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Fantasy Key to an Oath: Lore



procrastination symphony
The impurities washed away by Izanagi gave birth to many spirits that came to reside in various objects. As the objects aged, the power within the objects grew until they gained sentience. Thus, the yokai sprung into existence from the natural world.

Referred to as Ayakashi, Mononoke, Youma, and many other names, the word Yokai is an umbrella term that refers to any individual born in such a manner as well as their descendants. Due to the circumstances of their births varying greatly, the different forms that yokai manifest in are just as numerous. Those born from old objects might take on the form of said object with the addition of arms and legs, while others might manifest in the form of the owner of the object. Many yokai are also descended from animals that lived well past their normal lifespan or became yokai by feeding upon strong desires. In rare cases, a human who died might turn into a yokai. More specifically, humans with strong desires, regrets, or resentment might leave an imprint on the world which can fuse with demonic energy. This process creates a yokai who has inherited the memories and personality of the human but is not truly that human themselves as their soul has long passed on.

Unlike humans, yokai are equipped with a number of mystical abilities called yojutsu that their bodies are adapted to from birth. Their powers stem from their natures, making their powers instinctive rather than something that is learned. Should a human ask a yokai how they manipulate their demonic energy, most will not be capable of giving a clear explanation. Few are familiar with the theories behind how the yojutsu of their specific subrace functions, as it is an act that is as natural as breathing to them. However, the actual applications must still be developed over time, given that technique is learned rather than inherited.

Unions between humans and yokai are generally barren. However, a hybrid child may be born on rare occasions. Due to the prejudice from both sides, such children (referred to as hanyo) tend to be ostracized from the community they reside in if not completely driven out. The latter is especially the case should they attempt to live amongst humans, as the yokai traits of a hanyo tend to heavily outweigh their human traits. Though hanyo tend to be less in tune with their nature than full-blooded yokai, they’re still blessed with the supernatural abilities of their subrace. As a result, yokai tend to be far more tolerant towards hanyo than humans, though they nonetheless view them as something filthy.

Some hanyo in the past have attempted to completely erase one side of their blood through strange and forbidden rituals. However, none have been successful in such endeavors regardless of how much they pretended and rejected their other half.
In the past, humans could do little but rely on the charity of the yokai. Their crudely fashioned swords could do little to combat the mystical abilities of the yokai, and many lived in terror as they prayed to the gods that their village wouldn’t attract the attention of malignant spirits. Some built shrines and presented offerings to land gods in exchange for their protection. Others watched helplessly as their homes were burned to ashes for the twisted enjoyment of a monster.

When a woman named Chisato descended from her secluded settlement in the mountains, she brought with her knowledge of a series of techniques that would later become known as Onmyodo. Through meditation, a human is capable of taking in energy from the environment and assimilating it into their spiritual meridians. Though this energy is present in every human, their bodies are born capable of cycling only the amount required to sustain their lives. By taking in additional spiritual energy, humans are capable of gradually expanding upon this capacity, a process that takes years or even decades. Depending on a person’s innate talents as well as their ability to attune themselves with nature, some humans grow at a rapid pace while others increase at a rate so slow that it is as if they are not improving at all. However, merely meditating in this way only results in a body that is healthier and more robust than the average human.

The title “Onmyoji” is granted to humans capable of using the surplus spiritual energy brimming in their body to power various techniques. Some use it to further bolster their physiques to surpass human limits, while others ignite it to produce flames. Over the years, these techniques have been divided into nine primary disciplines passed down within the nine clans of the Imperial Alliance. However, 500 years ago, the fourth clan was purged and any records of their forbidden techniques were burned. Amongst the smaller schools of onmyodo not affiliated with the Imperial Alliance, a handful have attempted to unsuccessfully replicate the techniques of the lost Yonaga Clan over the centuries. Every attempt was immediately quashed by the remaining eight clans, and the Yonaga’s techniques are a taboo that every fledgling onmyoji knows not to touch.
Corpses that have reanimated due to strong regrets or desires that were left behind at death. As there is no actual soul attached to the corpse, it has no will nor intelligent thought processes. A kyonshi’s sole “goal” is to act upon impulses related to what caused it to reanimate, and any sudden change in behavior without an outsider’s manipulation is generally unheard of. For example, a human who drowned may become a kyonshi who drowns any passersby, while a human who died with a strong regret of having failed to meet someone may turn to wander the streets at night. In general, the stronger the regret or desire, the more spiritual energy collects within the corpse, leading to stronger and typically more violent kyonshi.

In rare cases, a kyonshi might have its grudges or regrets fulfilled and cease moving. However, the vast majority of kyonshi require an onmyoji to immobilize and cleanse it of its negative energy. Severely damaging the corpse and burying it is viable as a temporary stopgap measure, but the kyonshi will eventually twist itself back into shape and climb out of the soil.

With the resurgence of the forbidden arts of the Yonaga Clan, the number of kyonshi roaming Kouka have surged. Due to their spelltags drawing in spiritual energy and forcing it into the corpses, the kyonshi activated by said tags are far stronger than ordinary kyonshi. Their skin is tough like steel, they possess the ability to mend their bodies, and their sensitivity to sounds have been heightened. The reanimated corpses of powerful yokai and onmyoji are particularly dangerous, as their bodies seem to remember the techniques they knew back when they were still alive. The only way to defeat a kyonshi created through the forbidden arts is to destroy the spell tag pasted on its body. However, as if they are aware of the spell tag being their weakness, a kyonshi will guard its tag carefully making the task more difficult than it seems.
Land Gods
Unbeknownst to mankind, the humans were not entirely powerless even prior to the discovery of onmyodo. Where yokai held the power of yojutsu, humans possessed the power of belief. Desperation and coincidences led foolish humans to believe in higher beings that did not exist. When strong desires mix with fervent prayers, the world shifts and gives birth to an entity which the humans refer to as a land god. The personality and power of a land god is largely shaped by the prayers that gave birth to it. For example, a land god born from the desperate pleas of a village suffering from a plague might be born with the ability to heal and safeguard people from illness.

