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Futuristic KISMET | Dystopian Future | Rebellion



Roleplay Type(s)

You and several others have woken up in a house in the middle of seemingly nowhere with a masked man and a woman with mechanical arms standing before you. After your kidnappers, Enyo and Zero introduced themselves, they explained their reasons for kidnapping you; they believe with your help that they can fix Acta. The masked man Zero says that their first job will be to rescue the Alvaro Siblings.

coding by cychotic

[You don't need to use the code if it too confusing but for every post, I need the character's name and location.]

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Zero & Enyo

Location: Trelst > Trelst| Interacting With: TenshuZninja TenshuZninja ShadowSaber331 ShadowSaber331 Epyk Epyk xAlter xAlter Abendrot Abendrot Doctor Nope Doctor Nope | Mentions: N/A

"I'm almost ready" Enyo said as she rushed down the stairs. They had been waiting for this day for 23 months. Zero had persoanlly chosen the individuals who he thought would save the future of Acta. "Two weeks should be enough time for me to bring them all here. This liquid form of Rohypnol should have them out for days" the woman continued as she made her way to what seemed to be the living room where the masked man Zero was with a backpack swung over her shoulder.

"Good," he said as he held the base of his helmet and took it off his head, placing it in front of him on the wooden table. The house they were in was abandoned and looked like a dump from the outside but the inside almost resembled a Section Blockhouse. "I want you to get the ones with bounties first. Specifically, the one who you brought to my attention."

"Her name is Anna" Enyo quickly replied, stopping in front of Zero to get a good look at him. "It's going to be a while until I see your face again" Enyo said, sitting down in front of him and turning her gaze to his metallic helmet. "I still think it is a bad idea not to sure your face. How will they trust you? I surely didn't."

"Ah," Zero started with a chuckle, "That was different. I knew before I met you that you would be my right hand. You are different from them, you know that. I suppose they will just have to trust me then."

"Suppose they don't trust you- trust us. What if they decide it would be better of killing the people who kidnapped them?" Enyo said, now lifting the metallic helmet into her hands.

"Then I was wrong" he ended, grabbing the helmet from Enyo and putting it back on his head. The helmet had a voice modulator packed inside of it so whenever he spoke he sounded like deep-pitched robot. It was clear Enyo wasn't going to get any more out of him so she stood up and nodded.

"Two weeks" the brown-haired woman said before heading for the door.

Two Weeks Later
Enyo grunted after dragging the last body on to the closest couch available. Zero walked into the room soon after watching from a distance.

"You could have helped, y'know," she said through tired breaths, "This one is Oakley I think." Enyo looked towards Zero expecting some kind of 'welcome back' but got none. He stood in silence for a couple seconds longer, his head directed at the thief known as Cipher.

"He is waking up."

The man Zero referred to as Cipher opened his eyes and flung himself backward, falling over the couch out of confusion. Enyo stood backwards, realizing that the others would wake up any second as well.

"I guess it is time."

code by Ri.a
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Cayde Mendez
Location: Section 3 > Underground Hideout in the Draup
Interacting with: NUSKI NUSKI

Cayde was resting inside his safehouse after his little debacle at the Market District. Nobody knows of it but him, especially since nobody, not even the Peacekeepers have the guts to go in there. He thinks back of his second family, the Renegades, and how he and his comrades used to have a little party. Those were good times, but now he's got a score to settle, but how can he? All he's doing is striking the hydra's skin, his real targets were the six heads that are attached to it. As he's contemplating his next move, he walks over to his medicine cabinet and pulls out a bottle of painkillers. They were made by some company that was said to use enzymes to "temporarily reverse old wounds," he was skeptical about it, but considering that he was out of his other ones, he figured I'd give them a try. After popping some pain meds in, he takes his Tesla Blade and walks outside, only to bump into someone with brown hair and a robotic arm. "Can I help you with something ma'am?" he asks. The only thing close to a reply was the women injecting him with some sort of drug. He staggers around a bit and unsheathes his sword. Before he could swing it, he falls onto his back, and everything gets blurry.

Location: Unknown

A few hours later, he's on a chair, trying to regain his senses. "Ah, man, what the hell happened?" he asks. Cayde takes a look around and notices that he's not alone inside the place. When he sees the same woman, he got a little angry. "Alright lady, I want you to explain why the hell you drugged and kidnapped me, or I swear to god, I will break out of here, and beat your cyborg behind to the next cycle!"
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Robin Mauvelight
Location: Section 3 > Some old bar.
Interacting with: NUSKI NUSKI

Robin was resting on a stool next to a couple of other people, and talking tiredly to the bartender in front. He had just escaped a firefight with some bounty hunters who had tried to claim the price on his head, and was exhausted. To make matters worse, he was wasting time in a bar instead of going somewhere that was less likely to get him cornerned against more hunters or even Peacekeepers. No, instead he was here, drinking away his pain, and telling the story of the recent battle to the people around him.

"So I was chilling, walking in a park, minding my own business, and then BOOM! Molotov! And then gunshots hitting the ground around me like PEW PEW PEW! They must've had really shit aim because at this point I've only been slightly singed by some flames. Then I sling out my gun and it became an ugly contest where everyone was the winner." Robin took a sip of his drink before continuing. "This one dude, probably an amateur, rushed at me with a pair of clippers, screaming a warcry like 'RAAAAAAH~', so I shot him, BANG," he made a finger gun gesture in the air to enhance the story-telling, "Then I shot this other one, PEW," and continued to make the gestures whenever appropriate, which Robin figured to be every time he mentioned himself shooting someone. "Shot a couple extra guys just to be safe, PEWPEWPEWPEWPEW. I did, uh, I did a LOT of shooting if I'm being totally honest. Long story short, I get into deep shit, and I'm thinking 'I got this'. Y'know, like when you're really in that I GOT THIS kinda state. But man," Robin took a break to chuckle a bit, "..............I so did NOT have it."

It was at this point that Robin realised that nobody was listening to his story, or even to him in general as they were either uninterested, drunk, or just thought he was bullshitting them. To be fair, the story was quite exaggerated, but he liked to have fun with story-time.

"Heh....guess you had to be there to understand." He said to nobody in particular. He took another sip from his drink, but out of the corner of his eye he saw a woman with a robotic arm approaching him. At last, somebody who might actually be interested in story-time?! "Why hello there miss, what can I do for you----" Robin's gaze turned downwards to the syringe that she had just jabbed into his neck. His vision started fading fast, and he was unable to get out a final quip before going out cold.

