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Futuristic KISMET [LORE]



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Welcome to Acta.

It is your home, it has always been your home no matter how much you don't want it to be. The Section Leaders... they control everything-- they abuse everything. They are murderers dressed as kings and queens, watching us starve from their balconies. Watching us suffer.

The world ended on Genesis Day. No one knows what happened after that. No one knows why someone would destroy our world with weapons of mass nuclear destruction. We don't know how we let these people control our lives and they know it; they take advantage of it. They don't care how much the weak and poor cry out for help, we are nothing to them. People have tried to stand up. They've tried to rebel and fight but they shoot them down with weapons that we will never hope to touch in our lives. Their technology is so advanced the only result from a rebellion would be our deaths.

We would flee but where could we go? The Outer Zone is a wasteland that swallows any humans that enter. We can't escape and we can't fight. We listen to them or die... that is how it is, how it has always been. Barely any of us can feed our children, they don't pay us enough and the taxes are an inordinate amount to pay. They kick us down so much so that we can't get back up. Sometimes I wish that I would have the vigor to end my own life because it is too much. The suffering is too much.

Doomsgate and Orion's Arm lost their lives endeavoring to fight for us. Any sparks of revolt left have been snuffed out. Even if someone were to stand up now, I'm not even sure if I could stand to support them; I'm not sure anyone would. Fear is a hazardous implement. Acta feels like Hell if there even is one.

Genuinely, Hell would be nice.

coding by cychotic


Section Leaders are individuals who hold power over a region of land in Acta. There is and always has been six of them. In the very beginning they never called themselves Section Leaders, they just saw themselves as people but as years passed on their successors grew even more greedy with power.

Acta is divided into six regions which are called Sections. For each Section, there is a Section Leader and two council members behind them. Members of the council only step in when there is a dispute between the six leaders that cannot be solved by themselves or when the time comes to choose a new Section Leader. No matter what Section it is, all twelve council members and Section Leaders need to agree on the new candidate (or the majority vote). Council members are also required to attend all meetings that include all six Section Leaders (Section Leaders meet up every three months in a secret location to speak about who-knows-what and all of them are required to show up). Other than that they can't interfere with any political matters or show their faces to the public.

The last three generations of Section Leaders have been known to be corrupt and abusive with their power and it only gets worse with each new group. The names below belong to the six most dangerous and powerful people in Acta.

*I have purposely left out information about the Section Leaders (including some of their background). This is for the characters to figure out.

Section 1] Victor Brejipe

Victor Bejipe is the oldest SL out of the current six and also holds the record for holding his position longer than any other Section Leader, acquiring the position at the age of 24. He may not be a trained killer like the other five Section Leader's, but Victor has the mind of a true businessman. He is immensely intelligent, cunning and calculating and if you were to ask anyone who knew him they would tell you that he is not someone who can be caught off guard easily.

Name: Victor Gudricza Bejipe
Gender: Male
Age: 53

Personality: Victor is a perfectionist carefully planning out all of his schemes and always expects his subordinates to follow through without any mistakes. He would ruthlessly kill anyone lower than him if he felt that they had not performed their duties to an adequate standard. Although demanding respect and manners from others, he is not above mocking people and their suffering. Though he despises being treated as a henchman, Victor has also displayed a willingness to work with others instead of a leadership position to gain what he wants, displaying that he can work without his pride getting in the way especially the greater the self-benefit for him. If anything, Victor accepted the offer to become Section Leader to become more wealthy. While he regularly attends the SL meetings, Victor tends to distance himself from his associates and focus on the various businesses that he has power over in Section 1.

Background: There isn't anything too significant about the history of Victor Bejipe. From the moment he was born, he always knew that he was meant for something bigger than himself. When he was told he was a candidate to become a Section Leader he had the rest of his competition murdered which the Section Council admired. Victor was the one that implemented the rise of monthly tax which is the cause for so many homeless people and Draups.

Section 2] Gaius Chau

Gaius Chau... probably the least respected Section Leader among the six to the public. He is a former member of Doomsgate who sold his comrades out to save his own skin. Lysander was originally going to kill him after two months of imprisonment but Gaius pushed his luck, telling the SL's all of Doomsgate's secrets and asked for a position of power. He is highly proficient at hand to hand combat and can use improvised weapons and his surroundings to quickly gain the advantage.

