blinking a few times in surprise, he sat up, setting a hand on his box and taking another gander at the outside world, as if only just noticing that it didn't look the same as it had before. Then, he set his sight on the gates before them, on Highover Institute of Magic. And his eyes widened.

Until now, he had only ever seen its image within paintings and picturebooks. On those occasions, he had always considered it to be... Well, impressive. But to behold it now, in person, with his own eyes, it became clear that 'impressive' was a massive understatement. In the light of the rising sun, the graystone edifice looked less like an academy and more like some relic of a bygone era, still managed and maintained by magic of the highest order. Which, considering its history, it more or less was.

He could hear the Miransar students behind him remarking on it, but he paid little mind to them. His attention was focused more on the walls of the establishment - or, rather, the line of goblins that were perched upon it. As they drew closer, he couldn't help but watch them closely, wondering if they were perhaps more than just stone carvings. And he got his answer to that when he saw a few of them shift in their direction. It was just the slightest movement, one that he may well have missed had he not been looking.

Before he could dwell long on that, however, his train of thought was disrupted by the strangest sensation, a vague humming feeling that seemed to pass right through his head and resonate within his ears. With it came the scent of age-told dust, so pungent that it had him wrinkling his nose slightly in disgust. It caught him off guard, to be sure, but he was quick to recover, and it didn't take long at all for him to discern what it must have been. Of course the epicenter of magic in Feria would be under the protection of a barrier. A place like this could never have too many defenses, it seemed.

But that wasn't the only wonder he had the pleasure of witnessing. As the procession of carriages made its way into the courtyard, he couldn't seem to keep his focus on one spot, allowing his gaze to zip from one sight to the next, until it finally came to rest upon the very centerpiece of the garden itself. There, towering high above like no other tree he'd ever seen, was the legendary Allcrys Tree. The very tree from which Highover, and the Arcana Council itself, derived their iconic symbols. To say that it was literally jaw-dropping would not have been an exaggeration. At least not for him.

By the time they came to a stop, Adrius was thoroughly excited and ready to go. When the doors opened up, he was the first in his carriage to disembark, and after cheerily returning a greeting to a nearby Djinn, he promptly went about seeking out Kieran. The people he had ridden with were nice and all, but he much rather preferred to walk with someone he could actually talk to.

Thankfully, it didn't take long at all to find him. He was the last person to step out of a carriage not far from his, and he was easily distinguished by his height, the unusually dark clothing he wore, and the way he was shaking like he'd just been hit with Creeping Ice. He had always been the neurotic type, but it was astoundingly clear that he was especially anxious right now. Not that anyone could blame him, of course.

From the moment he spotted him, Adrius made a beeline for his friend, deftly weaving his way through the crowd without running into even a single person. So quickly did he appear, seeming to come in right from nowhere, that he managed to startle Kieran again.

"By the damned Seven!"
He exclaimed, outright jumping this time. "Devereux, I swear-"

Adrius grinned up at him, albeit somewhat apologetically. The guy was already pretty on edge, after all. "Sorry. Force of habit."

Kieran sighed, shaking his head as the two of them joined the surrounding crowd in the advance toward the entrance of the castle. "Must you always move so quickly?" He asked, not for the first time. "You don't have to rush everywhere, you know."

The green-clad Evoker just shrugged, now moving at a much more leisurely pace even as he said this. "Well, clearly, I don't." He smiled lazily and gestured to himself. Then, before a response could be made, he changed the subject. "How are you feeling?"

Kieran smiled wanly. "I've been better," he muttered. "Just, you know. Worried."

"I can see."

"Can't you always?"

"Well, you do tend to make it obvious."

The Abjuror chuckled quietly. "... Do you remember all of those times I'd tell you about how just thinking of the Reckoning would make me nervous? It's like that. But tenfold."

"I can imagine." Adrius glanced aside at him. "Look, it's going to be alright-"

"Will it? What if I'm rejected? What if you're rejected? What if both of us are rejected? What will we do then?"

Adrius looked up and gave him a reassuring smile. "What if neither of us is rejected?" He then upped his pace and came around in front of Kieran, turning so that he was facing him. Meaning that he was now walking backward. "Think about it this way: If I'm rejected, then I can head home and hopefully make a living as a jester, and you can continue on for me," he suggested. He may have been joking, but he said this with a straight face, so it was pretty hard to tell. "If you're rejected, then you can go back and perhaps make a living as a professor in the Tower, and I'll do the same for you. And if both of us are rejected, then we can both just head back to Kal`Borias and, I don't know, do both. We'll figure something out. We might not make it, but that doesn't mean our lives will be over."

Kieran didn't seem entirely convinced, but he did give him a slow nod. "... I suppose you're right."

Adrius turned back around and returned to his friend's side before he could bump into someone. "And besides, didn't I promise you way back then that we'd get through the Reckoning together if we ever got to it?"

"Yes. And I also recall chastising you for making a promise that you can't definitively keep."

Adrius rolled his eyes slightly. "Well, yes, but that's beside my point-"

His statement was cut short by the sudden boom of the doors behind him, the sound of which reverberated through the floor and caused Kieran to jump in surprise. "Oh, Empyrea," he muttered in annoyance, glancing back over his shoulder. "That's what I'm saying. Doesn't strike you as a tad ominous?" He spoke in hushed tones now as everyone quieted down around them, his gaze scanning the various students seated above for someone he may have recognized. Besides the myriad Ivories he knew from his time in the Tower.

Adrius did the same, shrugging nonchalantly. "Not really," he replied, speaking at the same volume. "If anything, I find it... invigorating."

It was Kieran's turn to roll his eyes. "Of course you do. Why do they have such massive doors, anyway?"

The blond gave out a half-smile. "Well, we do have a lot of people coming in. And I suppose regular-sized doors aren't so suitable for dramatic effect."

Kieran couldn't help but snicker at that, and he made to respond - but the words died in his throat as someone else spoke instead.

"All honored candidates of the 100th Reckoning, please step forward."

The two young Magicians shared a glance, then moved ahead in unison, albeit with Adrius in the front. Quiet now, the cloak-bearing Evoker continued to survey the crowds with interest - only to pause when he caught sight of something unusual. Among all of them, particularly the gathered students of Highover, there was one particular person who caught his attention. A woman, who he could swear he'd never seen before, despite the sense of familiarity that came over him when he looked at her. At first, his thoughts moved to the woman he'd seen in his dream last night, but closer inspection quickly ruled out that possibility as he came to realize that they looked nothing alike.

Still, his brows furrowed, and he let his gaze linger for a moment longer before turning away. That would definitely be added on his list of things to ponder over when he had the time.

