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Heartsong's comments about the nobility had somewhat irked Lyrren, although the Prince showed no signs of his words affect on him. While Lyrren is Orn's only Prince, he's also one of the kingdom's most powerful dukes. His castle of Vanaheim is situated in a land of abundant resources, largely those of crops and timber. Nevertheless, Lyrren is known to mingle with much of the Kingdom's nobility, to the point of befriending many of them. This relationship allowed the Prince to see a more bright side to the class that's often muddled with negative prejudice. In his experience, Lyrren has met many nobles who are truly loyal to the service of the Realm and its people. Citizens in their lands, while still struggle from time to time, often fair better than those in other parts of the kingdom. This shows that not all nobles are consumed by the same greed and lust that Heartsong believed them to be.

"I understand your vexation, Doctor Heartsong. But I believe that you'd be glad to know that I've overseen the purchase of many of the foods that we're serving now and will be serving later into the festival. I can assure you that these purchases were made with the upmost of fairness." Prince Lyrren replied back honestly as he clasped his palms together. Today's celebration is likely one of the largest and most important celebrations of the year. All citizens of Orn, regardless of rank, status, or background, had been invited. As part of the precautionary measures taken by the Prince, he had assured that all the supplies purchased for the cooking of today's dishes were of the most secure and best of qualities. With the rising risks of plagues coursing through the country, many crops and foods are at risk of being contaminated. A single contaminated ingredient could risk dozens of lives, which was something that Lyrren intends to avoid at all costs.

After their exchange of farewells, Lyrren would watch as the Royal Doctor departed before turning his attention to the Champion. While not agreeing fully to the Aurin's assertion, Lyren could understand his point of view. He was still young when the Royal Doctor was first instituted under his father's reign. However, he does remember the reverberations that resulted from Kungan's decision. The nobles of Orn often obtain their statuses through inheritance or from certain achievements. Lyrren can't remember the last time that a criminal was brought into the Royal Court up until Heartsong. Lyrren's father was not only a strong and clever ruler, but he was also benevolent and kind. His decision to pardon and incorporate Heartsong was an intelligent one as the Crow has managed to demonstrate his talents time and time again. To that end, Lyrren can't question.

"Leave him be. The Royal Doctor was always known for his blatant tongue. Although, I do hope that he learns to control it today. I do not want to deal with another pile of complaints by nobles he has insulted." Lyrren said in a halfheartedly joking manner. As Arvin's right hand, Lyrren often deals with the basic matters regarding the state as well as disputes amongst the nobility. While he logically reports and discusses the more significant issues with his brother, most of the smaller matters are made based on his wits alone, although he still acquires guidance from others in Arvin's council. Nevertheless, Lyrren is still honored that his brother places so much trust in him to do so.

Just as Aurin had mentioned Heartsong, Lyrren glanced at the Royal Doctor. As he spotted him in converse with Lady Aurelia and Lords Lyncaster and Harren, a sudden sense of unease befell the Prince. Even from where he stood, Lyrren could tell from the Lords' postures just how much they loathed the Doctor's presence before them. While Donovan and Fenno were only two lords, their opinion towards Crow seems to be shared my many others.

Heartsongs was what Lyrren would describe as being the most impulsive of Arvin's council members. In comparison to other council members such as Aurin, Heartsong seems to be far more impetuous. Lyrren knew that the doctor's heart is in the right place but his vehement and blunt views regarding the nobility had caused him to earn more enemies than anyone would like. Lyrren himself has received a good amount of his comments regarding the nobles, although none had been physically directed at him in particular.

"Perhaps I need to have a word with him..." Lyrren mumbled silently as he rubbed his chin in contemplation. Before his thought could be completed, Lyrren's attentions were redirected by his brother's return.

"Welcome back, dear brother." Lyrren stated with a wholehearted smile as he moved to give Arvin a quick embrace. Ever since they were young, both brothers had always been close. Even with their difference in statuses, they remain as brothers nevertheless.

"How did your business go? From your expression, I trust the meeting with the Judicatory went well?" Lyrren asked curiously. As opposed to Aurin, he wasn't shocked by the name as he was well aware of his brother's mission. As he awaited his brother's response, Lyrren's eyes wandered around his brother's armor as he surveyed for any signs of combat.

"Yes, me and Lady Rimbaud saw to it that all the guests are taken cared of. They are currently gathered around the main hall and the courtyard. Shall I have them all gathered to you? I haven't stopped answering questions regarding your whereabouts for hours."

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Arvin didn’t necessarily get the results he wanted. He was hoping for calm conversation and a lack of pressure for details, but found his hopes to be shared in vain. It wasn’t surprising, as the only people that knew of his whereabouts were Lyrren and Lady Rimbaud. Everyone else had been left in the dark on the matter, but it was for the best. Just so none of the guests would over hear and go blabbing to the other nobles, and for the sake of a good story would blow the whole thing out of proportion in a further attempt to stain his name.

Nobles, a truly vile lot that Arvin rarely found peace in conversing with or about. There were a select few that still had his trust, such as Aurelia and Lord Hagran, the wealthiest crop exporter in the Kingdom. Not even Lord Lancaster came close to him, which was beneficial given the high bounty among the crops this year. They’d need it considering there were troubling times to be had in the future. So storing food and ensuring his Kingdoms safety was all he could worry about for now. But as much as he hated to admit it, he needed all of those nobles on his side. Their cooperation was key to the success of his plans for the future. He needed their output of resources, and most importantly, their trust. They were the ones running amok, turning his peoples hearts against him. Their gossip and need for public approval and power had made them forget their place. Arvin could only hope that he’d be able to set them straight in a peaceful manner. Shedding blood and starting a fight would only make things worse for him.

Back to the matter at hand, Arvin was promptly flooded with questions from his friends which brought on a slight irritation to his soul that he masked with a smiling face. Waiting for them all to cease talking instead of answering one by one was the best course of action to take. That way he could address them all on the same matter they inquired of.

After a quick embrace from his brother, Arvin finally spoke.

“Yes, yes. I met with the very Paladin of Terran this day. She’s to be your companion in the coming days of raising my armies, Aurin. Quite the quintessential ally and friend if you ask me, after all she was and still is unrivaled by a select few in the realm in the art of swordsmanship.”

“Unfortunately she would not be someone that would be talked so easily into joining this fray, so I went about it in a less political method. Rather than approach her with words that mean nothing to her, I spoke the language she understood best: Combat. It was quite the spectacle I must say, our battle was quite amazing, and one of the best I’ve had in years. Save for ours if course Lyrren.”
The King said with a cheeky grin at his brother. “But yes! The battle we, I mean business went rather well! After we had our chance to get to know one another better in our flurry, I managed to convince her to return to the Kingdom and fight with us. Now it’s just a matter of using her potential to raise up an even stronger army.”

“As for my injuries, don’t worry yourself over them my dear Crow. They’re nothing more than scratches that won’t take long to get over. Tonight I want you to not be so stressed over work that you might be able to enjoy yourself. I know some of the children in the Kingdom are looking forward to seeing you again so that would be a good place to start!”

After all questions were answered, Arvin could finally listen on to his own be answered by his brother. The reply of which brought a relieved sigh from himself.

“Good, I’m glad my people are being treated well. There’ll be no need to gather them, I’ll approach them myself once I’m ready to do so before I address the entire Kingdom. My speech just might be a little more exciting given the news of The Judicators return. I can’t wait for those snobby nobles to hear of this. There’s no way in heaven or hell they can complain of this matter at hand. If they do, I suppose I wouldn’t be surprised, they find any reason to think me a monster. Ah well, I can’t make everyone happy as much as I might like to.”

Peaking over to the Great Hall, Arvin had felt eyes on him and was wanting to see who it was. Sure enough, he locked eyes with Aurelia herself, who was one of the few nobles he was delighted to see. Though she would be the only one to join his pantheon that the Gods handpicked for him to bring up. He wasn’t quite sure their reasoning with her, though her extent of influence was unrivaled. Perhaps that’s all he needed out of a noble ally.

Then again, the Luxenri bloodline had always been of great faith to the Throne and the Kingdom itself. She was perhaps to be one of the most trusted out of all those who were among them. Each had their own instances of speaking out against the throne during centuries long past, but oddly enough there was none from Luxenri. Truly he had nothing to fear on placing his trust in her. She’d have to be the first he would address before moving on to the other Nobles.
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By the gods, he is still going on about the damn peasants!

"Yes, yes. Plagues come and go and yet we keep on living," Aurelia said with a nonchalant wave, her tone growing as bored as she was. "It is the void's will to spread the sickness and the god's mercy as to who is saved. By the looks of it, they chose us over your little commoners."

She glanced over at the two lords as Crow continued on with his dark threats. Warren seemed to be still in disbelief that this man was actually speaking to them in such a manner while Lyncaster was sinking back into a foul mood. Or rather, one that was worse than usual.

Again, Aurelia was baffled as to why the previous king decided to let this ruffian into court. He was rude, spiteful, and caused more diplomatic chaos than Aurelia could clean up. Sure, he was the leading expert in the field but who was the top doctor before him? While for now he can sit pretty in his position, but others below were just as hungry for knowledge and staus. How long would it be until someone else came along, just as bold and knowledgable, but with a more tame demeanour to their betters?

That day couldn't come soon enough, but for now she had to deal with Crow and Lyncaster. The latter of which was clearly running out of patience. Admittedly so was Aurelia. She silently cursed Crow when he compared Lyncaster to a pig. As if this night couldn't get any better.

A thin slink of steel sounded from the lord as he gripped the hilt of his dagger and pulled it halfway out of its sheath. The blade was finely made and reflected the candlelight. "Why you... you have no idea who you are mocking, cur!" He spat, "I have powerful friends-"

"One of which is standing right here, and she strongly recommends you not fight in the middle of the king's party. Have you forgotten yourself? You are his guest. To kill a man under his roof is ill-luck." Aurelia interjected sharply, placing an arm between Lyncaster and Crow. She gave Crow a spiteful glare as she spoke, though it would probably only make him happier.

In truth, the only thing Lyncaster could successfully shank was a roasted ham, but Aurelia needed to avoid making an even greater disturbance. It made staying his blade seem like an act of mercy rather than a reversal of an idiotic move.

The lords and ladies around the four had gone silent and tense, staring at the spectacle that had arisen. Hushed whispers flitted between them, mostly regarding their distrust and displeasure of seeing the infamous Crow. A few instances of void-spawn and other unpleasantries were murmured, mostly just repeats of the typical rumours surrounding the crass doctor.

They returned back to their conversations once Lyncaster finally sheathed his blade, just as Crow retreated back into the crowd. At least there would be something interesting to talk about between marriage arrangements and false pleasantries.

When Crow had left Lord Harren scratched the side of his jaw thoughtfully. "Charming," he muttered with sarcasim, "I can see now that the rumours of his anarchist ways are true." he paused, tilting his head while holding up a finger. "Now, do you think he means to harm my workers? Or..."

"Let the Crow caw. That's all it is. Annoying...cawing..." Aurelia said curtly.

Meanwhile, Lyncaster watched the doctor's retreat with dark eyes, his face contorted in an expression of bottled rage. Really, he did look like a pig in this light. "You mean to let him freely mock our houses without any sort of punishment?" he hissed to Aurelia.

"I never said such a thing. What better justice than the king's own? Arvin has returned, let us bring this issue to him. We can have this sorted out in a diplomatic way."

"And listen to him defend that scheming infidel? I think not! I have much better things to fill my time. He fills his court with low-borns and insurgents, sympathizing with bastards and orphans, dancing to appease the masses while we nobility do the real work with little thanks. I will not have it." He placed down his drink and straightened out his doublet. "Farewell Lady Luxenri, Lord Harren. I grow tired of this farce."

With that, he turned around and promptly marched out of the hall. Aurelia gave a long-winded sigh. As if negotiations between the crown and House Lyncaster weren't difficult enough...

The True Plague The True Plague
// somebody aboutta get clapped //
The best way to relay a tale, is to focus on the first incident and unravel from there. Given the words spoken were before he left, he would answer as he left, not much of a retcon and more of a remembrance of something so inconsequential in his mind as to slip his recollection as he worked. Thus, we have these closing remarks that occurred before his leaving, settling the matter without a desire to revisit due to time issues and a slight headache that Crow was getting from the nobles. Yes, they gave him a headache. Not the other way around at all.

Also, to point something out... It is highly unlikely anyone following him to top his knowledge would exactly be timid or respectful. After all, he had spent so much time examining the human and demon bodies, defiling them and most certainly condemning himself to a life worse than the Void could offer, for his knowledge. He knows the human body down to the individual muscle, each and every flaw of the body that he's seen improved within the demons. One would have to do the exact same process to get his knowledge, and once you've defiled a good couple bodies, you'll not care about decorum and manners as much. You'll be too busy traumatized from the soft squishy feeling that never goes away, and the sight of others reminds you of what lies within them. Simply put, to truly take his place via achievement, would mean they're even more fucked in the head than he was.

"I have powerful friends as well. Might have heard of him, his name is King Arvin. He also has others, such as Lady Aurelia right there, who although she may resent it, would not allow you to harm me too much so long as I still have a use. I also know full well who I speak to. For example, you are not one who has earned even my grudging respect, but one who demands it without earning it. You also seem quick and easy to anger. Which is why I treat you with less respect than the other Lord. Least he doesn't outright demand I do something, although I'm sure he wishes I would. Self control could really help you in being respectable... Might also lose you a few pounds. Let that explanation be our word of parting, Lord Fatass of No Spine." With that, as stated in the last post, Crow walked away to the entrance hall, pleased with himself up until he saw the injuries the King sported. Light as they may be, Crow still worried simply because it was his job to worry about injuries concerning the King, who the King asks of him to worry about, and his patients.

Now back to modern times, where he was back over here with the Prince, Advisor, King, and the Knight. A mild smirk formed on his face at the news of Nemir's agreement to return. The Royal Doctor hadn't spent much time around her, given she was often busy out in the field. Check ups and ensuring wounds weren't fatal didn't really allow him much time to actually talk to her and get to know her. Which is fine, she'd be one of the soldiers he knew by name, but couldn't tell you a thing about them. Doctors can't be expected to be on a personal level with every patient of theirs now. That'd be a mess he'd never be able to settle it and get everything straight!

"Not worry about your injuries? I am sure you're well aware I can't do that. I am responsible for your well being and good health after all. Both before your rise to King, and now. Something you agreed to by keeping me on hand. However, I suppose as a gift today, I could forgo the doting act and adhere to the order to not worry about it. Soon as this day is over though, I will demand the right to check to make sure there are no issues that I need to handle. To fight Nemir on your own is doubtful to have happened without something for me to worry about." It was almost like a switch was flipped once the children were mentioned, a genuine smile curling his lips and an odd softness to his eyes. "I'm sure the children are just raring to see me. Though I can't just forego your party to go hang out with them completely. I must simply bear this cross for now. No offense of course. Just find it much more pleasant to be Uncle Crow instead of getting side eyes and glares because of my position and attitude. Not that I believe you've not had similar feelings before sire."

"Though I have already ran into some of the children on my way here. Gave them some coins and bade them to enjoy themselves. I'll probably leave in a few hours to spend time with them. Although the prices seem much too high, I suppose I can put what money I get into ensuring they enjoy today... Which reminds me, since nobody else is here to pester you about it..."
Crow grinned broadly, gesturing widely around the hall. "When will I see children from you? It is without a doubt, my job to ensure they're healthy, and perhaps spoil them a little! I may not be family, but somebody has to bug you about it." Others may be wary to broach a topic like this with the King, but most aren't Crow. Most didn't serve under the former King, and have to take care of the current King and Prince when they got sick. Sure, it wasn't necessarily like he knew them since diapers, but he's been there for them in trying times with a kind word and caring ear. He feels entitled to a bit of bantering and pestering with them. Couldn't push it to the exact level he did with the nobles, and Aurelia, but nevertheless he'd try and treat them like anybody else. He's heard it could be relaxing to have someone you need not put up a royal facade with. Somebody who couldn't care less how you acted, but more about you.

His gaze than fell onto the younger of brothers, a soft smile on his face. "Don't think I forgot about you either. I'll be waiting patiently for children from you as well for me to spoil... Unless of course your taste lie in other things. Oh, and one more thing. Prince, if not for the pressing matter I needed to attend to, I'd have reminded you once again, to just call me Crow. Doctor Heartsong just sounds way too pretentious for me, proper title or not." Crow felt like he had this conversation with the Prince every time they met. He knew the Prince knew his preference on the name, but he rarely used it when speaking to him. If not for the fact that Crow couldn't care less about this fact, he'd worry that perhaps he's rubbed off a little too much on the Prince. Imitation is the highest form of flattery to some, but he'd prefer those he treats respects his desire. "Also my worries about pricing was not entirely placed upon food and drink. No, it was more games and trinkets being sold to honor the occasion. The games, I'm fairly certain are scams and money sinks for the naive and gullible. The trinkets for the innocent. Fairly certain half of it isn't even legitimate business, but that is besides the point. The food and drinks are still a bit high for some of the common folk, but can't win everything. Least it is of good quality."