However, land gods are not all-powerful and omniscient deities. Their powers are dependent on the prayers and offerings of the fickle hearts of humans, and a forgotten god will slowly fade from existence. In addition, even the most powerful land gods are limited to their domains. Depending on their purpose and the beliefs of the people, this domain can be the shrine in which they reside or the territory of the area where their legend was born. A god may never leave their domain, and their powers are ineffective outside of it, though their domains increase their power by severalfold. Hatred is another core weakness of land gods, as the negative emotions that have corrupted the pure devotion humans have towards a land god will defile their power. Such land gods become vengeful or evil gods who have lost their sense of purpose and set out to destroy the very lands they had sworn to protect.

It is possible for yokai to steal the power that humans grant to their land gods. By devouring a land god, a yokai can take the land god’s power for themselves. However, this is considered taboo by not only humans but the yokai as well, so only the most evil yokai will commit such heinous deeds.

On occasion, humans might mistake an animal, yokai, or even a human as a deity. In such cases, the prayers and offerings from the humans feed the false god and increase their power. Unlike land gods that rely on a constant stream of offerings, the powers of false land gods do not wane with a decrease in belief. They are also not necessarily locked to a domain, though they also lack the boons of remaining in the domain of a land god as they essentially do not have one.
Urban Legends
Desire gives birth to land gods, but mass fear is capable of bringing urban legends to life. Some manifest as phenomena while others appear in the form of vengeful ghosts or evil yokai. Rumor has it that one urban legend trapped an entire village in a time loop that repeated the same week over and over for a century. When an urban legend manifests as a powerful phenomenon such as the case of the time loop, the only ways to dispel it are to either influence the humans to cease believing in the myth or by attacking the urban legend at its core. In the case of vengeful ghosts and evil yokai birthed by the urban legend, it is a simple matter of defeating the entity. Widespread phenomena, however, instead contain an object or person central to its myth. Unfortunately, it is impossible to discern an urban legend’s core as there are no spiritual or physical differences that set it apart from its surroundings. Whoever wishes to dispel the urban legend’s manifestation must carefully collect the details of the urban legend and make an educated guess.

Though urban legends rely on the same power of human beliefs, humans believe them to be entirely separate from land gods. In truth, the only difference between the two is that one is beneficial to humans while the other is not. Land gods and urban legends are also not always very different from yokai, making certain cases difficult to distinguish from one another. The deep-seated prejudice that humans bear against yokai causes many to view this statement as heresy.
Code by Nano
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Kouka is a continent and country largely isolated from the rest of the world by the vast seas which surround it on all sides. Its citizens are aware of the existence of foreign lands, but they neither mind nor strive to sail outwards to said lands due to the dangers as well as the existence of more pressing matters at hand. Due to the racial tensions pervading the land, foreigners who dare to traverse the treacherous waters surrounding the nation are viewed with a significant degree of suspicion. The great spirits of the land tend to identify them as enemies, while humans are rather averse to interactions with foreigners. When prompted, they might reluctantly entertain conversation, but many will refuse to sell their wares or provide information to travelers whose features clearly indicate that their heritage stems from faraway lands. These so-called strangers tend to settle down in Arashima (𩺊島), an island off the coast of Suzaku, where they’re more readily accepted due to the residents there being used to their presence. Some even pity foreigners for the hardships they face, though they ultimately deem it as none of their business to meddle.

The country is primarily divided into five provinces: Genbu in the North, Seiryu in the East, Suzaku in the South, Byakko in the West, and Kirin in the Center. Each region is named after the respective guardian beast said to slumber under the land in ancient myths.
Of the five provinces, the central region of Kirin spans over the largest area and hosts the city of Kanoe (庚) which humans consider to be the capital of Kouka. It houses five of the eight onmyoji clans of the Imperial Alliance, and all significant breakthroughs related to onmyodo have been founded in Kirin. In the past, Kanoe was surrounded by a barrier that repelled yokai and kyonshi, but it has been removed since the signing of the treaty.
Genbu is the second largest province and is ruled by Lord Kageura of Mt. Kasumi (霞山). Despite the large span of land the territory covers, much of the northern half remains sparsely habited. While the southern regions of Genbu feature lush river valleys and its western coast enjoys the bounty of the sea, the northernmost regions of Genbu host mountain ranges and dense forests covered by ice and snow two-thirds of the year. Mt. Kasumi itself lies at the foot of this icy tundra, and only the toughest of yokai are capable of settling down further north and surviving such harsh conditions. As a means of protecting themselves from being raided, the villages of the north are typically hidden within mirages in the snow. Careless travelers who attempt to find said villages through sight alone become hopelessly lost within icy winds.

The hot springs in Genbu are said to be excellent for healing the mind and body after a grueling day of work or training.
Historically, the eastern province of Seiryu has always been the most racially mixed in terms of its population. The demon lord Ina’s rule caused a gradual migration of both yokai and humans out to other provinces where they felt safer, but her fall transformed Seiryu into a lawless land. For a period of time, Seiryu was split into several smaller self-governing territories. Though some territories held rules enforced by vigilante groups, the vast majority of the land abided by rules agreed upon by the community though not necessarily enforced.