As for right now, he pushed that thought aside and joined the rest of the delegates as they got into formation around the center of the hall. Before them all was an artifact that he'd only heard of a few times before, spoken of only once by his brother. The Ardenstone. The true Arbiter of the Reckoning. It was... smaller than he'd imagined, but that didn't make this moment feel any less momentous.

Then, seeing the crowd ahead of them part, Adrius tore his gaze from the dais and turned to face whoever was coming. And as he took notice of the robed Magicians that approached, he was quick to realize who was coming.

And indeed, bringing up the rear of the party was the illustrious Oulders Deepwater, hands-down the most renowned Magician alive. Even as the other magicians went about positioning themselves around the Ardenstone, Adrius' focus was on him and the relic he wore on his back, likely in awe and wondering just what kind of joke he was supposed to tell this man. Whatever it would be - because he usually didn't plan ahead when it came to punslinging - it would have to be top-notch.

He was brought out of this apparent stupor when Kieran nudged him. "You're slouching," he whispered.

Adrius rolled his eyes and stood up straight.

It was right then that Deepwater began his speech, and though Adrius was somewhat notorious for his tendency to whisper or let his thoughts wander during such occasions, he seemed to be paying full attention now.

When the time came for the trial to begin, he shifted his gaze to the stone and watched intently as Raen Sommerstep, an Ivory he knew only fairly well, made the first approach. With each name that was called and each person that was rejected, the mood of the surrounding students seemed to grow ever tenser, as it now became clear that the majority of their number would be weeded out. Looking around, he could see the changes in their expressions - Kieran's ever-increasing worry, Hemera's wavering optimism, Tyce's growing determination, and Valton's... well, his expression was blank as always. No surprise there.

Eventually, Kieran was called up, and as he gathered what little confidence he seemed to have, Adrius turned and gave him a nod and the most reassuring smile he could muster. It did well to conceal the anxiousness that he admittedly felt. And in return, the Abjuror gave a weak smile of his own, before proceeding forward toward the crystal.

Adrius watched as he approached the dais, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and set his hands on the stone. He watched as he struggled against it, as if held in place. He watched as his expression was overcome with abject terror.

And he watched as the Ardenstone lit up... only to fade shortly after.

He wasn't the one who had been turned away, but seeing that the look of utter dejection that came upon his friend's face crushed him all the same. He knew what he had said only moments ago, about what to do if even one of them didn't make it, and he'd meant what he said. But to see it happen right before him, that still hurt.

For a moment, he stood there, as if trying to hold back tears. Then, he looked up at Adrius, and the Evoker managed a smile. Not a piteous one, but an assuring look, one that promised his companionship if he too didn't make it, or his remembrance if he did. Kieran gave only the smallest smile in return, before heading off after the rest of the rejected students.

Adrius stared after him, even while the next candidate was called up, making a mental note to try and visit him later even if he was chosen. He only looked away when he felt a hand land gently on his shoulder - Hemera, who had been standing on his other side. The two were hardly close friends, but she was an empathetic girl, and they got along well. He gave her a smile in thanks, then turned back to the Ardenstone to continue watching the trial.

Valton made it. Hemera made it. Tyce made it, too, although he seemed like he was really fighting with his. By the time he was done, he was glaring at the stone as if he were seconds away from blasting it with a fireball. He always was pretty aggressive, so Adrius supposed that wasn't much of a surprise.

Eventually, his name was called, and without a moment of hesitation, he stepped forward and made his way toward the relic with a rather relaxed gait. He didn't seem nervous, or afraid, or even determined.

When he reached the stone, he gazed into its depths for a brief second, wondering just what it was that lie within. Then, deciding that he hadn't the time to think about it, he reached up, took a deep breath, and set his hands upon it. The surface was about as cool as he imagined it to be, and as he waited, he continued to stare into the crystal with a veritable poker face.

For a minute, nothing happened. Vaguely, Adrius wondered if it was just taking its time deciding on him. Maybe he could ponder over that joke to pass the time?

Just when he was actually considering doing that, the stone heated up. Quickly. Intensely.

Adrius cried out in both shock and surprise, and purely by reflex, he tried to pull his arms away - only to find that he couldn't. Whatever was going on, it rendered him unable to move his arms.

And things only got better from there, when a pair of claws hands burst from the stone and tightly took hold of his own, leaking what could've been liquid fire from various cracks in the skin. Just the feeling of being trapped here, in constant pain, while being plunged into some endless inferno, had him on the brink of losing it.

Then, the demon, the presence that had taken hold of him, began to speak, and what he said resonated within the Evoker like nothing else he'd ever heard before.


Adrius didn't answer. He couldn't. He had to take just a moment to take a few breath, to calm himself down, to remind himself that this was a test and he was most certainly not going to be incinerated.


"Why don't you wait, damn it?!"

He didn't even think. That answer just came purely from impulse, out of a desire for the damn thing to shut up so he could gather himself first.

It didn't take him long, but even when he did, he wasn't in the mood to think on it. There would be no drawn-out speech, no thought-out response, and no jokes. What he said would come right from the heart.

"You tell me," he growled bluntly. "You're judging me. Remember?"

Yes, Adrius knew what the demon had meant. No, he did not care.

"So make up your mind and let me go."
Starlight was with Ignem and Enn. She held Luna in her arms as she watched the candidates from the other schools come in. Once everyone came in the doors shut and a gravelly voice boomed through the air.

"All honored candidates of the 100th Reckoning, please step forward."

Starlight arms tightened a bit around Luna and then suddenly she felt a gentle push on her back and she started walking forward.

"Good luck guys!"

Starlight looked back at Enn and gave her a thumbs up then looked at Ignem next to her. "Well here goes nothing." She said smiling. Once she reached her spot she put Luna down next to her and glanced around at the other candidates. She wondered how many of them would pass this. When Oulders Deepwater Starlight eyes moved over to him and she listened to his speech.

