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Fantasy Koulwarth: The Initiation

It appears Aymer takes a more direct approach (at least to food) - going straight for the goods.

Anyway, he clearly doesn't want to talk, but we're still going to approach him with a 'hello' at the very least.
Female Resident

Health: 90

Strength: 6
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 6


Elmyra: 70

Meriel: 64

Laeroth: 50

Roran: 50

Viessa: 45

Aymer: 35

"Hello," you say politely, but Aymer, as is expected, makes no effort to acknowledge you. "Aymer, right? I'm Ambrose."

He slowly turns and stares at you with an 'are you serious' expression, mouth full. After a beat, he swallows, never breaking eye contact. "I know. I was there during the name game. What do you want?" he snaps.

You decide to:

Talk about the food.
Ask him what he thinks about the place.
Tell him what you think about the place.
Talk about the other kids.

( ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R official clown business official clown business Lol i doubted yall would let him initiate conversation (its obvious that aint goin anywhere pfft) but i thought itd be funny to have in there anyway :'D)
Voting ends Jan 20, 2018 at 9:00am PST
While I wouldn't mind asking him about his perspective on the place... I kinda just want to talk to him about the food.

Now I know we differ slightly in our initial interests in food - Ambrose having a salad preference while Aymer goes straight for the ham and eggs, no questions asked. But I think this is a pretty good subject to open with, and a very tame one if we're aiming for small talk.
The thing about talking about food is that there is not that much to talk about, and also little information to gain. It is alright as an opener, but the conversation will stall soon. I prefer asking him about the place, maybe we can gain some insight there.
Female Resident

Health: 90

Strength: 6
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 6


Elmyra: 70

Meriel: 64

Laeroth: 50

Roran: 50

Viessa: 45

Aymer: 35

"This food is delicious," you say, gesturing to the tabled assortment. "How are the eggs? I haven't tried any yet."

"You know this is breakfast, not a family get together, right?" Aymer says sarcastically. "Eat eggs if you want. Just don't involve me, please."

'At least he said please,' you think to yourself. He seems annoyed at you, but it doesn't seem it's because of the food. You decide to change the subject.

"...This place is interesting," you say, and Aymer sighs. "What do you think we're doing here? And who do you think set this food out for us?"

Aymer looks like he doesn't want to respond, but for some reason, does anyway. "It was probably that kid that dropped you off. The one who actually seems to have a clue what's going on."

You nod your head in understanding. Come to think of it, you never did get that boy's name, did you?

Brushing the thought aside, you turn back to continue talking to Aymer, but he cuts you off by raising his hand. "Look, Ambrose. Or whatever your name is. Do you really want to talk to me that much?" He looks at you with an uninterested expression, yet there seems to be something else twinkling behind his eyes.

You respond:

Enthusiastically. Why wouldn't you want to talk to him?
Nonchalantly. Since he's here, you might as well.
Disgustedly. You wish you could be sitting next to someone else right now.

( ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R official clown business official clown business That food talk tho ?)
Voting ends Jan 20, 2018 at 11:00pm PST
I like the new dark theme, but man it's killing me with being real hard to see the options here.
Enthusiastic if Ambrose wants to be Ambrose, Nonchalantly if we want to match Aymer's attitude, and Disgustedly if we think being an asshole will make Aymer think we're cool.

But I don't see why we shouldn't just stay how we are and take the wholesome, enthusiastic route.
Female Resident

Health: 90

Strength: 6
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 6


Elmyra: 70

Meriel: 64

Laeroth: 50

Roran: 50

Viessa: 45

Aymer: 40

"Well, sure!" you smile at him. "I sat next to you for a reason. I wanted to make friends; after all, I suppose we'll be seeing a lot of each other here."

Aymer squints at you, then sighs and looks away. He doesn't respond though, and you wonder if maybe he doesn't know what to say. +5 Relationship!