It wasn’t until the appearance of the tsukumogami known as Rei that Seiryu was reunified under one governing body once again. Unlike the other provinces where individuals are treated like outlaws if they’re of the wrong race, Seiryu is relatively tolerant and maintains an unstable equilibrium between its humans and yokai. The settlements of humans and yokai themselves are strictly segregated, but it isn’t uncommon for a village of humans to trade with a village of yokai and vice versa. Unfortunately, the peace is upheld more out of fear rather than a sense of unity. Many still detest the opposite race, but they don’t dare break the laws of Seiryu in fear of the repercussions. The lord of the land and his followers are known for upholding peace at any cost, and it isn’t unheard of for heads to roll should insurgents dare spark conflict in the province. Some revere Lord Rei as a benefactor who allows them to live in peace while others view him as a ruthless tyrant.
The land of myths and ancient traditions. While the rise of the Imperial Alliance has led to the decline in the power of belief, many areas in Suzaku continue to revere and host land gods and urban legends. As a result, it is a region that bears many blessings but also experiences many strange incidents, such as the infamous century-long time loop. Even with a greater understanding of demonic and spiritual energy, the people of Suzaku are extremely superstitious and subconsciously believe many myths to be true even if they're capable of logically determining that such stories are little more than tall tales. Having long embraced it as a part of their culture, Suzaku holds many festivals and rituals in honor of the gods and to function as rites of purification.

Due to the prevalence of foreigners in Arashima, the island is the least superstitious region of Suzaku.

The capital of Suzaku is Meikyo (明鏡).
Byakko is the smallest province of Kouka and is currently under the jurisdiction of the demon lord Hakaze. Despite the playful nature of their lord, the denizens of Byakko are infamous for being territorial. Having experienced a long history of invasions from Kirin in the past, Byakko’s adopted the stance of slaying humans on sight should any dare to cross their border. The more merciful citizens might return the human to their homeland after teaching them a lesson, but many end up wishing they’d died instead. This hostility is directed at foreign yokai as well, though to a lesser degree. A yokai is given the chance to speak, but they must provide the village with a good reason for visiting their lands lest they be sent on their way. If it comes down to it, Byakko is not above evicting visitors with force.

Despite this severe xenophobia, those born and raised in Byakko form extremely tight-knit groups. The oni of Byakko’s capital, Onigashima (鬼ヶ島), in particular seem to collectively know each other by name. Princess Hakaze herself is a free-flying spirit who interacts with her people as if they are family. Though many question how safe it is to allow people into her estate so readily, the lord allows visitors to come and go as they please within Kinojo’s (鬼ノ城) courtyard.
Code by Nano
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Key to an Oath:
Nine Clans of the Imperial Alliance
First Clan
Name Meaning:
One Look
Main Branch Location:
Kanoe, Kirin
Clan Head:
Ichimoku Souya

Prior to the development of onmyodo, the powerless nature of humans left them at the mercy of any neighboring yokai. As such, Ichimoku Chisato is revered as not only the founder of the Ichimoku Clan but onmyodo itself. At the time, Emperor Sumiharu didn’t believe in the mystical abilities that the mysterious woman claimed she had. Though certainly a learned scholar, she was still nonetheless an orphan with an unknown background. However, as soon as the desperate order was given, the woman managed to clean up the yokai wreaking havoc in the capital in the blink of an eye. When asked how she wished to be compensated for her continued services, she merely asked for a plot of land in which she could establish a dojo for any who wished to achieve the same feats she had. Impressed by her humble and magnanimous attitude, the Emperor granted her wish and bestowed upon her the name Ichimoku.

Though “Ichimoku” stems from their founder possessing only one eye, a far different meaning was attached to the Ichimoku name later on. Of the Ichimoku Clan heads, the sole person to have surpassed the towering reputation of their founder was an onmyoji by the name of Ashiya Nene. Despite hailing from a minor branch family with a seedy reputation at best, Nene showed promise from a young age and would be adopted into the main branch at the age of 9. By 16, she had already far surpassed the abilities of her seniors and gained the reputation that she was capable of assessing a situation with a single glance. After inheriting the Ichimoku name as the clan's heir and later defeating the Demon Lord Ina at the Emperor's behest, this talent would eventually become what the Ichimoku name is most known for.

The Ichimoku Clan pride themselves as strategists who focus on refinement of the basics. Though manipulation of the five elements is the most rudimentary level of onmyodo, only the Kuon Clan is capable of rivaling the Ichimoku in terms of the precision in which their onmyoji manipulate spiritual energy. Compared to the other disciplines, the techniques of the Ichimoku Clan are typically the least efficient in terms of the amount of spiritual energy it consumes. Unlike the other branches of onmyodo whose spells are held together by a physical conduit, the Ichimoku art is completely freehanded and its spells are the most raw form of spiritual energy. As a result, it is imperative for onmyoji hailing from the Ichimoku Clan to learn to control exactly how much spiritual energy is used to fuel a spell. Their techniques are known for being incredibly precise and flexible rather than relying on brute force. However, should the situation call for it, they are also capable of channeling spells of great power. Due to these requirements, it is difficult to survive and distinguish yourself in the Ichimoku Clan without being a genius or having both talent in the art and a wealth of spiritual energy. Conversely, their greatest weakness is also their greatest benefit, as they are one of the only two clans that do not require external tools for their onmyodo.
Second Clan
Name Meaning:
Two Wisterias
Main Branch Location:
Hanazono, Kirin

Soon after the establishment of the Ichimoku school of onmyodo, the third son of Emperor Sumiharu became deeply interested in the possibility of other applications of the mysterious power known as spiritual energy. In particular, he became curious to test whether or not the improved health observed in those who meditated could be taken further to utilize that power to improve current medicinal techniques. Despite the protests of his family, the young prince beseeched Ichimoku Chisato to teach him the knowledge necessary to pursue his research.