"Greetings honoured guests to the 100th Reckoning. It is my greatest pleasure to welcome you to Highover on this momentous annual occasion. I hope it wasn't too great of a nuisance to travel all the way here? I apologize if it has made you uncomfortable in some way, but if you'll bear with me a moment longer, I promise you'll find the prepared refreshments most... refreshing! In a few days, a select few of you will be making their way up the tallest mount in Highover, to a place called the Sundered Peak. It is where your Reckoning will take place, but. . . On the eve of the centenary anniversary of this event, I'd just like to take a moment to remember why we do this. Why we, the privileged few. . . of the privileged few, have bound ourselves to this custom of proving. It is to find the very best of you, and to bind you with spirits of untold power. While power brings with it new heights of progress, it must come with genuine responsibility. For we are mere mortals in the face of age-old beings who have been here before our forefathers were even born. A hundred years ago, one we all know as the Betrayer, sought great power for themselves. And in their greed, nearly caused great ruin to our land. It was a tragedy that must never be allowed to repeat itself, otherwise. . . The Great Silence of ancient times may not be so ancient after all. And that is why, every year we hold this occasion. Not just to find and cultivate the best out of us, but as a reminder of what would happen if there is great power, without the binding principles of Order... No doubt, you're all eager to proceed...Behold, the Ardenstone! The final decider of who is truly worthy to be a part of the Reckoning. While each one of you brings the hopes of your families, mentors, and peers we must not forget that we do this not just for ourselves, but the nations of Feria. . . An impartial judge will be the true decider. When your name is called, please step up to the centre and grasp the Ardenstone with both of your hands."

Starlight watched and waited as each person was called up one by one. Until finally it was her turn.


"Right, here we go." Starlight whispered to herself. She walked forward and took hold of the stone and......nothing happened. But then suddenly the stone rapidly heated up. A pain shot through her arms but she didn't try to let go though she probably couldn't anyway. Suddenly large leathery claws burst out from the stone. Starlight eyes widen in horror. When the claws clamped down on her hand she froze and just stared at what was in front of her.


She snapped out of it when he asked the question. Was this the test? Right then she could totally answer this. She breathed in and then confidently said, "I am worthy because........" For some reason, her mind went blank. So she tried again, "I am worthy because......because......." She couldn't answer.


"I don't know!" She said yelling back. "I......" She looked at the stone. "Even if I came up with a million reasons why nothing I say could ever really prove my worth... Even a person with evil intent could say whatever they believed makes them worthy and believe that they are truly worthy of something even if they aren't." She looked up. "Only my actions and everything I've done up till now can prove whether I'm worthy or not."


Gwyndill Carriage

Arya mirrored both Klaus and Finn's smile as she slid her hat off and hopped into the carriage. Settling down on the cushions, Arya tucked away the principal's gift safely. She faked a gasp at Finn's teasing remark, though the corners of her lips were pulled up into a smile. "I would never! I thought you were looking a little pale and needed some comfort." The lady giggled, hoping he wouldn't mind a little teasing back.

Her dark eyes shone as she looked out the window, marveling at the sights and architecture. "I think it's exciting and beautiful. I do hope we have a chance to explore the city. I can't wait to try all the delicacies!"

As the conversation dwindled, she figured it would be alright to take a peek at the gift she received. A finger traced the fine details of the famous Allcrys tree before revealing a lock code. The feeling of anticipation bubbled and she entered her family name. She admired the handwriting for a moment before she actually read the words; bringing a soft smile to her lips. They were such kind and warm words. She chuckled at the thought of having too much fun in a new country and took a mental note of the name Euphemia before closing the letter.

Her attention turned towards the window again and she nearly opened the door just so she could get a better look at Highover Castle. She'd never laid eyes on such a relic, and they'd be staying within these walls!

Highover Castle

Passing through the ceiling-high doors, Arya felt her stomach drop slightly for an unknown reason. A particular long blonde-haired whizzing past her, but she had no recollection of the lady. Arya shrugged it off as nerves and took a deep breath before catching up to her classmates. A white crystal shone silently on the centre of the stage and robed magicians entered and made their way forward as the chatter amongst students died. All eyes settled on Principal Deepwater as he made his welcoming speech and instructions.

She saw many faces rise to the stage whether anxious, confident or hopeful, only to come back down with one of happiness or disappointment. Unnecessary thoughts slowly trickled into her mind, and she had to quietly pinch her arm to focus herself on her goal. There's only one way out of Highover Institute and that's to achieve the internship.

"Arya Kai Holmes."

All too soon, her name echoed in her head and she moved towards the stage. With every step forward, she repeated a mantra in her head. 'You are here for a reason.' The silent stares from the crowd seemed to vanish as she neared the Ardenstone. She wasn't sure what expression she had on her face at the moment, but she made sure to recompose herself and bowed slightly towards the tutors and Deepwater. The time it took for her hands to reach the stone seemed like forever, as she heard her own heartbeat. The cool surface of the crystal brought her back to reality, her eyes fixed on the milky swirls to do something. Anything.

As if reading her mind, the Ardenstone grew all too hot. Her hands jerked at the burning sensation but they were glued to- no melded with the crystal. The long, melting claws of terror felt even hotter and her words seem to be stuck at her throat.


It speaks! Of course, it speaks! This is a trial! But who could have known such a powerful spirit dwelled within such a harmless specimen. The students before had looks of terror, did they see this?


Arya was pulled out of her thoughts. She shifted her footing and took a deep breath. She was pretty much the same height as the crystal and stared straight into the stone. She needed to be strong now.

"I, Arya Kai Holmes, carry nobility and power within my veins. My family has been supporting the safety and balance of our world, and it is our duty as magicians to continue to do so." Was that all she was worthy of? No, she didn't feel satisfied leaving that as an answer. "Honour, reputation, power... They are thanks to my predecessors, but I have my own hard work to thank for as well.

"Hear me, spirit. I am Arya! See my worth for who I am and not my blood! I promise you my worth now and my worth in the future will only grow!"
-- Euclid Leaf Euclid Leaf ,
A dark guttural chuckle erupts from all around you, and though you cannot see the face of the demon, you somehow sense that the demon for all its imperiousness, was well and truly amused. As if the demon looked upon something so pathetic and yet the audacity of its presence before it brought pause to the mighty being. Like one who was just about to squash an ant on the sidewalk, but caught it happily performing a cartwheel oblivious to impending doom.

"I have found a FOOL," the entity chuckled, basal mirth shaking your very core. "A fool fools no one but himself!"
"You do not know what you dabble with fool, though they be but mere specs of dust in my presence, even now they scheme behind your back. For it is in their very nature. . . "

"But even so, you have amused me fool..." The echo of the harsh voice fades. Then the demonic hands disintegrate into ash and you found yourself released from its grip. In its place was a ball of orange light. Unbidden, it floats towards your palm and disappears beneath your skin. For an instant, you feel your veins jolt, travelling from your hand throughout your body like a bolt of electricity that reinvigorates your senses.