Location: Unknown.

Robin woke up in a chair, his mind a little clearer now that the alcohol had had time to wear off. He looked up to see the lady that drugged him. He was about to run his mouth at her, but then noticed the man with the edgy mask standing in the room. "Oh man...what have I gotten myself into this time...?" He said to to himself. He noticed the other people that had yet to wake up. He listed to the other man yelling at and threatening the woman.

"Yeah, uh...what he said," Robin said awkwardly.


Location: Trelst | Interacting with: Enyo, Zero | Mentions: NUSKI NUSKI

Oakley was curious. While he had taken anonymous contracts from time to time, those kinds of clients rarely wanted to meet in person. Agree to a job, seize the goods, hand off to a fence who would take care of the rest. Occasionally, they'd use dead drops or some other convoluted method of tradecraft. But most folks in Acta just came to him. They'd find him down by J's Pub or at his usual haunts in and around the draups. This message was odd; it felt too good to be true. Well-written, which probably meant someone of the hiCaste. Promise of generous payment, which probably meant someone desperate. For the life of him, Oakley couldn't figure out who would offer such a job.

He sighed and pulled up his coat, stowing the message away. He was no stranger to the draups, but to be sure, he kept his hand close to the piece at his belt, walking to the meeting place with just enough caution in his step. Things seemed quiet enough, which was fine. He even started to feel assured of himself as he rounded the next corner. But whatever swagger he'd built up was quickly deflated as he saw who waited at the other side.

Metallic arms glinted in the moonlight and fierce eyes greeted him. Oakley knew what that stare meant. Had this all been a ruse? Were there peacekeepers closing in to arrest him for the countless times he'd harbored terrorists? His hand rested on the pistol at his belt. If they wanted to have him, they'd have to fight. He drew his gun in a heartbeat as the woman charged, but she ran faster than his hand. He didn't even see the needle until it sank into his neck. Vision spun. Suddenly, he was very, very tired. Oakley raised the gun again, but his trigger finger became numb as he fell, dizzy. He barely felt himself hit the ground.


When Oakley awoke hours later, he had already prepared himself to be shot. By whom -- well, that was the question. Maybe it was the Carringtons. If he were them, he'd no doubt find it appropriate to have him executed considering how he'd wronged them last time. Or maybe it was the peacekeepers, here to punish him for his crimes against the state. Oakley didn't like to think about the second option. Peacekeepers almost never gave out quick deaths. He sat up in his couch, hands cuffed behind his back, vision still swimming. Across the room, some puffed-up mal'chik was screaming his head off, which really wasn't helping his lingering headache. Oakley's eyes darted around the room as his sight began to clear. Two more figures walked into his field of view. The woman from the alley. A wave of anger hit him. Who were they working with? Who was paying them to lock him and these other people up? Oakley felt he deserved to know at least that much before they were done.

"So, do I say something? Do you say something? We got business need finishing?" Oakley asked cautiously. "Or is this the part where you finally put a bullet in my head?"
code by Ri.a
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Kiwidinok Wihtikow
Location: Section 4 | Interacting with: Enyo | Mentions: NUSKI NUSKI

Peacekeeper men were just as easy to steal from when they were drunk as just about any other man. Perhaps some were tougher than others but it didn't matter much to Kiwi. She had gotten the information she needed from them every time. It wasn't a rush to do these sorts of things like it had been when she'd still had her family to teach her. Now, it just seemed a way for survival, and on occasion a job or chore. She'd been exiting from the fifth bar of the night still holding onto her faux charm, turned a few corners and entered one of many safe-houses where she stashed whatever she needed for the espionage she might be attending. This time in particular the air around her seemed to be sharper in anticipation; for what she didn't know and didn't want to find out. She picked out her "Spy" clothes, something telling her to forego her civilian wear in favor of something a bit more protective, changing into them and packed the rest away in her bag. As she was bent she saw a shadow stir behind her and quickly moved out of the way as someone had attempted to do something to her from behind. Her heart began racing as she turned around to find a brown haired female with metallic limbs poised with a syringe where she had just dodged away from. Her eyes widened at the size of the needle on the syringe. Whomever this woman was, whatever she had wanted to do, it would seem she hadn't known surprises rarely worked on her. She thought of her options as she knelt there some feet in front of the woman with the syringe. She didn't know the area as well as the draups in her home section of 3 but she figured she could possibly out run and out maneuver her in the streets. Examining the humanoid looking but robotic arms the woman had she knew that her mediocre close combat skills would be of no use here. Making up her mind in a matter of seconds she turned to run a split second after the woman seemed to leap into the air. She made it two steps before the weight of the other woman knocked her down onto the floor of the dusty, broken building. She thought of the knife she had sheathed near her left hip but knew that she'd be too late to stop the woman from doing what she'd first intended with that needle. The woman was scrambling forward atop of her.
It was still worth a try she decided.
She reached for it and had just touched the smooth grip (there was no actual handle) when a sharp pain streaked through her originating in her neck. She pulled the knife and tried to turn over the moment something in her head began to lighten. She swung with all of her strength in the direction of the woman and thought she tore through something before her vision swam. She distantly felt her knife slip from her grasp and her face touch the cool floor again before there was nothing anymore.
Location: Unknown | Interacting with: Multiple Unknowns | Mentions: NUSKI NUSKI ShadowSaber331 ShadowSaber331 Doctor Nope Doctor Nope Abendrot Abendrot

Kiwi woke up to the sounds of angry shouting and more than one normal volume voices. She blinked several times, letting her vision clear before she sat her head up to look around her. There were people tied to chairs (like her) a male lying haphazardly just off of a nice couch looking as harried as she felt, and two people standing above them a bit away. One of which was the woman she vaguely remembered attacking her before she'd come to. She silently observed everyone as they went about speaking, or in one case shouting, trying to find out whaat the meaning of the multiple druggings and kidnapping were all about. She strained her hands only to find them tied with something she most likely would not be able to escape. Considering the people in the room who were not tied up were standing a few feet away she figured she should probably drop the thought of escape, at least until they weren't directly in front of her. So she observed and listened, her own thoughts now pondering the why as well. What was all of this trouble for exactly? She suspected if she wanted to keep her head down and just survive she didn't want to know the reason.
Anna-Katrina Lee

Location: Section 5| Interacting With: | Mentions: NUSKI NUSKI

"I miss you," Anna-Katrina said to the photos of her parents. "I will do whatever I can to make you guys proud. Lysander will fall..." Anna-Katrina sat at her desk, writing powerful speeches even though she was never going to use them. She wrote about her disgust for Acta and how change was needed. She practiced her speeches three times a day even though her only audience was herself. She believed that one day one of the speeches would make a change, but she couldn't do anything right now. A bounty was on her head and being caught now would ruin her shot completely. Who knows what they would to her if they caught her. The small bounty was deceiving. In fact, the smaller bounty feared her more than thinking of having a bigger bounty. This meant that Lysander had something up his sleeve. Something bad. Everyday she wasn't captured, Anna-Katrina felt his vendetta for her grow stronger and stronger everyday. The feeling was mutual.

