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Futuristic Life Is Ours



Lost: Marbles

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    Monsters Monsters Monsters. Where the hell were they? She would rather not be spending her time doing this- but she didn’t really have a choice did she? Maybe she could find some beasts to find on the outskirts of this city, where less players are roaming. Throwing one of her kunai’s in the air, she caught it with ease- determination gracing her features. Well, if she did have to do this- might as well make the most of it. Pushing past the crowds of people in the middle of the city, she latched onto a stray hoverboard previously whizzing through the air. Jumping on, she could feel it connect to the bottom of her shoes. Smiling, she leaned forward along with her board, the speed of it building up quickly.

    The flashing lights of the city blinding her and the wind nearly taking the breath out of her, she couldn’t think of a better feeling. With the speed of the board, she reached the edge of civilization quickly. Too quickly in her opinion. With a click, she disconnected from the board and jumped off, sending the board back to the city. With the coins she had now, it wouldn't take much more for her debt to be paid off. Unfortunately this didn’t give her enough time to properly inspect the company, so it seems she’ll have to do this whole ordeal over again. Not that she minded wrecking their stuff.

    Looking around, she sighed in frustration. No monsters in sight. Damn it. She may have to fight some players then. There was no way in hell she was gonna go and mess with those boss monsters. She would lose everything. Looking back she realized her mistake fast. Shit. She sent the board back. Now she’ll have to walk all the way back to the city. What a drag.

    Rolling her eyes, she reluctantly began making her way back, kicking the dirt along her path. Lifting her wrist, she opened the menu and chose ‘Sounds’. She clicked on her playlist and started it, the music blasting in her ears. At least she won’t be totally bored now.


Seir sneered up at the hooded figure with his squinty narrowed eyes, scrunched up nose, and an ugly curve of his lip, exposing some of his gnarly ungrinded skullbreaking teeth. It was a good threat, but also a useless one. With his wrists and ankles tied up with - god, he couldn't even pronounce whatever they had used. This virtual cyber-utopia lived up to its pretentious sell - there was a whole world of nifty tools to discover and learn, but Seir, or Carson rather, had decided early on that he wasn't going to ever need to be familiar with useful rare and exotic loot and tools. What good was it to learn about them when he was just going to sell it off as quick as possible? It definitely hurt that he couldn't get his hands on things that would get the most monetary gains - but it also meant he'd avoid getting his hands dirty - or worse: cut off. As things were going though, getting his hands cut off was definitely on the table.

"Don't get many that are beyond 53% converted from humanoid," the hooded figure spoke with his colleague, turning a mace in his hands a few times, testing its weight and balance. "Most of the time we just get a bunch people living out their childhood dreams and being - what did he call it again? Alpha wolf? Magical girls? Whatever teenage trope kids are boning after these days," he shrugged, dislodging his hood just the slightest.

"Yikes," Seir clicked his tongue, unable to help himself from inflicting even a little bit of ridicule onto his captor, and frequent tormentor for the last few days. "Officer? Yes, that man right there, boning aliens and fish for a living," he cackled, accompanied by clicks, from the fins on the side of his head flipping in and out rapidly. When he peered up again, his eyes nearly popped, seeing the mace swinging in motion, aimed right at his head with a fiery red surface. He knew without a doubt if that hit him, it'd scar forever, and god it'd probably hurt every time he so much as breathed the wrong way, especially when he couldn't use any magic to try and alleviate the worst of it.

Without wasting any more of his time in his thoughts, Carson pulled the equipment over his head right off his head, with a deep gasp. A violent shudder rippled down every limb, as he tried to calm himself, but he bit down on his tongue when the urge to scream came. It seemed that he wasn't quite fast enough in pulling himself out of that. Next time, he'd make sure to trip out earlier.

"Shit. That's 4 days waking up to see their ugly mugs," Carson groaned, running a hand through his hair. He had done his best to keep it a secret, while making his escape attempts, but to no success. If he was going to be stuck in that shitty dungeon/prison for any longer he'd probably be in some deep trouble with his actual captors in his actual prison. Not wanting to think any harder about his predicament, he turned to his bed and went into a light nap with hopes of seeing a new face - a savior perhaps - when he woke up next.

