Liam Nguyen


Warden of the West

Name: Liam Nguyen (Harper)

Age: 24

Parents : Ilegitimate child of Roy Harper and Victoria Nguyen, a prostitute.

Sexuality: Bisexual.


Liam was born in the slums of Star City, to a prostitute. That should serve as enough chilhood trauma for years to come, but, curious enough, Liam was sheltered by his mother. He was even sent to school, although he was soon kicked out because of violence against his school mates. Everytime someone picked on him, or fought him, he would give them back tenfold. His mother sure was disapointed, so he joined the army. Serving from 18 to 20, he was sent back home with an honorable discharge. When he returned, his mother dissapeared, like out of thin air. Now, all alone, he decided to take up arms as a bounty hunter, taking a liking to bows. Unknown to him, those 2 years in the army, he was experimented on, with a modified formula based on a japanese super-soldier serum. The army implemented a sort-of blackout period in his mind, so he cannot remember that period.

After Alcatraz (Taking the Red Arrow mantle)

The Alcatraz event had affected everyone in diferent ways. Liam heard and saw that Sky had quit the League, and many others. He felt a connection with Skyler, seeing a father figure in him, a parent figure. But, when Sky gave up on vigilantee work, Liam felt betrayed, abandoned. He did not quit vigilantee work, taking on criminals in Star City.

But, he didn't have a source of income. Day after day, Liam was barely getting through the day. His arrow stocks grew dimmer and dimmer each day. But, as they say, old habbits die hard. He once again started to raid Queen Industries. Not only for arrows, but now for things to sell. As hunger was getting to him, he got sloppy.

One day, when he got out of the building, he was met by a blinding light, and screams. Liam raised his hands, dropping to his knees. Knowing there was no way out, he chose to get captured.

Being thrown in a common jail cell, waiting for his repartition, he was met by a couple of unsavory men. Some that he captured, some that just hated his guts. The police officer came in, keeping his head down, looking at a clip board. "Liam Nguyen. Your bail has been pa-" He stopped when he saw two criminals unconcious, and one holding Liam in a headlock, while another punched him in the stomach.

The officer entered the cell, tazing the two, and holding Liam by the arm. After a faintly "I had them..." he asked who payed for his bail. Walking to the front office, he stopped, looking away. "You are far from Central City." It was Trixie. Liam was glad that someone cared about him, but it was not who he was expecting. Trixie explained to him that the United League payed for his release, well, Waller did.

Liam had heard of Waller's plans, well, he was mixing the two. He knew about the suicide squad, the suicidal taskforce formed by criminals who wanted a shorter sentance. Although he had some beserk thoughts, he was still glad this wasn't the case. He accepted to be part of the League, not that he had a choice, and has been pared up with Trixie, she becoming his handler.

Eventually, Liam was pared with Skylar again, and the two took it upon themselves to fix the city. Liam took it personally once he saw in what a deplorable state The Glades ended up in. He spend his childhood in there, and however unpleasant it might've been, it was still his home. Taking walks around the block, he couldn't help but get furious. He has relocated, with some help from Skylar, to Aurora. Not great, but better. Even so, many nights when he's not patrolling, he just stares distant at the view of The Glades.

Personality: Liam is known to be talkative, almost to an annoying degree. Runs in the family. Loves to hike, loves to kill, and is known to challenge everyone, even though he knows he doesn't stand a chance. By now, you can understand he is a thrill seeker, and probably, in some degree, a madman. Is known to steal his equipment.


Alignment: Neutral.


  • Well versed in handling weapons.
  • Very skilled with a bow and arrow.
  • Good at stealing.
  • Healing factor.


  • Proud, and will plunge into battle if insulted/provoked.
  • Distrusting.
  • Mortal (though he has a healing factor, enough damage could kill him)
  • Cocky.


  • An arsenal of weapons at his home in the suburbs.
  • Recurve bow (Stolen)
  • Arrows and bullets. (Also Stolen)
  • A katana. (Guess)

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