Jade's Character Dump


Chimeric Spirit
This is just where I'm going to dump various characters from different things. Feedback and suggestions are welcome. Some of them will have art, some of them won't. These first two don't have art yet, but they are a couple.

Also I liked the idea of the power level which I saw on someone else's sheet so I'm making my own system for it. I can think of at least two characters that are theoretically extremely powerful but restrict the use of their power for moral reasons, one of which I'm going to be covering here in just a moment. I also LOVE doing character death matches so this will help me to organize things.

Power Tiers:
S-Tier = god/cosmic being. Anything that's basically unkillable or at or near omnipotent.
A-Tier = very powerful. Any character with the ability to destroy mountains or cities or a large, advanced scifi army and is able to contend with world-destroying threats. (My animus pilots will probably fall in here.)
B-Tier = moderately powerful. Still powerful, but not able to take a large scifi army or planet buster, but could still fight their way out of most situations.
C-Tier = slightly supernatural. This applies to characters that could possibly fight a few humans armed with assault rifles, but they themselves are mostly subject to human or biological limitations with only a small amount of magical or technological assistance. The difference would be like B tier is the MCU depictions of Thor and Iron man in Infinity war, and C tier is heroes like Captain America or Drax. (TBH C-tier is my favorite level to set characters at)
D-Tier = normal humans fall into this category. If they're tough enough or armed well enough to beat up a Russian Spetznas or navy seal, they go in C-tier.
E-Tier = weak characters. Characters that you could beat up.

Name: Haydin Graphton
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Species: Human
Physical Desc: Tall, 185cm, lanky, wiry build. Chestnut skin and freckles across his face which is somewhat triangular shaped. He has dark gray eyes and curly, wavy shoulder length hair which may be tied into a bun.
Work/Property: Essence
Backstory (OOC): Essence was originally a collaborative story I was working on with a friend which fell through. The plot centered around a world not unlike earth except that everyone had an inborn essence or personal energy and could develop a superpower. The full list of rules regarding what sort of power one could develop was pretty open ended and putting the creativity in the hands of the characters. It was pretty difficult to develop to even a moderately powerful superpower, as you had to start young and practice hard to fully focus your ability, and if you were unfocused and tried to split your essence into multiple powers they would generally come up to less than the sum of one big power. Haydin was near the top of this curve.
All of the characters I'm including in this inaugural post are from this property, and due to my co-writer deciding to abandon this project they will probably be lost forever or doomed to never RP.
Backstory (IC): Haydin grew up the youngest of three siblings in a lower middle class family with only a single mother. His father died in a super powered war before he was born. Haydin had terrible eyes growing up and had to wear thick glasses as a child, he was very introverted and shy. He had a few close friends growing up, but he was fairly interested in science fiction and fantasy and became interested in developing his own essence. Though originally indecisive he gained inspiration for a fairly unique power he could commit himself to developing after learning about how prevalent the element Carbon was in everything from food, oil, and the human body to diamond. As such he developed an ability to control elemental carbon.
