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Realistic or Modern Lights, Camera, Action! IC


Ten Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check



Holly Monroe as Rachel Coby
Preston Cash as Hunter Brooks
Noelle Geller as Carmen Stark
Nick Finnbar as Chip Fontaine
Bianca Ellis as Kristine Tenenbaum
Lucas Kim as Michael Lee

Last edited:
First Week On Set



Holly Monroe as Rachel Coby PixieDust PixieDust
Preston Cash as Hunter Brooks Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
Noelle Geller as Carmen Stark elderflower elderflower
Nick Finnbar as Chip Fontaine Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
Bianca Ellis as Kristine Tenenbaum tamarapasek tamarapasek
Lucas Kim as Michael Lee weldherwings weldherwings

'Oh, hey! I'm Manny, 2nd AD on the set of Northwood and your friendly neighbourhood Go-To-Guy for questions about your schedule. Congratulations on getting the role and here's to a long career! Today is your first table read and wardrobe fitting. You're required to report to our studios in Burbank by no later than 8am to begin the read-through with the rest of the cast, principal writers, producer and, of course our wonderful director John. This is probably the latest call time you'll ever have on set, so savour it, my friend and DON'T BE LATE. If you arrive early feel free to hang out in the green room and mingle with each other until you're called through, it's no problem and we have ping pong!

The day is expected to last until 5pm so snacks and lunch will be provided. My personal recommendation is Patsy's food truck, it's totally the best. Please ask for our 1st AD Lauren when you arrive, and she'll make sure you get to the right lot. See you soon!'

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With: n/a
Time: 7:30am
Where: her apartment, the studio green room
Mentions: n/a
Mood: nervous, excited, maybe a little queasy

Was it odd that the first thing Holly Monroe saw when she opened her eyes at 6 in the morning was a pair of green eyes and mop of curly sandy blond hair? Not really, but it was rather inconvenient.
'Ugh...Greg what are you doing in here?' she mumbled as she rubbed at her eyes blearily.
'Waking you up, duh. Do you not
remember what's happening today?' Holly blinked a few times and offered her roommate a blank look. In all honesty, Holly had begun losing track of the days what with how little sleep she had been getting lately.
'Um no, obviously. Please do enlighten me.'

Greg rolled his eyes with an impish, incredulous expression. 'Geez, you really need more sleep if you don't remember it's the table read today.' As if struck by sudden electricity, Holly sat bolt upright, her brown eyes wide and fully alert and her auburn hair falling haphazardly out of the bun it had been in and around her shoulders.

'That's today?' She picked up her phone from the bedside table and checked the date. 'Oh my god it's today! Okay I need to get ready, why didn't I realise?' The red head shooed her laughing friend from the room and began thinking over all the things she needed to do perfectly for the day. Would she even have time to make a flask of herbal tea or journal her morning thoughts and gratitudes? Definitely not, and being out of whack with her routine was deeply pissing her off.

Despite her fretting, it did not take Holly very long to get herself ready to head out.

'You want me to drive you there? I gotta be there anyways you know...' Greg said as he handed her a ready made flask of piping hot green tea. She took it gratefully. 'How did you know I needed-'
'I'm a production assistant, Trench Coat. It's literally what I'm paid to do. Now come on. I know you want to get there early so you can impress the Almighty Raimi.'

After more similar teasing on the drive to the studios, the pair were finally there and Holly parted ways with her new and only friend in LA as he headed to a different sound stage, but not before reminding her to ask for Lauren the 1st AD.

As Holly looked up at the imposing studio building, she felt a sudden knot in her stomach and lump in her throat. This was really happening now. She was in a tv show. Queasiness was not the internal reaction she had been expecting to this fact.

Don't sabotage yourself, Holly. Walk in there like you're supposed to be there...because...you are supposed to be there!

Holly took a composing breath, plastered on her signature self assured smile and took purposeful strides into the studio building and over to the receptionist.
'Excuse me, I'm Holly Monroe. Here for the Northwood table reading and fittings. I was told to ask for Lauren'

It was not long before Lauren arrived. Holly thought she seemed like a stern, no nonsense sort of person and was definitely sizing Holly up.
'Alright Miss Monroe, you're a half hour early. Let me take you through to the Green Room to wait.'

The Green Room in question was certainly not green, but it was a comfortable and airy space, filled with natural sunlight and a couple of large soft sofas. in the very centre of the room was a pingpong table, which was far too juvenile for Holly's tastes.

