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Fandom Last of the Enclave


The Blighted Knight
Roleplay Type(s)
This return to DC has been an unprecedented disaster. First the Reclamation Squad found Raven Rock in ruins, then they saw an orbital strike fall from the skies and they knew Adam's Airforce Base was still operational, only to get there just in time to see the Enclave's own superweapon used to destroy their own base. Every step through DC has hard fought over, with the Brotherhood crawling out from under every rock like cockroaches, fighting relentlessly as the Squad carved their way through the wastes. The Brotherhood are nothing if not thorough, wiping out not only Enclave bases and patrons but also forward outposts stretched across DC. Within each known Enclave position, only emptiness and corpses were found, with the tell tale signs of battle and lazer fire.

With little other options, Lt. West ordered the Squad to move south, to head for Memorial Bridge and escape into Virginia, in the hopes of gathering their wits and forming a plan to head up to Chicago, where it is rumoured that another pre-war government facility exists, much like Raven Rock, hidden somewhere in that city. And it would be when they found the bridge that they found Adam.


Adam would awaken within a pre-war facility. All around him, pre-war machinery would stand rusted from age and weathering, all intricately connected together by many different pipes. If he has knowledge of pre-war facilities, he would realise that he is laying on a bed in the middle of a huge power station, the machinery around him used for the generation of electricity. Adam would lay in a military cot bed, with the room expanding far from his right, where a small group of Enclave soldiers stand together speaking, too far for him to hear them beyond muffles.

"Hey," A voice would speak, a feminine one, coming from a suit of power armour quickly walking over to his side, and it was something quite unique. Clearly modified, the power armour is covered in many different deep pockets, covering the arms and legs and torso. On the top of both arms, a medical symbol could be seen, a red cross with a doctor's emblem standing prominently over it. "Good to see you awake," The armour would speak again, "You were in pretty rough shape when we found you. How are you feeling?"
Adam J Johnson
Condition: Somewhat Healthy
Mood: Confused

Adam tried to speak but pain shot throughout his cheek forcing him to close his mouth. Instead, He gave a thumbs up signaling he was somewhat ok. He looked around and wondered where they were, And especially how they found him. Maybe this was a dream of some sort...Or maybe it's real. Adam couldn't tell what was real and what was not real. He felt around for his glasses and tried to find them but to no avail. "I need...my glasses..." He was able to just speak those words.
In a few seconds He had found his glasses and put them on not expecting what to see. His eyes widened at the squad quickly. "...How? How did you find me? I thought I was long gone..." He said to the Medic. Adam rubbed his eyes and sat up quickly. He grabbed a nearby bottle of water and gulped down every last drop.
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"You very nearly were gone." The armoured medic would tell him, her voice gentle and sympathetic even through the grill of her helmet, "We found you outside this power station, just in front of Memorial Bridge, while we were making our way out of DC. Becker nearly crushed your skull before we recognised that uniform of yours. Being covered in all the muck like you were, we nearly mistaked you for a waster. We brought you in here, and I did everything I could to keep you alive and bring you back to consciousness. Seems I succeeded, though most people don't survive that level of dehydration after falling unconscious, not without proper treatment."

"Here, take these." The medic would say before offering a couple more bottles of water, along with some ration bars, "Drink plenty of water, and eat these bars. They are for treating starvation, and will help keep you going until you can eat properly again. Should take a week or two until you body recovers fully. Hope you will be able to keep up with us until then."

As the medic explains further, one of the other armoured soldiers seems to take notice of Adam's recovery and makes their way over, the stomping of his power armour altering the medic to the approach and she soon turns to the approaching soldier. "Lieutenant, sir." The medic would address the newcomer, "The auxiliary from Raven Rock has regained consciousness, sir."

"I can see that," The lieutenant would speak, his voice deeper and more commanding, and he would look down on Adam through his expressionless helmet, "I am First Lieutenant Jonathan West of the Reclamation Squad, and his is my company doctor, Specialist Kendel. What is your name, soldier?"
Adam J Johnson
Condition: Somewhat Healthy
Mood: Calm

Adam took up only half the rations he was given by the medic, Even though he was given all of the rations. He began to eat a ration bar as another power armored troop came over and introduced himself as Lieutenant Jonathan West and asked for Adam's name. Adam slowly pulled himself to his feet and managed to raise a salute to the higher-ranking soldier. "Sir, Adam Johnson, Private First Class, Unassigned Squadron." Adam spoke as the pain slowly went away in his cheek.
The Lieutenant sounded like one of those soldiers you would see in those Pre-War military films, Always brave and on Alert. Surprisingly, Adam was able to withstand the nauseating feeling he got when he stood up. He straightened up his glasses and muttered something under his breath,

