Locations - Fuya


The Sleepy Prisoner
The following is a thread containing a list of locations in Fuya, the Frozen Wasteland. Please follow the format shown below.


Other Names/titles:

Location: (General location in relation to other major points)



Name: Oskarum

Other Names/Titles: The Capital of Fuya; The Frozen Court

Location: About 500 miles south of the border between Imperium and Fuya. Lies closer to Mesopotamia's border than it does to Burgura's. Will take about a day by dog sled, 15 hours by tamed wolf, ~12 by sail sled, up to 5 hours by sail sled given high wind conditions to reach from Imperium's Border. Of course this is all if it is weather permitting.

Description: Originally built on top of a lonely mountain, structures have since been placed around the capital, forming massive ice spikes that tower into the sky. These constructions built eons ago have since provided a barrier for the city, protecting it from the extremes of extremes. It has undergone many name changes, but it currently rests under the name Oskarum, in tribute to a legendary king of the past. While originally a fortress, it has since been lavishly decorated by skills artisans in the form of buildings, sculptures, and murals. It is one of the most populated cities in Fuya. The mountain has since been hollowed out to provide a place for farming. It is a city built from tier to tier, leading to the inner sanctum that is the royal palace. While it isn't too far from the rest of the continent, it is isolated by its natural environment, making it difficult to be reached. Many have tried to declare war on Fuya, few have even seen the gorgeous towers of its capital. Despite its isolation, it is a place that merchants are willing to trek to for the unique and exotic culture and arts of Fuya, including the blocks of ice.

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