MOOD: Irritated

OUTFIT: better over than underdressed

Qwertycakes Qwertycakes

PixieDust PixieDust
TL;DR Somepne's grumpy today geez. But also simpingCOMMENT]

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

bianca ellis
I love you since this morning, not just for aesthetic

If the tenants of the Heavenly Homes apartment building somehow managed to take a peek into Apartment 204 they would be greeted with an outpour of profanities. You see, Bianca Ellis; like an idiot had decided that now would be a perfect time to test out her new curling iron, promptly resulting in her not only burning her neck, but stubbing her toe into a closet door; resulting in an entire drawer of clothing falling on her toe.
"Son of a bitch! Fucking bas-" her curses were soon interrupted by wails of pain and a shriek of horror at the realization that her nail was promptly broken in half. Though ordinarily she'd be too disgusted by that to function, it was a special day and she needed to bite the bullet and fix her bloody toe before she ran late. Half an hour later, the toe was promptly cleaned up and bandaged. Sure the nail was still flopping around, but she wasn't too worried about that right now. It wasn't as if the directors would ask her to show her feet. Unless it was a really inappropriate casting couch thing going on, which she doubted.

Blood and here were not good friends most days. The mere thought made her feel queasy, and gore was a guaranteed vomit inducer. Though it was necessary for her to fix the injury it didn't mean her blood aversion had disappeared. Just delayed ever so slightly, which was made apparent as she remembered the foul image and had to rush to the bathroom to throw up.

After that whole mess, she had a relatively peaceful getting ready session. She even pulled one of her most valley girl-ish dresses out of her wardrobe for the occasion, one that was a poor man's version of an outfit her character likely would wear. It was probably a little formal for a table read, but if anybody questioned it or judged her she could just say that she had a date straight after. A laughable excuse, but an excuse nonetheless. After all how likely was it that the mostly new cast was aware of how pathetically single she was? But then again that would mean a certain someone thought she was off the market. Or maybe him thinking she was unavailable would make him want her more? The eternal question: should she seem wanted or available?

Packing her makeup in her carry-on, she departed from the apartment with a slight wince. She didn't wanna risk running late because of makeup gone wrong, especially with Murphy's Law at power today.

Like anyone else, Bianca was still stuck taking public transit. She'd never actually gotten her license as of yet, and at this point she had been so used to taking the bus she couldn't imagine driving a car. Plus she would rather die than admit it but the idea of driving was terrifying. She couldn't quite explain what exactly bothered her, but if she had to guess? The responsibility, the extreme focus, the risk of road accidents. It just bothered her way too much. So she "went green" and took the bus like a chump.

The ride was relatively quiet; to her amusement the person sitting in front of her was using that gif of 12 year old Bianca sobbing in his dms. Yes she was snooping. She didn't have wifi damnit, she needed to entertain herself somehow.

Departing the bus to walk over to the studio, she confidently strode in. After a brief conversation with Lauren, she promptly switched courses to the green room.

There, was Holly Monroe. Miss Wannabe Broadway bitch who had somehow won the starring role over Bianca. The girl was still salty over the loss of that role. She was still happy she'd got any role but she couldn't help but think. Did she really not have leading lady potential? Those upsetting thoughts were pushed out of her head only replaced with an obsesdive annoyance with the redhead who really hadn't done anything wrong.

"Morning," she greeted her quietly; settling onto one of the giant green room couches to begin applying her makeup.
code by valen t.
mood :
I look hot.

location :
the green room
outfit :
mentions :
tamarapasek tamarapasek PixieDust PixieDust

interactions :
Holly and Bianca
Noelle had arrived in LA a month prior to the table read, she needed to establish herself in America and for Noelle that meant finding an upscale apartment that fits her aesthetic and buying a whole new wardrobe and she'd completed both of those tasks successfully. Besides spending the last month spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on vintage designer clothes she'd also found herself becoming an up and rising star on the LA party scene, she has received many a instagram dm from a high end club asking her to make an appearance and of course Noelle was no stranger to good time so she'd spent most nights drinking, kissing sexy people and snorting lines off some B-listers bathroom sink. She really had made herself at home in America but now it was time to get to work.

"Stupid fucking boot." Noelle cursed in Finnish as she sat on the concrete stairs just outside her front door, a lit cigarette hung from her lips and her signature pair of Chanel sunglasses perched on her nose. "Finally!" Noelle said as the boot finally slipped into place and she swiftly zipped it up before pushing herself off the front step and heading across the pavement where her latest boy toy sat in sleep black porshe waiting to drive her to the table read. What was his name again? Max? Micheal? Oh, she really didn't care right now as she had a table read to be at. "You look great." He said as Noelle slipped into the passenger seat "I know." She replied as she flipped down the sun flap and looked in the mirror. Her chauffeur with benefits revved the engine before zooming off down the streets of LA while she sat happy applying a top up to her brown eye liner and mascara. She finished by slicking back her hair into a claw clip and then turned to look out the window.