As he stood there innocently enough, he'd notice Lyncaster stomping into the entrance hall. Flab seemingly jiggling as it tried to settle to no avail. He barely contained a snicker at the sight, disguising it as a cough. The man looked like jello in clothing, and it amused him to no end. Of course, he wouldn't exactly taunt a man who pulled a knife on him in front of the King. There'd be enough hell to pay at the moment whenever Aurelia opened her big stupid mouth to tattle on him. No need to bring it sooner upon him by acting out. So instead, he had a cheeky little grin as he waved him out. Truly, a pleasant interaction that'd take someone who knew him well to even begin connecting the smirk on his face with the noble's anger instead of just glee at seeing one leave the party. If he were questioned on it, he'd just boldly lie about knowing why he was in such a foul mood.

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Arvin’s eyes widened at Heartsong’s rather bold question, and a soft pink tint lined his cheeks as he bashfully looked away with an embarrassed smirk. The issue of children and more importantly a wife weren’t exactly ever brought up by many others, save for the occasional teasing from his close friends like Lyrren and Tessa. It had been the Gods will that he find someone to share a championship with in leading the Kingdom. But it wasn’t a priority, he never made it a priority. His people always came first, as did attempting to achieve public appeal in finally achieving peace and unification amongst all the disturbances and unsurity plaguing their minds.

Of course, he had no intention of disobeying the Gods will. For their will was his own. And of course any good hearted man wanted to find a beautiful wife to call his own, that he might continue one crafting a strong bloodline. It was simply a matter of when he could find time for it and who it would be with.

“Oh hell Crow, must you tease me so about this matter? My time for children and a family is a long ways off I’m afraid. While it’s my every intent to do so, though not necessarily for you, I have to wait until the moment is right. In this moment it certainly isn’t. I haven’t the time to spare, or dedication to give to someone at this time with all the chaos infection the realm. Besides even if I did, I’d have nowhere to look! My connections with the women of this realm are second to none, save for what interactions I have with those who I’ve entrusted in my pantheon. All things in due time, but for now I can’t make any promises.”

In truth, he had given some form of thought as to where he might start looking and even individual he might try to court. But he knew damn well that Crow would far from approve his choices. Though, Arvin supposed Crow’s and all others opinions really didn’t matter save for his own and the Gods. If it was someone he found affection for, and someone the Gods found worthy, then there was surely no harm in it.

But enough of that. Marriage and mushy items of this effect make for little entertainment, at least that’s what Arvin thinks. Should anyone read back on his life in an ancient Testament, perhaps they might find endearment in the romance. If he even made it that far. There wasn’t a guarantee that he’d survive dealing with the populous of his people looking to overthrow him.

Speaking of which....

Arvin turned from the discussion with his allies to see Lord Lyncaster exiting the Great Hall in a rather enraged and flustered hurry. Darts of eyes were pointed at himself and Crow, which could only mean something had already gone wrong.

”Oh! Lord Lyncaster! Leaving so soon are we? What appears to be the trouble?” Arvin said as he stepped forward to meet the Lord.

“Nothing that concerns you Puppet King.” That was an endearing title that the insurgents of the Kingdom had chosen to give Arvin. This of course prompted Arvin to frown, with his eyes flashing with disapproval.

”Surely there is something I might be able to do to appease your inherent rage at the moment?” The closer Lyncaster came, the more putrid the smell of alcohol became on his breath, which prompted Arvin to scrunch his nose in concealed disgust.

Lyncaster finally was about nose to nose with The King and pointed a finger right into the taller mans chest.

“The only thing you can do that will give you the slightest amount of dignity in my eyes is to rid this Kingdom of that bastard you dare to call a Royal Doctor. Such a disgrace for a wretch like him to walk these halls. Even your own father let him walk about this castle, surely you’d have learned from his past mistakes.”

Something snapped in Arvin that flared the disapproval into rage in his eyes. The fact that this man had the guff to speak of himself and his father in such a manner was an insult in of itself that needed no words. But, Arvin couldn’t afford to make a scene or start a fight. He needed to let this go otherwise it would just be another reason Lyncaster and his fellow nobles could add to their list as to why he didn’t deserve the crown.

”I’m afraid to say that my dear Crow, just as I, was called by the Gods for this very cause. He’s much too vital to let go, just as you are. So I’d appreciate it if you’d show him the proper respect he deserves.”

“BAH! What respect is to be given for him or you?! You make a claim that both of you are called by Gods, but these Gods are obviously dead if they call worms like you to serve them.”

Lyncaster was normally not one to be bold with his speech. So it spoke worlds of his consumption of wine during the night, which bothered Arvin greatly. But not as much as the blasphemy this man was speaking. Arvin’s lip curled in a sneer, with his hands clenching and unclenching a few times.

“Oho! Calm down boy! You don’t want to start a fight you can’t win.”

With a sadistic grin, Lyncaster trudged off, leaving Arvin to fume with rage before turning about and returning to his allies.

”I swear on my life, one of these days I’m going to strangle that man.”
As Lyncaster stormed off Aurelia noticed Arvin break off from his own conversation to intercept the lord.

"Will you intervene?" Harren asked, his own amber eyes following after the king with mild curiosity.

"No, it is best to let him handle this. There is little that I can do when Lyncaster is in such a dark mood."

"And you think the king can?"

"Not particularly, but it is good for our peers to see him try."

Harren chuckled into his wineglass, swirling it around before taking a sip. "Well, this should be interesting nonetheless."

Aurelia watched the interaction between the king and Lyncaster intently. She could hardly make out Arvin's words but Lyncaster's brazen tongue was quite clear from her vantage point, especially choice words such as 'Puppet King'. She shook her head slightly when Lyncaster thrust a finger into the king's chest and insulted both he and his father.

"As tactful as ever." Harren mused, but Aurelia wasn't listening. She narrowed her eyes and observed carefully. Arvin had a temper, but he wasn't stupid, not like Lyncaster at least. Thankfully he didn't snap, though she could see the sneer. In the end Lyncaster was gone, Arvin was insulted, and Crow was a smug as ever.

"You must excuse me, I need to have a word with the king." Aurelia said.

"It was a pleasure, Lady Luxenri. As always, you make the city brighter with your presence." Harren said with a flamboyant bow. "I will be in touch with Lord Luxenri about those workers. A shame he could not attend tonight's festivities. We have much to discuss..."

"I assure you my father regrets his absence deeply. As the years go on the roads are not as kind to him as they once were."

"Of course, of course," Harren said with the faintest hint of a smirk. "How fortunate it is then that he is the one lord whom can afford to be missed."

With that, he dipped his head graciously and turned to the refreshments table while Aurelia crossed the floor.


"Enjoying the guests, I see?" Aurelia spoke from behind the king.

Her hands were clasped in front of her and she had a look on her face that seemed to say 'I told you so' with just a hint of 'I'm going to kill Crow'.

"Of course it could have been avoided had Crow been forbidden to attend, as I recall advising." She gave Crow a sour glance before returning to the king. "He cannot hold his crude tongue, and most nobles don't take kindly to grave robbers who speak of the annihilation of their entire house with great glee. Lyncaster is difficult to deal with as it is, and now he has an even greater excuse to sow distrust. Sometimes I question whose side Crow is truly on..."

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~Sergio Acre Yarrow De Iuliis~
Sergio glanced around at the people partying and enjoying themselves with a light smile. People laughed and interacted with each other without the slight fear in their stature. Places like this were always one of his favourites, crowds. In crowds, you could get overlook and go unnoticed so easily. Conversations surrounded you like a warm blanket, and you could listen in at what they were saying without a single glance of suspicion being thrown at you.

It is truly lovely. It was so easily simple to find out simple things about people when they didn't even know they were sharing it with you. Of course, you never get the juicy secrets that people are too embarrassed or scared to share with their friends or family, those require a gentler touch to obtain. A touch that he happened to be gifted with proficiency in. Shaking his head Sergio ran his hand gently through his blonde locks, beginning to walk again.

He was late to the party, something he was actually known for doing. A sort of way of telling the host that there were better things he could be doing than showing up for a party, that in most cases was quite dull. However this was the king's birthday party, so it was not going to be as dull as most parties that he finds himself in. Also, this time it wasn't as much as him intentionally being late, but more of him getting distracted by the wind whispering to him.

According to the wind, the king had been missing for a few hours during his very own party. The boy in an attempt to go unnoticed by his guest hadn't taken a horse to get to his destination, this of course failed because Sergio was enlightened about this, though he doubted that the other guests noticed or knew much details about what happened. He himself didn't have all the details, the wind had troubles keeping close enough to get any information without being noticed, however, he did know that the king had been talking to some woman in the woods and had had some battle with her.

Sadly that was as much as the wind could tell him. He was a tad disappointed, but considering this is the king, he was trained for this sort of thing. Letting out an annoyed sigh Sergio straightened his
suit as he approached the area where the king, high ranking nobles, and his trusted allies were located. Recently Sergio had become one of those trusted allies. Many rich nobles had begged him to work for them, and he had never agreed to any of these partnerships.

He had many tempting offers, but the one he simply couldn't refuse was the king's offer. Not just because he was the king, that was just an added bonus, but the prize he got for joining him. Secrets, but not just any secrets, the type that he had struggled to obtain, the royal type. Those were priceless in his business, and he couldn't refuse such a delectable treat. The king knew exactly what he would want, something he liked about the man. He didn't offer something trivial or stupid, something that he didn't have but wanted.

Sergio glanced up in disgust as a man bumped into his shoulder. Lyncaster met his glare with a fierce angry one. His eyes widened slightly as he realized who he bumped into before returning to his angry glare. Sergio clenched his jaw painfully as a burring rage began to rage inside his chest. He couldn't afford to lose his temper here, not to mention how embarrassing it would be. "I apologize for that Lyncaster, I seemed to have overlooked you in my haste."

The man grunted with a roll of his eyes at Sergio's apology. Sergio smile turned a little sour at the man's disregard for his offering of peace. "You might want to be more careful next time as well, wouldn't want the wind knocking you over and causing you an injury." Sergio laughed gently at his joke, knowing full well what the simple sentence implied, "Now if you will excuse me, I am late and I would appreciate it if I could not be any later than I already am."

Smiling sweetly at the man who seemed to be fuming more than usual, he gracefully walked passed him, ignoring the man opening his mouth to yell some angry retort at him. He continued walking and entered the room filled with more important people than the rest of the party, including the king himself. He let out a sigh, calming the rage inside him for now, knowing whenever he got the chance he would probably throw a fit over it.

He walked over to his old friend Aurelia who was conversing with the king. He wrapped his hands around the woman's waist letting out a light laugh at her comment. "But then there would be no excitement in these parties." He laughed lightly his joke, before removing his arm, knowing how uncomfortable it would have made the girl, and enjoying that fact. He offered a simple bow of his head before greeting the king, "My king, my apologies for being late, I was preoccupied with a peaceful breeze that passed by me on my way here."
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Tessa Rimbaud
Location: The Party, y'know it.
Time: Crow's tangent - Sergio's Return.
Interactions: Siren77 Siren77 The True Plague The True Plague Jack19XK Jack19XK ItsKenAgain ItsKenAgain

Eh? Tessa peered at Crow with a hollow smile as he went on his tangent. There was no response she could get out of herself, left only to blankly stare. The doctor had a mild point here and there, but to spoil the atmosphere for the others... was that really necessary? If you can't enjoy something, you should at least let the others have a good time, doesn't that sight alone bring some happiness to one's heart? The man's hatred for the nobility certainly was something to be worked on. It was much too similar to the king's distaste for the class, although a bit more outspokenly radical. It was true that there were faults within the souls entrusted by kings passed, but an outright rejection was a tad unreasonable. After all, what allowed them their scheming and plotting was always their high-end education and childhoods spent learning the acts of leadership. The realm would simply crumble without them.

"U-um... different people, different manners...?"
She turned to Aurin, voice telling of a light loss for words. Honestly though, such an outbreak should've been expected, so to be caught off-guard by it probably wasn't the best look. With a straightening of her expression, taking upon a more composed tone, Tessa spoke to continue her statement.
"I'll have a word with the king about him later."
Aye, the king, who was... here? Huh?

The royal advisor's eyes widened in surprise for a split second, the king arrived with rather impeccable timing. There was that one saying about devils and speaking, wasn't there? N-not that she would dare imply the king to be a devil. With a sudden elegant resolution, Tessa took a deep bow in the sovereign's direction, the series of events rendering her completely oblivious to the catastrophe that was unwinding not too far away.
"My liege. I'm... glad to see that you have arrived not too hurt."

"As lord Hashima says, everything has been taken care of. The people are enjoying themselves."
Tessa finished the last sentence with a satisfied demeanour, which might've been slightly difficult to catch, considering she was still facing the ground vigorously. It'd be rude to rise without explicit permission, this she was taught early in life. Such mannerism had to be obeyed, no matter how awkward they made things.
"To make everyone happy is the ultimate goal, one day we'll surely achieve it."
Most would call such a desire stupid and unrealistic, but Tessa exclaimed it unhesitantly, as encouragement without doubt. Things like that were shards of her past. No matter how much the world reacted to them by shouting utopia, Tessa knew that she didn't want anyone to suffer as she did.

Every new arrival she greeted with an acknowledgement, and soon enough the entire party would be present. The evening would still be long, that was a certainty. Very long. Long and draining. Very draining. Kind of like still being bent in a bow. That was also very draining. Truth be said, Tessa's back was starting to hurt a bit. But she'd endure it, no matter how long.

...Very long.
“I am aware of your advise on the matter, however I stand by my word in saying that dear Crow has just as much importance in this matter as you or any of the others. Therefore he will be treated with the same respect and allowed to be recognized in the very same setting. I am aware that I trusted him to hold his tongue and he failed to do so, and there will be repercussions of his own for the threat he made and what he has done.” As the King spoke his eyes turned to Crown with a rather irritated stare.

“I assure you in time he will learn to play well with others, and will not be starting and mischief as he has done today. But for now all I can do is apologize Miss Aurelia. Please do not let his attitude spoil your evening tonight.” Arvin’s eyes returned to meet the nobles. “But let’s not play the fool in thinking that Lyncaster wouldn’t have found some other kind of excuse to gripe and storm out as he just did.”

The King and Lyncaster had never managed to get along with one another, not from a lack of trying. Arvin has made many attempts to mend the bond torn by the nobles greed only for everything to crash and burn without fail. Yet Tessa and of course Aurelia advise that he continue trying no matter what, which he will. But it doesn’t change the fact that he really, truly, and will forever hate that man.

Suddenly, the final member of the pantheon Arvin had chosen arrived. Sergio Acre Yarrow De Iuliis. A rather strange but useful young man who posed a great well of information that would serve him well in the days to come. Though it was at a cost of revealing his own secrets, but hopefully that would happen later than sooner.

Ah yes, I’m sure you were enjoying ‘listening to the wind’ as you so often put it. I hope your travels were well.” The King approached and shook hands with the man.

“Well, I’m delighted that you all were able to make it in safety. Please enjoy the festivities and one another’s companies until it’s time for me to address the kingdom. Crow, if you’d be so kind as to meet with me here shortly.”
The True Plague The True Plague Juju Juju ItsKenAgain ItsKenAgain seasonedcat seasonedcat AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0 Jack19XK Jack19XK
After hearing Arvin confirm his suspicions, Aurin grinned brightly. Suddenly the crushing weight of his position finally seemed to be bearable, knowing a soldier who was arguably much more competent than himself would be joining this endeavor. Letting out a small sigh of relief, he worked quickly to catch himself doing so and to hide it from the King so he wouldn’t expose how concerned he’d been in the past months. About this time a servant was passing by, readily offering food and drink from a tray. Aurin graciously accepted her offer of a cup of wine, feeling that he could finally enjoy the celebration around him. He turned his attention back to Arvin, excusing the servant with thanks. The King recounted his tale of doing battle with the Paladin, and now the injuries made sense, well-won marks of a duel between great powers. Not only did King Arvin show great judgement by seeking out this partnership, but had accomplished so by knowing his new ally enough to earn her respect even at physical cost to himself. That was more than enough to make Aurin content placing his trust in Arvin’s decision.

