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Fantasy Legends Never Die (IC)



One Thousand Club
ALWAYS ACCEPTING, JUST MAKE A CS, GET ACCEPTED BY THE GM AND JOIN (full freedom of creativity, anything is integrated in the lore).​

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[/class] [class name=rootBgTwo] --bgImg: url(https://i.imgur.com/RGaycg9.jpg); --bgImgPosition: 0% 0%; --bgImgSize: 100% 100%; [/class] [class name=rootBgThree] --bgImg: url(https://i.imgur.com/Sl6HJKS.jpg); --bgImgPosition: 0% 0%; --bgImgSize: 100% 100%; [/class] [div class=genVar] [div class=mainNavBgVar] [div class=aspectRatio] [div class=root] [div class=mainFlexContainer] [div class=translucentBox] [div class=menuText] [div class=menuFlex] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] oneTAB [/div] Rules [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] twoTAB [/div] Demon Heir [/div] [div class="menuButton menuCenter" style="padding: 2%; flex: 1 0 10%;"] [div class="tabName"] threeTAB [/div] - [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] fourTAB [/div] Refugee Aid [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] fiveTAB [/div] Dancing Fever [/div] [/div][/div] [div class=menuDivider]Divide[/div] [div class="scrollBox one"] [div class="mainHeader"] In Character Rules [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"]
- Quality over Quantity
- One post per week minimum
- No Metagaming
- No overpowering
- Any unmentioned rules that falls under the typical rules.
- Pls indicate at the top of your post the name, the location/time, as well as general summary of ur characters actions. [/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox two"] [div class=mainHeader] Symbols, blood, demons maybe? [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"]
The city of Galmoor, home to around one million people. It is surrounded by water on three sides, linked to both northern and eastern continent by sea and land trade. A shipping and trading hub protected by 13 miles of walls, watchtowers and gates. It survived centuries of riots, religious discord, wars, and 88 emperors. The city’s language and culture dominated by the high commonfolk, but traders and visitors spoke many languages. Ships crowded the city’s harbour, loaded with goods. The city streets, some narrow and twisting, some grand abroad, teamed with camels and mule trains. The imperials achieved significant originality in architecture throughout Eiriond, combining aspects of their original architecture and that of ancients. Moving from mostly columns and lintels to one based on massive walls, punctuated by arches and domes.

In a particularly rural area, close to the slave trade post, there was a crowd. They weren’t some polite crowd from the rich end of town, they were hungry for justice. Rumors twisted along the narrow corridors of the city of Galmoor, telling a tortuous tale of a brutal scene. Something of its own deep and indescribable horror. These people had had their hearts torn out and slammed bloody against a warehouse door. Desecrated, dissected, ripped, ravaged, carved, cut. Silenced.

Herein the horror is described.

When the steam and smoke of the morning had settled, and the ashy morning light began to breach the horizon as did the whales deep out into the foreign seas of indescribable and unending in nature, a boy was found. Young boy. Perhaps. Seven. Eight. Perhaps even older. Difficult to properly discern given the circumstances. One thing was certain, however. He was a Human child.

The first man to arrive was a street sweeper. He saw the blood stains tracking through the mud and filth behind the warehouse. The mud there was black and thick, an ichor in its own right, and had been stomped to pieces by some oddities. Likely feet and hooves of men and horses respectively. Then dragging and scuffing around the front of the building where the black ichor turned to red blood stains on the orange-bleached bricks of the street.

He was found unconscious on the ground, having fainted. The woman that found him while walking her dog was of a stronger stomach. The scene that she laid out was... a brutality. To save one the stomach spilling that the viewing would provoke: the innocent had been pinned to the warehouse door postmortem with nails perhaps a foot long by his wrists and ankles, butterflied open, and carved into and around. Twisted symbols that were universally recognized as demon tongue.

Others from other subcultures called it many things. Blackspeech, darktongue, gobbledygook, elephantine chatter, redspeech, demonic, demon speech, hellspoken. What the crowds chanted was universal, however.


Rising, shambling voices of mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters. The mother and father hadn’t been identified and the rumor abound was that the woman who found the corpse had recognized a slave brand on the bottom of the child’s foot. The child had already been moved, however, by the district’s law enforcement. The figuring was that they weren’t talking and wouldn’t. A woman, named Charelle, reported that her uncle worked for the law enforcement office of the Emprie, and that Imperials from the inner districts had demanded the corpse be returned to the slavers.

And so the blockage on the street had piled thick by the mid-afternoon, and pamphlets described the above had been distributed by the local gossips and rumormongers. Hell had been risen. So the thick, steamy, ashy, humid days of the mid-town and down-town were no longer the priority thought of the people. Today, they sought justice. Most in Galmoor knew the basics of the rumor, now.

The crowd, in your way or your purpose itself, was present. Speakers shouted either through the amplification of foreign wizards, witches, and warlocks, or through loudspeakers and microphones and retrofitted sound systems. A young man with a brand on his neck indicating himself as a free slave stood in soot covered clothes, with soot covered hands that looked black as night while he spoke into one of these microphones. Injustice was grand here, today. Something was afoot. The occult had overrun the local mind’s eye.

The Imperial Law Office had sent several dispatches in clumsy attempts to calm the riled crowd, to little avail. So it was that this small district had to, some extent, been quarantined by grand and imposing men in the black and white uniforms of the Imperial Law Office. Clubs in hand waiting for the first sign of trouble, while riotgas canisters at their belt were occasionally checked and fiddled with.

Few noticed something though. The crowd whispered that a man and a woman had stepped out of the carved, bloody symbols still hanging from the wall. They burned a low orange when clouds cast over them. The whispers demanded a magical solution be reached.

Summary of the Situation: Demon lords flamboyantly created a portal for their bloodlines to notice them and get summoned.

[/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexContainer three"] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionLeft"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] Ultimately, only you can decide who you'll become. [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox coverTitle" style="flex: 1 0 50%"] [div class="coverText coverCenter"] Legends Never Die [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionRight"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] Relentless, you survive to be written down in eternity. [/div][/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox four"] [div class=mainHeader] Refugee Aid [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"]
Jagged spires scattered the skyline into a million pieces as the deep night deepened. Became even further narrow and twisted. The clouds billowed and split in deep lines as they were pushed and moved by the developments of vicious, hungry mankind. When the creatures from beyond the Human understanding had come and offered them an obsidian-cast, neon-infused future of eternal energy and plasma-casters they had accepted here. Willingly. So they lived in tandem with themselves. They became the force of nature. The city itself spiraled out as did a rose. Many layered. Many tiered. All centred on the three fusion reactors that birthed and silenced an infinite number of child-stars to feed the insatiable appetite of the city’s denizens.

Shadow-steepled Fratta Principalis.

Busy space-ports scattered across the city shuttled people from all across the dreamlands with rip-jump portal drives powered by the ancient secrets of some inspired madman. Delirious discoverer of a practical means to achieve what the twisted magicians had been doing for an eternity.

When multiple freighters and trade ships of refugees had arrived at the same time on the same night a week ago, there was pandemonium. Ships were rerouted from the affected zones in the dreamlands. These refugees were primarily Deep Elves of varying species. Some hobbled low on crooked backs and eyeless faces, while others slithered into the shadows on slender figures with wicked purple eyes that reflected back at whomever viewed them.

Within the hour the refugee settlements had been printed and deployed on the less busy outskirts of the city, where easy access to the rim districts allowed for the provision of medical attention, the establishment of a quarantine, and deployment of Principalis Police Peabodies.

The Peabodies themselves were slender, monocular humanoid drones. A central core system attached to a supplementary mobility shell. They stood not five feet tall, but could kick down a steel door and heft five or six grown individuals at once if necessary. They were armed with MURD-34 class defense rifles. Hand-held rocket launchers with a lithe, automatic frame of the rifle. Too dangerous to threaten. At the edges of the refugee camp were holograms that repeated a video clip.

A cartoon-ized elf walked towards and strikes a cartoon-ized peabody. The peabody fires the murd-34 rifle. The cartoon elf explodes into bile and gore. A simple warning. They would be fed and protected, but the people of Fratta Principalis would be protected from them.

In the week since the arrival of the refugees, the Elves had become a bit of a tourist attraction. They gathered together by their race. The skilled laborers began collecting citizenship status points for Fratta Principalis. People visited and provided aid and support under heavy peabody guard.

The government, a council of democratically elected plutocrats, had published no comment as to what had caused the refugee crisis. Journalists were blocked from entering by the peabodies for fear of invoking trauma or promoting an anti-government stance in the Deep Elves of various species that were present.

Rumors had been slipping through the gates, however, that only a handful of the refugees had even seen the threat. Many described smells and sounds, but only the two or three dozen Drows from the territory had actually achieved sight-contact with the threat. They had mobilized the refugees to scatter before they were over-run. And few were to be found. Drow did not like to be seen.

So the high standing borders of the refugee camp had become a seemingly permanent fixture as the government remained silent and the few drow elves slipped out into the streets and into the sewers where they were more comfortable than they ever could be in the cookie-cutter stacks of homes that had been created to house them and the other refugees.

Only the citizen volunteers had any real idea of what was going on, and the Career Kindness Core was demanding that the details be contained. So it was with them and the refugees that the answers lay. A refugee crisis on this scale, afterall, had never happened before. Food shortages were likely to result. Few deals were bigger than this rather big deal.

Summary of the Situation: A realm within Eiriond (dreamworld) completely vanished, a bunch of refugees managed to escape the collapsed realm and have been shifted around through portals, mostly being dispatched in higher tech nations despite being a more medieval type of plane. Cultural clashes, economical strains, and promising missions with the right connections.

[/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox five"] [div class=mainHeader] Dancing Fever [/div]
“Have you ever been out to the outskirts? Simple places. Simple people. Y’know. Where I’m from, place called Earth, they’re like the uh—I forget what we called ‘em... wait. That’s it! Right. Sorry. Like the Amish. Civilizations is backwards. Use magic and agriculture and all that stuffs. Barely any proper urbanization or advancement.” —Ninth Arbiter Of The Kingdom Of Quebec, Franny McFrenchy​

On the lonely edge of the Dreamlands, if any edge does exist, are the Simple Folk. Not any one culture or group. Just. A Folk. Deep below the lands that the Simple Folk live in there is a place called the Underdark. Below the Underdark is a many-named Hellish place. Above them is a ghastly, spiritual heaven decorated in beleaguering, spiraling towers that make blasphemy of the senses when witnessed.