As he grew older he hit a growth spert causing him to grow very tall for his age. Though he was still very lanky this gave him a big boost in self-confidence and through junior high and later high school he made more friends though was still comparatively introverted. In high school he finally came out of his shell enough to join the track team. Though there were special divisions for teens who had developed an essence that could net them an advantage, he would participate in the more standard distance running.
In high school he also did deal with a bully. This character was never explored in depth but they were a manipulative type of bully who had developed a powerful mind reading essence, probing other's minds to derive juicy gossip, dark secrets, and to know exactly what to say to trigger a specific person, and this bully targeted people all over the school. Though Haydin himself wasn't the primary target of this bully, only intermittently picked on, it was enough for him to commit a very small amount of his essence training into developing a defensive ability against mind reading. It's still possible to read his mind, but you have to put a lot more effort into it, enough that he'll know someone is reading his mind. This took away from his maximum potential with carbokenisis by a small amount, but it was something of a 90-10 split of his full potential.
Once Haydin moved into college, he would meet Gina Triduas. His major is still undecided.
Personality Traits/Quirks:
Haydin is a Vegan, and a bit of a secret health nut. Though he isn't on the college track team he tracks his diet and exercises religiously. He can be a bit taxing to be around as those he considers to be his friends are often subject to him holding them to lofty standards with regards to smoking, drinking, eating junk food, not sleeping enough.
-Haydin's glasses are made of graphite with diamond lenses. He can create or dispel them with his powers.
-Haydin is a huge nerd. Oftentimes properties or brand names acquire intentionally awkward or weird parody names in my writing, such as Star Wars being called "Space Fights", the Halo franchise of games being called "Ring", Stargate is called "Spacedoor" and Warhammer 40k is called "War Smasher 9 Billion". He's a bookworm, lore nerd, and tabletop gamer, though he himself is not particularly creative and is only analytical of and appreciates other properties.
-Despite his analytical nature, he is a terrible student, who was always known to be unfocused on his studies. He has a great deal of struggle in working on things that he himself is not passionate about.
-Haydin is very defensive. Even though his essence is actually very powerful when properly applied in combat, he very rarely fights, preferring diplomatic solutions to problems. Which is probably a good thing since even with morality on, his superpower is not to be trifled with.
Power Tier: High C-Tier (with morality off)
Carbokenisis: (Control over molecular carbon) Haydin can manipulate carbon on a molecular level within a roughly 10 meter radius of himself without any sort of body or mind motion, though he cannot manipulate or tear carbon from his own body. Most commonly this manifests as splicing the carbon atoms out of the carbon dioxide in the air to create objects out of diamond, graphite, or graphene, which can include armor and weapons. He can telekinetically manipulate the carbon inside this bubble and change or reform it. Though he can use it from other sources such as methane/natural gas, oil, ash, wood, food, paper, and even living creatures. Being able to tear the carbon from a person is what makes him extremely powerful with morality off, since he could in theory reduce a person to a puddle of calcium bones, water and a few trace elements with relative ease.
Anti-Mind-Reading: Haydin has a minor anti-mind-reading ability.

