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Fandom Kalosian Collusion.


Legendary(ish) Pokemon
"C'mon, Geo. We've got a long ways to go today if we want to get our next badge." Mark smiles. "After yesterday's break we should be ready for anything!"

The Gallade nods pleasantly at his fifteen year old trainers' enthusiasm. The two had been on an ongoing tour for two weeks and already obtained their first gym battle. Despite the apparent silliness of using just one Pokemon, the two have made a solid team so far, and feel fairly confident, as evidenced by their quick, steady strides. Suddenly, however, Geo halts.

"What is it?" asks Mark, following his Pokemon's gesture to an approaching young lady coming from the other direction.
Violet was quiet, making her way through the paths with one pokemon by her side. She had only just started and had been gifted a very special Alolan Vulpix. She had another in a pokeball, a small Torchic, but she was not concerned for their well being. She knew they would be safe and happy with her.

She continued walking her long black hair flowing behind her, and her violet eyes with silver specks shining with excitement. She was only 5 ft 3, and she wore a long sleeved dress with black boots. The dress was colored black, steel grey, and teal.
"Another trainer! Maybe she'd be up for a battle," Mark grins. Her slightly unusual appearance didn't faze him -- he'd seen stranger costumes at the shows he'd visited as a child. More interesting to him was her expression, the apparent regard for the ball in her hand.

"Hello fellow trainer! Would you care to battle Geo and I?"
She smiled and nodded. "But of course! I just started, but I would be very happy to try." She put her free hand on her hip and the Vulpix yipped and panted looking at the Gallade curiously.

Violet chuckled at her Vulpix's friendly nature and shook her head with a grin.
"Alright. Geo, let's show them what we've got!" His pose tenses, filled with the thrill of the battle. "Give them your best Psycho Cut!"

Geo's eyes light as it performs a single swipe with its right bladed arm. The two appear to synchronize -- thrilled with the battle, united in their goal, desirous of victory.

"I'm Mark, by the way. What's your name?"
"I'm Violet." She smiled as her Vulpix took the hit, the Vulpix was very strong and yipped it's tail wagging. "Hey! Don't be afraid to lose. It's okay." She pet her and the Vulpix nodded in understanding.

"So, how did you meet your Galade?" She tilted her head curiously as she watched them.
"Oh, he and I have been friends for about five years. We just began our journey to take on the elite four...did he hit too hard? Sorry..." he frowns. "I hope he didn't hurt your Vulpix!"
"She'll be fine. She's a fighter!" She smiled and thought for a long moment. Vulpix wagging it's tail excitedly at the prospect of being able to battle alongside the girl.

"Aurora! Use Ice Shard!" She outstretched her hand and the Vulpix yipped happily before using it's move to the best of it's ability.
The attack lands, and Geo winces slightly, before smiling.

"Not bad!" Mark grins. "Alright, Geo, let's try....um...Close Combat!"

Geo nods, then dashes towards the Vulpix to attack.
Vulpix smiled at Violet and yipped before it was hit, the damage doubled by the typing effect.

She thought for a moment then smiled.

"It'll be okay Vulpix." She pet her head. "Use Ice Shard again!" She put her hand out and looked at Vulpix worriedly.
This next attack is more direct, and Geo lets out a sharp cry, clearly not expecting the move.

"That was well played...you surprised us both! Alright, Geo--"

However, a noise down the street interrupts his sentence.

"What was that?"
Violet looked at Vulpix proudly. She was preparing to take the next move but heard the noise as well.

"I... I don't know..." She responded to him, obviously tensing and getting paranoid.

"S-should we check it out?"
Gallade also tenses.

"Help!" calls a voice.

"That sounds...bad. Come on! Together, we ought to be enough!"
She nodded and ran in the direction of the noise quickly, making sure to heal up her Vulpix before she ran to the direct source in confusion.

"What's going on?" She asked in a very soft yet threatening tone.
The person calling turns out to be a little kid. "Those mean...people...they took my Pokemon, Gelly!"

"Not for long," Mark says, frowning and dashing in the direction indicated.
Violet was quick to follow, quickly overtaking, her eyes seeping with anger as she actually growled, her Vulpix barely keeping up with her. She picked her up and continued to run after the people that had stolen the pokemon.
"Hey-wai--wait up!" Mark shouts, surprised at her speed.

In moments, they've caught up to...someone. He whirls around. "WHAT?"
"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" Violet screamed, eye twitching angrily as she stared at the strange man. She hated people who were willing to hurt other people.

She let her Vulpix down who nuzzled and sniffed Mark before growling at Violet's side.
"Get lost, kids. I got somewhere to be!" He barks back.

"No you don't! Geo! Give him a taste of your Psycho Cut!"
"Vulpix! Use Ice Shard!" She growled, her voice sounding near demonic (for a human at least). "YOU don't need to be going ANYWHERE you sick disgusting man!" She was stood in a strong stance as she stared at the man.
Between the two attacks, the fellow is quickly stopped cold.

"Alright, alright! I give up!"

"Then give us the little girl's Pokemon," Mark frowns.
Violet walked toward him, hand opened, eyes cold and entirely unnerving. "They weren't yours to begin with you disgusting thief..." She watched his every movement.
He hands them over, thoroughly cowed, then scampers off as best he can. Mark watches, then relaxes.

"That was impressive. You almost had ME scared!"
"I don't tolerate people like him... He's just a bully, and nothing more." She put simply with a small smile the Vulpix pawing at her and making her calm.

"Let's return the girl's pokemon yeah?" She smiled a bit more and continued to walk back down the path, hands behind her back.
"Oh, certainly. She was...oh, this way!"

A few moments and some shed tears later, the two find themselves on the street watching folks go by.

"I didn't know you were so strong!"

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