Though the prince’s original intentions had been to study the way spiritual energy affected human bodies as a means to better understand the workings of the human body itself, this research led to the discovery of healing arts by stimulating the body’s healing process with spiritual energy. The Ichimoku school of onmyodo adopted these techniques into the teachings of a smaller branch of their school created specifically for the sake of medical research. However, soon after the Ichimoku Clan was established and formally recognized by the Imperial Family, that branch would break off into its own school and later become known as the Nitou Clan.

Aside from the refinement of their healing arts, the Nitou Clan would later go on to develop what would later be recognized as their trademark. By crossbreeding certain plants and bathing the plants in spiritual energy as they mature, the Nitou Clan was successful in culturing plants with medicinal and poisonous effects far greater than those found normally in the wild. The properties of these herbs are further amplified in the specialized brewing process that the clan developed, creating extremely potent medicines and poisons. Most members of the Nitou Clan remain on the backlines to treat patients with their medicinal knowledge. However, many take to the battlefield both as a field medic and toxic specialist. Some coat their blades with medicine, while others hang up wires in the environment to create invisible traps. The most infamous method in which the Nitou Clan fights on the frontlines is with the poisonous needles hidden within their sleeves which they stab into vital points with frightening accuracy. The same method is the Nitou Clan’s most effective way of delivering treatment for internal wounds via acupuncture, though it takes a certain amount of faith to trust that the needles being used are coated in medicine rather than poison.

Much like how even potent medicines can turn into poison over time, it is said that the Nitou Clan’s members tend to possess personalities that are rather poisonous behind their kind exteriors.
Third Clan
Name Meaning:
Crescent Moon
Main Branch Location:
Sayo, Suzaku

Compared to the methodical approach to onmyodo of the eight other disciplines, the Mikazuki Clan’s specialty lies in the whimsical nature of legends and myths. The land of Suzaku is filled with urban legends and land gods, and the spiritual arts of the Mikazuki Clan calls upon their power. In the past, the lack of understanding behind the origins of urban legends and land gods led to the technique being mistakenly believed to be using mediums to offer corporeal bodies to gods and evil spirits. The Mikazuki Clan referred to this as a contract, in which the contracted spirit or god is referred to as the onmyoji’s shikigami.

In truth, shikigami are entirely separate entities created through the Mikazuki’s Clan beliefs in their contracts. The belief that the gods answer their calls created a new myth that allowed their people to summon forth the shikigami existing in their imaginations into reality. By offering their blood onto paper or wooden seals, a spirit would possess the medium used and manifest as the entity that the onmyoji is attempting to call upon. The contract is then sealed with the bestowal of a name to the shikigami. This offering of blood and a name creates a link between the onmyoji and their shikigami, allowing them to feed the shikigami a steady stream of their spiritual energy. In exchange for the offerings, these shikigami would then complete tasks that the onmyoji cannot, whether it be fighting for them on the frontlines or even spying on enemies. After the task has been completed or the onmyoji has been exhausted, the temporary vessel of the god will burn and disappear. Each time an onmyoji desires to resummon the god, they must offer up a new vessel.

As a result of relying on the power of belief, the Mikazuki Clan’s branch of onmyodo is the most black-and-white in terms of who can and cannot practice their techniques. Those who do not have the talent or imagination will never be capable of summoning a shikigami while those with the right aptitude will be successful on their first attempt without fail. However, their power is not without limits. A shikigami can kill its summoner as easily as it obeys, whether it be due to the onmyoji’s doubts or handling a power that is far too taxing on their body. In the case of the former, shikigami are sensitive to the desires and emotions of the onmyoji who has summoned it. The moment fear and uncertainty overcomes their belief in the contract, the onmyoji will be consumed by the very myth they attempted to draw power from. As a result, the members of the Mikazuki Clan are required to be extremely mentally tenacious as they can never know when their shikigami will turn to bite them. The mental and spiritual strain that shikigami have on their masters are dependent on the power of the shikigami itself, and the power of the shikigami is entirely dependent on the innermost desires of the master. Those with great talent are even capable of forming a contract with multiple shikigami, though no one has ever been known to be capable of doing so with more than four.

Due to the Mikazuki Clan’s ability to have separate entities do their dirty work, they are the clan with the easiest access to information. As a result, they are the eyes and ears of the Imperial Alliance. Perhaps out of a subconscious desire to fulfill the expectations of this role, many Mikazuki Clan members are contracted to spirits or gods capable of traveling or communicating over long distances at a high speed.
Fourth Clan
Name Meaning:
Four + Eternity
Main Branch Location:
Amano, Kirin

The now defunct 4th clan of the Imperial Alliance. In the past, the Yonaga Clan had once specialized in a technique which allowed them to link themselves to inanimate objects by imbuing said objects with their spiritual energy. This link allowed them to manipulate the objects from afar, and many onmyoji would craft wooden puppets shaped to suit their specific needs. However, one Yonaga Clan member eventually discovered that applying similar methods to animal corpses allowed the onmyoji controlling it to set a compulsion that the corpse will autonomously follow similar to Kyonshi. This eliminated the need to handcraft puppets and was the only known method to get a puppet to act without dictating its every movement, causing the practice to spread in the clan.

Though disgusted by the practice, the other clans turned a blind eye to the antics of the Yonaga Clan. However, when it was discovered that the Yonaga Clan had turned from animal corpses to those of humans and even yokai, the people of Kouka became outraged. Upon hearing that the cold remains of their brethren had been defiled in such a horrific way, the enraged yokai declared war against the humans once again. Though the Imperial Alliance had managed to quell the flames of war in a relatively short amount of time compared to previous wars, the damage had still been done. Condemning the Yonaga Clan for their immoral deeds, Empress Yori ordered for the entire clan to be executed and for all records of their techniques be burned. The puppetry of the Yonaga Clan was labeled as a forbidden art and purged from the lands, and even in the current era, it is considered highly taboo and is punishable by death should any copy-cats attempt to revive the forbidden arts.