All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with brightly with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

**Receive Ryell's Audacity and add it to your CS's status effects.

-- animegirl20 animegirl20 Ignem Ignem
For all the hellfire and brimstone that took you to this forsaken visionplace, the eternal flames that scorched the halls surrounding you seem to flicker. There was quiet for a moment, an eerie sort of peace even with all the world lit aflame. Then the demonic hands seem to loosen in their grip, allowing you to pull away should you attempt to. Then the demon speaks, though it's voice no longer held the same menacing tone, tinged instead with something akin to pity.

"The bearer of truth hesitates with the burden of realization, just as the very fabrics of what is bleeds into the other. You speak of greater things than you know mortal..."
"Even if you do not know what you speak of." The fists clench and open, and in its palm, lay a wisp of light blue. The wisp floats upwards and disappears into your forehead and you feel the coolness of clarity enclose around your mind.

"Do not let your hesitation cost you..." The parting words reverberated in your thoughts as the ashen hands disintegrate.

All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with brightly with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

**Receive Oranis' Truth and add it to your CS's status effects.

-- Ace Cream Ace Cream
For all the hellfire and brimstone that took you to this forsaken visionplace, the eternal flames that scorched the halls surrounding you seem to flicker. There was quiet for a moment, an eerie sort of peace even with all the world lit aflame. Then the demonic hands seem to loosen in their grip, allowing you to pull away should you attempt to. Then the demon speaks, though it's voice no longer held the same menacing tone, tinged instead with something akin to pity.

"Poor snivelling creature... tsk tsk tsk...", it was an odd culmination of tones, given the tremoring power that shook the voice belied behind words that sounded almost like an observing sighing at the futile attempts of another.
"Do you even hear yourself speak? Such. . . conflict, mmm. . . " the entity chuckled revelling in the taste of palpable uncertainty emanating from the hapless student.

"Do not deny your true intentions with honeyed words of nobility. . ." The fists clench and open, and in its palm, lay a wisp of light blue. It floats upwards and disappears into your forehead and you feel the coolness of clarity enclose around your mind.

"It's fine to be selfish you know? Acknowledge what you really want. . ." The parting words reverberated in your thoughts as the ashen hands disintegrate.

All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with brightly with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

**Receive Oranis' Truth and add it to your CS's status effects.

-- Wilder28 Wilder28
For all the hellfire and brimstone that took you to this forsaken visionplace, the eternal flames that scorched the halls surrounding you seem to flicker. There was quiet for a moment, an eerie sort of peace even with all the world lit aflame. Then the demonic hands seem to loosen in their grip, allowing you to pull away should you attempt to. Then the demon speaks, it's voice oddly condescending like that of a noble dismissing some poor lowerclassman.

"Indeed I know it all," The entity sounded bored, "age is a tiresome thing, funny how you are forced to acknowledge this tiresome thing once you're bound to this pathetic constricting world."
"You are but petty amusement, your responses nothing but a feather to tickle the moments away of this hated existence." There was a significant pause, as the demon seemed to consider it's on point carefully, "suffice to say you are less even than mere entertainment."

"But you have spoken the truth. No doubt I can count on you to speak the same truth when the time comes," the fists clench and open, and in its palm, lay a wisp of light blue. It floats upwards and disappears into your forehead and you feel the coolness of clarity enclose around your mind.

"It'll all come to ruin in the end, and you'll be the first to acknowledge it. . ." The parting words reverberated in your thoughts as the ashen hands disintegrate.

All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with brightly with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

**Receive Oranis' Truth and add it to your CS's status effects.

-- Mqueserasera Mqueserasera
"FINALLY!" The voice cackles in almost delighted laughter at your respectable attempts to hold composure in the face of such overpowering presence. The entity cackled in glee as you paraded your worth, its grip seemingly getting hotter and the pain just a little more unbearable. It almost seemed to enjoy taunting your resolve. You sense a sense of deep satisfaction and even awe as if it couldn't quite believe what it was witnessing.

"Yes... Yes! Your blood is like one of them!" The voice spat.
"You would know worth when you see it... you would know power when you taste it!" The hellish place seemed to burn even brighter, the claws that imprisoned your own appeared as molten rock. Though it seemed that there was no way your appendages had not turned to ash, you feel the growing heat surge nigh unbearably through your limbs. Your blood turning into coursing lava as you seem to be engulfed in a smouldering world. Fire fills your vision and right at the centre, you see a ball of deep red. It surges towards you before everything goes dark.

"Take what is rightfully yours, and the only curse shall be existence." The final words of the demonic entity echo away in the darkness.

All at once, you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

**Receive Belron's Fury and add it to your CS's status effects.

-- RI.a RI.a
"Ahh... yes... your soul reeks of it! The stench for which the True Mortals bear." The demonic entity speaks, sibylline in its tone as its voice takes on a guarded tone. The demonic hands that once grasped you suddenly drawback in a blur of motion as if scorched by your presence.

"You who will not let anything stand in your way..." The hands suddenly disintegrate into a cloud of silver dust, glittering amidst the ashes of the surrounding fires. "Are your dreams worthy of your soul? Is your cause worthy of who you can become? Or will you become nothing more than a surging fire with no cause for which to burn?" The silver dust drifts and falls about your face, and you feel your resolve grow stronger within you.

"Do not conflict yourself with the desires of others, seek what you truly want." The parting words echo as the hellish place seems to dim.

All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

**Receive Sanar's Will and add it to your CS's status effects.

-- revior revior
Smouldering eyes bore into your back even as u tremble unwittingly from being held against your will. The ashen claws tighten their hold just a little more, and you feel as if your bones would be crushed. Unbeknownst to you, unlike the others, there is a minute pause before the imperious tones assault your senses.

"Pitiable," The entity looms, scorn unfiltered through its harsh voice, "I have never seen such a weak specimen of mortal kind. . . Not any that dare call themselves a magician at least!"
"But. . . what is weakness may also be strength, loathe am I to say this." The voice grudgingly acquiescence. "Mayhap you will see how truly deluded your kind are. . . "

The hands suddenly disintegrate into a cloud of silver dust, glittering amidst the ashes of the surrounding fires. "For no binding flesh can ever truly contend with the will of a spirit..." The silver dust drifts and falls about your face, and you feel your resolve grow stronger within you.

"Few can comprehend the power of single-minded desire, it is your greatest weapon." The parting words echo as the hellish place seems to dim.

All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

**Receive Sanar's Will and add it to your CS's status effects.

A low chuckle, barely heard seems to echo around the hellishscape that has become your fiery internment. It grows until it becomes a full-on maniacal laugh and even despite the ominous situation, you could tell that the demonic entity's amusement was genuine.