She heard a knock at her door. Her thoughts traveled to the darkest parts of her mind. "They're here..." she thought. Panicking, she set on her computer a timer for 2 minutes. At the end of the countdown, her speeches would be uploaded to the public. The knocking became more aggressive with each second that ticked by. She started to hyperventilate now. Her hands shook and her knees trembled. She searched her house for her sniper. the timer was down to a minute now adn she could hear the cracks of the door giving. She began to barricade her door with any item she could find. She then ran into her room. As she was running back she heard the door break through with force, as strong as a battering ram. She didn't dare to look back. Shutting the door behind her, she saw glimpses of brown hair that confused her a little. 30 seconds left. Anna-Katrina stood in front of her door, sniper ready to fire. 15 seconds. the suspense killed her. Just then, the door exploded with power and Anna-Katrina shielded herself with her hands in fear. Out of the corner of her eye, it wasn't a Peacekeeper she saw. It was a woman, bearing her entire face. But just as she was about to speak, she felt a sharp pain plunge into her arm. As Anna-Katrina fell, she saw the countdown on her computer. 5, 4, 3, 2... and the woman stopped the countdown


It took a while for Anna-Katrina to wake up. Her eyes dazed back and forth from consciousness. When she finally became fully aware, fear ran through her body. She looked around at the others some knocked out, some of them awake. At this point, Anna-Katrina would rather die than be tortured right now. As she scanned, she recognized the face that she saw before of the woman. She then saw the... someone, something else? A big helmet covered his face. Panicking once again, Anna-Katrina went to her first instinct. Scream.
code by Ri.a
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Zero & Enyo

Location: Trelst Kismet Safehouse | Interacting With: Anna, Kiwidinok, Oakley, Robin, Cayde, Keith| Mentions: Epyk Epyk TenshuZninja TenshuZninja Abendrot Abendrot Doctor Nope Doctor Nope ShadowSaber331 ShadowSaber331 xAlter xAlter

"Okay, you all need to shut up and listen" Enyo hissed when Anna began screaming. She knew this was a bad plan from the start but Zero wouldn't listen to her. There was no way in hell that any normal person would react calmly to this but Oakley might have proved her wrong. "I've brought you all here because my employer wants to speak to you all. Please don't interr-"

Enyo was interrupted by a robotic laugh coming from the man with the black helmet. "That was quite a scream, Anna. I want to make it known that no matter how loud you scream... no one will here you because we are in Trelst" the man started. He began walking even closer to the abductees with confidence as Enyo hesitantly stood back. There was currently nothing stopping the people before them from trying to kill Zero but like always he thought he knew people better than her. Kiwidinok and the thief, Cipher were tied up without his approval only because Enyo didn't trust his intuition. Zero stopped in front of Anna, the one who seemed to be the most afraid and let out a sigh that sounded like it was produced through autotune. "I have no intent on killing you but I am afraid the woman standing beside me won't hesitate to decapitate one of you before I fall." Zero was nervous himself but no one would be able to tell under the helmet. Despite all of Enyo's warnings, he chose this approach only because of the deadline they were facing. He didn't have the time to try to convince them all one by one in public when the Alvaro siblings would soon be executed. "You can call me Zero, and my associate here is Lindsey Sparling, but she likes to be called Enyo. You might know her, she is one of the most wanted people in Acta" Zero said casually as he directed his gaze towards Cipher who immediately looked away. "Before you all consider killing me, I would like you all to listen to me first. If you are not satisfied with what I have to say then I guess you can... try your luck. Then again I wonder how you will get back to the mainland without a Peacekeeper findng you" he continued with a sinister tone.

Without waiting for approval to continue, Zero did anyways, "Some of you like Kiwidinok have been waiting what feels like your lives for Acts to change but the sad truth is that it never will... not willingly. Doomsgate and OA believed the same but they failed. They were weak, idiotic and thought too little of their enemies: the Section Leaders. Some of you may not have the future of Acta mind," Zero continued, placing his hands behind his back. "I believe I am capable of reshaping Acta... with the help of you people. Crazy as it might seem, Doomsgate and OA both started with an idea. I understand the circumstances are..." Zero paused to think of a word that could properly explain the predicament he had put these people in.

"Complex," Enyo cut in as she lifted her back off the wall and look towards the strangers before her. "We are simply asking you to join us in a fight against Acta. Do not mistake us for fools or common rebels- we don't plan to lose."

"Isn't that what they all say?" the man known as Cipher said as he lifted himself up, his arms still tied behind his back. "You kidnap us and expect us not to believe you're crazy?! I say we just kill you and get on with our lives. Don't get us- don't get ME involved in this mess. I don't feel like hanging around when you get riddled with bullets from the Peackeeper Captains."

"You would say that Carlos Raine" Enyo started with a look of disgust in her face. It was clear Cipher didn't think anyone knew his real name because he walked backwards slowly, hugging the wall with a look mixed of confusion and fear. "Frankly, I didn't want you hear but Zero thinks you are actually worth saying. What I am saying is if you all don't fight for Acta then who will? We will continue in this system until the Section Leaders drive it to ruin. Living in Acta is shit; you know it, I know it."

Zero took a few steps backwards to take a better look at those who he thought would help him. Maybe he had made a mistake in choosing them? Even if that was the case, it was too late to turn back now.