Unfortunately, despite the Imperial Alliance’s efforts to keep the Yonaga Clan’s forbidden arts buried forever, it would nonetheless make its return in the current era stronger than ever. The Chief Commissioner barely managed to convince the three Demon Lords that the Imperial Alliance had nothing to do with the Kyonshi, and the current state of affairs remains delicately balanced upon that fragile trust…
Fifth Clan
Name Meaning:
The Five Cardinal Confucius Values (Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom, and Fidelity)
Main Branch Location:
Isshine, Kirin

Mikazuki Yugiri was one of the many members of the Mikazuki Clan born with no talent for calling upon the aid of shikigami. Rather than become angry or miserable over her lack of talent, the woman instead turned her efforts towards studying the power behind words. Was the process of bestowing a name upon the shikigami a mere formality or did the name truly grant the shikigami power? Though her efforts wouldn’t bear fruit during her lifetime, her sole student, Gojo Kanna, carried on with her research until she invented talismans capable of warding off evil.

The Gojo Clan specializes in using a system of glyphs and seals invented and altered throughout the span of their clan’s history in order to direct spiritual energy into completing specific tasks without requiring an onmyoji to remain in the area. By writing these glyphs onto paper or other mediums while pouring a steady stream of spiritual energy into the words as they’re being drawn, an onmyoji is capable of storing spells for later use. These talismans or arrays can then be activated later on by sparking it with a small jolt of spiritual energy. Due to the power being latent in the words written on the talismans, the spells of the Gojo Clan are diverse, whether they be used to channel a short burst of the elements or be used to seal movement. In addition, their effects last until the spiritual energy contained within the writing dries up or when the talisman is destroyed. Common folk are also capable of using talismans given to them by onmyoji by adding a small bead of blood onto the paper, as all human bodies naturally contain certain amounts of spiritual energy.

Unfortunately, the specific spell and magnitude of the spell cannot be altered once the talisman or array has been completed and activated.
Sixth Clan
Name Meaning:
Six Mountains
Main Branch Location:
Iwadate, Kirin

The practice of martial arts is common throughout the land and amongst the onmyoji clans, but the Rokuyama Clan takes it further by honing their bodies with spiritual energy. Initially a coalition of various martial arts schools, the members of the Rokuyama Clan weren’t considered onmyoji or recognized as part of the Imperial Alliance until two centuries after its founding. Though they had taken to the practice of meditating like the onmyoji, they had done so as a means of clearing the mind and cleansing the body of impurities rather than for the sake of performing “strange sorcery” as they called it.

This practice later developed into a cycle of meditation, physical training, and resting the body as a means of assimilating spiritual energy directly into their core muscles. As a result, the bodies of the people within the Rokuyama Clan are limber and powerful far beyond that of ordinary humans. The various martial art styles of the clan were also developed with the intention of combining a practitioner’s mind, breath, body, and spiritual energy into one, delivering even more powerful strikes that rival or surpass the strength of the oni race. In fact, the method in which the Rokuyama Clan visualizes and utilizes spiritual energy is said to be identical to that of the oni.

Despite this similarity, the oni of Onigashima do not feel the slightest degree of kinship with the Rokuyama Clan. Though the clan has its fair share of rocky relationships due to the arrogance flaunted by its members, the enmity between the clan and Onigashima is particularly infamous. The legend of the Peach Boy, Momotaro, was based on a young onmyoji from the Rokuyama Clan who had left Iwadate on a journey to test his strength. Though all parts of the tales were either embellished or outright falsified in order to make it more entertaining for the common folk, Momoki Rintarou did indeed eventually make it all the way to Kinojo in Onigashima. Though he ultimately lost to the demon lord, the lord had become impressed with his strength and had allowed the onmyoji to leave alive out of respect. However, the oni of Onigashima claim that the onmyoji decided to steal an important treasure, though it’s been long lost and no one is entirely sure what that treasure was. Despite the identity of the stolen treasure being unknown, the yokai of Onigashima detest the Rokuyama Clan not only over that grudge but also due to the insulting tale written about the event.
Seventh Clan
Name Meaning:
Seven Fortresses
Main Branch Location:
Takamizawa, Kirin

Though the Gojo Clan’s seals proved to be powerful, some clan members felt dissatisfied with the static nature of talismans and arrays. The exact origins of the Nanashiro Clan is uncertain, but it is theorized that the development of their specialty began at roughly the same time that the Gojo Clan was founded. However, the struggle with transferring the power of the Gojo Clan from a written to a spoken format took another century to perfect.

The members of the Nanashiro Clan all utilize metal, ringed staves called khakkharas as a medium to aid the channeling of their power. Unlike the specialized glyphs of the Gojo Clan, the Nanashiro Clan’s power of words had to be expanded into a series of chants. As they recite these chants, practitioners use the khakkhara as a focal point for the spell and keep time for the rhythm of their chants. Depending on the contents and length of the chant, the onmyoji of the Nanashiro Clan are capable of deploying barriers, seals, or imbuing their staves with spells beyond the power that ordinary talismans can host. Many often use their staff as a torch to light their way during the dark nights. However, not many converted to the Nanashiro discipline and the talismans of the Gojo Clan remained popular due to the length of many of the Nanashiro Clan's chants. Aside from knowing the techniques behind the power of words, members of the Nanashiro Clan must be adept at memorizing long stretches of text. Nanashiro onmyoji are also expected to train in using the khakkhara as not only a medium but also as a physical weapon. Their onmyoji are expected to be self-reliant, so the training of the Nanashiro Clan tends to be particularly brutal as they are required to be capable of perfectly reciting chants while running, defending, and attacking without becoming distracted.