I’m honored to work alongside Nemir. It will be a challenge and a pleasure, I’m certain.” He praised, relishing a sip of the deep red wine he’d been served. Arvin began comforting Crow, waving away his worries about his injuries from the duel with the Judicator, and then growing embarrassed of his inquiries of future heir from the King. If anything, at least the Doctor did seem genuinely concerned with his practice, no matter how tainted his field of study was.

Aurin hadn’t lost sight of Heartsong previously though as he seemed to hassle Aurelia, and more notably one beast of a Lord, Lyncaster, a notorious Lord in the Kingdom. Having served under his last High Lord, Aurin had spent enough time in great halls while Nobles came and went, discussing all matters of business. He’d grown familiar with the business of quite a few of these powerful men, and Lyncaster of course was one entitled, drunken pig more oft than not. Pissing the man off seemed a game for Crow this night until the return of the King which had drawn him over, much like any bird to something shiny in their eye. It seemed a job for a craftful speaker to handle the fallout of Crow’s taunts, more than a knight to intervene in the exchange, so Aurin had made the judgement to remain in the company of the King, surely Aurelia could handle the matter.

That was, until Lyncaster had begun in their direction, making a loud and hasty exit. Looks of rage and contempt passed between the man and Crow respectively, and this seemed to pique the King’s interest as he called to the Lord. This only seemed to enrage the drunk even more, as he stomped over, freely hurling insults at Arvin in front of his royal council members. The Lord shoved a fat finger into Arvin’s chest and Aurin’s training had kicked in, after all, it was his life’s duty to protect the King.

He thrust his free hand forward and made sure to get a tight grip on Lyncaster’s fat arm, ensuring he could yank the man back if he dared to escalate things any further than drunken shouting. This action didn’t seem to concern the Lord, who was probably too drunk to notice the knight’s eyes burning into him. The King responded with calm diplomacy to the man’s belligerent ranting, though Aurin was highly intuned to notice his anger at the insults. He read this as a cue to keep a calm head as well, though Lyncaster went on to insult not only the King and his council, but the very Gods of the realm. The King showed anger on his face, a sneer pulling his lip, and his fists flexing. Aurin moved his grip on the Lord to lead him backwards a few steps, away from Arvin, who he was ready to defend in a heartbeat if necessary. Though he had half a mind at this point that wished to personally fight the blasphemous pig who was speaking so brashly.

Thankfully Lyncaster seemed content with his insults enough to consider this a win for himself, taunting the King one last time before smirking maliciously and electing to leave on his own will. Aurin released his arm, and the man shook it off, too full of himself to even acknowledge the knight as he waddled away, trying to conceal his heavy breathing. Surely the man would pay dearly in the way of his political connections after his drunken actions tonight, but the King had handled the situation with much restraint. Surely this would speak well of Arvin’s even nature.

Aurelia joined the party shortly after, her manner as graceful as always, but her features telling of her annoyance with Crow. The Doctor who seemed eager to say anything he could to appease the King in this moment. Lady Luxenri had such a way with speech, it was as if listening to her reminded Aurin of handling an elegant blade. What you saw was beautifully crafted, but you were always mindful of the sharp edge so you wouldn’t catch yourself on it. This was apparent as she blamed Crow for actions and sowed doubts against his allegiance. Even Aurin found his anger at Lyncaster’s outburst transforming into disdain for Crow instead, slighting him a glance. Aurin admired Aurelia’s intellect and wit, especially as such a young representative for her great house.

Then arrived Sergio Acre Yarrow De Iuliis, the mysterious spy master for the King. The man strode in on light feet, and placed his arms around Aurelia’s waist in good humor, Aurin knowing the two of them to be long friends. Aurin found himself relax a bit as Sergio made light of Aurelia’s accusations. He had grown accustomed to Sergio’s teasings already, as he had been near for many of his private meetings with the King in the past months. Knowledge was of utmost importance for the King since his rise, and Sergio could provide it, though his art was one of much secrecy and intricate manipulations. He was always polite in passing but Aurin usually found himself easily swayed by his comments, and was certain Sergio knew of his own dark secrets. He certainly knew how to evoke whichever emotions he desired from others at any given time, even it was just in a look or seemingly innocent small talk in the hallways as he passed by. It left Aurin wanting to stay in the man’s good graces. He gave a polite nod to the man, catching eyes briefly and giving a soft smile.

The King acknowledged Aurelia’s comments and assured the group Heartsong would be dealt with, though Aurin didn’t honestly believe the King would have much done to the Doctor. Perhaps a stern talking to? Aurin knew Arvin had a soft spot having grown up in Crow’s care, not only for Crow but for his rantings about nobility. He pondered this briefly before returning from his thoughts to the conversation at hand and chuckling as Arvin joked about Lyncaster.

That man would do well to remember whose company he’s in. Certainly he drank enough tonight to be indebted to you anyhow.” He added cheekily, with a sip of his own wine. “I doubt any of us could outdo him if we tried.

The King encouraged them all again to enjoy the party, and each other’s company until his address and Aurin gave him a bow.

I look forward to your words of wisdom, your Grace.” He added formally, before giving a bit of a glance at Crow, who was being called away to get a speaking to. He felt this disdain for Crow may give him something in common with the other Nobles, an idea that gave him some comfort as they’d be interacting closely tonight. Aside from some familiarity with his House name, Aurin didn’t expect many to know him before coming into the fold, and so far it still felt that way, so getting more acquainted with the rest of the council now that they were all able to meet was a welcome break from his days trying to manage a plan for building the King’s army.
The Royal Doctor knew, for a fact, that this day was not going to go well for him. Knew it the second he woke up, and remembered what he must do. He somewhat wished he had simply not shown up, and decided instead to simply peruse the festivities outside. Least there he'd believe the amusement and joy to be genuine, and the actions true and not mere calculated moves to serve some purpose. There is not room for an honest man amongst a den of snakes and thieves passing themselves off as good. Fucking politics man. He hated it with a passion, because if you can't earn your power in a straightforward manner, in spite of your shames and wrongs, you don't even deserve the power in the first place. That's why he wears his disdain of nobles proudly, and his crimes are known and not merely hidden or rumors. In spite of all of this, he is the best for the job, and that's his pride. Course... Doesn't mean he doesn't mildly regret it at times, this would be one of those times.

Crow was happy to sit back as the fruits of his labor finally showed up. A very pissed off Lyncaster on his way out. It amused him to see that he ruined this night for at least one noble. Completely, and utterly, ruined. Not a single regret as of yet... Up until said noble decided to confront the King. Though he regretted his actions for the fact it ended up dragging the king into it... He was still much more busy with another feeling. Namely, the feeling of anger at the sheer audacity to insult the King in his face. He generally made a point to be somewhat distant with his patients, in terms of jumping to defend them, but most patients aren't the King... And also one he took care of before he was the King as well. There was, in all honesty, several thoughts of how to handle this... Later. Perhaps slip a poison into Lyncaster's next goblet of wine or something. Nothing lethal, of course. No, just something to bring the Noble down enough that someone will ask him for help. He'd cure him, of course... Via an unnecessary amputation that will be done with the actual cure knocks him out for a bit. Hmm, perhaps this is why people prefer to not get near him? Nah, couldn't be. He's only like that if you're an absolute dickhead. Which most nobles are anyways, so he shouldn't be worried. The people that matter to him have no reason to worry.

"Well... With that matter that strikes me as someone indulging too much in the spirits available here, to answer your question. Yes, I must tease you about the kids. As the Royal Doctor, I'd technically be responsible for their safe delivery, and the sooner I know about the possibility, the sooner I can begin to gather and store the proper supplies to ensure optimal comfort and health for all involved." He grinned widely, watching the doors as the Noble left. He doubted anybody would buy his lie about it just being a case of a very drunk noble who hates him running his mouth... Even though you'd be more hard pressed to find a single noble of note that wasn't in some manner cross with him. Be it not allowing them to bully him concerning his work, or the mischief he pulled, he is fairly certain there is not a single noble out there in the higher houses that liked him. He considered it a point of pride, personally. "Personally, I wouldn't recommend choking him Arvin. With how wide his neck is, I doubt you'd be able to reach all the way around it. Could always just knock him over though. He'll probably roll. Doubt he'll get back up."

Where Aurelia's expression held traces of wanting him dead on the spot... Cow's was an unbridled joy and amusement. His face said all that he refused to say. 'It was worth it.' and 'I got what I wanted.' Oh sure, he was going to be punished, though he merely imagined another slap on the wrist and probably loss of booze for a bit. Which is fine, though unfair given he wasn't drunk this time. Absolute worst he could do was force him to accept some nobles or apologize. He'd simply give an apology, worded in a way to show he didn't really regret it. There is yet to be an incident that has caused him to be genuinely sorry for his actions given he knows when to stop. Nobles just happen to be very easy and sensitive targets that find themselves too easily goaded when they know he is going to goad them. Really it's their fault for not seeing it coming. "You should know to stop speaking in implications in our little group of ours here. I don't see why I must hold my tongue, when they'd not do the same. It is hardly my fault if they all try to defame me and insult me, that they end up losing on that front by being so thin skinned. That one other chap was at least smart enough to take it with a grain of salt and not get irrationally angry. My glee merely comes from seeing them find out how it feels to be me, disrespected for no good reason. As for whose side I'm on? Depends on the situation. I'm fully in support of our King here, but not so much the filthy, scum sucking nobles whose loyalties lie with who gives them the most power. I make sure my position on this is known as well, because I am not going to cater to the whims of the unworthy. However, I feel I should question your allegiance, given your trying to sow seeds of distrust in me amongst this group. Especially given I am the most upfront and honest, seeing as how I don't withhold information and keep no secrets, which is why you can truthfully call me a graverobber. Oh, or do you not trust it enough that I have been selected due to being the best choice, and you'd rather have someone you could wrap around your dainty little finger? Don't you have enough calling you Mistress?" That last bit held many implications, though the main one was that he was calling her a harlot. Know why? Because fuck Aurelia, she is literally the worst of all nobles in his eyes.

One of the better examples, although Crow still disliked the man personally, was Sergio. Why him, you may wonder? Simple. The guy doesn't bother Crow, because Crow doesn't bother hiding things. Why is Crow not buddy buddy with this guy then? Three reasons. Sergio is friends with Aurelia, which paints him as a piece of shit as well. Sergio asked way too much when Crow merely wanted to confirm who his father was. Like, the man with all the info surely must know of a noble who got it on with an elf woman near his home, yet he asked way too much of him. Things like breaking patient doctor confidentiality for info that could be added to his web. Sure, the man got the info later, but not from Crow. Last, and not least.... Sergio is a noble. Crow don't fuck with no nobles, besides the King and Prince for the obvious reasons... Also he watched them grow, so he couldn't hate them per se. Just disapprove when they act too much like nobles. Never the less, Crow smiled a bit forcefully when Sergio joined the conversation. "See? At least somebody enjoys my creative genius when it comes to entertainment. Still a noble, but at least one that enjoys a bit of fun. If not for your lot in life Sergio, I'm sure we'd be good friends."

Now came the part he somewhat was dreading when Aurelia made her stupid face known. Honestly this is why Crow, although he respects the Gods, doesn't accept they always know what they're doing. For example, if they wanted their creations to enjoy life, Aurelia and slime like her wouldn't exist. However, he could forgive ot as even Gods must amuse themselves every once in a while. "Well... I'd say that was your mistake for assuming I've yet learned to behave, but it's my fault for doing this on your birthday Arvin. Still, I will, as much as I loathe to agree with her, have to agree with Aurelia. Would've been better if I had been kept out from the noble setting. They hate me for no reason, and I return that hatred tenfold because I refuse to be outdone. I'd have been better served by exploring the commonfolk festivities to show them their King cares enough to spare one of his close friends and trusted people to partake in their joy with them. Though fine, I shall wait here for these punishments of yours. Just ensure they don't have anything to do with a ruler. Corporal punishment rarely works when I'm like this." Normally, a few good whacks would satisfy him enough to not go cause problems. Once he causes problems though, all that the punishment would do, would entice him to simply act out worse in defiance. "Oh, and before you do that... Could you request Miss Rimbaud to rise? I don't think that's good for her back to bow that long. I'd prefer to not act in fixing her spine if that curve becomes permanent."

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“ENOUGH, CROW! Silence your mouth this instance and speak not another word on the subject. Your tongue has caused enough damage this day and I pray that it will do no more. Lady Aurelia is your equal and your ally and you will speak to her as such. You will question nothing of her allegiance, for if you do so you question my own judgement. I’ve already had enough people do so throughout my time partaking In being the King and I am through with it.”

“Rimbaud please do rise, there is no need to bow any longer than you already have.”
Arvin said, albeit in a rather unnecessary harsh tone. Although it was obvious his anger was not directed at her.

The confrontation posed earlier with Lord Lyncaster proved to have left a stain on Arvin’s mood. This of course was only made worse by his dear friends inability to cope with the fact the he was in the wrong. The King knew that the nobles could be irritating bastards better than anyone, but to go out of ones way to instigate such problems was uncalled for and only making matters worse. Soon after Crows rant he was to growl and turn to his chosen Medicinal Practitioner.

“I was hoping to spare you the trouble of conversing in public in such a fashion but it seems your own lack of self control will not permit for it. Your antics of starting contention amongst the nobles whom I am so DESPERATELY trying to make peace with is at an end! You are correct in stating that I have so foolishly believed that you might’ve learned to behave for this night. For too long have I allowed you to get away with it with minimal consequences for your actions and now I see that mercy is not getting through to you. I understand your grief with the nobles and why you don’t wish to get along with them, but this does not permit you to act as a CHILD and insult them upfront in such a manner. What you consider honesty, I call mindless instigating that serves no purpose other than to fuel your own ego and bring nothing but satisfaction to your own mind as you belittle the nobles that are on the same side as us! They are not Demon, they are not monster, they are allies! Though their attitude and demeanor is often as childlike as your own, you must understand that it is your job as a member of this pantheon that I have constructed to act BETTER than them. Your stupid ideals of getting even and treating them the same as they have done to you is the very reason that progress has been stagnant amongst my people!”

“You fail to understand that I don’t want you to be left out and put beneath the presence of others! You are a dear friend and an ally that I find to be a necessity in this lifetime! You are just a big a part of the Gods will as the rest of your allies are! I trusted you because I thought you understood the title you represent and the duty you hold but it seems you refuse to. Instead mindless bickering and THREATS are the only way to appease your mind. Gabrielle you are a lifelong friend and someone I hoped to share in the moment of joy and potential prosperity for my people. For OUR people! But it seems your mind is too tainted by your own hate for the nobles that you cannot do so.”

“So first and foremost I demand and apology from you to be addressed to firstly Lady Aurelia, for your spiteful tongue and resolve to be no better than the nobles who have spread rumors of your own allegiance. Then I require you apologize to every individual of noble heritage present in this pantheon for your vicious words against their class of people. Second, I require an apology for myself and Lyrren for your incessant need to regress our conjoined work to mend the bond torn between our royal heritage and the Nobles who despise us. And finally, I demand that you go the rest of the night without uttering so much as a syllable of distaste to ANY person. Lest I take the role of a parent and drag you out of this hall by an ear to yell at you some more!”

How odd it was that Arvin was talking to someone almost twice his age as if they were a child. How did his father put up with it? Having someone of such vulgar attitude and beguilement of any person associated with the noble class. Then again, Kungen never had to endure some of these nobles acting out. He had a more peaceable reign with an indisputable role as the one true King of Örn. Perhaps Crow was more mild mannered around the nobility at that time. Perhaps not. It can be supposed that he might never know.
The True Plague The True Plague Juju Juju ItsKenAgain ItsKenAgain
seasonedcat seasonedcat AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0 Jack19XK Jack19XK
Crow was prepared for many a different forms of punishment. To be forced to take care of the nobles, or physical punishment. Forcing him to attend to the needs of the nobles here as a servant. Some form of humiliation. He'd have been fine with literally any of that. He'd even be fine with the revoking of some of his privileges, such as his alcohol, his stash of stimulants and depressants, or even being forced to live in the castle so that he could be kept where he could be easily observed. Hell, for the most part, he could even accept what was being yelled at him now. It is not the first time he's been yelled at, though it was usually Tessa or Lyrren when he's around. Hell, he is fairly certain Aurelia has yelled at him about his actions more than any other. However, they usually avoided certain things, things that are generally known to only piss him off no matter who said it. One such thing, is to use his actual name. Especially without at least Doctor or Royal Doctor beforehand to somewhat soften it.