"I understand it may be hard to trust me since... what I sent my friend Enyo to do but I am in a rush. If you still feel the need to kill me you may try now."

code by Ri.a
Cayde Mendez

Location: Trelst | Interacting With: Enyo, Zero | Mentions: NUSKI NUSKI

Anger turned to skepticism when he heard Zero's intentions. "So, let me get this straight. You want us, to help you take down all six of the section leaders?" After a few seconds of silence, Cayde bursts into laughter. "Seriously, how in god's green earth do you think that you, her, and a ragtag band of misfits, can accomplish something that ballsy!? I know what happened to both Doomsday and OA, hell, it was all over the news once upon a time. They got obliterated, no holds barred, no quarter given, and they are two very big, very powerful groups by themselves." Cayde still gave the two of them a stern look before taking a deep breath and calming himself down. Given the situation that he's in, he wouldn't want to make any enemies, especially the kind that knows where his bunker is, if they really do plan on taking down the Section Leaders, he might be in for one hell of a ride. "Look, what I'm trying to say that it's a very big gamble you're making here," he explains. "They are powerful, and they have the means to wipe out any form of rebellion. You're gonna need more than just a bunch of random people to pull that off...and even if you succeed, who's gonna replace the Section Leaders? We're fighting a hydra Zero, cut off one of the heads, and it grows a few more." He looks around and sees that even though he's with a few people, probably with the same thing he's got, which is a bounty on his head, they're gonna need more that just muscle. Medics, weapon smiths, technicians, maintainance, everything to keep the place running. Plus, some of them are still processing what's going on, and they might refuse given how they were "recruited," but that's a choice he knows they have to make themselves, for now, he needs a bit more information before he's sold.
code by Ri.a
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Keith Melandaire

Location: N/A| Interacting With: N/A| Mentions: NUSKI NUSKI

Rolling to a stop on the ground before a door, Keith swore under his breath as he noticed the lock and the code pad. Accessing a hacking device on his personal datapad, Keith plugged in his datapad to the terminal to unlock the door. Typing on the pad, and subsequently running a program opened the door with a satisfying ding of success. Checking over his shoulder to make sure no one was following him, or even looking at him, he snuck through the door and into the SecTech facility.

While there was less security at this facility, Keith was just using this mission, this run, as a means to acquire military supplies that he could use on his larger heists. Slinking through the halls like an unseen shadow, Keith would occasionally knock unconscious the wandering guard, scientist, and researcher. He didn’t blame the people who were being led like sheep; the real enemy was the head of the organization, the shepherds of the organization if you will. Everything was done under the pretense of revenge, but also to free the people.

Upon finding the door, Keith hacked it open, just as he did with the previous door. Going through the rows of munition crates, Keith hand selected a few that suited his needs. Stun grenades, smoke grenades, ammunition for firearms, and even better, explosives. Of course he couldn’t carry all of it, so grabbing a select few items, Keith made his way back outside. Covering his tracks was easy, and in doing so, no one would know that it was him, but the man known as Mirage. Walking away, Keith’s instincts told him to dodge, but he was bit too late. Darkness overtook his vision as he sank to the ground.
Keith awoke to screaming, frustration, anger, and what appeared to be his kidnappers. His helmet was still on, as well as his armor. However, his body was bare of weapons except for his arms. Playing the part of the unconscious man, Keith stayed where he was. Tensing, he stood from his spot, and spoke. “You say you selected us… yet tell us nothing of why.” Keith droned out, his voice distorted by his helmet. “Who are you really? You give the name of your companion freely, yet you keep yourself hidden?” On his arm, a blade formed, seemingly from nowhere. “And how can we trust you? Is it just your word you give that should make us trust? What of your plan?Your plan, ‘Zero' is to keep fighting with rebels and outcasts. What happens when that fails, and you keep going again and again, sacrificing lives that aren’t yours to own? What makes you so different from all the others out there? What makes your cause, your fight more worthy to follow?”
code by Ri.a
Zero & Enyo

Location: Trelst Safehouse| Interacting With: ShadowSaber331 ShadowSaber331 xAlter xAlter Epyk Epyk Human__Ramen Human__Ramen TenshuZninja TenshuZninja Doctor Nope Doctor Nope Abendrot Abendrot | Mentions:

"You know nothing" Enyo blurted out, her frutrastion starting to show on her face. Her comment was directed to Cayde Mendez, also known as Raijin. She was always sensitive when people brought up OA, especially when they weren't at Trelst that day. Even three years later, no one knew the real truth because it was all covered up but Zero asked her to keep quiet about it despite her negative view on the matter. As Keith spoke, Zero turned his head to Enyo, completely ignoring the barrage of questions headed his way. He didn't seem afraid of the weapon which had materialised on his body either; he already knew about it from his extensive research with the help of Jordan Macey.

Enyo was not Zero though. At the sight of the weapon, she quickly lifted herself off the wall pushing Zero to the side. Even after the two years, she knew him, she could never tell if he was genuinely insane or just plain confident. Either way, it was bound to get him killed one day.

"Keith, I suggest you sit down unless you want me to send your head in a box to Penelope's home address" Enyo replied, with a bit more aggressiveness in her voice. If Zero removed his helmet right now, everyone in the room would have a reason to believe him but even she understood the dangers of doing that.

"Relax, Enyo. He will not touch me; he is just frightened. We have kidnapped him after all. My plan Mr. Melandaire? That will be revealed when everyone in this room accepts my offer."

"Offer? What offer? You've just been spewing shit about revolution!" Cipher cut in while shifting his eyes back to Enyo's gun holsters.

"I guess you're right.. I haven't really said what I want have I?" Zero asked to himself as if Cipher wasn't there. Zero scratched the helmet as if it were skin and continued, "I want you all to join me- join us into Kismet. It's a good name right?" Zero continued in a lighthearted tone. "Kismet will reshape Acta in a way past rebellion groups could have never. I imagine we will kill all Peacekeeper Captains, then the Section Knights. When that is all said and done, we move on to the Section Leaders themselves. As for why I am different, why I am special? I guess the answer is inside this helmet but I am afraid I can't give you my identity as it would attract a lot of attention... it's pretty ugly under here" he said jokingly. "If you haven't noticed, the woman standing beside me who so dearly wants you to put that technology away is Enyo; the third most wanted person in Acta!" the man continued, his large helmet poking the girl in the head. Enyo frowned as she didn't really like the attention to herself but being a member of Orion's Arm might give them more motivation.

"She was in Orion's Arm, like Anna's parents. I guess you will have to trust me, Keith! I could have easily killed you all when you were knocked out cold but it is clear I want something from you all, yes?"