Name: Gina Triduas
Sex: Female
Age: 23
Species: Human
Physical Desc: Average, 155cm, pink hair and eyes, very pale skin.
Work/Property: Essence
Backstory (OOC): I think essence is one of the first times that I might have legitimately attempted a straight couple without playing it ironically or humorously. Gina's last name "Triduas" references her maximum number of divisons with her power.
Backstory (IC): I never went as much into Gina's past, although I've thought on more than one occasion it involved a household that was somewhere between poor and dysfunctional parents to outright abusive. She did very poorly in school growing up as a result, but still committed fairly heavily to developing her essence ability, at least more than your average person. I always had it that while Haydin was the youngest of his siblings, Gina was the oldest and she led something of a double life growing up. On one hand she had to be the responsible big sister and pillar of stability to her younger siblings, doing the work her parents wouldn't/couldn't, and on the other hand was something of a party girl, involved with a lot of parties, and mayhaps some underage drinking and drug usage as a teen.
However once she went away to college and was able to distance herself from her family she came to recognition that she needed to get her life in order and resolved to become an artist, and as such "Party Girl Gina" has been phased out in lieu of the more responsible "Big Sister Gina" side of her personality. I always derived a chuckle from imagining scenarios Gina's old party friends encountering her at college and in front of Haydin, bringing up embarrassing or awkward stories that she didn't really want Haydin to know about.
Gina had an essence ability to either split herself into multiple copies or combine herself with another person and then split their fusion into multiple copies. Since she was never fully committed into developing her power, but I liked the concept, I decided to make her power "glitchy" and unreliable to show that she had never developed and honed it to the razor edge her boyfriend had.
Personality Traits/Quirks:
Let me get back to you on that. The issue with incomplete characters.
Power Tier: Low-C Tier
Alchemical Division: Gina can be divided into up to 32 copies of herself. However each time she splits the copies are smaller than the original, though not half as small. At first (for a 1/2 or 1/4 division) the copies just look like slightly younger versions of herself, but when they become very small they take on an appearance more like anime styled chibis with extremely simplified features. I never really sorted out exactly the rules with the copies and how they affected her mental state (like when two copies fuse back together do they keep all the memories or what.) I do recall stating that at least for the 1/2 division you'd get two girls that looked to be in their early teens, shorter and more slender than the original and would have roughly comparable intelligence and maturity to the original, where each one weighed about 75% as much as the original, so it wasn't a perfect alchemical division, more biomass was coming from somewhere, and by the time you got down to 1/32nd of Gina you the resulting stampede duplicates outweighed her three or four times over.
Though it was mostly the 32 tiny copies that I played with the most. They were highly immature, like small children or toddlers, with minuscule attention spans and highly simplistic, overly emotional personalities who would always become involved in adorable antics, and I was envisioning a plotline in where gathering all 32 in one place and getting them to refuse into a fullsize Gina was a plotline.
Going off the idea that Gina's essence wasn't perfected due to her lack of training, she could "Pop" into the 32 chibi duplicates which would explode all over the room if she:
-Got suprised or scared
-Got hit with something or struck with a physical attack.
Gina also had some fusion ability, which was meant to be the opposite direction of her division ability which allowed her to combine with one or more other people assuming they were in a similar mental/emotional state and combine their powers. This would allow her to combine with someone, then split herself 32 times and have 32 duplicates each with a small fraction of the original fusees power.