"Unworthy!" The entity exclaimed though it sounded more like a remark of delighted surprise than an accusation. Its cackle continues, shaking your bones with its dark humour prolonging the arduous torture. You feel the ashen hands tighten painfully around your own. Finally, the laughter stops. Then the cracks on the claws suddenly glow brighter, their craggy surfaces smoothening and reshaping in amorphous twists until what is left before you is nothing a large pair of gold statue hands cupped together. From the centre of the outstretched palms, a mirror of liquid gold oozes out to hover in the air.

Within its shifting surface, you see a reflection of yourself or at least, what you would've looked like if you were made of melting gold wax.

"Are you truly what you are? A victim of happenstance. . . Unworthy but for a chance. . . A brood of chaos. . . " In the blink of a moment, a multitude of golden hands burst forth from the mirror, grasping you and despite anything you attempted, you are pulled into the liquid golden surface. Then a sibylline voice encapsulates your being, slick as dark oil, hissing between skin and flesh.
"Yours is a place traded for, do not squander it!"

All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with bright white light, before dimming back to normal.

Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

**Receive Yreth's Disdain and add it to your CS's status effects.

As the last of the candidates step away from the Ardenstone, Principle Deepwater clears his throat for attention once more.

"And so, we finally have our Chosen. To those who did not make it, I am sorry. Your place does not lie with The Reckoning, though I am sure your talents and gifts will find their home elsewhere." "Regardless, you're welcome to remain as guests, give heart to those chosen. Cheer them on."

His eyes seemed to glitter as he turned to regard all who had just taken the test. "And to the true Chosen, know this... you have been deemed worthy not just for any self-fulfilling--" The Principal paused as a panicked shout suddenly cut into his speech.

"Stop her!"


Several of the crimson robed Magicians were darting forwards, attempting to intercept a figure but it was too fast. There was a scuffle, a blur of motion and before anyone could stop it, a student had dashed towards the Ardenstone and placed her hands upon it. A sudden bright flash of light silenced the discord, and finally, in its wake stood a young woman face striken and confused.

Enn. Her pale face was flushed, with locks of dishevelled hair about her. The crowds were silent.

"Enn! What have you done!?" A distressed voice called from the lines of teaching staff.

Enn seemed to flinch, like some small creature caught in bright lights. Her face was one of surprise, as she looked to the gleaming Ardenstone beneath her hands as if she'd only realized where she was.


One of the teachers had rushed forward, his shoulder-length black hair bobbing with his harried movements, but before he could reach the girl, the commanding tone of Oulders Deepwater stopped him in his tracks. "Stay your concern Master Abjurer!"

"Enn, get back here! You're not a candidate-" The teacher had stopped in his advance, though he hissed in sharp tones at the girl who seemed frozen to the spot.

"We have all witnessed it. The Ardenstone has chosen her Master Velahl..."

The hall appeared eerily quiet as Samael Velahl narrowed his eyes at his errant daughter before turning back to the Principal, his jaw tense. Confusion and surprise evident in his eyes though he held his composure.
"Very well... Principal. Forgive my intrusion, please carry on..." With a swish of his robes, the Master Abjurer returned to his post leaving a wide-eyed Enn looking utterly petrified as she was directed to stand with the rest of the Chosen. Principal Deepwater watched the girl from under the rim of his glasses until she assumed her new position.

"Now then... where was I?"


Much of the rest of the day proceeded without further incident. The students were all ushered into the dining hall where a feast was prepared. After which they were given instructions to find their lodging in the guest rooms provided for the duration of The Reckoning and given the rest of the day off.


◘ C H A P T E R . T W O - Chosen ◘

Tags: Ignem Ignem animegirl20 animegirl20 Mqueserasera Mqueserasera revior revior Ace Cream Ace Cream Wilder28 Wilder28 NUSKI NUSKI Euclid Leaf Euclid Leaf RI.a RI.a
October 6th, Ninety-ninth Year in the Age of Founding.
-Five days to The Reckoning-

The following morning found the Chosen gathered for an early breakfast in the dining hall. Your night had been largely restful, with no enigmatic dream ghost haunting your rest. As you arrive in the dining hall, you are greeted with piles of steaming bread, breakfast rolls and meats stacked the buffet tables. The atmosphere was still somewhat subdued, mostly because it was very early in the morning and not many were awake yet. The exception being the Chosen of the Reckoning, for they were due for their first preparatory lesson.

"Once you are done with breakfast, please proceed to the Western Gardens for your First Preparatory Trial with the Mistress Conjurer and Mistress Enchantra." A servant bowed to those early risers in attendance.

Enn started from her reverie at the voice of the herald. She'd been staring at a bowl of milk and cereal, absentmindedly spooning its contents on to the table. Realizing what she had done, she hastily grabbed the bowl and napkin to wipe the mess she'd made of herself.

A small chirp alerted her to the fluffy white creature sat on her lap.

"I'm sorry Kala," the flaxen-haired young woman sighed despondently, "I had no idea why I did that. . ."

--Take this time to introduce your characters to the scene and to each other, but do not take too long as we will be moving on to the next section shortly! This is more of a post to get us moving along again ^3^ My apologies for the wait!
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Ayer Lecomte - Chosen Dining Table

There was a morning breackfast the following day, a custom that followed the ceremony that transpired yesterday. So he was told. Off to the side sat an eccentric redhead, near far end of the table. It was the first place he stumbled to, early in the morning. He wasn't much for sleep anyway.

Ayer brushed his scruffy chin with the back of his palm as he absently nibbled on a piece of bread in his offhand. He sat alone this day, the trio of implings nowhere to be found or heard. He looked like a sleepwalker with half-opened eyes, both present and somewhere in his mind. He had leaned back on the chair, his head pointed to the sky and had remained like this for a long while. Until, all of a sudden, his hand jumped up and began searching within the folds of his burly jacket. Ayer continued to fumble for a moment until he found both a fine swirly ink pen, found in his breast pocket, and a piece of folded paper procured from another place, a spot underneath his sleeve. The parchment looked like a jumbled mess of boxes and lines and dots, but he seemed to find reason within the wandering design. He began to immediately scribble, doting notes, and outlining measurements and numbers among the jumbled mess of already present ink. Ayer seemed perfectly captured in his little world of thought, moving like clockwork even under the weight of the changed situation. It was as if he didn't think twice about being chosen or the difficult trails ahead. He was unchanging, in this aspect. But there seemed to be signs of tension in the way he worked. Like a hiccup in his natural cycle.

His brow furrowed after a while of scribbling, "Ah... No, that won't work. The offset arcane friction would dilute the resonator concentrated in this area here... But if I move the gyrosphere to this level, perhaps..? No, no no..."

It wasn't until a splash of milk that invaded the flank of his draft that his eyes perked up.