"...Does that answer satisfy you, Raijin and Keith? Zero is no normal man, he-" Enyo stopped talking when Zero slammed his hand on her shoulder, suggesting that she should stop talking. To those who were watching, it may have just looked like a friendly motion but she understand what he meant. If he wanted them to take him seriously, he could've acted more seriously about the matter rather than a circus clown.
code by Ri.a
Anna-Katrina Lee

Location: Trelst| Interacting With: NUSKI NUSKI | Mentions:

"That was quite a scream, Anna. I want to make it known that no matter how loud you scream... no one will here you because we are in Trelst." Chills ran down Anna-Katrina's spine. What kind of sick torture was this? All she knew was that she wanted to be the first one to die. "I have no intent on killing you but I am afraid the woman standing beside me won't hesitate to decapitate one of you before I fall." Robot guy was referring to the women with the robot arm. It was her, the one who invaded her home and prevented her speeches from being posted. The man called her Lindsey Sparling, a name that sounded oddly familiar to Anna-Katrina. One that was on the tip of her tongue but couldn't exactly pinpoint the exact memory. Then he mentioned Orion's Arm. Anna-Katrina's mind went blank and cold. "Doomsgate and OA believed the same but they failed. They were weak, idiotic and thought too little of their enemies: the Section Leaders. Some of you may not have the future of Acta mind," the robot man said. That's when Anna-Katrina's emotions shifted from fear to anger. Just as she was about to follow the black-haired man in standing up, the man mentioned Anna-Katrina's parents.

With utter confidence, Anna-Katrina stood up and faced the helmet man and woman. "First of all," she started, "It's Anna-KATRINA. Use it, or keep my name out of your mouth. Second of all, Orion's Arm and my parent's were far from weak. You will NOT disrespect my parent's like that in any way, shape, or form. How could you possibly think those people were idiotic, let alone weak? They were probably some of the bravest people that have ever graced Acta. Your ignorance baffles me." Anna-Katrina was livid. "After your such disgusting comments, I wish you all the luck in gaining my trust." Though she was furious, Anna-Katrina was also curious. She was not a fighter by any means. She's a talker. Looking at the other faces, Anna-Katrina wondered why exactly they wanted her for all reasons.
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Cayde Mendez

Location: Trelst | Interacting With: Zero, Anna-Katrina, and Enyo | Mentions: NUSKI NUSKI Epyk Epyk

"I'll have to side on...um, Anna-Katrina, was it? Both of those groups are strong by themselves, as I've said, so don't write off their sacrifices like it's nothing. If anything, I'm surprised your right hand didn't use her right arm to break that helmet of yours for disrespecting OA." Cayde starts to calm down and remembers how his gang used to cause a lot of trouble on the peacekeepers, often times they'd kill a few of them as payback for killing some of it's members, but he was still green, and was often playing the scout more than the fighter. After regaining his composure again, he speaks up. "My old group, the Renegades, they were all wiped out by the Peacekeepers, even my best friend. Only thing I have left of him was a custom modded Tesla Blade. We were a small group, but we gave those bastards hell, and had fun doing it too, we were infamous, now the Renegades are nothing more than a faded memory." Cayde stands up from his spot and took a couple steps forward, eyes burning with determination as he approached Zero and Enyo. "It'll take a while for you to gain my trust, and I think your rebellion might not step up to the challenge, but if you're planning on taking out those self-righteous sons of bitches, then I'm in. The Renegades will be avenged, and if I'm going to hell, I might as well drag a few 'Peacekeepers' down with me."
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Keith Melandaire

Location: N/A| Interacting With: Zero, Enyo| Mentions: NUSKI NUSKI

Keith froze when the gun was pointed to his head. He of course, had been shot at a few times, warranting the death of some Peacekeepers. He even knew the pain of being shot, having had rounds rip through his armor. He had felt pain, yes, but not when he knew that the woman named Enyo wouldn’t hesitate to end him. Death, to all living things, was a fearful thing.

However, something in him snapped when she mentioned Penelope. Penelope White, his dear love, the one bright light in this dark world. His hands tightened into fists as she brought up Penelope. She was so energetic, loving, caring, and so helplessly blind to the horrors of SecTech. He tried to tell her, but with limited contact time and having to cover all the tracks, communication was tough. They were still in love, young and dumb and in love, but as things were now, they could never be. Keith was wanted, and Penelope, she was still stranded on the island known as ignorance.

Growling out in frustration, he commanded the nanobots to simply retreat back into his arms, the blade disappearing. Bringing his hands to his helmet, Keith simply tugged it back, and it segmented itself to reveal his face. Pulling in a breath of air, Keith sighed. Raising his hands, he backed off. “I’ll join your cause Zero.” he said, his voice no longer distorted. “I’ll join because you interest me. A man like you, who has a reason to hide his face, asking us to band together against SecTech. I can’t help but be intrigued. Just promise me one thing… We keep Penelope out of this. She’s not aware of…this, ‘our’ life if you will.” he said, motioning to everything with a sweep of his arms. “I don’t want to see her hurt or killed. And if she does get dragged into our world, let me be the one to either save or kill her.” Holding out his hand, he locked eyes with Enyo, and then Zero. “Do we have a deal?”
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Location: Trelst | Interacting with: Zero, Enyo | Mentions: NUSKI NUSKI

Oakley composed himself, but still considered his options. Being kidnapped presented a new challenge for him, it seemed. Dared he hope for an opportunity to squeeze out? He shouldn't have been caught, but there was nothing he could do about that now. He'd been beaten fair and square, and being beaten was a fact of life. No matter how good you were, someone was better, Dipak used to say. Live by that knowledge, and you'd never get so confident that you got sloppy. Last time, he'd lost. This time, he'd win. He wasn't just playing for credits anymore, but for his life.

Oakley's eyes glossed over Zero, trying to suss his angle. Level-headed yet stern. A calling for order pounded behind the mask. If Oakley refused whatever offer he made, what would be the cost? Most likely, his life, or some other excruciating alternative. Zero wouldn't have kidnapped him if he planned on giving him a choice, so he wasn't feeling very free to decline anything. Best to play along with this crazy hoopla before a better escape opportunity cropped up.

Sparling, on the other hand, was going to be problematic. Oakley knew the type: trigger-happy, overzealous, obnoxiously high-strung. He remembered how she and the OA had been bad for business with their disturbances up until last year. They made the peacekeepers more alert and the hiCaste less gullible, which in turn had cut deeply into Oakley's profits for a while.