So, of course, when Arvin used his actual name, there was just the slightest of eye narrowing. A slight twitching beneath his right eye as he took in a deep breath, then exhaled. Although Crow agreed with what Arvin said, could see the point of going through with it... He couldn't quite acknowledge it for the sheer hatred that clouded his mind at being reminded of his name. The name of a bastard, an orphan on the street whose terrible deeds to survive continue to be used against him. Hell, he'd have preferred using Heartsong, over calling him Gabrielle. Another breath, in, then out. So he was expected to apologize to pretty much the entirety of their group, given they're pretty much an assortment of nobles, minus the adviser... He's fairly certain about that. Fine, he can do that. Hell, he'll not even bother keeping it short and simple. After all, his King would surely want in-depth apologies that go over all the reasons Crow must apologize to those who, if the situation were reverse, would have to not answer at all. Aurelia openly insinuated his allegiance as a shaky thing, something that is questionable. The only way you couldn't notice that is if you were a dullard. Yet, she isn't being reprimanded for it. Aurin, although somewhat neutral in his eyes, still seems hesitant around him, like all the nobles, despite Crow not saying a word to him Nothing towards him about his not treating the others as equals and allies. You'd think Crow was some kind of fucking demon the way he was treated by the nobles around him, yet he gets reprimanded for the same?! Sometimes, just sometimes, Crow wonders why he even fucking bothers with this shit. He should just leave Arvin a note to only fetch him if there's work to be done, for all the good he ever seems to do for him outside of his work.

"Fine then, Your Highness." The normal cheer and general emotions he tends to express as he speaks were gone. This was closer to his monotone work voice, although there were trace amounts of venom hidden behind his words, eyes staring out sharp as daggers. He felt like he was being singled out and attacked at the moment, and he is reacting accordingly. Not in a manner that risked harming him physically, but in a manner to spite at least the few who even slightly cared about him here given he felt unjustly attacked here. "I'll apologize for my actions, and then I'll leave. The best method of avoiding my distaste would be to surround myself with those I have no fault with after all. If you need me later, I will be amongst the orphans, or in my apothecary. If I'm not there either, I'd imagine I fancied a trip to the nearest tavern."

"First of all, I am sorry to you, Royal Ambassador Aurelia for making your job a living hell. You are simply doing your best, and do not need my presence, be it in speech or mannerisms. Truly, yours is a most commendable effort, and the patience of a saint to continue pursuing it in spite of my efforts to sabotage it due to my own issues. Furthermore, I am terribly sorry for every foul word I have said about your class of society. I should really start keeping my opinions to myself concerning matters thereof. Clearly they're not wanted, nor appreciated."

"As for you Royal Knight Aurin, I extend the same apology for mine transgressions on your class in society. However, I'd like to further it with an apology for whatever I have done to scare you off. No need to deny it, I've noticed how you tend to grow quiet when I'm near, and strive to find the furthermost position from me that you can. Although I know not the cause thereof, I shall also extend a desire to know what it is to attempt to fix it."

"Spymaster Sergio, I believe you're next in this line of apologies, unless I'm forgetting one. I apologize for my actions against your type of people in society, and furthermore my petulant behavior when you simply were attempting to get information from me in exchange for the information I was seeking. It was wrong of me to hold out just due to your class."

"Royal Adviser Tessa although you are not a noble... I think, I shall apologize to you as well since I am apologizing to literally everybody else apparently. Hmm.... For you, I suppose I should be sorry I continue to ignore your efforts to get me to at least act responsible and respectable at events like these. Yes, I know I have manners, and we both know I do it just to have a cheap laugh at your reaction.That is deeply wrong of me, and for that, I am sorry."

"As for you, Prince Lyrren, Duke of Vanaheim, I am sorry for putting strain on your relationships amongst the nobles around you, and the strain that is caused by associating with me in a semi-positive manner at all for most people you'll include in your social life. Furthermore, I apologize for the stress you must get due to the stress I cause His Highness, Arvin of Orn."

"Lastly, and certainly not least, we come to you, Your Highness. Your Grace, Arvin Hashima, Holy Protector of the Kingdom of Orn, and Rightful Heir to its Throne, I apologize for my petulant behavior towards those who already has a less than stellar relation with you. I am sorry that my attitude is simply not what you need in dealing with these sensitive matters, and that in my attempt to entertain myself when I force myself here to spend time in a place I genuinely hate due to the present company and past encounters for you, that all I have caused is more stress for you."

"With all that said, and done, sir. I wish you a happy birthday, and a good rest of the day. Now, to save you the time and effort, I shall escort myself out to find a place where my presence will generally be more appreciated and accepted."
Every. Single. Last. Word. That he spoke, carried increasingly more venom in it, the glare on his face enough to convey exactly what he thought about all of this. Something that is below him, and is nothing more than an aggravation that he couldn't afford to remove yet. Something that genuinely, irked him in spite of the usual calm and joy he had. The friendliness he usually exuded, or tried to anyways, was replaced with an anger pure enough to kill someone if they continued to press the issue.

So with that, he turned around, and began to stalk off. His breaths were calm and even, as he placed his mask over his face, striding through the entrance and leaving without another word. Would he regret this later? Probably. However, that is a problem for later Crow. Right now, he needed a stiff drink, probably to put on his robes, and maybe, he'll hunt down Lyncaster... Not for himself of course. For the orphans and less savory sorts he spends his time with to watch after, of course.

Siren77 Siren77 ItsKenAgain ItsKenAgain seasonedcat seasonedcat Jack19XK Jack19XK Juju Juju AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0
Aurelia dipped her head to Arvin at his apology. "There is nothing to forgive, my king. As for my attitude, worry not. I have developed somewhat of a constitution for such matters over the years." She said with a small smile, making sure to cast a faintly smug glance at Crow when the King turned to look at him. "Of course, Lyncaster is always searching for an excuse. That was why I had planned to keep him occupied and under my watch."

Her eyes narrowed dangerously at Crow's accusation of mistress. Such foul lies he was trying to twist. Filthy rumours. Her fingers tapped angrily against the side of her dress and she looked just about ready to thrust her nails into his jugular.

The death glare only faltered when Sergio wrapped an arm around her. Her whole body went tense at the touch, her expression changing to one of surprise and then of muted anger. How dare he? Especially after Crow's words, though a part of her told her that he had done it for that sake. He should have his hand cut off for that, but alas he had an old and powerful bloodline, not to mention being a "friend" she had since childhood. Their families were close business partners and so visits were rather common. Her father had even planned at one point to have them wed, which although Aurelia was not too pleased about, she could agree was a good way to unite the houses and ensure leverage over one of the few real rivals of house Luxenri. Plans changed, however.

Even to this day she still couldn't decide if she hated Sergio or not, usually changing day by day. He could really make her laugh and his stories were magnificent, but other times he was as good as another Crow. She also would never forgive him for that one time she found out he had been looking into her dairy. Needless to say, she has never owned a diary since.

"I would rather a dull party than one promoting even more civil unrest!" she said sharply at Sergio's joke.

Aurelia went quiet when the king began to scold Crow for his actions, though mostly because she didn't need to. So long as the king saw Crow in the wrong all she had to do was sit back and listen. It was nice for a change. Arvin's points were sound as well, though she would have liked to point out that Crow wasn't her equal, he was a lesser, but she would let that slide for now. After all, it was quite the lecture and she was rather enjoying the sight of Crow being scolded for his petty behaviour. She was also pleased to see that some of the nobility were watching, even if they didn't keep their eyes on the interaction. While this didn't help the rumours about instability within the king's court, it would show that Arvin was trying to control the 'Demon Doctor'.

After Crow said his apology Aurelia gave him a perfect, pretty smile. She didn't have to fake anything, it truly was a happy turn of events. Crow had his fun and now it was her turn, and gods did it taste delicious. Not even the pastries at the refreshments table would taste as sweet. Maybe things would get even better and Crow would drink himself to death this night. One could only hope.

"If this were Ravenscourt you'd be publically flayed, for a start, but I suppose an apology will do," Aurelia said airly, delicately placing a finger under her jaw. "Thank you Crow, I accept your sincerest apology. I only pray that the gods grant you the wisdom to learn from such a lesson."

Siren77 Siren77 ItsKenAgain ItsKenAgain seasonedcat seasonedcat Jack19XK Jack19XK AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0
Eastern Hemisphere of Örn
Lucky Gypsy Tavern
May 12, 571

Not all were so keen as to journey to the castle to indulge in Arvin’s celebration. Many stayed behind, be it over the distance, the money to spend staying overnight in a tavern, or simply due to their own foolish grudges against both the nobles and the throne. Many such people were biding their time in a Tavern just off the eastern countryside, putting themselves in a drunken stupor to the point of singing and merry making amongst those who shared an equal hate for those above them. As laughter echoed throughout the small place, a pair of such individuals sat in a much more vulgar and irritable mood. The two were already red in the face from the overconsumption of Ale, so any attempts to filter their banter were completely gone.

“Bah! Fuck this day right to hell. I tell ya’ if the rat bastard wasn’t so busy making merry of his own birth and throwing away copious amounts of coin over a silly party, perhaps he’d actually be able to help us lesser folk who struggle to make ends meet on the daily.”

“George, hiccup, you blew all your damn coin on a fuckin’ Horserace. You can’t blame the royal family for every piece of misfortune you receive.”

“Cram it you piece of shit!” The first struck his friend in the nose, causing the second to whimper and grasp it. “I only bet because I had no other lucrative methods of getting cash. Hard work only pays off for so long until you have to start working more. Whereas those bastards living in the castle don’t have to worry about a damn thing save for when they’ll be fed next.”

“Oi, first of all. The only confirmed bastard of the lot is that Royal Doctor Dick. Everyone else knows who their father is, and therefore isn’t a bastard. And secondly-“ The man was struck in the nose again.

“Y’know Lenny, sometimes I wish you’d just shut the hell up and let me vent for once without interjecting and making me look like a fool. I know what I’m talking about and you need to shut your gob, lest I shut it for you.”

The second groaned as a small trickle of blood ran from his left nostril, that he promptly wiped with his sleeve.

“And I wish you’d stop being such an ass and quit hitting me, but it doesn’t look like either of us are getting what we want are we?”

“Alright alright. I’ll leave your damn nose alone if you’ll not interrupt me again. Deal?”

“Deal. Now, what was ya’ saying before?”

“......Fuck now I can’t remember. Nice going you dickhead!”
A vicious backhand met the one named Lenny’s nose once more.


“Pipe down ya bitch, you’re causing a scene.”

It was true, by now the music had died down and many people were now focused on the odd drunk pair. The one named George seemed to get a kick out of this and grinned as he turned about on his stool to face them all.

“As I was saying. The bastard royals and nobles are to blame for our predicament as lowly peasants. The inherent all the wealth, whereas we lose it all to their taxes and wasteful spending. Well I’ve just had enough, I don’t know about you fine folks feel, but there’s my thoughts. This Kingdom was made by the Gods for ALL men! Not just those born with noble blood!” Many roared up in agreement which only boosted the mans Ego. “It’s high time we bring a storm to that castle! An uprising that’ll dethrone the powerful and bring about a new age of equality and peace!” Another roar of approval. “I’m sure many of you have heard the rumors of certain nobles hoping to stage a coup against the royals. That the hierarchy might be turned up and dismantled for time and all eternity. Well I pray they’re true, as I’ll be one of the first to lend my strength to this cause! Fuck the Demons! Fuck the Void! Our immediate issues reside within our fellow man and it’s high time we resolve it just as the Gods might intend!”

At first, there was a massive uproar of agreement, whistling, and approval from the the crowd now listening in. However, a disturbance was made known as the flames began to flicker in the room and a dark chill began to consume them all. People felt a fear unlike anything they’ve ever experience before. Something much more unholy and wretched that stained their very souls to the point of unrest and mistrust. Some cowered against it, others showed frustration in the sudden unwelcome emotion.

Suddenly, and airy and scratchy voice echoed in the room.

“Fuck us, hmm?” A low rumble resembling laughter followed. “How humorous it is that you pesky vermin forget your place amongst this world.”

One of the many candles in the tavern spilled over as if by accident, only for the flames to spread line wildfire. Except they burned nothing, and instead fettered together as they organized something much more threatening than mere flames. A tall shadowy figure took shape from the smoke and flames, it’s lengthy and firm limbs taking physical shape in a dark tone. The only light was that if the fire burning on its chest as it stood amongst the now deathly afraid humans before him. Another low rumble was exercised as it flaming eyes glanced about.

“I assure you, your petty squabbles of class and royalty are nothing more than a farce and an excuse for you to ignore and run from your problems as you mindless creatures so often do. The issue remains that your very existence defies the one true lord who once ruled over everything, with its darkness consuming and reigning over all within its grasp. This world was no different, yet your pesky Gods defied him and created such an unholy place. Now you bicker if such childish matters when the true threat is right before you. For we Demons are not the monsters of legend you think us to be. We are the TRUE prophets of this earth, acting in the name of the Void in scourging this rock from the useless life it harbors. Yo-.”

“You shouldn’t be here!” A shaky voice finally erupted from the crowd. The one named Lenny was plagued with an ghostly white face and a fearful expression. But his hands so firmly gripped a crucifix that he held before the strange Demon before him. The crucifix had four colored stones at each end. One red, one grey, one blue, and one white. This was to resemble the Gods of the realm, and was a false symbol of protection amongst those who practiced appraisal to these greater beings. “The Apocalypse is not night! We are all protected and cared for by the Gods who created this earth. We will be protected forever, for we-“

“Are what? Shielded? Offered eternal life! Eternal redemption over the Hell that gapes Below you! How foolish! How redundant! How contradictory!” The Tall Demon lumbered forward until it was just before Lenny, causing the man to cower. “You think we need a petty apocalypse to still reside in your realm? What a joke! You people claim to be strong and forever protected under your gods watch! But at the same time you reject the few people who have the power to save you! Pitiful! Your gods mean nothing to me, their promises dead and their existence putrid in mine eyes! You are owed nothing, so you will receive nothing.”

“You’re wrong!” Lenny yelled, his voice beginning to break with tears dripping down his face. “They love us! They gave us this land that we might be free of The Voids tyranny!”

“Oho! Such bold words coming from a sniveling worm such as yourself! Tell me, brave worm, if they love you so then why in Hells name do they only leave MORTALS to protect you? While they themselves hide away from you and show their faces only to their chosen prophet?”

“They.... I.... you....”

“Save your breath, coward. It’s draw is at its end. For you see your Gods do not love you. They never did love you. They created you, so that you might suffer. So that they might entertain themselves with your blood being shed! They love only your death and the joy it brings them. They let you die, for mindless entertainment.”

Lenny had begun to sob uncontrollably in the face of such a terrifying being. He knew he was going to die, as did every other person in the tavern who inched away ever so slightly that they might escape.

“But not to worry, dear worm! For even though your Gods do not love you, there is love to be found elsewhere. For WE love you.”

“We?” Lenny croaked.

As if on cue, the sound of glass erupted and wood breaking cracked in the tavern followed by shrill screams and cries from the other people. Seven Cambions had burst forth from the outside, towering above the worms before them with permanent grins affixed on their faces as their hidden eyes stared hungrily at them. The sound of Fledgling screeching form the outside could be heard, but they did not approach. They only stalked.

“If it wasn’t for your creation, we would not be here! The Void would not have thought our own lives necessary, and we would not exist! Not only this, but your flesh is so...” The fiery amalgamation took a deep breath that caused its flames to rise for a moment, followed by hissing. “Delicious. So worthwhile to hunt down every one of your souls to rend your flesh and treat ourselves to your fragile bodies.”

The Cambions all began growling and chomping at the bit as the awaited the command to finally feast. Meanwhile, the Baalgar drew closer to Lenny.

“We love you worms. We love your flesh, and we love your screams. So much so that I can’t help but resist my powerful emotions for you. Come, let me... kiss you.”

None such pleasantries would occur. The Baalgars fave was nose to nose with Lenny before it was to reel back it’s large clawed hand and dug into his preys neck. A swift decapitation was followed by the Titan of a Demon feasting upon Lenny’s innards and rending his flesh just as it had described. Just as it did so, the Cambions also lunges. Terrified screams of agony and pain filled the room as every poor soul foolish enough to attend this gathering was torn limb from limb and feasted upon. Many were still alive as the Cambions bore their teeth into their flesh and organs. It was so ravenous and terrifying that very hits of tissue flew from the openings in the building the Cambion had created. This was followed by the Fledglings receiving their own food, in customary fashion fighting over the scraps that remained.

It wasn’t long before the micro horde had devoured everyone, leaving no living soul to remain among them. The Cambions all growled and roared as they gathered around the Baalgar, who smiled its lipless smile.

“Come my brothers, it is time for you to give the Kingdom of Örn a reminder as to why we are here and why we exist. We are not the Apocalypse, but we are a messenger. Your purpose is to die this night unfortunately, not that any of you possess the cognitive function to care. So go forth, to the castle of dearest Arvin! Make haste, and slaughter as many as you can! I have business elsewhere. So feast! Feast and be filled! Kill! Kill! Kill! For the Swarm!”

