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Fandom Love And War { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Ravi Akuna (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Members | 28, 24, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

As soon as Eli was off the horse, Theo was throwing his arms around him, bouncing on the balls of his heels as he squeezed. “I missed you so much.” Nothing felt right without him anymore. “Oh! Oh oh! I could run like… I don’t understand distance but definitely farther than before today!” Ezekiel, still leaning on Centaur, he was such a good horse for these dramatic moments, slid his eyes back to Kai. “Hm, hello. I did not see you there. Can I help you with something?” Hayden stayed close to Josh and the rest, shamelessly watching. This was, after all, his baby. This man better prove himself worthy. Soren was having the best time. He was always the first one to support a relationship.
Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis, and Luke Smith (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Seraphite Mentor, WLF Member | 25, 26, 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Eli laughed as he felt the arms around him. His eyes twinkling with love. “I missed you too love.” Eli said with a smile as he listened to Theo. He could listen to him for hours and never get bored. Kaiden arched an eyebrow as he came close to Ezekiel, stepping so they just barely touched but just barely. “Mm. I was looking for a handsome hammer wielding man but I don’t see him anywhere. Perhaps you can point me to him? I’d love to give him a kiss for I’ve missed him very much.” Kai said, his hands placed on the Seraphite’s arms that were across his chest. Jacob watched the scene for a moment before he turned to head over to Luke. He hugged his nephew tight and sighed softly. “I’m going to miss you kiddo.” He said quietly. Luke was his last connection to his twin. Josh watched Kai and Ezekiel with a curious smile.
Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Ravi Akuna (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Members | 28, 24, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Theo probably should have been saying goodbye to Luke and Ravi. He was really going to miss them. However, he was engrossed. He wanted to catch Eli up on everything he missed. Finally, he pulled away, took his hand, and dragged him back to the rest of the family. “Everyone! This is Eli. Eli, this is just about my entire family.” Soren nodded to them. He stepped over and put out his hand. “Glad to meet you. I’m Soren and this is my husband Jacob. We are Theo’s uncles. Or close enough.” Hayden pulled his gaze away from Kai to look at who Theo was introducing. “Hello. I’m Hayden.” Ezekiel tried not to look at the hands on his arms. He shook his head. “I don’t think I’ve seen anyone like that.” Without moving his arms too much, he readjusted so that his fingers could grasp onto Kai’s shirt and gently pull him closer. “Maybe you’re in the wrong place.”
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Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis, and Luke Smith (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Seraphite Mentor, WLF Member | 25, 26, 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Eli, having gotten used to this kind of energy from Theo, simply laughed and smiled. He followed when he was dragged to the others. His eyes took in the different men and shook Soren’s hand politely. “It’s very nice to meet all of you.” He said, before also shaking Jacob’s hand who’d come over when Theo dragged Eli over. Josh smiled and shook Eli’s hand firmly as well. “It’s nice to met you Eli. My name is Joshua, I’m Hayden’s husband.” Josh said with Eli smiled and nodded. Kai looked at Ezekiel, hearing his words but felt the fingers grasp his shirt and he moved closer at the gentle pull. “Maybe. I might just be. Perhaps I should look elsewhere for him.” Kai said, shifting himself but instead of pulling away, he moved closer, if that was possible with how close they were already and his eyes were locked with Ezekiel’s. “And perhaps, I should give you the kiss meant for him instead.”
Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Ravi Akuna (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Members | 28, 24, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

They weren’t done yet. Theo dragged Eli over to Luke. “And this is Luke. He’s Jacob and Soren’s nephew. So sort of my cousin. A lot like a brother.” He let go of Elijah and threw his arms around Luke. “We’re going to miss you soooo much! But you’re gonna do amazing things. You and Ravi.” He backed up and looked in the truck. He waved. Ravi waved back. Ezekiel bit the edge of his lower lip. Their bodies were flush against each other now. They hadn’t ever been like this in the eye of the public. It was too dangerous for anyone to see them like that. “You really are trouble, aren’t you? Kissing someone who isn’t yours.” He brought their faces close then skirted around so that his lips were just above Kai’s ear. “I like trouble.”
Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis, and Luke Smith (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Seraphite Mentor, WLF Member | 25, 26, 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Eli moved with Theo over to Luke and smiled at the red head, shaking his hand as well. “It’s very nice to meet you Luke.” Eli said with a nod. Luke grinned and then hugged Theo back. “I’ll miss you too Theo. I’ll miss all of you.” Luke said and when Theo backed up, he walked over and hugged Josh who hugged him back. “I’ll miss you buddy. Remember you always have a place with us if you decide.” Josh said as Luke backed up and nodded with a smile before he turned to hug Hayden as well. He’d miss all of his family. Kai grinned at Ezekiel, hearing his words and nodded slightly. “I am trouble..” He agreed and then he was expecting a kiss as their faces were brought close. And then the lips were outside his ear. Kai felt a shiver run down his spine as he brought a hand up to guide Ezekiel’s face away from his ear and to his face so he could look at him. “Oh good. Then I’m someone you’ll like.” He said, then closed the distance and kissed him like he’d been wanting to.
Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Ravi Akuna (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Members | 28, 24, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Hayden happily hugged Luke as well. Soren stole Luke away after that, bringing him in for a big hug. Not as big as Theo’s. “You have a great rest of your life wherever that takes you.” With one arm still around him, he pointed with the other towards the truck. “And you think about what I told you with that one. Marriage is-“ “is the best thing you’ve ever done. Right right.” Theo shoved Soren out of the way so that he could grab Luke’s hands again. “Don’t let him bully you into anything. He’s stuck in old ways that haven’t been around like… since I was born.” Ezekiel’s body ran warm despite the shiver that fell down his spine as Kai spoke. As he touched him. He was not able to come up with someone to say to that before those lips were touching his, and everything else was gone. His hands spread, sliding to Kaiden’s back so that he could hold him close. Keep him from leaving again. He kiss him slowly but deeply, though, he was willing to change to any kind Kaiden wanted. As always. “Turns out I like trouble a lot.”
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Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis, and Luke Smith (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Seraphite Mentor, WLF Member | 25, 26, 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Luke smiled at the hug before he chuckled as he was stolen away for a big hug from Soren who he hugged back. He heard his words and blushed as he looked at Soren. "Thanks Uncle Soren. And I'll think about it." He said as he laughed when his hands were taken. He looked at Theo and smiled wide. "I'll try not to let him bully me into anything." He said with a grin. Kaiden felt those lips on his, that slow yet deep kiss and those hands sliding to his back as he hummed into the kiss. When the kiss broke, he heard those words outside his ear and grinned. "Good." He said before he forcefully pushed himself away, turning so he could snag one of Ezekiel's hands. "Alright. Time to meet the family." Kai said, gently pulling on Ezekiel's hand.
Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Ravi Akuna (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Members | 28, 24, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Soren sighed. “It really is.” He disappeared from the group to go tell Ravi goodbye as well. Theo returned to Elijah’s side, taking his hand without any thought. He turned to look at Kai and laughed. “Get ready, guys. They’re a lot.” Hayden raised both brows at this. A lot? Interesting. “Are they any worse than Jacob and Soren?” Theo only laughed in response. That was… concerning. Ezekiel groaned as Kai pulled at him. “That was what I was afraid came next.” It was not that he did not want to meet them. He did. he wanted to know who was important to the most important person to him. He wanted to know who shaped him. He was also afraid for many reasons. He heard a lot of stories from both Kaiden and Theo but also from other Seraphites. Ones who escaped. Ones who had run ins that were fortunate enough not to end in death. He heard about these WLF warriors. He heard those warriors speak their names. He closed his eyes and thought of Her and Her guidance. That too was a rocky relationship now. He walked along with Kai to the rest.
Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis, and Luke Smith (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Seraphite Mentor, WLF Member | 25, 26, 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Eli smiled as he felt Theo take his hand and he squeezed it gently as he watched Kai and Ezekiel coming over. Josh had interactions with Seraphites during battles, but this was different. His boys were in love with these men and he looked at Theo, then at Hayden before hearing that laugh. Okay. So.. a lot could be good or bad. Kaiden smiled at Ezekiel and squeezed his hand reassuringly. "It'll be okay, I promise." Kai said with a smile as he led them over to the others. "Dad, Papa. This is Ezekiel. And Ezekiel, these are my dads. Hayden and Josh." He said, looking between them. Josh held out his hand for the warrior with a sincere smile on his face. "It's very nice to meet you Ezekiel."
Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Ravi Akuna (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Members | 28, 24, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Hand shakes were such a strange concept. There was no shaking of hands on the island. Everyone already knew everyone. Ezekiel did not mean to hesitate as Josh held his hand out. He simply was not sure what was happening until he remembered. He grabbed it, and let Josh lead him in the shake. “As it is nice to meet you as well.” He bowed respectfully to the first of many men. He turned his gaze to meet that of Hayden’s one eye. He took the hand outstretched to him and did the same. “I am glad we are finally able to meet,” Hayden said. It was not warm though it was not cold. Ezekiel felt that it was apprehensive. This seemed fair considering that this was the man he feared the most. Hayden dropped this hands, and in an effort to not have to keep that eye contact anymore, he turned to Jacob as Soren too was returning. “Hey. So you’re the one who’s been haunting this guy for ages.” He nodded appraisingly. “I like the hammer. Good choice. Soren, by the way. We are the uncles.” Theo leaned over to Eli and whispered, “Is this tense? It feels like it’s already tense.”
Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis, and Luke Smith (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Seraphite Mentor, WLF Member | 25, 26, 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Josh was so used to shaking hands that he didn't think about the fact that it wasn't used by everyone. He led the handshake though, a firm grip as he met Ezekiel's eyes. He saw him turn to Hayden and heard his words, that not quite warm and not quite cold tone. Jacob smiled as he walked over, holding his hand out and after Soren spoke. "Nice to finally meet you Ezekiel." He said with a smile. Eli looked at Theo and bit his lip. "It's a little tense, I'll agree. But he's been very apprehensive about meeting the parents so the tension is a little understandable." Eli whispered back to him.
Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Ravi Akuna (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Members | 28, 24, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Ezekiel gladly shook the hands of Jacob and Soren as well. They were a lot less terrifying than the other two. Despite Josh’s exterior of looking more like a soldier and Hayden having that softer, rounder face, Ezekiel decided that yes, Hayden was still in fact the one who terrified him. He was not used to being terrified. He was used to being the one that the wolves feared. He was used to being the respectable one who rose high on his island. He placed his hands behind his back,feet should width apart, and he bowed his head slightly as he looked at each. A sign of respect to them all. “I appreciate your welcome.” Theo slid behind Eli, resting his chin on his shoulder and arms around his waist. “Well, that’s silly.” Ravi, from the truck, waved a bit shyly. “Um. Hi. It’s Ravi. I’m not coming with you. Just here to say hey and duck out.” Ezekiel nodded his head towards him. “A respectable choice.”
Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis, and Luke Smith (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Seraphite Mentor, WLF Member | 25, 26, 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaiden watched the interaction between his love and his family, his eyes studying his family and a smile on his face. Josh saw that bowed head and he dipped his head back in respect. Jacob smiled at the man as well, before he turned to Ravi, hearing his words. Luke heard them too and he knew they had to get back. They had to leave their family. Eli looked at Theo as he slid behind him and felt the chin on his shoulder. "Yes well, not everyone can be happy to meet people that mean a lot to the person you love." Eli commented as Josh cleared his throat. "Alright. We should get heading so these two don't get into trouble. Luke, Ravi. I wish, among the others, that you were coming with us, but I hope your life is wonderful here. Now, is everyone ready to get headed?" Josh asked as Luke gave everyone one last hug before he turned to head to the truck. His heart ached a little at this and he swiped the tear off his cheek as he thought about the fact that this was it. This was the final chance to go with them. Abandon the truck and join them, but Luke wouldn't. He couldn't.
Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Ravi Akuna (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Members | 28, 24, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

It probably wasn’t the best thing to do, but Ravi stayed in the truck. He didn’t like goodbyes. He didn’t like being thrown into weird situations, and this was one. He kind of waved when people looked his direction, but otherwise, he didn’t say anything else. He didn’t know what he could possibly say to make this situation any better. Hayden slipped away from the group to say goodbye to Ravi before he came back over to the rest. Stood closer to Kai and Ezekiel. Ezekiel did not move. This was okay. He could stand here. Soren called after Luke. “Go have great adventures! Remember that we love you!” Theo ran over to him and looked down which was weird for him. He didn’t do the awkward a lot. “Can you- I know this is weird. But can you check in on my mom every now and then? She’s probably fine, but you know, she’s older now and she doesn’t have my dad to keep her going anymore…”
Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis, and Luke Smith (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Seraphite Mentor, WLF Member | 25, 26, 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Luke looked back as he heard Soren call after him and he smiled. "I will!" He said as he looked at him, and then he saw Theo run over to him. A frown crossed his face as he heard the request. "Of course I will. It's not weird, she's as much my family as all of you are. Even if I didn't know them as well." He replied, and hugged Theo tightly. "Now go on! Go have your adventures." He said, playfully pushing Theo towards Eli. Josh looked at Hayden and smiled. "Let's get you up on a horse so we can get moving. The sooner we leave Seattle, the easier it'll be for the two boys heading back." Josh said as Luke finally climbed into the truck, waving to them as he turned the engine on.
Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Ravi Akuna (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Members | 28, 24, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Ravi waved again to those outside the truck but retreated as in as he could. This was already too much for him. Theo giggled as he was pushed away and playfully ran into Eli. Hayden still felt very wary of this whole idea, but he would allow it for now. If Kai and Theo were happy, then this could be worth it. He stepped towards the horses and sighed. How exactly was he supposed to do this? Ezekiel stepped up and beside Hayden and Josh. “Let us help you.” Between him and Josh, they could get him up on either horse without too much trouble.
Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis, and Luke Smith (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Seraphite Mentor, WLF Member | 25, 26, 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Josh looked at Ezekiel, nodding his head in respect. “Alright love. I’m going to hold your bad leg, and Ezekiel can get the good one. We’ll pick you up and get you on.” He said, his hands going to the bad leg. Eli laughed as Theo ran into him playfully. Once Ravi was in the truck, Luke paused. He knew he needed to back up, but he wanted to make sure they got out safely. Jacob stood by the other horse, and waited patiently. He wasn’t as strong as Josh or Ezekiel and so there wasn’t much he could do. Kai bit his lip and watched the two men help his dad up. His eyes glittered with worry as he waited on the side.
Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Ravi Akuna (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Members | 28, 24, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Hayden thought about this quickly, considering the pros and cons of this situation. Ezekiel was stronger than the rest. He clearly was built for combat. Hayden could not be shocked by his son who was intrinsically part of combat would be attracted to someone like that. Though, he did not see who this other person was. Not yet anyway. Ezekiel followed Josh’s lead and lifted Hayden up at the appropriate time to help him into the saddle. “You do not have to worry about knowing how to ride,” Ezekiel assured him. Centaur can do it for you until you have learned it.” Hayden nodded. He knew the basics that many from the old world knew but nothing specific enough to not need assistance. Theo bounced once. “You look so regal! We should have had you riding around on a horse at the stadium. Who would tell you no then?” Ravi watched from the truck, his hand taking Luke’s. With Hayden up on the horse, they were going to leave soon.
Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis, and Luke Smith (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Seraphite Mentor, WLF Member | 25, 26, 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Josh worked well with Ezekiel in getting Hayden up onto Centaur. Once his husband was up, he stood next to him and smiled softly. “Look at you. Theo’s right. You look very regal up there love.” He said before looking at the others. Eli looked at Theo. “We’ll use midnight until one of the older men need her. I don’t want you stressing your lungs love.” He said as Jacob nodded. “That’s a good idea. And we can walk for a while.” He said as Eli swung into the saddle and held a hand for Theo. Kai took Ezekiel’s hand and looked at the others. “Let’s go.” He said with a smile. Luke felt Ravi take his hand, and he squeezed it. This was harder than he thought. And they still had to explain the sudden disappearance of the Smith Clan.
Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Ravi Akuna (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Members | 28, 24, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Hayden laughed. Sure. Regal. It felt a bit strange up there and depending on a creature he did not know. Perhaps that would not be so bad. He would see. Theo nodded, not really in the mood to argue this. He took Eli’s hand and mounted the horse as well. Having the two horses was a good idea so that everyone could take turns resting instead of having to stop so much. Hopefully this would mean that they could travel in less time. Soren started moving like this was a normal walk with the family. He was ready. Ezekiel nodded, unsure what to say or do. He started walking with the rest. Ravi sighed. They could do this. Everything was going to be okay. Right? It had to be okay. Luke said it was going to be okay. He was always right. He watched out the truck as the family started moving away from them. Now came the hard part. Oh he wasn’t sure if he could do this after all. This was going to be so much harder.
Luke Smith
WLF Member | 21 | Current location ;; Washington

The family was moving, walking away and Luke’s breath caught in his throat. He watched them moving, getting further in the distance. “I didn’t think it would be this..” Hard, difficult, terrifying. They were on their own, the family heading into the distance. His heart hurt, tears flowed down his face as he bit his lip and turned the truck around. Now came the hardest part. Dealing with the WLF and explaining why the men never came back. “Maybe we should’ve gone with them.” Luke whispered, his voice broken as he spoke. He knew the answer, he knew they needed to stay here, this was where they belonged. “Ready for this?” He asked, because Luke wasn’t. He drove through to the field, memories of them racing and having the family with them ran through his mind as he drove them back to the stadium.
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Ravi Akuna
WLF Member | 25 | Current location ;; Washington

No. No he was not ready. He wasn’t and probably wouldn’t ever be ready for this. He wasn’t not built for this kind of thing. Ravi was best at being in the back, fixing the things that were broken. Luke was broken, but he didn’t know how to fix him. He worked with machines and not people. People were unpredictable. They didn’t work in logical sequences. “Luke…” he didn’t know what to say, because he was so bad at saying things. Any things. He wished that somehow he could make his partner feel better. How could he possibly do that when his family left? All he had now was his mother. A cousin’s mother. A burden to bear. That wasn’t fair at all. “I’m sorry.” That he couldn’t be more helpful. That he didn’t have the answers. That he wasn’t the outgoing family that was leaving him. They chose not to go, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
Luke Smith
WLF Member | 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Luke heard Ravi’s voice and his gaze flicked towards him. His free hand on the steering wheel as he drove them home. “Thank you Sunshine.” Luke said softly, his gaze turning back to the gates ahead of them. “We might get tonight free from questions but when.. when they don’t show up for patrols. Or medical. Then we’ll be questioned. If they try and talk to you without me around, you can tell them f find me.” Luke said squeezing the hand that held Ravi’s. “I.. I’ll handle this. Although I’m more concerned with what Isaac will say over anyone else here.” He admitted as they drove past the hotel.
Ravi Akuna
WLF Member | 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Ravi bit the sides of his lower lip. Breathed. Hoped. There was no good way to do this. What could they possibly tell people? That they didn’t know anything? Ravi was horrible at lying. He could tell them to go find Luke all he wanted, but that did not mean that they would. It was going to be suspicious that Ravi was dodging all the questions. “Isaac and Hayden were in this together. Maybe… Maybe he already knows? Maybe would rather let them go than that be a fight too.” It was a thought. He didn’t know. He was just… hoping. Still.

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