Name: Gaius Chau
Gender: Male
Age: 30

Personality: Gaius is a quiet, stoic, stern-gazed, a skilled strategist and lethal paramilitary soldier. Gaius was captured and tortured in prison for information two months before his release. While physically strong because of it, his mind is something else entirely. He is a stoic person and a man of very few words, but when he is up against an opponent he is fierce and relentless. He is a skilled master in regards to the blade. Gaius pretends he is all about honor but everyone around him knows he will do whatever it takes to save his own skin.

Background: N/A, information relating to Doomsgate is not released to the public.

Section 3] Moira Thompson

Moira is one of the few of her kind who was a Section Knight before becoming a Section Leader. She was originally part of an assassin's guild who took contracts from Victor Bejipe and Linus Sprent. The SL she served under was a lazy old man who, after many years, basically contributed nothing to the council. One of them might have killed him if Moira didn't do it herself at a Section Meeting in front of everyone. Surprisingly, she wasn't killed on sight and was actually nominated as a Section Leader after two weeks of waiting in prison. Freya and Lysander were the main ones who wanted her in control because they saw her as someone who could easily be manipulated. The Section Council hesitantly agreed to the vote and she became the new Section 3 Leader. Most of her associates don't see her as much but do not be fooled, she knows what she is doing. She has had her position for five years.

Name: Moira Thompson
Gender: Female
Age: 32

Personality: Anyone who knows of Moira Thompson is sure of one thing: she is crazy. At the age of 15, she killed both of her parents and her two little brothers and ran away, becoming one of the most wanted children in Section 3 (at the time). She is clearly bipolar and some within the council are unsure if she is mentally stable enough to rule over a whole Section. She can be described as being childish, she does whatever she wants and refuses to listen to the advice of others. She has an extremely big ego, sometimes leading her to feud with Gaius who is always trying to tame her. Out of all Sections, Section 3 is in the worst condition. Moira controls almost all the gangs in her Section instead of trying to destroy them, using them to collect money from the innocent.

Lysander and Freya thought that she could be easily manipulated but they were very wrong. She acts in a very illogical and unreasonable manner and tends to spill a lot of blood when things do not go her way. She apparently had a romantic relationship with Lysander but the status of that is unknown now.

Biography: N/A, Moira has made sure to keep her past hidden outside of the Section Council. To the public, she is just a former Peacekeeper who earned her position like any other would.

Section 4] Linus Sprent

Like Victor, Linus Sprent claims he is in it for the money. Although no one is really sure of where his loyalties lie, he seems to have a closer relationship than anyone with Lysander and his two Knights (rather than his own). He started a super soldier program several years ago which grew more and more sinister, causing him to separate himself from human reality in order to numb himself from the atrocities to human genetics he was creating. Whether that program is still going or if it has been terminated is unknown. Any knowledge of the program is unknown to the public. There is no clear reason for the program to begin with since there is no one to go to war with.

Name: Linus Sprent
Gender: Male
Age: 40

Personality: The vainest of all, to call Linus a narcissist would be an understatement. Charming, self-serving and vain, Linus is a master manipulator and a narcissist. He can talk anyone into anything, all in service to himself. Linus is known to be quite a convincing con artist. Although Linus' intentions appear to be good, his loyalties often waiver and he also always seems to have ulterior motives in everything he does. An opportunist by heart, Linus began as a doctor and research scientist for Section 4, his interest in science fueled by his desire to evolve the human race so they could withstand future disasters and diseases. The controversy surrounding this led to moral obligations that he disagreed with.

Biography: Linus was a born and bred warrior specifically trained through futuristic science to be a lethal killing machine. This natural killer began as a conventional soldier: tough, agile and just smart enough to be resourceful before he was chosen to partake in a special military experiment to create an elite group of super soldiers - cybernetically-enhanced specimens whose sole function was to follow orders without question and to destroy the enemy without remorse. Whoever that enemy was supposed to be is still unknown and since there has not been any news of a new branch of Peacekeepers, it can be guessed that something went wrong and the experiment came to an end.

