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Fandom Legend of Korra - After the War (jaydude x Necroknight)

NecroKnight NecroKnight
"Really? Because part of me wishes I hadn't." Kuvira whispered back to Baatar, convinced that whatever the other options were, Li had been wasted as a medic. She then decided to address the point Li had just made.

"If you're suggesting we blast the stronghold off the face of the earth, do we even have any bombs capable of doing that?" She asked, wondering if she were unaware of the true extent of Qutong's arsenal. Then again, she wasn't entirely sure what Li was suggesting.
jaydude jaydude

"Something. Likely. Question being do you wish to have it used and deployed?" asked Li, looking at Kuvira.

What could be said on Li' face was the woman was dead serious that they had something of that caliber. Although, using it particularly in this situation might lead to some... consequences later on.
NecroKnight NecroKnight
"Before I answer that question, I'd like to ask you something. How exactly does this bomb work?" Kuvira replied, the calmness in her voice hiding the increasing unease she felt.

Ever since she and Baatar had started experimenting with spirit vine weaponry, Kuvira had looked into weaponizing spiritual energy as a bomb. The whole purpose of spirit vine weaponry, once the Earth Empire had been established, would have been to serve as the ultimate deterrent against the other nations, and a weapon that could be transported on a plane would be a lot more versatile than a railway cannon or a Colossus, in terms of where the weapon could be deployed.

While Kuvira and Baatar had mainly focused on the Collosus and its spirit energy cannon, a few experiments had been carried out with spirit energy bombs. Could Li have taken this further, in some way?
NecroKnight NecroKnight
(Go with the gas, if that was your original plan. I was just having Kuvira speculate about what exactly Li was planning, and I myself wasn't sure. And to tell you the truth, I prefer that idea to the spirit vine bomb one.)
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jaydude jaydude
(Aye, Li is smart but not suicidal crazy)

"Simple, it explodes - releasing a type of gas so potent, that those whom breathe it in either have to flee or stay and likely risk being incapacitated," replied Li - speaking with a rather iron and straight face at that. It seemed that the Commander took the security of Qutong very seriously - to the point, that she was likely willing to commit a war crime. Although, could one judge her a war criminal - if there was no force available to do that.

It also spoke volumes, on how much the job was starting to crack on her - if she spoke with such casualness in the idea of unleashing a weapon of immense suffering.
NecroKnight NecroKnight
Suyin and Xiao both flinched slightly from the mention of the gas, and Li's calm demeanor when she talked about it. Kuvira on the other hand wasn't bothered; warfare had been her trade for three years.

"I recall the Equalists using nerve gas when they took over Republic City years ago, in order to neutralize the police." Kuvira said, jotting down some notes on the map, before turning to Li. "What options do we have to deploy this gas? Could we do an aerial strike? Or would we need to tunnel into the lower levels of the base and set off a bomb there?"
jaydude jaydude

"Aerial...although, it would be best to equip our own men, with some sort of wet rag or similar," replied Commander Li, as the gas in question was made from namely garlic and onion - then slowly vermented over the months until it was a potent gas, that made men weep and cough uncontrollably. Severly disabling their ability to bend or fight in any circumstance - even its countermeasure would aid against the gas only when dilluted upon contact with air.

But anything directly hit - they'd have no choice but to flee post-haste or simply choke upon the gas.
NecroKnight NecroKnight
"Don't worry. I've no intention of harming our own troops with our weapons. Conventional gas masks should suffice to protect them, if the gas is only harmful when inhaled." Kuvira said.

"Well, it seems like we've got everything planned out." Suyin said, before looking at Li. "How long do you think it'll take us to get enough gas for the attack?"
jaydude jaydude

"A few hours simply for the transportation," replied Li. Namely Qutong had kept a stockpile already waiting and able - incase of such a situation.

"I can have it shipped here very easily. By air or train..." she added.
NecroKnight NecroKnight
"Good. Get it shipped over here. I don't expect the bandits to try anything, but I'll have our forces keep an eye on the stronghold just in case. Sure and I will begin marshalling our troops for the assault." Kuvira said.

While this discussion had been going on, Xiao had been having a mental battle with herself on whether to speak up against using the gas, her sense of compassion competing against her desire to get rid of all the bandits in the Earth Kingdom. The latter won out when she remembered the atrocities the bandits had carried out in the past, and those they were still able to carry out, and any desire she had to make an objection died within her.

She felt proud of herself for coming to feel this way, without Kuvira, Baatar and Li having to convince her.
jaydude jaydude

Li had a similar situation in her mind like did Xiao. Although her was more on the fact, if she was becoming less human with what she was doing.

Nevertheless, she didn't let it show - didn't even seem affected by the letter of asking their Weapon O transferred over to Zaofu. Air-drop capable ones at that.

She knew that Suyin would give the bandits one chance to surrender before the attack. For the slightest moment, Li hopes they'd accept it.
NecroKnight NecroKnight
A few hours later, the gas bombs had arrived at Zaofu, and were being loaded onto the bomber planes. The troops chosen for the attack were on standby, and would be able to start moving at a few minutes notice.