Rosemary sat in the hills outside of the town, watching the monsters being destroyed by the casuals that played this game for fun. They didn't understand how a game could be considered fun, even before they became trapped here. Well...not literally trapped, per say, since they could still log out and start 'living' as Sophia. Yeah...whether in this open feeling prison or in the actual cell like room their human counterpart called home, Rosemary wasn't entirely sure which they preferred. They were sure Sophia wasn't either. The Elven avatar smirked with a cold look on their face, leaning back on their hands and looking up at the sky. They thought it was funny, the way they acted like Rosemary and Sophia were two completely different entities. Like Rosemary wasn't Sophia, just denying that this was her reality. Yep...funny.
Rosemary sat there for a few more minutes before sighing in dismay. They guessed it was time to actually do something. They did have a quota to meet, after all. The company they slaved away for wouldn't be all that thrilled if they kept doing the bare minimum like they have been the last six months since Sophia had been found and caught. It was probably better to make some effort sometime soon, or else who knows what would happen to their human counterpart. They stood up, stretching before heading into town. They would see if there were any worthwhile quests to pick up before they went hunting a little farther from town. Faster earnings, that way. Especially some of the more hidden quests that only those who knew where to look could find them. And Rosemary believed where one of those were.
As Rosemary entered the town, they headed straight for the seriously sketchy building towards the outskirts, hidden away behind some of the other buildings. They had been hesitating even going in ever since they had stumbled upon it about a month after they entered this world. But it had always been there, in the back of their mind. And today was the day they were going to go in. They couldn't be afraid forever.....right? It was Sophia's life on the line, after all.
As Rosemary stood outside of the only door they knew led into the building, they hesitated. This game....this world....it had become just as much as their reality as Sophia's prison had become hers. Which meant that Rosemary was terrified of the unknown....and what could kill them. Sure, Rosemary probably wouldn't die since Sophia could just force her way out of the game, but the shock was real. The feeling....real. At least, that's what Sophia had heard of the older, more experienced debtors. And that isn't what Rosemary wanted Sophia to experience. It was something Rosemary didn't want to experience. There was a reason they scrapped by with the bare minimum, after all. But now....neither of them felt like they had much time left before the company got violent. So....Rosemary took one last, deep breath before opening the door and taking a hesitant first step in.
It was dark, to be expected, but Rosemary had pretty decent night vision, so it was something they could handle. So they got a little more comfortable, thinking they could see and sense anyone else's presence and be safe. They came to regret that false safety as they reached deeper. They still weren't feeling anything and their feeling of safety and confidence kept growing. So when something shifted behind them, they reacted too late. And there was darkness...just like the night Sophia had been brought from the foster home she had been at and brought to her prison at the company. Rosemary knew Sophia should have pulled out then, but the shock and the pain was intense for them, so the young teen probably couldn't function all that well right now. So the Elf rode it out, and what they saw next scarred them. A pair of eyes, starring, as the Elf fought against restraints that raised their fear to heights neither Rosemary nor Sophia knew existed. They were now left wondering:
What was going to happen to them now?
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Helios shoved the thick vines out of the way, wishing that he'd brought a vibroknife with him on this little expedition. Well, no use lamenting about it now. He eyed the two others. One was a middling treasure hunter type, the kind who tended to avoid killing to make money, instead looking for hidden relics and the like. The other was a low-level friend of the first, who seemed to be going for a sort of cyborg samurai look. He had neither the items nor the level to really pull it off, so he ended up looking like a Japanese foot solider who was partially made of junk.
"So Sye, how far to this dungeon you found?" Helios asked. Sye, the treasure hunter, adjusted his hat and took out what looked like a holographic puck. He opened a map window and compared it to the puck, which showed a somewhat corrupted map of the jungle they were currently in.
"We're close, I think." Sye muttered, still peering at the holo puck. If we keep heading in this direction we'll be there in maybe 10 minutes.
"If we don't run into anything on the way." The samurai grunted, fingering the katana he was wearing. "The closer we get, the more enemies will spawn."
Helios snorted. "Probably, but Sye told me, and hopefully you, that this dungeon was mostly full of traps, and the boss isn't super difficult. And in case it does prove harder than expected, that's why I came along. I only wish this jungle wasn't so dense, so we could have just flown there."
Just as Sye opened his mouth to respond, a pair of massive bearlike creatures came out of the brush. In an instant, Helios drew his revolver and shot them both. The plasma bolts destroyed them instantly, leaving behind some coins.
The samurai blinked, whistled softly, then blinked again. "Are you going to take that?" he asked.