Section 5] Lysander Cutler

Lysander Cutler is the most mysterious member out of the Section Leaders. No one is really sure what his end goal is and they probably never will because he rarely shows his face. He even has the audacity to occasionally miss the Section Meetings every three months but no one dares question him. He leaves for long periods of time and only comes back to confirm that he is still alive. If he is away and someone needs to speak to him, they speak to either of his Section Knights instead who share a similar personality to Lysander. Some of the other leaders suspect that his Knights know where he goes off to but acts clueless any time they are questioned. After Freya, Lysander is probably the most respected and feared among his associates; even Freya doesn't dare to order him around. Most of his respect comes from him obliterating Orion's Arm and Doomsgate, two infamous groups who rebelled against the six factions without help from the other Section Leaders. This is a man you do not play around with... there is a reason he was given the nickname The Butcher from civilians.

Name: Lysander Keith Cutler
Gender: Male
Age: 33

Personality: It is very arduous to describe the personality of Lysander Keith Cutler. He is a man of few words and always prefers to get to the point. He detests wasting time and it is kenned by everyone in the Section Council (including the leaders) that he detests people who oppose the six bellwethers of Acta, viewing them all as terrorists. Since no one can tell a Section Leader what to do, Lysander rules over his Section with an iron fist. It is so much different than the other five; there are scheduled curfews, public executions and he inspirits his Peacekeepers to primarily enforce the law with violence.

Lysander is an arduous person to reason with and once he has his mind set on something he will not budge. He believes the best way to make people follow the law is through fear. Again, while it is not pellucid what his end goal is or where he leaves to for weeks at a time, Gaius has verbalized that he seems eccentrically intrigued with the Outer Zone.

Background: Lysander was born the son of a Section 5 Leader, Julius Cutler. His older brother served with the Section 5 Peacekeepers so it was only natural that his family and those of high standing expected much of him. Lysander grew up when the rebellions started and heard much about it from his father and brother which already started to mold him. He was homeschooled and didn't have any friends until he went to a training camp that trained youths that were aspiring to become Peacekeepers. They would have to stay at the camp for seven months before they were officially allowed to enter the entrance exam. At the time, he had a lack of social skills and was very naive, not realizing that he was in a very competitive environment. He assumed because of who his father was, it would be easy going but he was very wrong.

Lysander ended up failing the seven-month course because those who he thought as friends tricked him in the end into failing the course out of jealousy. After this, Lysander became more isolated than he previously was but not because he suddenly hated people, he just thought he was better off accomplishing things independently- which he was. The second time he took the course, he passed with flying colors but ended up not taking the official exam to become a Peacekeeper which confused and angered his father. Lysander ended up researching the Outer Zone and the history of Acta, even trying to learn about The Fog War. It was unusual behavior indeed and no one was sure what caused it.

At the age of 20, two major groups labeled as terrorists dubbed Orion's Arm and Doomsgate started making trouble for all six sections. They did not work together but both claimed that they fought for justice and freedom, saying that Section Leaders and the people behind them were corrupt. Orion's Arm, the lesser known group (at the time) ended up blowing a facility where Lysander's brother was stationed. As time passed, the public only became more restless and rebelling against Section Leaders started to become an appealing thought to many people... especially after the assassination of Julius Cutler by the leader of Doomsgate. If Lysander's brother was still alive he probably would have been nominated to become the next Section 5 Leader but Victor Bejipe seemed impressed with him and managed to convince the rest of his associates to vote for him.

At the young age of 20, Lysander Keith Cutler became the youngest Section Leader to rule. Within only three years, he was able to kill almost every member of Orion's Arm, leaving only two to imprison and torture for his personal pleasure. Doomsgate was disbanded and all major heads of the group were publicly executed. If there were any sparks of rebellion among the public, they were quickly snuffed out, out of fear for Lysander. After disbanding the two groups, he made a public statement enforcing that any rebellions or acts directed towards any of the Section Leaders would not be tolerated. He even dared to challenge any those with a speck of bravery to try and kill him.

After these events, he certainly gained the respect of all Section Leaders and Peacekeepers.