"So, How you liking the US?" her boy toy asked and Noelle rolled her eyes. "Do you want me to give my honest opinion?" she spoke, her tone slightly annoyed but it masked by her accent. "Oh, I want to be honest." He said with a smirk which gave Noelle the biggest ick she'd ever felt in her life. "I find it lacks any sort of culture. The party scene is good though." She said not even turning to look at him. The rest of the ride was in silence.

Her boy toy pulled up to the studios and Noelle slipped out of the car and walked round the driver side window. She leaned over and pressed her lips to the mans and once they pulled apart her smirked "So, do you wanna do this again?" he asked referring to the night they spent together and Noelle simply laughed "Oh darling, I never sleep with the same man twice and you're particularly lacking in that department anyway." She laughed at him. Noelle enjoyed seeing the colour drain from his face and so she left him with one last kiss on the cheek before walking away. "BITCH!" he shouted to her as she strutted towards the studio, she did throw her middle finger back at him without missing a step.

Noelle didn't head into reception straight away, she first stood outside and lit another cigarette. As she smoked she leant against the building watching people who seemed to take life way to seriously walk by "Miss Geller?" A voice called to her from the direction of the reception and Noelle took her sunglasses off and hung them off her sheet "Oui?" She said as the cigarette had already burnt down to the filter and so she casual dropped it before stamping on it with her black Prada boot. "If you're finished would you like to come through to the green room?" she said and Noelle walked over and followed the rather meek woman in. "If you'd-" she began but Noelle cut her off "Where is the powder room?" and the receptionist smiled and directed her to the bathroom and Noelle entered and slung her thousand dollar bag down like it was worth nothing. She stood in front of the mirror fixing her outfit before she reached into her bag and pulled out her signature perfume; Maison Francis Kurkdjian Rouge. She sprayed herself a few times before taking one more look in the mirror and headed back out to the receptionist who seemed rather annoyed with her for some reason. "Just through that door." The receptionist said and Noelle thanked her with a wink.

Upon entering the room Noelle immediately spotted the two young women who'd already arrived and she smiled at them both, one stood at a mirror while the other sat in one of comically oversized couches "Hello darlings." Noelle spoke with a voice like velvet as she reached over and kissed both of Holly's cheeks "Noelle." She said to her with a beaming smile. "I would come a kiss your cheeks but I don't want to ruin your make up." Noelle said to Bianca with a smile. Noelle didn't opt for the couch she instead walked over to the window and opened it up and she quickly pulled herself up onto the small window sill "You don't mind do you?" she said with yet another cigarette between her lips. She didn't wait for their responses as she lit the cigarette and blew the smoke out the open window.

The young Finnish women scanned her eyes over both women, neither of them were her type. Holly had the most beautiful vibrant red hair that made Noelle jealous, she was dressed rather preppy but it suited her "I love your shoes, where'd you get them?" Noelle asked Holly staring at the beautiful pair of purple Mary Jane heels she wore. While Holly answered Noelle glanced over at Bianca who seemed like she didn't want to be bothered and so Noelle didn't.
coded by reveriee.

i just wanna go home.

green room

noelle ( elderflower elderflower ), bianca ( tamarapasek tamarapasek ) and holly ( PixieDust PixieDust )

i don't want to be here

lucas kim

The Kim household had been awake and moving since five in the morning on this fine day.

Well, that was a lie. Lucas had been up and awake at four-thirty in the morning. His alarm was waiting dormant, ready to chime once the clock turned over to five. However, he had found himself in a sea of anxiety and dread for the day before him that awoke him from his light sleep for the eighth time since taking refuge in his bed last night. He silently counted down the minutes, and then seconds, that his alarm would begin to sing. And once it did, he laid there, listening. The melody triggered him, reminding him of all the wonderful deep nights of sleep he had had in the past that was so rudely interrupted by the tone. If only he could’ve had the same experience this morning, rather than lying in despair for hours on end.

He eventually crawled out of bed, using every ounce of energy to motivate himself. Within minutes he was dressed in his athletic attire and hitting the pavement for his morning run. For the next hour, he found peace and comfort in the chill of the morning wind hitting his skin, and the sound of the guitars and drums thrashing in his ears thanks to his air pods. Normally, an hour of running always felt dragged out and like it was never going to end. Today, for some unknown reason, it went by incredibly quick. Before he knew it, he was back at home and helping his mother to prepare breakfast for the entire family. His stomach turned and curdled as he flipped the eggs on the frying pan and placed the slices of bread into the toaster. How could he possibly eat at a time like this?

