Laden Bates


King of Villainy
Full Name: Laden Bates
Meaning (if any): None
Nickname(s)Alias(es): King of Nova Scotia

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Orientation/Sexual preference: Heterosexual
Height: 5'9
Weight: 150lbs
Eye color: Blue
Hair color(s): Jet Black
Body build/shape: Muscular
Race/Ethnicity: White
Scars/Birthmarks?: None
Tattoos/Piercings?: None
Describe(or show) an outfit they would wear:


Faith/religion: Christianity
Does he/she still believe in this religion?:

At this point, basically no

Laden follows a simple philosophy: Survival of the Fitest. He rules his kingdom with an iron fist, making sure his people know that he, and he alone, rules them all. He's cruel to his enemies and is not afraid to play dirty to win a fight. He's a master manipulater and charasmatic, able to woo a crowd easily. However, he does have a soft spot for people he gets to know and will protect the people he cares about till the last man standing


Master Tactiton

Master Manipulater


Great at fishing

Can become enraged at something and go into an animalistic rage

Very prideful and will not take an insult lightly
Hometown: Portland, ME
Current weapons/items:

A sword called Willbreaker


Gun called Conquer 



Farther: Dead

Mother: Dead

Brother 1: Dead

Brother 2: Dead

Sister 1: Dead

Sister 2: Unknown

Cousin 1: Dead

Cousin 2: Dead

Cousin 3: Dead

Uncle: Dead

Aunt: Dead

Brief description of life before apocalypse:

Laden grew up in a fishing in a fishing family and lived in a massive family. They were never rich but they made do and Laden always had dreamed of doing something better. Soon, the apocalypse began while they were on a boat and while the family was able to escape on a couple of boats, most of Portland was killed and made undead. Laden knew that this was his chance to take charge and so he did. The family had been able to get some food, water, and most importantly guns from their home when they arrived. They soon made their way to Dartmouth where they found the city in chaos and found a chief ruling the city. The people loved him but he hated it with his family being killed during a coup against the cheif and soon, with his family dead, he became cold and declared himself King of Nova Scotia. He then set to work clearing out zombies and soon, they had been able to clear land between Yarmouth to Sydney. It also turned out that the area was powered mostly by hydroelectricity so that kept the lights up in his kingdom. However, some of Cape Breton Island and anything north of Truro and New Glasgow have yet to be taken back as the zombies have slowed down the process considerably. Now Laden sits on a throne, the people giving him tribute to satisfy his whims

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