Laughter erupted from the Baalgar as it faded into a plume of smoke, all the while its brothers crashed from the walls of the tavern once more and headed for the expansive array of lights that littered the night sky on the Horizon. The Kings party would have some unexpected guests....
Tessa Rimbaud
Location: The Party.
Time: I don't think this part is even necessary anymore
Interactions: Siren77 Siren77 The True Plague The True Plague
Tessa arose immediately as she was called upon, a startled look upon her face. With a light sigh, she gently rubbed her back with her left hand, observing the oncoming scene unwind carefully. A terrible public scolding and then, a poison-tipped apology from the doctor. With each passing word, bit by bit, she started to realize something at the back of her head. Similarities. Such hatreds and especially the way of coping with them, those surely had to be the reflection of a very troubled past, uncaring and denying. Somehow, she never really came to think about Gabrielle in that light up until now. The word "bastard" is often thrown around, but that can't be all of it, possibly. The advisor had plenty experience herself with an ungiving life, no matter how much that has been turned around in its latter parts. Truth be said, she also wanted to blame the more lucky on numerous occasions way back then, but with all the kindness that was shown to her... perhaps that was the difference in their experience. So, although this scene might serve to appease some of the nobles just a little bit, the humiliation he must have felt... won't possibly hold any positive results. Might even open up some possible dangers.

As Crow turned heel and began his leave, Tessa suddenly worked out the resolution to call out to him. She spoke with an almost motherly tone, determined and encouraging. There was no doubt in her, perhaps hidden behind a shroud of vain hope. Still, vain or not, she knew that she had to say something.
"I believe in you, Crow. You can be better than them!"
Of what effect that sentence might actually be, she was unsure, something that she absolutely hated. Maybe it wasn't called for? Maybe he'll just think her petty. In this instance, all the she really knew was her intention. Probably. Either way, there now awaited the need to talk to the doctor in private yet again. Nothing unusual, albeit this time Tessa planned to engage him on as-of-yet untapped terms. It will quite likely turn out to be a risky manoeuvre more than not, but at least she'll have more space to think about it ahead of time.

With the figure gone past the throngs of people, there were still other matters in need of attending. Something a bit more uplifting, needing to be done before the king departs to address his crowds. Smiling, Tessa turned to Arvin with resolution. With a gentle cough, she moved in to grab his attention, bowing one more time as his gaze befell her, though this time only very briefly.
"My liege, I know the timing might not be perfect, but..."
The advisor extended her hand outwards, as if waiting to be shaken, which it was.
"Shall we relish in the reason everyone is even gathered here in the first place?"
For a second, Tessa approvingly shot her gaze towards a distant servant standing by. A while ago, she had entrusted them with the guarding of the gift she had prepared for the king, door duty and all. As the servant scuttled towards the group, holding a colourfully wrapped package, the advisor gave them an appreciative nod, before retrieving it with her other hand.
"I was kind-of unsure if they're an appropriate gift for a king, b-but some of the nobles I used to aid let me access their libraries. These I found most fascinating."
Tessa handed the neatly decorated package to the king, visibly just a little nervous.
"I-I also handled a bit of the guild-related paperwork, if that's any help."
After a brief pause, she looked the king directly in the eyes, smiling still.
"Happy birthday, and, um... Thanks for everything. I never really got to say that yet."

Following this, Tessa took a step back and retreated to the side, waiting on if anyone was going to join in in the same vein. Alternatively, the past few minutes would be an absolute fiasco, something to lament... later at night. But, no matter what, it felt good to finally get a proper "thank you" off of her chest. Almost satisfying in a way, like everything was at last falling into place and would be good forever. Mhm, certainly, nothing could possibly ruin the evening from now on. Nothing at all.
As Crow departed, Ezro felt his stomach still burning with irritation and rage. The venom tipped apologies he had made offered no appeasement or the situation and only worsened his temper a slight bit. Of course, recognizing that letting himself be stained with a bad mood would only make things worse, Arvin promptly took some deep breaths to soothe his nerves and let the evil emotion depart from him before it could become a permanence for his night.

This was not at all how he wanted things to turn out. He wanted joy, and endearment of one another’s company. Not hostility and an inherent need for irritation and conflict. Crow was a good friend, but his intentions were deeply rooted and revenge and hate. Such things would not be beneficial to the future Arvin was trying to pave for all of his people. With any luck though, after much patience and steadfast understanding, Crows behavior might be able to be altered for the better. That of course required the nobles to also change their tune, which would be much easier said than done.

Aurelia herself was a tad irritating with the way she spoke to Crow, though to be fair the man has antagonized the situation with his interaction earlier. But it still didn’t warrant her speaking to him in such a fashion. She wasn’t someone under his direct control however, so getting after and scolding her as he had done to Crow wouldn’t do much. Speaking to her would require a much softer touch.

Midthought on the whole situation, Arvin was to hear Miss Rimbaud interject and address him. Snapping out of his self induced transects, he gave his attention to her.

It was almost perfect timing, given his somewhat ruined mood. As always she was the one to focus on the positives and try to keep things logical and sensible. So with how she chose to address him on focusing on more positive subjects, it was hard for him not to smile once more.

After shaking her hand, he gave the woman a quizzical look as to where she would be going with this tangent of hers. Not even ten seconds later, he would of course find out. Accepting the brightly wrapped parcel from his advisor, his grin only widened and gave her an appreciative nod.

“Thank you very much Lady Rimbaud. Your kindness is much appreciated, even though there was no need for you or anyone else to purchase any sort of gift for me. Though the sentiment will be much appreciated.”

Just as Arvin was about to tear into the packaging, a different servant came scuttling from the Great Hall and marched right up to Arvin.

“My liege, the people are ready to hear your address.”

“Ah! But of course. There’ll be time for opening gifts later, this takes a greater precedence. Miss Rimbaud if you’d join me later this evening, as well as the rest of you who brought some form of momento to gift to me. That way I might be able to unwrap and thank each of you in the moment rather than at an awkward occasion later.”

Straightening the jacket he wore, another deep breath was taken before he grinned at them all.

“In the meantime, let’s go show you all off. It’s time for the people to recognize their King’s pantheon. If you’ll all follow me, we can be seated at the Grand Table”

Quite an impact was made amongst those in attendance in the Great Hall when the group was to finally arrive inside, causing many to begin conversing amongst themselves as they laid eyes upon the King and the additional members of his pantheon. As they all took a seat, many looms were thrown around. Thankfully, many appeared at peace with the situation with little to no disdain for any of the characters at the Great Table. There was however some more intricate type folk who weren’t pleased in the slightest at some, Arvin especially.

Regardless of it all though, the Pantheon was to sit and gather themselves for a moment and let the crowd have its banter before at long last King Arvin did stand from his seat and hold out his right hand in a lateral ninety degree angle. Silence soon followed this motion, which prompted the King to grin and clear his throat.

”Seven months! Two Hundred and Twenty Two days! This long have I been blessed to take up the mantle as your humble king, and serve you; The People of Örn! It has been no easy feat, filling in the shoes of my father who departed from this life on the first of October this past year. It can almost be labeled impossible to live up to his legacy that was cut so short by the Baalgar Demon. But, that is why I make no claims to surpass him, or to live up to him. This new era is mine to rule, and mine to mold into a better future for you all. To focus on the past would be to prevent the present from progressing as far as it can.

“It is my every intention to bestow unto you all as much joy and fulfillment as the Gods will shall allow, for you are their destined children who were born to analyze and rule this world. Not as the children of Mankind, but as the creations of the Holy Trinity. Man, Elves, Dwarves, and any other manner of life willed by the Gods with sentience such as ours have been destined for this life, and so it shall be that I will provide for you all! And have I not already done this so far? This past January it was one of my first prophesies as the Gods Champion, that the fields of Örn would run wild with all manner of crops, that we might feed our people so that none may starve. Even unto those who lost a majority of their families, in the great battle that stole away my father as well, have been blessed with all manner of cultivation that they might not suffer any longer!”

“I also promised new treasures to be found in the mountains, that wealth might be conveyed to you all. That poverty might not plague us as it so often does for those who are still ailed by the events of the past few years. Not but two days ago, we have achieved new depths into the mountains far greater than anything we’ve accomplished before! And what’s more, the very stone priests of Terran himself did bless and study the mountains to find that surely something worthwhile awaits us below!”

“But, not all promises I have made and prophesies told bold good word on fortune for us. For in this delicate world of balance, the good can only last for so long before the bad returns and we must hold tight to weather the storm. I warned that the people of Örn that it would be wise to dispel their doubts and jealousies, or destruction and death may soon follow afterwards. I speak not of any Divine intervention or consequences brought by myself. Rather I speak of The Void, in all of its terrible Glory! It is still in force today, residing out in the wastelands of this world, waiting for its opportune moment to raise its armies once more and complete snuff out our people off of the face of the earth. That it might defy our Gods and destroy the progress we have worked so earnestly for.”

“To this threat I say they can try their best! But the people of our Kingdom are strong, and steadfast! Already we have an army of thousands of strong souls ready and willing to make a killing against those who threaten their land! But these are just the words coming from a young fool who has been given the task of leading a whole Kingdom. I obviously cannot do this alone, and am in need of proper aid if I wish to keep our Kingdom safe. This is where my Pantheon comes into play.”

Arvin spoke as he gestured to those with him at the table. The more he talked, the more his tone slowly grew to a more serious timber.

”Many of these faces you know, and can understand their purposes in this life. Know that they are chosen, not by me, but by the very ordinance of the Gods themselves. Just as I have asked you to trust and have faith in me, I ask you to extend the same loyalty to these individuals. For they are the key to our success in the immediate future. Heed their words when they speak unto you, and follow their instructions just as diligently. For if you do not, and those of you who have doubted since the dawn of my rise to power continue to do so. I warn you once more that your soul will be devoured by the demon horde. This is not my wish. So I beg of you, listen and be wise that you might be saved from the clutches of the Void.”

The serious attribute began to fade.

”But! This is no time dwell on consequences and the threat that awaits us. For today we celebrate, not my birth, but our Kingdom! Please, enjoy the rest of your night, and may the Gods watch over each and ev-“


Just as Arvin was about to finalize his speech and finish flapping his gums. A seemingly disturbed man burst into the Great Hall shouting all manner of incoherent words after the one word that could be understood. The royal guards attending the hall moved in to apprehend the man, only to be cut off as well.

”Hold! Let this man speak his peace. Horde? What do you speak of my dear friend?”

The terrified man gulped before looking straight toward the King.

“There’s a horde of Demons tearing their way through the city streets as we speak! I counted a total of seven Cambions but there could very well be more! The Fledglings run rampant and are cutting down our people!”

Immediately panic ensued in the Great Hall, with many abruptly getting up to leave followed by shouting. Before things could get too out of hand, Arvin was able to holler instructions.

”Everyone depart into the castles safe rooms! All citizens and their families just take shelter! I request only the Royal Guards equipped and ready currently, as well as my Pantheon who are able to fight stay with me and take on this threat! Someone fetch my blade! Quickly!”

While the whole plethora of people made their way to the various places they could hide themselves in, those who Arvin called for did obey his instructions and stood steadfast as they departed. Not long after Arvin had requested his sword, one of his servants came bearing the sheath and bestowed it upon him. Firmly grasping the holy weapon, he clipped it to his side before turning to his aids.

”We don’t know where exactly these monstrosities are, so scour the city! Look for any and all signs of Demon life, and snuff it out immediately! Royal Guards, split into your divisions and disperse yourselves amongst the streets. As for my Pantheon, stay close to me and don’t stray far. With haste, let’s move!”

With that said, Arvin quickly led those ready to fight out of the Great Hall and out into the lamplit city streets. They were promptly greeted by inhuman noises and various sounds of destruction, as well as the screams of those who were too short on time to escape the Hellspawns wrath. While the guards obeyed Arvin’s instructions, he himself led his Pantheon toward the sound of one of the nearby screeches and roars. There was no telling what they might find once they arrived.

“Nemir, wherever the hell you are, now would be a good time for you to make your debut amongst our people!” Arvin thought as he led the way.
Ramjammer Ramjammer Juju Juju seasonedcat seasonedcat The True Plague The True Plague Jack19XK Jack19XK ItsKenAgain ItsKenAgain AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0
Crow had been nearly completely out the door by the time that Aurelia had made her remark, which made his teeth grind. Shit like that was why he couldn't stand nobles. Just because someone didn't bow down to you and your orders, you'd fucking flay them? Do you have any idea how that feels? Any fucking idea how much work goes into fixing that, assuming the poor fucker could be fixed? If Crow didn't make his leave soon enough, he'd probably end up causing a much more disturbing scene when the nobles watched the Royal Doctor attempt to choke out one of their own. Oh, he'd die for his attempt, but if his attempt were succesful, he'd have been happy. That however, never occurred beyond Crow considering turning around and doing so. Though it wasn't exactly his morals or concious that convinced him it wasn't worth it, no, it'd be Tessa's word. Truth be told, knowing her story... He respected her opinion just a bit. Not enough to not give her some grief due to his constant refusal to accede to social cues and expectations, but enough that he'd not do so out of spite. Only for amusement. If somebody could have a similar upbringing as he did, and yet come out the better, then he could do the same... At one point anyways. He fears he's much too old now and set in his ways to forgive the issues he sees and forget them.

Nevertheless, the Royal Doctor ended up in the cool night air, mask covering his face as the wind played with his hair. It was a beautiful time, and most of the walk away from the castle would be uneventful. The guards knew who he was, and at most are more confused why he'd be leaving the party instead of attempting to stop him. He, of course, wouldn't explain it. He was far too annoyed to play his hand at turning the rumor mill as he wished. Let the guards make of it as they will, and their wives and drinking buddies afterwards. The Nobles saw, and he doubted the story wouldn't be well known by all come tomorrow that Crow got scolded and left with hateful words. Perhaps there'd be more braying for his blood, or his head by the end of the night. Some may consider this a loosening of Crow from the King's protection, and thus, an opportune chance to strike. Let them come.

His idle musings as he strolled back through town would be stalled for a bit, as a gaggle of children come rushing up to him. If he were to guess, he'd say the youngest of this group was five, and the oldest, whom also happens to be someone Crow was considering offering a job given her general usefulness when trying to repay him despite constant assurances her thanks was enough, was eighteen. With a broad smile, he carefully pulled the mask down and wrapped his arms around as many of them as he could, chuckling as he was nearly taken down amongst the group. Little voices cheering about seeing their 'Uncle' Crow was exactly what the Doctor needed. Though he did need to continue moving, he had plans after all. "Come now children, move along. It's been a long day and I'm sure you wish to celebrate our King's birthday." The briefest sense of bitterness flickered in his eyes, but wisely none of the children old enough to recognize it called him out on it. No, instead the group pulled back slightly as the oldest came forth with a giggle.

"Aww, but Uncle Crow! What fun is there to be had, if you're not celebrating with those you love the most?"

The slight smirk on her face gave it all away. Crow was going to spend time with them, whether he wanted to or not. Even amongst orphans, you can't escape family planning it'd seem. Least he wasn't too deadset on escaping them. It was more just mild annoyance that he'll have to scrap his choice to go to the tavern. Which honestly, would be good for him to not do, but still kinda annoying given his mood. "Fine, Rav. Though at least let me get my things first. I'd feel much more comfortable walking in my robes than I do in this fancy getup. Think you can keep an eye on everyone long enough for that? Trust me, I think we both know you just want me here to be able to enjoy yourself without needing to be responsible young lady!"

"Young lady? I thought you were our Uncle, not my Grandpa! Though fine, I suppose I can watch them long enough. Don't think we could hang out inside whilst you do?" Raven giggled softly, fluttering her eyelashes as she did her best to seem as innocent as possible... This did literally nothing for Crow, because he knows Raven, and she's probably planning some other act of repayment. Best guess is she's gonna organize his things again, which fucks up his system. Just because it's a little bit messy doesn't mean he can't find anything! He can find anything just fine in that mess. Not to mention she'll probably drag the others into it to help her with talk of helping him. Then he can't get mad at her because he just can't find it in himself to be mad at all these kids.

"... No. Last time I let you do that, it took me two weeks to get my system working again. Though I'll talk to you about that later. I might just have a way for you to help me since you insist on trying to help me whether I ask or not." He got a nervous little laugh for that one, but it was worth it, truth be told. He wouldn't let these kids just walk all over him just because they're adorable. Sure, he may be giving a piggy back to one as six more hang off his arms, but fuck you. He is just trying to give them something to be happy about nowadays! Thus so, his walk progressed, with some of the children wandering off to play games with coins he'd give them, and others just wandering off due to boredom since it was mostly just idle chitchat between him and the oldest four, whom at least spent enough time around him to know how to have a discussion, with a few amusing interjections from the little ones... The one on his back was asleep by the time he got to his apothecary after weaving through the crowds. There were soft sounds of disappointment as the six kids let go of him, and he gave the smallest one to the second oldest. He trusted him to not wake the kid, since Raven would do so for amusement... He swears, take care of a kid's injuries and feed them for fifteen years, and they act too similarly to yourself. Nevertheless, he politely excused himself to go upstairs to get his things.