So it is a simple place of Simple Folk. Farmers and traders. Knights and Lords. Old fashioned ideas. Something perhaps out of the annals of Monty Python And The Holy Grail. Actors and tricksters. For those foreign it is a difficult thing to tell at.

The illusory and the legitimate is often such a thin line.

Great stretching forests. Flat lands.

And here, a village.

To its South, farmland stretching out. A population perhaps no greater than a hundred individuals filling the various necessary roles that society demands of each individual. To its North, a black wood. Deeply drowned in an unholy shade.

A story spidered out from the long roads into the dark, shadowy bars of even the furthest city. Here, the people were cursed. A black rumor had descended upon the township.

Here There Be Madmen marked maps in nearly every territory.

“Here There Be Madmen, Beware Their Uproarious Brigade Of Dance.”

A phrase only the Simple Folk could conjure into reality. Regardless, some shady benefactor from Galmoor was offering stocks in companies based in mega-cities, gold, and Galmoor City property for the settlement to be investigated. Apparently a rather wealthy individual had family here and wanted mercenaries to ensure the settlement was safe and that its citizens were alive.

Perhaps the worry was fueled with the many rumors abound. These were strange times.

Summary of the Situation: In a medievalesque town, towns were cursed with what is called the dancing fever. Perhaps the forest witch has a solution for this fever or maybe she's the instigator of the curse.

[/div][/div] [/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div][/div]

Tags: Shaded Shaded Ladyvix Ladyvix DarkianMaker DarkianMaker Martydi Martydi VioletShadow VioletShadow Sylvio Sylvio Abendrot Abendrot Parzivol Parzivol BELIAL. BELIAL. GraceOfOurLady GraceOfOurLady Remembrance Remembrance dimensional dimensional Scarlet SwanHunter Scarlet SwanHunter
Castillo K. Carpenter
Location: Galmoor, Demonlord Portal Area
Time: Dawn, Leading to Noon
Interaction: N/A or Open
Summary: Observing the scene, Cas attempts to identify the symbols visible to him without being caught nor noticed by the crowd while on a business trip to buy out a local shipping industry within Galmoor.

Rays of a blotched out sun temporarily blinded the male, his lengthy height contrasted with the stockier built man striding alongside him with a rather rusted look—foreign just as Castillo was amongst the local Galmoor citizens and every where else with his oddity of a side effect. The whipping winds that briefly rose felt good to cool the scorched memory upon his back, even with the cloth of his clothing shielding him from most of the attention of the wind. Having described the male beside Castillo, he appeared far more sea worthy than Castillo did himself from coming from a docked ship in Daeson’s shipping yard, it was word of good will that would entice the sale Castillo was attempting to push.

“I really do like you and your boss, m’boy,!I doubt yer’ money can compare to what I’ll get with m’ ships,” the accented brute concluded, raising a slightly tanned and rippened face to examine the patched and stone blanked facial expression of his business partner for temporary means. “Ye’ must understand, ‘tis m’ livelihood you be bargaining for,” he rumbled, his hoarse voice nearly being drowned out b the chattering down by the ware house they’d need to pass by to get towards where Daeson had his ship parts remodeled, the old man had grown his base of operations to a decent size, enough that the Stone Maiden wanted it. She got whatever she wanted, a spoiled woman who ran the trade gracefully now that she sat on the throne of the merchants in a sense. The tyrant of the underworld and above of business propositions. She either bought your business, or stirred up trouble to the point the sale of it all would be worth it. Castillo was usually the one stirring the pot.

Yes, of course you must understand that we will offer a large sum in return to your fleet of ships. It would be a proposition extended to you still having your job—you just answer to us. Maybe not even that. You’ll have control over the ships but go where we ask, where we are needed and transport our shipments,” Castillo explained smoothly, he was pressing the idea firmly into the sailor’s mind, attempting to entice him with his vocalization towards selling his ships and self to work under him. “There are no setbacks, I assure you,” he added after a second had elapsed, which was a lie. His company did many illegal things, supplying illegal tech, to arming a revolt without a care in the world aside from money, they stir things up when they think a good sale will be involved, easy work for naturals at it. Well, he also had to consider the many different business dealings done legally, if he bound a captain to a contract then that’d be the end of an arguement—he’d have to do it whether legal or not.

As a crowd became visible, someone rushed forward carrying some type of item before pausing to walk past what looked like Imperial Officers, a riot had formed while Castillo had been holed up dealing with Daeson and his constant doubting of signing the contract that he missed the floating rumor. Castillo has to observe as Daeson went on with concerns, and a number of other things to delay the signing—anything to be difficult and push Castillo far enough to get money out of him. “I’ll up the pay to a million,” he waved his hand dismissively as his eyes flicked over towards the scene of the crowd.

A lingering smell made his stomach churn, his nose scrunching up while his nostrils flared with the smell that slipped and mingled with the different scents entwined with the local city members adding their own musk from sweat. Standing admits the group, his eyes flashed around, irises steadily focusing on a back alleyway as they stood before the riot. He was drawn to it and had been so focused in work he had ended up leading Daeson on a walk as if he knew the town like the back of his hand. That’s why he stood there dumbfounded for a moment, his foreign hues examining the different people preaching of injustice. Hearing murmuring and muttering of demontongue he began to push his way through the crowd his business partner following suit after him with confusion.

“The boy—I heard this morn’, he was slaughtered with the demon—uh, common tongue of the less than friendly beings,” Daeson grumbled, temporarily catching onto Castillo’s sleeves before he yanked himself free. His eyes burned, the hues ablaze with a frown subtly resting on his jaw, his broad shoulders were set back and his stance was intimidating enough to move through the front. As he approached the forefront, a sizzling sounded to Castillo, and his face contorted slightly as he reacted to the scorching marks on his back, not visible to the eye he had to turn away. It kept him in check, his more than dastardly side which discourages Daeson from commenting further on what happened to the child of slavery. Daeson has heard the rumors while dealing in business with Castillo and Mylla everyone who handled it did. How could one not investigate the information of a possible business partner? Castillo was normal looking aside from the patches of his skin that pales in comparison to his tanned and foreign skin tone, and that left his tattoos that looked unnatural underneath his clothing—simple by design yet fitted for many different situations. A black embodied trench coat left to secure his chest safely but flow downwards to flip around with the movement in the crowd.​
Aydan Conrad
Location: Fratta Principalis refugee camp
Time: Night
Summary: Aydan arrives to Fratta Principalis looking for Brotherhood commandos that escaped Oscel carrying unknown amount of Tiberium.

Walking among the elven refugees, Aydan wasn't really blending into the crowd. Heavy body armour and large assault rifle was not standard here by any means. As he marched down the street, Oscelan commando carefully screened anyone passing nearby. Not long ago, several groups of Brotherhood soldiers broke through Oscelan quarantine and escaped from the island. Republic sent several teams of their own soldiers and commandos, in order to prevent the sperad of Brotherhood's ideals. However, growth of the Fallen Star was not the largest concern for Oscelan officials. Escaping Brotherhood troops carried unknown amounts of Tiberium, and they had to be stopped before the deadly material could be planted, or at least contained as fast possible.

Aydan, one of the commandos assigned to seeking out escaping Brotherhood troops, chose Fratta Principalis for his search. Refugee camps near the city are fertile ground for Brotherhood's preachers trying to seed their beliefs among the local populace, and despite the high technological advancement of city's inhabitants, Tiberium seeding would reach critical levels extremely fast, due to large amounts of minerals contained within the buildings. Within the Oscelan blue zones green crystals spread fast when freed from containment or seeded, this would progres even faster with lack of Oscelan experience in Tiberium containment methods.

First thing that Conrad had seen when arriving to the city was the refugee camp. Composed of mass-printed habitation structures, the area seemed to be decently supplied, there was not much starvation or poverty visible at first glance. Life in the camp resembled what inhabitants of mid-tier yellow zone in Oscel would experience, save for constant risk of death by Tiberium contamination or fighting armies. The city centre in the background, despite similar technology level, seemed quite different than Oscelan blue zones when seen from the distance. Where Oscelan architects used glass and bright materials, Principalis' constructors preferred black metals and neon lights.

Walking down the street among refugee homes, Aydan carefully eyed anyone or anything suspicious, looking for any sign of Brotherhood activity. So far, nothing obvious has appeared, but Aydan, as all Oscelan veterans, knew far too well how good Brotherhood was at hiding their activities.

the wild witch
Nothing felt more like a home to the witch than the woods itself. Once upon a time she had found comfort in the luxuries that wealth afforded: fur coats, silk sheets, and bathing more than once biweekly. These were material things, and while she would never admit that she had been excessive in her indulgence, upon first living in the woods she missed them terribly. With that came the real things that the witch missed: her family, the love of her life, and her kingdom. She had nothing now; nothing but the mangled skin and clothes on her back, and the power surging beneath her skin.

Eight years she had been afflicted with this curse; this curse that decayed her flesh and rotted her soul. Eight years she lived with nobody-- nobody but the malevolent mischief she managed to call a 'friend'. His company was bothersome most of the time, along with his aggressive desire to reside within the witch's body. He took form of a large, many-eyed wolf usually, but that seemed to not satisfy the trickster demon. He wanted chaos, and he'd drag the ex-queen with him every step of the way.

In fact, it had been at his behest that they wound up in the Northern Woods. Perhaps the demon had a trick up his sleeve, but he offered no answer to the witch he dragged along. She simply followed along, tied to the demon with chains made of the strongest material: magic.

They'd resided here for a few months now, but Rowan hated these woods. She found herself suffering with spells of dizziness and blackouts often. When she'd awake, she'd be somewhere different every time. Less than twice did she end up back in the hut she had constructed in the bowels of the forest.These spells concerned her. It was a source of paranoia to the woman, and made her overly suspicious of their location. Yet, despite the weakness to her constitution, her power surged stronger in these woods. There was something here, something older and more powerful than she had known, and it made her and the demon thrive with power.

That worried her.

She extended no curiosity to Thallis, knowing he'd spin some lie to dissuade them from leaving. He enjoyed the forest here, and he enjoyed watching the townspeople dance with such madness. Thallis would dance some nights to mimic them, his shadows individual artists as they bounced and swayed across trees and ground. Rowan found no amusement in this.