By now it was late afternoon, and the sun was starting to set. The stronghold was a few hours drive away. Night would come before the loading could be completed, and the attack force could get into a position to attack the stronghold.

"Should we begin the attack tonight? Or should we wait until tomorrow morning?" Kuvira asked Li, wanting to know how her superior would like to proceed.
jaydude jaydude

"I ain't certain on that. Do we wish for the element if surprise? Or the element of fear in the morning light?" asked Li.

Either option would work, but she was having a hard time determining which option would be most effective, for both sides.
NecroKnight NecroKnight
"I would recommend we attack in the morning. Our bombers will have an easier time finding their targets in the daylight, as will the rest of our troops. Plus, if we attack at night, some of the bandits might slip away from us in the darkness." Kuvira answered.
jaydude jaydude

"Agreed. I will make sure everything is ready and prepared. Go, get some rest - I will take care of the preparations," spoke Li - despite Kuvira being her older and more experienced 'member' in the group.

As Li looked out at the gathered planes before them - outfitted with a chemical that in the next few hours would be causing immense pain to their fellow human beings.
NecroKnight NecroKnight
"Thank you. I'll be ready to move by the first light of tomorrow." Kuvira said. With the meeting effectively adjourned, everyone else would leave soon afterwards, though most of them wouldn't be planning to get some sleep for a few more hours.

(You want to have it so that Kuvira and Baatar Jr were sleeping together since they arrived at Zaofu? Or would you like them to have been sleeping in different rooms, and keeping their relationship a secret from Suyin?)

Xiao and Li had been assigned to the same guest room they'd used on their last visit to Zaofu. That night, when Li got back from sorting out the preparations and talking to the troops, she would find Xiao on their bed, sitting in her sleepwear with her legs under the bedcovers, reading a book.
jaydude jaydude
(Yup, sleeping together)

Li didn't speak much when she had entered her room - slowly reaching and pulling off the straps of her armor and equipment. Before letting it drop onto the floor with a clunk. She didn't reach out to pick it out, simply pulling herself naked and then dressing in some pajamas.

Before the woman simply crashed onto their bed - both mentally and physically exhausted. Her face pressed against the pillow. "I hate my job..." she groaned, with a loud sigh. "Do you hate me Xiao for what I am?"

NecroKnight NecroKnight
"No, I don't hate you at all. Some of the things you've done...well, they needed to be done." Xiao replied, putting her book on the bedside table and cuddling up with Li. "Besides, with our reorganizing the guard and Kuvira being on our side, you might not have to do your job for much longer."

At about the same time, Suyin saw Kuvira and her eldest son heading into their room together, and let out a sigh of frustration once she was sure they were both out of earshot. By now she'd figured out that they were together again, and that was something she had a lot of uncertainty and trepidation about. Shaking her head, she headed off to her own bedroom, got changed, and tried to fall asleep in her husband's arms.

jaydude jaydude

In the morning everyone was prepared and ready for deployment. As always Suyin had the worst job - namely demanding the surrender of the bandits.

If that didn't happen then she'd have the luxury of accepting the remains - after the gas attack upon the stronghold.

"Hope you have a good voice," spoke Li to Suyin.
NecroKnight NecroKnight
"Me too. But if the bandits don't have the sense to give up, there's nothing else for it." Suyin replied. She was smiling; however the day went, Zaofu was approaching the light at the end of the tunnel.

Suyin got into a jeep alongside Wei and Wing, and the three of them drove off towards the gates of the stronghold. They returned soon afterwards, not happy.

"They've refused to surrender. After what happened at Qutong, many of them were doubtful that we'd let them live even if they did give in. And Zhu Tsao seems to have convinced them that they can make a successful stand against us from within their stronghold." Suyin told Li, Xiao and Kuvira.
jaydude jaydude

"Hmm...think I should give it a try?" replied Li, having heard what Suyin had told her and what kind of position Zhu Tsao was taking - the bloody fool, was going to choke on her own blood, if she didn't get her head out of her ass and do something.

"Or might it be better - that we are serious about her surrender or else it might end in pain for her - and simply launch our planes now?" she asked.
NecroKnight NecroKnight
"They're refusing to surrender because they know you and your people are involved. I doubt that you speaking to them would have any effect." Suyin answered, before turning away to look at the stronghold.

"I say we launch the planes and take the place by force."
jaydude jaydude

"Give me one chance," replied Li - showing for once in her life, mercy against bandits whom had caused suffering throughout their reign around Zaofu. "Get the planes ready...once I launch the flare, then you may launch the planes..."

With a sigh, she soon got onboard the car and asked to be driven close enough - so she could address the bandit leader and hoping to someway talk sense into them.
NecroKnight NecroKnight
The stronghold was surrounded by a large, thick circular wall, on top of which stood dozens of bandits, watching the approaching vehicle from behind the parapet of the wall. The driver took Li up to the gates of the stronghold, above which stood Zhu Tsao, whose eyes narrowed as she recognized the woman who'd killed so many of her compatriots on the train.

"So we meet again, Li Dongmei." Zhu Tsao said, resting a hand on the parapet and giving Li a look of disdain from above. "If you intend to convince me to surrender, I've already told Mrs Beifong that I have no intention of doing so."

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