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Realistic or Modern Life's little ups and downs.....

Hana’s life was uneventful for the most part, she went to school, hung out with her boyfriend who also happen to be her best friend she grew up with. He was her first boyfriend, they started dating pretty much since they entered high school and maybe even a little through middle school. Unfortunately, it probably wasn’t for the right reasons, granted they both cared greatly for one another, but ever since they were little everyone would tease about what a perfect couple they were. Eventually, they just kind of got together and it was perfect….. That was….. Until….

Letting out a sigh, she sat down on a bench near the school, having been unwell for quite some time and then discovered news that would change their lives forever. Hana was pregnant; she didn’t know exactly how far along, she had gone to the doctor but had taken ten home pregnancy tests to make sure and each one came out positive. She wanted to tell her boyfriend, but, how could she? how could he ruin his life to? Life seems so simple before, a part of her didn’t even want to tell him, but he had a right to know and to help make the decision on if to keep it.

Tara19 Tara19

Kaito grew up with his childhood best friend. His other friends... well what he soon discoverd weren't actually his friends pushed and pushed him, dared him to ask Hana out. He had been a nervous reck when he made the first move. All was fine until one day Hana stopped hanging out with him for a bit. News got round that she had been sick. Little did he know but his life would soon change for ever.

Kaito sat in the cafateria drinking coffee while listening to music while his new found friends were talking about a stupid football game. He couldn't care less about sports. Kaito wondered where Hana was. He hadn't seen her for a while and he started to worry. This wasn't like her.

After sitting on the bench for a few minutes collecting her thoughts, watching as the people walked by and it was near the high school daycare. She watched as young parents took the kids there, while rushing off to go finish high school. That would be her and Kaito soon enough, she hung her head low and got up from the bench slowly working our way inside. It was now or never, if she didn’t get the courage she would never tell him and knows what she would do then.

She smiled as brightly as she could, still looking rather pale as she made her way over to where he sat. She looked at him for a moment, not saying anything and knew she probably should before just blurting out her secret, but she was eccentric that way. “K-Kaito…..I’m pregnant….” She finally spit it out, making sure she leaned in really close to him as to not start rumors that might get to their parents or other friends. “I don’t know…. What were going to do…… I’m scared…..”
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He spit out a mouthfull of coffee. "P-pregnant.... N-no that..." Kaito looks up to see his newly found friends sniggering. With that, he stood up calmly and walked over to them, looked them in the eyes and then hit them over the head. "Shut up. It's not funny assholes." He looks at Hana. "You're kidding right?"
Hana was annoyed about his friends laughing, she rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Why on earth would I joke about this?!” She practically yelled, blushing as she noticed people looking over. She looked at him sadly, shaking her head as she got up, placing her backpack in front of her, afraid she might be showing as she really didn’t have a clue. “I thought you of anyone would know when I was joking… also why are you hanging out with these losers?”
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"They aren't assholes... well they are today." Kaito turns to look at them. "Go away. I need my privacy with Hana for a few moments." He glared at them and they got up and ran off. "Your kidding. You're not pregnant." He waved it off,

Could not believe him at this, watching him carefully as anger built inside her. Tears began to fill her eyes as she suddenly threw her bag in his direction. "They are assholes and they are turning you into one also!" With that she took one of the pregnancy texts out of her pocket, sliding it in his direction. "I took ten of these, all positive! "

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His face dropped. "What are you going to do? And those friends have been good friends... until you blurt out your pregnancy." Kaito looked at her. "Look I'm sorry. I didn't know they were going to make fun of you."

Hana could not believe how he was talking to her, It hurt as she had been there through a lot more than they had. She sat down, letting out a sigh and shaking her head. "Yeah, their great alright...." she mumbled sarcastically, letting out a small laugh. "It's not about what I'm going to do, it's what we are going to do.... unless you're dumping me and going to make me do this alone...."

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"Hana, I will support you through this. We will figure something out together. I am sorry for the way I acted. Truth is I am scared of being a father. But no matter what, I will always be there for you." He kisses her on the lips. "I promise."

She could not stay mad at Kaito, suddenly she felt herself getting calmer and understood how he was scared. She kissed him back, somehow that made her feel a lot better before breaking from it and listens to his promise, "I don't know what to do..... apart of me wants to keep, while the other part knows we should probably do adoption....."

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"I feel the same way. Adoption would be best for the child but yet I also want to keep it. If we keep it... we will have to figure out how we are going to raise it." He replies, smiling. "If we choose to adopt it out we will need to do research on suitable parents." Kaito adds.
She let out a sigh, but still a hint of a smile was playing on her lips as she looked at her boyfriend. He was trying, that was all she could ask of him and at least he was not being a jerk. "Yeah, but what if we do decide to keep it? Should we try and get a place to live together and we'll need jobs..... I-I just don't know if I can give it away, not something that is apart of you!" Hana blushed at being all cheesy, but she meant every word of it.

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"I could work, try to get enough money for an apartment and we could move in once I have enough money..." He replied thinking. "We could always go to bank to see if they would give us a loan. I promise to be the best father I can possibly be... if we decide to keep it... which I recon would be a nice idea considering I helped make it and I wouldn't want to give it up..."

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