"Real Soldiers Never Rest."
That was something his Father had taught him growing up, And It was true too. No matter If a soldier Is sent back home safely, The real war still goes on no matter what. He sat back down as the nauseating feeling overwhelmed him.
Adam cocked his head left then right, Seeing that his father's Battle Rifle, His sidearm, Balaclava, and his backpack were all sitting there. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'm gonna try my best to keep up with you all when we start moving...to wherever...our new base is..."
"Good to hear, Private Johnson. We will certainly need every abled-body now." The Lieutenant would comment, before moving on to ask, "From your uniform, you would have been an auxiliary at Raven Rock. My squad and I were ordered, through emergency frequences, to return to Raven Rock over a week ago, but we arrived only to find the base in ruins. What happened at Raven Rock, private? Tell me everything you can remember, in as much detail as you are able."
Adam J Johnson
Condition: Somewhat Healthy
Mood: Calm

Adam nodded slowly and opened his mouth to respond. "I remember everything Sir, and I will tell. So the Colonel and a squad were dispatched out to a spot, Although we weren't told where they went, They came back with a person wearing one of those Armoured Vault-Suits and one of these." Adam points to the Pip-boy 3000 on his arm and continues. "Colonel Autumn had the guy in a cell, but the President let him go and let him get his stuff back. The Colonel...I think he disobeyed the president and told everyone to attack the guy. Then, The alarms began to go off and everyone still alive began evacuating. The Vault dweller had escaped as we were taking off in a bird, Then we went down. That's all I know, but that Vaultie is still alive, I just know It."

Adam breathed a sigh of relief as he just told them all he knew, It was good to get It off his mind. He pulled off his glasses and cleaned the dust off of them. "So, Tell me exactly Sir, Is there a spot where most of us are regrouping?" Adam asked as he put on his pack and holstered his sidearm. His chest piece was a bit loose, so he tightened it up a bit. "I'm ready..." Adam pulled himself to his feet using his M1 Garand to push himself up and to his feet.
"A vault dweller?" Kendel thought aloud, before turning to West, "We kept hearing about an individual, a vault dweller, on civilian broadcast frequencies. Could it be the same person that Colonel Autumn had arrested?"

"Possibly," West returned, his voice edged with displeasure, clearly not liking the sound of any of this, "Regardless, with both Raven Rock and Adams Airforce Base destroyed, and with no communication from either the President or the Colonel, we can only assume that they are both dead. Which means the emergency protocols are in effect."

"Come, private." West turned to Adam, "Time for you to meet the rest your new company."

With that, the Lieutenant turned and made his way over to the others in the squad, Kendel following him as she bid Adam to follow her. As Adam approached the other members of the team, he would find four other heavily armed and armoured enclave soldiers, but each unique in their appearance.

"Hey, the kid is awake!" Came a deep voice from the largest of the armoured soldiers, his armour heavily reinforced with a jet pack attached to his back, and a gatling laser heavily weapon resting on the ground beside him. His armour was covered in the scratch marks of bullets and lasers and other forms of physical abuse, but it was still solid and strong. On the top of this soldiers arm showed the fireteam insignia. "I knew you were made of sterner stuff, kid! We'll get you out there mowing down the filthy mutant scum in no time!"

"Private Johnson, this is Specialist Becker, our Fire Support expert. And a passionate hater of all things mutant. You'll never find anyone else more willing to take a bullet for you than him." West introduced him, before turning back to his team, "This is Private Johnson, private first class, an auxhiliary from Raven Rock. He will be joining us from now on, as may any further survivors. If we find any."

"Hey, Johnson. I'm Specialist Forrest, the recon and sniper guy. And be sure to duck should I ever tell you to, trust me on that." Another in the team spoke up, this time from a soldier only wearing light recon power armour, holding a sniper rifle that rests on his shoulder. On his armour rested a few pockets across his belt, a few pockets for ammunition while others possessed equipment, high-powered binoculars and stealth boy units. Adam would be able to see the end of Forrest's sniper rifle, and it had a silencer on the end of it. At the top of Forrest's arm was the sniper's insignia.

"And this old bastard is our Survival Expert, Morne." Forrest would say, slapping his hand on the shoulder of another soldier to his right, nudging Morne slightly. Displeased, the older soldier quickly grabs ahold of Forrest's arm, pulls him before while tripping him, sending Forrest crashing to the ground in one quick take down that happened all within a second, and Morne pins the sniper to the ground beneathed his armoured foot. "Age brings skill and experience." Morne grumbles, "And you still lack both."

"Morne, enough!" West barks, to which Morne releases Forrest, allowing the sniper to get back up. "Specialist Morne provides us with the knowledge necessary to survive out in the wastes." West tells Adam, "Our squad can spend weeks or even months out in the wastes, and that requires us to know a great deal about how to survive out here over such long periods. Morne can tell you what to eat, how to find clean sources of water, where to find supplies, how to avoid mutants and other dangers, and much more. Should Morne tell you to do something, you best do it. Those that don't end up dead. Consider that your first and only warning."