Section 6] Freya Avalos

Freya Avalos is the most revered among her fellow Section Leaders and the public. Whenever immensely colossal decisions need to be made, the SL's always look to her for final approbation. She seems to be the face of Acta and she currently holds the most astronomically immense Section (by area and population). Unlike the other Section , some of the public genuinely look up to her for some unknown reason. It is rumored that she had a romantic relationship with one of her former Section Knights, Walker. When people think of Freya, the word 'queen' comes to mind albeit she is far from one. How Freya portrays herself to the public, is thoroughly different than when she is behind closed doors. Freya is peerless when it comes to Razor Combat.

Name: Freya Avalos
Gender: Female
Age: 34

Personality: N/A; reason unknown

Background: N/A; reason unknown

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Section Knights are a unit of eight elite warriors in Acta, each being assigned to one Section Leader. They operate outside the standard Peacekeeper force and are given special privileges and ascendancy. The Knights are ranked by vigor, Alexandra Coleman being at the top of the list. Their main purpose is to forfend their Section Leaders and their interests. This doesn't compulsorily mean they act as bodyguards. Information regarding the Knights is usually withheld from the public to ensure the same of them and their employers. Their title (Knight of __) refers to their ranking, not their Section.

Three years ago, after the Battle of Trelst, the amount of Knights was bumped down to 8 (from 10) because two of Freya's Knights were abstracted from their position. No reasons have been given to why Adrian and Zion Walker have gone missing after being divested of their ranks. Alexandra was assigned as their supersession.

Section 1] Axel Whiteley


Rank: Knight of 4
Name: Axel Whiteley
Age: 29

Employed Since: 6 Years (Cycle 466)
Loyalty: Conclusive

Axel Whiteley is an ex-hitman and an excellent marksman. You'd think that he would be lower in the rankings but being underestimated is one of his best strengths. Axel is often used to kill important pawns in Acta without anyone looking towards the Section Leaders in suspicion.

Whilst a sociopath and cold-blooded killer, Whiteley demonstrates allegiance to Acta and seems very disposed to be directed by an authoritative figure, as long as he is let off the leash at conventional intervals. He appears to view his killing as a form of art, orchestrating meticulously in many cases, always prepared with an elusion route, and ecstatic to confront multiple gunmen head-on. He demonstrates a substantial degree of discipline and professionalism when carrying out his tasks. His formidable combat skills and natural wits make him one of the deadliest and most feared killers in Acta. He shows neither contriteness nor empathy at any point.

He has a close friendship with Knight of 1, Alexandra Coleman.

Section 2] Akeno Chen & Ryder Petrelli


Rank: Knight of 6
Name: Akeno Chen (left)
Age: 30

Employed Since: Five years (Cycle 467)
Loyalty: Conclusive

Rank: Knight of 5
Name: Ryder Petrelli (right)
Age: 27

Employed Since: Three years (Cycle 469)
Loyalty: Unimportant

Ryder Petrelli and Akeno Chen aren't the most outstanding Section Knights. They were both in prison before their appointment for stealing 400,000 Credits. Gaius claims they were mercenaries before and hired them. Reasons for this are unknown since they don't have any particular skillset that the others don't have. Rumors are circulating that they are soon to be replaced but rumors can just be rumors.

Section 3] Chayton Locklear


Rank: Knight of 2
Name: Chayton Locklear
Age: 34

Employed Since: Has been a Section Knight for eight years (Cycle 464)
Loyalty: Very Important

Chayton is obsessive, unstable, hot-headed and tends to lose focus without guidance from Moira Thompson. He is highly impulsive, combative, and is somewhat hyperactive as he despises sitting around and doing nothing. He is certainly a man of action who prefers getting things done as opposed to analyzing them as thoroughly as his partners. Despite these qualities, Chayton is one of the most dangerous Section Knight's only ranking under Alexandra Coleman.

Even with his hot-headedness, you'd be foolish to underestimate his intellect; there is a reason he is the Knight of 2. Chayton is responsible for killing the following Doomsgate members at the Battle of Trelst: Zoro Sems, Riley Zamin, Leo Wright, Sidney Gudricza, Damian Jaroud, and Amber Lessk (leader of Doomsgate). Also killed 17 members of Orion's Arm.