Ayer looked over to see a girl cleaning up the mess she had just made. It seemed like he wasn't the only one preoccupied in his own thoughts that morning. He hadn't even noticed another person had arrived. Or perhaps they were always there in the first place?
"Would just be waste of good milk, won't it?" he muttered, taking his bread and dipping it into the spilled milk. This way, he can help her clean, while also fixing his own issue of the dry bread.

The tall man looked at her for a moment, recognizing the pale haired woman. "You're from yesterday, aren't you. The one who made a big ruckus at the ceremony?" he started to laugh, "You're really something. I haven't had a laugh like that in a long time. Usually, it's me who is making a huge scene. Tell me, how long were you planning on doing that? I mean, no one just impulsively... Oh! Now, where are my manners?"

Ayer quickly found himself talking to this girl as if they had met before, somewhere. But they hadn't. At least, he's pretty certain of it.
Dipping the rest of his bread in the escaped milk, Ayer put the rest into his mouth and extended a hand covered in cloth wraps. The other was preoccupied, after all. Ayer smiled as he chewed the loaf of bread and spoke, somehow both at once.

"Aim Ayeeer... Leecoumt. Naif tu meef yoo. Hofe vee gef aloung."

Lekiel Lekiel ...
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Klaus had lost his peers in the overwhelming crowd of prospects who passed through the gate along with him. His eyes wondered around the Great Hall; so much so that he was essentially being pushed towards his destination by the students behind him. Although he was unaware, the wild swinging of his duffel bag caused him to receive several dirty looks. In contrast to those students, Klaus stifled a laugh, his slacked-jaw expression quickly replaced by a wide, bright smile.

This is it, Jeana. The Great Hall of the Highover Institute of Magic!

His mind drifted towards his sister for the third time this trip. He could not help but feel re-ignited with passion as he walked down the hall. While thinking and talking about the voyage to the Isles was exciting, it was an entirely different thing to be inside the Highover Institute. As the doors behind him closed, Klaus thought it best to get to the front of the crowd. He pushed past several students, offering the occasional pardon before he stopped in his tracks, wide-eyed.

Her eyes were not the sapphire blue he had come to familiarize himself with in his dreams, but he couldn't help but feel... bothered by her. Time seemed to almost move in slow motion as his eyes moved to her pale blonde hair. While he had yet to realize it, he had stopped moving completely, trying to figure out if he had seen the girl before in his past but his memory offered no satisfactory answer. Even though he had no idea what he would say, he opened his mouth to get the girl's attention but was pushed forward by another student. Klaus' pivoted around on his right heel, slightly startled.

"What are you doing, man?! You can gawk at girls later!" the student yelled at him. He could have not been any older than Klaus, which made him even more embarrassed than he already was. He raised his hand to object and proclaim that he was not gawking at the girl but decided against it when he saw the attention of several other students being directed at him.

"Apologies" he murmured, before quickly turning around to walk further into the central hall. The girl had been lost to him in the sea of prospects which had gathered around a crystalline dais. Klaus raised his duffel bag to his chest, another look of confusion spreading across his face as his eyes surveyed the students around him.

Am I the only one carrying my luggage?

An exasperated sigh escaped from Klaus' lips as he realized why he had received so many dirty looks upon entering the hall. Though his embarrassment at an ultimate high, he found comfort in the fact that Dadir wasn't around to make fun of him. While the principal began his speech, Klaus raised the duffel bag over his head, dropping the strap over his chest, fashioning it as a makeshift backpack. As soon as the Betrayer was mentioned, Klaus' head raised with curiosity, looking at Oulders Deepwater with narrowed eyes. The speech passed through one ear and out the other as his thoughts drifted to the letter he received that was signed in that man's name. He had never seen or spoken to the man in person, but his father often spoke about him at the estate. The young magician-to-be frowned, unusually unimpressed with the man. For the principal of the Highover Institute of Magic and leader of the Arcana Council, he simply seemed like a decrepit old man. Either way, Klaus made a mental note to find an opportunity to speak to the man in private in one day about his sister.

Before he could complete his next thought about Principal Deepwaters, his name was called. His hands wrapped around the strap of his duffel bag, Klaus' hands went cold and began to sweat as he slowly pushed past what was left of the crowd.

(because I don't want to take too much space)

Klaus released his tightened grip on the leather straps and eyed the ancient artifact with extreme caution. He had no idea what to expect and quickly regretted that he didn't pay more attention to the students that had stepped up prior to himself. He shook his head as if to expel the negative thoughts in mind before hesitantly reaching out to the touch the relic. At first, the stone felt cool and smooth. After a few seconds of silence, doubt began to cloud his mind. He looked up from the stone, turning to the nearest magician to complain.

Then he felt it.

It was almost indescribable. It was pain, that was for sure. When he was a child, he had burned himself playing with a torch but the pain that shot up through his arms was infinity times worse. The sudden heat that erupted from the stone made him feel as if his arms should have already been burned to ash. He slid his left foot back and attempted to retract his arms, but they wouldn't budge. Like something from his nightmares, large leathery claws erupted from the Ardenstone and wrapped themselves around his hands. His insistent pulling quickly ceases as the rest of his body freezes in place. To anyone watching, it may have looked as if Klaus was suffering from shock. His face shriveled up with fear and tensed, giving off the appearance he was on the verge of tears.

Suddenly the corporeal world around him, faded leaving only clouds of dark mist. Klaus' face and shoulders slacked, almost as if he was lost in some deep trance. His eyes were fixated on the relic before him, lost in the cloudy substance that hid beneath its surface.

"TELL ME, WHY YOU ARE WORTHY?" the stone shrieked. Overwhelmed with panic, Klaus did not respond. The voice that seemingly came from the Ardenstone 'woke him up', his useless struggling continuing.


Klaus nearly dropped to his knees, tired of struggling. He panted heavily, trying to make sense of the situation. Even with the consistent amount of pain he was feeling, he managed to steady his breathing and focus on the question presented to him. His feet slid closer to each other as he attempted to regain his composure. What was previously fear and panic had been replaced with anger and determination. Even so, he was unable to come up with a satisfactory answer. He was here because it was what his family wanted. What his sister would have wanted for him. Klaus had never been one to chase wild ambitions and he was finally paying for it.

No amount of humor or charm would get him out of this.

"I'm not" he finally said, glaring at the relic with resentment. "I'm not worthy, but I can tell you why I'm here. I'm here because I'm fulfilling a dream, even if it isn't my own!" he croaked, the heat from the stone exhausting him.
Adrius Devereux

"It'll all come to ruin in the end, and you'll be the first to acknowledge it..."