It didn't take long for him to remove his turtleneck and swap over to a thinner shirt. You ever try wearing thick clothing under thick leather robes? Shit sucks, and he'd prefer not doing that if he didn't have to. Once the discarded clothing was suitably balled up and tossed aside, and a simple black shirt was on, he allowed his heavy tread to bring him to his closet. Inside hung his robes, with a layer of black cloth that seemed to be plucked up slightly and faded away into nothing. He was swift to put both on, layering the cloth to cover the robe and give him that sweet wispy effect. The one that allowed him to walk the streets without every single commoner flocking to him, due to fear caused by seeing what looked like a ghostly bird creature almost floating towards you due to it covering him from head to toe. Trailing off at the bottom to look like a pool of shadow beneath him. Behind the two parts, were a few other things. Three bottles, each labeled with stimulant. Yes, he liked to mix these with his alcohol. No, it was not a fucking problem. Don't believe him? Too bad, he's the highest authority for what is healthy, so fuck you. He carefully added them to their little loops inside his robes.

In the corner of the closet, collecting dust, was his trusty ax. It made quick work of limbs, and the few times he was at a battle where demons were beginning to overrun the forces present, fledglings as well. Sure, it took a very precise strike to amputate a demon's arm... But to embed it into a demon's back and rip it back out? Easy enough. Sure, it was nothing special, but it got the job done. A necessary evil of his job, one that he simply couldn't leave behind. Hell, he remembered when he first got it. In the middle of attempting to extract a body from what was believed to be the end of a skirmish for him to study, a lone fledgling came at him. So, he did what he could do. Flipped the body onto the fledgling, and searched the ground for the nearest weapon. He looked over a few swords that looked broken, a hammer he was fairly certain he couldn't lift even high on adrenaline as he was as his body reacted, and then he saw it. A lone, double headed battle ax... Or he thought it was anyways. Fuck if he knows weapons, he's a doctor. He fixed the results of weapons. Didn't matter what it was. What mattered was it split that fledgling's skin easily enough as he swung it upwards, catching right at the ribs. He spent a good ten minutes hacking at the thing with the ax. The screaming stopped after the fifth minute, but he wanted to be sure.

Hesitantly. he reached a hand out to the blade, fingers brushing over the cold metal when he heard a rather nearby scream. Given this was followed by six more screams, and one person screaming his name, he figured he wasn't just fucking imagining it. His heartbeat picked up slightly as he wrapped a hand around the ax's handle, and down he went, sprinting down his stairs to see the open door before him. The door wasn't that concerning, truth be told. Probably explained the cowering children and Raven at the back of his store, behind his counter. He even was about to ask them what they were doing before he smelled it. It wasn't exactly a stench you would forget. Especially not if you fought in the wars. The smell of demon. They smelt like rotten flesh and fire. Not an appealing mix, but it was true. With a deep breath, he made sure to calm himself. He wasn't certain he wanted to know, but...

Right there, outside the door, were four fledglings happily tearing away at four bodies. Two of them were the older boys, whom if he had to guess, thought to try and fight the fledglings based on the wounds he could see besides the parts eaten. Another one was the youngest, who clearly was decapitated. Based on the blood leaking between the head and ragged stump of a neck anyways. The fourth was right in front of the door, meaning she was too slow to get away. She also happened to still be alive, but honestly, he knew it was already too late for her. Too much of her back was exposed. Thick cuts littered the back of her neck. She wasn't long for this world, but she seemed to be clinging on, whimpering and weakly raising her head. Her last sight would be almost as if Death himself arrived, before he did the only thing he could do for her...

There was a sickening crack as he stepped forward, crushing her neck beneath him, making sure to twist his foot to ensure she'd not live anymore. This drew the attention of the fledglings, with the one who was ravaging the body hissing at him before lunging. He shoved it aside with his ax, sending it to the side as he kicked the door shut behind him. He kept his back to the door, knowing full well that if he went into the open they'd be quick to overwhelm him. Another two lunged at him, and he stepped into action. A side swing would catch the first in the section below it's ribs, ax blade digging into flesh before stopping at the spine. That was good enough for him though, since the swing continued until it slammed into the second fledgling, knocking it aside and severing the spine of the one on his blade. He only had one sharp edge available as the fourth lunged for him, so he swung wide, missed, and got rid of the dead weight on his ax, knocking down a fledgling as the fourth began to bit into what should've been his neck. All it got for it's effort was some very tough leather as Crow reached into his robe and removed a plain dagger that he used to carve the back of the Fledgling until it let go. A few scratches from when the claws got through his robes were on his back, but he could fight through the pain. He could handle disinfecting the wound later. With one dead, and one disabled for now, Crow went on the offensive.

A boot to the face, often enough, is enough to at least impede a Fledgling if hit right. A boot to the face from the good Doctor, however, was enough to knock these bastards over if hit from the side. Sure, his foot fucking hurt afterwards, but it put this one in the right position to be held down by his foot, his ax whistling past him into the neck of the demon. Full decapitation for his efforts but wait... Wasn't there four of these fuckers? Based on the weight on his back that just knocked him over... Yes, yes there was. Well fucking shit. Before he could worry about rising up though, he felt the weight increase, but the grip slacken. A small grunt accompanined said weight being shifted, and he was met face to face with Raven, holding a bloodied knife that, based on the injury of the fledgling, went in through the neck on one side, than the other, before being pulled forward. Bled out rather quickly with a thick cube of throat carved out. Carefully, the doctor rose, wincing slightly at the burning pain in his back.

"Thank you, but get back inside, now!" "B-but you're hur-"

"Listen closely, and listen well. That, was not a request. It was not a statement, nor was it a question. That was a fucking order Raven. Get back in there, and keep those kids calm. If you want to help, keep them calm and inside. If they're hurt, take care of them for me. If there's a few of these, there's bound to be more. I'll lock the door, and I'll keep a lookout. However, so help me, by the GODS, if you come back out here again, I will not forgive you. So listen to me, and stay. The fuck. Inside." Was it perhaps, just a bit harsh for him to speak to her like that? Yes. However, it was necessary. Crow wasn't risking any more of them get hurt. They were the closest thing to a family he has, and besides, he already left the castle. He didn't want to rush back there. Like he said, if there were some here, there'd be more. The King most certainly would know about this by now. With any luck, the King would actually come to check on him, make sure he didn't die... He'll not hold his breath though. If the King does show up, Crow is gonna do his damndest to stay here unless these kids can get escorted to safety. His thoughts were interrupted once more by one of the kids, though this time it was something soft. Raven hugged him, face buried in his back.

"Fine, Uncle Crow. I'll go back... But if you don't come back, I'll barge into wherever your soul winds up to bring you back and beat you myself! You hear? Don't you fucking die on us." With that, Raven backed into the apothecary, locking the door behind her, and leaving Crow to stand there in slight shock. Slowly, he lifted his mask and pulled out one of the bottles. He chugged down the contents and wiped his eyes. Thank the Gods, there were no witnesses to see him actually moved by that. He had a reputation after all. With the stimulant coursing through him, he pulled the mask back down, and quickly got to work... First he mutilated the demon bodies, to ensure they'd not get back up, and then he piled the child bodies up, to serve as a way to protect the bodies for proper burials. Far be it from him, to let these kids go unforgotten. Even in death, Crow will care for them.

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Along with the other members of the Pantheon, Prince Lyrren sat idle and listened attentively to his brother's speech. A smirk was fixated on his face as he listened to every word being spoken with true humbleness and benevolence. The vicinity had too fell quiet as the nobles, guards, and citizens alike listened to their King. This brief period of serenity was broken by the cries of an unknown man. As with protocol, he was stopped by the nearest royal guards to prevent him from approaching the King or any of the Pantheon.

What the man shouted next would result in a general gasp amongst the audience. Lyrren was too shocked by the revelation. Prior to today, he and Lady Rambaud had went over every possible scenario that may arise on the day of the celebration. Precautions were taken in case of such events occurring but as hard as the two had tried to foresee possible dangers, Lyrren had never thought that something like this would occur so soon. A demon attack within the walls of their own city. These walls were suppose to act as the first bastion between the people of Orn against the demon hordes. But somehow, those beasts managed to pass through the city's defenses undetected.

Being amongst the most vigilant and disciplined of soldiers, the royal guard would calmly escort the guests to the safe areas of the castle. The remainders would form around the King and the Pantheon, creating a circle of defense that would follow them. While the news of the attack had took Lyrren by surprise, the young Prince was quick to act on his experience and training, immediately turning to give orders to the surrounding commanders and guards.

"We must prepare the city's garrison to subdue and repel the demons at once. Ser Armstrong, Ser Thorne, you two will lead this endeavor. Do not spread out too thin, there could be hundreds of those things for all we know. Ser Armstrong, you will lead a small force towards the outermost wall to assess the situation. If the area can't be held, fall back with the remaining forces behind the second wall with Ser Thorne. We must congregate our troops. No matter what, you two mustn't allow those monstrosities to near this castle." Lyrren ordered.

"It will be done, my Prince. We will give our lives first before we allow the demons to approach you and his majesty." Ser Armstrong could be heard replying. Ser Thorne was beside him and while remaining quiet, would acknowledge the order will a nod. Without any delay, the two men would depart the castle as they tried to meet up with the forces gathering to repel the demons.

"Ser Mears, make sure that every abled bodied soldier is armed and prepared."

"How is this possible? There's no way they could get behind our walls without our knowledge." The Prince could be heard mumbling to himself. With an open hand, he would gesture for his sword to be brought to him. After releasing it from its sheath, the Prince would take position to the King's right side.

While the soldier's report stated seven Cambions and fledglings, there could very well be a lot more of either in other parts of the city. From what Lyrren had studied about Cambions, he understood that they possesses a role similar to commanders or captains in the army. Each Cambion is likely in charge of several dozen to hundreds of fledglings. This meant that the city is potentially facing an assault by enemies in the hundreds. With a garrison consisting of only several hundred actively armed men, Lyrren can't risk allowing the soldiers to be divided too thin throughout the city. Of course, this would also mean sacrificing the outermost portion of the city and its citizens. As much as such a decision hurt him, he was willing to do so if it meant defending Arvin.

"Brother, you should stay here with the others. Allow me to go repel those creatures. I'll make sure to kill every last one of them." Lyrren said in an effort to appeal to Arvin.
As the King began to scold Crow openly in front of them, Aurin had gone quiet, focusing himself on finishing his wine while throwing glances between Arvin and Crow’s narrowing eyes over the brim of his chalice. He hid a sideways smile behind his drink, finding it honestly quite amusing, considering he didn’t expect to see much in the way of punishment for the beloved Royal Doctor. And when King Arvin demanded apologies from Crow? Oh, that was enough to nearly choke Aurin on his last sip of wine. He stifled his grin and brought his knuckles up to cover his mouth as his empty cup found a tray of a passing servant. To Aurin’s surprise, the Doctor would relent and indulge in an apology to each of them before excusing himself from the party. While it was satisfying to feel entitled to an apology, Crow’s words towards them were dripping with venom. It did little to give credit to his speech, although he was precise and direct, and his insults buried deep within.

I would accept the apology for offense to my class but I’ve no interest in having any manner of deep conversation with the Royal Doctor concerning my aversion to his character.” Aurin addressed sternly after Crow had departed. To assume in front of the others that he cast fear into the heart of this warrior was a great offense to him, albeit true in a way. While Aurin placed no blame or found sin in one for being born of noble class, or of the poorest in the streets, he didn’t care to give any line of credit for Crow’s work which so blatantly defiled the nature of the Gods. What place had he to meddle in matters of life and death without consulting those which grant it? It was a stain Aurin didn’t want on his hands, thus his wide berth of a man who had such little regard for the creators.

Miss Rimbaud did her best to avert attention away from the argument and turn the mood around, suggesting the King begin opening his presents, but the moment was too short. Alas, a servant came to alert Arvin that it was time for his Royal Address to the Kingdom. Aurin thought of the gift he had brought to the party and made a note to return to it later when the gift-giving would continue. He shook off any unpleasant feelings and resigned himself to return to his enjoyment of the festivities.

Aurin genuinely looked forward to the King’s address. He straightened himself out as he joined Arvin and the rest of the Pantheon in front of the large crowd. He held his head high and put on a strong, attentive face, though not a stoic one. Among the crowd they seemed to be looked upon with much acceptance, save for a few less than savory gazes from some lords and ladies. It bothered Aurin very little, as this was his place now, and as he served the King, his faith in him overpowered any doubt from the glances of strangers. Arvin’s words of courage and duty in the face of the Void and trust in his council, saying that they were all appointed to him by the gods brought a satisfied grin to the Royal Knight’s expression. He felt he would soon be earning the merit of those words, which was a grateful turn from the insults and accusations he held from his previous position. Before Arvin could continue his speech though, chaos began to erupt in the great hall.

The offender was quickly apprehended by the royal guards, but Aurin too had heard the words the man screamed. Horde. Certainly this was a foul joke to disrupt the King, but Arvin bade to listen to the man’s report. The terror on the man’s face was genuine, and any satisfaction Aurin was holding for himself was quickly replaced by a fire burning in his core and on his heels as he became ready for action. King Arvin began to give orders for the party to dismiss themselves to the safe rooms, and those who were able to fight to prepare themselves to do so immediately. Aurin’s attention was set without hesitation, knowing this was his chance to prove his loyalty. He looked behind him quickly and found a servant, grabbing him by the arm, and pulling him in.

You are to go to my quarters at once and return with my spear. You shall run and you shall not stop until that weapon is in my hand, lest you wish to fall prey to it after. Make haste!” He ordered with fiery intensity. There was no time to waste on being gentle with words, or saving threats which may or may not be truly carried out. He had a duty to fight for his King and nothing would hinder him from doing so. Though Aurin’s quarters were a way away from the great hall, the servant returned red-faced and wheezing with the double pointed spear, not long after Arvin had his sword brought to him.

I shall not leave your side, King Arvin. Until my soul leaves this world, I will follow your command.” Aurin pledged, readying his weapon in both hands in front of him, and closing his proximity to the King. In his head he prayed to Argus that it be his will to aid the Royal Knight in this battle, and allow Aurin to serve his duty in slaying the monsters from the Void that preyed upon their city. He followed the King, and the Pantheon which accompanied them to fight, out of the castle and into the streets. The carnal screeching which echoed in them brought adrenaline to Aurin’s veins and flames to his eyes. To be struck by an attack at such an inopportune time was unfortunate, but the knight had trained years for this very purpose, and this time he was ready to kill for his honor.
"Don't slack off now, we've still got a way to go."

Nemir did not understand why she ever bothered to speak to Ghan. The Hyena could barely understand what she was saying on the best of days. He certainly didn’t answer back either. But that didn't stop her from staring down at the beast with questioning eyes.

He'd been behaving wonderfully until the last mile or so. Nemir didn't have much in the way of affairs to settle. Once she'd secured her home, she set to placing her few worldly possessions into a small cart. Her larder had been emptied throughly as a final act before her departure. Nemir thought it best to set the food out in the woods among the clearing, letting the wild animals take and eat it so it wouldn't go to waste. All that was left was to put Ghan in his harness and hitch him to the cart before the pair set off.

The Capital was hours away, even with Nemir making good headway based on her knowledge of the woodlands she lived in. And so her little jaunt through the woods with Ghan had been a quiet one, if a tad boring.

But something had changed further the pair traveled from home, and the closer they got to the City. Ghan seemed unusually tense, and fidgety. Or at least more so than usual. Nemir had merely chalked it up to the usual stimulation that came from traveling through the woods. There was a delightful assortment of smells and sounds to be found beneath the trees and amidst the undergrowth. It stood to reason that the Hyena wanted to investigate all of them, but couldn't because of being placed on Cart Duty. Nemir knew that it was frustrating for the Hyena and planned to let him loose once they'd reached the City Proper. The cobblestone roads would make drawing the small cart easier and so she could pull it while Ghan ran free.

Almost but a scant mile from the Walls of the Capital however, something changed. Nemir could read Ghan like an open book after all the years she'd spent raising the beast. His furred body took on a sudden tense appearance. Corded muscles stood out starkly beneath his shaggy fur, and the Hyena's rounded ears were pricked in a cautious and observing manner. Nemir also scanned the area, realizing that something beyond the treeline had put the Hyena on edge. Bandits were a probable enough reason. Travelers roamed from far and wide to attend Arvin's party, many carrying a fat coin purse to waste at the Capitol. The pickings were good, and with one covered cart, and no armor to speak of Nemir looked no different from any other traveler on the empty roads.

