Jenna Constantine


Three Thousand Club


Name:  Jenna Constantine

Age:   God who knows anymore

Parents:  John Constantine

History:   Jenna’s story begins long ago when she was a member of the Young Justice team. She was only a part of that team for a little while before an accident struck while she was getting people out of a burning building and it collapsed on her, killing her.

Jenna was dead for three months before John could get together a ritual which he thought would bring back his beloved daughter but what he called into her body was something much more sinister. He invited an extremely strong demon into the body, that of the fourth horseman of death, but in the years that followed, the horseman Rai fully believed she was Jenna; meanwhile Jenna’s trapped spirit was forced to watch from a ‘back seat’ perspective as the demon did what she pleased with her body. Jenna’s spirit was too weak to even make itself known to the demon for years, Rai had no way of knowing she was occupying a sentient being until Jenna gained some sort of strength and began trying to fight for control.

The fights got vicious, Jenna trying to take her body back from Rai and Rai relentlessly repossessing the body she thought was rightfully hers. The fights got so violent the league began to take notice; Will and Thrall decided something must be done and helping Jenna reclaim her body was the best course of action. The two teamed up to fight the horseman, Jenna meanwhile also kept struggling for control and eventually, the demon was overwhelmed. Rai could no longer fight and she was expelled from the body. Desperate to remain free, Jenna and her father set up a ritual that would rid Jenna of her dependence on Rai to stay alive forever. The ‘contract’ John had made with Rai was switched to a contract with a lesser demon, a hellhound she named Sodom, who now anchors Jenna to the living world and without the human body to anchor Rai into the mortal realm, she was forced back into hell.

Rai now attempts to live a semi-normal life, enjoying her time back with the league and her father, trying to feel alive while the hellhound acts as an anchor and keeps her here. However, she can’t help but wonder if she had truly died, why hadn’t she passed on? What does she need to do to achieve rest? And will this ‘eternal rest’ be worth it or should she stay with this team she fought so desperately to get back to. She has no idea which path to choose, fight for humanity, or seek her own peace.


Jenna’s personality is simply that she is too kind for her own good. She is sweet and soft spoken, never seeming to raise her voice too loudly. She can be somewhat social, but doesn’t go out of her way to seek crowds, she’d much rather be by herself or with a small group of people. She was in ballet/lyrical dance classes since she was 4 with a certain half Amazonian, which she remembers and often finds herself in an empty room moving however her body sees fit. Sure after years of dealing with demonic possession, she is a bit gun-shy of the supernatural, excluding the presence of Sodom, but other than that she is fine with reading and studying about the occult beings. On the topic of Sodom, her feelings about him are actually positive. His existence is linked to her, if he dies; she will slowly fade away and into hell where she’d be lost forever. He may be a demon and seems to be about as sentient as the average dog, she still finds herself talking to him as if he were a person. The two are always together as Jenna cannot venture too far, so they’ve had plenty of time to bond.


Hero/Villain Custom:  

She kept Rai's old armor 



Alignment:   Lawful Good


Jenna has lost almost all her demonic abilities including magic, and what little magic abilities she does have, goes almost solely into maintaining the link between her and Sodom. The massive spells and devastating damage Rai could do are simply beyond Jenna’s ability. She can do very minor illusions, maybe levitate something small at most when in a bind.

Rituals and curses however are possible, but she cannot do them in a fight. They must be done in complete silence where she can concentrate and siphon what minimal magic she can spare into it. Some magic takes minutes, some take hours. Rituals and curses exhaust her however; large ones often drain her so badly she must sleep the rest of the day.

Healing is probably her greatest asset. She can heal wounds as these spells are not harsh on the magic use. However they take a toll on her in other ways. When she heals people, she takes the burden of their pain. Again after healing large amounts of damage she must rest or she risks over exerting herself and straining her bond with Sodom.

Physical combat: Rai’s ability for combat is decent. She’s no Robin but she can defend herself for a little while.

Sodom CAN be used as a defense, although she hates to do this due to the risk. If she gets hurt too badly, Sodom might turn on her once he senses she's dying.


Exertion Magic is exhausting. Jenna’s ability to do magic is mostly monopolized by keeping a constant bond with her familiar, leaving very little left to do anything with. What she can do drains her physically, giving her headaches, and in extreme cases can cause a heart attack or temporary blindness.

 Sodom, her familiar, is the only thing keeping Jenna bound into this world. If anything happens to Sodom, Jenna’s existence is put into jeopardy.  Wound the hound, and Jenna gets severely wounded, kill the hound and Jenna is left in this world with no anchor and her body will slowly cave in on itself and she will be dragged into hell.

Human physiology Jenna’s body has no more demon defenses. She bleeds, she breathes and she can die.


Jenna’s weapon of choice is twin scythes. Since she had a ‘back seat view’ of Rai wielding her scythes, she learned how Rai’s technique worked. One scythe guards, the other is held back ready to swing forward for an attack. She decided to take a while to learn how to wield them herself while she was in control and now she has two light iron scythes.


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