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OOC Little Talks

Iiiiiin other news... *rrrrr*

I don't know how many of you, if any, actually thought the Quest feature was a useful one - especially considering it's been poorly updated lately. But. I thought I'd go ahead and clean it up and keep track once more, since it's been here for a long time and, at least on paper, it sounds like a good idea. It was put in place to help people remember the most important stuff that's going on and what they should be doing, particularly since Amaranth is a long-running game and some of you are engaged in other games at the same time, plus living you know your actual lives, so it can be easy to lose track. Do you agree? Or do you think it's unnecessary and we could do with removing it? Until then:

Quests updated!

Main quest updated: Broken Wings

Main quest added: The Fifth Gate
Side quest added: Death From Above
Minor quest added: Mountain Flowers
I usually forget to check it, but I like seeing the updates! Makes me feel accomplished when a quest is updated or completed.
I haven't used it and forgot it was there. I see it more of a guide as to what you want us to do (which is fine for this kind of game). I also think it's thoughtful of you to take the time to do it. It promotes communication, too. =)
Makes me feel accomplished when a quest is updated or completed.
Even if that's all it does, it makes it worthwhile! *woof*

I wouldn't say it's a guide of what I want you to do, since at least some of those quests are triggered by the players. Obviously there's the "main storyline" to go through, but pretty much everything else is subject to change. Tho I suppose I'm guilty of restricting the number of ways to go about it sometimes *woof*
I use the word "guide" here because the quest tracker acts like one for people like me. When I can just click a button and find out what we're basically supposed to be doing next, that's a help, especially if I'm having an off-day.

I use them every chance I get when I play video games. =)
The stress was on the word want, not guide. What I was saying was that I didn't like the implication that it's a list a stuff that I want the players to do - even if it's sometimes the case (for example with main quests), it kind of sounds bad for a RP :/ *whine* Most of the time, at least, it ought to be a list the players chose to do, especially if you're the ones who trigger the quest.
Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr Let me know if anything in that passes beyond the usual orthodoxy? I thought I remembered you saying once that Creationism is rather like Judaism, but the Jewish funeral prayers I looked up didn't fit the tone I was going for, so I borrowed from Christianity instead.
Kaerri Kaerri it borrows from Christianity as well as Judaism, but it's not meant to be a recreation of either of those religions so there's no need to worry. My bad for not writing in greater detail about Creationism, but since this isn't a religion-oriented game I just couldn't justify the time and effort it would expend. I've done my best to brief you (and now Andei Andei ) on what's been relevant so far, and I'm obviously here for any follow-up questions throughout the game. I do realize there are some things I haven't made clear enough, or haven't mentioned at all (and some I might only have divulged to Andei in our character development PMs. But in general, much like with other aspects of the game, you are free and encouraged to try and "fill" the gaps on your own, using common sense and logic that we've established so far.

For example, what you wrote for Maggie in your latest post - this is absolutely wonderful and fits perfectly with the theme of Creationism. I couldn't in good faith go and say otherwise! *woof*

Purr Purr , catch that? He he XD

Rekai Leon Rekai Leon I'll be looking forward to your and Andei's posts! Looks like you guys are about to head into combat, so if you haven't yet, make sure to glance over W.A.R.S. *rawrrr*
I caught it, hee hee ^D^ Thanks!

Yeah, if this were a more church-centered story then there'd be time for writing up various services and such, but it doesn't come up nearly so much in one like this. Obviously Maggie would know all the rites and rituals (or at least have them handy in a prayer book or something) but that doesn't mean we need to get specific about it until it comes up. And I figured, in this situation, she's more likely to improvise (and personalize).
Heya folks! Kaerri and I are going out of town for a few days. Should be back Sunday. Stay safe and have fun! =)
Alright, in the meantime I'd just like to inquire if you guys are actually done with your scene, because that's what it sounds like. Are you ready to rejoin the rest of the Chosen and see if everyone's ready to head out?
Rekai Leon Rekai Leon I think you got a little confused there. I was talking to Dannigan, Kaerri, and Parrot. You and Andei have your own scene which looks far from over to me. Or did you think those wolves were going to cease to exist and you'll all just move along? 😇 *woof*
If you have a solid dwarf in your party, no number of wolves can take you down. You'll just have a new wardrobe of wolf pelt gear to brag about. =)
Quite appropriate considering the chilly weather. I would certainly would like some pelts to cover up if not more blankets.
You guys 😂

I think we are done with the current scene, unless Parrot or Dann has something they want to add.
I'm good (and we're back from out-of-town!). =)

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