The dancing was not all child's play, however. She'd noticed that more and more dead bodies were accumulating, those afflicted with this fever. Like any illness left unchecked, casualties followed. Her private moments were spent trying to find some answer to this, but alone she found no cause. Thallis was less than helpful as well, enjoying the merriment and death that followed.

"Watch, watch them dance and die! Then watch as their half-dead corpses continue to dance! Isn't it just bliss, my sweet Ro?" Thallis would say each night, resting his enormous head on his even larger paws. Each eye blinked and squinted in amusement, entertaining that the witch would play to his fantasy.

"Some bliss indeed," she would murmur.

"It'd be better if the dead bodies actually danced, no? We should do that. You very much could, er well, I could-- being the all powerful demon that I am. Hmm... we'll see how I feel when tomorrow comes."

Now she stood, watching from the entrance of the forest, Rowan knitted her fingers in the fabric of her cloak. The scars on her face flexed and creased as thought brewed and stormed in her mind. A highly religious and mostly undead woman, she prayed to fate that anyone would come to help. Though powerful, she truly couldn't do this alone. Plus, as much as she petitioned for eternal loneliness lest she end up killing people and progressing her affliction, she craved the company of someone that wasn't her annoying, sadistic demon.

The townspeople wouldn't even bother with the witch, what with her less than dead appearance. There was a beauty to her haggard looks, but that would frame her with a more intimidating light above all. Scars, sunken in skin and red eyes didn't exactly make for the most friendly of introductions. But she was tall, lean and remained shaped like a woman. It would be easy to deem her a crone, and Rowan wasn't vague, but she'd spiral in some downward depression at any mention of how non-human she looked like. It had happened a few times, before the first case of this dancing fever began. The Simple folk heard of a forest witch residing and would travel up to pay for spells or potions, or to harass her. Those who harassed her ended up mostly dead, at least. The witch had some temperament, but her bitter resentment to the humans that wasted her time vetted her anger to push through.

One encounter had been particularly meddlesome to the witch. A group of kids showed up, throwing rocks into the woods. They never really hit her, but they had knocked over a few protection and warding talismans she had made. Having spent a lot of time on it, she was reasonably pissed. The kids had also managed to smear animal feces all over the rocks when they threw them. Thallis found enjoyment with this until one landed square on one of his eyes.

Those kids hadn't exactly perished from the onslaught of the dancing fever. Rowan had done her best to be angry with Thallis for murdering some kids, but at the end of the day they HAD ruined her talismans.

Rowan pulled herself out of her thoughts, grimacing at the memory. She turned, giving up her usual and angsty stare out of the woods. The darkness called to her like a warm embrace, and she sunk back into the shadows.
The Northern Woods / Dreamlands
Context to a bitter witch growing mad, she contemplates the dancing fever and wonders if anybody is going to give a damn and consult THE most capable person for miles around to help. Plus, she misses regular people sometimes. Thallis is a fan of the crazy people dancing and dying. Nice.
Health (- Northern Woods)

Stamina (- Northern Woods)

Mana (+ Northern Woods)

[div class=mainCon][div class=contentWrap][div class=scrollWrap][div class=textWrap]Shaevontol had been taken from her home, and not just kidnapped or anything super sketchy, no she was transported to a different world or something. The place she was taken to was unlike anything she had heard about form her own world. Walls around a city were unheard of with the powerful magic that creatures had, so why does this city have one? A lot of things didn't make sense to her in general, especially when it came to the map she had currently been working on. She took another look at it, had been so close to finishing the map, just one more archipelago to go, but instead she was here. Part of Shaevontol was very angry and pissed about all of this, being taken from her life's work, but the other part of her was absolutely living it up. Tolae had always heard about different worlds or dimensions, and was honestly going to seek them out after she had finished mapping out her own. This is why this weird city had garnered excitement from her, but again she had been so close to finishing the map.

Shaevontol had appeared in what seemed like the edge of town, and when she did appear no one was around. How was she summoned to this world, if no one was around to summon her? She looked around the area to find any clue to her mysterious summoner, only to find a dreary town and some weird symbols on the wall behind her. She shrugged it off as a coincidence as she saw quite a bit more symbols around the town. That's right she was exploring the town, writing down important landmarks, mapping out the layout of the streets, basically back to work. She was a bit of a workaholic this one.

That was about a week ago, and since then Tolae had wondered outside the city a bit to find housing in a field. She didn't have much on her and the city was way to expensive with the currency exchange she had received. Tolae also did prefer the wilderness to the crowded city life, it might just be the dragon in her that made her feel that way, but she didn't exactly care. The other think Tolae was noticing more and more was this shout out for justice. It reminded her a bit of home, how she was trained to serve justice to their home and how they were the last line of defense if justice ever failed. From what she has learned from traveling though, justice meant completely different things depending on whom one talked to. A merchant might decide that justice was getting the gold for their goods, or a blacksmith might find that justice is having a proper soldier wield their sword. This was the reason why Tolae didn't care to find out what justice was being yelled for from this group of people in a world she did not belong.

One thing that was bothering her was the stares she was getting from the people. She had never seen them before in her life, nor did she believe that they had seen her. So then why did they stare? Wait, not stare....glare. There was a sort of hatred in their eyes when they looked at her and again she was confused as to why. She looked human enough, granted a lot of her dragon aspects still shone orward, but she didn't look particularly menacing. Did she possibly have a doppelganger in this world and they did horrible things? That she doubted. This problem persisted day in and day out, though since all they did was glare and nothing else Tolae started to ignore their gestures. If things had gone physical or violent in anyway she certainly would not hesitate to defend herself. At that point it could go two ways for her, either they would mob her out, or they would leave her alone. The more popular option was almost always the first, in which she would just leave the town, never giving them the satisfaction of her dragon form. She would never give into the hatred most seemed to carry in her heart for her race, even though her subspecies was the peaceful kind, most didn't care. A dragon, was a dragon.

On this day Tolae had been wondering about the town once more, getting closer and closer to what seemed the center. She had avoided it for some time now, just because of the latent animosity towards her from the people. Usually the center of town was a huge place for confrontation, so avoiding it had always been the best option. Today was the day that she was going to map it out though, she would go in for a maximum of 5 minutes and then leave, keeping the image in her head as she drew it out. Unfortunately for Tolae though, she would be unable to do as she wanted, as soon as she saw a crowd. She was of course unhappy about all of that, so she went around, seeing if she could at least get the general layout of the architecture of the place. That's when she heard something of great interest to her, ships. She heard someone speaking about a fleet of ships. Tolae immediately changed all her focus to whom ever said that, pinpointing it around what looked like two humans. Ships were always the best way out of a town, and she loved sailing along the sea. She had to ask for passage out of town, it was her best option.

She saw them walking away from her though, as she followed. The person they were talking to before seemed slightly lagging behind them now, but Tolae didn't let up. She pushed her way through the crowd screaming for justice, they were all staring at something, but that didn't stop her right now. The people she was chasing were the most important people in this world to her now. That is until she dropped her focus for a split second and finally heard why these people seemed to hate her. "Demon tongue, Hellspeak....." All these kinds of words were being thrown about, but on top of it all was, "Look one of the hell spawn, see the horns. Careful, she might sick the guards on us. Did she.........we can't say that in front of her she will hear you." They were right she heard it all, but it made her incredibly happy in a way. They had no idea who she was, well what she was. They thought of her as a demon of sorts, which could work. Also demons had guards? Quite perplexing to say the least to her.

Beyond all the murmurings she was hearing about herself now, she still had one goal in mind. Getting out of this city. She was still pushing through the people to the man she saw before. It seemed like he had finally stopped, which made it her change to have some sort of contact with him. She reached her hand out, passing by what seemed like his partner and grabbing onto his coat? Trench coat? It looked sort of like her traveling coat, the one that covered up most of her scaled skin. Once she got a hold of the coat though, she yanked on it slightly, just enough to garner attention from the man. She needed to speak to him, she wanted out of the crowd to have a conversation. It didn't seem like it would happen though, for as soon as she was about to pull on his coat, he was pulled by someone else. She looked behind her to see what looked like an elder woman pulling on her. She yelled at her into the crowd. "Justice! Give us justice for what you've done!" She had no idea what she was talking about and tried to pull her off. She was quite frantic about it all, holding on tight to her coat, she tugged more and more without restraint, until finally she ripped it off.

Tolae's back had become exposed showing off her sparkling scales to the entire crowd, it shut quite a number of people up and instead stared at her in hatred or awe, she couldn't tell at the time. She was way too busy panicking in her head. She made the conclusion after a tiny bit that this would all come down to confrontation and booked it out of there. By that she of course sprouted her wings and flew up high, high enough that no one could shoot an arrow. Of course though the skies had to be clear as ever today, so they could tell where she was headed. To be fair she was just headed to gather the rest of her stuff and run away, she was definitely no longer welcome in town. She did try something tricky and when she reached ground right outside of town walls, she deshifted her wings and forced her horns to disappear. She had never forced herself to shift this drastically before, but it was the only trick she had at the moment and she just needed to try. Survival was her first instinct after all.


[div class=rightBanner][div class=mainPic][/div][div class=quote]Shaevontol[/div][div class=tagBox]Location: City of Galmoor?
Tags: Shaded Shaded
Summary: Shaevontol arrives into town and gets accused of being a demon. She runs to avoid conflict.[/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a

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Ebel Lakeez
Dreamlands/Northern Woods
“Curiosity is a demanding mistress.”

Ebel had been walking tirelessly in a land full of plains that were full of empty space. The only thing that consistently filled the void of area were the trees that had grown long in advance to Ebel’s arrival. His state of being awoken from a slumber long past due was tiring for him, his body wasn’t used to walking yet but he managed with what little strength he had. Food. A demand that rang in his head as he went onwards. The area around him wasn’t rich with food either, Ebel knew he couldn’t stave off his hunger with anything there, not even the leaves that grew plentifully off of the trees. Food. The demand rang even more powerfully then the last time. Ebel didn’t want to suffer a death from picking the wrong berries but he was doubting how long he could stop himself from doing that. Trekking up a small hill, his eyes widened and focused in on a rise of smoke. Town. Putting off his own desires to kneel and pray to his god for bringing him to civilization, he rushed his malnourished body towards the small town.