Despite having broken away from the Gojo Clan, the Nanashiro and Gojo Clans share a good relationship unlike the Rokuyama and Kuon Clans. Oftentimes, the two clans are required to collaborate whenever powerful entities must be sealed or arrays that require a continuous flow of spiritual energy are needed. By combining the specialities of both clans, they are capable of erecting powerful barrier stones and autonomous arrays that keep demonic and spiritual energy trapped within.
Eighth Clan
Name Meaning:
Multilayered (in this case, referring to the layers when folding a sword)
Main Branch Location:
Orikasa, Suzaku

The concept of spiritual tools was nothing new, though the Nanashiro Clan’s usage of khakkharas was what ultimately popularized the idea. However, the onmyoji at the time lacked the technical knowledge to create more complex items that wouldn’t simply burn up after a single use. The process of trial-and-error which would later give birth to spirit blades and other weapons was a collective effort building upon the shoulders of their predecessors.

Eventually, the onmyoji discovered that ironsand found in regions blessed by land gods tended to create tools of higher durability. A closer study would find that ironsand from such locations became capable of retaining spiritual energy after having been exposed to higher concentrations of it for an extended period of time. This led to the creation of a process where ironsand would be stored in underground cellars or caves. These caves would then be sealed within an array formed by Gojou and Nanashiro Clan members set up to draw in and trap spiritual energy within the cave. The same would then be repeated during the smelting process on a smaller scale, creating soulsteel.

Even with soulsteel, spirit blades and other such weapons cannot be forged by the hands of ordinary artisans. The blacksmith forging the object must continue to temper the soulsteel with spiritual energy throughout the entire forging process. However, the amount must be carefully regulated. Too much will result in the soulsteel exploding and turning useless while too little will result in a spiritual tool with weak output. After the tool or weapon has been successfully forged, the blacksmith will then engrave it with their signature and the glyphs determining its purpose. These glyphs are typically engraved upon a location of the object that will be covered, hiding them from view.

A spirit weapon does not require the wielder to possess a large amount of spiritual energy, as its effects activate whenever a small amount of spiritual energy passes through the steel. However, they cannot read intentions, nor are they sentient. All glyphs within the weapon will activate their effects at the same time, meaning that conflicting effects will result in them canceling each other out. The sole attribute that can be manipulated is the magnitude of the effect which can be controlled by channeling more or less spiritual energy through the metal.

Due to the complex process required to create spiritual tools, a blacksmith must dedicate a significant portion of their time studying the necessary techniques. Members of the Yae Clan are typically ill-suited for combat and depend on the branch families trained in the use of spirit weapons within the clan. However, the blacksmith who has forged the weapon is ultimately the person most familiar with it. Their martial technique is not very refined, but the raw strength built up from their forging experience and their knowledge of spiritual tools allows them to put up a fair fight.
Ninth Clan
Name Meaning:
Nine Tones
Main Branch Location:
Nagumo, Suzaku

Several generations after the establishment of the Rokuyama Clan, a man by the name of Rokuyama Hidemasa was born to the 10th head of the clan. Despite being blessed with a body brimming with spiritual energy, the young Hidemasa would frequently laze about by the creek or fiddle with his mother’s koto. His father had initially allowed the child to do as he pleased, believing that he would eventually grow out of such foolish behavior. However, as the years passed, the 10th generation Rokuyama head would gradually grow more irate with the boy who’d continuously dodge training. When Hidemasa finally came of age, he was disowned and thrown out onto the streets with nothing but a bamboo flute in hand.

Though his parents had abandoned him, Hidemasa’s older brother Hidemoto secretly arranged for a place where his sibling could settle down and make a living. Following his brother’s advice, Hidemasa would lie low in the village of Nagumo under the name Kuon Masumi. However, he never forgot his love for music. His father had scoffed whenever he brought up the idea, but the man sought a method of utilizing his musical talents to pave a new path of onmyodo. After years of failure, Nagumo would eventually become the birthplace of the Kuon School of Onmyodo. Generations of refinement would even see it rise to the status of the Ninth Clan of the Imperial Alliance.

The musical instruments of the Kuon Clan are crafted using similar methods to the Nanashiro Clan’s kakkharas. However, instead of imbuing the vessels with spiritual energy through words, the Kuon Clan’s instruments are crafted to channel it through music. This combined with their own spiritual techniques allows them to manipulate spiritual energy using sound as a medium. When used offensively, the Kuon Clan’s spiritual arts are capable of disturbing the flow of energy within the target that their technique is aimed towards. Though primarily used to temporarily seal the usage of spiritual energy, whether it be human or ayakashi, enough skill and concentration can allow the sound to infiltrate the body and paralyze the target physically. Other uses include healing or strengthening the techniques of other onmyoji by transferring spiritual energy. Despite the potency and flexibility of the art, it is heavily affected by the spiritual energy of both the user and the target. The weaker both are, the weaker the effects of the technique. The technique itself requires particularly rigorous training in both music as well as the fine control of spiritual energy, meaning that Kuon Clan members have little time to dedicate to other forms of training. As a result, many are physically fragile relative to the onmyoji of other clans.

Incidentally, the Kuon Clan bears a grudge against the Rokuyama Clan even in the present day, and this sentiment is mutually returned. Should members from the two clans meet, passive-aggressive exchanges quickly devolve into childish name-calling, with the Kuon Clan calling the Rokuyama Clan muscle-headed imbeciles and the latter referring to the former as ungrateful pansies.
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Ichimoku Souya
Image Reference:
5’10” | 178cm
Ichimoku Clan Head, Chief Commissioner

At the young age of 18, Ichimoku Souya succeeded his ailing father as the Head of the Ichimoku Clan and became the youngest chief commissioner in the history of Kouka. Though whispers full of doubt were common amongst the public, the man quickly proved himself to be a wise and efficient leader over the next nine years to the present. While some still disagree with his willingness to negotiate with youkai, especially concerning the recent alliance with the current era’s three demon lords, his confident words and popularity often make it difficult for the clans’ elders to argue against him.