Something about the whole affair was off, however. Ghan was tense and on alert, but not signaling for any danger. And if there had been Bandits, they'd have riddled Nemir with arrows long before Ghan could warn her. 'Maybe he smelled a Bear? Or Wolves? They'd avoid attacking anyone, unless someone disturbed them first.' The Paladin mused as she gently urged the Hyena along. Whatever it was, Nemir wanted no part of it. There was enough on her mind already. Combing the woods because Ghan smelled something funny wasn't on her list of priorities.

She was able to coax him into moving once again and for a short while things were fine. But once more Ghan stopped walking, causing the cart's wheels to grind to a creaking halt. He was noticeably more tense, and his head was turned towards somewhere off to the right of the road. Nemir halted too, realizing that something was very much amiss. She hadn't noticed it over the squeaking of the rickety old cart, and the sound of Ghan's panting interspersed with her own breathing but the Woods were entirely silent. No birds chirped, though it was admittedly later in the evening so that could be forgiven. But Nemir recalled that despite Ghan's interest in the surrounding woods, there had been neither hide nor hair of its usual inhabitants. No Squirrels scampered up trees, no Rabbits darted into the safety of the undergrowth. Life had been sparse after Kungen's death, but it was slowly returning.

But there was nothing.

The wind, ever present and cool had died completely. There was not even the slightest of breezes through the trees. She could make head nor tails of it. But Nemir didn't really have to think much about it all when the wrongness of the situation revealed itself so blatantly. Her skin prickled with a dreadful insistence, mirroring her inner conflict. There was something unspeakably and unfathomably wrong.

'I know what this is.' She thought in dread silence. Almost as soon as the words formed within her mind, Ghan, who'd been staring off into the woods for the duration of her musing opened his jaws and let out a low throaty giggle.

Hyenas weren't like Dogs, or Wolves. Nemir wasn't sure that they were related to either when she thought about it. This had forced her to navigate Ghan's body language and vocalizations with no frame of reference. Through a great deal of trial and error, she'd been able to piece together what certain behaviors meant. She'd become good at it over the years, which was why the second that Ghan began to laugh the Paladin knew that there was trouble.

Despite its jovial nature, Ghan's hoarse giggling wasn't a sign of joy. It was a vocal act of aggression. He stood there, stock still and with his mouth open as he continued to laugh, the sound increasing in volume incrementally. The Hyena's gaze remained locked on the treeline, and his ears were pricked insistently as he listened for something that Nemir couldn't hear. His mane bristled out, making him look larger than he already was and Nemir had the presence of mind to kneel slowly behind the cart.

Whoever, or whatever was standing beyond the treeline hadn't moved yet but it was only a matter of time until it did. Nemir reached under the tarp covering the cart and withdrew Raumspalter silently. There was no time to don her armor now. But a sword evened the odds considerably. With her free hand, Nemir unbuckled Ghan's harness and freed him from the cart. He only moved to take a defensive posture near her as she stood, but he didn't cease his laughing as they both stared off into the woods.

She kept her eyes trained on the spot that Ghan had, but a swift movement out of the corner of her eye turned her gaze to the left.

Something had crossed the road ahead of her. It was faster than she could spot it, but Nemir could tell that it was large. Larger than a rabbit. The undergrowth crackled with an unseen movement, and Nemir tensed considerably as she gripped Raumspalter tightly in both hands. She knew that she was being stalked now, there was no doubt about it. And she also knew that it wasn't human.

Straining her ears, she could make out the sound of footfalls. But they were light, placed close together and swift. Whatever it was, it was moving on all fours. And with no animals present save for what lurked in the woods Nemir knew immediately what the nature of her attackers were. Ghan had naturally heard them first. Their infernal shrieking was too high pitch for a human's ears to ever pick up. But not for a Hyena. Ghan had noticed them long before they'd even gotten close. And when the Hyena's laughter fell off suddenly and his muzzle snapped to the right, Nemir knew where the attack was coming from.

It burst from the trees in a gray flash, too fast for Nemir's eyes to track but her instinct bridged the gap in her vision's stead. A Fledgling would always ignore wildlife in favor of Human flesh. It was their favorite meal. The Demon launched itself from the undergrowth in a flurry of leaves, twigs, and fangs. It sailed clean over Ghan's head, much to the Hyena's confusion and ire. Nemir was its intended target, and the infernal creature bore down on her, shrieking excitedly at the prospect of its kill. Time seemed to slow for Nemir as the Fledgling drew ever closer. She could make out its rows of jagged teeth in the rapidly closing gap, yellowed and shining with spittle. Nemir was silent in her disgust, merely gripping Raumspalter tighter and finally lifting it to strike.

The distance was shorter than she'd have liked. Raumspalter's blade caught the Demon's shoulder, rather than its neck. It cleaved through flesh, down to bone and the Fledgling was sent sprawling to the ground as it howled in agony. Nemir yanked back against the wait of the Demon toppling, pulling the sword from the creature's flesh in a splash of blood. Over the pained screeching of the wounded Fledgling, Nemir could hear the undergrowth rustling aggressively as it heralded the approach of another Demon. Fledgelings tended to hunt in packs, a fact that Nemir knew well and caused a cold but distant fear to settle over her.

Ghan was much quicker on the draw this time around. Another Demon leaped from the bushes, keeping its withered body low to the ground as is barreled towards Nemir on all fours. The Hyena threw his bulk between the two, tackling the Fledgling and bowling over. The Demon screeched and chittered angrily, as it grappled with the Hyena. Ghan's high-pitched laughter was muffled as his jaws found the soft flesh of the Fledgling's neck. The bite was swift and crushing. Ghan's fangs tore through the Demon's windpipe and the force behind the clamping bite was enough to snap its scrawny neck.

Nemir didn't bother to watch any of this however, knowing that Ghan could defend himself without her help. She instead kept her focus on the fallen Demon thrashing on the ground in front of her and lifted Raumspalter high overhead. The blade came down in a hard arc, neatly severing the Fledgling's head from its shoulders. The trees and bushes were alive with movement now as more Fledglings began to converge on her location. With full awareness of what was happening, Nemir's senses sharpened to a renewed focus.

"Two...Three of them...."

She knew that there'd be more. There were always more. With Fledglings it was always best to just assume the worse. They came in great numbers. Nearly five for every sword available in the Kingdom. And they didn't hunt alone. The damn things were vicious, and equally deadly. But Fledglings were incredibly dull witted as well. They needed order. A forceful hand to direct their energies towards more useful endeavors. Nemir spun as the trees just behind her creaked loudly. Branches heaved and cracked under a Fledgling's weight as it hurled itself from the treetop towards her. This time, Nemir was more prepared. She raised Raumspalter and merely allowed the Demon's own momentum to do most of the work. It sailed headfirst into the edge of the blade, and with a heaving grunt Nemir pushed forward against the weight of the impact. The Fledgling's chittering cry was cut short in a pitiful gurgle as its skull was cleaved in two.

Nemir grimaced as blood and grey matter struck her face, nearly blinding her in the process. She allowed the now dead Demon to merely drop heavily to the ground as she stumbled back and away. The sound of a vicious scuffle caused the woman's head to snap towards the source of the sound. The remaining two Demons had ganged up on Ghan. They played a deadly game of cat and mouse with the Hyena. One would taunt it, drawing the beast's ire and allowing snapping jaws to get close while the other assaulted him with clawed swipes. They Infernal pair danced in and out of reach constantly, hoping to wear the Hyena down.

Nemir darted forward to even the odds, leaping over the abandoned cart to land behind the nearest Demon. It's horned head jerked back, to stare sightlessly at Nemir the moment it sensed her approach. A lipless mouth stretched itself into an even wider snarl as the woman swung down at it. Raumspalter's edge caught the Demon square in the side, sending it bowling over into the dirt in a cloud of dust. More pained howls filled the air, and as Nemir lifted Raumspalter once more to finish the Demon off for good its brother leaped towards her.

In its haste to kill her, it had completely forgotten about Ghan. The rage addling its mind would be the creature's undoing. Ghan rose to meet the Demon and bowled the smaller and lighter creature over. The Fledgling clawed furiously at the Hyena looming over it, chittering in a mixture of rage and pain. Ghan would not be deterred, and once more his steel jaws found the soft flesh of a Demon's neck. The Fledgling's high cries faded to wet gurgling as Ghan tore its throat clean out, dark ichor staining his teeth and muzzle.

The Daemon at Nemir's feet was in no better shape, blood oozing freely from the catastrophic wound she'd cleaved into its side. Broken ribs jutted from bloodied flesh, a stark white against the deep crimson. The Fledgling could only lay there as it bled out, letting out pained wheezing breaths as its life slowly faded from it. Had it been any other creature Nemir would have found it pitiful. But Demons deserved nor did they earn any pity. Not from her, and not from the Gods.

A boot found the Demon's reedy neck and began to press down with stern insistence. There was no struggle as the Demon was too weak to fight back any longer. Nemir felt more than she heard the satisfying snap beneath her foot as she broke the Fledglings neck. It stilled completely, it's pained wheezing cut short. Save for her and Ghan's panting, silence reigned over the area. They'd won, but Nemir knew that this wasn't even the tip of the iceberg.

Fledglings meant Cambions. And a single Cambion often led a cohort of up to a hundred Fledglings. Taking the time to both rest and inspect her now dead foes, Nemir could see that the small pack was composed of rather undersized individuals. Fledglings were rather scrawny to begin with as they resided at the bottom of the Demon's pecking order. They ate last, often only receiving scraps for their efforts in War. The specimen at Nemir's feet looked particularly frail, as did the others. That along with their lack of coordination told Nemir that they were driven more by hunger than anything else.

She kicked the Demon's corpse over to get a better look at it as Ghan padded towards her and sat down. Despite being covered in both his own, and Demon blood, the Hyena seemed to be in a good mood. Nemir snorted at the beast before resuming her investigation. The Demons had definitely been starving, undoubtedly the weakest of their Cohort. They'd opted to try their luck in the woods to find a meal, having all been denied a place at what Nemir now knew to be an ongoing feast.

Her blood ran cold, already knowing what such a revelation could mean. A hundred Demons, possibly more were loose but a stone's throw from the Capital and had already started feeding. Calling the situation bad would be a major understatement.

Nemir knew she had to act and rushed over to the forgotten cart to pull back the tarp. She'd naturally opted to bring her armor, but hadn't worn it during the trip as she didn't want to tire herself out. She frowned grimly as she began to hastily fasten the darkened metal over her bloodstained clothes. 'I'm really putting this to use today.' In a rather dark sense, she was glad for Arvin's arrival and subsequent spar earlier. It had certainly allowed her to limber up for what was sure to be a long suffering battle.

She made all haste, knowing that she was officially in a race against time. Nemir knew that the outlying settlements near the Capitol had most assuredly been razed at this point. If she'd only run into half starved Fledglings that were lagging behind, then it meant that the main force was far ahead of them. It also meant that she'd have to fight her way to the Capital's walls. She wasn't in any danger at the moment, Demons didn't really linger where there wasn't any food, save for the desperate and starving ones. She whistled sharply, calling Ghan over.

The Hyena bumbled to her side, his tail wagging excitedly despite the grave danger ahead of them both. Nemir said nothing, merely fastening a toughened leather vest over the Hyena's bulky frame. It wouldn't stop a Cambrian's bite, but it was enough to keep the Fledglings from tearing into his hide, which there would be a lot of. Nemir topped off the entire affair by clasping a spiked collar to the Hyena's neck. Anything looking to take a page from Ghan's book would be in for a rude and painful surprise.

Once the pair was kitted out, Nemir hauled her small cart off of the road, concealing behind some bushes. She threw some leaves and branches over it for good measure as she made plans to come back for it later if at all possible. She doubted anyone would bother to look in the bushes if they were fleeing along the road, but it never hurt to be sure.

With Raumsplater thrown over her shoulder and Ghan at her heels Nemir set off at a rapid pace. The woman preferred to arrive at her location whenever she felt like it, but with so many lives at stake the Paladin made all due haste. The Capital and its surrounding areas were filled with people that had come to celebrate Arvin's Birthday. A massive feast may as well have been laid out for the Demons at that rate. Nemir hastened her pace and burst from the treeline. In the distance, a scant half mile off she could see the walls of the Capital. And the land between her and the city were awash with bloodshed.

Pillars of smoke filtered into the sky unrestrained as homes burned with abandon. Rubble was strewn everywhere. Wood and mortar torn and gutted from houses, as their charred and shattered remains dotted the landscape. As she drew closer to the scene of carnage, the cloying smell of smoke choked the woman, but it did little to hide the smell of blood surrounding her. Bodies were strewn about haphazardly, most lying in the open. They were barely recognizable. Their flesh had long since been stripped away, leaving behind chewed and bloody bones. It made the woman's stomach turn. To think that she'd been but a stone's through from such a slaughter. The visceral terror and helplessness that those now dead innocents had faced in the last moment was surely unfathomable.

She jerked her gaze up and away from the gory scene in front of her and gazed into the distance. Nemir could see smoke billowing from behind the Capital's walls. Something that both deeply puzzled and troubled her.

'How is this possible?' Nemir thought numbly as she charged forward through burning rubble. 'Did they truly breach the walls? Soldiers should have been stationed there. There's no way they could have mounted a successful siege in such a short amount of time.' She thought frantically. She'd only bid Arvin farewell a few hours ago. Surely not long enough for Demons to breach the outer walls and overrun the city?

Her fearful musing was cut off by a shrill scream, and Nemir's body moved of its own accord towards the sound. It was distinctly Human, but it was drowned out by familiar chittering and screeching. Nemir powered through the rubble and rounded the corner of a half gone house. There, huddled beneath the remains of two collapsed walls conveniently toppled against each other, a woman sat trembling. She'd wedged herself into the small space to evade the Fledglings circling just outside of it. They couldn't fit in after her, but that certainly wasn't stopping them from trying. One attempted to wedge itself into the gap, all grasping claws and gnashing teeth as it reached for the petrified woman. She screamed again, pressing her back against the unyielding wall as if she might sink into it if she tried hard enough.

The remains of what Nemir presumed to be her friends and family lay forgotten and chewed on in the bloody dirt as the Demons attempted to sink their teeth into a fresh meal.

Nemir stepped forward, and the solid thud of metal boots on cobblestone finally drew the Demon's attention. They were bigger than the ones she'd killed in the woods. Much healthier looking and possessing more weight to them than their starving kin. They opted to ignore the trembling woman trapped behind them to observe the pair of new threats suddenly presented to them.

One of the Fledglings stepped boldly forward, its nostrils flaring as it hissed threateningly at Nemir. She could see the myriad of scars that littered its wiry frame, and its horns bore countless nicks and notches as if it had used them in a great deal of scuffles. It was bolder than the rest, and there was proof of that boldness and accompanying strength marked plainly on its hide.

"A tough one aren't we? I bet you'll be a Cambion when you get older." Nemir said in a conversational tone, as she eyed the approaching Demon. Ghan began chuckling again, pacing back and forth next to Nemir as he eyed their approaching foes. Nemir hefted Raumspalter in her hands and took a step forward. No sooner than she had done so, they gaggle of Demons struck, darting forward with blinding speed. They were a much more unified pack. Without hunger pains to distract them, the Fledglings could divert their focus on completing their orders. Namely slaughtering any and every Human they came across.

Nemir sprang into the fray with Ghan hot on her heels. Killing every Demon that she could was a high priority, but with the walls fallen Nemir knew that the bulk of the battle was just beyond them. She could not afford to linger her for very long, not when everything had practically been lost. Nemir ducked a shoulder, driving hard metal into a Fledgling's narrow chest and toppling the Demon over. This would be a short fight. But it would be the first of many.

She only hoped that they all amounted to something in the end.
Aurelia quite enjoyed the King's speech, especially her position of power beside him. The king may be green still, but he had come a long way since his coronation. Maybe there was hope for him yet. She smiled and waved at the nobility as Arvin spoke, keenly aware of the crawling stares she was gathering from the lords.

With Crow gone and the party returning back to the illusion of peace and cooperation, the night seemed to be getting better and better by the moment. Until it wasn't.

Lady Luxenri's smile faded when she heard the word 'horde'. In the capital? No, this was the safest place. There was no way the walls could be breached this quickly. They would have had alarms, soldiers on the walls defending the city.

"That is impossible." Aurelia muttered, her pretty face draining of colour.