Section 4] Maseo Lee


Rank: Knight of 3
Name: Maseo Lee
Age: 28

Employed Since: 3 years (Cycle 469)
Loyalty: Important

Maseo Lee, the current Knight of 3, is the only person alive in Acta who has went and come back alive from the Outer Zone. In Cycle 467, twelve puerile Peacekeepers were sent to the Outer Zone to get some answers about what was authentically out there. Since the commencement of Acta, those placed in charge have always wanted to expand and visually perceive the land beyond the main six territories but anytime humans leave Acta they never come back. The twelve that were culled were visually perceived as dispensable and it didn't hurt that they were young (and didn't have a cull).

This time around they were equipped with incipient special gear that would let them record their circumventions and forfend themselves from whatever was out there. It wasn't a surprise when none of them returned after a month or two. Postulating the worst, they were indited off just like the other countless groups coerced to go to the Outer Zone. Three years had passed and the Section Leaders perpetuated to flush out those visually perceived as impotent by sending them to the Outer Zone. They claim it is to gain more erudition and protect themselves from outside perils but now more than ever it is just visually perceived as penalization if you aren't performing to their gratification.

Three years later, Maseo returned to Acta with a story to tell. This was a month after the Battle of Trelst. Maseo was a celebrity for several weeks, as everyone wanted to know what was in the Outer Zone and why he survived. Whatever information he revealed to the Council and the Section Leaders has still not been made public. He superseded the last Section 4 Knight.

It is also eccentric how after Maseo returned, Lysander's interest in the Outer Zone had grown immensely.

Section 5] Zephyr & Nyx


Rank: Knight of 8
Name: "Zephyr" (left)
Age: 16

Employed Since: 2 years (Cycle 472)
Loyalty: Important

Rank: Knight of 7
Name: "Nyx" (right)
Age: 26

Employed Since: 2 years (Cycle 471)
Loyalty: Very Important

If it weren't for Lysander's victory three years ago, his colleagues would seriously question his ability to think clearly since recruiting Nyx and Zephyr. Zephyr is simply a child and has never been in the field. Nyx hasn't been in the field either and it seems that he literally just plucked her from the street. They are really secretive (like Lysander) and don't seem to have anything going for them. No matter what the Council or Freya says, he refuses to replace them.

They seem to have an odd relationship with Linus Sprent and like Lysander, Zephyr seems to go missing from time to time. No one is really sure of what they are capable of and when they first joined the Knights, they took the bottom ranks gladly, not wanting to fight for a higher position. No one is sure if they did that of their own free will or under Lysander's command.

Public knowledge is that Zephyr is supposedly an orphan. The real names of Zephyr and Nyx are kept private.

Section 6] Alexandra Coleman


Rank: Knight of 1
Name: Alexandra Coleman
Age: 26

Employed Since: Has held the rank for three years (Cycle 469)
Loyalty: Very Important

Alexandra Coleman is currently the Knight of 1. Customarily, when a Knight dies or is abstracted from their obligation, the Knight of 2 would step up to take their place but since the situation with the Walker siblings was so... delicate it was decided that Alex would not require to commence from the bottom.

Coleman had applied for the Peacekeepers on her eighteenth birthday. Since the day she had been accepted, it was clear that she would be something special one day. Even later in her career, it was rumored that she was being considered by the Council for the position of a Section Leader but it was made clear that her temper and inability to work with a team would only prove detrimental. Despite all the warnings from the council and several Section Leader's Freya took Alexandra under her wing.

The Knight of 1 usually makes more public appearances more than the others but Alex is lackadaisical towards gratifying the denizens of Acta. She is sometimes compared to Freya Avalos, as she is the face of all eight Section Knights.

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Quick Note

More to be added as the roleplay progresses.


(Formerly) Led By: Amber Lessk
Description: Doomsgate was one of the only groups in Acta history to kill a Section Leader. Before falling at the Battle of Trelst, Doomsgate was a beacon of hope for the people. When they were still around, it looked like things were going to change for the better. Despite the daunting denomination, Doomsgate was genuinely kenned to avail people first afore spilling blood on the streets of Acta. They claimed they would better Acta and seemed to utilize violence as a last resort which some would verbally express was the reason they were wiped from the face of the earth. Doomsgate had 12 members.
Other: Ex-Section Knights Adrian and Zion Walker are rumored to be traitors (NOT CONFIRMED). These rumors say that they spilled information about security measures and were killed in secret for it. The brothers have a buzz around their names because of several other nasty rumors revolving around them and Freya Avalos.