Arriving towards the small town, he rushed himself towards the center to find a place of rest and food. The plaza or center of the town was more out of the ordinary then he thought it was. Dancing, so much dancing. The men and women, even children dancing seemed in great pain. “What in..” A man approached. “Welcome traveler.” Ebel was surprised by greeting of the man, so much so he almost pulled out a blade. “If you are searching for food and rest, acquaint yourself with the large building there.” The man pointed towards a moderately large building with the sign ‘Bar’ on it. “Thank you..” Ebel responded with minor confusion, he had never noticed the building but he attests to himself that it was because of the dancing mob.

Inside the bar, men drank their hearts out and women served the men’s wishes. The environment was cheerful but the men seemed to be in a state of minor distress; men who looked like travelers. As Ebel sat down, a woman came up to him. “Hello sir, what would you like?” Ebel looked up at the woman with confusion. “I’m sorry? May you repeat that for me?” Ebel was lost to what the woman was asking for. “What would you like? We just got a shipment of pork and rice beans from the capital.” The woman spoke a little louder in response to Ebel’s confusion. “I’ll just have that then...” Ebel said to the woman as she nodded and went off.

Sitting at a table for more than a few minutes rewarded Ebel with nothing, not even food. As he sat in wait, Ebel overheard some men talking in the corner of the bar. He couldn’t make out their words coherently but he listened as best as he could. The men, from what Ebel could gather were talking of a witch who lived in the forest not too far from the town. The witch had been vexing the people of the town to dance without ever a stop. Ebel of course would’ve thought that what they were saying was a load of malarkey if he hadn’t seen the dancing mob just outside. This was surely a problem for the town and Ebel’s curiosity got the better of him. He hastily left his table and exited the bar, heading towards the closest forest he could find. This must be the will of Cehtlai.

And so, Ebel was now in a forest he was unknown to and against an enemy with unknown skills. The test of time proved to better Ebel, he had his confidence racked up high and he was sure that whatever was plaguing the town would be stopped using his gifts from Cehtlai.
Active unit: Moedjati Kember
Location: Fratta Principalis, proximity of Refugee Camp 7
Time: 23:20
Operation: Dark Heresy, prelude

The night would've been dark if it weren't for the disgusting neon lights that this inferior civilization used for nighttime illumination. He walked with a brisk determined pace through the streets and alleys of the city with his hood pulled over his head and pushed anyone aside who didn't get out of his way. He had a mission, the resources to execute it, disposable goons to run a distraction gig and a window of opportunity to strike upon so he made his way to his little outpost. It was not much, just an off-the-grid chamber in the service tunnels which he and his hired goons had quickly turned into a planning and storage room for their gear. He arrived in the alley he needed to be, slid a manhole open with his foot, slid down into the opened hole and smoothly closed the cover above him again seemingly just disappearing into the ground in just a second to anybody else who would've looked. There was a sick crunch as he landed down below in the tunnel and he looked down at a Drow he just landed on and squished the rib cage of. He just scraped off pieced of bone and flesh against the wall whilst another Drow looked in terror before fleeing. "Vermin." Moedjati muttered before he continued through the maze of tunnels.

Then he finally arrived at the outpost and the goons greeted him with a cheerful disposition, clearly they anticipated that today would be the day. He was not too impressed with these goons to be honest. They would be great for their intended task of running distraction but he wouldn't depend on them holding out more than half an hour against Peabodies and certainly didn't make them part of his exit strategy. He took the locked weapon and explosive crates, put them on the table and unlocked them in front of the hungry eyes of his goons.

"Alright you fleabags and knobheads know your roles, but here's a quick reminder." He stated as he pointed at the holographic map of the refugee camp. "Knobheads will enter the zone conventionally here with the shielded containers and will proceed to covertly rig this whole block to blow up." He said to the Brotherhood goons as he highlighted a few housing blocks of the camp. "If you are detected at the gate your point man will detonate his explosives, the rest of you will open up on any defenses that remain before proceeding to fulfill your objectives." The goons nodded in agreement to that. "Fleabags, you will breach point Deximas over here when the signal is given." He said as he highlighted a blind spot in the refugee camp's perimeter to the group of Ursens he had hired for the job. "Then you lot will open fire at random and throw your plasma grenades in all directions to cause mass chaos and casualties." The Ursens nodded almost eagerly for the coming bloodshed. "When code word High Mantis is given you all will regroup here at the center and plant the big one." He said as he highlighted a central area where he wanted them to plant the small thermonuclear device that he had acquired with the help of one of his sponsors. "When that is done we will all move towards point Hexatus and leave the area, scatter and disappear into the masses." He concluded the plan as all the goons nodded. "You will be paid the rest of your pay plus a substantial bonus when the mission is successfully executed." That got their greedy attention. "Now get geared and get moving."

As the goons grabbed weapons, explosives, concealed armor and the big bomb Moedjati briefly sat down as he slowly and methodically began assembling a heavy plasma caster. Little did the goons know that he had multiple sponsors for this operation, each with their own goals. One wanted the camp destroyed, another wanted a specific refugee to be captured and the last one wanted some crystalline substance to be released in the city. Obviously he could combine all three jobs without contradicting them and without having to tell any of his sponsors what his exact plan was. He could easily convince the goons that one of them sent to assist him that the bombing and chaos was needed for him to get in unnoticed, not entirely untrue of course. Many others would've smiled at this, but not Moedjati, for him this was just another job, just another means of acquiring resources to fulfill his long term goals. When the goons finally were all geared up and gone he stood up and slid the special canister under his cloak, hung the plasma caster on the other side under his cloak and made sure to stock his racks with enough cooling modules for his plasma caster and his shield generator. He then released the crackdown code that in turn completely destroyed all data in the little outpost and all traces of him ever being there or anyone for that matter. He set up a proximity trigger for a stashed bomb and then left the chamber for the last time.

After he traveled through the maze of sewers and service tunnels and returned to the surface once more it was game time. He made his way to one of the gates into the refugee camp and approached the security forces there. When asked what he was there to do in the refugee camp he procured an order file from the Fratta Principalis Bureau of Anti-Terrorism that gave him authority to enter the camp unhindered and without a thorough search. Obviously the security team was skeptical but when they checked his file with the FP-BAT it checked out and they let him through. As he passed the gate and entered the camp proper he spoke the first code phrase over encrypted comms. "The metal lacks density." He began making his way to his target knowing that chaos would erupt in mere minutes.

The game begins.

Castillo K. Carpenter
Location: City of Galmoor
Interaction: Shaevontol Ladyvix Ladyvix
Summary: Having a stranger tug on his coat, and hearing the reactions of the stranger being exposed, Cas was quick to try and see who the stranger was and means to pursue them to see if they really are a demon, or a half breed like him however the crowd is nearly making it impossible to reach the stranger as they fly off.

As Castillo stood with a continues talking Daeson, the male had to ignore the sea savvy brute to take note of the visible scene he could grasp in his line of sight. Bodies and shoulders blocked his way, hair sticking out from different directions in his face, he was growing frustrated in appearance as he let a frown slip onto his pale and tanned facial features. “How was he found?” he inquired to Daeson casually, words echoing between the pair, however unknowing to him there was another hot on their tails pushing their way towards them. Castillo couldn’t listen to properly hear the approach, so many people messing with his functions in such a large place left him blind barely, if the sun had set then there might be a more capable reason for him to avoid such a crowd—his eyes were heat trained at night. He had no real way of turning it off, only in the day was it far from memory. “Did his body bare the markings? Or have the tabloids been left out of this excursion—spread by word, perhaps,” he concluded as Daeson waited for the taller male to finish his inquiry.

“Ye’ might be a tad surprised—but the boy was slain by the makers of that there port, blasted thing been floatin’ ‘round causin’ a ruckus amongst m’sailors,” Daeson confirmed, “Rune shapes of—yer’ ancestry be jumbled cross his bod’. Dastardly sight, ye’ best move on out ‘fer these scoundrels find you be their next riot ‘gainst. Ye’ know, you bein’ half bred—“ Daeson talked too much, too loudly as well earning a few locals scorching the pair with glares before being distracted with something else that was approaching from behind. It wasn’t till Castillo’s mind was deep in thought and fighting amongst itself as he merely wanted to touch it—the tunes and the portal. A deep rooted feeling making him yearn to go through and traverse the other side.

When Castillo’s trench coat was being tugged on near his back, his flesh screamed at him overriding the feeling of being tugged on that went away quickly. It was because of the sudden infatuation with touching it, the markings burned onto his back left some kind of instinctive reminder of what happened when he attempted to just breathe, that flash was burned and etched into his back stating what he was in an unknown tongue to him. He had been described of what it said, it was a declaration in a verse to keep him a humane appearance and if one were to gaze at his back then the brand would translate it all. Such a retched idea. Forcing him to look like everyone else but treat him differently. An odd game to be a pawn in, yet when he flipped the table and became a player rather than a pawn things turned.

After the girl pushed herself out and away, Castillo made a last second decision and darted after the scaled woman. She had been quite startling to view for the crowd, Castillo however had set eyes on beasts, creatures, artifacts, images, technically far advance than some cultures, he had also sold a number of these items—thought creatures that were a directly intelligent species was something he also sold—he wasn’t very fond of it. She reminded him of that bit of trade they had near one of the southern cities within their home land, selling people and slaves, they hardly did it. But they still did and ruined lives for that matter—though that wasn’t as important to some of the people they killed with their weapons. Dragging his burned optics up as she ran, he began shoving past the crowd. His hands pushed against materials such as leather, cotton, fur, anything the was attached to a human body as he went after the now flying woman.

She had taken flight, her path one any species could detect, she was flying herself towards the outer edges of the city. She was more than likely frieghtened from the sudden onslaught of disdain towards her appearance. Castillo did not believe that she had been of the race they claimed her to be, a demon child was not as most would appear them to be but with the help of his markings he looked normal. Her appearance might have taken on the graces of her parents so to really figure out what she was he would need to head towards her location to Daeson’s disbelief. Daeson had been trying to catch up before letting Castillo slip through the crowd, off and trying to push past the group would prove to be a very hard and slow process.​

Location: The Northern Woods

The sun was about to set as Hans was trekking through a forest he had never encountered. Since the whole affair with Ulsta, he was rewarded with leave. Time to himself away from the Order. Needless to say he took his equipment with him as a precaution. An opening to a village would present itself. He was unarmed with his gun attached to his back. His covered body however drew many stares, but he kept his attention focused on the commotion he saw at the plaza. As he walked by he saw a number of people dancing with excruciating pain. Some had their shoes ripped apart and some had bloody feet. But he paid no mind as did the locals around him. As he continued down the road, he saw a bar to his right and entered.