A lot of plot holes and the exact mechanics of this power still need to be worked out for consistency sake.
My character, Seth Valentine, might fall in between B and A-Tier because he can make headaches go away, control nature, well, do whatever most wizards/witches do. but powerful as Grindelwald or Saruman.
My character, Seth Valentine, might fall in between B and A-Tier because he can make headaches go away, control nature, well, do whatever most wizards/witches do. but powerful as Grindelwald or Saruman.

Random flex is random. Anything else about Seth Valentine, a more definitive or specific idea of his powers, personality and backstory.

Tasrist Talescami
Sex: Male
Age: 153 (19yo body)
Species: Vampire
Physical Desc: A vampire boi, about 6ft tall, very thin, with dark brown eyes, very pale, almost translucent skin, a long face and long straight black hair. He typically wears tight leather armor covered in buckles, straps, daggers, shirkien, etc.
Work/Property: Nightmare Hunter
Backstory (OOC): Tasrist is one of a batch of nightmare hunter characters I created for an RP, but he later made his way into being a canon character in the story. I liked how conflicting his personality and outward appearance are. Like a lot of characters that need a non-normal fantasy name, I often anagram a word that relates to their core personality or trait. In this case "Artist", however an extra S is thrown in there.
Backstory (IC): Tasrist is a blacksmith for the NMHO. Smithing is frequently done by vampires or atlantean as they have longer lifespans than humans and it can take a century or more to fully learn the craft of creating weapons for the nightmare hunter order. Not only does it require extensive knowledge of alchemy and enchanting but a lot of patience. This is because hunter weapons tend to be retractable. They're made up of tiny mechanical segments which need to seamlessly fold up, and then extend out into a weapon without compromising the strength of a weapon.
However Tasrist views this like a hobby and a pastime. He is after all a vampire but at heart an optimist. As a vampire he sees friends grow old and die around him, he cannot see the light of day without being burned, and of course is faced with the unquenchable thirst for human blood. It is a depressing existence that can drive one mad. Tasrist won't let this happen to himself, and as such tends to focus on his craft, allowing himself to find enjoyment and pride in crafting weapons of the highest quality. When he isn't he tinkers with trinkets, and even branches into other forms of artistic expression such as writing and painting.
While certain things can bring him out of this state and bring his existential issues to the forefront, something that can quite literally trigger his vampiric madness to go into override this rarely happens.
I always felt that Tasrist was a field agent, or at least one in training, all until he got bitten and turned into a vampire, and it was at that point he entered a deep depression but eventually found himself again when he started an apprenticeship smithing.
Personality Traits/Quirks: Basically everything you wouldn't expect from a 150 year old vampire wearing more straps and buckles than a shounen character, working for an organization dedicated to hunting demons. He's a dork, he's clumsy at times, absent minded, and it can throw off his otherwise honed combat ability. He's got a sense of humor and he's very social with others. Kind, forgiving, and a bit socially awkward. Though at times he carries himself with the demeanor of the age he appears to be, in truth he does carry 150 years of wisdom and life experience and in that sense is a very good person to go to for life advice.
Power Tier: Mid-C Tier
-Standard nightmare hunter interpretation of vampirism.
-Being a weaponsmith he takes time to practice with many of the weapons he creates as learning how to use them and the mechanics of combat helps him to make better weapons. His preferred weapons are 'ninja weapons'; (Sais, Throwing Stars, Kunai, Smoke bombs, etc) which compliment his build and vampiric powers well.
-Required to drink blood, human blood is the best. Animal blood is okay but doesn't satisfy hunger to the same degree, though that's mostly what he lives off of, and a blood substitute potion which almost all vampires universally agree tastes terrible and hurts their insides to drink. Normal food is not metabolized and does not have any flavor but can be eaten.
-Burned by sunlight. Prolonged exposure can lead to loss of consciousness and eventually death. Can wear a black silk cloak/hood to greatly reduce this. Sunflare bombs could be instantly lethal to him.
-Superhuman strength. Though he's a skinny boi, he can lift quite a lot.
-Peak human reflexes.
-Endless stamina. Assuming he feeds on animal blood at least every day or two, he can maintain high levels physical exertion, and doesn't need sleep.
-Vampiric regeneration. Has a healing factor of a few days for anything less than severed limbs. Feeding on animal blood regularly ensures this. Hallowed or silver weapons will negate this regeneration.
-Superhuman Durability. While not invincible, his flesh is far tougher than that of a mortal human. Regular feeding ensures durability stays at peak levels.
-Snake transformation. Tasrists' snake form is brown with a white belly and black diamond pattern. The snake form is about the size of a large boa constrictor and biting a human while in this form induces the vampiric transformation. This form is powerful for its speed, agility and strength but causes Tasrist to lose some self control and become more impulsive driven by vampiric urges to feed.
-Bat transformation. Tasrist becomes a swarm of bats for quick transportation. All of the bats are something of illusions and if one is killed or separated, a small chunk of Tasrists' flesh will be deleted upon reforming.
New Character