For the time being, he said nothing. Between Zero's plan and the flaring tensions, Oakley found himself a little distracted. Eventually, he began to examine the particularities of the job. This one would be dangerous, oh yes.

"Okay, Mr. Zero," said Oakley carefully. "I don't know if I'm all that invested in this agenda you're trying to push on me. But you have credits, so you have my attention." Oakley sat up in his couch, taking a more suitably business-like posture. "You need something from me. Badly. So badly that you're willing to involve a miscreant like myself in whatever mess you've roped us into. So now I'm ready to discuss payment..."
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Location: N/A | Interacting With: NUSKI NUSKI | Mentions: N/A

A pounding headache and echoing screams were the first things to greet Allie when she regained consciousness. She was slouched over in her chair and her hair was loose and covered her bruised face, making it hard for her to distinguish where she was exactly. She tried pulling them away but wasn't able to, discovering that her hands were tied behind her back. This, along with the panicked screams coming from right beside her kicked adrenaline into her system, squirming to get out of her spot.

When a few more voices chimed in, she suddenly froze. She tried looking around to see whee they were coming from, but her hair wouldn't allow it. A woman's voice, loud and dominant, silenced the others up. Allie figured this was their kidnapper. Despite her racing heart, she figured the best course of action would be to pretend to still be knocked out and listen to what she had to say.

Another voice, male and robotic sounding, interjected. Allie wondered if this person also had an injury like her.

During this man's speech, Allie stayed still. She got acquainted to some of these people. The man with the robotic voice was called Zero; the woman from earlier, Lindsey Sparling - a name that seemed familiar to Allie but she couldn't quite place her finger on it.

After Zero was done with his speech, Allie was more baffled at this man's ignorance than anything. And he was so pretentious about it too. But what really pushed her to the limit was when the people there - the kidnapped people - bought his bullshit story. She raised her head and looked in Zero's direction, and spoke in a synthesized voice.

"Sorry to interject, but I think you guys are missing the bigger picture here. If Doomsgate and Orion couldn't do it, what in God's name makes you think you can with a bunch of nobodies like us? Even if we all agree to join you in your 'cause', we would still be outnumbered, outgunned and out... everything."

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Robin Mauvelight
Location: unknown
Mentions: NUSKI NUSKI Human__Ramen Human__Ramen

Robin listened to everybody else voicing their opinions and concerns. He was, for now, still trying to wrap his head around everything that had just happened. A new rebel group, simple enough. But apparantly Zero believed that this undermanned idea of a rebellion was going to be more successful that Orion and Doomsgate combined.

"I must admit, the lady has got a point," he spoke up, referring to Allie. "We don't have many reasons to believe in the possibility of a victory. However, your choices in personell seem quite...specialised. Are you hoping to get by using quality over quantity, or something?"

It's not like this actually mattered to Robin. He didn't imagine that he'd be allowed to leave unharmed if he refused to join. Even if he was, he didn't have much to return to. His current lifestyle was undesirable to say the least, scavenging sustenance from the bodies of those that came after him, unable to stay in any one place for too long, and hardly ever being able to sleep in peace. If he joined Zero, he'd be part of something. Something where his crimes or bounty wouldn't matter. Something where he'd have comrades and goals. Like Iron Collar.

Ah, Iron Collar. Robin's heart fluttered at the thought of being in something that would even remotely feel like that again. And this was as good a deal as he was going to get. He'd get to fight directly against the authorities, too.

"All that being said, I'm fine with it. If we end up winning somehow, I'll consider that a pleasant bonus."
Zero & Enyo

Location: Trelst Safehouse| Interacting With: Human__Ramen Human__Ramen xAlter xAlter Doctor Nope Doctor Nope ShadowSaber331 ShadowSaber331 TenshuZninja TenshuZninja Abendrot Abendrot Epyk Epyk | Mentions:

"Finally, we're getting somewhere. Alright, Keith we have a deal" Zero said in reply to the black-haired man. Enyo seemed to have a look of disapproval towards Zero's reply. The destruction of Acta Technologies would be very beneficial to the cause and whether or not this Keith realized it, she was apart of the problem. Then again, Zero could just have made the promise to save face but with him it was impossible to tell, especially with a helmet on his head. Enyo was prepared to ask the rest of them what they thought about joining Zero but the girl from OA spoke up with another following up.

Enyo did not even notice that Zero insulted Orion's Arm and Doomsgate. It had been so long since she even thought of them. Enyo raised her hand in protest but Zero stepped up once again to prevent Enyo from scaring them away.

"If you don't think you can trust me, you are free to leave but you have been missing for thirteen days and there is a bounty for five thousand credits on your head. They want you alive and do you know why? It is because they will ask you why you went missing. Once you tell them they will kill you and come looking for this safehouse" he said calmly, pointing to a hallway on the right that led to the manor's main entrance. "I have no doubt in my mind that your parents and their accomplices tried their best but the end result was that they failed and you need to accept it."

"I did. You forget I knew your parents... I was at Trelst, you were not. If you really cared about your parents you would accept this offer. I also warn that you speak to Zero with respect" Enyo cut in.

Zero sighed and walked around Enyo a few times, thinking of how he could make the situation a bit calmer. It seemed like this conversation was just going to go on forever but realistically, their questions and worries were justified. Zero had yet to prove his intentions were true and even if they were he was unable to show that qualified to lead them.

Cayde had agreed to join him and Zero nodded his head, with a smile that no one could see. "There we go. Keith and Cayde are on board... what about the rest of y-" Zero stopped as he was interrupted by the blonde who went by Allie and Robin Mauvelight. He was becoming more confident now that people were agreeing to join but they were still some like Allie and Cipher who needed more convincing. "You don't think this is getting repetitive? The fact that you are nobodies is very beneficial to me and I promise you I were the bigger picture clearer than you ever have. I have been planning this for two years and three months. With all of you, I am certain Acta doesn't sound a chance."

"At Trelst we were betrayed because Gaius Chau viewed his life more important than the thousand others in Acta."

"As I said before the secret to our victory is my identity but if that isn't enough for you I should tell you that we have knowledge that Doomsgate or Orion's Arm never had generously given to us by Jordan Macey. I think Robin said it perfectly when he mentioned quality over quantity. Unlike the people before us, we now know what it takes to demolish and rebuild Acta with the information Enyo has given me."