Whatever the case, even his opposers begrudgingly agree that he is someone with the momentum to bring about change. He is also the closest embodiment of the Ichimoku clan name: a man with the ability to assess a situation with a single glance and resolve it in one stroke. Unfortunately, many accounts of his spiritual and martial prowess are exaggerated, making it difficult to gauge his true strength. His personality—often seen as outwardly easygoing to a fault—makes these rumors all the more difficult to believe, regardless of the confirmed fact that he’s a master of the five elements and the blade.

The public generally paints him as good natured but firm when it matters, while certain members of the Nine Clans may claim that he possesses a rotten and manipulative personality. However, all agree (though some begrudgingly) that Ichimoku Souya is a person who genuinely cares about the wellbeing of Kouka.

[ Note 1 ] His weapon of choice is Onikiri, the famed heirloom of the Ichimoku Clan. It is said that the sword will never break or chip unless the ancient seal cast on the blade is broken. In addition, the sword’s name comes from its mysterious ability to devour spiritual and demonic energy by cutting into its victims. The more “life force” it devours, the greater the cutting force of the sword becomes, which theoretically makes it an ideal youkai slaying blade. However, when held by an individual not chosen by the blade, it becomes impossible to unsheathe it from its scabbard. According to legends, the last person to have wielded Onikiri was Ichimoku Nene, who used it to slay the demon lord Ina.

The sword originally belonged to Ichimoku Chisato who had been gifted the blade by Emperor Sumiharu to replace her nameless blade which had shattered during her battle against the yokai in the capital. At the time, the sword was known by the name of Samidare Yasuna, and historical records strangely lack any references to the sword having had any mystical abilities while in Chisato’s possession. Its abilities were first documented when the young onmyoji called Ashiya Nene (later known as Ichimoku Nene) secretly took the sword to challenge the Demon Lord Ina, and its name was subsequently changed to Onikiri to commemorate such a feat. As a result, it is theorized that the sword had gained its abilities sometime within the hundreds of years that passed between when Chisato and Nene had wielded it. A niche group of historians also suggest that the Samidare Yasuna and Onikiri are two different swords. However, most scoff at this theory due to the descriptions of the swords under each name being identical.

[ Note 2 ] He enjoys sake but is notoriously bad at holding his liquor.
Empress Seiun
Image Reference:
5’07” | 170cm
Empress of Kouka

As the Nine Clans of the Imperial Alliance grew in influence, the power of the Imperial Family experienced a gradual decline. At a certain point in Kouka’s history, their power dwindled to mere figureheads in charge of ceremonial duties. As of the Seiun Era, the Empress holds significantly more power compared to those times. Ultimately, it is the Imperial Family that bestowed the Chief Clans with their political power in the first place.

Unlike the Chief Commissioner, Empress Seiun does not head onto the battlegrounds. However, she is an excellent strategist who possesses control over a shadow army as well as the Imperial Army with each regiment having a commander as her proxy to interpret the specifics of her orders. In addition, any plans that the Imperial Alliance wishes to put forth require the Chief Commissioner to relay the proposal to the Empress. Though she does not possess an unconditional veto, she does bear the right to demand revisions should she see fit.

As a person, Empress Seiun is typically noted to be cold and stern as opposed to the lackadaisical nature of the Chief Commissioner. Not much is publicly known about the Empress, as she tends to leave the public appearances to Ichimoku Souya and her retainers. This mystique has led to the development of various rumors, such as the belief that the Empress suffers from a chronic illness or that she remains in the shadows as a means to carry out various fearsome plots in secret.
Image Reference:
5'05" | 165cm
Sakura no Sei
Informant, Mediator

Cherry Blossom petals fall and disappear like snow in their wake, and the flower spirit possesses an ethereal beauty capable of stealing a person’s breath away. Though they lack powerful yojutsu in combat, they are nonetheless a figure well respected by the three demon lords reigning over the yokai. As a neutral party who sides with no territory, they were chosen as the ambassador of the yokai race and currently works as an informant in the coalition.

Having experienced a cycle of deaths and rebirths, the Hanae from two thousand years ago is not the same as the Hanae of the present. Memories die and fade, and the next Hanae is more like their child rather than Hanae themselves. However, the seeds and branches from their tree have been carried long distances throughout Kouka, carrying the power of the past Hanae with them. For what they lack in raw strength, they make up for the eyes and ears they have scattered all over the land. Though not an omnipresent entity, Hanae is capable of sharing memories and communicating with the trees that stem from their original body. This interconnectedness as well as the ability to communicate over long distance so long as the individual is holding onto a branch blessed by Hanae has granted them the position as the primary informant and the center of communications in the current coalition formed to eradicate the threat of the forgotten 4th Clan’s dark arts.
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Former Demon Lord

The strongest Demon Lord known to history. It is said that she was once an ordinary fox who ascended to the status of a land god after decades of being fed by the prayers from the now defunct village of Sagami. Eventually, her greed corrupted and transformed her into an evil god.

To most humans, the legends depicting the Demon Lord Ina’s ruthless nature define their viewpoint of the Demon Lords and the youkai which they govern. She possessed no bottom line, razing entire cities to the ground for the most minor of transgressions. Though she wasn’t known for leaving her territory unless provoked, when Ina began devouring any who trespassed into Firefly Forest, the emperor of that era dispatched an onmyoji by the name of Ashiya Nene to exorcise the beast. No one, not even Lord Kageura, has heard a word from her since. Historically, she is said to have been slain by the onmyoji. However, some rumors claim that she was merely sealed somewhere within the ruins of Sagami Village.
Image Reference:
6’04” | 193cm
Demon Lord of Mt. Kasumi

The oldest of the Great Three Kings as well as one of the oldest youkai still alive. He is skilled in various kinds of yojutsu and martial arts and is known more for his reputation as a teacher rather than a warrior. Despite older yokai typically being particularly stubborn regarding their deep-seated prejudice against humans, Lord Kageura has been noted to have trained human students in the distant past. Regardless of whether his student was human or yokai, any person under his tutelage eventually graduated from his mentorship as a highly skilled warrior. It is said that one of his students was responsible for the introduction of ninjutsu in certain pockets of human society.