He approached the counter about to ask for some food and water. He was starving after the trek. A woman than appeared with a bowl of food. Pork, rice, and beans. No one could see it, but Hans’ mouth was watering. The woman looked around for the man who ordered, but he wasn’t around. She have a small gasp of shock when she saw Hans’ “Sorry sir you startled me. What can I get for you?“

“Is someone going to eat that?” He asked pointing at the bowl. "Not anymore." she said smiling at Hans, handing him the bowl of food. As his ordeal with the bartender went on there was a conversation going on behind him.

"I'm tellin ya. No one started dancin like that til the tales of the witch in the woods." one of them said. "Would ya pipe down. Mention a witch and something worse than dancing is gonna happen to ya." said his friend. And in his dismay he was right. A couple of thugs had walked up to the table with clubs. "What's this about witches then?" one of them said quietly but intimidating. The two men looked down trying to ignore them. "I asked you a question knobhead." he said as he grabbed the guy who wouldn't stop talking. "Maybe I'll beat the words out of ya."

"Enough." said Hans sternly as he stood from his seat to face the thugs with his metal mask covering him. "Oi. This ain't your business metal man."

"You just made it my business. Now let them be, or else you'll regret seeing me."

The man snickered and his entourage. "Think yer a big man behind all that fancy armor? We'll soon put you in yer place." As he was about to swing with his right, but Hans grabbed the swinging arm and punched the thug hard and placed the mans arm behind his back to which his colleagues charged at Hans from both sides. He kicked the guy down to his left and threw the guy he was holding to the guy on his right.

"Back down now and I promise you won't suffer anymore pain." Hans said sternly alternating his gaze. "This isn't our first scuffle metal man!" the leader said and and then charged with his thugs with their clubs. But Hans was quick before they could team up on him. He reached to the thug on the left, isolating his arm and disarming him, taking his club and then whacking him on the head with it with enough force to knock him out. With the other two thugs, Hans stabbed the leader in his stomach with the club and then elbowed the other, the impact from his metal pads knocked him down hard. Hans then took the leader on his knees with his back to Hans. His hands were in a position to snap his neck. "This is your last chance to back away."

Hans felt him shake and tremble as he spoke. "o-okay... take it easy mate.... we hear ya.." he stammered. Hans let him go and they both grabbed their unconscious friend and ran out the bar. Hans walked back to the counter, the food was still there. Finally he was able to sit down and enjoy his meal. He took off his mask revealing his smooth and soft face. The bar tender before him was cowering against the wall after the ordeal. Hans looked up and give her a quick smile before devouring his food again. When the bowl was empty he reached into his pocket and pulled out a shiny and pristine piece of silver. “I hope this is enough”, he said looking at the bar tender with a smile. She was still mesmerized by what happened. Hans then put his mask back on, putting him back in the faceless and cold metal man. He exited the bar and walked into the woods where he heard tales of the witch. To end the paranoia that was going on in the village.

Remembrance Remembrance
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  • Aydan Conrad | Martydi Martydi
    Moedjati Kember | DarkianMaker DarkianMaker
    Location | Refugee Camp 7
    Summary | Moedjati faces consequences for brutality, while Aydan is caught in a difficult decision.

    As Moedjati’s keyphrase was spoken, the air seemed to fill with a thick uncertainty. The sound of a blast on the otherside of Camp 7 shook even Aydan’s bones. The immediate follow-up sound was the sound of a barrage of quiet thuds and wet blasts that were audible deep into the camp.

    Bright, burning spotlights flicked to life at the border towers, streaking up and down the streets as every single door on every single printed-out cookie cutter home slammed shut and auto-locked. A blistering, loud demand from speakers on every corner called out in harsh tones the singular order: “LINE UP FOR INSPECTION, AN ATTACK ON THE PERIMETER HAS BEEN DETECTED, LINE UP FOR INSPECTION.”

    The cluster of Deep Elves still out on the streets stood in clear view. Those with eyes were filled with tangible exhaustion. Those without eyes were sunken in a half-stooped display of disheartenment. As Peabodies seemed to crawl out of every alley armed to the teeth with their MURD-34 launchers, the Elves stood at attention. A large reptilian creature of Underdark origin, perhaps it was a Bugbear, even kneeled to the commands despite the fact that it appeared to be able to rip a Peabody in half just by a sheer comparison of mass.

    Aydan found himself closed in by multiple agitated looking Peabodies. Their launchers pointed at rest. The lead Peabody, perhaps a command unit of some kind as indicated by the single horizontal blue stripe across its center of mass, began to speak in a calm female tone that contrasted the sound of the alert system.

    “Sir, would you please tell us why you are here this evening and submit yourself to a full-body search? No exceptions to this request can be made at this time. If you will not comply we can have you safely escorted off of the premises, away from the current combat circumstances that are actively occurring.” Its tinny voice was generated. Sounded as if she was speaking into an aluminum can over a wire. Similar speeches were given to nearby Elves, who all complied quickly with chirps of various dialects of Elvish Common. The Peabodies patted them down and confiscated any sharp objects.

    One particular Elf, a white-skinned creature with no eyes and long ape-like limbs, was mouthy. It snarled and refused to allow a peaceful search. The two Peabodies speaking to it grabbed it, and brought it down onto its knees in the middle of the street. It was searched, and what appeared to be a hunk of stone was removed from the Elf’s bag. The creature on its knees gargled out, “My-miithrel,” before the Peabody standing above it exclaimed, “VALUABLE MATERIAL DETECTED. THE FULL FORCE OF THE LAW WILL BE APPLIED.”

    The Peabody’s hand visibly heated up as a coolant vent on its arm was shut. After a moment passed, the Elf was branded on the neck with the melt-flesh burn. It screeched momentarily before stopping and breathing heavily on the floor while the two Peabodies walked away with the mythril in hand. It sobbed in Elvish before crawling out of the street and to the locked doorstep of his assigned home.

    It was while looking at this pitiful Elf that Aydan set eyes on his target, up the street being escorted with his hands in the air by two Peabodies. Towards the East exit.

    Moedjati faced worse circumstances.

    Two communications were received in seconds following the sounds of violence. The first from the Knobhead: “Point-man lit off the high explosive. The blast hit the walls of some of the printed buildings then just did nothing. Only damage was to the Peabody nearest to the Point-man. We’re surrounded at the moment, and the Peabodies are ripping through us. W—.” An uncomfortable amount of static from that feed followed.

    From the other feed, the Fleabag spoke quickly. Panicked. “Point Deximas could not be approached, Peabody patro—.”


    Then that feed cut.

    A pair of Peabodies approached Moedjati as the searches began rapidly around him. It spoke briefly in feminine tones. “Sir, would you please tell us why you are here this evening and submit yourself to a full-body search? No exceptions to this request can be made at this time. If you will not comply we can have you safely escorted off of the premises, away from the current combat circumstances that are actively occurring.” Tinny and robotic. Its central ocular sensor swiveled and pivoted, before landing on Moedjati’s boots.

    [CONSEQUENCES : MOEDJATI : Her Lover’s Smile]
    “Lover, come quick! I sent mail to one of the local magicians. He said he would take us out of the city, out of the camps. Come come come.” The Drow’s night-black skin was difficult to see in the dark din of the sewer system. It was the safest and quickest way to this supposed magician’s home. They had both gotten their papers approved, but found the hustle and bustle of the city too much. Too foreign.

    So they had intended to leave that evening with the magician. The woman being spoken to was also a Drow. A shapely, dark-skinned Elf with bright purple eyes that gleamed in the night. Together she and the male drow looked to be the picture perfect representation of a fantastical world unknown to most. Together they ran jovially, prancing back and forth and sing-songing their way through the muck to pass the time.

    He beckoned to rest a moment, smiling broadly. The pair kissed, and embraced, before she twirled back and smiled at her lover. The sound of metal scratching above them caused a moment’s hesitation, before he too smiled at her.

    From above, a hulking creature of the modern era plummeted. The male Drow had time to look up and regret planning his future before his spine and skull buckled under the weight of the stranger. Flecks of bone, blood, and hope scattered across the already dirty floor and the boots of the man that had crushed him. The crumpled lump was disfigured beyond recognition. The woman took a moment to register what had happened.

    As tears brought her eyes to swell, she heard one last thing.


    The Monster’s voice. She winced at it. She was taken by a fear of what might happen to her if she stayed, however. Her legs moved her away from the man while her mind whimpered and warped at the panic of the loss. She heard the Monster’s heavy footsteps carry him away while she fell, into the sewage and waste, and wept.

    Her Lover’s Smile haunted her.
    [CONSEQUENCES : MOEDJATI : Her Lover’s Smile]

    The Peabody shifted, and squated. In a calm feminine tone it spoke. “There is residue of blood on your boots. Please provide your passport and any other identifying material on you and submit to the mandatory search. Remove your boots for lab testing.” One of the other Peabodies across the street abandoned its partner and turned, raising its weapon to Moedjati. The squatting Peabody’s partner raised its gun as well, pointing it at Moedjati.

the wild witch
The forest was fairly damp, existing in its own ecosystem of despair and darkness. It helped little that the forest swarmed with magical energy, whatever the power was being something that made darker forces stronger. The air was thick with this static, nearly electric presence. Shadows bent at every corner, bowing to watch and follow the inhabitants. They were fairly ambivalent, these shadows, and they much preferred to be seen from the corner of one's vision than directly in their sights. There was a reason most of the villagers tried to avoid the woods, and those who bothered the witch within faced the wrath of both the inherent magic of the forest and the magic of the witch.

The woods played tricks on the eyes as well. It wasn't just the shadows that lingered like curious children, but apparitions and hallucinations that were plucked straight from wanderer's thoughts. The forest was a cruel domain for this, and it was the reason that Rowan set up wards and talismans where she could. If not to alert her of any intruders to this semi-permanent home of hers, then to protect herself and any others from the malevolent forces of the woods. She was not all the evil witch that the villagers portrayed.

In the center of the forest, given that one was wise enough to follow the talismans in the trees, they would find a simple hut. This was one that Rowan had built herself, or with a little help from magic at least. Her telekinetic abilities gave her an advantage to lifting heavy wood and forging this home for herself. It was better than wandering in the dark, sleeping under bushes or the wide umbrella of thick evergreens (something similar to evergreens at least, whatever the Dreamlands produced had some sort of energy of itself). Besides, Thallis liked the warmth of a fire, which was something so human that the woman would never have guessed a powerful demon could be attached to.