Not long after he had given his answer, Adrius noticed with some surprise that the world around him, still formed of raging flame, had now calmed itself considerably. Strange as it may have been, it only confused him for a moment; now that he was more liable to think straight, he was quick to realize that wherever he was, it must not have been real. The world hadn't actually been set ablaze, nor was he actually being held in place by some godlike demonic entity. Not physically, at any rate.

Before he could spend much time ruminating on this idea, however, he was drawn back to reality(?) by the feeling of the demon's loosening grip. Without hesitation, he yanked his arms free, simultaneously relieved and somewhat surprised. Glancing down at them, he saw that despite the sheer pain of heat he had felt, there were no burns to be seen. It was as if they'd never been grabbed in the first place.

Then, the demon spoke once again, and he tore his gaze from his apparently undamaged arms and fixed it on the Ardenstone once again. At its words, he listened intently, keen on hearing what it had to say to him. And, well, he wasn't really disappointed.

Now, Adrius stood among the rest of the Chosen, somehow one of the few who had been selected for the Reckoning. It had come to him as a slight surprise, but he didn't really feel as overjoyed as he probably should've been. Perhaps the feeling had simply been soured by the gloom he now felt the over Kieran's rejection. How he had gotten in when his friend hadn't, he had no clue. But, evidently, this entire process worked in mysterious ways. For all he knew, it could've been some quality he had that the Abjuror didn't. They certainly weren't very alike by any stretch of the imagination.

But he decided not to linger on that thought for now. He'd been the last of the Ivories to go, so now it was a Highover girl - "Starlight," according to the announcer - approaching the podium. He had at first spectated with the rest, taking note of her colorful outfit with a bit of surprise. It certainly wasn't your average Highover uniform, but who was he to judge? It did have a nice aesthetic, at least.

Once she set her hands upon the stone, though, he gradually drifted back into his thoughts, as he was wont to do in quiet moments such as this. Frightening as the experience of his own judgment had initially been, he now found himself more intrigued by it than anything.

The creature itself, for example, was a mystery to him, and it sparked his curiosity like almost nothing else. He didn't know what it was, exactly - he'd have guessed Marid, but he really couldn't have been sure - but it was clear to him that however it had been done, its containment within this artifact was hardly consensual. From what he could tell, it was an age-old force of chaos and disorder that had (somehow) been forcibly confined to a controlled system, to be placed at the whims of comparatively puny creatures. Small wonder it seemed so irritated with its position - the same way Adrius had been irritated with his.

Whatever the circumstances, this Evoker had little doubt that if that demon were ever set free, those all-consuming flames that had whirled about him would become a reality, and the world itself would be brought to ruin.

And then there was what it had said to him. Not the judgment on his comedic ability, of course; he'd never unironically lauded himself as a first-class joker, and truth be told, he couldn't give less of a damn about what the demon thought of it. As far as he was concerned, if an inconceivably powerful demon hellbent on the destruction of humanity found him to be amusing in any way, then that would probably be something to worry about more than anything. Not exactly his target audience.

No, what he was really interested in was what it had told him afterward, not to mention whatever power it was that it had apparently gifted to him. Even now, long after the flames had faded, he could still hear the statement echoing within the confines of his mind, seeming to become clearer and clearer the longer he looked into it. It's possible that this was due to the newfound state of lucidity that had been bestowed upon his mind (which itself was a most refreshing reward after the brief, heated insanity that was his judgment), but either way, he found his mind racing as he looked upon it from every angle, hoping to decipher the deeper meaning.

And it wasn't particularly hard. It was clear to him that the creature had been indicating some impending doom, and eventual collapse of order; and while demons weren't known to be oracular nor particularly trustworthy, he was inclined to believe that it hadn't just told him this solely to spook him. The devil was in the details, of which most were currently as vague as could be.

Given this, he was sure enough that something was coming. He didn't know what, or when, or how, or why, but when he paired this up with the dream he had just the night before, he began already to feel as if those were both simply pieces to some grand, calamitous puzzle. One that he was inclined to solve. He highly doubted it to be a coincidence, after all.

It was about right here that his reflection was once again cut short, as the last of the Chosen now made their way toward the rejects, of which there seemed to be many. Professor Deepwater's voice now boomed throughout the halls once again, drawing the Evoker's attention and drawing him to look up at where the principal stood. Once again, he listened wordlessly to the ensuing speech, the mention of those who didn't make it drawing his thoughts to Kieran - and the mention of their being able to stay eliciting both gladness and surprise.

Then those feelings were swept aside as the entire hall was, for a moment, filled with sudden excitement. It didn't take long for him to see why: A woman had rushed out from the crowd of Highover students and made a beeline for the Ardenstone. Behind her, a host of Magicians were in hot pursuit. But in spite of their efforts, she managed to reach the dais and set her hands upon the stone just as the rest of them has.

And to his, and everyone else's astonishment, it lit up the same way it had done for him. Despite not being among their number, she'd been Chosen for the Reckoning.

Vaguely amusing as the situation may have been, he was naturally more shocked than anything. Shocked at her boldness, her getting chosen, her ability to outmaneuver literally the entire contingent of Magicians that tried to capture her; and most of all, at the realization that this lady was the very same one that he had noticed earlier, who had given him the strangest sense of familiarity.

Coincidence? Definitely not, as far as he was concerned.

At any rate, once it was clear to everyone that the Ardenstone had chosen her all the same, and Deepwater dismissed the transgression, the girl - Enn, was it? - had been sent to stand near the rest of them. For a moment, he just watched with utmost curiosity as she approached, before eventually turning his attention back to the principal. This was turning out to be a very interesting day indeed.

Once the speech was over, and everyone was dismissed to the dining hall, Adrius made a beeline straight for Kieran. It was a tad difficult to even seen him among the throngs of people, let alone actually reach him, but with a fair bit of luck and much weaving and apologizing, he managed it.

As he came up beside his friend, the first thing he noticed was that he was looked remarkably morose. More so than he's ever seen him, in fact. He had never been known for being the most cheerful Ivory in the Tower, but the way he walked now - head bowed, shoulders slumped, dark eyes glued onto the ground - made it seem as if he'd never felt worse. Which, all things considered, he probably hadn't yet. Sanguine as the green-clad Evoker usually was, it brought him down to see him this way. Especially since, after the Reckoning, they weren't likely to be seeing one another again for a long while. After spending these past few years in the Tower together, these would be the last few days they had.