Though he once took human students under his wing, Lord Kageura has not shown much tolerance towards humans who trespass into his territory in the current era. Fortunately for the trespassers, should they chance upon the daitengu rather than one of his subordinates, they’ll be whisked back towards human lands with a mighty gust of wind. Some suspect that he’s perhaps principled rather than bearing a hatred for mankind, keeping humans out of his lands as a means to prevent bloodshed. In a similar vein, the yokai of Genbu praise him as a strict but wise and fair lord. The yokai would rather cut their tongues than admit that their lord might have a soft spot for humans, but it is a well-known and agreed upon fact that the daitengu is currently searching for a successor capable of preserving the peace and stability that he’s managed to uphold for so many centuries.
Image Reference:
5'06" | 168cm
Demon Lord of Firefly Forest

When a poor farmer hung a pair of golden bells upon the neck of the small fox that would catch the pests scurrying about his rice paddies, he had never imagined the events that would transpire as a result of his actions. Though the bells were once symbolic of Ina’s divine blessings, they soon became known as calamity bells whose ghostly ringing heralded her wrath. Centuries after her supposed death, the infamous bells lay long forgotten, and its whereabouts remained unknown until a certain figure known simply by the name Rei appeared.

Having absorbed a share of Ina’s growing power during the centuries that she wore them for, her treasured bells eventually consolidated all of that demonic energy into a new, sentient being. Though the memories of his time with Ina were hazy, the spirit, Rei, was born with the belief that his purpose was to fulfill his former master’s regrets. His goals of doing penance for her sins as well as reunifying the territories she once ruled later led to him becoming the current Demon Lord of Firefly Forest. Unlike the other two demon lords, he takes residence in a humble abode situated upon the sacred grounds of Ina’s abandoned shrine.

In honor of his predecessor, Rei wears a black fox mask on his face. Rather, such is the official reason given whenever someone asks about his mask. Though his swiftness and strength are rumored to be unrivaled by even by the other two Lords, it is a commonly known fact that he possesses a complex about the delicate features of his face due to manifesting in the form of the farmer who had given Ina her bells. In spite of his obvious sorespot, the number of youkai and humans alike willing to mention his complex are few and far between. His gaze is silent yet piercing despite the mask covering his eyes, and the chilling sound of the bells hung at his waist are a constant reminder that he is the man who has inherited Ina’s strength. Those that break the laws of Seiryu should pray for a swift and painless death if they’re unfortunate enough to hear the ringing of the demon lord’s calamity bells. Of the three demon lords, Rei is the most enigmatic, even amongst his close followers. He is attentive to the needs of his people and will occasionally silently help with even menial tasks. However, he is known for being ruthless towards rulebreakers, has a tendency to seclude himself in Ina's shrine, and is generally feared by the yokai in his territory. Nonetheless, they respect him for his accomplishments in bringing order back to the territory.

Incidentally, there’s an infamous rumor that none who've seen Rei’s face lived to tell the tale.
Image Reference:
7'05" | 226cm
Demon Lord of Onigashima

Affectionately referred to as Princess Hakaze, she enjoys a level of popularity not possessed by the other two demon lords. Despite her lofty status, she is a figure well known for hanging around the streets of Onigashima making merry with the common people. Many older youkai even regard her as if she is their own daughter, while those of her generation love challenging her to drinking contests during festivals. Even strangers she has never seen before are welcomed warmly, and the people of Byakko are proud of her achievements as if she is a close friend or family.

Prior to her ascension to the status of Demon Lord, Hakaze was the youngest of four whom few held expectations for. Unlike Genbu and Seiryu’s lords, the lord reigning over the territory of Byakko has always been a direct descendant of Onigashima’s founder, Ango. Typically, the eldest would be trained to become the next lord, but Hakaze’s eldest brother happened to be completely disinterested in the seat. As Hakaze was significantly younger than her siblings, the responsibilities were thrust upon her 2nd eldest brother and her older sister. However, a desire to prove her worth drove Hakaze to triumph over her siblings in their final test of strength. When her father, a strict traditionalist already displeased that his eldest son refused to succeed him, protested in anger, the young oni became famous for stringing her own father up on the gates of Kinojo due to his obstinance. As a result of her good deeds such as rallying a small village that had resigned themselves to death and successfully beat back a kyonshi infestation, Hakaze’s popularity forced her father to reluctantly agree to make her his heir.

As a means to appease those still displeased with her ascension, Hakaze declared that anyone capable of besting her in a fair fight was welcome to oust her from her throne. During the first few years of her reign, challengers approached in droves. However, very few dare to even entertain the idea of locking fists with the woman nowadays.

She thinks it's a shame that her position makes it so that she can't run off to challenge Lord Kageura and Rei to a fight.
Image Reference:
5'09" | 175cm
Half-Human, Half-Yokai

A nameless hanyo who merely introduces himself by the title Shijin. He claims to be an individual who wishes to observe what he refers to as an upcoming turning-point in history and harbors a deep interest in the Special Investigations Unit. As a man with no special powers both as a human and yokai, he has no intentions of joining the war against the undead. However, he is well-traveled and has heard many stories while floating from town to town. Useful leads can come from unexpected sources. Perhaps it’d be wise to give his words some thought…
Code by Nano
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