Name: Raiah Hexos
Sex: Female
Age: 13-17
Species: Human (Cyborg)
Physical Desc:
raiah copy 2.png
Work/Property: Nightmare Hunter/ RP OC
Backstory (OOC): Raiah was a character I created for an RP I ran about 8 or 9 years ago now and has continued to evolve since. She originally started as a joke characters selling Hexcorp brand weapons, in where a recurring gag in the RP was that she would appear over tv or radio and say "Are you tired of killing your enemies with lame things like bullets, explosions and lasers". She was reworked to fit into the universe of Nightmare Hunter, a comic set in a steampunk/urban fantasy universe that I was supposed to start about 6 years ago but that has never gotten any traction.
Since I've played her across several RPs and attempted to write her into my original fantasy universe, the exact details of her backstory have been changed a little each time based upon changes in taste and writing skill as well as the needs of the current RP, and the version of her backstory utilized in Nightmare Hunter is sort of an incompetently written combination of all of said backstories. Hence the IC backstory is a bit vague. I've also left in some of her higher-tier combat stuff, stuff which would be utterly broken by the standards of Nightmare Hunter.
Backstory (IC): Raiah is the third child of four/five children in the Hexos Family. Her father, Marcus Hexos is the owner of the Hexagon Corporation, who inherited it from his father Benjamin Hexos, who inherited it from HIS father, who is unnamed. Their family lineage is that of a long line of eccentric inventors, architects and charismatic businessmen, So there's a lot of old money in the family. In the lore of the nightmare hunter version of earth, the Hexos family is actually responsible for or at least connected to a respectable chunk of the worlds' scientific or technological breakthroughs due to essentially holding a 'genius' gene in their family lineage.
For a long while they lived in a castle in Europe, but that all changed when she lost her arm and legs when a portcullis fell on them when their family castle was attacked by vampires which she was trying to escape from but got grabbed and fell over just as the gate dropped, severing three of her limbs.
Her father managed to save her, and with the help of his father's friend, Doctor Mason, was able to push through the creation of prosthetic limbs linked directly into the nervous system for the first time. The limbs are treated fairly similarly to automail from fullmetal alchemist. She had a recovery period for a year or two before going to school where it started to become apparent that Raiah had in fact carried the hexos genius gene as she finished the remainder of her schooling in two years, testing out of the 12th grade at age 11. From there for two years she fell into a somewhat depressive slump, unsure what to do with herself; Until one of her father's old friends paid a visit and noticed her skill at building and fixing things, with Raiah having built a basic robot to bring her food from the fridge. He decided, against her father's wishes to join up with the group of demon hunters.
Personality Traits/Quirks:
-Raiah's lifestyle is best described as that of a slob. She tends to burp or fart and just not even care if someone else notices. She tends to leave a mess wherever she goes, eating messy, sleeping messy, wearing dirty or stained clothes, etc.
-She also tends to have a sort of blunt, inappropriate honesty. She isn't afraid to tell someone that they screwed up or hurt their feelings.
-Raiah potrays the big eater trope; though there is a small amount of logic to why she is that way. Through her bionic limbs she possesses super strength, but the limbs draw metabolic energy from the bloodstream and convert it to electrical energy. Combine the loss in efficiency from the conversion with the fact that the robotic limbs do the work of ten people and you have one hungry girl. She tends to be constantly consuming all manner of junk food; though her favorite is pancakes she'll regularly finish meals set for entire families.
-Raiah also has no regular sleeping pattern, and tends to sleep at random intervals.
-I always figured that this was a sort of internal rebellion against how she was always stereotyped as a rich and spoiled kid, so she, in rebellion tended to act as uncivilized as possible. It could also have been symptomatic of depression.
-She is also very, unshakably lazy. Other characters attempting to motivate her to get off the couch always fails. Though when she gets self motivated...
-Raiah is a very skilled musician. She has skill with bass, and mastery of drums and synth. One of the more productive things she does in her downtime.
-She is also a chess master.
-Raiah's two biggest fears are starving to death and drowning. The starving fear has been played mostly for comedy as she personifies that big eater trope. The drowning fear is a bit more grounded and tends to be taken seriously since, being partially made of metal inside and outside, she would theoretically sink if dropped in the water. Despite this all versions of her mechanical arm and legs are waterproof.
-Raiah has an IQ of 260. Though IQ isn't really a direct measure of intelligence... you get the idea... she's really smart.
-She also has quite a bit of a temper and is prone to violence. She tends to rush into fights head first and enjoys getting into fights and having an excuse to fight another character, and has a distinct fondness for all manner of weapons and instruments of violence. Though she'll never pick a fight herself, she'll get easily provoked by insults, challenges, taunts. She is very competitive and will almost never back down from a challenge.
-Despite all of her flaws, I always play her as a morally good character, albeit a very flawed one. When push comes to shove, she will always play for the good guys.
-Her personality tends to vary based upon the time period she exists in. Not to spoil too much on Nightmare Hunter, but she goes through a lot of character development as time progresses, and most of it is growth, as she becomes more motivated and selfless, and less of a rich slob as time goes on, although these flaws never completely leave her even in adulthood since I always felt that would dismantle what made the character so enjoyable to write; though she does become much more self aware of them and more capable of acting serious when the situation demands it. The only character flaw to actually worsen as time went on was her temper, as she got prone to fits of berserker rage in combat. Though, in the original RP and the story her entire character arc of climbing from more or less a whiny couch potato to one of the most badass members of the team has always made me smile.
Power Tier: Low C-Tier to Mid A-Tier depending upon time period.
Most all of Raiah's powers and abilities exist as things she's invented.