Careful not to startle him this time, Adrius decided to get his attention with a gentle nudge. When that didn't work, he tried for a slightly less gentle nudge, which seemed to do the trick. Raising his head a little, Kieran glanced sidelong at him and offered a miserable attempt at a smile. "Hey," he greeted, his voice barely audible over the chatter of the crowd around them.

As always, Adrius returned the smile, though his was a little more empathetic than usual. "Hey."

"You made it." It was a statement. There seemed to be little emotion behind it - no bitterness, no jealousy, no disbelief. Just a slight undertone of praise.

"Indeed I did," the blond agreed, nodding slightly. "Suppose this means I won't have to become a jester after all."

In spite of the Abjuror's current mood, that seemed to elicit the barest chuckle. "That's good. You'd make a terrible jester."

Adrius snickered. "Well, the Ardenstone Demon certainly thought so." His expression then became one of thoughtfulness. "Or should I call it the Arden-Demon? Suppose I should've asked its name when I was talking to it."

At this, Kieran's interest seemed to be piqued. "Oh? What did it say to you?"

Adrius glanced at him. "Would you like me to summarize it?" He wasn't even sure if such information was confidential, but he saw no reason it would be.

"Not at all."

"Alright, well, it more or less began like this..."

And from that point on, as the two Ivories made their way into the dining hall, Adrius regaled his friend with his account of his judgment by the Ardenstone. Kieran didn't exactly seem keen on sharing his yet, so the topic instead shifted to the myriad thoughts and questions that the two had regarding the whole incident. It was here that the Evoker informed him of the dream he'd had last night, as well as the odd sensation he'd gotten when he'd first seen Enn. Though he wasn't initially very talkative, Kieran seemed to gradually put aside his feelings for the moment and open up as the discussion went on. Evidently, if there was one way to coax him out of his shell, it was intellectual conversation.

The entire time, they didn't really eat much, more or less just picking at their food while they talked. By the time the feast came to an end, their plates were far from cleared (though that changed when a Miransar student offered to take it off their hands). They didn't seem particularly concerned with that, though, instead continuing their chat as they made their way out and headed off in search of their lodging. After that, they decided to use the free time they'd been given to spend the rest of the day wandering the campus. It wasn't every day that one got to hang around in Highover, after all.

"Five Imp-sized Utukkus, or one Utukku-sized Imp?"

The question echoed somewhat throughout the dining hall as the doors swung open, admitting a pair of Ivories who were having a most important conversation.

"Five? Don't you think that's a few too many?" Kieran asked with a slight frown as Adrius acknowledged the servant with a nod. "These are still Utukki we're talking about." Adrius glanced a little quizzically at his companion upon hearing the peculiar plural he used. It wasn't the first time he'd heard him say it by any means, but he was definitely the only person he'd ever heard to do so. It was strange. And a little amusing.

But he more or less ignored it, putting his focus more towards checking out the wide chamber that they'd just entered. What drew his attention first was, naturally, the literal stacks of food laid out on the tables before them, which very much appealed to his clamoring stomach. But he didn't linger on that for long, as he tore his gaze away from that and began to look around and count the number of people already in here. As of now, it wasn't a lot, which was only to be expected at such an early time. There were a few students from Miransar, a handful of others from Grishelgroft, some from Highover, and he even spotted a few Ivories. Valton was sitting off on his own in a far corner of the room, working on one of his myriad devices, while Hemera and Tyce sat chatting with a small group of other students.

The latter in particular seemed to meet Adrius' gaze, and he greeted him with a look of disdain. It was pretty much the only way Tyce would ever look at him ever since it was announced that he had officially won second place. Adrius always figured that to mean he wasn't considered a worthy competitor anymore - even though the gap between them had actually been fairly small, and the green-clad Evoker had never particularly cared to surpass him in the first place.

At any rate, it was safe to say that Adrius didn't give half a damn about any of this. He just gave out a smile in return, and continued his observation as he held up his conversation. "True. Do you reckon three would be a better match?" He asked coolly, glancing aside at his friend. Unlike him, Kieran was visibly still half asleep. His hair was still tousled, his eyes slightly glazed, his posture more slouched than even Adrius'. Only the spooky raven Foliot on his shoulder stood entirely alert, watching everyone in the room with an eerie, unblinking stare.

He didn't have to get up this early; he'd only done so because he wanted to see Adrius off. So naturally, he wasn't too inclined to think very much yet.

Still, he was willing as always to talk with him, even over such a prosaic exchange as this. After a brief moment of consideration, he shrugged. "I suppose so," he answered. "But I would still prefer the Imp by far. Much easier to defend against. Personally, I believe a Foliot would've been a more suitable option. They're rather trickier to deal with. In that case, I'd perhaps be more inclined to take on the Utukki. Their strength would be unpleasant to deal with, but they're also much easier to outsmart."

"Oh yeah, indeed," Adrius answered smoothly. "You know, this does make me wonder: How would an Imp-sized Marid fare-" He paused, cutting himself off as he came to a stop. "Oh, hello." Quirking an eyebrow slightly, Kieran followed his gaze and found it to be focused on a certain flaxen-haired young woman sitting at a table nearby. Upon seeing her, his eyes widened slightly. "Oh." He glanced aside at Adrius. "You're... not planning on approaching her?"

Adrius looked back and flashed him a smile. "You know me. Of course I am." Then, without so much as a moment of hesitation, he made his way toward the breakfast table in his usual sort of power walk, stacking up his plate with various food items before turning on his heel and heading the girl.

Kieran followed suit, albeit a tad uncertainly, grabbing a few pastries himself and having to up his pace to keep up. Cautious and shy as ever, it had been his desire for them to just go and sit off on their own somewhere. Meeting people from other institutes was always nice, but not usually something he'd go out of his way to do. "Are you sure about this? Surely you don't plan on just walking up and asking her about what she did?"

"Oh, of course not," Adrius responded with a wave of his hand. "I intend to at least say hello first. I've got some decency, you know."

Kieran made to speak again, but by that time, they had already happened upon their destination.

Seeming to come right out of nowhere, Adrius Devereux arrived on the scene, walking up and deftly slipping into a seat across from the girl and beside a tall redhead that was sitting next to her - Northlander, it looked like. Kieran, who was moving rather more sluggishly, came up beside him a second later and sat down the normal way. Both set their plates before them.

Adjusting his cloak, the Evoker offered his usual lazy smile and picked up one of the many pastries he'd picked out. "Hello," he greeted amicably. "You two wouldn't mind if we joined you here, would you?" Beside him, Kieran just smiled drowsily, giving a poorly-executed wave and a rather quiet "Hello" of his own. All the while, the raven on his shoulder just stared at the both of them - particularly Enn.
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