The King of Swing
Dr. Hector Amon
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 140 lbs
Occupation: mad scientist, West Imperial government (?) worker, jerk
Text Color: #7abd3f
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 140 lbs
Occupation: mad scientist, West Imperial government (?) worker, jerk
Text Color: #7abd3f

Many dark experiments exist in the world. Some are right under the noses of most folks, who live their lives without even knowing that they go to work, take their children to school, and sleep in beds situated right above something vile. Dr. Amon only works eight hours a day in a laboratory in the West Empire. He's not breaking the code to new potions, inventing ways to alchemically change materials into something of value, or fighting infectious diseases. No, Dr. Amon wakes up and brushes his teeth to prepare for what he's always done.
He's responsible for maintaining something that the West Empire has sanctioned for use on old, injured, or otherwise unwanted slaves as well as political prisoners and creatures or humanoids of the like. These "Monster Factories" spring up from time to time, never lasting too long due to their secrets going public. They're technically legal, but highly immoral, and many contest the usefulness and actual productiveness of them. They're responsible for churning out artificial beasts for any number of reasons. Perhaps there are large populations of dangerous creatures that require quick extermination, then a nearby Monster Factory makes an expendable form of fauna control. Other times they're commissioned by local governments to create superweapons.
Under the growing threat of war from most borders on the continent, this became the primary reason for their existence at all.
Therefore, Dr. Amon settled into his seat knowing he had quite the lofty position. He knew that the checks would keep rolling in so long as he produced results. When a draconian beast approached the facility knowing full and well about its purpose and history, the security around it seemed confused. But Dr. Amon just shrugged and allowed her inside. She craved power, but that wasn't his primary or even tertiary concern. He may have lied about what the facility entailed but - again - it didn't matter to him. She seemed confident enough, and if she could survive being a guinea pig for their various experiments it wouldn't be any skin off his nose.
If anything she was a free test dummy for what they could reliably produce elsewhere.
The stonework of the tunnel leading down into the heart of the laboratories extended deeper than many realized or estimated. A veritable bunker, the construction had many ebbing and winding hallways that housed living quarters, food depositories, material storage, and - of course - many wings of actual scientific hubs, labs, and operating rooms. Dr. Amon would lead Arashi down into one of these hallways, going through the motions about the reasons why this facility existed in the first place.
"It's all a vast network of brilliant people who were lucky enough to get paid the right amount of money," he waved his hand around nonchalantly, his round glasses concealing any measure of human emotion or limitation.
"We're funded by the local government so this is basically free for you to engage in,"
He'd lead her into an operating room. This far down, the smell of oil lamps and chemical concoctions were indistinguishable in the thick air.
"So, just have a seat on the table here and we'll get you set up for your... upgrades," he tilted his head, leaving the room with the guards that followed them inside.
On the opposite side of the wall, he revealed a hidden switch and pulled it down, sealing the room and releasing a gaseous quick-acting sedative that would infiltrate Arashi's lungs and put her to sleep long enough for them to actually bind her to the table. The guards waited for about ten minutes before donning filtration masks and heading inside to do just that. Considering her abilities, they'd include a tight muzzle with her bindings.
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