"And besides," you go on, "you seem like you'd be a good friend to have. Everyone has their strengths, and in a group, we can bring up each others' slack!"

At that, Aymer snaps at you. "This isn't a group. We aren't friends. Just because I'm stuck here doesn't mean I have to work with you people. I mean, we don't even know if we're stuck here--"

A loud bang startles the group of you, and you all turn to a door you hadn't noticed before, left of the door that you originally entered through. Standing in the open doorway is the boy from before, who had rushed you here from your bedroom.

"S-sorry to interrupt!" he stutters. "But if you're all done with your meal, it's time to move outside again."

"But I haven't had any ham yet!" Elmyra whines. "And we were just in the courtyard."

"Not the courtyard," Laeroth mumbles softly.

"...You'll see," the curly haired boy says, looking friendly but nervous.

You decide to:

Ask the boy his name.
Do as he says, leave your food, and head to the door.
Protest against leaving so soon.
Say nothing and eat more.
Demand he tell you what's going on.

( ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R And oh dear!! I see what u mean official clown business official clown business ? I always use the default light theme... hopefully this looks a little easier??)
Voting ends Jan 21, 2018 at 3:00pm PST
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mah gawd it's beautiful i can SEE
From what little is known about this boy, I expect nothing good to come from asking his name, or asking him what's going on. We'll play this game, why not?

I also don't want to give him the silent treatment, so that leaves us with protesting against leaving (but ham and eggs!) or doing what he says. I think something interesting may happen if we wait, so I'm going to put in my vote for protesting against leaving so soon.
Female Resident

Health: 90

Strength: 6
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 6


Elmyra: 73

Meriel: 64

Laeroth: 50

Roran: 50

Viessa: 45

Aymer: 40

"Why do we have to leave right now?" you ask indignantly. "We've only just sat down; we've barely eaten at all."

Elmyra nods vigorously, visibly pleased you've taken her side. +3 Relationship!

The curly haired boy, on the other hand, looks frazzled. "U-um, well... you see, i-it's just..." He waves his hands around, trying to find the words.

"If you're gonna boss us around, at least get a backbone first," Aymer scoffs, and Viessa chuckles a bit.

The boy shrinks, then tries to stand up straight and stares you in the eye. "You need to stop eating and come outside now." His voice breaks on the last word, but otherwise, he holds firm.

"Or what? You'll stutter us to death?" Aymer smirks.

"Aymer, stop please. This isn't the time for an argument," Roran says in an attempt to keep the peace, but Aymer ignores him, standing up and moving towards the nameless boy.

"No, really. Who's to say we can't just leave? He can't stop us; he's just a scared kid. What's to stop me from ending this right now?" With that, Aymer grabs the other boy's collar.

"That's enough!" Roran says loudly.

"Aymer, stop it!" Elmyra cries, and Meriel looks worriedly between you and the tussle.

You quickly:

Move to intervene and grab Aymer.
Move to intervene and grab the other boy.
Comfort Meriel and Elmyra.
Yell at Aymer to stop.
Return to your plate and eat some more.

( official clown business official clown business Ah yay!! Im glad it worked!!! ?)
Voting ends Jan 21, 2018 at 10:30pm PST
(Oops, missed an update, oh well.)
As always, I am slightly inclined to the option that has the potential to result in hilarity (namely the "eat some more" option), it would certainly look sort of bad-ass albeit rude, if we just nonchalantly sat back down in the midst of all the chaos and continued eating. With that being said, I think the prudent thing to do here is to intervene and stop Aymer(actions speak louder than words); we don't know what we are up against here, and more than likely the boy is just a messenger, so we should leave him alone. Although, if we are still hungry, we should just grab some food to go into the courtyard.
Yep, I think the most ideal option is going to be to grab Aymer and stop him before he does anything rash. No reason to treat the boy like that.