"And, lastly, we come to Specialist Maxwell, our Demolitions and Mechanical Expert." West introduces, gesturing to the last of the squad, an armoured soldier covered with pockets all containing explosives, from granades to mines to missiles to even fatman shells. Anchored to his back sat two weapons, a missile launcher and a fatman launcher, and in his hands lay a granade launcher as well. To being introduced, Maxwell simply nods at Adam, showing his recognition. "If you need anything repaired, speak with him." West directs Adam, "Maxwell knows pretty much everything there is to know about armour and weapons, and he can help modify your equipment, should you ever need improvements."
Adam J Johnson
Condition: Somewhat Healthy
Mood: Calm

Adam nodded as he took in all the info on the others. He took in fresh air (If thats what you could call it) and sighed quietly. He didn't flinch or move after Morne slammed Forrest into the floor, Although he felt as If it was funny, But also felt Sympathy for poor old Forrest.

Adam took a step forward as the nauseation slowly receded as he stood up. "Lieutenant West, If I may ask, Does this mean I can see real combat now?" The Teen turned back to West and cleaned his glasses again. He finished off the Anti-Starvation bar and wiped his hands on his pants then slung his rifle over his shoulder. "I'm asking because I don't wanna be shooting at Radroaches...Haha..."
"Not for a bit yet." Kendel responded to Adam's question, "You have only just woken up and will need time to recover. Besides that, you don't have any power armour. Until you are properly equipped, you are best off staying out of any fighting, unless the fighting finds you."

"Kendel is right." West would add, "We have lost too many. Best to leave the heavy fighting to us. But you won't be staying out of the fighting for long. We have a verdibird refueling depot we can resupply at, and we have spare suits of armour you can use."

With that said, West turned to the rest of the squad, ready to address their next objectives.

"Now that Adam is awake, we can move out." West would announce, before he raised his left hand to the side of his helmet, pressing a switch that lights up a projector at the side of his helmet, creating a holographic display, showing a light blue 3D holographic map of the DC area. Red cross marks show the locations of Raven Rock and Adams Airforce Base, while a red circle showed the squads current location at the very border of DC, next to the Potomac river. "While we waited for Adam's recovery, I used one of the smoke stacks to determine our objective. According to the Emergency Protocols, Enclave forces that have suffered a catastrophic collapse of the chain of command are to relocate and regroup at another Enclave instillation, and, using the smoke stacks here, I have sent out a responder pulse. Three locations have given a return signal."

The holographic map zoomed out, showing the whole of the pre-war United States, and three more red markers appeared. The first marker appeared in Chicago, to the north west. The second appeared along the northern border between Navada and California, far to the west. And the last marker was much closer, along the border between West Virginia and Virginia.

"We will be heading to the Chicago facility, here." West told the others, pointing out the facility to the north west, "It is a pre-war military industrial facility, a perfect place for a long term base. The bunker there is also massive in size, and can house a great many personnel. It is also the predetermined location for a regroup in the event we lose Raven Rock and Adams Airforce Base. If any other Enclave personnel have survived, they would be heading there."

"What are the other locations?" Forrest spoke up, pointing out the one in West Virginia, "Why not go to this one? It's much closer."

"That is the Congressional Bunker." West tells the squad, "Located underneath a pre-war holiday destination called Whitesprings Resort. Besides Chicago being the agreed upon regroup point, the Congressional Bunker is much smaller and possesses fewer facilities than in Chicago, and previous attempts to gain access to the Congressional Bunker by our predecessors have failed. It is believed, therefore, the facility is either compromised or gone rogue. Either way, attempts to contact the bunker have failed, and the AI within, MODUS, fails to respond to our commands."

"The other facility, to the West Coast, is Sierra Army Depot. A large pre-war military base but with only a small bunker facility." West went on, "Enclave remnants fleeing the destruction of the Oil Rig took temporary refuge there before making their way here, to DC, to relocated to Raven Rock. All of these pre-war facilities used to be part of a network that spanned the whole of the pre-war United States, with many other facilities all across the country. Raven Rock was the hub of this network, connected to them all. But many of these facilities have been destroyed, compromised, turned rogue, or even simply stopped functioning in these past 200 years. These three are the only pre-war government facilities we know of that are yet functional and still connected to the network."

"Without any other better options, we move to Chicago." West finally concludes, before a dark blue marker appears in Virginia, "Our verdibird depot, located here in the north of Virginia, will be our first stop."
Adam J Johnson
Condition: Somewhat Healthy
Mood: Calm

Adam watched West explain where and what they were going to do. The mention of wearing a suit of power armor lightened up his mood a bit. About a year or two ago, His father had taught him something useful in CQB. Many Personnel and Wasters alike called it, 'The Pain Train'. To be short, It was a move where you tilt your power armor shoulder slightly and run forward, Acting as a battering ram. Adam snapped back to the real world when West began to talk about Bunkers and such near the West coast.
"I will stay behind you then." He states as he wipes his glasses again. "Sir, If I may ask, Is this going to be a piece of cake?"

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