Phase 1 (age 13)

Phase 1 Raiah is actually really easy to beat since she basically has no abilities.

-Radiation Resistance: The first time Raiah was exposed to radioactive materials, she immediately received a mutation which made all her cells immune to radiation. (this was partially a joke as you could probably tell.) As such she tends to regularly handle hot nuclear material with no ill effects.

-Super Strength: Raiah's robotic limbs grant strength. Due to Doctor Mason being somewhat insane he actually reinforced her entire body, including her still flesh-and-blood arm to be as strong as a mechanical one thanks to internal machinery attached to the existing bones and muscles. In this phase her super strength wasn't all that super, she could lift enough to impress stronger human characters and punch pretty hard but that was about it.

-Thrüstersledge MK1: The first version of Raiah's signature rocket-powered sledgehammer. And it was just that, a rocket powered sledgehammer, later on she would modify it to gain quite a few different abilities.

Phase 2 (age 15)

-Super Strength ++: By both being much more active, and by upgrading her bionic portions she attained actual super strength; as in able to lift large vehicles, punch through walls and battle other characters with super strength.

-Super Durability: She seems to have gained some degree of super-durability, probably as a combination of her self-induced upgrades. Though it may have been an innate quality to her family like the genius gene, as she survived triple amputation as a small child in a world with fairly underdeveloped medical technology with respect to our own.

-Runing: Raiah had her mechanical limbs runed by a sage after encountering a ferromancer who was able to ragdoll her by controlling her metal parts.

-Thrüstersledge MK2: The second version of the sledgehammer is by far my favorite weapon I've given to any character. The hammer now has rockets which can translate or fly in any direction and can be telepathically controlled at short range via a nerve linkage in her arm. In this sense it can act as a "ranged" melee weapon as Raiah can fight with it by throwing it and then just flying it around an opponent kicking the crap out of them without ever having to get close, but she gets more power from a swing when its actually in her own two hands. She can spin it very fast in the air to block ranged attacks and summon it back to her if she throws it. The hammer is also weighted with Osmium making it weigh upwards of 50kg. Combine that with its practically supersonic top speeds and nigh- indestructibility and its basically a reusable kinetic kill vehicle.

-Flight: Raiah put rockets in her robot legs too. She can fly on her own, but more often than not she jumps on top of the hammer like a flying scooter.

-Ray cannon: By this point in the story Raiah had encounters with an alien civilization who offered her technology in return for rescuing some of their captured friends from Area 51. (long story) Because of this she now possessed an arm which could transform into a plasma cannon. This weapon was lethal, essentially able to vaporize things at short ranges. This weapon was extremely destructive, essentially able to vaporize someone's torso or turn solid armor into glowing orange slag in a single shot. Though this weapon had reliability, accuracy and heating issues, tending to overheat after just a few shots or randomly break down.

Phase 3 (Age 17)

-Retains all stuff from phase 2.

-Hex field: A personal shield generator developed by Raiah. This only ever showed up for a short spell in a few RPs, and its mechanics were pretty unclear as it would just seem to activate whenever she was about to take damage. Presumably this was also made with alien technology. I don't know if this will be included in the canon interpretation of the character.

-Remote summoning: Raiah could remotely summon replacement robotic limbs, and other equipment if the originals were damaged in combat. They would fly to her in a rocket-propelled canister which would launch from a barn on her father's property.

-Double robot arms. Often combined with her remote summoning, she could summon a second arm into her left arm socket, giving her a total of three arms.

-Improved Ray Cannon. Her arm mounted plasma cannon had better reliability and accuracy and could fire in both beams and short bolts or bursts of energy.

-Robo-Raiahs. There were four completely mechanical Raiahs built by her, named for the four major moons of Jupiter, Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. Each one had double arms on both sides (four arms total) though were sometimes seen with only two. Because they were completely mechanical they had better durability and survivability than her, such that they could walk into gunfire and anti-tank rockets. And each one came with four miniaturized one handed variants of thrüstersledge which did have the telekinetic command ability, as well as having four ray cannons each, and the ability to fly.

Each Robo-Raiah had a small amount of Raiah's own brain cells implanted in them, and this gave each one a separate aspect of her personality. Io was the most aggressive and combative. Europa was level headed, the most intelligent and scientific. Ganymede was lazy, and always made excuses to not do things for fear or getting damaged or running low on power. Callisto was humorous, always cracking jokes and lightening the mood. However the Robo-Raiahs disliked being created for the purpose of fighting and all shared at least one of their creator's personality traits, her love of rock and electronic music. As such they decided to go start a band and only very rarely show up for actual combat; such as in emergencies.

-Mecha Raiah. This was a 25 meter tall mech suit with four arms that Raiah built to kill a giant sea monster, and would later take into battle against some lesser gods. (and was, I think the point where the character completely departed from her roots in a low-powered and atleast somewhat grounded steampunk fantasy setting.)

The machine was made of Steel, for strength; Osmium, for extra mass behind punches; and Silver for resistance against demons and the undead, and its armor plates were a foot thick. It was strong enough to lift a 3 kilometer high mountain. It was able to fly into space and dive to the bottom of the ocean with no ill effects, possessing rockets in its feet and back. It also had elbow rockets (which helped out in that mountian-lifting feat) which could increase the strength of its punches. The machine was powered by four nuclear reactors and had built in sonar, radar and thermal vision.