I also agree that if we're going to end up in the courtyard anyway, we may as well bring some of the food with us.
Female Resident

Health: 90

Strength: 6
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 6


Elmyra: 73

Meriel: 64

Laeroth: 50

Roran: 50

Viessa: 45

Aymer: 40

You dash over to the commotion and snatch Aymer by the arm. He immediately tenses and releases the boy, but then whirls to face you, face red and eyes blazing.

"Let go of me!" he yells, and attempts to rip his arm from your grasp.

You react by:

Doing as he says and releasing him.
Gripping his arm tighter. (Requirement: 6 Strength)

( ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R official clown business official clown business Nice try attemptin to get some more food stats LMBO jk ?)
Voting ends Jan 22, 2018 at 8:00am PST
By dragging Aymer's attention away from the boy and towards us, we've accomplished exactly what we were trying to do. We were chosen for several purposes, after all, and I can definitely assure you that none of them involved recreating the Bystander Effect.

With that said, I don't think we should maintain our grip on Aymer's arm, so we'll let go of him. If he tries to do anything else, I assume at least two of the others will have my back.
Female Resident

Health: 89

Strength: 6
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 6


Elmyra: 73

Meriel: 64

Laeroth: 50

Roran: 50

Viessa: 45

Aymer: 40

You release Aymer's arm, and he wrenches it away from your reach, glaring at you. "Don't touch me," he growls, shoving you away. Due to your agility, you manage to stay standing, but the force on your abdomen still hurt. -1 Health!

Aymer turns away, shoves the boy as well, and then leaves the room through the door the latter had indicated. The curly haired boy, however, is not quite as nimble as you, and stumbles into the wall before hitting the floor.

His face flushed, the boy scrambles to his feet and tries to continue, though it's evident he is embarassed. "Um, y-yes. Thank you, ah..." He looks at you, suddenly realizing he didn't catch anyone's name (except Aymer, due to context clues).

"Ambrose," you tell him.

He smiles gratefully. "Ambrose. A-and all of you. Now," he clears his throat, "if you would be so kind as to exit through these doors."


Exit the room.
Ask him his name.
Ask about where you are and what's going on.

( official clown business official clown business Nice commentary !!)
Voting ends Jan 22, 2018 at 9:00pm PST
Now that he has opened up to us somewhat, we should push that advantage to see if we can glean any information from him. Let's start by asking his name, since we just told him ours, while we exit the room.
Makes sense, Vicious, now that he's asked our name we may as well ask his before proceeding. I don't expect him to tell us anything else but there shouldn't be any harm in a name.
Female Resident

Health: 89

Strength: 6
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 6


Elmyra: 73

Meriel: 64

Laeroth: 50

Roran: 50

Viessa: 45

Aymer: 40

"What's your name?" you ask in turn, moving towards the door.

The boy looks a bit surprised, then rubs his arm, looking down. "I, um... I don't exactly know," he admits.

"You work here, right?" Viessa asks, snatching some bread from the table as she moves to the door as well. "What does your boss call you?"

The boy looks nervous, and it is obvious he tries to choose his words carefully. "Well, uh... I haven't really... talked to anyone like this for... a long time. Since I can remember."

"No one talks to you here?" Elmyra asks, looking shocked.

"No one to talk to," Laeroth mumbles, staring out the door after Aymer.

The boy looks unnerved and ushers you towards the door, just as you hear Aymer's voice cry out "Is anyone else coming, or what?!"


Hurry through the door.
Press the nameless boy for more information.
Try to persuade the boy to let you eat a little more. (Requirement: 6 Charisma)

( official clown business official clown business ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R It would be a fai trade, in theory....... ??)
Voting ends Jan 23, 2018 at 12:00pm PST
Last edited:
I doubt he knows much more, if we can't get a name and he doesn't do talking in general.
Now, unless ViciousVip3R really wants to move on, I think we should attempt to convince the boy that it's a shame to let all this food go to waste. That's what we've been aiming for, after all.
Female Resident

Health: 89

Strength: 6
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 6


Elmyra: 73

Meriel: 64

Laeroth: 50

Roran: 50

Viessa: 45

Aymer: 40

"Can't we stay a bit longer and finish our meal? Or at least take some with us?" you press, and the nameless boy looks conflicted.