Rowan resided in this hut now, where she had made her way after her brief visit to the outskirts. Mixing some herbs at a table, belladonna and some curly plant that tasted of berries, she felt one of her wards be tripped. Two, actually. Two visitors to the forest? She sneered over at the fire, something to stare at, and hoped it wasn't any more bothersome villagers coming to taunt her. If someone actually wanted to get to work on curing this dance fever, she'd entertain them a moment of her time.

Otherwise, they were better off to run before she could fling a tree at them.

Thallis, in his giant and many-eyed wolf form, peeked through the window at Rowan. Several eyes blinked at her, and then looked over to the left.

"We have visitors. If you move fast enough, perhaps you can beat me at giving them a warm welcome?" The demon whispered, a smile curling against his maw. Sharp teeth glistened, fresh with spit. Rowan rolled her eyes, shaking her head as she stood up. She brushed her hands on her dress and moved toward the door.

"Torment them all you like, but lead them here. If they want to cause trouble, I'd rather it be on my terms and in my home." She lifted her nose, exiting the hut and grabbing her staff on the way out. Books were tossed about, making a mess of the small hut. Anything she could dig through to find some answers to this forest. They, the books, sometimes dipped in and out of existence, but Rowan was a fast reader. It was the benefits of being well read in her youth-- preparation to rule a nation.

Oh, how the mighty fall.

"I didn't need your permission. I do what I please and I am pleased in what I do," the demon said, strolling out toward the trees. Rowan massaged her temples.

"Oh, go already," she muttered. Thallis smirked, snickering as he took off into the darkness. A demon of mischief, very nearly a deity if his power continued to grow and his influence to expand. It helped that they camped out in these dark woods, and that the nearby village was plagued by some madness. He was growing stronger every minute.

The many-eyed wolf could take other forms, but he much preferred this form. Equal footings in both fear and insanity, portrayed as a predator and as something unnatural. He thrived on this balance. Tapping into his strengths within the dark woods, Thallis let his energy grow. Like veins, coursing with a hungry drug, he felt along till he came upon the visitors. Strange folk, definitely not like the Simple folk. Something else entirely.

He let the forest have its turn on the visitors, whatever assault it wanted to have. Smiling, he watched with saliva pooling in his jaws.

"Venture to the hut in the center of the forest...follow the talismans. The witch wants to pull you limb from limb...I mean, speak with you." Thallis whispered with a haunting echo of laughter into the breeze itself, little as it was, rushing through the heavy air.
The Northern Woods / Dreamlands
Thallis: Hans, Ebel. Rowan: N/A
Here's your environment, now let the boys get to the hut. There are some spooky elements to the forest, but the hut is the safest place to be (contrary to popular belief). Rowan is waiting for the visitors to arrive, ready for them to either start a fight or talk.
Health (- Northern Woods)

Stamina (- Northern Woods)

Mana (+ Northern Woods)

Sylvio Sylvio Remembrance Remembrance

Northern Woods

Hans gave a deep sigh after the ominous and sadistic speech he heard. Of course this wasn’t gonna be easy, but is it ever? He took his machine gun from behind him and walked cautiously with his head on a swivel. He heard echoed laughs from around the forest, it was no doubt they were directed at him. He approached a tree that was standing before him amongst the husks of woods standing up right. There was a talisman on the tree and it seemed to be illuminating. Were these the ones that would lead him? Hans’ thoughts were interrupted as he heard faint and violent screeches from behind him. He dashed his head around and saw bald hunchbacked humanoids on their hands and feet, hanging from the trees. They were probably victims of the forest.

Hans opened fire as they crawled toward him at alarming speed. He opened fire on the abominations, killing about a dozen before a dozen more were coming. He had to reload but one of the creatures was about to pounce on him from the tree, Hans stepped out of the quickly and stomped on its neck, another tried to go for his head but he grabbed its neck and snapped it. Another tried to go for his legs, but he stepped back and stomped its head in. As two more jumped at him, he ducked to grab his machine gun and ducked once again as he looked behind him to see a creature jump from the tree behind him. Hans has just put a new magazine in and fired amongst the beasts. He would swivel around and land shots on those around him.

Suddenly they stopped and it sounded as though the woods were whispering, and it did. It caused the creatures to stand down and run into the shadows of the forest. Hans sighed as he turned around and the talisman on the tree was still glowing. He walked passed it to find the next talisman that would lead him to his destination.
pocket beach 15 km away from Galmoor
She's swimming to relax from a long hunt.

The sunshine was in your bones, the heat radiating outwards into the bright day. Quite an inviting weather to take a swim in the great sea of Galmoor. The summer winds moved the deepening foliage of the tropical forest, creating an ever-changing mosaic of light and shades and with it the music that was born of such gentle movement, the steady soothing lyrics of nature close by. It was melodious and chorus, all at once.

Heat licked at the sunburnt face of Simona and coiled around her limbs like a great hot-blooded serpent. She finally exited the jungle after a long hunt with blood covering her face like sunscreen. She came to the conclusion that there wouldn't be any pirates roaming this particular area due to the numerous rocks sticking out the waters and she could finally wash off her last battle. The birds were particularly quiet, only grasshoppers accompanying the sound of the wind. Some peace for the mind, but her subconscious didn't rest completely... yet.

With the blinding light of the sky, the river was like a semi-molten mirror. She could feel the coolness even before she flicked her hand in the water, sending droplets scattering over the surface like rain. She kneeled down, the salty water stinging her wounds and she splashed the water on to her face. It felt like the water was drinking away her body heat and washing away the pain. Forgetting herself, she threw her heavier weapons and a pouch on the dry sand and sunk knee deep into the deceptive depth of the sea.

"How long has it been since I last took a bath, huh?" She commented to no one in particular but an attentive eye could notice a little mouse swimming towards her and grabbing on to her hair to rest on drylands atop her head. "A whole week to hunt that damn creature in this heat wave, I sure caught the jackpot of missions," she sighed before letting a smile creep on her face. This was very relaxing and rewarding, forgetting herself, she starfished at the top of the water and enjoyed the soothing movement of the waves.
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  • DuheasaThe Grim Reaper
    "Take my hand."


    "Look I'm not trying to ask you to marry me, I'm trying to save your life!" She yelled down at the man, hanging from the roof of a tower. The bloody thief had been stupid enough to run into a place with no exit. It's truly awful what pride does to a human, thinking they can fly. Now it gives her more work than she needs to have.

    She had left the care of her father a few months ago, and within those months, she had spent them drinking, keeping people from dying or ignoring the calls of Luknir. Every time she sees a blackbird or horns in her dreams she would wake up in cold sweat, yelling at the deity and slamming her fist into the sand. He couldn't leave the gates of hell unattended, and her parents couldn't leave their ruler over the damned. In the end, they were little to nothing they could do to stop her. All the could do was give her warnings and threats that never seem to stick.

    Freedom truly did taste amazing, the only problem was the wandering souls. Yelling, begging her to take them to the afterlife. A place she vowed to not return to. Because if she did she would be dragged into doing people's dirty work once again. And she sure as hell wasn't going to do that. So the more people that didn't die, the fewer souls she had to worry about. To problems solved, with little to no work.

    The problem was finding the deaths before they happen. She didn't have the list her father did. She had no way of knowing who would come next, but with all her years at the job, she managed to catch a few from a glance. One of these happened to be the poor thief, Orias Inti. He had been caught by the guards, chased through the city for stealing a woman's wallet. What for? Dove didn't really care. Sinner or saint, it ends the same.

    "And if they jail me?" The man yelled, feet dangling as the air blew his rags tight around his chest, "What then?"

    "But you'll be alive!" She argued as if the choice was as simple as that.

    "I have a family--"

    "And would you rather have them think you're dead or a criminal." She had managed to beat the guards to the top of the tower, shifting the light of the sun to make buy them a little more time to chat. She could see the thief's fingers starting to slip from the sweat and his upper arm start to tremble.

    "Why are you so keen on this?"

    She sighed, "Because if you die, I have to suffer with your dumbass for all eternity." She growled, grabbing onto Orias' forearm just as his index finger drifted off the stone platform. He was heavier than she thought. Why did humans get made with so much liquid in them?

    "You... you're the --" His eyes seemed to grow in size and all she did was sigh.

    "Thanks. The stories don't do me justice. I know. Now if I promise you to see your family or whatever, will you stop being a pansy and help me out here?" She demanded.

    "But why are you--"

    "It's a long story." The sweat from Orias' skin started to make her hand glide farther down, nearly dropping him. "Oh for all things--" She winced, grabbing onto him with both hands and pulling him up back onto the ledge, grunting and panting once he was laying on the cold stone. "You... are fucking welcome!" She announced, "Guards! The prisoner!"

    "What! But you said--"

    "I don't recall you giving me anything in return. You are in no place to bargain." She informed the thief letting the man be surrounded by spears. Stepping back from the yells and screams of orders and pleas, satisfied with her work. Just as a small smile formed, the sound of metal to stone calm to her ears and a name was whispered. Someone was found dead.

    She cursed under her breath, walking to the edge of the tower. After so much work, to have someone close by die anyway. It was hardly fair. Now, stepping off of the end, letting the wind guiding her down, she felt her scarf be pulled back from her head. Once her feet touched the city streets, she began walking. The sound of Orias' cried drowned by more and more names whispered in her ears. One after another.

    The souls that the names belonged to were easy to find. They all belonged in the small town. The town of the Simple Folk and one she knew quite well. This was her first visit. Once she stepped into the town, she was greeted by the sound of footsteps and cried for help. And just as she suspected, the noise came from the people. Who danced on the roads, on the fountains and statues. Dancing until their feet were sour and they couldn't hold themselves up alone. She growled, watching people die, one by one in front of her. Their souls all calling out for the way to the afterlife. All she could hope was that they did not see her.

    As more and more names came, she wanted to slam her ears in with a rock, get herself some silence. But she knew that wouldn't stop anything. What was worse, the calls of the dead. Souls screaming her name into the gusts to be carried to her.

    Jaw set, she grabbed a flask from her pocket, throwing it back to try and tune out most of the voices that kept circling around and around. Once she was sure none of the spirits had spotted her, she turned on her heel and dreaded into the woods to see an old 'friend'. A lovely witch who seems to really love making her job a hell outside of hell.