It also had electric hull plating which could emit the power of a hundred lightning bolts; used to prevent grappling attacks or smaller characters from getting close; a shoulder mounted launcher carrying about 3 dozen neutron bombs (nukes), brass knuckle spikes, an enlarged Hex Field, and an enlarged Thrüstersledge the size of a skyscraper.

The Mecha-Raiah was actually supposed to be the fifth Robo-Raiah, named for Saturn's moon, Titan. That was its unofficial name for awhile.
Time for my defense of self-inserts

Name: Taeo Khyagusa
Sex: Male
Age: 17y9m
Species: Human
Physical Desc:
Work/Property: Nightmare Hunter/RP OC/ATLA
Backstory (OOC): This character has gone through many names, many sets of abilities and many, MANY redesigns. In one form or another he started out as a really bad really edgy self insert in an RP I ran with some friends in middle school set in Avatar the Last Airbender. With respect to the other overpowered characters roaming around the setting with guns and psychic Naruto powers bending multiple elements and what have you, he was pretty tame with his combination red-blue firebending and lightning bending. A lot of his somewhat overdesigned nature is due to me constantly trying out new ideas with him that sometimes get moved onto other characters. Overtime, as I've matured as a writer he's only got hints of an edge-lord left and is now more of just an eccentric with knack for combat, and he's drifted from being a self insert to having strengths and flaws that I don't really possess.
Sure, he's still a pretty powerful character, but he still has character flaws, and anyone calling me out for making a gary stu self insert needs to be reminded that the character above him, one which he frequently gets roleplayed alongside is a teenage girl who singlehandedly invented nuclear reactors, nuclear bombs, force fields, rockets, and ray guns within a fantasy setting, and built them all into a massive robot made out of silver and osmium and used that to fight literal gods.
Backstory (IC):
Do doo doo doo I can't spoil the webcomic I'm going to write eventually hopefully at some point in the future maybe...

He wants to be the very best nightmare hunter. That no-one ever was.
Personality traits/Quirks:
-I typically use the nickname "Khy" though the characters' real name is Taeo. Though khy isn't taken from his last name, its actually a reference to the word "Chimera", which when pronounced has more of a 'K' sound. And this nickname is chosen since he is technically a perfectly conjoined twin with two sets of DNA.
-Like myself, Khy is completely asexual. He has a pretty similar understanding and attitude towards romance and sexuality that I do. In that he mostly just finds it boring and confusing. In this respect he's very similar to me.
-Most of his day-to-day personality can be derived as just a negative of Raiah.
-Raiah always cracks jokes and is laid back. Khy is pretty straight laced and serious. I tend to bring comedy to how seriously he takes things, having a neutral or dead serious expression. (Like when he has to remove the lockpick from his hair to break in/out of somewhere.)
-Raiah tends to be quite lazy, or at least not have a consistent work ethic and organization. By this i mean if both characters were given a project, Khy would schedule his time and work a little each day until the due date. Raiah would probably leave it all until the night before then pull an all-nighter to get it done. Khy tends to highly value and respect hard work and consistency, though he can be a bit stubborn in his believe that hard work and persistence are the only way to achieve things, and that people with gifts are "soft", "cheaters" "or have it easy".
-Khy's instrument is the Hangpan. (Where Raiah is mostly associated with a standard drum kit) This was meant to show that the two are in a very similar circumstance in that they are fighters but have different ways of thinking and doing things. Though he could also be the "Keyboardist" of the band. (In universe he plays both instruments quite well)
-Khy can be... a bit vein and prideful at times. Not in a direct boastful sense, but more in an indirect and subtle means. Striking poses. Doing unnecessary flips and twirls in combat. Doing stretches and handstands to show off how flexible and well balanced he is. Little things like that.
-Khy and Raiah have opposite colors. Khy is associated with blue. Raiah is associated with orange.
-Khy does not tell lies. Ever. You will never get anything other than the scathingly honest truth out of this boi. Unless its blatantly obvious its sarcasm or snark. (Originally I had a curse on him that forced him to tell the truth. But this wasn't as interesting from a personality standpoint as his honesty being an innate trait rather than something forced upon him.)
-Khy is also terrified of bodily harm or permanent scarring occurring due to his work. (In spite of his passion.) This is probably why his combat style is more focused around ranged combat and evasion. While Raiah straight up embraces the fact that half of her was cut off and replaced with machinery.
-Khy is also the most vindictive little shit ever. He has a very hard time forgiving people that have wronged him and if someone has shown themselves to be an antagonist at heart they will never truly be 100% with him.
-Khy is also never impressed by pretty much anything. Ever. Being a Nightmare Hunter he is well-read on supernatural phenomenon and has seen a lot of magic and monsters in action.
Power Scale: High-D tier (unarmed) to High-C tier (armed)
Combat Abilities:
Khy possesses a magical ability called Sidewinder. This allows him to control the direction and velocity of any projectile he throws or shoots to direct it at what he is mentally focusing on. This mostly applies with his bow and shields but could also apply to things he simply throws. If he was to pick up a gun (Guns are considered crude muggle weapons in the Hunterverse) he could theoretically apply this ability to a firearm. Though its not homing, it works more like a soccer player putting a spin on a ball to make it curve in the air. Most commonly he pairs this with his bow to curve arrows around obstructions and hit enemies behind cover, given he knows they are hiding there. He doesn't typically use this ability in combat, and is perfectly proficient without relying on it; able to split the backs of his own arrows easily. Typically he only uses sidewinder when his initial attack doesn't land or he needs to his a specific weakpoint the opponent is protecting.