Just when he thought he had everybody roped in, Oakley asked for money which almost made Enyo jump and wrap her hands around his neck. She used the word employer several times but it was just a title as she thought leader sounded too corny.

"You want money? Why doesn't that surprise me?"

"It seems that cleansing Acta of its corruption is not payment enough for him but we should listen, Enyo. We need him more than he needs us. How much are we talking about Oakley?"
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Location: Trelst | Interacting with: Zero | Mentions: NUSKI NUSKI

"It seems that cleansing Acta of its corruption is not payment enough for him but we should listen, Enyo. We need him more than he needs us. How much are we talking about Oakley?" Zero had adopted an almost reasonable tone, though it was laden with an air of superiority.

"Don't try to condescend to me, Zero." Oakley said. "Everyone knows your moral high ground is a sham. How many civilians wound up dead at Trelst last cycle? Two hundred? Three hundred? Kill and steal if you want but don't pretend that makes you more righteous than the rest of us. As far as I see it, we have a business relationship. Nothing more, nothing less. But I digress. We were going to talk about payment, weren't we?" Oakley rose from his seat and closed the distance between him and Zero. "I'll need a lot of credits for an operation this big. Take whatever you're thinking I'll demand and double it. When I'm through, I'll be walking away from this job a rich man."
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Location: Trelst| Interacting With: Zero | Mentions: NUSKI NUSKI

Carolina sighed, and in a weary voice, she asked:

"Do you fuckers not have 'inside' voices?"

Carolina hadn't bothered sitting upright throughout the entire conversation. It could be said that perhaps she was a tactical genius whom realized that pretending to be asleep in this situation was the most sensible course of action ... and perhaps that would be somewhat true. But it could also be said that she was horrendously groggy and felt like she was suffering a killer hangover ... which was definitely true.

She'd been keeping to her spot with one eye cracked open, feigning unconsciousness. Perhaps if she were anyone else, someone perceptive would have noticed she was faking it.

But Carolina was very good at faking it.

She yawned widely and shuffled into an upright position, staring at the Individual Known As Zero through bleary eyelids. He at the very least seemed to have a sense of humor, and - perhaps misguidedly - she pushed at it.

"Hey, Daft Punk - you got a coffee machine around here? I need my morning hit of caffeine before I can seize the means of production and overthrow the bourgeois."

That was a lie shrouded in humor - she had been paying very close attention right from the moment she came to consciousness. Talk of rebellion, talk of violence and change - all things she had heard in passing, or in platitude alone. Perhaps it was true that she'd spoken words in support of such ideologies, but never in the wrong company. Or so she thought - because apparently someone had dropped her name somewhere.

But never had anybody taken serious measures toward those ideals. At least, not since the Battle of Trelst.

Kidnapping a highly specific set of people? That interested her - and that alone gave her some idea of the scope of what she had been dragged into. She had counted several 'abductees' in the room with her, all whom had woken around the same time. That told her more than she needed to know.

They knew somebody with a chemistry background who could acquire a tranquilizer, at the very least. The dosage in itself would vary from person-to-person, and it would have taken ... perhaps 3 days at the very least to abduct several specific people. Having them all wake at the same time was an impressive feat, meaning this mysterious party had access to the personal details of every abductee present. Enough details to accurately tailor the dosage to each individual. That meant a wide network of contacts from all over the region, if not from all over Acta.

The circumstances were peculiar and almost surreal in the sheer absurdity of the meeting, but Carolina had no doubts that the abducting party was serious. And given the jumpiness of this 'Enyo', she assumed that acting calmly would be the best course of action in any case. She needed time to process everything she'd heard, and to get a proper look at her fellow abductees.

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Anna-Katrina Lee

Location: | Interacting With: NUSKI NUSKI | Mentions:

"I did. You forget I knew your parents... I was at Trelst, you were not. If you really cared about your parents you would accept this offer. I also warn that you speak to Zero with respect," Enyo said. That's where Anna-Katrina recognized her from: from OA. Though still weary, she did start to reconsider her options. In the end, what Anna-Katrina really wanted was revenge, and it seemed as the group so far were pretty dedicated to making change. In addition, she wouldn't know what exactly to do by herself. Was she going to go out in public? Absolutely not, unless she wanted to get some clippers to the throat. Plain and simple, her life wasn't worth 5,000 credits. She was going to do whatever it took to exact her revenge on Lysander. As more people agreed to join the team, Anna-Katrina walked up to Enyo, eyes stern and unwavering. She gave her a disciplined look, followed by a nod slight nod of respect.

"For the record, I'm doing this for my parents. Not you," she said, pointing to Enyo and Zero. She then turned to Zero, "If it's any help, I could probably find some info on Gaius. My parents probably kept some stuff, files and all that on OA. I'll help you. But just make sure you leave Lysander for me."
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Zero & Enyo

Location: Trelst Safehouse| Interacting With: Abendrot Abendrot Epyk Epyk Collidias Rex Collidias Rex | Mentions: TenshuZninja TenshuZninja

As Oakley spoke, Enyo was only getting more irritated. She had a feeling right after Cipher that Anders Oakley would piss her off the most. She even told Zero that it was not a smart idea to recruit people who weren't interested in the bigger picture in the first place or only did things for money.

"We're not really about to give him money Zero? After all it took to get them here now you want to give him money?!" Enyo said, her face becoming overwhelmed with annoyance.

"Forty thousand credits" Zero replied, suggesting that he had no intention of listening to his right hand in this matter. Zero put his hands behind his back, keeping his composure. He found it interesting that the man called him out for what he called a fake moral high ground. His words didn't seem to affect Zero personally but that could have just been hiding his emotions through the large metallic helmet. I'll have to watch out for this one he thought to himself.

Before Anders had a chance to reply to Zero, Anna stepped up and decreased the distance between her and Enyo which Zero imagined would usually make her upset but for some odd reason she was interested in the girl. At first he thought it was just because she was a child of her former associates but it had to be something else because it took a lot to make someone like Enyo actually care about you.

"For the record, I'm doing this for my parents. Not you. If it's any help, I could probably find some info on Gaius. My parents probably kept some stuff, files and all that on OA. I'll help you. But just make sure you leave Lysander for me."