His mother coaxed him into at least eating one egg, a piece of bacon and a slice of toast for breakfast. While the household was awake and thriving, the silence lingered in the air as the family sat down for breakfast. Everyone wanted to say something about today, but instead, their ears began to ring from the deafening silence apart from the occasional sip of coffee or the crunch of the toast. The tension grew thick and dense, and eventually, his father rose from the table – muttering about needing to leave for work early – and left. Lucas could feel the pressure on his chest slowly ease once he heard his father’s X-Trail reversing from the garage and down the street. But even with the absence of Eric Kim, things were left unsaid and ignored as his mother also stood from the table, telling Lucas that she was going to help his sister get ready for school while he had a shower.

No matter how hot the water was, no matter how red and raw his skin was turning, Lucas couldn’t feel anything. He was numb. He felt like the kindling fire, his passion, for life was captured and concealed. There was little to no room for it to envelope its environment and was restricted to its confines. And that’s how the rest of his morning went; he felt completely and utterly numb through it all. His mother helped him to pick out a suitable piece of clothing, they dropped his Elise at her school and met up with her nurse, and finally, they were on their way to the studio. His heart rattled in his chest, feeling his blood violently gush through his body. Was he coming down with something? Maybe today wasn’t the best day to start? He felt faint, like he could vomit at any time. Surely the director would send him home if he told him he wasn’t well?

I know this is hard for you,” Rosie’s voice filled the silence of the car, shaky and tender. “And that it really isn’t your passion… But… your father and I are very thankful for this sacrifice you’re making” She paused, pressing her lips together in deep thought over the words she had just said. Right. Sacrifice. Like he really had a choice in the matter. Rosie took her hand off the steering wheel and placed it upon her son’s hand all the while keeping her eyes on the road. “We both love you very much” her voice was soft and gentle but riddled with an array of emotions.

Lucas stared down at his mother’s aging hand upon his own, remembering a time when her skin was soft and free from blemishes. She would place her hand upon his own, confessing how proud she was that her son was an uprising athletic star and how he’d shine at the Olympics one of these days. Her hands were once a source of warmth and comfort, now felt cold and harsh upon his own. But how could he say such a thing to her? So, instead, he simply nodded and responded with a “love you too, mum”, his voice struggling to push past the eery silence that had consumed the space between them both.

Drop off at the studio oddly reflected his first day of school. His mother waved goodbye to him at the door, calling towards him as he walked down the corridor to say that she would pick him up afterwards and that she loved him. Finally, the door closed almost in slow motion, creating that firm division between the comfort he knew and the intense unknown that stood before him. Lucas followed an assistant, too nervous to make any sort of small talk to her as she led him towards the green room. As she opened the door for him, he was finally able to muster up a thank you in a soft, timid voice. The moment he gazed up though and came face to face with the other people within the room, he wanted to turn around and throw himself out of the complex. He was a fraud; what was he doing here. He didn’t even want to be here.

It might’ve been easier had there been other men in the room, but instead, he had come face to face with three women. One who stood against the open window, inhaling a cancerous stick, believing she had some sort of gravitation pull and the world revolved around her. One that sat on the couch whose hair mirrored the fiery personality and passion that drove her. And finally… her. The only one out of the whole group that could cause a scarlet tint upon his tanned kissed ivory skin. He made a mental reminder to himself not to use his absolute favourite meme while texting any of his friends today; especially when the meme herself, all grown up, was before him. Lucas stood there, in the doorway, hands by his side and resembling the awkwardly standing Apple emoji. What was he meant to do? He honestly didn’t have the energy to make any sort of small talk; he especially didn’t have the energy to be here, to begin with.

Slowly, his tongue traced his dry lips as he prepared himself to finally speak to the three women before him in the room. “Good… morning.” he finally spoke, his voice barely projecting loud enough to reach the other side of the room. “I uhh…Wow, already making a fool out of yourself, he thought to himself as soon as the ‘uhh’ forced its way through his mouth. “I mean… nevermind” Now where the hell was he going to go? He didn’t want to suffocate in a sea of smoke, nor did he want to find himself sitting next to someone that was going to delete his ability to function and speak. Finally, he didn’t want to go and sit on the other couch close to the pingpong table, making the others question if they had some sort of venereal disease. It looked like Holly was the safest option, oddly enough. So, without another word, he ventured towards the couch that Holly sat on and took a spot on the opposite side; as close as possible to the side to give Holly as much space as she needed.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.


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