    "ROWAN! Sugar where are you!" Dove yelled as she jumped over trees and ducked under branches. It had gotten worse since the last time she had come. "Oh, Rowan! You remember me, don't you! Your friend! Duheasa! Moon Deity! You recall don't you!" She put on a friendly light voice, trying to jump over some sort of hole in the ground, "I love what you've done with the place. Now would you mind NOT MAKING MY JOB THAT MUCH HARDER AND STOP THIS HORRID CURSE! YOU'RE MAKING MY JOB A BIGGER HELL THAN IT ALREADY IS!" She screamed into the trees, looking around herself and waiting for the witch or anyone else to hear.

    Location: The Northern Woods / The Town
    Interaction: Rowan, (Sort of: Hans, Thallis, Ebel)
    Summary: After successfully stopping the death of a common thief, Duheasa get's informed of more deaths close by come in one after another. Recognising the work of the wild witch, she goes into the forest to confront of her once again.
    Mention: Sylvio Sylvio BELIAL. BELIAL. Remembrance Remembrance

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[div class=background][div class=second] [div class=topimg]
[div class=back] an slí amach [/div][/div] [div class=border][div class=opacitybg][/div] [div class=box][div class=over]Chapter 1[/div]
Demons. The stench of their evil hung heavy in the air. It was potent enough to crinkle Cinder's nose. Fur bristled long the ridges of his back as he padded into town. He maintained a safe distance from the crowd, so as not to raise the alarm. He needn't see with his own eyes what he could smell from here. Blood. Fear. Death.

From the looks on their faces, the townsfolk could smell it, too. He pitied them all. The slaves, former or otherwise, and the black-and-white coats, too. They were, all of them, swept up in a great game, tangled in the strings of dark entities the likes of which most of them - at least, those not particularly magically inclined - could scarcely begin to imagine.

Yes, it appeared that the whispers on the road were true. Dark forces were at work, here. Now, all that remained to be seen was whether those forces were the ones he sought. He had picked up and lost the scent so many times... To hope now was beyond him. There was only the hunt.

Some local kids, sons and daughters of the angry mob that had formed, left unattended, caught sight of the great, big, lumbering brute who sat brooding just out of the limelight. He indulged them of their curiosity, and even allowed them to bestow upon him a few ear scritches and head pats for good measure. Then the vague figure of a woman shot up into the sky and flew off in some indiscreet direction.

Fangs bared, the black dog bounded off in the direction of the flying girl, the one he overheard the townsfolk cry out to, claiming she was a messenger of the gods, or a god. The truth of that, Cinder would discern for himself. And as it turned out, he was not alone. He picked up the scent of another being in pursuit.

[div class=over]Summary[/div]
Cinder arrived in Galmoor, surveyed the grisly scene, saw the dragon-girl take flight, and chased after her.

Mentions / tags: Shaded Shaded Ladyvix Ladyvix

[/div][/div][/div] [div class=first] [div class=words][div class=i]C[/div]inder
[div class=bottomwords]The Dark Shape comes;
when the Mind is Still
Your Hopes and Dreams;
your Love it will Kill. [/div][/div] [div class=line][div class=fimgb][div class=input] [div class=block][div class=inputwords] isteach [/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=c]made by: @undine[/div] [script class=input on=click] slideUp 2000 first fadeIn 1000 second [/script] [script class=back on=click] slideDown 2000 first [/script] [script class=input on=mouseenter] addClass op inputwords [/script] [script class=input on=mouseleave] removeClass op inputwords [/script] [class=background]height: 400px; max-width: 600px; boz-sixing: border-box; margin: auto; position: relative; overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #f1f1f1 [/class] [class=first]height: 100%; width: 100%; background: #CFCFCF; opacity: 0.99; position: relative; top: -400px [/class] [class=second]height: 100%; width: 100%; background-image:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/bc/8e/55/bc8e55fa9a949e8f49a2f76c11254a16.jpg); background-size:105%; background-position: 0% 30%; opacity: 1; position: relative; top: 0px [/class] [class=back]width:100%; height: 40px; padding: 20px 0px 0px 0px; margin: auto; font-weight: 700; letter-spacing: 1.5px; word-spacing: 1.5px; font-size: 13px; color: white; position: relative; top: 305px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; cursor: pointer [/class] [class=line]height: 2px; width: 100%; background: white; position: relative; top: 130px [/class] [class=fimgb]position: relative; top: -95px; margin: auto; clip-path: polygon(0 50%, 50% 0, 100% 50%, 50% 100%); height: 180px; width: 180px; background: #fff; padding: 7px [/class] [class=input]cursor: pointer; height: 180px; width: 180px; background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f4/80/a4/f480a4ce35305656e3bb5ee79af656b4.jpg); background-size: 120%; background-position: 55% 100%; clip-path: polygon(0 50%, 50% 0, 100% 50%, 50% 100%); filter: saturate(70%) [/class] [class=inputwords]height: 10px; padding: 5px 5px 10px 5px; width: 100%; display: block; background: #fff; color: #444444; position: relative; top: 85px; font-size: 10px; font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif; text-align: center; transition: all .4s ease-in-out; opacity: 0; position: relative [/class] [class name=op]opacity: 1 [/class] [class name=words]height:100px; width: 100%; font-size: 25px; font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif; position: absolute; color: #444444; top: 250px; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 4.5px; text-transform: uppercase [/class] [class=topimg]height:100%; width:100%; filter: saturate(110%); transition: all .5s ease-in-out; position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px [/class] [class name=topimg state=hover]filter: saturate(150%); [/class] [class=topwords]width:130px; height: 7%; border-bottom: 1px solid #94A12C; font-size: 12px; color: black; position: relative; top: 220px; margin: auto; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; font-weight: 700; word-spacing: 1px; letter-spacing: 1px; [/class] [class=bottomwords]height: 100%; width: 100%; font-size: 0.45em; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: center; font-style: oblique; top: -5px; line-height: 14px; letter-spacing: 0.2px; position: relative; top: 10px [/class] [class=border]height: 300px; width: 345px; position: relative; margin:auto; top: -371px; left: 0px [/class] [class name=opacitybg]height: 289px; width: 350px; border: 1px solid white; background: white; opacity: 0.8; margin: auto; position: relative; top: 5px [/class] [class=i]display: inline-block; font-size: 30px; font-style: italic [/class] [class=box]height: 80%; width: 90%; padding: 5px; font-size: 11px; font-family: 'Hind', sans-serif; margin: auto; position: relative; top: -265px; line-height:16px; word-spacing: -0px; overflow: auto; text-align: justify [/class] [class=over]height: 25px; padding: 10px 0px 0px 0px; width: 100%; background: #ACACAC; font-size: 10px; font-weight: 700; text-transform: uppercase; position: sticky; top: 0px; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 2px; [/class] [class=num]display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-weight: 700 [/class] [class=c]width: 100%; text-align: center; opacity: 0; font-size: 10px [/class]
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[div class=mainCon][div class=contentWrap][div class=scrollWrap][div class=textWrap]Shaevontol was completely out of breath as she forced herself to run further from the walls of the city. She had faced many a mob before, but this one most likely would be the biggest she had ever seen before. After all the city she had just been in was the largest she has ever seen, nothing in her own dimension could compare to it. This dimension was peculiar to say the least to her, but currently that was not a good thing. The constant running, whilst also holding a form she was not used to was draining her physically to the point of exhaustion. She had to stop now, before she literally passed out and turned into her true form, making her an even bigger target. On top of being big, she would also be passed out and therefore immobile, making her an easy target. The only thing that would stop people would be her scales, which are easy to work around if you know how.

With all that information in mind Tolae stopped in her tracks behind a big tree, panting. She could barely breath at the moment let alone move. Her legs gave in as she fell to her knees still gasping for the bits of air her human form gave her. She really wanted to de-shift right now, but it would only hurt her. At the very least she de-shifted so her horns were back, even her wings were once again out in the open. It was then that her spine no longer wanted to support her and she fell over onto the grass, it felt good to just lay there and pant for a while. It was peaceful for a bit, but only a bit. She started to hear the yells of people, which of course made her panic quite a bit. The only thing she could do at the moment was shift once more and force it. She would stay still and make it seem like she was a sleeping human.....a sleeping collapsed human. Maybe she could pose as a victim to a demon or something to get them off her back.

She did so though, forcing her horns and wings back, making herself appear as human as possible as she lay there immobile. She was out of options and ideas now.....plus she was out of energy. Her exhaustion had hit its peak and she was about to pass out, she just needed to hold it a little longer for people to pass her by. Unfortunately for Tolae though, she passed out before she could determine any of it. Her form slowly shifted to her true dragon form as well, luckily though due to her enchanted arrows, her magic supply wasn't gone completely and her size didn't change. She was a rather small looking dragon, but a dragon none the less now...passed out....behind a big tree.

[/div][/div][/div][div class=rightBanner][div class=mainPic][/div][div class=quote]Shaevontol[/div][div class=tagBox]Location: Outside of Galmoor
Tags: Shaded Shaded , Elenion Aura Elenion Aura , D d1uni5ys24si3o ?
Summary: Exhaustion catches up to Tolae and she shifts back to a dragon.
code by RI.a

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pocket beach 15 km away from Galmoor
Just engaged in battle with Mazguthad with her elemental powers. Time for some dice rolls!

"No, I'm not lazy silly. I'm just very much relaxing..." Simona casually said as she drifted off in the water. The mouse squeaked casually as if complaining and Simona wasn't having it right now. "Oh stop judging me already you workaholic," she giggled. The tension that had kept her up for 36 hours straight melted into nothing. She swam at the beach stripped of her weapons and wearing a schoolgirl smile. Her body unwinding now and her brain shut, little did she know that at the shore the ground was growing unsteady as tremblor struck. The birds flew away, so did the fish suddenly flee to the deeper ends of the sea. Simona looked around, squinting her eyes as she slowly swam back. Something wasn't right. The palm trees danced with the growing strength of the winds; the air felt much warmer and the pressure grew until she felt her breath come short and all of a sudden.

"Oh fuck..."

And the quarry detonation wrecked the silence of the jungle! The scream tore through her like a great shard of glass. She could feel her eyes widen and pulse, heart thudding like a rock rattling in box. She struggled to get out of the waters, feeling the blood drain from her face before being aware of making the conscious decision for her legs to furiously pound the waters. Her ears strained from the sound, and her eyes absorbed the 20 feet tall monstrosity before her. She had never seen anything like this before. A demon of this size did not roam or appear on this realm without a purpose of destruction. She had to do something before it was too late.
She noticed a dome appearing, trying to contain it but that demon's blade almost immediately slashed it.

