Opinion Little things that PISS YOU OFF.


*People being seen as good in the eyes of others when you see them as a piece of absolute shit
*When people value making their posts look as BBCoded as possible but fail to actually do anything well with their content
*Realizing your friends aren't actually your friends and that they'd never help you out in a real-life problem
*People that prioritize themselves at the expense of others
*Golden State fans that think the NBA finals are over just because of 1 game
*New England Patriots fans that need to shut up
*People that use an old af thread as a means to vent
When I ask "For Here or to go," and you say, "yes."

The next one is "Are these French Fries fresh? Because they don't taste fresh. Give me a fresh one." Well dude we literally just got these out of the fryer a minute ago. They literally can't be fresher unless you stuck your hand into the frying oil and fished out your fries yourself. Just stop complaining and be glad we straight didn't serve you fries from the goddamn trash bin you spoiled piece of crap.

(You can obviously tell which one I hate more.)
You have summoned me.

You have reminded me of a simpler time. A more innocent time. Thank you.
Just the one yen? Medieval peasants got paid more than that.
I saw somewhere a RP where people were supposed to do some ridiculously outrageous thing for 1,000,000 yen (because it was an anime rp. I didnt know this until I clicked and only briefly considered a troll character before shooting down as not worth my time.) I did however run that into a currency converter to find that it averaged out to about 9,000 USD. I debated again telling the creator of the RP this but decided to let his/her mistake go unnoticed until someone else happened upon it for maximum humor shock value
I hate it when people try to talk to me when I have earbuds in >.< like obviously I can't hear you, so why are you talking????
When people ask me what I am thinking about (I am a daydreamer, so I get this a lot). If I wanted you to know, I would tell you!
When people try to shove their opinions down my throat, ahh no.

When people come to my register on their phone or have their headphones in as their paying for stuff. Instead of paying attention during the transaction, they want to gripe after the fact about a price or something is wrong. Should have been paying more attention then.
When people act like idiots or assholes and when they get called out they defend themselves with "I was trolling!! Kek!!"

Acting stupid or like a douchebag ironically is as pitiful as acting that way unironically.

Alternatively, people who think anything is ok as long as it's a joke. I've met too many people who think they can say and do whatever they want to people and when there's real life consequences or people are rightfully mad at them they just keep repeating "b-but it was a joke!"
Uh this isn't a debate thread did I ask?
No you didn't. I'm just letting you know that I'd disagree.
I didn't ask to debate you on whether or not someone acting stupid ironically is as pitiful as unironically, though.
I even added "I say" so you would be assured that it was merely my opinion, not an overarching statement of fact.
My bad if I made it hard to interpret. :lennyslash:
Religious people who swear they're better than anyone else.
Also, atheists who swear they're enlightened and everyone else is gullible.
People who touch my hair without my consent what is wrong with you you did not work on this with me ewww fingers
People who ate a thesaurus and think wording arguments 'obscurely' or, well, wordily means they're ~Intellectuals~. Just say what you need to say, it's okay, you're okay, you're still intelligent, promise.
I can think of quite a few things that piss me off on this site,

• People with dumb quotes/gifs as bios. It's like subtle pretentiousness.
• Status updates that mean nothing to anyone and are just generally a waste of everyone's time.
• People with pseudo-intellectual writing styles. This ain't philosophy class.
• When I post something and it doesn't get spammed with likes.
• People who just feel the need to express their opinion in the middle of a completely unrelated conversation.
• Posts which scream "I'M A DEEP PERSON"
• Just everything about this site's discussion tab in general, really.

All of which I'm guilty of. Still gonna bash on other people for sharing the cringe too though.

How about you guys? What annoys you about this site?
Hi there, I think you'd love me then.

In all seriousness these quotes that I have in my signature aren't there to do anything for anyone except myself. I have really hard days, emotionally, psychologically and occasionally as I'm posting or writing my eyes will land on the quote in my signature. It's not there for anyone else but me. Because it makes me feel better especially when I'm having a bad day. Alan Watts is the first and only philosopher I've ever had an interest in listening too. He was one of the first to bring philosophy from the east to the west in the form of speeches, some call them lectures but I think that implies a sort of authority and that's not what he's doing. I also have it in my signature because I want people who are struggling like I am to find him and perhaps get a bit of motivation or inspiration from it I realize this contradicts my first statement but it's not the reason I put it there in the first place.

I do think it's important that we not attack each other or try to make each other feel bad about the things we do. Because at the end of it all you really don't know how your actions can affect someone else whose having a bad day simply because you don't know/care about their circumstances. I'm not an "expert" in philosophy or anything really.... but it's just common decency to treat each other fairly and with respect.

But something that angers me really bad is when someone attacks me for no reason, just sitting there minding my own business and someone throws a passive aggressive statement my way because it shows a lack of willingness to communicate, and I think it's rather petty.
Slow people who walk in front of me, especially if they're in groups and talking to each other while shuffling like a penguin in the middle of the hallway while there's a whole crowd behind them trying to get through. Just, I mean, I swear to-MOVE!

And then there are those people on RPN who only pay attention to things with a pretty BBcode sheet that took three hours. > n > Sorry I spend more time fleshing out my chars and trying to write thought out posts than spending 50 minutes rummaging through div boxes and border styles.
On the simpler side of life, I absolutely loathe gnats -- not only do they get absolutely EVERYWHERE even if you keep things shut tight, but also ('fun' fact!) whenever they swarm around a person's head, it's basically to have an orgy.

But what really pisses me off? When the pharmacy (and/or doctor) doesn't tell you of any possible side effects of a new medication you get. Because OH BOY I had a joy of a ride being kept up all night with convulsions only to come within several inches of actually killing myself when I crashed headfirst into a door-frame upon fainting after getting out of bed... Only to call the doctor later that day and learn that I WAS SUPPOSED TO TAKE IT IN THE MORNING. (Despite my first prescription having that very instruction on the label, while I was ordered to take it at night by the doctor.)

Honestly, and people ask me why I hate going to the doctor...
People who lack common sense or are lazy. I know that can be very broad but damn people. How hard is it to do some of you simplest of things?
When flatmates bring "just friends" over, only to have them stay the night "because it's too late to send them back". C'mon, I know what you're doing, and if you could do it just a bit quieter, I'd really appreciate it.
- People opening the door when it is closed without even knocking
- People walking out of a room and not closing the door when it was closed when they walked in
- Calling people Insane
- Bullying a person with a disorder
- People who make everything about themselves
- When people hate you or bully you just because you don't have the same opinion as them
Things like all blonde haired blue eyes girls are dumb or brats and that red heads are evil and that people with stuff like Multiple Personality Disorder are murderous and That people who are labelled insane are going to try to hurt you just because they are different. Ticks me off so bad.
What really grinds my gears:
- Sleep paralysis, scariest experience ever
- When people don't flush after they use a public toilet. Freaking gross!
- People who cut lines
- When people use slang words that don't make any sense. For example, "Let's reach the mall." when they really mean "Let's go to the mall." Like I can't read your mind, if you can't communicate properly. >_>;
People who post things that appear to be over 25% hashtags. One hashtag is annoying. Too many burns my eyes.

The sound of fingernails on paper. Worst sound in the universe; rings in my ears after. It is a torture to my brain cells and I will do absolutely anything to get away from the dreadful noise.

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