"Chump change. No point in taking in when there's better treasure to be had. Shall we?" Helios started walking, not waiting for his companions to follow. They trekked though the thick brush for just about 10 minutes before walking into a large clearing. Standing in the middle was a large deep green monolith.
"Alright, this is the spot." Sye took out his holopuck again and pressed a button on the side. The map changed to a 3d dimensional map of the inside of the dungeon. "It looks like this is just the entrance. The main portion of it is underground. This holomap is corrupted, so I can't see all of the passages, but I think what is there is more than enough."
Helios shrugged. "Well I assume the treasure room is somewhere in the center. We probably don't even need a map." With that, he stode up to the monolith and began inspecting it. There were various symbols arranged around its circumference. The largest symbol was a pair of concentric circles with a slight depression in the middle. "Hey Sye, bring that holo puck over here." Helios took the puck from his companion and lined it up with the circles. He pushed it in, and the circles twisted, as if locking into place. With a rumble, the entire ring of symbols twisted began to retract into the ground, taking the lower part of the monolith with it. Within, there was a spiral staircase. The holomap was gone, sucked into the ground along with the opening mechanism.
"Well shit." Sye said, peering down the staircase. "I hope you're right, Helios."
"Don't worry Sye. I've done dungeons like this before. The treasure room is always at the exact center." Helios winked at the treasure hunter, and jumped down the center of the spiral staircase. He fell for nearly 5 seconds, his duster flapping around him, before he hit the ground with both feet. He took some damage, but it was minimal, and his enhanced healing would take care of it quickly. He looked around. The staircase ended in a large corridor made of the same deep green stone as the monolith above. It extended into the darkness. Before proceeding, he took out what appeared to be a normal chemlight and cracked it. It shone with a bright white-gold light, and as Helios tossed it into the air, it floated next to him.
Sye and the samurai arrived a few minutes later, having taken the slow way down. "You didn't have to jump all that way, Helios. The stairs weren't trapped."
"Yeah but it was fun." Helios smiled, "We need to go down, and make sure we remain close to the center. Sye, do you remember enough to get us there."
Sye nodded, taking out a torch and lighting it, adding a warm yellow to the bright white-gold of Helios's chemlight. "Remember, there are a lot of traps here, so be on your guard." Sye said, walking into the corridor. His samurai friend followed, keeping close to the higher level treasure hunter. Helios followed them both sedately, watching for traps.
About an hour, and several close calls later, the three of them made it to what appeared to be the treasure room. There was a raised dais in the center, with a reddish-yellow statuette on it. The statue was glowing slightly, and as they walked in, several torches ignited, providing a bright light.
"Well, here we are." Helios remarked, "I assume you touch the figure and the boss show up so let's get this over with." He strode up to the small figurine and grabbed it. A deep hiss sounded above him, and a massive spider made of deep green stone dropped out of seemingly nowhere and nearly crushed him. Helios rolled out of the way at the last second, statuette still in hand. He dropped it as soon as he was clear, and drew both of his revolvers, sinking plasma bursts into the spider. Each blast knocked down a significant portion of its health, but less than he'd expected.
The samurai came in, drawing his blade and attacking the boss with a furry of blows. Each blow did very little damage to the spider, but as a whole it wasn't insignificant. Once Helios had emptied both of his revolvers, he pulled out his coilgun and put it in shotgun mode. He fired into the spider, but it has less effect than his revolvers. "Damn stone skin." he swore, ejecting the normal ammunition and taking out some explosive slugs. Quickly he jammed them into the gun. After a moment, he switched it back to carbine configuration, taking aim at the creatures eyes. He breathed out and fired. The explosive slug slammed into the spider's head, detonating instantly. Helios fired again before the smoke cleared, then watched the creature stumble and fall over.
"See, easy boss." he called to Sye, who had spent the fight cowering in the corner. As the dust cleared, Sye stood up, walking over to the idol and picking it up. The samurai was looting the boss, who had dropped some pretty good stuff for a low-level grunt like him.
"This is worth quite a bit." Sye declared, "Especially for what we had to do to get it. I was thinking we'd split the money two ways. My friend over there was only here for the boss loot, anyway."
"Two ways, hm?" Helios mused, taking a charge cell off of his gunbelt and slipping it into his revolver. "Sounds fair." he nodded, a grin growing on his face. "But instead I'd like to thank you."
"Thank us? For what?" Sye looked at Helios, a confused look on his face.
"Thank you for helping me find this place, and for helping me with the boss." Helios spun and shot the samurai once in the back of the head, taking him out instantly. "And thank you for letting me keep the idol, Sye." He shot Sye three times in the head, and the treasure hunter fell backwards, dropping his loot. "Don't worry, I'll leave your stuff behind. I'm not a barbarian." Helios chuckled, picking up the statuette and walking out of the chamber.