After a pause, he bites his lip, nodding. "Hm, okay... I guess you can take something with you. But just be quick about it! Your friend is waiting for you."

"Friend?" Viessa scoffs, snatching some ham from the table before trudging out the door.

Elmyra and Laeroth grabs some eggs, and the other two take bread.

Before you leave the room, you decide to eat some more:


( official clown business official clown business The true goal of this Quest Log ??)
Voting ends Jan 23, 2018 at 9:00pm PST
We took care of the appetizer and so it is time to bring in the main course. Eggs or Ham?
I think we're gonna go with some good old ham. Meat will be the perfect food to prepare us for whatever lies ahead.
(Notifications are acting up again, sorry for the inactivity!)

I don't like salad that much, so it comes down to the other options. I think that ham and eggs are a bit messy to eat on the go, so we should grab some bread, which will be much easier, and it should be very filling.
Female Resident

Health: 89

Strength: 6
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 7


Elmyra: 73

Meriel: 64

Laeroth: 50

Roran: 50

Viessa: 45

Aymer: 40

You snatch a piece of bread from the table as well, and nibble on it occasionally during polite pauses in conversation. +1 Charisma!

"Well, if you're all ready to go," the curly haired boy chuckles nervously, gesturing to the door.

You do as he says, and the door opens to another hallway, not unlike the one from before, though this one is notably much shorter. You reach the end in less than a minute, and the doors open to a rather plain tan room with a large mat in the center. Aymer is already standing in the middle of it, looking skeptical. Along the walls are various racks and shelves filled with shields and different weapons. It looks like a training room, though there are no dummies, you note.

"Took you long enough," Aymer mutters, turning around to face your current 'host'. "So what are we doing here?"

But the boy is gone. The group of you all turn around curiously, but he is nowhere to be found.

"What the heck?!" Elmyra cries. "How did he disappear like that?! I don't like it!"

"I'm sure there's an explanation for it," Roran assures her, when suddenly there is a loud crash, followed by a slam. You all turn to face the sound, and a creature is standing in front of the now-closed door you've just come through.

It isn't particularly large, about the size of a grown man, but it is black and jagged and screeches at you through an unhinged jaw. Its long-clawed arms stretch towards you in an attacking motion.

Your first instinct is to:

Grab a shield to block the attack.
Roll out of the way. (Requirement: 6 Agility)
Grab a weapon and attack first.

(Aw its okay ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R !!! And sorry official clown business official clown business , I wouldve given u guys both but I didnt want to hand out too many stats at a time lol so I flipped a coin ?)
Voting ends Jan 24, 2018 at 6:00am PST
If it's coming for us, then it's time to dodge before we consider doing anything else. We'll figure out what to do afterwards.
Combat rolling is a valuable tactic. It's best to let this creature taste air instead of metal, I'd say.
Female Resident

Health: 89

Strength: 6
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 7


Elmyra: 73

Meriel: 64

Laeroth: 50

Roran: 50

Viessa: 45

Aymer: 40

You roll to the side, narrowly missing the shadowy creature's attack, which goes slamming into the wall with a loud boom. As you get to your feet, you see that the monster has now focused its attention on Roran, who is standing protectively in front of Laeroth.

"Stay back!" the taller boy shouts, snatching what looks like an axe from the weapons rack. It is evidently heavy in his hand, likely that he has never wielded something like it before.

The monster seems confused for a moment, then roars and lunges at the two of them.

You quickly:

Try to push the two boys out of the way.
Yell at the creature to draw its attention.
Grab a weapon and attack the creature while it's not looking.
Try to run out the way you came.

( official clown business official clown business TASTE THAT AIR, CREATURE ?)
Voting ends Jan 24, 2018 at 4:00pm PST

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