"We would appreciate that although I doubt there is anything you know about him that Zero and I don't. If you get the chance, we will leave Lysander to you," Enyo replied with a hint of regret in her face. There was no way in hell Anna would be able to kill Lysander, even less of a chance if she tried to do it herself but she didn't want to ruin the morality of the group already. Zero would eventually have to tell them the truth and when he does, they will know how much bigger this fight is. Almost immediately after finishing her sentence, Enyo passed Anna and pulled put a knife, cutting the ropes that held Kiwidinok to her chair while looking at Cipher who was still bound by ropes with a smile.

Zero nodded in approval and turned his attention back to Oakley who was still standing in front of him. "After the death of Victor Brejipe we will secure a large portion of money and I will give you an additional sixty thousand credits" he ended. Now that he had said it allowed, he only proved what the man before him had said previously. He wasn't any better than the people sitting and standing in front of him but this wasn't about being good. Everyone in the room was guilty for something whether they would admit it to themselves, including him.

The brown haired girl who had appeared to only wake up just now said something about a coffee machine which only made Enyo annoyed again.

"Looks like this one is awake" she started, looking back at Zero to make sure he saw Carolina. Enyo now stood in the middle of the abductees with Carolina to her right. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it again and if anyone was looking closely, a smirk that she couldn't get rid of appeared on her face.

"I recall calling you by that name as well, Zero."
Kiwidinok Wihtikow

Location: Trelst | Interacting With: Enyo, Zero | Mentions: NUSKI NUSKI

Kiwi silently watched the strangers around her as they spoke their objections and worries toward the man at the helm of this "Proposal", "Meeting" Whatever one would like to call this gathering of misfits and ruffians, and former rebel members. Kiwi couldn't speak to the percentage of this man named Zero's plans and efforts for the likeliness of success but she did know that if no one ever stepped up to the plate like OA and Doomsgate then nothing would ever change. In the back of Kiwidinok's mind a nagging lesson from her mother edged itself between her morality and her sense.

"Never forget that the people around you aren't always fit for helping themselves. We teach you these skills for survival,for the purpose of thriving. But don't let yourself be greedy, thriving isn't a one person job. Plants need help from soil, water, and sun as do people. If you have the opportunity to help be cautious, be smart," Kiwidinok had remembered being upset at the words. As if helping others in need were ever a choice. Helping others had been instinctual for her but growing up had taught her that her mother was right. "But be just as generous and compassionate too." Her mother finished after sweeping her long but dirty hair from her face with one of her mothers rare smiles that seemed to brighten the world around her.

Tears pricked her eyes then in an unusual display of emotion in front of these people she did not know; just as the woman, Enyo or Lindsey Sparling former Rebel of OA cut her bonds from her wrists. The first thing she did was stand, she was a bit unsteady from her apparent long "sleep", but she recovered almost as soon as she felt her off balance. She made her way to the farthest corner of the room and while her back was turned swiftly rubbed her eyes and subsequently the tears away.

When she turned back she made no move to step away from her corner or speak for herself, she simply continued to watch the rest of this meeting unfold. She already had her answer to this man's call to arms. She cared not for the others answers but the atmosphere of the room told her even with the strain on the situation that everything would be fine. Words out of people could lie and minds could scheme but body language, something she was she dared say an near expert in reading, the body language of the people around her kept changing but the one thing they all had in common was something that told her there was not much to worry about in terms of whether or not they would join. Kiwi was not worried in the slightest, not anymore.

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Location: N/A| Interacting With: NUSKI NUSKI | Mentions: Abendrot Abendrot

Zero's cryptic response didn't do much to convince Allie, and as more people agreed to join him it started to irritate her. How gullible were these people? She chose not to say anything however. She might've been pushing her luck if she continued, and there was no way she could defend herself with her hands tied.

Her opinion about the whole situation changed when Zero offered Oakley forty thousand credits. That was a lot of money, and if this guy could just give away that large a sum then he must have more.

Fillip had always warned Allie about greed, and for the most part the fight money was enough, but if she could get at least half of what he was offering, it would really help her out.

Then again, Allie had no idea what could if she allied with these people. She didn't believe Zero's fantasy story for a second, and she was very adamant about not siding with people. She had been threatened multiple times in the ring to join gangs, but her fists usually resolved those issues.

Her conflicted expression was obscured by her hair. She needed the money but didn't want to side with Zero. After debating the idea a bit more, she hesitantly decided it would be better to do this and get the money, then back out later.

"Alright, tell you what Zero. I'll join your little crusade - on the condition that I get at least half of what cowboy over there is getting."

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Zero & Enyo

Location: Trelst Safehouse | Interacting With: Abendrot Abendrot Collidias Rex Collidias Rex Human__Ramen Human__Ramen Doctor Nope Doctor Nope TenshuZninja TenshuZninja Epyk Epyk xAlter xAlter ShadowSaber331 ShadowSaber331 | Mentions:

The room was silent as Kiwidinok stood up and went to her corner. Enyo looked back at Zero for guidance but he didn't move a muscle so she decided that it was best to leave the girl alone for now until they dealt with Allie and Oakley.

"Alright, this is getting out of hand now. Do we think we're a bank?" Enyo stepping up to who she assumed was Allie. Zero was showing his hand too much because he wanted these exact people. Even when they were planning who they should recruit, he wouldn't budge whenever Enyo gave him a suggestion for another candidate. The only person he said yes to was Anna but that could have been because he didn't know she was alive.

Oakley had yet to respond to Zero's offer and now he had to deal with Allie. The man made a weird clicking noise with his tongue and seemed to zone out as he was thinking how he should reply to the woman. "Enyo is right. This is starting to get out of hand now. I must say now that I do not have the means to pay everyone in this room forty thousand credits... not now anyway. Just in case the rest of you are wondering about fees I can tell you that after dealing with all three of the Credit Collectors of Section1 the group as a whole will have more than enough money but just like a real job you'll have to earn it first. All three of them together probably have over a million credits. Of course, I could tell you how I plan to obtain these credits from them but you'll have to accept my offer first. I would also like to ask all of you to think about this decision carefully. Once we start, there is no backing out and soon all of Acta will have its eyes on us."

"...Same conditions apply to those who have yet to agree. Meaning, Cipher, Carolina, and Kiwidinok" Enyo said, adding on to Zero's statement. She had no idea that he was even going to pay them since she hadn't been but he had gone even further to tell them that he was going to steal from the Credit Collectors which as a bold claim all on its own.
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