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    Along her journey, ZeeZee couldn't help but feel a bit... odd. Almost like she was being watched. That couldn't possibly be though, she was out of the city- and she was pretty damn sure she would have noticed if someone followed her trail. Still, the sensation kept gnawing at her soul. It couldn't hurt to take a quick peek right? Her reluctance now shattered, she gave in and took a quick sweep of her surroundings. A smile graced her lips. Not even a mouse in sight.

    Suddenly, she noticed a dull whizzing above her head. Lifting her wrist, she quickly turned off her music and shot her head up in a panic. What the hell was that?! Taking a defensive stance, she looked around in a frenzy and slowly backed away from her previous spot. She shouted, "Hello?! Show yourself you coward-" A throbbing pain in her skull shot up out of the blue. Grabbing her head, she hunched over, trying her best to control her increasingly blurring vision and the hot pain coursing through her. In moments like this, she wished the full body suits never existed. With that last thought in mind, she fell over- darkness quickly consuming her.

    . . .

    As she shifted, she heard a clanging of metal along with her moving limbs. What the hell? She's not dead? She thought she would've respawned by now. Cracking open an eye, a low. painful groan left her. Her head felt like it's been smashed by a freakin' boulder. Which- now that she thought about it- it probably was. Well- by a rock, not a boulder. Sitting herself up (admittedly, with a bit of trouble), she forced herself to open her eyes. Luckily, it was more dark than light, so at least her eyes weren't being blinded. She didn't know where the hell she was, but she knew it couldn't mean anything good. She just has to get out of here... Once her splitting headache settles down.

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Waking up, Carson was uncharacteristically energetic. While it was discouraging being stuck as a beaten pony for a bunch of other players, he now had a plan. And he was sure that unlike the other 12 times, this one would work! After all, no one would expect a helpless new player to still be as defiant as he was for freedom, of this he was confident. Making himself comfortable, he picked his gear up with practiced ease, and allowed the sharp sway of vertigo to harmlessly wash over him, pulling him into the digital world once again.

In the damp dark dungeons, Seir manifested unceremoniously. He wasn't a girl with a permanently pitched voice who could spend all of daddy's money for something stupid like cosmetics after all. Although given the opportunity, he absolutely would have taken daddy's money to glamor himself up, complete with a glorious log-in animation. Shaking away his silly thoughts, he took a moment to assess himself. There was a stinging on the right side of his face - when he blinked, he couldn't help but to click his tongue, wincing at skin that felt as if it was peeling, falling, and flakey too. He'd have to work on being faster with his ... tactical retreats, especially if his captors were proven to be stupidly easy to rile up. Licking his lips, he shuffled himself closer to the bars of his prison - eyes wandering quickly from left to- Oh? What was this?

"Hey, hey, hey," he called out loudly, uncaring that anyone in the vicinity could hear. From what Seir could tell, whoever had designed the dungeon area probably had a severe case of OCD, there were an even number of cells on both sides of the long pathway, perfectly aligned so that each cell wasted not even one block of space, and one could peer straight to the cell in front, for both rows of cells were perfectly parallel. When Seir had first arrived, there was only one other player, further down from his own cell. But he hadn't even gotten their name before they high tailed it out of here somehow; Seir had logged in and subsequently been used as a punching bag, as his frustrated captors had to somehow come up with a plan to make up for the monetary losses incurred. Now though, it seemed that he had a new neighbor, several in fact.

"What kind of sorry lot are you?" He jeered at the new arrivals. Thinking that they were perhaps a single party who had gotten kidnapped together, he continued with a unkind smile, "how hard do you have to suck to get kidnapped as a party," he scoffed with undisguised disdain. "Do you at least remember who it was that handed you your ass? Or the weapon, at least? Was there a guy with the shittiest beard you've ever seen, he's got a mace on him too and keeps waxing philosophical? I've got something to settle with his ugly ass, and haven't seen him for a while," he elaborated.

Before anyone could answer though, the doors to the dungeons opened, and three robed figures walked in briskly. The last of the group was a particularly big man, thick and sturdy, who was hauling someone on their back. Whoever they were, they clearly didn't give a shit about their well being as they proceeded to dump their body onto the cold mossy stone floors without the slightest of care. The other two descended on the prone body immediately, with flamethrowers and meat cleavers, tearing into the flesh of the person, and torching up their insides brutally.

Seir who had only tasted light physical abuse felt as if he was about to swallow his tongue. What kind of sick cult had he fallen into? Though real his body was safely outside the digital realm, he had a feeling that if he wasn't quick to leave, he'd end up seeing and remembering things better left unexplored.

Once the enkindling of the human flesh was complete, the large man scooped up the charred body, taking it out with him as the two brutes remained, and made it a point to bash on the bars of each cell, to grab their attentions. "We don't quite like getting our hands dirty - and you probably don't like what you just saw. We're going to cut you a deal, and when we do, you better have a good answer for us," the taller one snarled before turning on his heel, and exiting. The last robed figure followed silently, locking the doors behind him as he went.