Zion Walker (left) Adrian Walker (right)


Orion's Arm

(Formerly) Led By: Sebastian Black
Description: Orion's Arm was much larger and popular than Doomsgate. The group consisted of 64 members and unlike Doomsgate, they were more focused on eliminating the Section Leaders and Knights. Orion's Arm is the reason the identities of the Section Council had to be kept secret because they killed 8 of them. Apparently, there was a secret about them that only the leader of OA knew but he didn't live long enough to tell anyone.

OA blew up buildings, stole credits, and held hostages. They were a lot less subtle and destructive than Doomsgate which was the main reason they couldn't get along until it was too late.
Other: Only person left is Lindsey Sparling who is currently missing but she hasn't been seen since 'Trelst so she could be dead. Sparling lost her arms to Knight of 4, Axel Whiteley at the Battle of Trelst.


Crimson Club

Led By: Hugo Smith
Description: N/A, not enough reputation
HQ Location: Unknown

Carrington Crime Family

Led By: Elizabeth Carrington
Description: N/A, not enough reputation
HQ Location: Unknown

Spectre Clan

Led By: "Boomie"
Description: N/A, not enough reputation
HQ Location: Unknown


Led By: Kreegas Mwembe
Description: N/A, not enough reputation
HQ Location: Unknown


Led By: Lionel Walker
Description: This is famous for one reason; the person leading them is the uncle of the Walker siblings and for some reason, the Section Leaders have made no attempts on his life. He wasn't a member of Doomsgate or Orion's Arm but he has admitted that he helped them. It also doesn't help that after Nemesis was created (three months after the events at Trelst) this group was never heard from again. No one knows how large they are or if Lionel is still in charge. They have not stated what their purpose is.
HQ Location: Unknown
Other: The Section Leaders seem to be hesitant or maybe even afraid of this group. Usually, when a group that isn't legally affiliated with Acta starts to get some buzz around their name, they investigate. That has not been done and after Trelst Lionel went missing which some say could be linked to the sibling's untimely death.

Iron Collar

Members: Kora West, Iris Kellam, Alec Obedfor, Marvin Yint
Description: Iron Collar consists of Acta's most famous bounty hunters. IC is known to take their jobs very seriously but the reason for this is unknown since they don't seem to like Section Leaders any more than the next person.
HQ Location: Unknown

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

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Quick Note

Notable characters in Acta whether good or bad. This is a hub to put any major players that aren't already involved in any of the other Lore content.

Simon Bigelow

Intel Gathered
Simon Bigelow is Head of Mechanical and Bio Engineering at Acta Technologies. Reports directly to Penelope White.

Penelope White

Intel Gathered
Penelope White is the CEO of Acta Technologies. Obviously, it is just a title for show as she reports everything back to Linus Sprent.

Peacekeeper Captains

Intel Gathered
From left to right: Geneva Wayne [S1], Rufus Toevs [S2], Calder O'Malley [S3], Carlton Raye [S4], Justin Prezio [S5], Calvin Femmt [S6]
Each Section has one Peacekeeper Captain who is essentially the head of all Peacekeepers in that district. Peacekeeper Captains report directly to their respective Section Leaders but do not see action that much. The last time any of them were seen with guns in their hands was during the Battle of Trelst where they worked alongside several Section Knights. Not to be underestimated.

[Section 1] Credit Collectors

Intel Gathered
From left to right: Lucius Falls, Terry Toevs, Theodore Pedell
It is well known that Victor Brejipe uses gang leaders to collect even more money from the streets of Acta. These three men control different areas of Section 1, enforcing their men to sometimes even go door to door to take money that "rightfully belongs to Section 1's almighty leader". A lot of smaller gangs are forced to pay weekly fees to Victor or risk dying.

Terry Toevs is brothers with Section 2 Peacekeeper Captain, Rufus Toevs

Matthew Farley

Intel Gathered
N/A, Matthew has been seen with Linus Sprent on many occasions.

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

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