Someone was around.

Arriving on shore, Simona strapped her equipment back on and quickly noticed the flying man. Her eyes gazed at him as he just limblessly, weightlessly flew and crashed to the ground like a ragdoll.

"What the fuck..." she added. He wasn't too far off; the demon screeched once more as it took a stance that could only scream a final charge. If he was the man who tried to create the dome, then if she just helped... no time for thinking.

She dashed forward breaking free of the fear. She unleashed the chains from her side, fire lighting them up as she leapt forward spinning them into a magnificent light show — a circle of fire of about two meters of diameter appeared.

"Fire pillar of hell!"
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Fratta Principalis
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Aério appears in Fratta Principalis without knowing why, gets checked out by a Peabody, then gets grabbed by an elf.
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Aério blinked and stared straight ahead at the environment that surrounded his body. He didn't remember doing anything that would result in him appearing in this steel and obsidian infested city. He had seen and heard of no such thing, and he had seen and heard quite a bit more than anyone ever could. All the minerals in the dead soil had been taken by militia groups and corporations long ago, leaving nothing for the people they wrung their opulence from. There was no chance in Urdah, that any of those money-grubbers would build a city so huge and hard to defend made of their precious metal and rock. He frowned, puzzled, even if no one could see his face. It was a learned habit from mimicking human confusion. Then perhaps he wasn't in Aluae at all? He had heard of the multiple universes theory, but it had never been proven. At least, not until now.

The fringe area he was standing in didn't seem to match the neon lights and tall skyscrapers in the distance, in fact, it was almost the opposite. Harsh yellow light filtered through the small apartments that seemed to all be made from the same basic architectural plan. They were oddly stacked together, some of them balancing precariously on the edge of a group of houses, and looked noticeably unplanned for a permanent residential space. There was no one out and about, only fragile-looking androids holding some kind of firearm. No matter what it was, this place would likely seem dull and authoritarian for the average person. Deducing that this was probably an undesirable area to live in, he moved towards the center of the spires and hubbub.

Before he could take more than three steps, an android came up to him, asking to search him in an electronic, moderately feminine voice. He obediently obliged, one, because he didn't really mind, and two, because he didn't know the state of this place and didn't care to start anything right now. There was still exploring to see and curiosities to find, so until he got tired of this place, he would follow their customs. Her robotic limbs, he was going to be rude and assume the android was female, felt him up all over and finally took his thin and somewhat feeble looking sniper rifle, leaving to run after a skedaddling creature that mildly resembled a squid. He would've been curious about the squid-thing if he wasn't having a brief interval of negative emptiness without the rifle. He'd lost much more in the past so it wasn't that big of a deal, he assured himself, he would just get another one later.

Just as he was going to walk away again, a slimy, flesh-coloured creature reached out to grab his sleeve.

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Aydan Conrad
Location: Fratta Principalis refugee camp
Time: Night
Aydan looked at police peabody, looked down at his gun and then back up at the droid. "Full body search? Are you tin cans being serious?" Oscelan commando sighed "You know, I'll save you some processing power, it appears you have a deficit anyways. Yes, I am armed. As if that wasn't already obvious. No, I am not affiliated with whoever blew up whatever the hell that was, but I might know who did this. I was just going to whoever commands this excuse of a police force and share the information." the last statement wasn't entirely true, but peabodies did not need to know that "I could help you with handling the situation, I am trained and equipped to deal with that sort of thing, but I guess I might go with you and get the bureaucracy out of the way first. I figured local government will get in the way. Lets move, I need to get started back to my mission. East exit, yes?" Aydan went around the confused robots and headed towards the exit.

After several steps, peabodies realized what has happened and ran after Aydan. When they caught up, Oscelan commando started talking again, not letting the droids say anything. "I figured you should know, there is a possible danger to this entire world. In short, a group of terrorists ran away from where I come from, they might have a mineral with them, spreads on its own, potent enough to destroy a world. That explosion out there might have been their thing. Do you walking scraps have some sort of comms network with eachother? If you do, tell your fellow robots that if they find a growing green or blue crystal, keep everyone away." as Aydan talked, keeping the peabody shut, the group passed the east exist "Okay, where now? Some specific place, or just out of the camp?"
Active unit: Moedjati Kember
Location: Fratta Principalis, proximity of Refugee Camp 7
Time: 23:52
Operation: Dark Heresy, execution T+2

Where others would panic Moedjati remained perfectly calm as he quickly calculated his options. He never had much hope for team Knobhead to achieve to much but team Fleabag being apprehended prematurely was an oddity but not impossible. And now one of those inferior drones was trying to command him, HIM! Obviously the inferior machine hadn't even picked up on his nature yet and the impossibility for him to remove his lower legs for their research. He looked at the Peabodies who had trained their weapons on him, the one squatting in front of his boots and the others in his part of the street. Considering how well things have been going so far he wasn't going to rely on those supposed Peabody shut down codes and instead opted for a more... Violence-prone approach.

In a move that was quicker than the Peabody reaction time he grabbed the Peabody near him that had weapons trained on him, crushed its head to make it malfunction and turned its body to use it as a proverbial meat-shield and so the now firing MURD34 launchers shot its own buddy a little distance away. At the same time he kicked the squatting Peabody to the ground and crushed its control system with his heavy boot. As the fight broke out abruptly a few shots landed into his improvised weapon and shield as he blew up the first Peabody shooting at him, but soon most of the Peabodies in his vicinity turned their attention and weapons to him. He turned around so his Peabody would strafe down the street blowing up more Peabodies and killing a good number of civilians whilst catching MURD34 shots and falling to pieces. Moedjati activated his shield just in the nick of time when he dropped the remains of his Peabody hostage as a shot reflected off it as he did. He shot the last Peabody with his own plasma caster before disappearing into the alleys of the refugee camp.

As he moved through the alleys he took out isolated Peabody units in a situation where they couldn't use superior numbers to pin him down. He kept moving quickly though as he knew it wouldn't be too long before more Peabodies and probably air support would be deployed. He stopped in front of one of the prefab housing units and opened the door by overriding the lock. As he stepped inside he was met by the scared glances of three young adult Drow, two male, one female. The female was the target, the males were expendable. As the door slid close behind him he shot a stun dart into the female and grabbed the two males by their faces and crushed their skulls before they could even utter a sound of surprise.

He stuffed the unconscious female into a secure cocoon kit for ease of transport before he stepped into the prefab unit's kitchen area. He took the special canister from his coat and placed it in a hidden spot in the cupboard under the sink. He activated the mechanism before he booby trapped the kitchen with a few grenades and stepped out of the kitchen. The canister was set to explode in ten minutes from now to blow up half the block of prefab units and spread that crystal in fine portions of which some would end up into the waterworks below the camp. Between the booby traps and his tendency to make his bombs very finicky to disarm it would either take himself or a genius bomb disarming expert to prevent it from properly exploding. He attached the cocoon to his back and left the prefab unit, returning once more into the chaos of the camp with only one goal remaining: getting out of the camp before it would become impossible.

Only the bold can win.

Eliphas KhalenorThe Seeker
Ellie pulled himself up. Managing nothing more then to sit up on the flaming sand. He had read about this creature, the only problem was he couldn’t seem to remember what spell could stop him. What weakness this demon had. Everything had a soft spot, the problem was memorising all of them.

Over the noise of the monster, Ellie couldn't hear the girl screaming and yelling, running away. Hell he couldn't see her either. His focus was on the threat about to kill him if he didn't hurry.

Reaching around himself, patting down the ground his fingers sifted through the sand to find his staff but it didn't seem like it was anywhere, and he could feel his body screaming at him to stop. Shouting for him to run, get away. Another throw and there was a good chance Ellie wouldn't be able to stand up. The smell of smoke and sea salt filled his nose, as he pushed himself up to stand on shaky legs. He could use that staff now, but there wasn't time to crawl around like a wingless bat to try and find it.

Looking in the satchel at his side, Ellie pulled out his old tablet. Clear as a stone plaque but light as a scroll. Feeling the fire under his feet, nearly hot enough to turn the sand to glass, Ellie rolled out of the way. Back on the ground and grunting but the adrenaline kept him going. The most important thing was entrapping Mazguthad, to make sure he could not get to the town. And that is exactly what he did. Muttering under his breath and drawing a circle in the sand with his finger tips. It was a simple spell but it would have to do. For now.

Lifting a shaking hand, Ellie starts pressing against the tablet, writing symbols into it as he continued to chant. This time a new spell. A stun spell. Hoping if not to stun the beast at least his weapons. Whichever, Ellie would be see it as an advantage and a chance to get his staff back to cast something strong enough to banish the damned thing.

Location: Town Of Chonat/Beach Outside of Galmoor
Interaction: Simo
Summary: Ellie casts a entrapping spell around the beach to trap the demon and then tries to cast a stun spell on the beast or at least the beast's weapons.
Mention: D d1uni5ys24si3o
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Fratta Principalis

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Aério hears an explosion, gets talked to by a good-hearted(?) elf and pulled along to a cookie cutter house.
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The boy made of gas scrunched up his face and turned around, staring at the direction of the sound, even while knowing it wouldn't help. What was that? Dust rose in the distance and the area seemed to be missing a chunk of houses. Aério studied it for a moment, straining to sense anything else from that direction until he was jolted out his concentration by the tightening grip on his arm.

He turned around to face the creature, cocking his head. "Um, do you need something from me?" Shaking his arm a bit, he wondered if it was a custom in this place to hold onto wrists to grab another's attention. The hand holding onto him might have been deformed since the other hand had fingers that were much more evenly distributed, though it could also be the other way around. His eyes twinkled and he wondered if he could dissect the organism after it died. Was that allowed by the rules that governed society here?

When the being realized the person it had grabbed had taken notice of itself, it started uttering unintelligible gibberish. Aério tried sign language and all the languages he had in his arsenal, including pig Latin, but it was an unchanging fact that they couldn't communicate. By that time, the creature seemed to have given up on dialogue and gestures, proceeding to drag Aério towards a block of bland houses. The boy kept silent while he was hauled away but put his sensors on high, registering everything that passed in the few seconds they reached the door.

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