"Fuck," Seir hissed, "I don't know about you losers, but I'm out of here. As soon as I figure out how to get out of these stupid things," he growled, trying to bash his restraints against the wall.

Rosemary awoke once more, but this time: No menacing eyes. At least, not the ones whom were starring at them earlier. But instead, they were in a cell with their arms chained around their wrists. They were sitting, which made their arms numb as they were raised straight above their head. This was uncomfortable, but they weren’t entirely sure what was going on. So, they looked around.
There wasn’t much to offer in terms of visual information. There was a cell across from the one they were currently inhabiting, and there were a couple others scattered among them? The Elven rouge wondered if they were just as unaware of why they were here as they were. The cells themselves weren’t very large in the grand scheme of the room, it seemed, from what little they could see. They needed more information, and for that, they needed to move closer to the bars.
So, Rosemary adjusted their hands and felt around their cuffs for the keyhole that functioned as a lock. They knew it needed one. And when they found it, they lifted themself up so their head was closer to their hands so they could pull a Bobby pin from their hair. Oh, the conveniences of a modern item. They went about picking the lock, offering a small grunt when it came loose. Jesus, their wrists were almost raw.
Rosemary stood up and stretched, happy with themselves and with Sophia for picking the rouge class. It was always handy for situations such as these. The main cell door might be a problem, but they were sure they would figure something out. But until then, there was a voice saying something: More than likely another unwilling visitor. Whomever it was seemed to be having a conversation; one they had missed in their daring escape from the cuffs. The Elf only hoped that they weren’t coming their way, or else the daring escape would be for nothing.
Luckily, they didn’t, so Rosemary chanced getting closer to the bars just in time to hear the voice, a man by the sounds of it, say he was planning on getting out as soon as he figured it out. Well...didn’t he seem pleasant.
“Then why don’t you get out, if you are so confident.” Rosemary sneered through the bars, arms crossed against them so their forehead could rest on their forearms. “Please, show us how you’ll do it.” They added, their voice lifted in a hidden laugh.
"HaaaAAAAH?" Seir snarled from his cell, immediately prickled by the overly smug voice in the next cell over. "Who do you think you are? I don't know about you, but it's a pretty ugly look on you thinking you're so fucking great while uh ... Oh, yeah, still being behind bars?" He continued hotly with a loud cackle. He glanced a look over to the other two, three, who actually cared to count, who were in their own cells, hands and feet still bounded by shackles of poor design - certainly nothing impressive or creative, not by the futuristic innovation standards that were the staple of this world, and scoffed. "Oh, I get it, you think you're hot shit getting out of shackles made from wood and metal, guess what, shit for brains, these guys get really kinky around mages!" He growled, peering at his own restraints that had inspired him to be more creative than ever for the last few days, as they suppressed more than just his mobility.

There was a sudden sound that echoed loudly throughout the dungeon area. Seir recognized it immediately, and color drained from his face. Without any farewells or last laughs, he logged out, leaving the other prisoners to whatever awaited them.

"HeHEHEHAW! Y'alls gonna die tonight!!" He said maniacally as he pulled out his Minigun and opened fire on the group that had trapped him in a corner. A single bullet struck him in the front of the head, Everything went black as electronic signals from the bodysuit made him actually feel pain.

He opened his eyes, to find his wrists bound by shackles, Fairly weak Iron shackles. "What in the goddamn...? Don't tell me they took my fucking shit!" He shouted as he sat down on the rocky and somewhat moist floor. He then noticed others were in other cells as well, both sides had the same amount of cells and evenly divided. "Luckily, I got my gauntlet in my bank! Hehe. Hey, What are you guys in here for? Did you massacre a group of people before finally taking a 7.62 round to the head? Or no! Maybe you guys did something worse, Yeah or no?"

Fallout 76 | Strength Perk Card List - Stats & Tips - GameWith

[Iron Fist, Rank 1. One Perk Can Be Equipped At A Time, Only Level One Perks.]

He activated his strength perk 'Iron Fist' since he was Vault-Boy, and broke the shackles off of himself. He pulled his sunglasses out and put them on. "So...Are ya'll up for a prison break, So I can continue serving out my debts?" He stood up and cracked his knuckles, His body ached from sitting in a position for so long. "I feel so much better...Ahh." He said as a bathing chair appeared beside him. He sat on the chair and relaxed as If he were sitting in the sun but instead under a rocky ceiling;

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