Khy also has superhuman speed and endurance. He's fast enough to dodge or react to bullets. He can run 40kph, high jump several meters and is very agile. He also has superhuman senses. Though he does not have any strength or superhuman durability to back it up. This makes him much less capable in melee bouts and his lack of ability to take damage makes him something of a glass cannon.

Khy's carries secondary weapons in the form of Zero-Friction skates. These are retractable ice skate blades in his boots, allowing him to figure skate on any surface and create an ice slick as he moves. They can also be combined into his kick based melee fighting style since if he gets a kick with the skate blade that manages to break the skin his opponent will freeze solid from the inside out. He also had a collapsable shield in his wristband with a kinetic dampener. This shield can block just about everything, including very powerful magic. The shield can be detached, thrown in where it obeys Captian America physics and then recalled. Khy also has assassin's creed style hidden blades in his wristbands.

Though his primary weapon is the Bow Staff. This weapon can become a bladed pole-arm, bow or nunchaku. The nunchaku can extend several meters like a long range flail and grapple or strike at medium range. He has ammo dispensers in his wristbands accepting belts of arrows. These feed the compacted arrow cylinders into his hand while hes firing, combining with his superhuman speed he can fire at a rate of 300 rounds per minute.


Khy, like any respectable fictional archer, also has a boatload of compressed trick arrows, carrying multiples of each. He identifies arrows by the color of their fletching.
Black- Standard arrow
Dark Gray- Piercing arrow (An arrow with a needle-like tip designed to punch through armor)
Gray- Myst arrow (Creates a smokescreen but its water vapor)
White- Web Arrow (Traps the opponent in artificial web cocoon, like Spiderman's webbing)
Red- Fire arrow (Sets opponent on fire, from the inside out if it breaks the skin)
Orange- Explosive arrow (Explodes like a fragmentation grenade on impact)
Yellow- Flash arrow (Creates a flash of sunlight that can blind foes)
Lime green- Numug arrow (Releases a cloud of green numug spores. They smell bad and disable all magic, including his other magically based trick arrows)
Light blue- Ice arrow (Creates a slab of ice where it hits. Or freezes liquid solid. If it breaks the skin of a foe freezes them solid from the inside out.)
Dark blue- Sedation arrow (Has a special tip designed to only go in partway and inject the enemy with a powerful nonlethal tranquilizer.)
Purple- Replication arrow (Duplicates itself into 32 arrows moments after being fired. All arrows are subject to Sidewinder.)
Red, Yellow and Blue- Party arrow (Explodes into confetti and balloons and makes the sound of a party blower when it hits. Doesn't kill.)
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