It was as if time had frozen as she stood there, watching the nobles rush towards the safe rooms. She couldn't seem to move until a passing lady shoved against her shoulder. Aurelia blinked, suddenly remembering that she needed to get to safety as well. She turned to follow the crowd that was filing into the safe room. There were guards inside and a growing cluster of nobles. To her dismay, it looked full and even the lords and ladies ahead of her were having trouble cramming into it.

Lord Harren was among them. He briefly locked eyes with her, his expression vague. Whatever it was, it lasted for hardly a moment before the doors swung shut and blocked him from view. There was a click of iron and a resounding thud as a metal rod was slung across the doors, barring them from the inside.

"No, don't close it on me, you idiots!" Aurelia shouted, slamming a fist into the iron-reinforced doors so hard it hurt. "Let me in! I am a Luxenri!"

The door didn't budge.

"Damn you all to seven hells!"

She slowly turned around to look at Sergio and shook her head, the anger in her eyes quickly melding into chips of fear.

Screams echoed in the halls as the remaining nobility fled through the doors in whatever direction they thought would save them, clawing against each other in their desperation to get out. Servants ran about, some following their lords or the king's commands while others filled their pockets with silver cutlery and gold-embellished goblets, one of which was bold enough to loot a table nearby Aurelia. The anger boiled up again but this time she had something to direct it at.

"You. Little. Thief!" Aurelia growled at the servant, who lifted up his head just in time to see the lady pick up a fork and aggressively lob it at him. It flung through the air and clattered harmlessly against the table, completely missing its target, but the man got the message and sprinted into the fleeing crowd, taking the golden cup with him. If he wasn't killed by the end of the night Aurelia swore she would see to it that he lost both his hands.

"Disgusting creatures. Animals, all of them," she muttered darkly.

Giving a stressed huff, Aurelia gathered up her dress and hurriedly made her way towards where the King and his pantheon were gathered. There was spilled wine and food on the floor, tossed aside in the chaos, but she nimbly walked around it. Her dress was still one of the most expensive things in this room, after all.

On her way to the others, she spotted a carving knife laid out beside a platter of roasted boar. After eyeing it for a second she took it and tucked it carefully into the folds of her bodice. She was never trained how to defend herself, a skill that her family had deemed highly barbaric for a lady, but if she was to get mauled by a fledgling she wanted to make sure it wasn't without a struggle.

When she caught up with the pantheon she didn't speak, just listened with an increasingly worried look. It was exceedingly idiotic to go into the fray, but she would be in just as much danger if she stayed here. The king and prince were both extraordinary warriors, as well as Lord Elliot, and if she stayed near them then she should be safer than if she was with the normal guards. At least, theoretically.

Gods have mercy...I'm doomed... she thought miserably as she followed Arvin out into the smoke and screams.

seasonedcat seasonedcat
"Brother, you should stay here with the others. Allow me to go repel those creatures. I'll make sure to kill every last one of them."

“No, I’ve sat idle for far too long. Many a times have I been deprived the opportunity to do this Kingdom justice as it’s own appointed champion, and I will not fail to do so today. Skirmishes in the woods and on the plains I can dismiss, but when the Horde comes barreling into our streets and destroy the closest of our people in the Gods own Capital I must take issue. I must be the first to stand and draw my blade, for it is my duty to protect this land and prevent such attacks against our home front. I will not cower as any pitiful noble might, instead I will lead and fight as the Gods intent me to do. While I appreciate your concern dear brother, today is not my day to fall. Especially while surrounded by strong souls such as yourselves.”

Arvin softly smiled at his brother as he proceeded onwards. Lyrren had always been the more cautious and tactical man, analyzing a situation and looking to keep the important people safe in formulating a plan. While he himself was more headstrong and deliberate of rushing in without thinking much first. It was heartwarming to have such a close ally, but those times of being sheltered and preserved in the castle walls were long past. Now it was his turn to restart the fight against the Demon Horde.

The smell and sight of smoke came into one’s senses, prompting Arvin to halt as he surveyed the damage that had transpired in this direct vicinity. Countless homes and place of business were either up in flames or on the verge of doing so, and strewn about were the carcasses of those slain. Men, Women, Children, Infants, Newborns, and even those little ones who had yet to be graced with their first breath. Their blood had been spilled in great quantities among the streets of Örn, in such a brutal fashion that left stray flesh and tissue still visible. A small also lingered in the air much different from that of smoke. It was something much more disgusting to one’s senses. The smell of burning flesh. It seems those who had burrowed themselves in their homes to escape the horde paid a different sort of consequence in being burned alive. Arvin felt sick to his stomach, but it was drowned out by the rage building up in his own spirit.

These bastards had stared to step into his own Kingdom, and destroyed the homes of those who had been faithful in every right to their God and King. Soulless abominations of Jealousy who then slew the very same innocents just to spite those who had wronged their own

”Everyone be on your guard, these bodies are fresh. The adversary is near.”

Only at that moment did Arvin realize that some unlikely individuals had joined him in the front against the invasion of demons. Sergio and Aurelia had both opted to stay with them instead of hiding away with the rest of the people. Though, he knew better than to think it an act of courage. With how many people had fled to the safe houses and holding rooms, they were probably shut out due to their position at the back of the Great Hall. So they’d instead chosen to stay close to those who might protect them. A smart choice on their part.

”Those of you who aren’t so keen to fight this day, stay close to myself, Lyrren, and Aurin. Keep your eyes on our blind spots and point out any newcomers you might see. Should the opportunity arise, help those who are still living before they too can fall to these pitiful creatures.”

With that said, Arvin took the forefront and held his blade steady as he slowly led the way further down the cobble paved street. The more he progressed onward, the more distinctly he could hear the chittering and hisses of the nearby Fledglings. Something scampered in a building to Arvin’s left which prompted him to turn with a grunt, but could see nothing.

‘Come on you sons of bitches, dare to show your face that I might destroy it.’

Suddenly, many sets of beads rose up from the rubble, adorned with horns and eyeless slits that softly glowed in the darkness that the flames of their carnage did not reach. Arvin couldn’t quite count how many Fledglings were present, but with how many there were he knew something far bigger was waiting for them as well. Sure enough, a slight rumbling greeted the ground at an even pace as something marched from the alley off to the groups right. A smooth spherical head was to first eject, followed by a monstrous figure exuding power and dominance in the situation. A Cambion.

Arvin’s Green eyes flickered as he stared down the monstrosity before him, his blade being gripped tight as he locked eyes with it.

”All of you take care of the Fledglings and any survivors you might find. This one is mine.”

The Cambion growled in reply as it drug it’s arched legs across the ground as a bull might before charging. Arvin bided his time and slowly advanced, carefully analyzing the beasts body language and looking for any tell tale signs of an attack. The shrieks and cries of the Fledglings around then filled his ears, but he paid no attention to them. His focus was entirely on this Cambion that he had selected as a target. Taunting the creature, Arvin drug his blade across the ground before bringing it up and pointing it at the beast.

In a true burst of blinding speed, the Cambion finally gave chase and fell for Arvin’s Taunt, charging forward in an attempt to ram its massive shoulder into the champion. It may have been quick, but Arvin was indeed quicker. As opposed to foolishly taking on the heavy blow from the Cambion, The King side stepped its charge with ease and flicked his blade backwards that it would catch the bend in its knee and give a decently deep cut to annoy it. This caused the wild beast to temporarily lose its footing and stumble to the ground just before the door of a building on the other side of the street. The Cambion uttered a low growl as it slowly stood back up and turned around, with its putrid black blood dripping from the cut Arvin had made onto the ground, then let off an intimidating roar.

Using its powerful legs, the denizen of Hell jumped high into the air and attempted to smash its arms on top of Arvin. The King side stepped once more, which left the Cambion to slam its fists into solid stone before turning about and giving chase by flailing its arms forward in a chaotic punching movement. Ducking and weaving between the reckless jabs, Arvin made a few swipes with his Blade that unfortunately made contact with the natural armor the Cambion possessed. The Upper Torso and any other place of vital important would be useless to attack. The chitinous armor was too thick and well protected to even hope to be breach by any normal blade.

However, like with any animal, the Cambions would have their weak spots. This was in the form of the lack of protection in their joints to allow for movement. They’d be easy enough to cut through, which was made evident by the slice Arvin had already dealt to the Cambions right leg at the back of its forward knee. Playing the defensive and striking at vital points was the only way that such a towering being would be taken down.

”Come on then, I believe it’s your move again.” Arvin said with a grunt as he patiently waited.

The Cambion, uttering something that could be perceived as laughter, approached with the permanent grin attach to its fact in a rather slow manner. Perhaps it too and figured a strategy against Arvin.
Ramjammer Ramjammer Juju Juju seasonedcat seasonedcat The True Plague The True Plague Jack19XK Jack19XK ItsKenAgain ItsKenAgain AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0
Ash and smoke fell into the same streets that Aurin had so leisurely strolled that same morning, browsing stands of merchants that now were charred and crackling. The King slowed to take in the scene and interpret the enemy’s trail. Aurin too studied the effects of the chaos, his eyes falling on mangled bodies, of which one could not make out any trace of their living identities. These people who once had ambitions and status in the world had been reduced to nothing above a tragic loss for those who did know them, and a stark visual of what the Void could reduce their precious world to. The deep breath that Aurin inhaled in a sneer would burn his nose with embers and the rotten, metallic stench of viscera, stinging his senses but fueling his fight as a shaking took his muscles. The King warned caution and Aurin’s knuckles whitened with his grip on his spear as they proceeded.

Taking account of those who had fallen in with their Pantheon who were less fit to fight, if anything whom clutched to them for protection during this chaos, Aurin kept in mind the presence of Aurelia and Sergio, knowing it was also his duty to protect them so they could serve as he was. Aurin followed the King’s instructions, attempting to watch his back while falling behind with the two who had armed themselves desperately with what they could find before fleeing the Great Hall. Arvin called out to the hiding beasts, taunting them to face him, and falling under his command, they revealed themselves to them, their silhouettes rising from the smoke and debris.

The fledglings dark flesh, covering their faces and looking as though they’d been burnt from the hellfire they’d risen from, looked a great target for the Knight’s spear as he stanced himself in front of his peers. The fledglings with their bodies like panthers and horns like cattle began to scatter, approaching them quickly. While they began their descent, an even larger adversary lumbered into the street, its weight sending waves through the ground. Aurin’s eyes darted to the monsters around them but the King’s were set on the giant as he began to give command.

”All of you take care of the Fledglings and any survivors you might find. This one is mine.”

Aurin knew not to question orders, and hadn’t a notion to as he obeyed. He would keep watch on the King’s standing in this battle when he could, but if he didn’t do as he was told and concern himself with the fledglings they’d undoubtedly be overtaken.

He found his mark, the first of the few fledglings which diverted from the hoarde to their left. Turning on his heels and digging his soles into the ground he turned to defend against the demon which scrambled around the side of the group, its limbs moving wildly as it used the wall of a building to gain height. The fledgling launched itself at the warrior from above and he thrust his spear into its chest, noticing the effort in which it took to impale the beast with its gnashing teeth and shrieks. It was like putting the point of his spear through full armor, and he turned as the demon’s momentum took it to the ground. The creature flailed madly as Aurin put boot to its throat and yanked the spear from its chest, thick, dark blood gurgling from the wound. The being hadn’t been done in yet, but one of its hellspawn siblings was quickly taking this opportunity to attack the Knight from behind.

Aurin turned as the demon lunged at him, blocking with his weapon. The fledglings mouth closed around the shaft of the spear, it’s jaw mawing against it as the Knight pushed back with a grunt. It lashed at him above the spear with clawed hands and he grimaced as he slipped his head out of its reach. He took advantage of his enemy’s stance as its position forced it onto its weaker, animal-like back legs. The knight dropped his core and took a wide sweep at the monster’s ankles, shoving its top half forward with the spear. It fell backwards with a screech, twisting its body to return onto all fours but the Knight switched his weapon over in his hands as he stood above it on his toes and drove it straight down onto the creature’s throat with his weight, driving the point through its head. As he twisted his weapon he glanced over his shoulder at the other fledgling which was dragging itself towards Aurelia and Sergio and he quickly dislodged the blade from the demon, arching it over himself. He lurched forward and stomped on the crawling fledgling’s back, driving its hips into the ground as the back end of the spear found the nape of its neck.

Now with both fledglings no longer of his concern he took this moment to catch a break. With locks of his hair now hanging in his face he cast a quick glance to ensure the other members of their Pantheon were not in immediate danger in the moment, and looked for his next attacker.

Siren77 Siren77 Juju Juju seasonedcat seasonedcat Jack19XK Jack19XK annnd idk if AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0 is with us now or not
Tessa Rimbaud
Location: Great Hall - City.
Time: Royal Address - Cambion Showdown.
Mentions: Siren77 Siren77 ItsKenAgain ItsKenAgain Juju Juju seasonedcat seasonedcat Jack19XK Jack19XK

Throughout the course of the royal address, Tessa remained keenly at the side of her king. Even though she hadn't been a part of his court for overly long, she somehow felt proud of him. The benign weight of his word resonating throughout the hall signalled ability verily needed of a successful sovereign, and to think that one of her biggest memories of the king was still of that boy she had met in the gardens all those years ago... Ah, how time takes its toll.
Though, wouldn't you know it, a good part-way through Arvin's speech, a terrified man barged into the room, his only coherent word "horde."
"S-surely nay!"

The advisor rose to her feet without a note of delay, a storm of clouds whirling around the crevices of her mind. With all of her being, she wanted this to be an inappropriate prank, something that only the most demented of jesters might pull, for the implications of it were more than grave. Such a severe miscalculation on their part, a permanent stain upon their records that their enemies will be sure to never forget. To leave the city so vulnerable whilst a threat still loomed, they will scream from their chairs of hindsight. And they will have a point, and the only reply that she'll be able to give is a pathetic "we couldn't have known." Such a sign of weakness, Tessa bit into her thumb as she contemplated. And the dead, the families broken apart that could never forgive, tainted with the sights of...

With a gasp, Tessa finally brought herself back to the present, noticing a few drops of blood coming down her palm. Chaos quickly grasped its reign of the crowds assembled, streams of people rolling hither and thither like an overflowing river after days of relentless rain. With a command of the king, some of the pandemonium became more organized, but it would be nigh impossible to truly sweep all of it away. Pushing, trampling, petty thievery, all among a list of things uncontainable beyond this point. But the advisor would not become a part of this madness, a cool head was the most important in a crisis. So, with a firm tug at the sleeve of a passing servant, she made sure for her weaponry to be delivered to her. In the meanwhile, the king had already set out to move into the city, much against the wishes of his brother. Lyrren was right in wanting to keep the ruler of the kingdom out of harm's way... but men, huh?
"Do not put yourself at unnecessary risk, okay? This will already be held against us, I can't possibly imagine what would happen if the king also managed to get wounded, or--"
Tessa let her eyes slink to the side, cutting herself off at the last second. She spoke to Aurin with sincere care, but to even insinuate the death of the monarch. No, better not to even mention the possibility.

"I'll cover you from a distance, just... nothing brash."
She noted sternly, servant at last arriving with her satchels as they moved. When they finally entered the city, Tessa immediately separated herself to find higher ground, making it up staircases and carefully dashing across rooftops to finally arrive just overhead the main group. The display was exactly what she feared it would be, bodies torn and scattered across smouldering ruins, the limbs themselves charred and ashen. Faces impossible to discern, flesh melting in on itself in morbid fashion to create vivid imagery of body horror. The abhorrent stench of seared tissue filling the nostrils and refusing to wane, and the veil of smoke concealing a good part of needed vision. Even after she'd seen this a good few times before, it was an arduous task not to add vomit onto the scene. Yet, still, to lose her head would mean to join the revolting piles of remains that littered the streets, an utmost undesirable fate.

With a set of blades in-between her fingers, Tessa watched over the king's party as it advanced, moving rooftop when need-be. Much to her surprise, Aurelia and the spymaster were also a part of it, something to pay extra attention towards, just in case. More urgently important however was the challenge that Aurin issued towards a group of unseen faces further down. The advisor immediately rushed into proper position, eyes scouting carefully. They fell upon a group of fledglings, accompanied by something far more intimidating. A cambion, towards which the king called meaningless dibs. This was what she meant by unnecessary risk, and this is the first thing that he does, of course. Tessa took a pair of deep breaths, deducing the direction of the wind through the ascending smoke and stepping so that it blew favourably for her to strike. Seeing as the fledglings have already been dispatched by the royal knight, with a last, prolonged breath, she let one of the "feathers" in her grasp fly with the currents, directed right towards the leading monstrosity's left ankle.

No matter how much he might not like it, his safety stands far above temporary glory. That was the message Tessa intended to send with that strike, whether it hit its intended target or not. It was for the sake of the entire kingdom, there was no more taking chances from now on.

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